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All the jesus lovers and those who love the lord heres a song we all can sing together. If you love him open your mouth and say i love the lord. I love the lord. I love the lord. Oh, yes i love him, i really love him. I love the lord. I love him. I love the lord. Put your hands together. Yes, i love him. And i told him. I lift my hands and i bow. I really love the lord. I love him. I love the lord. I love him. I love the lord. [cheers and applause] thats awesome. If you werent awake, you are now. That was amazing gospel music, rickie d Dillard Performg the new song, i love the lord. Well done. Rachel come back every weekend. Well take it. [laughter] definitely stick around for them a little later in the final hour of fox friends. Welcome on this Sunday Morning. You of course know that by at the state of the Union Joe Biden mislabeled the young lady killed by an illegal immigrant, called her Lincoln Riley when her name is laken riley. Laken rileys family met yesterday with president donald trump. You can see video of them meeting trump yesterday in r georgia. And President Trump took to the stage and talked about this incident with laken riley. One of the lives that was taken from us was an incredible 22yearold nursing student, right here in georgia, laken riley. From the time she was in the first grade, lakens dream was to spend her life caring for others and i met her beautiful mother and family back stage, sister, friends, some of her friends, her roommate. They said she was like the best. She was always the best. She was the whole world to her parents and her sister, just to the whole family. Incredible. Then the unthinkable happened. 16 days ago, laken went out for a morning jog, she was in great shape, she wanted to coop herself that he way and a she never came back. Never came back. Rachel so while donald trump was meeting with lakens family and talking about her and promising that if he was elected he would never let what happen to her happen again because he plans to close down the border and make sure we get this under control, joe biden was on msnbc basically Y Apologizing the word for using the word illegal to describe the murderer during the State Of The Union ayou dress. During her response of her heck link of you, you used the word illegal about the man who you allegedly killed laken riley. Undocumented person. I shouldnt have used illegal. Its undocumented. When i spoke about the differences between trump and me, one of the things i talked about the way he talks about vermin, these people polluting the blood. Im not going to he treat any of these people with disrespect. They built the country. The reason our economys growing, we have to control the border and more orderly flow. I dont share his view at all. You he r regret using that. Yes. You regret using that word. Theres a lot of points to make from that sound bite. To me, i dont like to easily access outrage. Angers is the easiest em emotion. It is absolutely morally upside down when you apologize to an allegallegedly murderer describg him as an illegal and misnaming the person that was murdered. Its not Lincoln Riley. Its laken riley. The black and whitish shy of which side should receive an apology, if the president of the United States finds it difficult, you at home, you person that is not that interested in politics shouldnt have trouble in seeing the moral clarity in which one of these two situations deserve an apology. Rachel one was a citizen, the one that was murdered and the other wasnt a. Hes supposed to defend citizens. The idea of citizenship is gone as pertains to the modern democrat party. When i was watching the State Of The Union, the minute i saw joe biden he say the word illegal, the first thing i thought is hes going to be in big trouble with his own party. He didnt mean to say that, did he, joe . Its probably what he actually believes. Hes so behold open to the left, he will beholden to the left, he will bend the knee and say newcomer, undocumenter, whatever he needs to say to appease votes in michigan and thoses who are uncommitted, unsatisfied with how insufficiently woke he is or committed to the leftist cause, and so hell capitulate to especially msnpc and hope nobody notices but in this case you have a 22yearold woman who should be you alive, with a he preventable death. Hes ignoring it. Instead hes calling the guy who killed her someone built the country. Rachel Donald Trumps is calling her americas daughter. I think were seeing the start maybe of border moms, people who are concerned about our personal safety because the prisons have been opened in latin measuring and many of those people latin america and many of those people are coming into our country. I want to say one word about Marjorie Taylor greene. She got a lot of heat for the outburst and saying that you know, say her name, she said in the State Of The Union. I even saw if you guys remember the footage, Speaker Johnson was doing this to her, like simmer down. Which i frankly found infantalizsing. Shes a member of congress. I dont think any man should tell her to simmer down. I think this will last through the election. She would have no other opportunity to force the president of the United States to make himself clear on this issue and now we have two very stark choices. Somebody who says people who come into our country are illegally here, should not have been sheer, should go through the process that many are waiting 10 years to go through. And another person who is saying no, we shouldnt use that term. We should be very careful. By the way, the same person who was so concerned about how to refer to illegals and making sure were sensitive, basically called half the Country Insurrectionists during his state of the Union Address so hes declared war on half of america but hes taking a lot of time including an extra msnbc interview to appease this murderer. There was so much out of the one clip to talk about. You can talk about controlling the flow. The analysis of joe bidens statement here is important. Hes rarely gives interviews, rarely gives interview. He chose to give an interview to msnbc. We had one clip there. You could talk about three angles of what he had to say from just that one clip. Heres another clip from msnbc where he talked about his attacks during the State Of The Union on the Supreme Court. Look, i think they made a wrong decision. I think they read the constitution wrong. I think they made a mistake. I was being blunt. Part of what they said, remember, what they said was its up to the states to decide. Thats really what this what was said. Its no longer constitutionally guaranteed principle. They used a phrase, that women can vote and they can change it if they want to. I found it insulting that they dont think they can. Women are speaking out. They spoke out in 2022, 2024. This is whats going to help happen. I was making it clear. Women speak up. This is going to change. And if you give me a congress thats democrat, were going to change it back to roe v wade. Really quickly, heres take away from that clip that i think. One, attacking the Supreme Court during the State Of The Union to be underlies the entire effort to cut every foundation of this republic to the ground. Anything that stands if the way of an agenda and the Supreme Court is simply an impediment right now. Its a big impediment to the agenda. You know what else is an impediment, democracy. They talk about saving democracy. They dont want to turn it over to a vote. Had say its insulting to women. Its empowering to say you can vote on the issue. Thats what the Dobbs Decision d return it to democracy. I dont care what joe bidens opinion is on the decision. Hes not a Constitutional Authority that i care to hear about. Almost anyone that knows about roe v wade and casey versus planned parenthood, theyre some of the dumbest decisions made in the history of the Supreme Court, theyre really bad constitutional law. Rachel you know who should have an opinion on what joe bidens take is on t issue of abortion, the u. S. Conference of catholic bishops who said he tripled down on the issue of abortion. Also on jule jenices. Yoeugenics. Why wouldnt the bil say anything on this . I think its tied to what we talked about before. The Bishops Council and Catholic Relief Services are making a lot of money, theyre Add Iadd Detectived to the govet addicted to the government money. I believe theyre not saying anything to joe biden, because joe biden is lining the coffers of the Catholic Church which im embarrassed of as a catholic. Thats why the church shouldnt be involved with the government. My church and many other churches and many jewish organizations as well are addicted to government money through the billions spent to do the controlled flow that joe biden just basically said in that interview on msnbc, he didnt say im going to cut im going to close the border. He said were going to control the flow. Remember this was theadministro bring us back to normal he sigh, everything was going normal normalcy, everything was going to be the way we like it. We know joe bidens chastising of the Supreme Court is a reflection if the democrats had the vote, they would change the court to get their own way. Thats how committed they are to socalled democracy which is really just code word for whatever it takes for us to get more power. And right now the Supreme Court is standing in the way and thats why you should rachel were going to move on to this. Youve soon this toe photo, ite of the most beautiful photos from the world war ii era. The va says even though every woman in america wants to be kissed like that, the va says we need to ban it. Last month the va claim, quote, employees have expressed discomfort who expressed discomfort . As the display of the photographs suggesting it could be construed as an endorsement of inappropriate behavior it depicts. A lot of Switch Backlash is forcing them to switch course, the va secretary insists, let me be clear, the image is not banned and well keep it in v facilities. Va employees complained. Air force veteran Darren Selnick joins us now. You cover the va extensively. Youve been involved in it. Did it surprise you we got to the fact that they would suggest banning a photo like this . No. They have gone totally woke. The woke dei ideologies has just gone absurd. Just a few examples besides the kiss. Theyre pushing y abortions, processing paid a medical claims for migrants, banning womens rights for gender identity, ending female veteran safe spaces and pushing free clean needles, condom for veteran addicts. Its Out Of Control. Veterans are saying wtf, why is this a woke, terrible failed organization. And its bad enough that its woke and terrible. It shouldnt be hurting veterans. Because of this failed ideology and dei, veterans arent getting Mental Health, are made to go out of state, the staff ordered to cancel consults and stop Community Care. Its totally Out Of Control and va could be a great organization. I was in the va back in the bush days and, look, veterans day, we need the Trump Administration back. I was in the Trump Administration. We can make va great again. Rachel back to the photo, they didnt know each other, that he grabbed her and kissed her, thats why its famous. Theyre saying its a nonconsensual kiss. These two people actually would have done events together. Theyve done parades together. They know each other. They got to know each other over the years. They obviously she is not resentful of him or else she wouldnt appear in parades together with him. This is so silly. Pete has been telling me theyve been directing Veterans Medical Care money towards illegals. And you look at the priorities of the va. Theyre worried about this beautiful picture that represents something that we all love as america and yet theyre letting funds go towards illegals . Yeah, its crazy. And of course they changed lincolns motto as well. Every traditional norm the veterans have stood for theyre in the process of destroying it and at the same time theyre stopping veterans from getting the care. Their focus should be on veterans like i said last december, the focus should be on veterans and veterans help. The only way to stop it, employees should be able to fire them. They stopped accountability. We need to restore veterans accountability ability. The bottom line what va is doing shouldnt hurt veterans. The way you stop that besides getting rid of bad employees is choice. Theyre going to be woke, theyre going to be dei, veterans cant stop that. That shouldnt stop veterans from getting the care they need. To be clear, the Trump Administration made it easier for rogue employees could be fired, the Accountability Act, and also veterans should have choice. If they cant be seen in a timely manner they the va, they can go elsewhere. This administration has cratered both of those. They said we dont want to do what and wait times are as bad as they have ever been. They announced were not going to follow the Accountability Act and stopped doing it and thats why the employees with the can kiss photo are empowered to do whatever they want. They have not followed the act. Theyve ended it. Employees come to me, talking about wait times. Theyre Making Veterans Go To Va Facilities Ott Out out of statd there are Mental Health b patients who were sent to Community Care because they cant wait and the supervisors have canceled the appointments. Its all about what they want, not what the veterans want. Its literally killing some veterans. It can be fixed but we need new leadership. Thank you very much. Were talking about this because they do something dumb enough like try to cancel the iconic world war ii photo that we go wait, whats happening at the va. Were doing that and not all the other stuff. Trust me, theyre woking and ruining the va right now. Veterans are suffering as a result. Rachel after donald trump had actually gotten some correct. Ask a vet what it was like service wise when were able to pursue choice versus what they have right now, a totally different world. Rachel the department of Homeland Security identifying the Border Patrol agent killed in a National Guard Helicopter Crash in texas on friday. Chris luna was one of three people who were killed. New york state tro tr trooper ad Frankie Cognoski died in the crash. More information on the crash is expected to be released today. Now you to a developing sorry. Police arresting the suspect accused of crashing into the main gates of Buckingham Palace yesterday morning, hes facing criminal damage charges. The suspect was taken to the hospital after the incident but the suspect is fine. No members of the royal family were in Buckingham Palace at the time of the crash. A philadelphia charity giving children and adults with Special Needs a night to remember with a prom yesterday. Attendees got to walk the red carpet and dance the night away. Its the fifth year that the charity athletes helping athletes has hosted the event. Funds from the prom go to local charities. Thats aawesome. And those are your headlines. All right. Still ahead, as trump becomes the presumptive gop nominee to take on joe biden our next guest is calling on conservatives around the world to learn from each other as they battle the left. Were going to talk to him, straight ahead. Emergenc crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. And who doesnt love a good throwback . emergenc crystals. Theres something going around the gordon home. Good thing gertrude found delsym. Now whats going around is 12hour cough relief. And the giggles. The family that takes delsym together, feels better together. My names cody archie. And im erica. Cody and were first generation ranchers from central texas. Erica and because of tiktok, were able to show people from All Over The World where their food and fiber come from. Cody We Have Dorper Sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. We use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. Theres just a plethora of knowledge and of Information Swapping going on there. Tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. Rachel these days as conservatives face a growing battle against the global woke movement our next guest suggests that they learn from each other and unite to win the war for americas values. Heritage Foundation Senior fellow Mike Gonzales joins us to explain. Welcome. Happy sunday to you. I love this topic. I always felt like the left has this advantage, the globalist left has this advantage that they meet, they get together in davos and go to climate summits in dubai and get to hang out with each other and share ideas and so many of the things were fighting here in america are ideas that are being happened up at these meetings with george soros, et cetera. Hey, rachel, you put it beautifully. The left has always had this advantage because theyre internationalists. Consconservatives want to presee local norms. What is important to a conservative in texas differs from a conservative in the portugal. Now were confronted with an International Left that shares many characteristics, you mentioned some of them, theyve completely crazy over race, sex, climate, the opposition to the family, the opposition to truth and nature, it puts us in a position to where were saying to each other, we can learn from each other. Were faced with the same enemy. Its like during the cold war where the lovers of freedom were confronted by i the enemies of freedom, the soviet union, and were able to forge an international coalition. Were almost at the same place. Thats what im seeing happening. Thats what im trying to contribute to. Rachel right. And youre doing a great job doing that. Theres a few leaders that come to mind, theres orban in hungary, milaey in argentina, the leader of the box party in spain but when you talk to any of them, they all see donald trump as the main head leader and so a lot of them think that the election of donald trump could be a Turning Point for them, not just for america but in leading the global antiglobalist movement in the world. Well, all the leaders you just mentioned came by washington in the last four weeks, last four weeks and they all did not meet with the white house. They all pretty much flipped the white house, they met with trump or other conservatives and theres a reason for that. They want to seek they want to, they can learn from each other miss takes. So were learning from each other. Rachel actually, i would say, mike, i know firsthand that some of those lead h leaders were seo meet with the Biden Administration and they were mad they were at cpac and they canceled some of the meetings which is interesting because we should ally against china and the moves theyre making in latin america. I think its great what youre doing. I think the Conservative Movement should be learning from the left that sharing Best Practices and uniting is the way to go if theyre going to make any Movement Towards Ending Globalism by all these weirdos like the head of the wef and george s soros, et cetera. Keep up the great work. Now to the fight to the fairness in womens sports, well talk to the golf league ceo that just banned biological men from competing, straight ahead. This might seem out of the blue, but i was wondering if you might pray with me real quick. Lord, you know whats on our hearts. You know where we struggle. You know where we need to be pushed. Help us give it all to you. The good, the bad. Help us turn to you in everything we do. Amen. I invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. Stay prayed up a trans golfer teed off this morning after being banned from the next would machines pro Hally Davidson posted you know what bugs me is people think i win just by showing up. You think youre attacking me. Youre really attacking and putting down all other female athletes. Here to respond and tell us about the policy of the next tour is the ceo, stuart mckinnon. Thanks for being with us this morning. This is quite a moment. Your tour said that only those Athletes Born He Female can participate in the next tour. What inspired this change in policy . Good morning, will. Thank you for having us. We didnt make this decision lightly. We knew it was a polarizing topic and would invoke a lot of emotions from people out there. So we took a lot of time in educating our self, spoke to many stakeholders in the Golfing Community and the Sporting Community at large, from coaches and players and doctors and scientists and educated ourselves. It came down to one principle. That was about competitive fairness and in review of the situation, we felt that the biological male had a physiological advantage against women on the tour and we made the decision to change. Listen, im a father of five daughters and one is a professional golfer. And our daughters in growing up in the sports there was categories. And in sports theres always that category from age and some categories of weight and some is based on sex. And so this is really protecting a category. In addition, we listened to the players on the tour. We conducted anonymous player poll and overall the feedback came back they wanted us to change the gender policy guidelines. The New York Post said the tour would poll players on the policy. Youre telling me the overwhelming feedback among the players on your tour was to limit it to biological females . Yes, thats correct. And when Haley Davidson did win, what it did was, it brought out more feedback from players on tour, telling us they would not play anymore and telling us that other players that they knew of werent playing on the tour because of our gender policy guidelines. There will be those that ask, Haley Davidson won the tour event in january and then there was a big response, publicly and perhaps as well with some of with your players. There will be those that ask are you doing this because of the te backlash you got from haley winning an event. I appreciate that. I can guarantee this was not a Knee Jerk Reaction to any outside forces. I just bought the tour a year ago. Davidson provided a letter of eligibility from the lpga and usg a. It took time to educate myself on the process that they followed and took some time for myself to learn about this. Stuart, previously you had stated your policy reflects the requirements or the policies of the lpga. You have relationship with the lpga as a feeder tour. Whats your future with that organization . Well, we hope to have fruitful discussion was the lpga. We have a Great Partnership with them. Its valuable for our players. When i approached the lpga about the tour, we provide an important place for these players, between november and march there were no Playing Opportunities. The men play all year long. Women didnt have as many Playing Opportunities many our relationship with the lpga allows for our players to earn Exemption Opportunities into the tour, an important part of their journey to the lpga. Ou its a big moment, one f the first professional Athletic Organizations to do this, to limit womens sports to women. We congratulate you making this policy, its an important moment for womens sports. Thanks for being with us on fox friends. Thank you, will. Still ahead, Grammy Nominated gospel artist Rickie Dillard is here live. But first, tiktok versus congress, lawmakers set to consider a major crackdown on the chinese owned social media app. Maria bartiromo is here to weign in, next. Were taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. Theres value in buying American Made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. We want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. Go to redlandcotton. Com and receive 20 off your order with code fox 20. Choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. Like 1 chef dad, cookin up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. Mom made this. Umm, i. Added the garnish. Stay twice and get a free night when you book direct. Scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. Welcome back to fox friends. So weve got overall a pretty nice day. We had such a rough day across the Eastern Seaboard yesterday. Take a look at the weather map. For the most part, much of the country much drier today. We have one system coming in to the west, going to bring Mountain Snow over the next couple days. The system we dealt with yesterday, the tailnd of the cold front coming through parts of south florida, bringing a few showers tow fort myers and napl. The northern side of the storm still packing a punch across parts of maine, we have coastal rain and snow across the interior sections. Because the great lakes didnt freeze over at all this winter, such a warm winter, were getting lake enhanced snow, some spots 4 to 6 inches. What well see is the winds will kick up across much of the northeast, winds 30, 40, 50 miles an hour towards new york city. So its going to cause problems at some of the airports and much colder air begins to filter in behind the storm. Watch what happens, you see the blue on the left side of your screen. Thats eventually maybe going to be a few flurries flying across coastal areas for tonight. Pete, send it to you inside. Long live standard time. Good to see you. This week, house lawmakers set to vote on a bill that could eventually lead to a ban on the chinese owned social media app. What were requiring is that tiktok separate itself from Chinese Communist Party Control which would allow for a better User Experience going forward. My concern is foreign adversary control of what hes increasingly the dominant News Platform for americans under the age of 30. Joining us, Sunday Morning futures anchor maria bartiromo. Maria, makes sense to me. Its been interesting to see President Trump sort of take a slightly different view too. Where do you think this goes on the banning of tiktok . Maria its a great debate to have right now. I think ultimately we will see more pressure on tiktok to separate a itself from this chinese company. Look, we all know the way tiktok operates and this is really about speaking to young people because as you just heard from congressman gallagher, young people are getting the news from tiktok. Its not just that the Chinese Communist party is engaging in surveillance of users and gathering data of users but its also this tsunami of propaganda and if youve got a tsunami of propaganda that is coming from the Chinese Communist party you will have an influence on young people. Thats what that is about. President trump says this, he wrote this on truth social. If you get rid of tiktok, facebook and zeck. Er shmuck will increase business. Theyre an enemy of the people. Its an increasing worry about big tech. I would take that angle right now. Jd vance was with me last sunday here on Sunday Morning futures. He wants to break up google. There is increasing worry about big tech platforms, their power, their influence, particularly going into another president ial election. So i think thats where trump comes out at this and his reaction is really about Mark Zuckerberg and the money that he used in the last election and strengthening the competitor to tiktok. So look, i dont think youre really going to get rid of chinese influence in america any time soon. As Secretary Pompeo has said, the ccp is inside the gates of america. Tiktok is just one part of that. But theyve done it through universities, academia, hollywood, funding movies. Theyre doing he it in a whole host of ways that are not as obvious as a Surveillance Balloon flying over the sky which happened here as well and was able to do so for almost a week. Were talking about the threat that is communist china that is inside the gates this morning, this obviously is an ongoing conversation for all of us. But the ban on tiktok is just one part of that. What happens next week . Look, i can see the house he voting in concert to ban tiktok and to ensure a separation from the Chinese Communist party but its probably going to fall flat in the senate so i dont know where this particular issue goes. But y i see what trump is talkig about in terms of the ban being good for other social media that have interfered in elections, thats likely one of his number one issues and were talking about that this morning with the new leadership in the rnc, ive Got Lara Trump coming up. Ill ask what are you doing to ensure a fair and free election. She is the cochair of the rnc, along with Michael Wattly who President Trump recommended both of them, he told me when i interviewed him changing are coming, changes are here. Well talk with Lara Drum Aboutt that. Ill talk to senator tim scott about the same issues, as well as senator ron johnson from wisconsin. Well get into the State Of The Union. Byron donalds is here from florida to discuss the issues around the Impeachment Inquiry of President Biden. The State Of The Union has polled the worst polling and this is according to cnn, the worst polling in half in 250 years, in a quarter of a century. So were going to talk about that State Of The Union, how President Biden actually took on the Supreme Court. Your discussion at the top of the 9 00 a. M. , guys, was so smart and so fantastic. I learned a lot from that discussion, talking about that State Of The Union. Thank you for that. Were going to continue the conversation. Ill see you in 15 minutes. Thanks for watching, well be watching you. Thank you. Maria you got it. Great to see you. Well, our faith and friends Concert Series continues with gospel music legend Rickie Dillard coming up next. Theres something going around the gordon home. Good thing gertrude found delsym. Now whats going around is 12hour cough relief. And the giggles. The family that takes delsym together, feels better together. Dale used to hide his smile. Now. Its swishy time. He uses therabreath Anticavity Mouthwash for 24 hour cavity protection. Try therabreath mouthwash. Its a better mouthwash look for therabreath for kids in stores today. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Rachel with six gram my nominations and two wins, Rick Rickiedillard is a legend in thd of gospel music. The l latest album is available now. Rickie dillard and the choir join us now. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having us. Talk to us about the inspiration of your music, why you sing. Because we love god. He has brought us through so many things in our lives and we have been challenged to be greater and to be better in him and we want to sing for him and to encourage the world that he is god and he is god of love and he loves them and he is there for them and ready to bring them through anything that theyre going through. Rachel im always amazed that people that have this kind of talent, could go into any genre and a use that god given gift in this genre which is so important. You have this huge group behind you. Are you Guys Auditioning . How do you pick this group . We do do auditions at the top of the year. All of the singers are hand picked and they sent in you audn tapes and i liked them and i brought them on and weve been family. This you crew, we have three regions, south, east and midwest and this is our east region of singers so wherever we are in the world, wherever we are, we have a group to go with us. Rachel and you have a family in every part of the world. Yes, yes. Youve been doing this since you were. Ar5 years old. You helped arrr purple movie. Yes, you music they in it. We were able to arrange the songs you hear in the movie and do the vocal arrangements in studio with the singers so its been a wonderful journey with the color purple. What a journey. Youve got a new album called Choir Master 2 which came out in january. Yes. Youre going to perform for us. What will you perform right now . The song is called hold on. Take it away. Put your hands together. Oh, my brother. Oh, my sister. You can make it if you just hold on. Oh, my brother. Oh, my sister. You can make it if you just hold on. The devil tried to steal you. Hold on. Tried to take your peace of mind. Hold on. Hold on to your faith and hold on. Hold on. Oh, my brother. Oh, my brother. And my sister. Oh, my sister. You can make it if you just hold on. Hold on. Oh, my brother. And my sister. Oh, my sister. You can make it if you just hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Be strong. Be strong. It wont last long. Hold on. Hold on. And be strong. Be strong. It wont last forever. Youve got to hold on. So youve got to hold on. Got to hold on. So youve got to hold on. Got to hold on. So youve got to hold on. Got to hold on. Got to hold o. Ive got to keep on moving. Got to hold on. And dont let go. Got to hold on. Ive got to keep the faith and dont give up. Got to hold on. Ive got to hold on. Ive got to hold on. Ive got to hold on. Got to hold on. Youve got to hold, hold, hold, to god. To god. Hold, hold, hold, hold on. Youve got ive got to hold on. Got to hold on. Ive got to hold on. Got to hold on. Ive got to hold on. Got to hold on. Got to hold on. Oh, it comes from the lord. Got to hold. Say hold, hold, hold, hold. To god. Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold on. To god. Got to hold on. Got to hold on. Impr im pressing on. Got to hold on. Got to hold on. Each and every day. Pray and ask. Got to hold on. Hold on. Be strong. Be strong. 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And in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. Serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. People 50 and older with a Heart Disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. Done settling . Ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. And take back whats yours. Abbvie could help you save. Will well, that was an incredible performance by Ricky Dillard and the choir, that was amazing. Were glad to have you on fox friends. You travel around with ricky . Yes. Will this is the east coast choir, so youre going to teach pete some moves before we go . [laughter] he might not want to get wrinkledful ed. [laughter] pete i cant compete with that. Unbelievable. Rachel your song was with hold on. Whats your message to our audience on why they should hold on . With because theres so much to live e for. Theres so much in the future that god has for us, and we have to wait on god pete love it. Be patient and do it. Will we will. Pete go to church, everybody. Will go to church. Mari

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