Hello, i am katie pallet along with charlie hurt, joey jones and kat timpf. Welcome to the big weekend show. The big story tonight. Fox news alert former President Donald Trump leaves closer to the gop president ial nomination. Head of Super Tuesday. Trump dominance over is final for Publican Bible nikki haley includes winning the Missouri Republican caucuses and taking all 39 of michigans allocated delegates at a Gop Convention today. In idaho 32 delegates up for grabs tonight if those results are expected any minute now. Both Companies Trading jobs and separate and pain rallies earlier today. The number one job of the president is to protect americans. Thats it. You cant protect americans and prevent wars if you put your head in the sand like joe biden or if you hide out and say you dont need friends like donald trump because neither one of those work. Everyone you know to go to the polls so we can douse haley. I havent heard about her in about a week, does anybody know . She was going around every show, donald trump him this and that. That wasnt working to well. We dont care about that. Fox News Business Correspondent Grady Trumbull on the ground in michigan with more on the caucus results. Hey, katie. A sweep for President Trump here in michigan, 39 delegates up for grabs. All 39 of them going to former President Trump. In fact, almost all of the state gop representatives who attended todays Gop Convention, 98 of them went for former President Trump over the former South Carolina governor so you can see the breakdown of delegates awarded michigan when you tally up early nine delegates today for trump, 12 for him tuesday for the total of 51. Haley one just for on tuesday. When michigan gop chair pete announced the results this afternoon, he said this is Trump Country but when voters went to the polls in michigan earlier this week about around a quarter of them did take haley so he told me the parties will have to work to bring haley supporters back into the fold if in fact trump is the nominee in november. That is looking increasingly likely as you can see trump is expanding Delegate Lead over haley with Super Tuesday approaching and millions more voters expected to make their voices heard. We just got news from the Associated Press the former president one idaho as well so thats just an and i will add to his delegate count which right now santa to 12 plus whatever number of delegate i think around 31 delegates up for grabs in idaho so a big day for former President Trump going into Super Tuesday. The Delegate Race is on, appreciate it. Charlie hurt, President Donald Trump in greensboro today, some work you are familiar with. Took off as he was landing. What is your take on the delegate count . On surprisingly, donald trump is rolling the thing up, hes now one every single one of the contests, most by double digits. Perhaps all of them double digits. The idea the party is somehow hopelessly fractured is completely wrong. Obviously donald trump has to win over nikki haley supporters, thats the whole thing for having a primary and a general. When you go into the general and talk about the General Election issues, what are these people going to do . They are not going to vote for joe biden, they will wind up voting for donald trump, donald trump needs to support them and do their best but the idea he haley will sit there and attack him for all of the chaos, yes. Donald trump brings with him chaos but the reason is because nobody in washington wants him, nobody in the media wants him and when youre an agent of change you wind up bringing chaos with you. You think thats amazing is she saying he cant win a General Election. What does she know about winning a General Election or even an election . Shes lost every single one of these elections including her own home state and she lost by double digits to none of the above so i think obviously i guess she got to run her course, its not going to end well for her but this is exactly, is going in the direction you would expect it. Speaking of nikki haley, she was talking about this in raleigh today about her path forward, lets listen. This is a movement and to have an incumbent like donald trump not getting 40 in the early states to have an incumbent like donald trump where he campaigned in michigan in eight years and i was in two days and got 30 , theres movement. In this us anywhere and everywhere, headed to boston and from a and main, we will keep going and keep pushing. Charlie mentioned this argument about donald trump not being able to win a General Election but there is pulling out from the New York Times showing if the election were held today, 48 would vote for trump, 43 paperwork biden at 10 dont know or are refusing so the argument is not adding up when it comes to the polls we are seeing. As a libertarian, im not going to sit here and shame other people who want to vote for somebody who has no chance because its kind of what i do. [laughter] the difference is at least i can acknowledge theres going to be no chance. Wouldnt you like to have somebody else to blame when loss is on . Thats always me. [laughter] as a libertarian, it remains to be seen whoever loses will blame me singlehandedly and personally for their candidates loss but the delusion of thinking she has a chance, i dont know if she believes it or if people are giving enough money she doesnt really care and its like a fun hang like walking into rooms and people go will, i might like that, i might not be able to give that up, im not shaming that either but for her to say its a movement, movement move. [laughter] theres no movement, the only movement shes going is the next place, people like trump, shes like an oldschool republican and im not a republican, one of the things like the least oldschool republicans is increased involvement in wars and shes all for that, the Republican Party has moved away from that at least somewhat. She clearly doesnt have a shot, thats fine if you want to support somebody that has no shot but lets be real, theres nobody including her, she cant be done, right . Nobody thinks that she has a shot here. President trump had to rallies today, One Greensboro and one enrichment. He was trying to get people to vote having them up on Super Tuesday. We need each and every one of you to get every patriot you know and turn them out to vote you have to do this tuesday and turn them out and vote and big numbers, it will send a signal. So, joey. You want to win this as soon as you can see you can go towards biden which he has done anyway. Its easy to throw an insult about anybody so is not spending a lot of money or intellectual collateral on talking about nikki haley but he wants to drop that contrast right now, right now while the border is in the sites of every american while tragedy is striking communities. It feels like by the dozens, if not hundreds related to the border, if not funded often individuals so if youre donald trump, you want to paint joe biden now. What nikki haley is doing other than raising there are two indicators to the viability of a candidate. Winning votes and raising money. Shes only doing one of those in the money is starting to drive. She brought in 12 million in february i think which is less than january and i think when does she pull out . Maybe its when she quits getting money, i dont know what the game is, ive never been a politician or consultant, im sure its bundled summer she wanted to go but if you dont win New Hampshire and you dont win South Carolina, i guess maybe today you feel you might do something in michigan has a little bit of a swing state and you dont do anything there, what is Super Tuesday going to do other than embarrass you . Maybe if you the opportunity to say i fought hard, i dont know. I feel maybe for a while its been personal but her personal vendetta is maybe bad for the party in the country right now. Speaking of that for the party in country, he mentioned the border issue, President Joe Biden went to the border for only the second time in his career and he had some things to sites that were interesting. Remember who you work for. We work for the american people, not the democratic party, Republican Party, we work for the american people. Thats remember who we are, United States of america. I mean it. Think about it. Are we a sovereign country, are we United States of america anymore . A climactic moment got a ye yeah. Not to go on this with nikki haley but if this election be about the border, you could not have republicans could not have a better warrior to go against joe biden on the border donald trump. Donald trump is the only politician in 40 years has focused on this issue and demonstrated he can actually do something about self this idea somehow joe biden is suddenly going to go toe to toe with donald trump on the border and try to blame him. Obviously the media will eat it up and run with it but normal people look at it and say it doesnt make sense, its a lie and it is. Come on man. Coming up this hour, this big are of the the big weekend show, a comedian has advice for biden. Embrace his age. Dont try to deny the age thing. Lean into it, meaning. Meaning like youre eating soup. Hunting and gardening, astronomical Grocery Prices force many to live off the land. Plus new York Magazine freaks out about boys becoming more conservative. We all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10 of us get enough each day. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plantbased fiber. With the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber. Men tell us when they use just for menĀ® to eliminate gray, theres a great before and after. Then, theres the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. And thats why more men choose just for menĀ®. You see, i get discounts for my safe driving with snapshot from progressive. I even got a discount for signing up. [ Alarm Ringing ] great. Can we go now . While im holding my phone . [ laughs ] no, sirree. We can hit the road as soon as i see some seatbelts. [ Sirens Wailing ] were going to jail. I like it. Follow boy . Welcome back to the big weekend show. President biden facing heat over the border to his age and alleged role he played in his familys business dealings. Hunter stuff. Fox news correspondent Lucas Tomlinson has more as the president spent the weekend at camp david because hes got to get up for the state of the Union Address. President biden spending the weekend at camp david putting the finishing touches on the state of the Union Address. Before departing, biden was asked about his son hunter. Repeatedly about your interactions with your son business partners, what is your response to him . These guys have to stop. You did interact with the partners. I did not. You can have dinner or lunch with them . The largest Mass Migration in u. S. History took place between 1881 and 1914. More than 10 Million Immigrants arrived from europe. A number by some estimates equal over the past three years under President Biden. Lawmakers want to see biden refer to trump era Border Policies hes got on his first day in office. Announcing new executive actions for the southern border in the state of the Union Address next thursday. Darrell issa said earlier its not likely President Biden will announce any executive actions that approached the trump era policies. Thanks, lucas. Bill maher packed a punch as he mocked biden ahead of the state of the Union Address but comedian offered simple advice to the commanderinchief about his age says own it and embrace it. Instead of trying to refute all the two old to be president claims, joe must embrace them. Stop with the im sharper than ever, nobody is buying that. [laughter] dont try to deny the age thing, lean into it. Lean and. Meaning like youre eating soup. Just admit it, say yes, i am back with names and i walk like a toddler with a full diaper. I say, he should let his old fart flag fly. [laughter] katie, i got a white house reaction, cleanup on aisle three and if you been in too hard, youre not just cleaning to a grave. This is kj p what she has to say on this cognitive test. The president doesnt need a cognitive test, because not my assessment, that is the assessment of the president doctor, also the assessment of the neurologist. He passes the cognitive test everyday. Everyday as he moves from one topic to another topic understanding the granular liver of these topics, he saw him talk about a fighting crime today. Tomorrow hell go to the border. This is the extent, this is from the white house from kevin oconnor, this is the extent of the cognitive verification. He says he continues to be fit for duty and fully execute all Response Abilities without exemptions or accommodations. Thankfully the president doesnt need accommodations other than going to the second set of steps and a few other things. This is a Transparency Issue so cream shop year quickly gets asked about his cognitive ability and she says im not a doctor but the followup question is can you make the white house physician available for direct questioning about the president Cognitive Health and his physical . The answer is always no, theyve done this repeatedly and even more questions for the Special Counsel report came out saying they didnt charge him with handling classified information illegally as a private citizen because he had a poor memory and couldnt remember things like when his son died or basic facts and he has a bad memory, they are still trying to say the doctor doesnt need to be made available. Now that we are in this president ial here donald trump made his physician available in the Briefing Room twice i believe, maybe more than that, doctor Connie Jackson came out and took tons of questions from the press directly about donald trump and they still didnt believe him so this idea that they are getting away with the president not making his visit available makes questions about whats going on even more. She says it like we are stupid if we question. I love this line of he passes a cognitive test everyday and by wonder if its left shoe, right shoe and im wondering if thats the test. He is old. That actually is not the issue. My grandfather has about ten years on joe biden. If he was Walking Around like walking aimlessly talking to dead people, i would be like papa, we are going to the hospital. If i were in front of a doctor, i would ask the doctor this question, i would say my neighbor reminds me a lot of joe biden, should i have him over to watch my children, does that sound like a good idea . I dont have kids but nobody needs to know that last. [laughter] would you as a medical expert say somebody in this mental state, that we all notice, please dont act like you dont know what im talking about, would you recommend him as a good babysitter for Young Children . I feel like that would potentially be illegal to answer any affirmative and im not a lawyer so i dont know that sounds like a dangerous situation. I hate the way we act like yes, he moves from topics but thats not a good thing, he will just be like i have cancer from oil on the windshield and hes talking about something else. The Oil Cancer Thing that was beautiful. We are never getting over the oil cancer. Everybody just moved on, hes deeply affected by cancer, thats not what he said. He said oil cancer. Is never a more stark contrast between President Trump and biden and probably this week at the border. President biden had to hold the arm of a Border Patrol agent and be led, it was visible. Trump is waiting across the fence at his fans on the other side and this is not not to belittle President Biden but there is an obvious difference in how they get around and how they seem to be cognitively what is this white house that is there deal on everything, they gaslight this way, the border is secure. President biden knows it need depends. They lie and people like the press believe it. Its amazing it took her report to come up and say is an old man who cant answer questions, cant think clearly in order to convince the White House Press corps what the entire country already knew which is the guy has lost his marbles. [laughter] they are now trying to do an action jim sort of make up for it but i disagree with bill maher and that i think the white house already is leaning into this. I think for example, this past week, whatever day he went to walter reed, that was the worst day of the worst week of joe bidens entire 50 year political career with everything going on at the border, having to go and have a split screen between him and trump at the border, his son was being deposed on capitol hill, all of these things. Did the white house choose to do . They decided to spring a visit to walter reed. The reason why . It would rather talk about mental royalties than actually talk about the issues the white house is responsible for from gas prices to crime to the border. The ages bacon, he got elected old cognitively. We will see, hes our president right now and we have adeno, anywhere near three wars raising in different countries. Americans are forced to live off the land to combat Skyrocketing Food Prices but the New York Times laying out a new lucas i havent seen that spell other than the way the wrapper is. [laughter] take biden off the hook. We will hear that next. [laughter] [coughing] copd hasnt been pretty. Its tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. But trelegy has shown me that theres still beauty and breath to be had. Because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flareups. And with one dose a day, trelegy improves Lung Function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. Trelegy wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. What a Wonderful World ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. Welcome back to the big weekend show. Georgia gathering to pay respects to 22yearold lakin riley. The student murdered by the venezuelan illegal immigrant. Live on the border in texas are biden and trump Health Visits this week. The migrant crisis shifting out west away from texas to arizona and california. Take a look at this video. Places like california work governor gavin newsom went product to see Firsthand Hundreds of chinese migrants pouring across the border along with migrants from syria, russia, india, kazakhstan, peru, brazil newsom blaming the gop say this in a statement, her republicans and congress have done nothing but create chaos and sabotage attempts to progress including blocking the bipartisan for Security Deal that had everything they been asking for. Its past time for this, for them to do the job. The julie president ial visits in texas separated about 300 miles from biden not mentioning riley at all in his remarks so she was front and center for trump in eagle pass. The question now is what can be done and will President Biden take lateral action to get things under control . California democrat he will hear and the state of the union. President biden is thinking about executive orders. I think went we hear the state of the union this coming week hes going to have to address the border and perhaps you will see announcements there. For the white house being hesitant to announce any forthcoming possible negative orders they may be considering while continuing to blame the gop. I will tell you, i was out the biden event and shouted a question to the president , i said do you bear any responsibly for rileys death as a result of your item policies . He turned around and walked out. Thank you, switching gears. Shopping for groceries . Its expensive these days. People are saving money wherever they can. Do you like spaghettios . Halfprice, microsoft went down three points, we got to save some money. Give it a shot. Thats it, boy. [laughter] saving a buck and hunting one, two. Americans are killing their own meat, gardening and extreme couponing, those are all very Different Things to combat high food prices. The ceo of kelloggs making a full dinner suggesting to families hinging pennies. This category has always been affordable. Cereal for dinner is something probably more entrenched now and would expect to continue as the consumer is under pressure. Think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, thats going to be much more affordable. Tough luck in front of the manchin. [laughter] a box of kelloggs cereal is about 5 so actually not the cheapest option. I am surrounded by people i think kill food, right . Its womens History Month so ill go with you first. [laughter] i love that. I grew up hunting, my family provided for their own food, felt the freezer for the fact this America Hunting has been under attack and you are seeing agriculture and farming by the left, john kerry saying to save the planet combat Climate Change you have to deal with agriculture, the teacher james York Attorney general in new york saying she is now suing the World Largest beef producer because they are somehow fraudulently exciting products are not environmentally this friendly so they have been attacking what . They pass gas. [laughter] exactly im proud im able to provide food for my family and that something i grew up with but its not something the government is doing. I dont think you dont have a pr team, right . You shouldnt need one. That ceo does and he still got out in front of a manchin and spoke up and said if you are broke, eat cereal for dinner. What you think . When old people were Eating Kat Food Out of a can, we started Social Security and now they are saying just eat cereal. Cereal is disgusting, its bad for you and liberals are always wanting to ban everything, they are trying to ban straws, fan soft drinks. I guarantee a bowl of cereal has ten times as much or more or at least as much as sugar as soda does. Why dont they can that . Was alone. The great thing about gardening or hunting or growing your own cattle to slaughter is even if hard and winds up not being worth it like weve raised takes, im pretty sure it was like by the time i got done, it was like 12 a slice of bacon at the time, all the expenses i put into it. Even if its not worth it, gives you a tremendous amount of humility, it teaches you to respect nature, teaches you to respect how hard farmers will to provide get at the end of the day, its easy to go to the Grocery Store and get a fat chicken out of the Grocery Store that tastes delicious. Remember when Michael Bloomberg said throw a seat in the whole and it grows, not tr true. I got all kinds of thoughts, let me tell you. Number one, hunt, grow a garden and clip coupons. That was just life for me growing up and that was when food was cheap, we were just that poor and we ate fine. My mom had a pot of beans she would get out and heat up out of the freezer and add beans to it and she would put it back in the freezer and freeze it in a week later there was a been in the pot 20 years, old enough to vote probably. Thats what poor and living on a budget is the kelloggs cereal think, when youre poor, you dont. [laughter] so cheap there isnt even winndixie, they went out of business so the Out Of Touch Nature shows you there are people in this country have and people for the middle class is going away from one think joe gets right but not going away because not enough people are eating cereal for dinner, it going away because we dont have the policy does attacking them. Vegetables and vitriol this is the New York Times, and grocery places are terrible way to assess the state of the economy or successive Economic Policy because they are driven by special doctors anymore control. Statistical agencies because you feel angry yesterday in the Checkout Line or because you dont like the current preside president. Prices since joe biden came into office are up by 30 . Americans spend a significant portion of their income on food and i love how they spend it like inflation is going down on everything if you dont count food and shelter and gas. The three things people need to survive. People need food and shelter by the way. Coming up honey, the kids are cleaning right. Frets about how teen boys are becoming conservative next. [cars honking] im a guy who lost a bet. And my dignity. Get out of the way as if watching my team lose wasnt punishment enough. What are you looking at huh. Its a one speed. Hahaha. Hahaha. And if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are youll be paying for that yourself. So, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Hey, im walking here she found it. The feeling of finding the Psoriasis Treatment shes been looking for. She found sotyktu, a once daily pill for moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis. For the chance at clear or almost clear skin. Its like the feeling of finding your back. Is back. Or Finding Psoriasis cant deny the splendor of these thighs. Once daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. Dont take if youre allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. Sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. Serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. Sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. Tyk2 is part of the jak family. Its not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. Find what Plaque Psoriasis has been hiding. Theres only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. So clearly you. Sotyktu. Welcome back to the big weekend show, rebellious teens stick to their guns even if that means more detention. Hes my short. Dont mess with the bull, you get the horns. Im shaking. You got another. You through . Not even close. You want another one . You got it. Good the neck have you had enough yet . King pavilion causing a ruckus on the left is new York Magazine breaks out over why boys clean more conservative these days. The Publication Pondering if Capitalism Feminism are driving the trend saying quote they feel they need to start from a position of disempowerment blaming women for their troubles is an easy route to that position. Again in celebration of womens History Month, id like to ask you first. It is true that like anybody who wants to be a rebel today winds up going to the right. It used to be when i was little, if you are going to rebel, youd be like a leftwing hippie but thats like all worn out, its tired. I dont spend any time around young boys, that would be strange if i did. To be clear about my lack of personal experience with this but i think you do have some points, whatever repairs are doing is never cool so if your parents are out, they got all the flags signs in front yard they are sitting down having talks about things and be cool, you will be disgusted by whatever youre doing is cool so rather than watching movies, watching fox news, your parents like you want to shock your parents can catch you watching this show and they might youre like the ultimate fat boy, i do think there is something because one of your parents think is cool, you cant think is cool. It reminds me of Good Parenting advice i got, just tell your children you can get any tattoo or piercing but whatever tattoo or piercing you get, your mom and i will get the same one in the exact same pla place. Joey, trying to tell boys especially obnoxious young teen boys like what cool or theyre supposed to have respect for whatever, it always backfires. I got a 14yearold son freshman in high school, late july, born in the same week two days apart, hes going to graduate at 17 so hes around kids a little older than him and hes a freshman in school and played the lead role in mean girls and all the lead actresses were seniors or juniors so he had act and do all of this and i went to the show and what is funny is half the Football Team is in trouble. I bring that up, if you watch the Disney Channel you might think the most masculine hero in high school is a lesbian gym teacher, they will go out of their way to not let a straight white man have any type of decent opportunity and media will pop culture because that is essentially the vein of all existence, root to all evil and thus the message these kids get from all areas of pop culture and i love the fact that these Hunting And Fishing Football Playing Boys are in drama and understanding there is an appreciation for the arts, classically amended things without having to throw the baby out with the bathwater, its okay to open the door for a young lady, okay to learn how to make things with your hands for my son is with me because he splits time between me and his mom my find random labor things for him to do that mean nothing so he knows what blister feels like these kids wanted, they are hungry for it because they are perhaps first generation being told you cant make it on your own, you cant earn a living, you cant use your hands to make something, you just cant, they are being told they cant. We talked down to gen z and their worthless humans as far as back in our day and we have to stop that because they are who we leave the country to even more than us millennials. It is interesting because i look at so many young people today and i am amazed how obedient they are and anytime i see the kid like breaking bad, im not going to wear a mask, you wear a mask. I love it. Think for yourself, also. Millennials are no longer being blamed. The loser generation that cant get anything done anymore but its interesting to watch because we have a problem in america while young men become more conservative, young women are far more liberal so we will have the clashing of society and its interesting because in the name of womens History Month, liberal women tend to have more conservative men and you have them talking about it, they want the traditional guy and someone to take care of them and make them feel safe but their policies are not an ideology and young men dont want to be in relationships with women because their values are different so a problem here in the next couple of years. Another thing they cant figure out. [laughter] connect they will have to work at their problems because thats the only way we will fix the following birthrates in this country. 80yearold as president , future generations will be skipped. Coming up, a huge Force Driving gen z to ditch the nine to five jobs thats next. I dont have time to do anything, i want to shower, eat my dinner and go to sleep, ill have time or energy to cook my dinner either. Scout is protected by Simparica Trio and hes in it to win it Simparica Trio is the first chew with triple protection. Whoa fleas and ticks Intestinal Worms whoa Heartworm Disease no problem with Simparica Trio this drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection go with Simparica Trio. Fox news alert, nypd reports and are object in the shape of a grenade found in times square on 42nd and seventh avenue. Police are investing in Pedestrian Traffic is blocked off. I want to explain the word under being the key word means there probably isnt an explosive combustible material, a physical object in the shape of a grenade that looks like a grenade but they said it under, means its not explosive which is a good thing and is the case. Meanwhile, its not Business As Usual for gen z, younger americans are ditching corporate nine to five. They are returning to Government Jobs is a quick fix to job security problems. Why . Is trending on tik tok. The corporate gigs are soul sucking to maintain a worklife balance. I dont have time to do anything, i want to shower, eat my dinner and go to sleep, i dont have time or energy to cook my dinner, i dont have energy to work out if thats out the window. My first advice to gen z is stop putting your complaints on the internet. That will not serve you well but going from corporate slave labor they say to Government Jobs. Ive never worked for the government but i can tell you if i were to define the word soul sucking, it would be a government job. Find do something you like to do and its a lot more fun. Its so depressing and you are right, bleeding out onto the internet people in their 20s, i was in my 20s, i dont think you have a worklife balance, you go to work, thats what you do. Life of going to school is over and its provide time for yourself. I was working pretty much nonstop at that age. I also feel like i work a lot, i work almost every day if not every day but my job is fun so not going to complain about my job. Maybe hers isnt, maybe her life just sucks and i feel bad, im not going to make fun of her because she thinks her life sucks but you are correct it might be the best move not to put that out there. There are jobs life is hard, work is difficult sometimes but you do have to like provide for yourself and go to work. If you dont like your situati situation, try to get out of it but come on you got to go to work. I feel for this young lady, i do because when you watch the video and hear the whole thing and her words, it sounds like shes trying to do it right, shes trying to do what the American Dream is always spent but the 1950s, one in cup could feed a household, provide for a household. Traditionally the husband or the manhood that income and the wife would be a housekeeper which is not the right word but the Person Taking Care of everything else, the shopping and cleaning so that was the traditional model but even families that were built that way, one income could take care of two, three or four people, two or three adult and two or three children, none of them except thats not the case anymore. Its got to be two incomes and the got to work all the time and that is a problem. Democrats additionally have held this line of speaking their policies are creating it so i think its an important thing for republicans looking to run for office in the next few cycles once the current president ial candidates are out of the way because they are too old, need to know tissue will trump all other climate religion or even love of guns are all things that divide people, this idea, can we get back to a country where there is a middleclass and drink to do something other than slave your life away . Maybe putting budgeting back into schools as a class thats an idea as well. Stick around, Big Weekend Flops are up next. Bother the bugs. Not your family. Ahh zevo is made with Essential Oils which attack bugs biological systems. It wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. Gotcha zevo. Peoplefriendly. Bugdeadly. Why choose a sleep number smart bed . Can i make my side softer . I like my side firmer. Sleep number does that. Save 40 on the sleep number special Edition Smart bed. Plus, zero percent interest for 48 months. Shop now at sleepnumber. Com oh, here comes the bread guy. Ugh, dont you ever get sick of bread . How dare you . Come on. If you saved nearly 750 like this, imagine what we could splurge on. Oh, like sourdough. No, the good stuff, like blueberries. Uh, and strawberries . Exactly. Raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, elderberries, boysenberries. Okay, we dont need to name all the berries. Goji berries, halle berry. Im just kidding. Mmhmm. But i love her. Switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds, to spend on whatever you dream up. Welcome back to the big weekend show. It is time now for our Big Weekend Flops. Our picks for the biggest sales of tbillsof the week. I will go first. Guess the trump was not enough new York Attorney general Letitia James is going after gbs usa at the largest beef producer in the world over non feasible climate pledges from the company. This is like the ultimate tell. She isnt proving she is using the courts to go after whatever her wacky wacko political agenda is. She went after donald trump she got her big white whale and now she is going after our Beef Producers we are all going to start because of her. Protects bugs and cereals all you get to eat. I guess its my turn earlier this week during a deposition hunter biden claimed he was either high or drunk when he said the infamous sitting with my father shakedown what is that message . My thing is like okay but does that mean youre not responsible for your behavior then . Because it still worked. I think it is really a strategy. That is going to be his cover. I cant be held accountable for anything there. Why dont they all Employ Crackheads that was my crack head bric picture just to corret themselves you could have president s on crack the entire time. Im cracking up over here at. [laughter] on the medic jeopardy left to some viewers scratching their heads after this question. Parch at speech. Zen, zeros, some self and sof progress . Whats her pronouns pray. You have 6200. What is the most ridiculous thing ive ever seen . I do not know how to pronounce im glad w you had a video clip for it. I dont want to know how to pronounce a good the good of Ml Media Mind art he and hall thats what i think about that because he and hot i like that. Palestinian journalists went on an online grant to equate forms of terrorism like hijacking planes to purchase like Hunger Strikes he went on and on you cannot protest peacefully how you cannot you can you cannot throat Molotov Cocktails you also cannot hijack planes. No, charlie in america or elsewhere in the world you are not allowed to hijack planes. Sorry. You would think that might not need to be explained. They did a lecture at princeton he is among our esteemed academic type to go do not complement the Southern Europeans with the italian people they tried to glue their hands to the pavement they pull them off thats what we need. Like putting cattle guards in the front of your truck that would not hurt anyone like plow them out of the way so people can get to work. How to plow people without hurting them i would do it there. Other things upon internet saying he upset you cannot hijack planes of innocent people on them not the greatest idea. That does a press will see a package marked 7 00 p. M. Eastern for the big weekend show. Life, Liberty Levin is tomorrow night. Well see la

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