is running in to a buzz saw. this moment forcing the first of what could be more presidents resignations to come. remember this. >> at penn, does calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's rules or code of conduct? yes or no. >> if the speech turns in to conduct, it can be harassment, yes. >> i'm asking calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment? >> if it is directed, it's harassment. >> so the answer is yes? >> it's a context dependent decision. >> that's your answer? calling for the genocide of jews is context? it's not bullying or harassment? this is the easy answer. >> that was the university of penn's president and harvard and mit and perhaps others next? when cnn lays in to this story with this monologue yesterday, we may finally be seeing a tipping point in america. listen closely to his words. >> american universities have been neglecting a core focus on excellence in order to pursue a variety of agendas. many of them clustered around diversity and inclusion. it started with the best of intentions. colleges wanted to make sure young people had access to higher education and felt comfortable on campus. but those good intentions have morphed into a dogmatic ideology and turned these universities in to places where the pervasive goals are political and social engineering, not academic merit. >> he's calling for a return to merit and excellence and education at these universities. let's bring in "fox and friends" co host pete hegseth and dave rubin. good to have you with us. pete, several years ago you returned your harvard degree and you did it live on fox on your show on the weekend. when you listen to fareed here, you think we might be at a tipping point in this whole story? >> i hope so. it took students calling for the genocide of their classmates and presidents not being willing to condemn it to open some people's eyes to -- unlike what fareed said, point is, it didn't start with the best of intentions. marxist landed here years ago. i crossed out harvard and i wrote "critical theory university." it's a marxist theory meant to divide the world in ways to deconstruct western education and christian values to whatever oppressor matrix that they prefer. it's hate speed to fat shame one at harvard. it's hate speech to use the wrong gender pronounce. depends on confession if you're talking about the genocide of an entire group. they have lost any semblance of a moral frame work other than the politicization of their students. accountability, martha. liz mcgill will keep her law school at the university ofperson. the faculty are rallying behind claudia gay and the students are. so it's a revelation but -- >> martha: they have a right to do that if they want to rally behind her. one of the reasons that part of their statement is they don't want elise stefanik to win. they don't want it to look like she pushed their president out. obviously a lot of egg on their faces at this point. i wander if "saturday night live" is another tipping point moment here. it appears with this skit on "saturday night live" while mcguile was resigning, they may have jumped the shark. watch this, dave. >> anti-semitism? yay or nay. >> i'm sorry. what? >> yes or no is calling for the genocide of jews against the code of conduct for harvard. >> well, it depends on the context. >> what? that can't be the answer. same question, yes or no. >> well, we're serious about stopping all forms of hatred, anti-semitism -- >> the second one. my tea lady, chance to steal. if you don't say yes, you'll make me look good, which is really hard to do. >> martha: dave? your thoughts? >> i mean, wokism on top of all the things that it has destroyed meaning our cultural and educational institutions, it's the death of comedy. that was the reverse of comedy. good comedy tells you something true and makes you laugh at it so you start thinking about something. not only was the impression of elise stefanik not good but there's no other joke that they would allow that to be the brunt of the joke. i'm i pressed that pete got his harvard degree. next time on fox, i want him to say never went to harvard. that would be the highest thing somebody could say. but pete is right. this matrix of oppression, this oppression olympics that these people have decided is more valuable than what you say, what you think about what you do is the destruction of mare -- meritocracy. our ancestors lived in worse conditions and we're erasing that. it's dangerous. what comes after this is way worse. so i would say with the destruction of harvard and penn and the elite universities, that's a good step. the destruction of snl is a good step. we need all of these corporations to fall under this. one other thing, fareed showed know the road to hell is paved with good intentions. it's irrelevant whether the intentions were good or not. why would it be that we have been railing against identity politics for years while on places like cnn and our administration and the democrat party have been pushing this on everybody. so welcome to the party, pal, as they say. >> martha: the reason that we have spoke against it is because it undermines merit and excellent. that's the goal of education. so so we live in a society where there's tremendous opportunity for people of all different background. one of the things i read today, pete, is that the reluctance to fire president claudine gay is also partly because she had been in the job for six months and the first black president of harvard that is a woman. so we have to get passed that if somebody is not doing the job. shouldn't make a difference of what color they are. >> that's everything in the matrix of diversity, equity and inclusion. there's reports that claudia gay potentially plagiarized portions of her ph.d. thesis. we'll see what comes out of that. they're defending her because of what she looks like, not because of the competency. that's unfortunate. talk about excellence? 80% of harvard kids get as. i'm not expert on bell curves. as long as you play the game, you're fine. talk to a christian or a conservative or a pro life speaker, they want to hide behind free speech now. they've been suppressing views for a long time. donors and others, where you been? >> the lowest ranking school when it comes to free speech measures because of the people that they have cancelled, disallowed from speaking on campus, professors that they have fired. these students are not getting an education. they're not hearing a dynamic back and forth between difference ways of thinking and scholarly thought. that is what we need to get back to if we want to have an educated country. unfortunately we have other countries outpacing us in an enormous way. so i think parents are starting to rethink whether or not they want to spend this kind of money to have their kids indoctrinated in to one way of thinking. i have three college kids that are either in college or out of college. you talk to a lot of college kids and say how do you feel about turning in a paper that doesn't line up with what you know the professor wants you to say? they'll tell you they don't want to do it or risk it. it's not worth it. they know what the teacher wants the paper to say. that's the push to do it. listen to this montage. i'm optimistic. i think there is a sense in this that we're starting to turn a corner. watch this. >> i was shocked by the tone deafness of those comments. i think they got bad legal advice. >> so these are two of the colleges that are now on team hamas. >> i grow appalled at the anti-semitism permeating so much of our country. especially by so many students at our elite universities which are left liberal woke head beds fostering intellectual rot. >> martha: it's prophet tick to me that the former vice president says they got some bad legal advice on the way they spoke. if the president of the university of pennsylvania doesn't know how to go in there on her own and address questions from congress about this issue, we're in a weird place. >> of course. first off, most of the liberals that are kind of waking up the last two months since the october 7th attacks, it's like guys, you need a mirror if you're trying to figure out how this got ushered in. that's number 1. it's nice seeing some people wake up. the hope is we can take them down the road to truth and maybe eventually voting the right way and realizing their behavior contributed to some of this. i would say this: i'm not looking forward to or calling for these schools to be fixed. let these schools go down at this point. my executive producer is sitting four feet away is a college dropout. i just hired a new producer this week that is a college dropout. there's a lot of ways. martha, you have interns over there. you can gladly get an intern that isn't at school but wants to learn a trade about wants to learn about the tv industry. we don't need these overinflated expensive universities to break kids brains and you send them out in the world and they don't know what genitals are attached to them or if the goods are the good-byes or bad guys doing the beheading. let them have harvard. we'll deal with people in the real word. >> martha: before i say good-bye, when pete, he sent back his diploma, he pointed out quite well that the logo of harvard university that you see people driving around with that proud sticker on their cars has three books on it. the three books from the founding of harvard are the old testament, the new testament and the book of the second coming, if i'm correct about that. i have to go. >> you're right. >> martha: i would encourage for people to look at the logo and think about how far that school has come from what was its founder's intentioned. thank you both, pete hegseth that didn't go to harvard and dave rubin. good to have both of you. >> who really didn't go to harvard. >> martha: thanks very much. good to see you guys. so breaking today, a shocker from jack smith in this january 6th case against former president trump. he just asked the supreme court to take up a central decision in his case and do it quickly as the former president and candidate holds a growing league o o over presidential rivals in iowa. bret baier has more on the breaking news next. a big advan. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? 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>> martha: is there any indication of the time frame? any insight in to how the court might review that time urgency? >> exactly. the initial thought is the justices may take it up as soon as next month. it's always possible we could see something this month, but likely more next month. if they do take it up and they set a briefing schedule after oral arguments, that could delay the march 4 date. that's what donald trump's team wants to do, is delay this. so the government wants to get this done as soon as possible, martha. >> martha: the request might help the trump side if that's the case. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> martha: so the special counsel's request for scotus to step in, one of many shakeups that could rock the presidential series. former president trump hold a 30-point lead according to the latest des moines polling. he edges out president biden by four points in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup from another poll. let's bring in bret baier, executive editor and anchor of "special report." this is getting closer and to former president continues to deepen his lead in most of these polls with the backdrop looming. >> it's amazing all that will happen. while there's voting going on that a court case is going on, potentially affects whether he gets charged. this is a really interesting play by the prosecutor, the special counsel, to go to the supreme court. traditionally the court is not of the mindset of fast tracking appeals that go around the appellate courts. in the last five years or so, they have been trying to speed things up or at least the court has done that a few times. this may be one of those times. the prosecutor points back to u.s. versus nixon in 1974 where the supreme court did move in and say there was not protection there. it may be a different mindset of this particular court, but we don't know. a decision, the special counsel is looking for to make sure that the trial can go forward and be concluded before the election. think about that. the unwritten things said there is that donald trump could win the presidency and all of that falls by the wayside. >> martha: it's incredible. it's an incredible political dramatic dynamic that will be at play here. we'll have to really be focused on the precedence including nixon one. they don't want to be seen interfering with the political process and may decide the importance of it dictates that they have to stay whether or not he's immune from these court proceedings. i want to ask you about nikki haley. this is another big surprising number. because you've got trump leading so forcefully in these primaries. this hypothetical matchup shows her 17 points ahead of joe biden. that's got to be a number that makes her team happy even though there's this huge gulf between this two of them in the primary polls. what do you think about that? >> she will make this pitch about elect ability. it tracks with -- that's way out there as far as the lead. but there's a 11-point, a 10 point, a 9 point. while the former president is about four points on some of these polls up above president biden. that said, this new des moines register poll in iowa puts former president trump up exponentially over ron desantis and nikki haley. that's in iowa. if that starts rolling, you can see where his momentum would take him in to new hampshire and south carolina. if he won there, nikki haley's hopes would be over. >> martha: i want your quick take on this. there's a deep fake ad that came from the trump team. it's a deep fake political ad. nbc wants to take him down. it's one of the reporters saying things he didn't say about republican candidates. this really intensifies this concern about the kind of things that could roll out that look real to voter that's are not. a quick thought on that before we go. >> listen, this one is way out there. it says some things that they wouldn't say. but there's deep fakes potentially, maybe not even in the presidential race by senate and house races that people fall for. this is a big deal heading in to the election. >> martha: people have to be skeptical about things that they see, which is problematic in itself as they evaluate these candidates. thanks, brett. see you tonight on "special report." also breaking right now, two new attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east. bringing the total to above 90 since the start of the israel-hamas war. it's clear that this is an escalation based on the u.s. role in supporting israel as military leaders want the president's weak response is making iran even more fearless. >> we have to recognize that iran is calling the shots here. we have to escalate also to give them the warning that we're not going to tolerate that and take some military action against something that they value. regan figured that out. he achieved escalation dom dominance. trump figured that out. this administration has to find the spine to do the very thing. . 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>> that's right, martha. thanks for having me, by the way. there's six misdemeanor counts and three felony counts, two false returns and one count of tax evasion over two years. >> martha: we remember very well that these two gentlemen went to their superior, david weiss and presented this three years ago. at least three years ago i believe, right? so what happened? why was there a delay? i would put in parenthesis that this delay pushed this up against the statute of limitations on these charges. >> that's absolutely right, martha. you couldn't have hit it right. the fact that -- the current indictment that just got released, the nine-count indictment vindicates these whistle-blowers. this is the case that they recommended two years ago. weiss told gary shapley that he wouldn't be allowed to do it in d.c., he wouldn't be able to charge it in l.a. he asked main justice to see if they would approve it. all of that stuff, delay, delay. nothing happening. then the whistle-blowers came forward. that changed everything. that pulled this out of the darkness and put it in to the light for the american public to look at it. then you saw what happened. they tried to ram this plea agreement a misdemeanor, no jail time plea down the american public's throat. luckily the judge in delaware stopped that. now we have ultimately the recommendation that the whistle-blowers made over two years ago coming to fruition. >> martha: you think it would be embarrassing for david weiss. he's the special counsel on this case. now he says he can bring these charges in california when he couldn't before? >> that's right. it's a big issue here. the whistle-blowers feel vindicated but nevertheless, weiss is not only the special counsel assigned to bring charges but he's also supposed to write a report at the end of this to explain what happened. he's not the right guy to do that because he's the one that is the focus of most of the misconduct, not just from the whistle-blowers, but abbe lowell says he's been pressured and all that stuff. weiss is not the guy to do this job and certainly not the person to look back and write about what happened. >> martha: president biden is not mentioned in this indictment. there's a whole separate investigation going on in congress. so we'll see where this goes. as we said, right up against the statute of limitations which have run out on a number of these issues. thanks, mark. we'll keep you updated. kevin o'leary and kat timpf next. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. this is your season to smile -- to raise a toast and gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. we come from people we can be proud of. seeing all the places i come from, i know. if it's a serrano, it's something to be proud of. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. >> martha: this was the heart wrenching scene when freed hamas hostage was reunited with her mom and brother after being held in captivity 50 days. this is her release. >> martha: an incredible moment of joy, shock and emotion. now the 21-year-old tattoo artist posted this image to her instagram page. a new art on her arm, a message to her former captors that read "we will dance again." she says i will never forget the pain and the fear, the difficult sites, the friends that won't come back and those that we must bring back. but we will win. we will dance. mia's aunt says that it hasn't been an easy time, but they're moving forward together as a family. we wish them well. breaking this afternoon, iranian backed fighters have again attacked u.s. forces in the middle east. this brings the total to 92 times since the start of the israel-hamas war. this as the houthi rebels are vowing to target israeli cargo ships in the resea, threatening to further escalate tensions. jennifer griffin joins us live with this report from the pentagon. hi, jennifer. >> hi, martha. according to a senior defense official, there's two new attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria today. a one-way attack drone shot down near al-asad air bail in iraq. no injury or damage. in syria, there was a mu multi-rocket attack. the 900 u.s. troops in syria and 1,600 u.s. troops are sitting ducks taking motor fire from iranian proxy forces daily. late saturday, u.s. troops shot down two incoming one-way attack drones in eastern syria and one targeting the mission support base euphrates. this doesn't include the drone attacks that is disrupting international shipping in the red sea. this video released with the u.s. navy shows the sailors on the u.s.s. carney that count 24 to 0 the number of missiles and drones fired by the houthis from yemen that the navy destroyer has intercepted. the french navy shot down two houthi drones while patrolling the red sea. on the same day, iran backed houthi leaders say their forces will target any ships heading to or from israel. 17,000 ships pass through the red sea near yemen every year. that is 10% of commercial traffic, almost 9 billion barrels of oil go through every day. >> martha: thanks, jennifer griffin, from the pentagon. young voters largely disillusioned by what has been called bidenomics, you don't hear that terms much coming from the white house and by the belief that the american dream is still possible for them. mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary joins us next. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? 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even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> martha: young voters say the economy is not in good shape as they try to pay off their loans and buy their first home. they feel under water. when asked do you think the american dream that if you work hard you'll get ahead, still holds true? only 28% say yes. let's bring in mr. wonderful himself, kevin o'leary. great to have you with us, kevin. thanks very much. this is sort of a big where are we in this country question. i mean, when so many young americans feel that the american dream is unattainable, how do we get through that? how do we reinstill that for these young people? >> well, you've got to remember, these young people, this cohort of individuals, men and women, never lived in a time of rising interest rates or inflation. this is the first time they have ever seen it. and obviously these are great cycles. for 30 years, rates have been going down. afford ability of housing, the number 1 issue in your mid 20s, you look at housing. there's been a ground shift for them. mortgages are no longer 3 1/2 or 4%. they're like 7 or 8. they have doubled in months. that's number 1. number 2, they have never lived through period where protein or eggs or food goods went up 20, 30%, 40% since the beginning of the pandemic. it's tough love. it's something that they have to ad just to. it's not better in any way. it's just didn't. >> martha: let's put up some numbers that they were asked in polling about how things might shift if they weren't living in a biden administration. who is best able to rebuild the economy? 52% said trump in this poll. 35% said biden. 10% said neither. let's go to the next one. who is best able to fix inflation. trump, 51%. biden at 30%. so you know, if the former president were reelected based on the policies he had last time around that you were able to watch closely, what do you think would change for these young people and how long would it take for those changes to start to kick in to where they felt them? >> well, you're referring to the "wall street journal" poll. that poll, when it came out, wasn't just distributed domestically. that went all around the world. the world i live in is institutional and sovereign wealth. everybody has examined this thing and talking about it in some detail. you're basically -- if you're a sovereign wealth fund in norway, you can't even vote. you don't care. what you care about is policy and wherout put your capitol. most of these funds allocate 40 to 40% of the u.s. economy. there's new fund flows and where they go isn't to the s&p 500, but also in to the russell 2000. mid call american stocks are enjoying a renaissance. if you read these numbers, you're thinking to yourself, okay, what is the policy on the back end of this? what probability will it be that a more calmative policy around small give and regulation and energy and defense spending, what will that look like in 12 months? that's -- we're -- we're on a short fuse here. we're in the middle of the election cycle. so my bed is i don't know. nobody knows the outcome of the election or what will happen on january 15. but these numbers will tell you there's at least a 50/50 chance for a much better regulatory environment. so you want to bet america small cap. they'll get the most boost out of polling regulation and making it easy to do business. doesn't matter what your politics are. money doesn't have any political grounding. it looks for the flight to the least resistance with the highest return. that would be the 60% of the american economy represented by american small business basically 5 to 500 employees represented in the russell 2000. the fund flows in the last two weeks have been extraordinary there. the market is making a decision long before the voter does. >> martha: it's fascinating. the regulatory environment around business is such a clear line in terms of the policies of this administration even though this president says, you know, he loves capitalism and he encourages business and he's not against people making money. there's a clear line in terms of the way these agencies perform and some people feel like they've got ten out of hand and how they're going after the small businesses. that's a really interesting observation. thanks, kevin. kevin o'leary. great to have you here. >> take care. >> so call them dinks. duel income couples without children now going viral for flaunting their freedom and kid-free lifestyle all over social media. >> we're dinks. we're going to get asked daily when we plan to have kids. >> we're going to costco and buy snacks in bulk that we want. >> we don't have to spend on kids. >> i'm going to every football game and play 18 holes whenever i want. >> martha: awesome. kat timpf joins me next. - i'm sherry - and i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities? we saw prevagen. i did read the clinical study and went ahead and gave it a try. i feel that prevagen is helping me with overall clarity and as a pharmacist, i've recommended it to, not only just customers, but also to friends and family as a product to try. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. i was tired of throwing money down the rent drain, so to speak. after watching the admiral that just made up my mind, i said, i'm calling newday usa tomorrow. 70 more dollars over my rent. i'm actually owning my own home because newday usa focuses on the va homeloan benefit. that's their expertise. i felt like i would definitely get a better shake. the admiral said that my service is, you know, my down payment. for us that was important not to be able to have to put anything down. i was aviation in the marine corps, 30 some million dollar aircraft. if the country, american people can put that kind of trust and confidence, the equipment that we fix, literally $200,000 home. can you help me? can somebody put a little bit of belief in me? and i felt like i felt newday did do that. if you can afford rent, you can afford to own. to maximize that va loan benefit and not pay anything out of my pocket was tremendous. i had my doubts, but i don't anymore. >> martha: luxury vacations, expensive hobbies, sleeping in. couples showing off the perks of living a duel income, child-free lifestyle and this is going viral on social media with videos like these racking up more than 220 million views on tik tok. watch. >> have you ever heard of dinks? >> i'm referring to people with dink status. >> we're dinks. we are planning our european vacation next year. >> we get a full eight hours of sleep. >> we get desserts an appetizers. >> we're dinks. we can play with other kids and give them back. >> martha: not everyone is buying in to this. elon musk posted on x. there's an awful morality to those that deliberately have no kids. they're effectively demanding that other people's kids take care of them in their old age. that's messed up. kat timpf author of "you can't joke about that." hi, kat. >> i'm also childless. they didn't write that in the intro. >> martha: above you've only been married a couple months. >> yeah, people say they can sleep in or do whatever else. i don't have that. i just don't know how to make up my mind basically. i'm scared that i'll do it wrong. i'm not really sleeping in a lot as it is or going on vacation as it is. the duel income means we both have jobs. >> martha: what do you think about what elon musk had to say about it? he has a lot of kids. >> he has a lot of kids. i also don't think that that should be the reason to have kids, if you want to have kid, have kids. if you don't want kids, don't have them. my main concern is that if i have a kid, what if the kid grows up to be like an awful person and everybody looks at me and it's my fault. >> martha: kat, kat, kat. that won't lap. if you have a child, he won't turn out to be an awful person. i know you. i met your husband. i'm here to -- i would put money down on this. if you have a kid, it will not turn out to be an awful person. what about optimism and hope? i'm talking about this dinks thing in general. what about the island that like oh, i just want my money to spend on myself and not to share with a young family and built something for the future. in japan, they're going to run out of people in a few decades. >> yeah, it's interesting that if i was ever on a walk with my husband and we pulled out the phone, say something about how we don't -- he would be like what are you doing? put the phone down. something very interesting with that there. some people are happy not having kids. i'm not one of them. i think i will do it at some point. it's scary. the unknown is terrifying. i also just want to know what jobs these duel incomes are where you can go on all the vacations you want and sleep in. because we don't have those jobs. >> martha: i think the thing is there's a trend of people that feel this way. always people that for whatever reason chose not to have children. look at this chart, which is a little confusing. if you follow the yellow line from 1975 till now, the number of people have zero children last climbed in the past 15 years or so. and the number of people that have, one, is pretty static. the five plus category or even the three is declining over the course of the last several years. what about the future hoff the country and the importance of continuing to populate it? >> yeah, i think that also dating right now is really hard. before i met my husband, i dated a lot of just -- it wasn't a good situation ever before. i met him and my mind changed about a lot of things once i met my husband. i know how tough it is out there. it's real bad. >> martha: you'd make a beautiful mom and dad. whatever you decide, all good. you know, i just -- i have three kids. i wish i had four or five to be honest with you. i ran out of steam at some point. but they are -- have enriched my life. i recommend it. that's just me. thanks for stopping by. we wore the same color. we have offices next to each other. mind melding. good to see you. thanks so much. here's a cool picture. a very large whale wandering in to shallow waters in australia saturday. when you see a group of swimmers make their way towards this whale. if he decided to whip that tail to one side, i think a lot of these people would be in trouble. they were touching it. people got concerned that it was getting to slows to the beach. local media reports say the whale did make it safely out to see. so that is "the story" for today. thanks for joining us for this monday, december 11th. see you tomorrow. have a great evening. take care. see you tomorrow. >> still bordering on no deal. fox on top of border talks

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