trey: good evening thank you for joining us i'm trey gowdy it is "sunday night in america". you remember a few months ago hunter biden was on the verge of accepting a sweetheart plea deal on gun and tax charges, the tax charges would've been misdemeanors from the gun charge would've gone through diversion program. i assure you you and i would've not been offered a sweetheart plea deal and hunter biden believed pleading to the minor charges within the united states, from any other future criminal charges. so he seemed like he was in a hurry to do it and now we know what late thursday afternoon biden was indicted in the central district of california on nine charges including three felonies the charges alleged biden failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes over what was described as a four year long scheme and right on cue the friends of the media remind us by the was suffering from addiction from that. which is true and irrelevant to saudi defense, is not a legal one somebody found that sympathetic but voluntary intoxication is not a defense to any crime i'm aware of biden's presumed innocent that's an uncomfortable at times reality of our justice system which is almost always forgotten when republicans are indicted but two wrongs do not make it right people are presumed innocent unless and tells the jury says otherwise where the admit guilt we shall see if the justice system treats hunter biden the same way with a less famous father, he should be treated no better no worse, no differently, i'm not optimistic but it is the season for miracles. jack smith is putting the trump defense team on notice he plans to use uncharged misconduct of part of his case and he implied in court filings that former president new ahead of time there would be violence it did nothing to stop it ordinarily uncharged misconduct is not admissible but it can sometimes be used to show other elements of a crime including intent, here to break down trump's upcoming testimony and all things legal is outnumbered cohost an attorney emily compagno. the former president probably would do well in front of juries and certainly jurors, yes testimony coming up, this is a bench trial how do you expect them to do in front of the judge that he spent the last 12 month criticizing. >> i think we will see it looked like his testimony on november 6 with a lot of back-and-forth the judge admonished his attorney to control him he said this was not a political rally. certainly terms of the statement a lot of them came from the judge but this will illustrate the animosity, the feeling that nobody the courtroom feels the former president trump is getting a fair shot. it'll give him an opportunity on the stand to be able to say so and underline what he's been saved in front of cameras every day in front of the courthouse when he says this is not fair. he's riding high as he fell after thursday's testimony from an expert witness where the expert witness laid out i find no fault, i can't even find the substance of an underlying charge from the attorney general from everything that i reviewed received this as totally fine finances and operation of the part of trump's businesses to the opposing counsel and prosecutor said he's been paid to say this what i argue that is an unfair character is him because obviously every expert is being paid, the whole point you pain expert to analyze and to provide the truthful analysis based on the expertise a quite prolific expert finance former professor said i le i read everg i don't see it there there. it remains to be seen what happens monday but i'm sure nothing less than explosive speaking of paying people hunter biden's lawyer is smart i dealt with him a lot on capitol hill, he got bob menendez off the last time saturday menendez was on trial. but he's been jockeying lately for a public hearing rather than a private interview and i just wonder if maybe his time would've been better spent having his client indicted, i did not see that coming, they have been talking about congressional testimony and they should've been talking about defending against a nine count indictment. >> that series of indictments is a really big deal you and i spent a lot of time with clients in prisons and i will say this it is three felonies, one felony land to imprison for a long time. we know he's facing 17 years, everyone i've seen doing time for tax evasion and fraud charges if you go in front of a jury of your peers you will see a lot of years ahead of you as a sentence. if you strike a plea deal with the prosecutor you will likely get a year end a day so you're eligible for early release maybe two years in a day for each felony count these are serious charges in the way that the indictment lays out the first son billy has a lot to answer for including almost a million in charges for various women in adult entertainment direct quotes in the strip club charges admitting the various other sort of unseemly charges were expensed as business expenses, keep in mind at the end of the day every american has to answer answer for their accountings and the irs sees no color. i really hope in the situation that they treat him like the thousands of other inmates i have dealt with and their families where they received no grace, where they received only the letter of the law for a lot of people that made honest mistakes, this guy engaged in a lot of behavior for a lot of years that was defrauding the government. now that his dad is the most senior part of it i wonder what we will see here. >> organ and on an aspirational note this week there was talk about former president trump being dictatorial if only for a day and repaint scores with civil and criminal justice system maneuvers, now the site of the current president is under felony indictment, do you think we will ever get back to the blindfolded lady who does not care if you're red or blue or black or white or male or female, can we ever get back to that time? >> my faith will always be in the committal justice system that it will rise to the aspirational level that we put and hold them to. i think it will take a little while to write itself. in the present day i don't see that but as we spoke about baby hunter biden will be the example to set and i appreciate the color of your tie, go huskies. trey: that would've been an accident it happens to be the huskies colors. you're a lot younger than i am i hope you live long enough to see the justice system that we all deserve. i don't know that i'm getting make it but i wish the good luck against texas but i don't mean it. let me just say happy holidays, merry christmas and i'll see you soon. >> thank you, merry christmas. trey: thank you emily compagno. anyone hoping for a civilized thoughtful instructor debate on wednesday night was likely disappointed. >> this is the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in america. >> your version of foreign-policy experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york, do everybody a favor and walk yourself off the stage, enjoy a nice mill in get yourself off the stage. >> nikki haley caves anytime the left comes after her in the media comes after, the only person more factious than the biden regime now is nikki haley. >> they are jealous, i love the attention, thank you for that. trey: joining us now brian kilmeade coastal fox invented one nation on the radio for 20 hours a day always helping our colleagues in the author of the new book teddy and booker t which is out now, thank you for coming on i want to talk about your book in just a second but what was your take on the debate, is not constructive what we just listen to. >> obviously everybody looks at nikki haley you have to knock her off, i thought the most interesting thing happened at the end where they talked about trump and basically chris christie says i want to be him i don't think he should be president, chris christie took over the debates and said you three have to be trump that's the one you have to be, say something bad about him and they wouldn't they thought they would be better candidates but they when it and i get it this is the most unique strategy in the history of politics certainly in our lifetime had you taken a front runner without losing his voters, you can quickly buy every time people hit trump his voters to get personal, how do you separate the two and they're trying to figure it out we know exactly where chris christie stands he's not quite get the nomination with 26 approval from republicans and what they say we are better but trump's not bad but they don't want to say that i also think it's a nonstarter to say trump is losing he's out of his mind and not the same guy he was four years ago, he's the same guy. if he didn't like him in 2016 and you don't like them at 2024 not because he lost his fastball i don't think that's a nonstarter i think it's a back of the baseball cards if you like joe biden in the back of his card were you like donald trump's baseball card, have added. trey: speaking of the winner of the debate who has not made a debate yet former president donald trump, i want to play a clip from a conversation that he had was sean hannity and ask you a question on the other side. >> we have crowds that are incredible in iowa, where hair last week, overflow crowds. and other candidates have seven people standing in a farm in there talking and it's a very nice thing to watch. >> i love this state we had two big victories, big, big victories. from the enthusiasm in the polls we're going to win by a lot more than we won the last two times. trey: he is still winning by a lot in the polls, i don't think the margin is one bit smaller then when these debates started. the future of these debates, should we keep having them are they accomplishing anything? >> is getting changed dramatically after iowa because of ron desantis out wins iowa or bailey loses iowa i think it's over and if nikki haley is get a live through south carolina then vivek ramaswamy has enough money to continue but i don't know if the deck against nikki haley against people, governor christie i don't know phil that the threshold for the next debate anyway. who would pair down, probably haley, desantis, vic as long as he wants to write checks but i do what you're saying, if i'm trump anyone critical of trump strategy of not doing debates you might be disappointed as a viewer but for him, he did the right thing staying out of it, why play the wildcard of purity when the division title, i think you can understand the sports analogy. trey: i can, you are exactly right, we may wish to see him on the debate stage because it's better for the country and more entertaining but it is smarter for him not to be there. were going to talk about something near and dear to your heart, you may be the busiest person i know. for you to take time to write a book means the topic is near and dear to your heart, racial equality through the friendship of teddy roosevelt and booker t. washington what motivated you to write about that. >> i did the president freedom fighter abraham lincoln because i came to south carolina and we tried to get you out that i think you were golfing that day but i talked to tim scott and lindsey graham and we talk about how far we've come about race in america and i want to prove to people that you could address slavery, segregation, jim crow, poll taxes, everything that happened with the kkk, terrible stuff but the people the broadest due to the place we are right now deserve credit and then they work together to bring america make us better, let's salute those people in my hope you understand teddy roosevelt but then you understand teddy roosevelt losing to the south to find out what was wrong in reading the same book that i read up from slavery in 1901 and giving it to his wife and she said what do you think and she said we've got to meet this guy and they met when they were vice president of new york city and they said we gotta work together i would be president one day and when that happens i want you to be my advisor, would you come to tuskegee, he said absolutely then mckinley gets shot, within weeks it is president teddy roosevelt then he says guess what booker t. washington, as a man born into slavery no shoes until you were ten years old one meal sleeping on the floor you're going to be one of the most influential people in america. and i think the next time we go to a tailgate party or thanksgiving or christmas or celebrating a holiday when you have that person in your family among your friends this is this country is not that great you break them down and show them the stories and how men and women work together to make our country what it is today, not perfect but what makes us great we try to become out of nowhere we get people like booker t. washington who never knew his dad, his birthday, barely saw his mom working 18 hours a day and found a way to make the country better. he had a chance to go to england and that much better, he said no i'm an american there is no limit to what you can be. you were talking 1900. for those people to think the american dream is done i think we saw the drudge report the said 36% of the country only believe the american dream is there. it is there, go get it, they got it when it was a lot harder i hope that gives people inspiration while not ducking our past. trey: there is no more important topic, that has been a shadow over our country since our inch option and the fact that you could've wrote anything they wanted to write about would choose to write about this says a lot about you. we will learn a lot about teddy and booker t but it says a lot about brian kilmeade, thank you for doing it and sharing it with us. >> thank you for having me on i appreciate it congratulation on the success of the show. >> you two, take care. the southern border is 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(inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america", border crossings recently overwhelm the port of entry in arizona temporarily shutting it down, human smugglers are as brazen as ever lawmakers seem poised, there is real progress then things seem to fall apart, what happened and why and cannot be put back together, joining us on your congressman mike mike waller look like the senate was making progress then it had a setback, can a border bill be passed in this current political environment? >> is going to have to be this is an exit essential threat to our country, you're talking about 10 million migrants have crossed the southern border since joe biden took office. many illegally, the asylum process fundamentally broken taking 2 - 3 years to hear the cases and when they are finally heard two thirds are rejected, this is unsustainable yet cities like new york crumbling under the pressure of it despite their sanctuary city policies clearly failing to work in mayor adams coming hand-in-hand demanding more from more federal dollars, chuck schumer is a senate majority leader from new york, he needs to do something about immigration. house republicans passed hr to back it may, chuck schumer has done absolutely nothing on the border, he has a responsibility to act so the summit democrats need to work with the house to pass immigration reform specifically focused on border security and fixing the asylum process. without it a lot of the things they're pushing for, especially supplemental aid to ukraine that's going to get tied up in this. they need to move forward with border security. trey: i want you to hold that thought about ukraine aid and the border and let's listen together to present a biden spokesperson. >> we have been very, very clear about the supplemental and how important it is, it's stunning that we got to this report and republicans in congress are willing to give putin a gift, the greatest gift playing chicken with our national security, that's what we see here in history will remember them harshly. trey: if i'm working for joe biden i'm not sure i want to be talking about giving gifts to vladimir putin after afghanistan and misjudging russia intentions in ukraine but is the border security piece tied to funding the war in ukraine? >> i been a strong proponent of supporting ukraine as i said before, my wife is from moldova and her family lives on the ukraine border in the russian foreign minister made clear that moldova is in their sites next, they will not stop at ukraine. but if we are going to secure the sovereignty of other nations and help them secure their own borders we better damn well do it in our own country then for this administration to talk about gifts to russia, as you pointed out, that withdrawn afghanistan was such a disaster it emboldened putin in invading ukraine and the failure of this administration to get weapons to ukraine fast at the onset of this war has allowed this to drag on for over 18 months. so we need to get serious about the goals and the objectives in ukraine, lay it out for congress and i know we will support funding for it. but it comes with securing our own border in the united states that is not asking too much when 12000 migrants crossed her border in just one day. fentanyl killing 70000 americans, most coming from mexico and the drug cartels, we have a responsibility to act in the failure to do so is killing americans across this country and it is wrong. trey: congressman mike lawler from the great state of new york, i'm sure that we bump in to your senior senator from new york, i'm really curious the argument against border security. i like to hear the other side but i do not know the argument against securing our southern border. thank you as always for joining us on a sunday night, we will talk to you soon. >> thank you. >> up next fighting escalates in israel, there is continuing and compelling evidence that hamas used rape as a weapon of war. if you want to see evil eye to as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member? join today and start earning free gear for your next adventure. i am marianne rafferty, back to "sunday night in america". >> i say to the women's rights organization, you have heard of the rape of israeli women, horrible atrocity, sexual mutilation, where the hell are you? i expect all civilized leaders, governments, nations to speak up against the atrocities. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america", war is awful which is why people good conscience try so hard to avoid it. when war comes we try to limit civilian casualties and protect women and children and noncombatants, there are rules among developed nations on how to treat prisoners, a group that kills young people at a music festival targets women and children delights in killing parent in front of the children and killing children in front of their parents does not care about rules, hamas is using rape and sexual assault as a weapon of war and their rabbinic counts of murder and rape and mutilation of jewish women from october 7 onward and some have been very slow to criticize hamas. some like to compare the rape of women by the occupying dispute of land as if trespass and sexual assault could even be compared. earlier this week the un finally discuss the sexual violence committed by hamas. a women's rights activist and founder of what translates into women building an alternative and she joins us now. rape is a weapon of war, it is literally unconscionable to people who have a conscience but it happened it took far too long to be acknowledged and condemned, the evidence was there from the initial crime scene. why were some so slow to condemn it. >> you could say disgrace i think women's bodies are being used as weapons during the war but the only conflict area and the world that didn't happen until october 7 was israel. israel those atrocities did not happen. this is why we need to draw a redline and say this is not part of a political issue, you cannot allow women's bodies to be used as weapons and these are our expectation for women organization in human organization and they failed in this area. trey: hamas cuts off people's heads they delight in creating orphans, now hamas contends it would never use rape as an instrument of war but they won't release all the female hostages, perhaps because of the stories these female hostages would tell if they were released, is that possible their withholding female hostages because they don't want to be further criticized for this. >> it's more horrifying than this the events of october 7 did not end on october 7 we have reason to believe that the u.s. government and the audacity in the rate may still be happening in the reason they don't want to release the women they don't want them to speak about what happened to them. i have to say the u.s. government stand beside the first day was amazing but the un women organization and other organizations and one mission to make sure those women are released we do need recommendation we need them to do everything in their power to get those women out. [inaudible] all of us stand together in an effort to free those girls now we are saying free those girls from hamas you know what they did and not only did they rape but they're also going to keep them and maybe not bring them alive we cannot allow that i believe are even saying that bring those girls alive back to israel to their homes. trey: there is a staggering amount of both side isn't going on even some american politicians seem to want to say hamas raped is really women but. >> this week we published it an open letter on the new york times and it addresses all women, that's exactly what we said it said all of us women need to speak up it does not matter who your siding that is not a batter of side women's bodies cannot be used against women as a part of war and we all need to draw the line, when someone else will be in the conflict area they will become the norm and we cannot allow this, thank you so much. >> thank you i know you will speak out you've got your entire career. keep doing it. and god bless you and your work, thank you for joining us on an awful awful topic. up next trying to take advantage of a loophole in u.s. custom law and is allowing that not to reach the u.s., demanded the biden administration step up and close the gap, that and more next on "sunday night in [ "i'll be seeing you" by the five satins ] the mercedes-benz holiday love celebration is here. come in now for the exceptional offers you're bound to love, now, through january 2nd. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america". less than a month then chinese president xi met with president biden, beijing vowed to curves that no production but china has been exploiting the u.s. trade law, communist countries taken advantage of a loophole which enables millions of international mail packages to enter the u.s. without federal scrutiny. this is fueling the fentanyl crisis at america, a coalition wrote a letter to president biden demanding more from the loophole be closed, joining us as ceo of the coalition for prosperous america michael sumo, tell us what's happening and what reaction when you raise the issue with the biden administration. >> this loophole is ungovernable while blood or true lawlessness why risk bringing fentanyl and other narcotics across the border when you can put them in a package in mexico or china at the post office and right toys on them and is worth $5 and ship them to the u.s. and they get mixed up and 3 million packages per day we cannot find what is there. if it is found to be fentanyl or other drugs you will never get caught and most will get through so people are ordering from their home and it has to be shut down. trey: i imagine someone mistakingly thought maybe this was a good idea. is it called the minimus is at the right phraseology that there's a did minimus exception, the drugs are bad enough but i suspect it's hurting american manufacturers as well as in it? >> it absolutely is, since 1930 if you brought in a package from overseas or grandma shipped you a package from the old country, little package you would know how to get it inspected to the customs agency but now e-commerce, teemu, amazon, fedex have exploited this one package per day loophole to get 3 million packages per day, the customs service is not supposed to inspected their low value of goods and everything from forced labor which are unlawful, counterfeits which are unlawful and dangerous lead containing toys are unlawful is all coming through. there is a million packages in jfk along with a few people and a few dogs and you let it through and catch water to. it's gotta be shut down and inserted the u.s. manufacturers we had nine textile plant shutdown from chinese forced labor goods coming through sheehan and teemu. it's a huge problem and to go back to the way it was before and close the loophole. trey: i rea i read a letter ands an eclectic group of supporters this is not a republican democrat issue, it is really in america safety issue american manufacturing, american that don't want fentanyl. it's not a political issue is it? >> let me put it this way, the biden administration is looking into it, they have not done anything yet, i think they're talking about it. congress can six this next week, the biden administration has the power to fix it next week, they have not done it yet. trey: it seems like a layup to me. it's good for americans that don't want fentanyl in the country it is good for americans that don't want lead-based toys is good for american manufacturers, seems like a layup may be why it has not been done, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> governor college football playoffs are set and a lot of people are not happy -dad, what's with your toenail? -oh, that...? i'm not sure... -it's a nail fungus infection. -...that's gross! -it's nothing, really... -it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. -mom, come here! -don't worry about it. it'll go away on its own! -no, it won't go away on its own. it's an infection. you need a prescription. nail fungus is a contagious infection. at the first signs, show it to your doctor... ... and ask if jublia is right for you. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. its most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness... ... itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters and pain. jublia is recognized by the apma. most commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 copay. go to now to get started. trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america" it is almost christmas a college football playoffs but then the grinch showed up alabama place michigan washington place texas but another two-game putting two caliber teams against one another florida state versus georgia both schools have arguments on being in the final four, fsu has a pretty compelling case in the undefeated conference champions. it depends on what you're looking for. are you looking for the four best teams at this point in the season. are you looking for what teams earned and deserved it. if you put forward to staying who do you take out an all-american quarterback at notre dame, fox news college football analyst. to me he's an expert on the game and he joins us now. fsu earned it i really think that they earned it but i don't think our top 14 without the injured starting quarterback, what should've happened. >> that is the unfortunate part of volvo this the college football playoff was an incredibly tough spot no matter what they did was an unprecedented move either get to keep with the sec champion which they obviously didn't and putting in alabama crimson tide or undefeated acc champ the only time with the power five get left out of the college football playoffs where you get a job at the number one team after be number one all year in the georgia bulldogs out of the number one spot out of the top four no matter what the college playoff committee will be met with criticism. in this instance i think you made the case these are deemed to be four of the best teams are not show sure they're all better than georgia but definitely better than florida state giving them the injury to the quarterback but i won't be want to argue that they did not deserve to be there based on what they did on the field, those games should not matter. >> you mentioned georgia they lost by a field goal with pretty good football players banged up. they went from first to six this not like they lost to a holy cross, they lost alabama. does georgia have an argument, nobody wants to see to sec teams, nobody wants to see that, does georgia have an argument? >> without a doubt the way that they played the season another college football playoff committee does not want to hear the past two years with a big national champions but i want to see them as a fan of college football if you want me to be honest about the top four based on what we seen the entire year on the field he would include georgia in the conversations but the reality the loss that they will be left out in alabama gets to represent the sec and that gives opportunity to present themselves the other team left out of for the state. it's a great matchup in the orange bowl formation everything looking for the top players in trying to go to the nfl draft we don't know which will take the time to plan it or opt out instead that's a new reality of college football but the truth of the matter and think they would love to get into the orange bowl and maybe they should've been involved in the college football playoff either way will have a great 14 playoff in the rose bowl in the sugar bowl for the national championship. trey: you are a thoughtful smart guy you are the reason that i thought i watched the big ten game at noon and don't sleep until the sec game. i wanted to hear what you have to say. i'm curious what your response to this would be. it's possible that jaeger and milroy can get her opening christmas presents, it's possible that michael junior could get her on a scooter or playing pickup basketball over the holidays. how do we factor in injuries or potential injuries when we are evaluating teams? >> gift evaluate the injuries that are taking place so we know what. he complained as many what if scenarios but the truth of the matter if you go back and watch final three games of the florida state team rather brock lynn, offensively they did not look like the same team. people will say that they won the games, they did they should've deserved a shot at being part of this but i don't think for teams was an effort to playoff, that's why you a lot every conference champ and a group of 16 to be a part of it that is beside the point, i don't think you can play this you have to go with what you have, right now we seen on the field and that's the point and think the florida state team deserving just does not look like the same team we saw with cheyenne jordan. they were the most deserving and the combination argue to be applying for the national championship, despite injury some of those in vogler, and the running back for texas or the offensive line for michigan they have been able to overcome that and represent and have a chance to win it all. trey: i'm going to agree with brady quinn the right for teams are in and it's absolutely heartbreaking you can actually hold both of those positions at the same time. thank you as always we would love to have you back on as we get closer to the final four. we hope you have a great holiday season. >> thank you for having me. trey: a couple of things happened this week, maybe you missed and maybe that's a blessing. i'll start with the story that hit home for me, i was at the airport in las vegas two weeks ago with my wife waiting on a bag, her back to be exact in baggage claim doing exactly what you would be doing which is singing viva las vegas and an outdoor voice, she was mortified and she asked me to stop she said people can hear you. >> of course they can test the purpose of singing, do you think elvis whispered and then she said i give you hundred dollars if you stop so i took it. i made her venmo with the money and then this week i saw george santos is getting double that to leave video ratings for people. the recently expelled santos is charging $200 to do this. >> a bobby, look i don't think i need to tell you but these people that want to make you get in trouble and want to kick you out and make you run away you make them put up or shut up. trey: if you have an extra $200 don't waste it you can pay me twice and better on the georgia florida playoff game or you can set on fire, just don't do that. i've been looking for crime a series to watch our stumbleupon one on the tv station you would never suspect. c-span another alleged criminal assault on the house floor. this time marjorie taylor greene accusing georgia republican rich mccormick of hugging her to robustly i guess that would be the right word, congress has become the south side of chica chicago. rather than handling that by referring to the police or god forbid talking to one another the press got ahold of it and republicans look like a group incapable of greeting one another, be glad you did not server tulsi gabbard, every time she hugged me i could hear the crack and i counted it a joy to have a friend like her who happened to see me. it is not her fault she is a lot stronger than the average member of congress. times have changed they call it the people's house but most people don't act the way that that crowd acts right now. finally taylor swift is the time magazine% of the year end why not. she is a 1% economic revival plan. her music and her movies and tv commercials she may have the tractors i don't know i don't follow social media closely but there's something about her that motivates and inspires and captivates and encourages young girls and young women. all the stories about loneliness and depression and the challenges of being young especially for girls she does sure seem to help. that is a good thing. we gotta get her out of the kansas city chiefs uniform and on the side of the angels. the dallas cowboys. thank you spending your sunday with us. until next week you can find this online at gowdy america or trey gotti podcast, good night from south leaders put their own foot down and say, it's time for us to start governing ourselves. we must act now.

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