not paying taxes for a four-year period while dishing out huge bucks for a party lifestyle. he could spend up to 17 years in prison and he faces 25 years in the federal gun case. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. "new york post" says wild child, drugs, escorts and exotic cars while dodging taxes. editorial board said it was a scheme not to pay uncle sam but to give chastity at the gentlemen's club. the evidence is clear the justice department was burying it as favor to joe biden. >> todd: alexandria hoff will break it down. alex. >> his attorney sees it differently. the president's son has been indicted on 19tax-related charges, that were brought by special counsel yesterday. the defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotel, rental property, exotic cars, everything but his taxes. everything broken down, 1.6 million in atm withdrawals, money to women and adult entertainment and so on. david axelrod weighed in. this will further ignite house republicans. i think president trump has urged them to do it and has an ally in new house speaker mike johnson. this will be a log on the fire, the fire may not reach the door of the white house, but republicans will try to depict it as much. >> alexandria: yesterday does backup what the whistleblowers testified to. shapley and ziegler placed their careers on the line to blow the whistle on this conduct and politicization in the hunter biden investigation, every american should applaud these men. hunter biden has agreed to testify this week, house republicans say he must be interviewed privately first. >> carley: and there is that impeachment inquiry next week, we'll see what happens there. thank you, live in washington, d.c. fox news contributor miranda devine has a book out on his laptop, here is how she reacted yesterday. >> the indictment is vindication of everything we have been reporting for three years, vindication of james comer and fellow republicans in the house and the investigation they have been doing this year and especially vin dicasion of irs whistleblowers, gary shapley and zie ziegler and this indictment is an indictment of david weiss, even though his name is on this because that sweetheart plea deal he tried to sweep past the american people would have given hunter immunity was such a disgrace when you look at the depth and breadth of the crimes alleged here. hunter biden is accused not just of failing to pay taxes, but of trying to rip off the tax office. >> todd: that final point is such an important point, what changed? david weiss had access to this information for years, tried to stifle it and wasn't but for the two whistleblowers, we may not have the situation we have now, indictment on real serious charges. >> carley: totally and comer gave the whistleblowers total credit saying it changed the course of history. this is the president's family, i don't think this is an overstatement. they put their jobs and reputation, livelihood on the line to tell the truth, that is the whistleblower element. the david weiss thing does confuse me, though, he was willing to enter this plea deal, could it be to help the president and then he got caught, the judge said this sounds fishy, we'll go ahead with nine charges. david weiss highlighted hunter biden used a business line of credit to make payments to a porn site, one fifth of all the business line of credit for that expenditure. some personal problems there, to say the least. the judge assigned to the case is a trump appointee, as well. >> todd: we have so many questions, we'll ask an attorney who will join us on his take of this major story 20 minutes from now. do not miss it. >> carley: and what itten moos for president biden and biden family business. the president is heading to hollywood and will rub shoulders with celebs and donors. an ex-democrat is here to tell us what message this sends. >> todd: and a legal battle between stars of the hit show yellowstone. a coffee company is causing legal drama. big "fox and friends first" rolling on on friday morning. ♪ ♪ first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. >> janice: good morning, we have a lot to go over, let's get to it. colder air moving into the west will influence warmer air the next cold front will crash into. warm temperatures, record-breaking warmth across the plain states, pushing eastward across the great lakes today and tomorrow. look at potential records for new york, jfk 61, islip, new york, 60 degrees. you have warm air, a cold front will slam into it and a coastal low moving into the east for the weekend. here is potential for severe weather -- sorry, this is saturday. slight risk over oklahoma and texas and moving across the mississippi and tennessee river tomorrow, hail, damaging wind and tornados. then watch this area of low pressure develop and move up toward the east, we'll see coastal low bringing potential for interior section snow and coastal rain. we could see snow across the great lakes after record-setting warmth. heavy rain in the forecast, flash flooding is a concern for the i-95 corridor, areas hit hard by rain. definitely prepare for that and interior sections could see good snow. here is what we're looking at tomorrow, snow across great lakes and upper midwest and area of low pressure develop as it moves toward east coast starting off as rain and on the backside we're going to see significant snow for parts of the appalachian and interior sections. i wish we were getting a little bit of snow, we are sick of the rain. yeah, that is something that will delay travel. >> carley: still chance for a white christmas. >> janice: probably a better chance. for new york, i don't think we're going to have a white christmas. >> todd: stay inside this weekend and watch christmas movies. >> janice: or christmas specials on fox nation, todd piro. >> carley: fox nation and fox weather. thank you. president biden is stopping by las vegas today pledging billionings on a rail project connecting sin city to l.a. and then to los angeles to rub elbows with hollywood eshg lite, stephen spielberg and barbara streisand. axios report says they are refocusing on people over politics, instead of the tone-deaf term bidenomics. christina joins me now. the biden campaign is focusing on people over politics, is going to swanky, high-powered fundraiser the right way to go about it? >> absolutely not, i have -- how many hostages do we have in gaza? the president has no business leaving the white house, get the powers that be and lock them in the white house and nobody is going on vacation until that is resolved. going with celebrities, they don't live in the real world, they don't have struggles the way we do. i am retired, i have disability through the va, my husband, as well. i had to go get two jobs just to help us make ends meet. we don't live above our means, we know how to budget, however, with bidenomics it is unreal. going to the grocery store is a chore, creative accounting needs to go into effect in my household. >> carley: this is money over messaging, biden campaign needs the money and will take a hit on messaging. on so many fronts, democrats supposed to be the party of the working class and the president is spending the weekend at hicelebrity weekend. do you have $930,000 to party with the president? >> absolutely not. the message, it is all about optics. what i see is with us suffering let them eat cake and that is what comes to mind. it is unfortunate and heartbreaking and i appreciate he is coming to las vegas. we just had a mass shooting at our university, i appreciate him coming. what i see and hear, i feel sorry for you and by the way, i'm running for president and by the way, trying to like we're ignorant and don't understand what the world politics look like or what america has come to. this is not the america that i signed up defend and with our disabilities, it is like, mr. president, what are you doing for our veterans and homeless veterans and veterans not making ends meet. it is heartbreaking. >> carley: the president may be going to las vegas for a good reason. nevada backed presidents in four consecutive elections, but only by two points in 2020. you used to be a democrat and you left the party, tell us why. >> i i opened up my eyes, i woke up and smelled the coffee and thought this is not working. if we are for the people, the democratic party, how is it we are allow be abortion and how is it we support murder and who is protecting the lives of the unborn, no way i can be a part of this anymore. >> carley: christina ramos, thank you for joining us. speaking of l.a., wild video out of los angeles in time for president biden's visit. >> todd: the fed-up business owner using it to send a message to biden and entire democrat irk party. don't miss what he has to say, that is coming up next. >> i voted for gavin newsom, i'm sick of it. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep 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course civilians in gaza taking a battering, as well. one-time safe areas to which they fled being hit. hamas run health ministry total put the death toll over 16,000. more raid being promised by israel and the united states. todd and carley, secretary of state blinken recently said there is no deadline for israel to finish the operation here, but this is important, he expects major fighting to be finished within a month, that means early january. also waiting 130 plus hostages inside the gaza strip, including it is believed eight americans. a lot of people watching. >> todd: extremely complicated. thank you. jewish people finished celebrating the first night of hanukkah, trying to stay positive. there is rise in antisemitism. the star of david is being removed from holiday displays. they say proudly celebrating hanukkah is crucial. >> hanukkah is message of victory. over 2000 years ago, perhaps people try to connect to modern-day fight going on in gaza. that is not the message of hanukkah. to connect the two is unamerican. >> todd: the founder of less people forget and is a jewish activist. how do you celebrate hanukkah this year with the pull of october 7 hanging over your head? >> good question, it is something we are struggling with right now, it is a weird balance toward mourning what we saw and what is happening in israel, try to understand why there is a rise in antisemitism and trying to celebrate one of the most joyful holidays and joyous times of the year, you just heard, hanukkah is time of celebrating victory and miracles. it is timely fchl we need anything in this world, it is a good miracle. >> todd: agreed. when you see people limiting hanukkah celebration, do you think that is a good move for safety or is that giving in to rabied antisemitism forces throughout our country right now? >> i see it as giving in. these forces are taking over. ignorance is on the rise. a recent poll had one in five that believe the holocaust is a myth. what we've seen has been horrifying and to give in to them is approving what they have been saying, shouting and doing and it will not help jewish people fight back and be proudly jewish, especially in the united states of america, where it should be so, so easy. >> todd: i don't understand that one-fifth number. as a sophomore, 30 years ago, sophomore in high school, we had a three-month period in our english class where we studied the holocaust and reviewed literature because it was english class through the holo holocaust. could you have envisioned the antisemitism since october 7 especially in light of the fact israel was the one attacked. >> jewish people are struggling right now, what happened on october 7 is so horrific. i don't think anyone realized antisemitism could go up. it scared a lot of people. the most deadly day for jewish people since the holocaust. we have seen a rise in antisemitism and people being openly hating jews on college campuses and the workplace and on the television. you play clips of rallies, especially in new york city, people have no problem waving swastikas around. my grandfather warned me, i was too ignorant to believe him. >> todd: you were hopeful and that existed around the time. i'm hopeful that the tide is somewhat turning, i saw the testimony of three presidents there at the university and outrage to them. i'm hopeful in the hanukkah season that the tide is turning. try to enjoy yourself this hanukkah. we appreciate your time. back to our top story, hunter biden facing nine charges accusing him of spending on party, cars and other things we can't get into in much detail, other than paying tacks. how many years he can spend in jail. >> carley: the number is on the right-hand side of the screen. did you see this? >> it is not an easy decision, i've had a successful career and been very happy, there is a lot of things that are enticing. >> carley: master champion jon rahm is leaving the p.g.a. tour, his massive deal and what he is saying. >> todd: that number is not on the screen, that is a massive number. >> carley: a lot of zeros. ♪ ♪ [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. 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( ♪ ) the serrano name has always been something we're proud of. it's why we show it off on our low riders and why we wear our name on our chains. we come from people we can be proud of. from socal to our family in texas, to back home in jalisco. seeing all the places i come from, i know. if it's a serrano, it's something to be proud of. i take it all with me and i always will. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. >> carley: that is jarring. catching the moment a gang of thieves use a car stolen from a police impound lot to break into a los angeles business. they ended up stealing thousands of dollars in equipment. it took police two hours to respond. he is not blaming them for any of it. >> this whole strip has been broken into. our neighbors have been broken into four times. we are a small construction company. i voted for bass, i voted for gavin newsom, i'm sick of it. >> carley: police search for the suspect, president biden will be in the city, guest list includes rob reinner and lenny kravitz will perform. ticket sales go to his reelection campaign. his son hunter biden has been indicted on nine new charges and could face 17 years if convicted. >> todd: payments to various women, clothes and adult entertain meanwhile not paying his taxes. an attorney and former investigator for house and senate join us now. sam, isn't this less about the tax charge and more about where did the money come from, where did it go and how it ties back to joseph biden? >> i think that is absolutely right. the tax charges are tax charges. the broader story is the timeline of this event. when was he charged now will it get to a jury before the election? probably not. what does that mean? the president does not have to make a decision to pardon his son. that is significance of how long it took to appoint david weiss special counsel. what charges don't we see? anything related to fara, influence pedalling or tax implication of alleged loans to joe biden. >> carley: a fara violation could directly tie hunter biden to joe biden because it would be he failed to register as a foreign agent for influence pedalling. do you think there are nine charges here, three of them are felonies that the fara charge, it is missing, would be a bigger deal than unfolded yesterday? >> absolutely and sofaras implicate other people in the biden family, potentially in the conduct. fara charge is about influence pedalling and representing a foreign power in front of the government. a tax charge is more personal. i didn't accurately file my tax return, i lied about what deductions i was taking, that is personal. a fara charge, much more global or tax charge related to who paid taxes if there was below market charge to joe biden. >> todd: a lot of talk has been about getting hunter biden to testify in congress and the talk was hunter's team wanted to do it publicly, comer and the gang in a deposition setting behind closed doors. in reality, this could allow hunter to claim the fifth amendment with regard to testimony. doesn't it increase the need for impeachment inquiry by that very congress into joe biden because joe biden won't have the same protection of fifth amendment because that is not how impeachments work. >> that is correct. you probably can't assert a fifth amendment right in impeachment, whether joe biden could serve a fifth amendment right because of potential prosecution, we don't know. it is correct, this increases likelihood that hunter biden could invoke the fifth amendment. as i said, this is less about hunter biden and more about why was david weiss not given the authority to bring these charges until this august? why did it take so long? why did the attorney general say this investigation, david weiss is running it and we know he wasn't. >> carley: there are questions about david weiss, he was going to enter a plea deal where hunter gets three misdemeanors, now he is hit with nine charges. how do you explain that? >> most logical explanation, look at before he did not have authority and needed doj tax sign-off and sign-off from another united states attorney. he now has complete authority to charge and he's gone ahead and charged that. it really does go to was he independent before? everything indicates he and the attorney general were not truthful with congress when they said he was. now he is, we get more charge. proof in the pudding to see, is this it or do we get continued investigation, grand jury activity? later this year and next year into fara, influence pedalling. >> todd: political side of this timing maybe democratic party is done with joe biden. >> carley: the president still has pardon power, with that pardon power, i'm sure he is not too concerned about that. >> todd: for now, you need the trial to happen before the election. >> todd: to big news in sports, spanish golf star jon rahm is out, leaving the p.g.a. tour for saudi backed liv golf. >> it is not an easy decision, i've had a successful career and been very happy, a lot of things liv golf have to offer that were enticing. i do not play golf for the money, i play golf for the love of the game. as a husband, father and family man, i have a duty to my family to give them best opportunity and most amount of resource possible and that is where that comes in, obviously it is a factor and important one. >> todd: jon rahm signed three-year deal with liv valued at $300 million. will join koepka and dustin johnson. jon rahm criticized the league and now he has 300 to 600 million reasons. >> and charlamagne. >> step aside. >> todd: jimmy failla is the gift that keeps on giving. >> carley: and kurt the cyber guy has all the latest for the teches in your life, don't go anywhere. hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america. when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, nothing's worked or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. the power goes out, and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book. who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up. plus, now through december 31st, eligible xfinity rewards members can get 25% off a storm ready wifi device. >> carley: an update, republicans are investigating harvard, mit and upenn, after their presidents refused to condemn antisemitism and genocide on campus in a hearing this week. >> todd: cheryl casone has more. cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning, fallout from the testimony from the university presidents this week is exploding today. house education and workforce committee launching an investigation into harvard, mit, and upenn after the three presidents failed to condemn calls for genocide of jews. the blistering grilling from elise stefanik and the presidents responses highlight root of hate speech on campus. protesters calling for jewish genocide and destruction of israel. elise stefanik saying after this week's testimony by university presidents when answering my questions, education and workforce committee launching a congressional investigation with full force of subpoena power. even vice president harris's husband was appalled by the testimony. uch wa. >> seeing the presidents of elite universities literally unable to denounce calling for the genocide of jews as antisemitism, lack of moral clarity is simply unacceptable. >> cheryl: penn losing $100 million donation from ross stevens, stoneridge. in the near future, i plan to rescind shares to prevent damage to stoneridge as a result of our relationship with penn and president liz magill. david wolf announcing resignation from harvard antisemitism board. >> carley: good, most shocking testimony i've ever seen, should be investigations and ramifications for that. yellowstone stars say that fast, battling over coffee. >> cheryl: trouble at the ranch. a battle at yellowstone ranch. taylor sheridan is suing houser, better known as rip on the show, the filming location for the show, sheridan owns it, the b and r and the coffee company has a logo with the f and r intertwined, free reign. it alleges the logo is strikingly similar to the registered trademark and being used to deceive. debuted coffee in june and houser in november and the story with kevin costner, we don't think he's coming back. >> todd: my analysis, that suit will fail. not similar enough. there you go. >> cheryl: i will take that legal opinion. >> todd: thank you. case dropped. >> carley: settled and established. >> todd: kurt the cyber guy is here with gifts. take it away. >> i'm mostly done, i have some great ideas. i like things that are purposeful. start with this, great for kids to get them -- not infants, this will train kids how to sleep better. with all the distractions, especially with technology, this technology brings it back to earth. this soothing sleep trainer from v-tech, inside has 200 different atmospheric sounds, songs, soothing lights, projector to soothe a kid to sleep, a timer on it. you are hearing white noise. >> carley: let's take naps. >> designed for that, you can shuffle through a bunch of them. >> carley: night light, too. >> it is, great way to add wellness to a kid. jump to this. if you get your kid a phone, this is the phone you want. the bark phone. first phone or just a phone when you have a kid that is at that age and that is very debatable when you want to get that done. this, you can go younger, bark phone starts with plans at $29 per month. this is like giving your kids, a protection with secret service around. it is going to have all sorts of protection that alert you when there is trouble coming your way, whether bullying or unpleasant dangers that come to kids. i love this. it is something to keep your eye on and you are getting android samsung phone. these are huge, super bomber man r-2, just came out, if you don't know what gaming platform your person has, this is every single one of them. they have a battle plan. final fantasy 16, this is a real classic that just has jumped off the shelves, discounted now. >> carley: look at the graphics. >> i'm a practical guy, give your family the gift of good viral protection, we have reported on three malware attacks coming at us. why are you laughing? >> todd: i try to get my parents to do this. >> over the holiday, sit down and you, todd, that is what you should do, if you get this -- >> carley: all on you. >> do it. smart thing to do. one family member let's in trouble, it affects everybody. this has been number one pick for two years in a row, total av, $119 for the first year, now $14.95 for the first year. >> carley: can save headaches down the road. >> you have to have protection at this point. >> carley: love it. >> todd: ready for the holiday. you just spritzed your breath, smells magical. something else that breath smells amazing, brian kilmeade. >> brian: you are on the 12th floor, i'm on the first and you can say that. listerine, it clears it up. i expect to get one of those gifts for christmas. >> carley: i'll pick one for you. >> brian: this come out of my promo time? should i start? i thought so, coming up on "fox and friends," a president's son gets indicted. it is hunter biden, he got hit with nine tax-related charges, three are felonies. we have a full slate of guests ready to react. matt whitaker, sol wisenberg and jamaal bowman finally busted for his fire alarm stunts his story does not add up, he gets censored by congress. the u.s. government working with -- general jack keane gives us expert analysis how to eradicate hamas and should we fire back at those firing at us in the region? 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(soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> carley: all he wanted for christmas is for biden to drop out of the 2024 race. >> i know he thinks he has got this in the bag but the polls say otherwise. i wanted biden to beat trump the way i want him defend defend me bar fight. is he not getting younger and more popular and new running mate. please, mr. president give america the ultimate christmas gift and step aside. >> fox news jimmy failla joins us now. if biden dots run, how much does that comment by charlamagne tha god hurt his vote totals. >> he is in trouble. this is a conversation being had the black community. in december biden celebrates easter. you can't expect that christmas gift to come this month. but, here's where we are at in the democratic party. and everyone is saying this. everyone is saying this behind closed doors that moment in the church where the preacher says speak now or forever hold your peace people are screaming. they are beyond speaking. they don't want this. is he not getting out the sentence. speak now -- i speak. they don't want this to happen. they know that the problem we have now as you know is the hunter indictment really probably complicates things even more. he wants to stay on he has reasons and legal protections to do so. nobody wants to do. this who looks around at the country four more years of this would be good? nobody. >> carley: if not joe biden than who. >> they made this bet because of identity politics. they know they can't run kamala they need a many would of color. i would think it opens it up to elizabeth warren. >> todd: pocahontas what would happen if he went char la maim. >> i would pay anything. bring a bottle of hot sauce and try to make a miller joke. that's the thing about shala main. he has no, i guess. loyalty he blew up hillary and blew up kamala. on the other show he says who runs the country? if you remember that interview? who runs the country, joe biden is not in charge. they cut the interview short on his week night show which is not the daily show. best hell of a why week. pulled punches when it comes to democrats. if he goes back on the show l.l. cool j by biden. he would rip bind up not let him go on that show. >> carley: also from "the view" talking about the republican debate this week. listen to what they had to say. >> don't ask me. [laughter] >> i was gonna but you looked as shocked as everybody else. [laughter] i don't even know how to ask the questions. >> the interesting i watched the whole thing and i was not even stunned. [laughter] >it was so entertaining. sometimes you take a gummy to sleep and it's a hilarious event at that point. >> that was their analysis. what say you? >> jimmy: my goodness. i should remind the viewers get tickets to the view. they are 25 to get in. 200 to get out. stop it, i'm being silly. shimkus, it's friday. >> carley: sure is jim jim they have no recourse here but to mock the republican collective because, for whatever you thought of the debate. for whatever you think the candidates are, it was substantive. that terrifies the democrats. they hated the fact that newsom was on our air. we loved it. like, when i was on the road this week people are i can't believe you put gavin newsom on. we want gavin newsom on. if this is a debate about ideas, republicans win. if it is a debate who can call a racist from the top of the mountains, democrats are good at that. if you noticed they are not very good at anything else looking around the city now. >> todd: to that point is, that theater we just saw on "the view" right now or are they actual morons that can't understand the issues that americans care about. >> clearly out of touch with the average american person. yes, at the same time, don't act like they're the only ones that had a hard time finding news nation. >> carley: what do you got in your hand. >> jimmy: stop it cancel culture dictionary a to z. hell of a christmas gift. >> carley: you have a book out. >> jimmy: inspirational book minute you open this up and two pages you feel like you could get a book deal, too. >> carley: you worked shard on it? >> did i ever. >> todd: tell us about it. >> jimmy: fox news let's go. >> carley: thank you so much. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> todd: safe travels. >> ainsl

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