Transcripts For FOXNEWSW America 20240702

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>> sandra: a short time from now, expected to get an update from the white house and jake sullivan as the fighting between israel and hamas picks up in intensity at this hour and as the pentagon ramps up the response of the dozens of attacks from iran-backed terror groups. sandra smith in new york. afternoon by now, john. >> john: call it afternoon at this point. good to be back with you. i can see you are still enjoying the weekend. john roberts in washington, this is "america reports". american troops from across the middle east have been under attack day after day for nearly two months and criticism has grown from both sides of the aisle, president biden may be taking the problem a bit more seriously than in the past. >> sandra: u.s. carrying out a drone strike in northern iraq, killing five iranian proxy fighters. that strike came just hours after iran-backed houthi rebels attacked several commercial ships and a u.s. destroyer in the red sea using drones and ballistic missiles. >> john: complete verage for you now, mike waltz standing by on whether president biden is doing enough to deter iran. but first, we go live to southern israel where our trey yingst is on the ground. idf expanding the ground offensive in khan younis. what are you hearing from your sources how this is unfolding. >> good afternoon, day 59 of the war between israel and hamas. i just received a text from a source in the southern gazan city of rafah, he says telecommunications are down in the southern part of the strip, we are getting reports of renewed airstrikes against khan younis, gaza's second largest city and appears israeli forces are moving in on the ground. you can take a look at this video from earlier in the day, you can see an israeli airstrike in khan younis and outgoing rocket fire. this is a familiar scene along the border throughout the day in exchange of fire taking place along the strip as hamas continues to fight the israelis hammering the northern and southern part of the strip. you can hear the artillery there. israeli forces say they hit 200 different targets inside gaza, bringing the total number to more than 10,000. amid the heavy air camera, the death toll in gaza is rising. authorities at the health ministry say more than 700 people were killed in 24 hours over the weekend. israelis going after the leadership, killing the commander of the shati battalion, and also from another battalion, he was responsible for the deaths of seven soldiers during the 2014 war. israel expanding operations into southern gaza. the developments among rising regional threats. we do know the israelis have been preparing for the possibility of more fire from yemen. also keeping an eye on their northern border with lebanon, where hezbollah continues to target northern israel. the israelis not quiet, responding with airstrikes and artillery strikes against hezbollah positions in southern lebanon, understanding what we are seeing in the north and the south could be the very beginning of a much broader regional conflict. john. >> john: watch it as it unfolds. trey yingst, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: thank you, bring in florida republican congressman mike waltz, congressman, thank you for your time today. put up the map, at least 75 attacks and counting on u.s. forces since october 7th. are we responding forcefully enough? >> well, clearly not, sandra. because iran has not been deterred, they are continuing attacks and i think the simplest explanation is they know they can get away with it. and they will trade their proxies and those casualties for american casualties all day long. we have yet to hit anything that they truly care about, and that does not have to be military. that can be cyber, actually enforcing the sanctions that are on the book. that could be stopping the massive increase in the outflow of oil, but i want to speak to the attack on international shipping. look, 15% of global shipping flows through the red sea and through the suez canal. my understanding is commercial ships have been struck, that our ships are responding to protect that international trade and then they have been targeted. sandra, i don't know what it's going to take, is it going to take a catastrophic attack on one of our ships, is it going to take american dead on one of our bases in iraq, for this administration to actually take action that is going to stop iran, and no matter what you think of them politically, it is a fact that the middle east was better off after president trump, isis was defeated, iran was broke, and we had the abraham accords because he understood deterrence and he understood that peace would only be restored once iran met american steel. >> sandra: congressman, israel and hamas have engaged in some of the fiercest fighting so far, saw the escalation over the weekend. secretary austin said this on the risks of strategic defeat in gaza. listen. >> kind of a fight, the center of gravity is the civilian population. and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy you replace a technical victory with a strategic defeat. >> sandra: your reaction to that, congressman. >> sandra, i was there, and i was a bit dumb struck that there were more warnings to israel, our ally, a democracy, with a military that abides by the laws of war, there were more warnings in the secretary of defense's speeches to our ally israel than there were to hamas and iran was not mentioned at all. it was what he left out of the speech i thought was so damning but it shows, i think at the end of the day, the true colors of this administration. they are putting more pressure on israel than the terrorists or their backers in tehran. and by the way, the center of gravity, all roads lead back to tehran. we are going to find ourselves in the same situation, next year, three years, five years from now, they are not going to quit until they expell the united states from the region. >> sandra: we are about 22 minutes away from the white house press briefing. karine jean-pierre is bringing in jake sullivan. what do you want to hear from the who us and the national security adviser? >> i'm praying for our soldiers in the middle east and our ally that we see a reversal on iran policy. enforce the sanctions, the house of representatives have put bills on the table at the senate's feet to sanction the ports, the shipping, the banks, and others that will dry up the regime's buckets of cash that they now have in the last two years to fund terrorism all over the world. that's what we have got to see. that's how we can best help israel and by the way, where are the american hostages? let's see some information on them as well. >> sandra: that is reason to listen to every word that comes out of this white house when this briefing is underway a few minutes from now. john. >> john: pamela jayapal is under intense scrutiny from colleagues after controversial comments about hamas terrorists and sexual violence against israeli women. later this hour we will speak with the leader of an israeli women's group at the united nations today and get her take on jayapal's remarks. but first, gillian turner is live at the state department. what exactly, gillian, did the congresswoman say over the weekend to spark such outrage, even among members of her own party. >> i want to top off with breaking news. i just came out of the state department press briefing, i asked mark miller whether the israelis have shared with the u.s. the evidence that hamas raped israeli women and girls on october 7th. he said the government has shared the evidence with the biden administration, they condemn it and what's more, they actually support israel's calls for the u.n. to take up a formal investigation of hamas using rape as a weapon of war. despite this, seems some folks in washington are torn over condemning the rape as a weapon of war. nancy pelosi, her daughter tweeted out this, punching back against jayapal, i should not have to say this in 2023 but here we are. rape is rape. do not minimize, excuse, balance or both sides sexual assault, that is victim blaming. we have spent decades trying to undo. >> with respect, i was just asking about the women and you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas, in fact. >> i answered your question, dana. rape is horrific, sexual assault is horrific, i think it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas are obviously using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> now, a moment ago gal gadot called on the u.n. to take action, writes this is our moment as women and allies of women to act. speaking at the u.n. earlier this hour, tech titan sheryl sandberg said the evidence of the war crimes against women is available for anybody who wants to see it. >> the world has to decide who to believe. rape is for bid en, therefore it count have happened on october 7th, or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives? who are we going to believe? >> john, the evidence that these women are referencing that the state department is referencing is forensic investigations that were conducted by the israelis on corpses after october 7th that showed hamas had raped women and girls on that day during those attacks. back to you. >> john: just horrible stuff. gillian, thanks. we are going to be talking to leo terrell ahead of the woman at the u.n. today. i have a quote to share with our viewers that will just stop you in your tracks when we talk to leo on this topic. >> sandra: a lot of shock to that interview with jayapal and that is coming from members of her own party, including debbie wasserman schultz from florida, only balanced approach to condemn violence loudly, forcefully and without exception. hard to believe that was a member of congress with that response. >> john: it really is. but you know, the further we get into this, the less surprising it becomes. >> sandra: indeed. so we'll have more reaction to that coming up. meanwhile, we are waiting the white house press briefing. just a few minutes out from that beginning now as the u.s. destroyer comes under attack in the red sea. jake sullivan we have learned is expected to face plenty of questions at that podium when he joins the briefing about how the pentagon is now responding. we'll listen in for that live, plus this. >> john: ugly scene in philadelphia, a large group of pro-palestinian supporters, in front of a restaurant and accuse the owner of genocide. that and the hamas rape issue coming up next. opping and cooki. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> john, that quote upset with the word, we are going to investigate, what. everyone watching this program knows those are hate crimes, those are hate crimes. where's the police, the convictions. i'm old enough to remember when people of color went to a university, they were escorted because they had to get protection. the jewish community is not being protected. i mean, let's stop playing games here. those are just words. the white house press release, shapiro, what you just read, just words. jewish community is in fear in this country and throughout the world, and in this country we have the constitution, we have the first amendment, we have the 14th amendment, we have equal protection, the jewish community is not getting it and that's a fact. >> john: i also want to draw you, and your attention to the comments of jayapal yesterday with dana, in the interview asked her if she would unequivocally condemn hamas's rape of israeli women. >> i already answered your question, dana, i said it's horrific. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> john: so this idea of being balanced in the outrage against palestinians. listen to this account of hama rape at the supernova music festival, from a survival, and quote in the u.k. sunday times. he says i saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel, and 8 or 10 of the fighters, that's hamas, beating and raping her. she was screaming stop it already, i'm going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me. when they finished, they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head. what -- when you think of that, what do you say to what jayapal would say? >> well, i'll tell you, you could have also played jayapal's comments a year ago where she called israel a racist country. this woman, this congresswoman is antisemitic, she have you been primaried and she's a poor representative of the extreme progressive left in this country that basically is antisemitic, anti-israel, and that's not what we believe in in this country, john. she's offensive because of those comments. the moral equivalency, trying to make the moral equivalency, she is a disgrace to congress and to the american people. >> john: leo terrell, good to get your thoughts this monday afternoon. appreciate it. >> sandra: john, thank you. leo, thank you. truce talks between israel and hamas fall apart with dozens of hostages still left in captivity. joined by the cousin of a father of three who has been held by the terror cell for nearly two months now. >> john: plus again on the subject of sexual violence in israel, disturbing new report shedding light how hamas has raped and mutilated women during the ongoing war with the jewish state. leader of one of israel's leading women's rights groups taking part in a rally t at the united nations. >> silence is complicity. and in the face of terror we cannot be quiet. bience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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(music ends) >> the world has to decide to believe. do we believe the hamas spokesperson who says rape is forbidden therefore it couldn't possibly happen on october 7th, or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives. who are we going to believe? >> sandra: that was sheryl addressing the united nation, rs sharing details of horrific violence committed by hamas terrorists, including the rape and mutilation of women taken hostage. one of those founder of the israeli women's rights group, it rose, they shifted their focus, joins us now. marine, thank you for joining us, incredible difficult subject for all of us but one at the forefront of all of this and we just had a state department briefing in which we learned that the spokesperson there just told one of our reporters that israel has shared the evidence they have collected of these hamas rapes with the biden administration. so they are going on the record now condemning hamas use of rape as a weapon of war against israeli women on october 7th. i want to get first your response to that. it happened in a briefing a short time ago. >> so from one hand i'm happy that it's happening and the truth is getting out to the world, and the world understand what happened was true, was vicious, was unhuman, and crimes against humanity. i'm sorry it took 50 days. >> sandra: i'll quote the state department spokesperson directly here as we are also, by the way, awaiting a white house press briefing. we also know the national security adviser is going to be briefing from the podium today, jake sullivan. this is quoting -- this is quoting matt miller, i believe we have been able to turn the sound, he just said this at the latest briefing at state. >> we have seen hamas commit atrocities, both on october 7th and since october 7th, and we obviously condemn those atrocities and support israel's actions to hold hamas accountable for them. >> sandra: so to your point, it has taken a while, and you look at the global response to this, how would you characterize that so far and what do you want to see happen next now that we know there is proof and there are many thousands of stories of this happening. >> so, i have to say the u.s. government was believing and telling the story to the world. the ones disappointment was the women's organization, including the u.s. -- the u.n. women organization. they didn't speak and when it did, it did it too little too late and have to understand they are setting the tone and when they are not condemning, when they are not believing, they are justifying what happened to women. and the founder of the largest woman movement in israel, we were hugged by women organizations, how we got so many women out to the street, hundreds and thousands of women, and now when we need them they don't believe us? they don't reply to us and i have to say i want to call to activist and feminist woman around the world, not just feminist organizations. rape is rape. you can't context rape, even if it does not fit the narrative or like the israeli government, it doesn't matter. what happened to israeli woman cannot happen anywhere in any conflict or area in the world and women should speak up now. >> sandra: and that is happening. this is some of what we heard from those women who are speaking up at the u.n. meeting on this sexual violence. listen. >> when i saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. when evidence emerged indicating the use of rape as a weapon of war by hamas, the voices we expected to speak up fell into the loudest silence we could have imagined. today we will scream their story for that cannot be silence in the face of such atrocities. >> while they are speaking up and out, i want to play out the sound of a female sitting u.s. congresswoman, jayapal, calling for balance in our condemnation of what is happening in this war. listen. >> frankly, morally, i think we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. that is not what international humanitarian law says. >> with respect, i was just asking about the women and you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas, in fact. >> i already answered your question, dana. i said it's horrific. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> sandra: i mean, as many times as we have now heard that it gets more and more difficult -- she's equating hamas's atrocities that we were just speaking about to israel's military campaign and response to october 7th. your response to it. >> so this is what's so disappointing. you can acknowledge and emphasize the palestinians and doesn't mean you can't believe and condemn what hamas did. i have to say the hamas is not palestinian people. and really, what happened to israeli women, the rape, the torture, the mutilation, it's unhuman, it's crimes against humanity and if you as a woman, as a leader can say those words, i don't think you are worthy of your position. >> sandra: quickly before you go, the lack of condemnation of what happened october 7th and what continues to happen there from the united nations. what is your response to that? >> so i think today is a turning point and i think now more and more newspapers, media, leaders around the world understands what's going on and they will raise their voices and eventually the woman organizations will have to do it as well, but we will remember, we will remember they didn't speak. we will remember that they wasn't there. >> sandra: appreciate you joining us today, and we will continue to follow all the reaction to that coming up and everything that came out of that u.n. meeting, appreciate it. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> john: iranian-backed houthi rebels escalating attacks on the u.s. forces in the middle east despite the biden administration repeated warnings. and a message they should be sending to tehran and proxies. >> sandra: and they like to say bidenomics is work for the middle class but do people in his hometown feel scranton joe is looking out for them. our panel is on deck. >> tougher for people, you know. so how could he see it through our eyes, it's gotten tougher, i feel like. this is your season to smile with new dentures from aspen dental -- to raise a toast and gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental denture team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. don't miss enjoying a moment with fast repairs in our onsite labs and 20% off your custom dentures. plus, we have a denture money back guarantee so you can smile with confidence. aspen dental. book today. directv sports central brings your games, stats and scores together... and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! 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to tighten the belt because of inflation, the cost of food, rent, all very high, but i think it's worth pointing out in the moment as we have the conversation there are some good indicators for the president. inflation down, i think it's down the lowest in 2.5 years, gas prices go down. what the the biden administration has to do in this moment to what house democrats do, dump the word bidenomics, talk to the american people what they have been able to achieve, whether it be lowering gas prices, the fact january 1st, prescription prices are lower for seniors, get out of the messaging tank of bidenomics and real gains from that. just ask governor beshear. won a second term. >> john: gdp in q3, up 5.2%, disposal .3%, consumer spending up .2% in october. fox news poll, 33% of people approve the way biden is looking after the economy, 65% disapprove and asked how they would rate the economy, 3% say excellent, 17% say good. 31% fair and 47% poor. so we have some good economic indicators. why the disconnect? >> i think if you talk to one of the people on the street as richard is indicating, how do you feel about the gdp growth in q3, what's hitting them in the heart and the problem biden is running into is everyday life. the grocery store, they see the comparison to several years ago. and richard notes the rate of inflation is decreasing but you can't climb mount everest of prices, and president says look at this, look at what we have done, you still need oxygen up there, we are not at base camp, and that's what people refer to is the difference and they are making calculations based upon it. the bidenomics moniker in particular, it puts it all on biden, and indicates he's thinking about one person, not all those people. the person he's talking about is biden. that works against him in two different ways in that situation. >> john: love the metaphors, by the way. something that should concern biden going into next year's election. fox news poll, do you see signs the economy has started to turn the corner and the worst is over. yes 29%, no 67%. context of 1992, the economy was actually improving, but nobody credited george bush for it and that's how bill clinton became president. >> i think that's right, and mary katherine is right on the conversation how high inflation still is. the biden administration will tell you they want to get it lower. zoom out for a second and talk about the bidenomics message and the problem with it. instead of having a conversation about bidenomics, i think what the president needs to do more than ever is compare and contrast. two years ago, the cost of gas was 5 to $6 a gallon. two years ago the price of bacon was too high. in the time that i've been in the white house, what i've been able to bring the costs down. not where i want them to be but here is where they are and more work we can do together to get them there. the good news for the president in this moment is he's going to have a couple of months and hopefully the economic indicators move the same way he could win from that. and a year ago on the set, talking about the potential of a recession, seems more likely not to happen. >> john: don't try to sell the gas is down in california, though. >> california is a different beast. >> the problem, he sold, i'm going to make the economics for your family better, i'm thinking about regular people and i'm going to be emempathetic about . it does not feel he's empathetic about it outside of that tweet. that's a one moment lip service the rest he's talking about the bigger macro economic trends that do not speak to real people's lives and can't count on trump to beat himself, and people remember trump with a better economy. just the facts. >> john: the gdp at 5.3%. >> q3, q3. >> sandra: john, thank you. good discussion there. meanwhile, we are following this for you. a serial killer terrorizing a major city and now a suspect is in police custody. how he was caught and the evidence against him as detectives search for a motive. >> john: plus the money trail from china to hunter biden, a bank investigator raising suspicions about huge sums of cash. jonathan turley will tell us if this could be the tipping point leading to a formal impeachment inquiry. stay with us. with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. ever since i retired, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. you know, insomnia. which was making my days feel like an uphill battle. that is, until i discovered something different, quviviq—a once-nightly 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right for you. >> sandra: a suspect accused of killing a man after following him home linked to the murders of three homeless men who were shot in their sleep. william is in los angeles for us, he's got an update on this ongoing investigation. william, how did police get a lead on this suspect? >> well, as much as the aclu would hate to admit this, a license plate reader allowed police to track down suspected homeless serial killer convicted felon, 33-year-old jared powell. bail set at $2 million and court should begin probably in the next hour or so. as you mentioned, last sunday powell followed a man home from an e.v. charging station, robbed and killed him in the l.a. suburb of san dimas. witnesses and surveillance cameras had a partial plate number and vehicle description. three days later powell drove through beverly hills, over the objections of the aclu, a license plate reader photographed his car. he was arrested moments later and found additional evidence, including a handgun linking powell to the murder of three homeless men. >> how does a man good out and brutally and ruthlessly shoot and kill a homeless individual who is sleeping on a couch in south los angeles, the following day, brutally shoot and kill -- >> beverly hills uses 50 license plate readers, 2400 cameras and a drone to monitor the city. all of which they attribute to powell's arrest. lapd and the sheriff's department collect on average, sandra, data on 3 million cars a week. >> if we did not enter that plate into the system this individual that we believe is responsible for at least four murders may have been out there and reoffended. >> police do not have a motive but they are attempting to link powell to other crimes. shoplifting, stolen property, and assault with a deadly weapon. >> sandra: william, thank you. john. >> john: any minute now, the national security adviser jake sullivan expected to take the podium at the white house press briefing. expected to face questions about the u.s. response in the middle east after dozens of attacks by iranian proxies. more than 75 now. we'll listen in live as soon as he gets started. >> sandra: democrats at odds with each other as the migrant crisis unravels across the nation. what protestors in chicago are now saying about mayor brandon johnson's response to all of it. ♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. ♪ if you struggle with cpap... [man struggles] should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at >> john: migrant crisis sparking protests in chicago and tensions among fellow democrats over how mayor brandon johnson is handling the crisis. as migrants continue flooding into the deep blue sanctuary city. garrett tenney has more. protestors you spoke with are not really happy with democrats. >> democrats at every level, john, especially with mayor brandon johnson. he has described the protestors as right wing extremists, many of them are lifelong democrats and not only voted for johnson, they campaigned for him. like linda johnson, she says he is trying to blame others for what the policy created. >> you are not pleasing your constituents at all. this should not be on the backs of the people here and draining our resources. >> others say a political reckoning if the mayor and other democrats don't change course and listen to the voters who put them in office. >> if the democratic party can't stand up for us, i'm going to need to do something different this. is the sentiment of most of black chicago. we are not happy, we are not happy. we are very, very disappointed. >> this growing divide in the democratic party and among the chicago black voters comes less than a year before the national convention comes to town and the impact of the mayor's policies get the national spotlight. john. >> j j it's interesting to

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Woman Organizations , Voices , Everything , Bidenomics , Work , Message , Panel , Feel , Deck , Eyes , Scranton Joe , Help , Dentures , Season , Aspen Dental , Gang , Fun , Toast , Team , Aspen Dental Denture , Epic Anniversary Savings Event , 25 , Confidence , Denture , Money Back Guarantee , Miss , Repairs , Labs , Book Today , 20 , Stats , Reward Card , Cable , Scores , Satellite , Cable Guy , Directv Sports Central , Visit Directv Com , Touchback , 00 , 400 , Studies , A1c , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , Power , Type 2 Diabetes , Cv Risk , Majority , 2 , 3 , Adults , Risk , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Isn T , Events , Share , Heart Disease , Stroke , Reuse , Pens , Side Effects , Family , Gallbladder Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Provider , Benefits , Special Needs , My Name , Damion Clark , Hi , Brent , Options Allowance , Groceries , Pay , Utilities , Over The Counter , Items , Whatever , Month , Card , Pain Relievers , First Aid Supplies , Spend , Rides , Appointments , Vision Coverage , Exam , Vision Exams , Cleanings , Fillings , Hearing Coverage , Contacts , Hearing Tests , Copay , Eyewear , Lenses , Hearing Aids , Shingles , Vaccines , Retail Pharmacies , Humana Sales Agent , Screen , Networks , Wouldn T , Over The Counter Items , Phone , Human Way , Healthcare , Humana , Economy , Paychecks , Hometown , Handling , Richard , Messaging , Mary Katherine , Wall Street , Scranton , Park Avenue , 13 , Families , Inflation , Cost , Belt , Concerns , Middle Class , Delaware , Claymont , Conversation , Indicators , Gas Prices , Inflation Down , Lowest , Worth , 02 5 , Prescription Prices , January 1st , Gains , Messaging Tank , Seniors , Beshear , John , Gdp , Consumer Spending , Disposal , Won A Second Term , 5 2 , Poll , Fox News , Disapprove , Say , 47 , 31 , 65 , 17 , Heart , Disconnect , Gdp Growth , Grocery Store , Comparison , Rate , Mount Everest , Prices , Difference , Base Camp , Oxygen , Calculations , Bidenomics Moniker , Thinking , Is Biden , Ways , Way , Worst , Metaphors , Election , Corner , Nobody , George Bush , Bill Clinton , 67 , 1992 , 29 , Zoom Out For A Second , Gas , Price , Gallon , Contrast , Costs , Bacon , 5 , Couple , Economics , Beast , Recession , Potential , California , Rest , Lip Service , Tweet , Trends , Discussion , Count , Q3 , 5 3 , Serial Killer , Motive , Detectives , Police Custody , Money Trail , System , Glucose Level , Suspicions , Tipping Point , Hunter Biden , Bank Investigator Raising , Sums , Impeachment Inquiry , Stay , China , Jonathan Turley , Diabetes , Libre 2 , Fingersticks , 70 , Thing , High School Weight , Diets , Golo , Didn T Work , Trouble , Sleep , Quviviq , Medication , Insomnia , Uphill Battle , Fda , Wake Signals , Narcolepsy , Activities , Hallucinations , Drive , Alcohol , Inability , Don T Drink , Quviviq May , Machinery , Sleepiness , Headaches , Eating , Walking , Men , Murders , William , Los Angeles , License Plate Reader , Aclu , Lead , Charging Station , Jared Powell , Bail Set , Court , Home , Felon , Last Sunday Powell , E V , A Million , 2 Million , Plate , Surveillance Cameras , Witnesses , Suburb , Vehicle , Description , Objections , Beverly Hills , San Dimas , L A , Car , Murder , Handgun , Individual , Skill , Following , Couch , South Los Angeles , Cameras , Drone , License Plate Readers , Arrest , Powell S , The Sheriff S Department Collect On Average , Lapd , 2400 , Cars , Data , Four , 3 Million , Shoplifting , Assault , Reoffended , Stolen Property , National Security Adviser , Brandon Johnson , Crisis , Chicago , Mother , Nation , Rewards Card , Cash Back , Shopping , Category , Cart , Bank Of America , Inspiresleep Com John , Inspire , Safety Information , Man Struggles , Mask , Hose , Cpap , Tensions , Migrant Crisis Sparking , Migrants , Flooding , Sanctuary City , Garrett Tenney , Deep Blue , Many , Level , Extremists , Wing , Linda Johnson , Constituents , Voters , Dbacks , Course , Resources , Office , Reckoning , Sentiment , Most , Stand Up For Us , Convention , Impact , Spotlight , Town , Jj It ,

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