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hello, i am work living, this is life, liberty and levin sunday, two great guess, former ambassador from the united states under president trump, david friedman and former republican new york governor vittorio and we seldom but before i get to them from a moment to read something important to lay the foundation in the american spectator by rabbi doug fisher. if you listen to the american meter, basically propagandist for the democrat party and bottom regime you would think donald trump is hitler, horse and hitler. execute and imprison everybody and if it's not hitler, stalin. if not stolen, he's muzzling me. all these horrid things because he said so in whatever he says is crucial. that's regurgitated by media and democrat party propaganda network but going to set the record straight thanks to this rabbi. he wrote to know why donald trump love jews, maybe because 90% of orthodox jews who voted for him because hilary and joe biden. maybe because his daughter is an orthodox jew, maybe jared kushner to his son-in-law who he loves and trusts as an orthodox jew, baby trump's grandchildren are orthodox jews according to its law. my personal theory he says, maybe because his father, fred, one of the great semites, juke supporters of the prior generation, donated property to a jewish congregation for them to have a synagogue, taught young donald part of the trump family legacy is to love jews, isn't this interesting? the american media which is so detestable and unconscionable, totally immoral tries to turn donald trump into an anti-semite jew hater when in fact, he has spent his entire life supporting jews and jewish causes as had his father but i want to get into something more specific, the biden phrasing at the democrats. others refused to hire jews, trump did. he opened restrictive more a lot of product club to blacks and jews when he bought it. number two, he surrounded himself jewish legal scholars and attorneys like david freeman and jason and michael cohen his kids bar mitzvah he attended. in israel, will be elected by a landslide after handful of american presidents, three formally declared in america recognize united jerusalem as israel's capital. he moved america's israel embassy tel aviv to jerusalem. he recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. six, he recognized permanently legality of jewish community's and cities in judea and samaria. all legal situation and they regard them as we go. he cut off hundreds of millions of dollars funding, mohammed, head of the palestinian liberation organization. why? they were having pay for site, paying palestinians to murder jews, terrorism. this is what biden referred to as a moderate, he closed down the plo office in washington to jump. he closed on americans long-standing palestine consulate in jerusalem. ten, both the united states and the anti-semitic new and human rights council. eleven, 300 million in funding americans have been sending to the jew hating you an agency that runs schools and places like gaza where arab muslim children are taught to hate jews and murder jews. number 12, appointed un ambassador nikki haley who warned anti- israel countries taking down names. thirteen, the most unilaterally brought about abraham accords in several muslim countries for the first time to enter into peace agreements with israel about israel sitting an inch of jewish territory and the palestinians. betsy devos endorsed education during visits in the new york city trip while skipping visiting the city's public schools. sixteen, trump issued executive order on combating anti-semitism enforcement of title vi of the civil rights act protect jewish college students from the over jew hatred rampant on american campuses. others could have done that. it takes the civil rights act and this title vi part and assigns executive order and they are brought against these universities are brought under part as a result of donald trump's executive order. kenneth marcus, the civil rights of the department of education to investigate anti-semitic episodes and campuses like rutgers university. the good old days on campus. now there's so many you can't even count them. trump the important the last war criminal known to be hiding in america. he signed no walkable a bill making it easier for holocaust victims to reclaim : property. he entered the disastrous rancho and fermenting sanctions against iran. he signed the force act, no more america money goes to the plo, moderate errors because i keep killing and using our money to kill jews and americans. number 22, knocked off soleimani, for around. twenty-three, the head of isis. he shot a state government policy by authorizing americans born in jerusalem to list israel or the american passport as a country. he had posed sanctions on the criminal court investigating israel. he said in his 2019 state of the union address we must never ignore file poison of anti-semitism or those who spread venomous great with one voice we must confront hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs. >> this is the man they call hitler because he used the word berman. because the democrat party media in this country are corrupt. the abraham accords from stand with, a series of treaties normalizing diplomatic relations between israel, he not arab emirate, sudan, morocco, facilitated by trump and his people. israel already had relations with egypt and jordan and they were on the precipice of having diplomatic relations with saudi arabia. this was groundbreaking, unimaginable, ladies and gentlemen. even dennis ross, former middle east peace envoy wrote, should signal to palestinians others are not going to wait for them to make peace with israel. he had figured out, trump did. peace broke out through the middle east. he left the middle east and peace for the next administration. there relations with israel and it was iran that was trouble, why? donald trump had enough. not only did he take out soleimani which made it clear to all leaders of the regime that he could take any of them out so he stopped them from doing a number of things. as a result of sanctions on oil, trade, finance, everythingng cod put his stamp all, they suggest three or so years ago, iran's economy falling into deep recession. iran's exports plummeted. their currency hapten value, the economy was collapsing, living costs rose dramatically for the average number iranian the people were rising up, protest which continue to this day but iranians brutalized those people and most are women and teen girls who stood up against the dress policies and so forth, protest represent the culmination of a dramatic widespread shift in iranian attitudes of the people and increased appetite for risk and voicing opposition to the regi regime. they talk about more than 4000 street protests, 21000 protesters arrested. more than 550 people murdered. the support for protest against the regime hit every age, every demographic and iran and so forth. why am i bringing this up? biden and sullivan and all the rest of these reprobates are funding the irradiance regime directly, indirectly, without enforcing all provisions donald trump put in place, to choke out the regime economically like reagan choked out the soviet union and collapsed it, expand peace in the middle east. the biden administration took the opposite position, rearming and red, taking off all the trump waivers and refusing to enforce them, all of them. the plot ties through directly. the appointment of the vigils will special completers for iran which makes it as i said, he makes his case look like a joke. selling out america, selling out america across the board and these waivers were given even before negotiations began. grotesque obama ideology which is passed on by the obama, all now work for biden, they have to build up around, empower, iran's economy needs to be strong. while they we can israel. while they begin the process of controlling israel. demilitarized israel because the problem in the middle east according to biden, lincoln, sullivan, according to obama and thomas friedman, the problem in the middle east is israel. that is the problem so you can see the change from one administration to the next. biden today the diplomacy behind the scenes from a they are undermining, sabotaging israel and netanyahu government, they don't want them to win hamas. they are siding with hamas, openly they have what they call a big hug. we are with israel. as i said, they are stabbing him in the back. hamas, war crimes, using civilians as human shields, that's a war crime. war crime, ordering civilians not to flee so they would be harmed, war crime. using rape as a weapon of war against israeli women, war crimes, targeting specifically women and children, even babies. war crime, targeting and slaughtering israeli civilians. war crime, stealing humanitarian and civilian aid to support terrorist activity. it is israel is constant over and over, protect the civilians. do not displace palestinians in southern gaza. don't even go into southern gaza. even more, don't fight in southern gaza. most of hamas moved into southern gaza away from the north so they don't want israel to win. teddy flow of fuel and other provisions without interruption even though everybody knows hamas is stealing it and nobody has control over it so biden administration and the rest are giving aid and comfort and support just as they are to iran to hamas, just as iran is to hamas, as far as that is concerned, let me reiterate something. the biden regime, sullivan, they never talk about iranians slaughtered by that regime. they never talk about syrians, hundreds of thousands slaughtered by that regime, they never talk about all people who have been slaughtered in all of these places in the middle east including innocent saudi arabia, iraq and how other locations including turkey on the outskirts, slaughtering people who disagree and never talk about his homophobia in the middle east, muslim slaughtering muslims. they never talk about humanitarian aid and support for all those people and so forth. biden never confronted xi jinping about slaughtering the uyghurs, it's just israel which isn't slaughtering anybody. they are fighting to protect themselves. let me tell you something, if joe biden had been president during world war ii, we would have lost we would have beaten the germans, the germans would say okay, we have hostages, pows. we don't want to do in exchange for cease-fire. the green to bonnie the u.s. air force did, i don't think so. how about obliteration of berlin, would he agree to that? how about the obliteration of towns and cities across europe as we fought our way back with allies to defeat axis powers? we wouldn't have agreed to that and of course he wouldn't have agreed with harry truman on how to end the war with japan, dropping atomic conflict at the time was not so controversial but is today. all that said, the last time we one a major war with world war ii, i think we get way too used to waging wars and no intention. the case of israel, they have to win every single one of them. israel has a monkey on its back and it's called joe biden. they are expected to defeat this enemy with both hands tied behind her back and expected to carveout the country, two countries, five countries that's why is important and we have the guests we have today, former ambassador to israel, david freeman and gubernatorial candidate. i'll dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. >> welcome back, we have a good friend of mine. david freeman, u.s. ambassador to israel. mr. ambassador, first question, you are the most successful ambassador in the history of our country working with the state of israel, how often has the biden administration consulted you are asked you for advice on policy in the middle east? >> at all up, it would be zero. by the way, it's great to be with you. they have not consulted with me and i've offered at away. i've offered several times and they have not taken the up on it. i want to thank you for your delivery comments about president trump and the things he's done for israel, they are outstanding. if i can give background because it's not as if he just sat there signing orders making declarations. whenever i was back in the oval office and it was probably at least once a month during the first year, we would sit there and jason and others would be with us in the basic goal of the conversation was, how do we make our allies stronger and enemies weaker? of course in my case the most important was israel and hoover talk about all the things that could be done to make israel stronger and that would help america, make america safe and secure and how do we deal with israel's enemies? primarily is iran, overwhelmingly iran and palestinian authority of hamas and during those discussions, all these incredible things you mentioned ca out most important sanctions against iran, who took them to bankruptcy and now they are a wealthy country. we had the financing of palestinians and hamas and all those things and as a result of all of those things, everyone said you will create violence, war, there was no slaughter of jews, no attacks against israel that is recorded manage. there was no push for a two state solution and it was because it wasn't just a president sitting there as a rubberstamp issue, declarations put in front of his desk, it was an activist president who sat with us and said how do i make israel stronger, america stronger and we can these enemies that threaten israel? >> can i ask you this question? joe biden comes in to office and brings these obama holdovers with him, top to bottom. john mccain made an incredible speech years ago aboutut antony blinken for deputy secretary and said not this guy from a completely off-the-wall but they do represent obama ideology, obama was the most hostile president, state of israel until now in this administration is the worst, that's my opinion. they come in, there is peace breaking out over the middle east and rather than take the baton and continue abraham accords, they blow the whole thing up and start rearming iran and lift waivers on iran and give hundreds of millions to the plo, millions to hamas and they did it without any demands, without challenges, without discussion, none of it what do you make of that? >> festival, they do understand the middle east. they have this notion during money at hostile actors, you gain there trust. the opposite, they were laughing us us. hamas and piet were laughing saying this guy has given us money and we don't have to do anything for it, we know how to agree to end terrorist activities or disarm, we know how to stop paying terrorists to kill jews, we know how to end the pay for slave, not hamas, but suppose the good guys, palestinian authority school pension plan that pays terrorists more money to kill jews. no accountability and they made iran into a wealthy nation and on top of that, all this maligned behavior, they start advertising saudi arabia and somehow that will make it more likely to happen. just the opposite. you remember when we did the abraham accords, the first abraham accords was announced august 132020. before we announced that deal between israel and arab amides, you know know about it? like six people in the world and that's how you make deals. you don't broadcast it biden started advertising so of course things went sideways so there's a combination of ineptitude and real failure to understand the middle east in a way where we are literally empowering our enemies. look at this number, right now they talk about roughly 14 billion-dollar aid package to israel, most important ally in the middle east. in the last month biden has given iran $16 billion, first six during and then $10,000,000,000.1. in just a month they are giving iran more money than israel, it's unexplainable. >> we'll be right back. ♪ with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. and cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or i am jon scott, back to life, liberty and levin. ♪ >> welcome back, america. mr. ambassador, why in the world is his administration giving all the support to iran, are arch enemy? >> i think the people in charge of this in the biden administration are the same people who push for this and advocated for this in the obama administration and they are deeply invested in this failed policy of empowering iran and empowering iran you make the middle east a safer place. everybody who lives there, the people lived there whether it's israel or saudi arabia or uae or any other country within proximity of iran knows this doesn't work and they been screaming, don't do this but joe biden knows better than everybody else and as secretary said, never underestimate disguise ability to scrub american foreign policy. on top of that, as apart from the actual harm from empowering iran, they attacked american soldiers, 80 times in the last month, they are funding and open must strategize the slaughter of jews, wreaking havoc all around the middle east, another group biden took off the terrorist watchlist trump had on the terrorist watchlist, they are terrorists and they been shooting americans but somehow biden doesn't want to call them terrorists and what's happening is israel's enemies are watching carefully and hamas is looking at the whole picture, they seek we can slaughter israelis, decapitate babies, we can rape women and you know what we get? civilians, don't harm civilians and you need to push for two state solution. biden says to israel is, you want to get back at hamas? create a palestinian state. this is insanity. to be clear, a palestinian state between israel and jordan is not just an existential threat to israel, it's an accidental guarantee there will be no israel and this is what he's pushing right now so you're right as you said earlier, a great bearhug on the first day but as exchange for the bearhug, the price has been a policy over the last 60 days is more threatening to the state of israel. >> the the way to put it, if there's no question about it -- i am concerned though this activity is taking place, the biden administration in the shadows, antony blinken doesn't have a mandate from the body, any law, anybody to do what he's doing, diplomacy between arab state and plo trying to build a coalition against israel when it comes to israel's security and boundaries as if they are always open to discussion and debate and change and so forth and so on. this is a big leap that ideology they are promoting yet odyssey was taking an active role, i see the democrat party like the guards circling the president to prevent him from a icy american media filled with many of the same people. israel is the enemy, oppressor, israel is not protecting citizens over and over again, pretty ugly out there, isn't it? >> what i would call the more traditional broke democrats, this patronizing field that we are going to help israel, save them from themselves push them to a two state solution because that's the only way they can survive. that may be the most dangerous thing because just understand rhetoric of the palestinian authority over the last seven weeks whether the holocaust or the guy is likely to take his place who said a couple of days ago, hamas is part of the palestinian politics, part of our fabric. we support them in this battle. there are no good players, no leaders, no martin luther king's within the palestinian society whom in any way you can negotiate peace and what america should be doing, we need israel, we need israel, we need them for all the things they help america with from a they provide incredible intelligence and cooperation and military assistance, is reciprocal, not one way and we are to make sure israel survives this and get stronger and the only way is to help them restore deterrence and security control over gaza and samaria and the entire territory and we are moving in a different direction and it is antithetical to the interest of america as well as israel. >> a lot of these people don't understand or care terrorists don't want a two state solution, they want to find a solution and they want to calibrate so one state one day, gaza another day, it doesn't matter. does everyone seem to be satisfied as a country? not at all. none of them do so if there is no israel, the next target is the united states of america and if there is no jew, the next is the christians or nonbelieving muslims from their perspective, there's no and this but wanted thank you for your years of dedication to break this to promote peace in the middle east and i know upset you a great deal. god bless you, my friend. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit welcome back, america. we are here with our friend, former new york congressman, gubernatorial candidate lee dillon who would have one year later with this immigration stuff but timing is everything. we is eldon, new york in particular where most of the jews in this country live, certainly plurality will queasy the most anti-semitic jew hating, violent conduct by individuals so my question to you is this, do you see concerted effort, ubiquitous effort by the biden administration, by the garland department of justice, the department of education, the department of security to use resources, do use investigator powers to dig into what's going on in these universities, colleges, organizations, student visas and all the rest, are you seeing that? >> no, they have the tools but they are not. they should be all in on the silver, right now there are jewish students unable to get from their dorm to their classroom without feeling threatened or confronted by people dressed with the most, using rhetoric like hamas and in certain cases physically bullying, intimidating and when college students ending up going to the faculty member to ask for help, the faculty member tells them they need to see a therapist. we see at the university of new york where there was rabbit anti-semitism before october 7 where if you want to celebrate your graduation from the school of law, you have to through hate filled commencement address two years in a row by someone filled with violent thoughts and anti-semitism. they have a muslim professor who on a sunday was giving a sermon in new jersey talking about talking how muslims should eliminate jews or israel. you have city council meeting set up to combat anti-semitism around this schedule of the chancellor and chancellor no-shows, busters one university. we see cooper union, stories from columbia, cornell, just inside one state in new york talking about the college setting, we haven't even talked about the streets or hold a government and leadership in action. to combat this, absolutely. are they? techno and that is a problem. >> gave a speech the other day everybody is praising and i listened to that, i don't know what they are praising. he doesn't call it individuals and the democrat party by name, he doesn't demand the biden administration do something, at least more than they are doing to try to address this, he doesn't take on the department of justice what department of education. he talks about people who used to be there fellow travelers, strange use of words but that's fine, turning against them as well which is good but his party is filled with jew hating anti-semites, marxists have an ideology that overlaps with islamists, these people are voting democrat, they are not voting republican. don't you think he can do a little more than a speech on the floor of the senate? he is a leader of the united states senate. >> right, lead these people voting for you as opposed to being led by them. call out rashida tlaib. he should have a problem with members of your own party in the halls of congress refusing to condemn hamas, refusing to have a problem with and talk about what's wrong with beheading babies and raping women and upholding innocent israeli and americans hostage. people in his own party, words matter but you need leadership in action next level. we need the democratic party across the board to be emphatically and forcefully condemning anti-semitism and its ranks in the halls of government on the streets, on college campuses, you're right, these people didn't vote for me, they are voting for him. i'll call it out but he needs to make sure he and his entire party put an end to it, it's blm one day, rockefeller christmas tree lighting ceremony this week, who knows what is coming next and it's coming from his side and he needs to be a real leader and leading those following him as opposed to being led by them. >> my question to you is this, why doesn't he hold hearings in the senate? the secretary dhs, the secretary of education ahead of immigration, have you gone through the student visas, whose overstayed recess? radically old people to account for what taking place? >> that's my question when you return. i'll be righ welcome back, america. for the talk joe biden does about how lousy certain american citizens are, moderate extremism and the rest, wouldn't you think lee zeldin, he spent a little more time talking about what's going on in the streets of our country and universities and colleges? have a lot of control and funding streams that take place in this country, he will fly across the country through something he can exploit to turn american against american, he wouldn't even go to the pro-israel pro- jewish rally, busy at some union of it flying off meet his friend xi jinping. shouldn't schumer hold hearings? he's in charge of the senate. he acts like there's nothing he can do. your thoughts? >> president biden beginning primetime address that could be the most powerful address is given as president. an opportunity to lead when so many people regardless of whether you're republican or democrat or independent, conservative or liberal, we are looking for leadership from the president to send senate majority leader, he should be having these hearings, this reminds me of the iran nuclear deal getting moved through in 2015, chuck schumer put out 1800 board of ed that was critical of iran nuclear deal and behind the scenes is working to help make sure this thing gets done. this is all politics all the time for chuck schumer, we need to to stop playing games and folks to step up to the plate and i'd be the first in line to work with any of them and i think a lot of people on the opposite side of the aisle from these democrats would eagerly, enthusiastically be working on an issue like this. there should be no divide between us. all americans should be united standing with our great delight in israel, standing with jewish americans targeting and working together to crush hamas sympathizers. you mentioned before the break, it's one thing if you are a u.s. citizen, permanent resident but if you are a visa holder, in this country illegally and you are out there at protests crossing the line way beyond what first amendment freedom of speech actually protects, these people should be tossed out of our country from what they don't belong here. >> the minute or two we have left, it's becoming apparent biden, antony blinken, sullivan and other reprobates, they do not want israel to defeat hamas, they want permanent cease-fire, they want to carve up israel, reward terrorists and i include plo terrorist, a brand-new big country that takes judeo and samaria, ancestral home of the jews, judaism has given birth, they want to give that to them as if all of a sudden when you don't have the terrorism if you will, of a population trained and brainwashed and taught, jew, not human, dehumanize, kill, what is it with this administration that they don't have basic common sense of what's taking place in the middle east and the rest of the world? they are sick of ideologues? >> when they talk cease-fire, this is about having israel, not defending themselves anymore, it's having israel voluntarily relinquishing their not just right but necessity, duty to defend themselves and their people. we saw coming out of israel hamas terrorists open a fire, multiple people were killed, a whole bunch of others wounded and hamas was claiming they were responsible, probably saying it was us in the middle of a cease-fire so what cease-fire really is is hamas repositioning from a position of defense to offense, to reorganize must be in a position where they are able to target innocent israeli citizens again, that's what cease-fire is, hamas doesn't respect it, they want israel to abide and israel will suffer as a result of it. when you talk about one state solutions, rashida tlaib supports one state solution, her one state solution is one state solution where there is no more jewish state and you understand your history when you talk about today and samaria, you have people in the media saying this is occupied territory. there is a dispute and maybe you should learn history and regardless of how ever we look at history, if you look back to october 7, the people running gaza want elected to bond gaza and is an election october 7, hamas would be reelected to continue to run so if you say should ba2 state solution, there is an election terrorists of the ones going to win and if israel has a problem on his hands now, what would happen if there was another government, a sovereign nation were the its own military and even more equipment, israel can't afford it. enough accidental threat as it is, was proposed by people from thousands of miles away inside washington d.c., or position of israel that will cost israel his own safety. >> a man. the greatest threat israel faces in my view is joe biden. thank you, we very much appreciate it. god bless you, my friend. ♪ will be right back. ♪ >> welcome back, america. obviously i'm not a diplomat, good thing. not a politician. better thing. so i tell you exactly what i think, the greatest threat the state of israel faces today is the biden regime, is blinken as secretary of state and sullivan as national security adviser. israel can defeat has mas, no question about it and israel can feet iran -- can defeat iran and hezbollah but can't when its most powerful ally is telling them no. telling them you must not win when it comes to hamas. we want a permanent ceasefire. there's no such thing as a permanent ceasefire when only one side abides. the insanity that is the biden administration runs throughout that government. whether it's domestic affairs in our economy and boarder and law and order and all the rest, and now it's being exported to the state of israel as it's been exported to ukraine and being exported to taiwan. god willing this administration will be defeated and be just one bad memory. i'll see you next time on life, liberty and levin.

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Cohen ,Presidents ,Handful ,The ,Kids ,Bar Mitzvah ,Landslide ,Three ,Cities ,Legality ,Capital ,Situation ,Sovereignty ,To Jerusalem ,Jewish Community ,United Jerusalem ,Six ,Israel Embassy Tel Aviv ,Golan Heights ,Judea And Samaria ,Head ,Millions ,Hundreds ,Dollars Funding ,Palestinian Liberation Organization ,Mohammed ,Palestinians ,Terrorism ,Office ,Pay ,Murder Jews ,Site ,Moderate ,Washington ,Shooting Americans ,Human Rights Council ,Palestine ,In Jerusalem ,Ten ,300 Million ,Eleven ,Schools ,Southern Gaza ,Places ,Children ,Agency ,Hate Jews ,Arab Muslim ,Countries ,Nikki Haley ,Abraham Accords ,Time ,Names ,Murder ,Peace Agreements ,Unilaterally ,Fun ,Thirteen ,12 ,Territory ,Education ,Betsy Devos ,Visits ,City ,Trip ,Executive Order ,College Students ,Campuses ,Title Vi Of The Civil Rights Act ,Jew Hatred ,Enforcement ,Sixteen ,Universities ,Result ,Title Vi Part ,Kenneth Marcus ,Many ,Episodes ,Department Of Education ,Campus ,Rutgers University ,The Good Old Days ,War Criminal ,Bill ,Force ,Hiding ,Fermenting ,Rancho ,Sanctions Against Iran ,Holocaust Victims ,Money ,Errors ,Off Soleimani ,22 ,Country ,State Government Policy ,Passport ,Authorizing Americans Born In Jerusalem ,Isis ,Twenty ,Twenty Three ,Sanctions ,State Of The Union ,Court ,File Poison ,2019 ,Oman ,Anti Semitism ,Hatred ,Everywhere ,Anywhere ,Voice ,Abraham Accords From Stand With Us Com ,Word ,Berman ,People ,Relations ,Treaties ,Emirate ,Jordan ,Facilitated By Trump ,Sudan ,Morocco ,Egypt ,Middle East ,Saudi Arabia ,Dennis Ross ,Precipice ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Unimaginable ,Peace ,Administration ,Iran ,Trouble ,Leaders ,Soil ,Wall ,Economy ,Everythingng Cod ,Finance ,Trade ,Stamp ,Collapsing ,Currency Hapten Value ,Recession ,Exports ,Costs ,Women ,Protest ,Iranians ,Most ,Policies ,Opposition ,Regi Regime ,Risk ,Girls ,Attitudes ,Dress ,Shift ,Appetite ,Culmination ,4000 ,Support ,Protesters ,Age ,Street Protests ,550 ,21000 ,Rest ,Sullivan ,Reprobates ,Demographic ,Irradiance ,It ,Place ,Provisions ,Put ,Soviet Union ,Reagan ,Position ,Appointment ,Trump Waivers ,Red ,Plot ,Ties ,Rearming ,Vigils Will Special Completers ,Board ,Case ,Waivers ,Selling Out America ,Joke ,Negotiations ,Ideology ,Obama ,Problem ,Process ,Lincoln ,Change ,Diplomacy ,Thomas Friedman ,Hamas ,Government ,Scenes ,Netanyahu ,Hug ,Siding ,War Crime ,Back ,War Crimes ,Human Shields ,War ,Weapon ,Rape ,Babies ,Aid ,Dover ,Terrorist Activity ,Don T ,Don T Fight In Southern Gaza ,Control ,Interruption ,Teddy Flow ,Nobody ,North ,Fuel ,Comfort ,Biden Regime ,Syrians ,Hundreds Of Thousands ,Muslim Slaughtering Muslims ,Turkey ,Outskirts ,Locations ,Homophobia ,Slaughtering ,Iraq ,About Slaughtering The Uyghurs ,Xi Jinping ,World War Ii ,Fighting ,Isn T Slaughtering Anybody ,Germans ,Cease Fire ,Exchange ,Hostages ,Pows ,Green ,U S Air Force ,Way ,Course ,Allies ,Obliteration ,Axis Powers ,Harry Truman ,Towns ,Japan ,Berlin ,Europe ,Dropping Atomic Conflict ,Intention ,Wars ,Monkey ,Hands ,Enemy ,Guests ,Five ,Candidate ,Moms ,Dads ,Mom ,Diplomas ,Futures ,Stage ,Adult Education ,Vo ,Visit Finishyourdiploma Org ,Question ,Friend ,Mr ,History ,Advice ,Policy ,Times ,To Be With You ,Zero ,Comments ,Background ,Delivery ,Declarations ,Borders ,Goal ,Oval Office ,Enemies ,Important ,Conversation ,America Safe ,Discussions ,Palestinian Authority ,Financing ,Bankruptcy ,Everyone ,Slaughter ,Attacks ,Violence ,State Solution ,Push ,Wasn T ,Rubberstamp Issue ,Desk ,Front ,Activist ,Who Sat ,Guy ,Antony Blinken ,Deputy Secretary ,Holdovers ,Bottom ,Him ,John Mccain ,Worst ,Opinion ,Obama Ideology ,Thing ,Baton ,Discussion ,None ,Challenges ,Demands ,Notion ,Festival ,Opposite ,Actors ,Piet ,Terrorists ,Activities ,Not Hamas ,Anything ,Slave ,The Good Guys ,Palestinian Authority School Pension Plan ,Top ,Accountability ,Nation ,Behavior ,Kill Jews ,Deal ,Advertising ,132020 ,132020 Before ,World ,Arab ,Deals ,Amides ,Failure ,Ineptitude ,Combination ,14 Billion ,Rally ,Aid Package ,6 Billion ,16 Billion ,10000000000 1 ,0000000000 1 ,Unexplainable ,Water ,Flavors ,Turn ,Sugar ,Dial ,Cirkul ,40 ,Try Cirkul ,Walmart ,Levin ,Jon Scott ,Charge ,Welcome Back ,Arch Enemy ,Safer ,Uae ,Screaming ,Disguise Ability ,Proximity ,Doesn T Work ,Funding ,Soldiers ,Harm ,American Foreign Policy ,80 ,Terrorist Watchlist Trump ,Terrorist Watchlist ,Group ,Wreaking Havoc ,Israelis ,What S Happening Is Israel ,Biden Doesn T ,Picture ,Decapitate ,Insanity ,Threat ,Guarantee ,Bearhug ,Price ,60 ,Activity ,Doesn T ,Body ,Shadows ,Mandate ,Security ,Doing ,Coalition ,Anybody ,Boundaries ,Big Leap ,Role ,Debate ,Odyssey ,Citizens ,Guards ,Icy ,Oppressor ,American Media ,Patronizing Field ,Rhetoric ,Seven ,Holocaust ,Couple ,Politics ,Fabric ,Battle ,Society ,Whom ,Players ,Martin Luther King ,Cooperation ,Intelligence ,Samaria ,Security Control ,Assistance ,Over Gaza ,Deterrence ,Care Terrorists ,Interest ,Direction ,Solution ,Doesn T Matter ,Christians ,Next ,Wanted ,Target ,Dedication ,Perspective ,God Bless You ,Bills ,Term ,Goldmine ,Life Insurance Policy ,Idea ,Cash ,Call Coventry ,100000 ,00000 ,Screen ,Visit Coventrydirect Com ,Lee Dillon ,Everything ,Timing ,Immigration Stuff ,Eldon ,Jew Hating ,Plurality ,Effort ,Individuals ,Conduct ,Garland ,Department Of Justice ,Department ,Use Investigator Powers ,Resources ,Colleges ,Student Visas ,Students ,Organizations ,Dorm ,Silver ,Tools ,Cases ,Classroom ,University Of New York ,Faculty Member ,Rabbit Anti Semitism ,Therapist ,Help ,7 ,October 7 ,Thoughts ,Graduation ,Someone ,Commencement ,Hate ,Row ,School Of Law ,On A Sunday ,City Council ,Sermon ,Professor ,Muslim ,New Jersey ,Chancellor ,No Shows ,Schedule ,Busters One University ,Streets ,Action ,Leadership ,We Haven T ,Stories ,College Setting ,Cooper Union ,Cornell ,Columbia ,Speech ,Praising ,It Individuals ,Name ,Techno ,Party ,Words ,Fine ,Use ,Travelers ,Marxists ,Jew Hating Anti Semites ,Leader ,United States Senate ,Voting Democrat ,More ,Islamists ,Floor ,Rashida Tlaib ,Being Led ,Halls ,Congress ,Members ,Hostage ,Beheading ,Innocent Israeli ,Level ,Ranks ,Blm One Day ,College Campuses ,Voting ,People Didn T Vote ,Rockefeller Christmas Tree ,Side ,Secretary ,Immigration ,Doesn T He Hold Hearings ,Dhs ,Talk ,Extremism ,Lee Zeldin ,Wouldn T You ,Union ,Hearings ,He Wouldn T ,Nothing ,American ,Shouldn T Schumer ,Pro Jewish Rally ,Primetime Address ,Opportunity ,Address ,Biden Beginning ,Majority Leader ,Liberal ,Board Of Ed ,Iran Nuclear Deal ,Chuck Schumer ,Behind The Scenes ,2015 ,1800 ,Line ,First ,Aisle ,Games ,Folks ,Plate ,Issue ,Delight ,Divide ,Citizen ,Break ,Protests ,Sympathizers ,Visa Holder ,First Amendment Freedom Of Speech ,Reward Terrorists ,Terrorist ,Big Country ,Birth ,Judaism ,Ancestral Home ,Human ,Population ,Skill ,Dehumanize ,Ideologues ,Common Sense ,Fire ,Necessity ,Duty ,Repositioning ,Defense ,Middle ,Bunch ,Offense ,Cease Fire Is ,State Solutions ,Dispute ,Election ,Bond Gaza ,Running Gaza Want ,Ba2 State Solution ,Ones ,Thousands ,Military ,Safety ,Equipment ,Inside Washington D C ,Miles Away ,View ,Politician ,Diplomat ,Secretary Of State ,Mas ,National Security Adviser ,Feet ,Hezbollah ,Ceasefire ,Law And Order ,Boarder ,Side Abides ,Affairs ,Memory ,God ,

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