hello i'm mark levin this is life liberty and levin and before we get to them i want to set the stage many of you are perplexed confounded with when you hear joe biden supporting israel and yet how he makes other statements undermining israel how his secretary of state and national security advisor working full-time to undermine israel as well. it gets back to the united states. it gets back to american marxism it all gets back to this book. let's start with our own border. this will provide some perspective. why is our border wide open? why is our border wide open? yes to turn texas blue but really all of the imhewnty and mayhem taking place on the border hundreds of thousands who died during the course of the biden administration through fentanyl and other activities allowing mexican gangs to get footholds in our cities to allow the drug cartels to have footholds in every major met metropolitan area to overrun our school and law enforcement and our towns what kind of a president what kind of administration would do this intentionally? purposely -- to their own country to their own people? it will be administration that is so radicalized, so radicalized that views america as an illegitimate country. certainly parts of america is illegitimate as american. what am i talking about? well if you read american marxism you would know there's a whole school of marxist thought out there that says -- california, texas, most of the west -- arizona, new mexico, they don't belong to the united states. they don't belong to quote unquote white europeans who came to the united states concurred parts of the united states, were pioneers in the united states. that these lands were taken by a colonialistic imperialistic white european majority eventually that took these lands from the mexicans took these lands from native americans and so forth so why shouldn't border be open? there's no such thing this is what they're taught this is what people are hearing college campuses scholarships it is not just me but it's then. there's no such thing as illegal alien unless you want to consider white european settlers in the united states as illegal aliens because they don't belong here so this mentality, obviously -- is widespread in the biden administration because the boyden administration is really third term of the obama administration and obama was in many respects american hating israel hating radical. in many respects, and he unleashed these movements many them certainly gave them empties during course of his presidency and appointed people who are very, very radical. and i believe this is exactly what's going on in the southern border. so it doesn't matter how many american citizens die. it doesn't matter how many american citizens are on -- fentanyl and have the effects of fentanyl it just doesn't matter what's going on southern border this is a realignment. how can you talk about american sovereignty and american borders when america stole these lands? you see what i'm getting at? now let's go to israel -- now the fact that the jews are the indigenous peoples of judea and samaria and jordan and jordan didn't exist and the fact that the state of israel slightly over 75 years ago was established in the areas that belong to the jews for thousands of thousands of years. many of the people who came back to that part of the world particularly after the holocaust became white europeans you see. so the jews are white europeans they're no different than americans in the united states. according to this ideology, they come back and whether it is the ottoman empire league of nations, united nations here they are carved the thissing little piece of land -- and it expands many 1967 that war and then the yom kippur war and wars that followed and now they're occupiers. now they're occupying land that doesn't belong to them. i mean afterall these are really white european individuals, just like in america. and just like america, there are imperial y'allistic and colonialistic they took land from and are oppressing nonwhite people. brown people, i'm telling you mentality. just like in the united states -- so israel border rs are not legitimate and israel like united states is now a militaristic power and able to hold on to ill begotten lands through the support of the united states and through its own military power. which is they argue illegitimate. and so what's the resolution to this? the resolution is that israel must not win. when it comes to gaza -- that judea and samaria birthplace of judaism that must be quote unquote returns to whom, palestinians they were never there doesn't matter. we need a two-state solution but what about the ideology of the hamas and the muslim brotherhood and all rest of the terrorist organizations. they're not interested in states they're interested in -- it doesn't matter. we american markist we're looking at this through the lens of how we perceive the world about to be and how we perceive world was and how world needs to be. and that is what's going on with blinken and sullivan, and mally, the same people who work for barack obama, that's why president obama put out that outrageous statement he's pretty much in hiding and quiet he doesn't want to reveal his inviz only hand but puts out that outrageous statement underscoring everything i'm telling you and that's why you scratch your heads on american policy on the one hand they run over -- to jerusalem and tel-aviv they embrace the prime minister, they tell the israelis we stand with you no matter what we have your backs over and over again that's another strategy called -- the hold them tight strategy that is hold israel tightly -- while you pull the out of your back pocket and it may seem shocking you follow thomas friedman i'm sure most of you don't but i have to and only do so well after a meal and when you look at that you can see ideology there and you can see ideology with blinken in the past when he worked for obama deputy secretary of state and jake sullivan has written about this ideological approach but why are they helping iranians they keep attacking us. we see tunnels to towers, wounded soldiers we see all of these things it is not just afghanistan it is what iranians have done to all of our men and women. why do we treat them like we do? why are we such -- we have two massive basically naval over there that could do severe damage -- well we can't expand the war. well we're not expanding anything we're defending -- but the language propaganda -- they're trying to create as michael wrote in the tablet a complete realignment in the middle east. because israel is like america. they're the oppressor -- oppressor oppressed nobody used to talk about this until i wrote about it in american marxism and came with the concept myself oppressor and oppressed america is the oppressor. israel is now the oppressor. we are militaristic -- we're interfering in other countries and yet ironically it's biden and blinken that are interfering like nobody else in the middle east so iran has to be built particularly after the iran with the militaristic united states cia help bring the miranda power -- and the people rose up and got rid of him and people never rose up and got rid of him it was islamists who now biden administration is supporting in iran. they're funding iran. they've lifted all waivers on iran. they rearmed iran they made it possible for iran to destroy and murder their own people. who are rising up to overthrow that regime because people hate it. they say that biden administration biden does, i believe in democracy not much more kivel than with democrats that's 100% certain so our entire policies are built on this ideology that israel is the problem. that the united states is the problem. not hamas. not islamic jihad -- not the -- the islam nazi regime in iran not any of these entities we are the problem and israel is the problem and so what we need to do with israel is -- rearrange its borders. make it even a smaller country which becomes absolutely indefensible absolutely indefensible give the plo founder by yasser arafat known terrorist and still terrorist killing israelis and americans -- out of the so-called moderate palestinian regime. in fact, just a few days ago, eight israelis were shot in jerusalem three of whom died. but they say it is hamas connected everything hamas connected even though fattah plo and hamas are political odds -- they support each other. ultimately against us -- so for iran, we're the big satan and israel little satan and blinken sully and biden now -- it is the same thing. the u.s. is the big satan. and israel is the little satan now is the opportunity for the obama team obama biden, biden, obama doesn't matter to exploit the situation of which israel is fighting for its survival. and they're using the alliances that has been built with israel over democrat and republican presidents democratic and republican congresses -- for almost a century. the provision of weapons, sharing of intelligence they're now using that to threatening blackmail, pressure israel to capitulate to lose the war against hamas. because the theory is you see the israelis can't go in there and denatsfy before germany was free with the way we had to change imperial japan before imperial japan was granted freedom so no -- , no for israel they need to stop and stop now. they don't even want them to continue fighting and should they continue to fight -- even with all of the handcuffs that are going to be placed on them and pressured to be placed on them by biden blinken soul van and rest of the should israel happen to win and not go into south gaza that's where people are and where hamas has moved as well they don't want israel to win. they're using our weapons -- as blackmail, they're talking about carving out almost a third of israel maybe a fourth or a third of israel and handing to very enemy that's been talking about destroying israel. while there's still funding iran it tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and here's my question to you, america. where are republicans in congress? is this a five -- alarm fire? doesn't this affect us? you better believe it does. what exactly is our policy to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons? we don't have one. and they're on press pows u.n. is ringing bells if u.n. is ringing bells you know it is serious because they love iran. it is a huge problem. this is a rogue foreign policy -- this is a foreign policy that's been conducted in the shadows -- this is a foreign policy where they're using the prop began propaganda of favorite media outlets washington post most of the networks, their favorite columnist to push their agenda when american people we do not have -- a comprehensive fulsome explanation of what the foreign policy is and where it's taken us you wonder why around biden and obama they believe public contradictions, confusions, secret shuttle diplomacy blinken involved with arab krpghts through the back door with the terrorists through qatar and so forth and so -- the less you know the better. that's the way they view it because if it actually figure out what they're doing you would be disgusted. i hope you were able to follow this beginning to end. because this explains exactly what's going on and why israel is now in grave and dire straights because of its alliance with the united states. and we are in grave and dire straights because of this administration. i'll be right back. eplacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (♪) sam! hey little brother! make this december one to remember. happy holidays from lexus. mark: welcome back america we're back with tremendous hero jack keane retired four star army general that's a lot of stars. he's chairman of the institute for study of war has a lot of common sense when it comes to these heroing issues, general, let me lay this out from my perspective. i keep hearing and reading reports leaked by our side thooivel more and more conditions are being placed on the israeli military the idf. in their war with hamas -- the last one is do not displace palestinians in the south of gaza. do not fight in the south of gaza that would be preferable use more weapons that conclude can be more specific in targeting and don't want them bombing anymore including north gaza provide a steady flow of fuel and supplies i gathered all of this from news reports in the last 12 hours or so -- i have to ask you a question here. i mean, you led an army you were a big time generally in the united states -- when you keep placing conditions on an army like this, against a ruth let enemy that does all of the opposite stealing the fuel steals the food. hides among civilians, we'll use any, any weapons and any way they possibly can to kill your soldiers and kill your citizens -- many i ask you what is going on here? >> well first of all, i mean, to run effective campaign, you can't have somebody sitting on the sidelines, you know, calling them balls and strikes against you. which is taking place here, that makes no sense whatsoever. i don't know how much of all of that is actually true. but i do believe that there is some conditions setting and some advice that the biden administration is providing to the idf leadership and to prime minister netanyahu i think that's face value surely gong on. what the idf i think will do despite all of the media attention to these conditions -- is when we look at this from the institute from study of war, they have only killed or -- caused casualties to about one fifth of the hamas terrorist and fighter infrastructure. they, obviously, have taken control of north gaza. most of the fighters and the leaders have all moved to the south. and they have used a hostages as predicted to delay the israeli momentum of their campaign to destroy them. and they will use the hostages further to delay and also at the end i suspect mark, they're going to use hostages for regime to survive and this is -- this certainly is huge tension point for prime minister netanyahu and his leaders they want to get hostages out but they want to destroy hamas and try to do both of those. i think both of those can, still be done. but it is going take their resolve to do it i think they've got the resolve to do it. i think they have the determination and i think they have the will of their people at their back -- in doing this. but it will take some time and forbearance on their part i think it is normal thing to ask netanyahu administration to say this to them conduct we're fully in support of your campaign and do everything you possibly can to minimize civilian casualties that's what we would be doing ourselves and israel has been doing that up to this upon the and leave it the rest of this up to the israelis. we should not be medaling in their -- operational campaign, and listen, i don't believe for a minute that netanyahu and the chief of staff and idf are going to accept these conditions that are being reported in the media that would so curtail their operations that they would not be effective. i don't see that happening. i see israelis going ahead creating safe zones, humanitarian routs to minimize casualties on a civilians but in full throttle pursuit of hamas and its leadership. mark: why general if israelis are, in fact, trying to reduce civilian casualties because you and i both know if they weren't trying to do that this war would a lot differently there wouldn't be ground infantry to bring out heavy weapons constantly and pound and pound and pound that territory into -- into the dirt. but they're not doing that. and they've lost over 0idf soldiers which is a lot of soldiers in that very small army nobody really pace attention to that and they're subjecting them more and more to snipers as a result of what they're doing but my question to you is if you know this and i know this -- that the israelis are doing more than most armies would do certainly more than any army in that region would do. then why are they constanted lectured about it over and over again in public is that for domestic political purposes? >> i don't think it necessarily has much to do with the operational campaign itself. i think it has to do with what is happening worldwide. and i mean, we have seen hamas as a result of what they have done, butching and savage attack on focus on civilian population before and taking 240 casualties something they've never done before in wholesale fashion knowing to get a very violent response from israel out of that. they welcome that response, and they served up their civilian population as casualties and to weaponize them internationally so we have widespread international condemnation of israel and kublghting its military campaign. that is something that hamas welcomed and in a way is orchestrating. they've also got more go political isolation of israel than we've seen before and they want to weaken netanyahu government and willingness of israelis to actually stay in israel. and live in israel because they're no longer being protected -- this is -- this is what they are about. and i believe that international pressure creates political pressure and i don't get into politics but i have to at least -- see that for what it is. and puts that kind of pressure on this administration. we saw the full throttle support initially very passionate emotional response from the president in terms of the savagery and butchery and existential threat that represented and aftermath of that in terms of hostages and now we see -- a month or so later a different kind of approach in dealing with israel. the implication is without saying it. the implication is if you can go a cease-fire, a permanent sees nier that would probably be a good thing. not saying that publicly. but i think that is the implication -- we know full well, mark, that that ever happen -- hamas stays in power most of its fighting force is still cohesive fighting terrorist organizations. they will declare victory the world will also declare victory for hamas. and i'll tell you who is going to be frustrated by that arab nations in the region. they are beginning to be frustrated because they want hamas out of there as well. that's why bahrain arab country and uae with embassies in israel have come forward and condemned hamas. that is why the kingdom of saudi arabia still is moving towards israel when this is over they told principles from our government that they still at appropriate time want to have normalized relations with israel. they want hamas gone. and certainly israel is able to do that, that will be in their national interest as well. mark: we'll be right back. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. >> welcome to tox news live i'm jon scott in new york israel is ordering evacuationings of southern gaza as its military ramps up its offensive on hamas. the idf once again launching barrage of air strikes on that part of the region today and now focuses on southern gaza that's where they believe the leaders have fled. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will continue military operations until all of his goals have been achieved including freeing hostages and eradicating hamas. the man accused of killing three homeless men in los angeles this week has been arrested. police say the man identified as 33-year-old jared joseph powell was already behind bars for a fourth deadly shooting that happened during a home robbery we're told three homeless men were killed on three different days while they were sleeping on the streets. i'm jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back america general keane you received the presidential medal of freedom much, much, much deserved. by president trump, president trump had his foot on throat of iran he was starving iran economically he had put in the sanctions. iran was on its back people were rising up. the biden administration comes in with the obama ideology, they have to build up iran as they balance i guess against israel. hundreds of billions of dollars of the course this presidency poured in there and rearm themselves economies bustling long they're funding hamas, hezbollah what is that all about? >> what's happening a real travesty you're absolutely right iran was on its heel when is trump administration transitioned with soleimani death nobody saw how that impacted regime leadership in iran. and then those sanctions really impact we went from 200,000 barrels a day north of 3.5 million today because -- biden removed those sanctions they're flush with money and they are arming their proxies. their strategy has been -- get the united states military presence out of the regime destroy the state of israel, so they can take domination and control of the region and use proxies to do that they don't directly do it themselves. hay do it with terrorists and military organizations in other countries. they redefine how to use military force and they've been largely successful at this with the exception of trump confronting them for the first time and reagan confronting them prior to that in the 80s. the reality is this -- that the biden administration has to reset their strategy that reality is that iran is using their proxies to have undoen influence and they're sitting on hands while they're attacking bases in iraq and syria doinnott reagan and trump both figured out how to do that and reagan went after the proxies bosses -- in other words the irgc bases where bosses were at and oil plat formals and shut them down. what did trump do he went after soleimani and force number one leader and shut him down. what we have to do here mark -- is not just deal with the proxies themselves. that's like a pinprick against the iranians you have to deal with the irgc training center, irgc bases in the region and irgc leadership. that would get their attention to stop this continuous attack against the united states and look at the arabs in region look at that and say what is wrong with the united states? why are they permitting these proxies to continually bomb and attack american forces? with no consequential action against them? what does that saying about our ability to help them in time of conflict we need to reset the entire strategy with iran. it is dead wrong we are placating them and we have to recognize they must be confronted. >> but steps are affirmative steps to reverse the trump policies to allow the oil to flow. to not hit them where it hurts when they're literally attacking american military personnel. what is that mindset general what are they thinking? >> i think you can see it as a pattern of what is taken place in the world. that mindset is emphasis on soft power and diplomacy through diplomacy by talking and rhetoric we really can change people's behavior. and that has not happened in europe where as a vital national interest era as a war not able to deter putin president xi is another vital national interest area and he's been more aggressive in biden administration 180 military intercepts of our airplane and ships in last two years to find a number like that you have to go back collectively ten years prior to find that number and xi more aggressive absolutely. to same thing in the middle east, iran is more aggressive what is pattern of behavior here the pattern is they believe three adversaries to include north rae that biden administration is weak. that the united states is vulnerable. they see us in decline and they are taking advantage of our vulnerabilities. they operate in terms of their own national interest mark. but they're also all cooperating with each other on a scale we have not seen since world war ii. we've got to wake up -- and understand what a serious dangerous threat it is that we're facing. mark: right on general. i want to thank you very much -- general, jack keane for all that you've done in the past but all you're doing now. god bless you my friend. >> great talking as always mark. mark: we'll be right back. >> welcome back america we're here with the fantastic senator from arkansas senator tom kot. serves on the senate arm services committee senate judiciary and intelligence committee those are important committees served in the united states arm forces and parts of the world that we talk about all of the time senator cotton -- joe biden and anthony blinken through secret shuttle diplomacy seem to be organizing opposition to israel, israel ability to defend itself, israel ability to conduct war and crush hamas. israel's ability to finally clean out the gaza strip they're talking about two-state solution where israel would lose a major chunk and historic homeland what the hell is gipping on here? >> well mark -- exactly as you and i predict as far back as october 8th joe biden puts more pressure on israel than he puts on hamas which just committed the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust. as we predicted president biden has been sounding notes of restraint and caution and implying that israel is committing war crimes or indiscriminately bombing civilian areas, in fact, israeli defense forces is taking absolutely necessary military action to destroy hamas not just as a terrorist entity but a governorring authority and a social movement. what we should do is back israel to the hilt they don't need patronizing lectures about laws of war they don't need president biden threatening to impose conditions on aid to israel as democrats here in the senate like bernie sanders are doing. they need time and freedom of the action to complete this military operation gaza strep to once and for all destroy hamas. mark: you know senator cotton it is troubling to me it's really only in our history with the state of israel since its founding there's two presidencies that undermine one is biden and obama and virtually same foreign policy and national security people advising them. they are appeasers when it comes to iran rearming iran. billions are pouring into iran. and the only pressure they seem to be placing on any country or people in the middle east are our allies -- israel do they not want israel to win are they afraid if they win they can't carve up that country is that what's going on here? >> mark i think you're right on a couple of important points there. one to focus on the obama biden policy in the middle east because it's almost the exact same people implementing policy that barack obama started 14 years ago and two to focus on iran you cannot understand what happened on october 7th or anything else in broader middle east without focusing on iran because hamas is a proxy for iran. it is largely funded by iran articled by iran trained by iran. that's sail as hezbollah or rebels in yemen shooting ballistic missiles and drones at israel and militia groups targeting our forces but from 2009 forward and under barack obama first and now joe biden -- the democratic policy the democratic party middle east policy has been to elevate iran and to empower iran and part because of barack obama's delusional ideological beliefs that it's the united states to blame for the tensions our country has had with iran going back to 1979 not the crazed ayatollah who took americans hostage and held them more than 400 days or killing americans in various ways and places ever since. but the barack obama believed it was iran that was faulted by the united states. and he kind of turned the middle east into an extension of american partisan politics. that if you opposed iran whether you were benjamin netanyahu and israel or muhammad or united emirates you were part of the red jersey team opposed to barack obama that's the same ideology that joe biden has as well and you cannot find a single way not a single way mark that joe biden has changed his barack obama's iran policy from october 7th. this heinous attack has not changed single thing they're helicoptering to waive sanctions and pay off aye poll ayatollah on american troops, it is the height of fally and going to lead to mass casualty attack against americans in the middle east. not just empowering terrorist proxies to attack israel. mark: senator cotton i'm greatly concerned these guys are running foreign policy out of a dark room. in other words, they're not making their obvious -- juxtaposition now they're not making this part of the biden doctrine and involving folks in the senate and house but through leaks to favorite news operations -- their favorite columnist and newspaper writers -- they are conducting secret shuttle diplomacy with some of our enemies and arab countries. they're using back doors to talk to iran -- they're using qatar to talk to hamas. i mean how much of this is transparent? what is their end game do they not involve the rest of the united states government? they certainly are not informing the american people of exactly what they're doing and as you point out consequences here are going to be enormously grave. >> almost none of it is transparent mark and that's exactly what barack obama did as well. today's national security advisor jake sullivan back in the obama era he was dispatched secretly to talk to ayatollah to start negotiations that ultimately led to disastrous nuclear deal it was same people conducting same policy again totally cloaked in secrecy not even sharing it with democrats in congress. because they know that policy is so unpopular with americans. that appeasing ayatollah kidnapping beating kidnapping americans -- and our allies citizens since 1979 is massively unpopular. that's why they conducted in secret until they can spring it as a fate of american people. i think the american people are going to have a thing or two to say about that next year in the election, though. mark: we'll be right back. mark: welcome back america senator tom cotton i don't see any change in our relations with iran which is behind this entire effort. and i see constant efforts to pressure israel particularly the military to do things that militaries can not do. which is destroy the enemy but destroy the enemy without destroying infrastructure, without, you know, collateral damage without harming citizens. isn't the biden administration intentionally trying to handcuff israelis so they have so they sees the war so they have some kind of agreement? and they go on with it and then two state solution and israel really it is survival is on the line. isn't that where we're headed with this if they get their way? >> it is clear that president biden wants war to stop. he didn't want israel to keep fighting to achieve its military objective of destroying hamas. it's kind of of a pace with what's he's done in ukraine so i support ukraine i don't support joe biden's ukraine policy because he was pussy footing around giving ukraine only enough weapons not to lose rather than giving them everything they needed to win at the very beginning. the same thing is true with israel's war in hamas now. the president is trying to put conditions on the aid he's got democratic senators like bernie sanders and chris murphy demanding conditions on aid to israel and putting intense political pressure on them. not to continue operations and to southern gaza for instance and parties doing iewfl this because he's afraid of escalation especially by iran or other proxies. but if you're scared of iran escalating against our troops and our citizens all you're doing is inviting it that's why we've seen dozens of attacks against americans since the october 7th atrocity in israel and even when we end up shooting at say everyoney proxy warehouses it does nothing to deter iran if you want to avoid escalation way to do it so accomplish escalation dominance when libyan back terrorists blew up a nightclub in berlin targeting american troops, ronald reagan shot missiles into libya almost killing moammar gadhafi and blew up a -- sunk half of iran navy and donald trump the got a shot at soleimani in 2020 he took it in all of those cases those dictator terror sponsoring states pulled in their horns because they were scared of ronldz reagan and they were scared of donald trump. no one is scared of joe biden. mark: senator cotton what can be done about this? they go off and do whatever they want and negotiating with other countries they're negotiating with even terrorist groups through -- through qatar and so forth and so on. israelis, you know, they have to be concerned they don't want to lose some of the types of armorments they're getting i'm sure behind scenes they're being threatened. how do we bring this all to light, i mean, other than here and how -- what can congress do about this? isn't schumer supposed to be a support of israel? does he support israel does he support biden or see no difference between the two? >> well one thing that's happening in democratic party right now is deep internal divisions because they've aloud anti-semitic wing to fester inside their party. chuck schumer gave a big speech in the senate about anti-semitism didn't condemn by name members of his party rah tlaib means eliminating israel and didn't condemn bernie sanders for calling for aid to be conditioned to israel as if israel is some third world december -- that abuses its own people that's divisions inside democratic party because help that american people are deeply opposed again there's political consequences for the democratic party and joe biden. mark: senator cotton i want to thank you for your steadfastness and patriotism. and god bless you, sir. >> thank you mark. mark: we'll be right back. prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. >> welcome back america, one of the reasons that you hear liberal democrats even on this network from time to time, thomas freedman in the new york times, the biden administration and the leaks to the media the usual mouth pieces trash benjamin netanyahu they hate him the way that they thought that they hate donald trump. because benjamin netanyahu has not gone and been the need to obama or biden, he resisted as much as he possibly can, they want another government in israel led by the left which will bend over backwards which will surrender 93 or 94% of the country to the palestinian terrorist like barack wanted to do in the pd and so forth and so on. those are the israelis that are supported by the new york times a democrat party chuck schumer, biden, blinking and the rest of the retro bates. one day i'm going to do program in the not-too-distant future. but for now i will see you tomorrow night, sunday on life liberty and love in.

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Israel Radical ,Term ,Boyden ,Doesn T ,Movements ,Presidency ,What S Going On ,Realignment ,Citizens ,Effects ,Fact ,Jews ,Borders ,Sovereignty ,Let S Go ,Estate ,Peoples ,Didn T ,Judea And Samaria ,Jordan ,75 ,World ,Areas ,Europeans ,Thousands ,Part ,Holocaust ,Obama Ideology ,Appeasing Ayatollah Kidnapping Beating Americans ,United Nations ,War ,Land ,Yom Kippur War ,Piece ,Wars ,League Of Nations ,Ottoman Empire ,1967 ,Occupiers ,Individuals ,Brown People ,Colonialistic ,Imperial Y Allistic ,Support ,Power ,Military Power ,South Gaza ,Resolution ,Palestinians ,Whom ,Judaism ,Quote Unquote Returns ,Terrorist Organizations ,Markist ,Two State Solution ,Rest ,States ,Lens ,Muslim Brotherhood ,Two ,Biden Blinken Soul Van ,Jake Sullivan ,Mally ,Everything ,Statement ,Hiding ,Inviz ,Strategy ,Prime Minister ,Dbacks ,Hand ,Heads On American Policy The One ,Jerusalem ,Tel Aviv ,One ,Back Pocket ,Meal ,Thomas Friedman ,Iranians ,Approach ,Towers ,Things ,Wall ,Men ,Women ,World War Ii ,Anything ,Middle East ,Propaganda ,Damage ,Language ,Tablet ,Michael ,Oppressor ,Nobody ,Concept ,Countries ,Blinken ,Help ,Islamists ,Militaristic ,Miranda ,Cia ,Waivers ,Regime ,Democrats ,Democracy ,Kivel ,100 ,Problem ,Policies ,Not Hamas ,Jihad ,Islamic ,Entities ,Nazi Regime ,Islam ,Terrorist ,Yasser Arafat ,Give ,Plo ,Everything Hamas ,Three ,Fattah Plo ,Odds ,Eight ,Each Other ,Big Satan And Israel Little ,Blinken Sully ,Survival ,Alliances ,Isn T The Biden ,Satan ,Opportunity ,Situation ,Matter ,Team ,Weapons ,Intelligence ,Presidents ,Congresses ,Provision ,Republican ,Way ,Pressure ,Blackmail ,Denatsfy ,Theory ,Germany ,Freedom ,Fighting ,Handcuffs ,Imperial Japan ,Enemy ,Third ,Question ,Billions ,Congress ,Hundreds ,Dollars ,It Tune ,Five ,Republicans ,Policy ,Ringing Bells ,Press Pows U N ,Foreign Policy ,Prop ,Rogue ,Shadows ,Columnist ,Networks ,Agenda ,Favorite Media Outlets ,Washington Post ,Contradictions ,Explanation ,Secret Shuttle Diplomacy Blinken ,Confusions ,Qatar ,Back Door ,Better ,Arab Krpghts ,Straights ,Alliance ,Liberty ,Pay ,Save ,Mustache ,Eplacing Me ,Liberty Bibberty ,Holidays ,Little Brother ,Lexus ,Mark ,Lot ,Institute ,Jack Keane Retired Four Star Army General ,Stars ,Chairman ,Four ,Jack Keane ,Study ,Side ,Common Sense ,Hearing ,Issues ,Reading ,Conditions ,United States Military ,South ,North Gaza ,Specific ,Flow ,Army ,Fuel ,Supplies ,News Reports ,Big Time ,12 ,Civilians ,Hides ,Food ,Ruth ,Campaign ,Strikes ,Sidelines ,Somebody ,Balls ,Advice ,Sense ,Leadership ,Media ,Netanyahu ,Attention ,Face Value ,Casualties ,Infrastructure ,Control ,Fighter ,Fifth ,Hostages ,Leaders ,Fighters ,Momentum ,Well Mark ,Tension Point ,Resolve ,Both ,Will ,Can ,Determination ,Back ,Chief Of Staff ,Operations ,Happening ,Routs ,Zones ,Pursuit ,Full Throttle ,Pound ,Territory ,Wouldn T ,Dirt ,Space ,Result ,Snipers ,0 ,Region ,Armies ,Public ,Purposes ,Something ,Fashion ,Butching ,Savage Attack On Focus Civilian Population ,240 ,Response ,Population ,Condemnation ,Military Campaign ,Isolation ,Willingness ,Netanyahu Government ,Politics ,Terms ,Threat ,Butchery ,Savagery ,Aftermath ,Implication ,Permanent ,Dealing ,Cease Fire ,Fighting Force ,Nier ,Victory ,Nations ,Embassies ,Bahrain Arab Country ,Uae ,Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia ,Government ,Relations ,Principles ,Interest ,Solar Flare ,Businesses ,Bacon ,Stocks ,25th Hour ,20 ,25 ,25 7 ,Snoring ,Overtime Approvals ,Work ,Ticking ,Power Nap ,Vote ,Havoc ,Solutions ,Designs ,Payroll ,Hr ,Adp ,Jon Scott ,New York ,Welcome To Tox News Live ,Southern Gaza ,Military ,Air Strikes ,Barrage ,Offensive ,Ordering Evacuationings ,Military Operations ,Goals ,Freeing ,Shooting ,Oman ,Killing ,Joseph Powell ,Bars ,Home Robbery ,Police ,Los Angeles ,33 ,Streets ,Sleeping ,Welcome Back America General Keane ,Sanctions ,Donald Trump ,Throat ,Foot ,Medal ,Economies ,Funding Hamas ,Hezbollah ,Heel ,Travesty ,Death ,Shot At Soleimani ,Barrels ,200000 ,3 5 Million ,Proxies ,Presence 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