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baier. for just the six time, the hous expelled one of its own members. we got the latest on george santos. plus of this, is the truth out there? if the government hiding at? new push for transparency on ufos. also our whatever happened to report about game changing scandal on wall street. >> first, rocket fire over gods as the war there we ignites. officials say hamas at vye violated terms with israel ending the temporary cease-fire that had facilitated several hostage for prisoner swaps. now over 130 hostages were made and hamas captivity and totally conditions. in northern israel tonight, heidi. >> hey. if military operations continue tonight not only in gaza but here in the northern front as israel announces the deaths of six hostages kidnapped by hamas terrorists back on october 7. for the first time in one week today, no more hostages came home to israel after the cease-fire was broken in the early morning hours. >> the sounds and sights of war are back. in gaza and israel. [speaking in foreign language] >> , savelio is the power of ou strikes. the only respond to calls it. as. >> with more than 130 hostages in gaza, hamas refuses to release the remaining women. shortly after leaving israel this morning, secretary of stat anthony blinken disputed hamas' claim that israel violated the cease-fire agreement first. >> it became because i'm a monster. >> they hit more than 200 hamas targets in gaza. including in the southern city of hanye nessa. where leaflets warn palestinian too move it to evacuation zones. many did not. at the constitute property and that life is severe. today hamas fired rockets at southern and central israel. missiles at tel aviv. i terrorists resume attacks are from the north. israel's iron dome is strong. his later struck a terrorist cell in lebanon where it says attacks originate. a putting homes like these in the people who look you're at risk. you see the damage to that home here after it was hit by a rocket fired by hezbollah terrorists in lebanon. the border 100 yards away where residents have been evacuated because of the threat. >> these homes will stay empty until the threat from the north is it dealt with. >> in order to allow the citizens here to come back, we have to have clear indications of from our enemy that there is no intention of attacking the people. >> it that intention is on full display tonight. just about in our our ago hezbollah terrorists and not launched another round of rockets. israel has been responding targeting those positions. the united states, qatar and egypt and negotiate another positive the fighting. for now, the work clearly carries on. >> thank you. george santos isn't no longer a us congressman. the republican was expelled fro the house today by his own colleagues and an overwhelming vote. chad too program it breaks down what is coming next. hi chad. >> good evening. a humiliating end for george santos. only the sixth house member expelled and the first republican ever booted. santos said he would go in peac and that leave graciously. the exit was pure pandemonium. [indiscernible] >> the vote to expel 311-114 with two members voting present well above the two thirds requirement. within hours of hours change th locks on the doors of his offic and removed his nameplate. santos expected the angstrom. >> i believe they have the votes . if that's the numbers their dwelling with, i think they hav it. >> some gop members is that expelling him set a bad president. he's not been convicted. >> i am not saying what george santos is a crazed of is good. he's allowed to have adjudicate in court like every citizen of our country. >> that fell in deaf ears. >> bad president that he stole money from his donors and use i at ferragamo and dutch- >> republicans that say there i a new data for expulsion. they want to remove democratic new jersey senator bob menendez. charged with being a porn agent. when democrat agrees. >> we have a colleague in the senate that actually did it muc more sinister and serious kinds of things up. if you're going to expel santos it, how can you allow somebody like menendez to remain in the senate? >> the son of menendez new jersey representative robin mendoza voted to exposing expel santos. expect a special election to fill the seat this winter. it's a swing district. >> a lot of drama. a chat on the helper is thank you. house republicans essay hunter biden will not get any special treatment. it lawmakers it his attorney abbe lowell demanding the first son on another subpoena and appear december 13 for a closed-door interview about his foreign business dealings it. earlier, hunter offered to appear in a public hearing. house republicans that he must appear for the closed-door session first. >> this federal appeals court rolled a feather prep former president trump must face civil lawsuits in the role of the january 6, 2021 capital right yet. at the court rejected his claim of immunity and clear the way for him to be sued by capitol police officers at. and lawmakers who hold him responsible for violence it doing the riot. attorneys for former president trump at least three of his codefendants in the georgia election interference racketeering case were in court today. the group filed multiple motion to dismiss indictments against them. trump and 18 others were charge earlier in the year with attempting to overturn the states election results are bac in 2020. for the defendants had to complete deals. four of the defendants had to complete deals. the two most high-profile governors are trading barbs again after last nights debate in georgia. some of the claims from the big event are under the microscope. steve harrigan has highlights i fact the checks from atlanta. >> who goes after--even after a televised battle, the jabs between the red stadium blue state governors keep coming. today desantis is calling newso a liar and. >> is like seeing california's taxes are lower than florida. ev and that's it-- when he says vitamin is a hunter present at the top of hi game, everyone knows it's a lie. >> newsom is going to see it as a bully and social media. a claim he made to the florida governor's face. >> he [indiscernible] relaxer. you're nothing but a bully. it. >> that was one of several heated exchanges. >> you have the freedom to defecate public in california. you have the freedom to touch a pitch a tent. >> i love the ramp freedom. a teachers, teachers, doctors, librarians are. >> in fact the checkers are weighing in. despite newsom's acclaim at tha high tax rates in california target high earners, estimates of from while the hub show the average household in california pays a must double the amount o state and local taxes that they would in florida. at $9,000 at-$5. aldo desantis' claim is people are fleeing california too move to florida was challenged by politically active. citing us census figures to sho in 2021, more people per capita moved up from florida to california than the other way around it. >> desantis points out gavin newsom's father-in-law is one o the many who fled to florida. >> i was talking to a fellow wh made the move from california t florida and telling me that florida is much better governed. saver. better budget. lower taxes. and that he paused and said either way i am gavin newsom is father-in-law. >> desantis after his performance of a bump in his poll numbers. as for newsom, many believe he may help position himself as a presidential candidate. in this cycle or the next. >> steve harrigan and atlantic for us. democrats appear to be all in a president biden's reelection effort. it is not stopping governor newsom from putting himself out there. he was peter doocy. >> so far this cycle, the base of biden here is 2024 isn't really biden or harris, but rather gavin newsom. >> is making the stuff about-- the forecast of trumpet the biden doesn't leave any roo for him or ron desantis. it neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. it. >> they plan to make this election you're as hard as possible provided. >> meeting this week that hash out a vote in impeachment inquiry. state parties are helping biden where a keanna. mcleod's democratic party canceling its primary today. upsetting develops it. >> this is the stuff that hope happens in tehran, not tallahassee. it. >> power players are being told despite recent polls showing overwhelming majorities have major problems voting for an 81 -year-old, there is no plan b. >> ronald reagan when he was th oldest did he have a plan b? i don't think that such elections happen. he's our president, and nominee. he's fully going to run a vigorous campaign and went. >> a democrats and finding case of emergency betting on, let harris. >> she's vice president. when i could have plan b it's all plan a. it'll be joe biden. be back newsom has made none of the moves it. a candidate must make to get on a ballot or try to dip president 's position in primary polls. why do 70 democrats insist he's got his eyes on the white house this cycle? >> he's been one hell of a governor. [indiscernible] he could have a job i'm looking for. >> the president is keeping som rumors alive. he has barely campaign for reelection so far. his oppressive secretary according to nbc news has been notified by the office of special counsel that october talk about maga republicans in the context of budget negotiations violated the hatch act. at the white house his team tha may have been campaigning for him without really knowing it. it. >> peter doocy at the white house. thank you. coming up next to the preview reagan national defense and foreign. focusing on the biggest threats to america. later on, the first woman to start by the us supreme court has sadly passed away. leaving a trailblazing legacy behind. remember sandra day o'connor. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> welcome back fox news obtained a video from a source and in malibu, california showing up and about suspect a bit of immigrants a landing on the beach earlier this week. it's rare to see this kind of activity and malibu which is more than 100 miles from the border. it's unclear whether anyone in the group was apprehended. the federal appeals court ruled that texas must remove the buoy of plays in the rio grande rive among the mexican border. meant to discourage migrant crossings. the buoys are a threat to navigation and a potential threat to human life. texas governor craddick abbotts is the bullying is wrong and will be appealed. and a top security officials ar going to discuss the biggest threats facing the us at the en reagan national defense a forum tomorrow southern california. cheap national security correspondent jennifer griffin is there. she has a preview for us tonight . >> joe young, the nation's top national security experts are all here. the head of the navy marine corps, air force and cyber command. the defense and--fireside chats along with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff yet the focus of this year's form, chin ai and automated warfare. this year's reagan defenses survey showed most americans want the us to remain engaged i the world. providing military support to your, israel in taiwan. it also found that 70 percent o americans are not aware of a major new security agreement between the us australia britai known as all kissed it. to develop advanced nuclear sub and drones appear yet eight and ten are worried the us is falling behind china china technologically. before arriving tomorrow, defense secretary austen is in silicon valley making sure does not happen. we will be alive all day tomorrow from the reagan library . >> we will look forward to it. thank you. ♪ ♪ >> retired supreme court justic sandra day o'connor passed away. she was the first woman to serv at america's high court. she spent her final days in phoenix where she succumbed ultimately to complications fro advanced advanced dementia as well as respiratory on. chief legal correspondent a gri fox news sunday, shannon bream adjoins is not from the reagan library in california. a look back at her life and legacy. hi, shannon. >> hello. it's appropriate we are here president reagan's library because he was the one who nominated sandra day o'connor t the high court in 1981. the late ruth bader ginsburg recalled the simple advice when she became the second female justice just a duet said the first on the court. in law and life sandra day o'connor was a pretty. >> it's exciting to be the firs to do something. i did not want to be the last. >> sandra day o'connor did succeed. a westerner, pragmatic conservative, grandmother, she made history as the first woman in the nation's highest courts. >> it's hard to 40 years on the to back about how unusual it wa it. >> with mcgregor was justice o'connor's first law clerk. her one-time bonds it took her experience as a prosecutor late a state senator to forge a consensus minded strategy to deciding to have cases. >> he was a practical approach but one that was really grounde in legal principles and respect for what the judiciary means it. >> she called it, sensible solutions to thorny political and social questions. gun control, abortion access, civil and voting rights. executive power. at that restraint and flexible approach was shaped by her upbringing and the high desert of arizona. >> we were 35 miles from the nearest town. >> as a girl, she gabriel cattle , drive a tractor and fire a rifle. >> i love that living on that ranch and i sort of grew up on the back of a horse. >> after law school, no firm would hire her. o'connor wrote her own trail. leading to her 1981 nomination by president reagan. >> she is actually a person for all seasons. >> it's been something that opens it so many doors for othe women. >> being first it came with a price it. intense public scrutiny and pressure. her toughness and dry it wester but run on display when o'conno was diagnosed in 1988 with cancer. she was back on the bench withi weeks after treatments. >> there was constant media coverage. she looks pale to me, i don't give her six months. it. >> and a quarter-century as a justice, o'connor was a force it . often a key swing vote that decided hot button cases. after leaving the high court in 2006, she founded the sandra da o'connor institute for american democracy. >> it for democracies such as ours to function, we have to have citizens at that understan the process. >> the final word on sandra day o'connor to come from the woman herself. she once said, put on an impressive show as women achiev power, the barriers well fall i society sees what women can do as women see what women can do will all be better off for it. >> shannon, thanks for joining us tonight. be appreciated. coming up next, a group of bipartisan lawmakers demanded greater transparency about ufos. first we take a look beyond our borders tonight. first up the philippines. inaugurated new coast guard monitoring based on occupation by filipino forces in the hotly disputed south china sea. it plans to expand adjoint rituals with the us and australia too counter what it calls, china's bullying and the strategic waterway. >> this international element committee president thomas a bock raises paris preparations for next year's olympics. he completed a four-day visit with a 12 the athletes of his village north of central paris. these are some of the sum of th other stories beyond our border tonight. we will be right back. i'd. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> there's a new push congress to get access to information about ufos. lawmakers say they want more transparency from the us intelligence community. here is a jenkins. >> yet whether it's a little green men, american technology or worse, technology from the ccp, we need to know. >> the truth is out there and that we might be closer to learning what our government knows about and identified aerial phenomena. it takes to a group of bipartisan lawmakers. >> nasa has reports on it. the cia has reports on appeal. the pentagon keeps telling us they don't exist at. >> the intelligence community does not win to share any information with congress. we are asking why? >> whistleblower sources tell the daily mail, a secretive cia office has been collecting and retrieving crashed ufo evidence for decades it. including nine at nonhuman crops . earlier this summer, retired navy commander david faber testified about what he saw in 2004. >> i sarah white tik tok at object pointing north noise tha sounded living abruptly over th water. like a ping-pong ball. >> lawmakers reviewed classifie images aren't willing to say they've seen proof of extraterrestrials. also, can't explain what was. >> i am hesitant to make that leap. it's i'm nothing that i'm aware of having existing in our arsenal of assets. it. >> lawmakers are trying to forc the pentagon into in two d classifying all ufo documents that do not compromise at national security. we reached out to the cia about these new claims and we are waiting to hear back. >> gretchen ginza for us. thank you. space exit launched at several satellites today. the company is one of many working with with nasa on projects and moon missions and whole lot of other goals. i call it bret baier takes a look at how the us is utilizing commercial partnerships to expand its footprint in space. >> thank you. according to international spac laws, yes at there are such things, no nation can claim sovereignty over the moon or other so let deal bodies. which is why the us is turning to private companies to advance its outerspace goals. tonight we take a look at the legal hurdles the us in our adversaries could face in the next space race. >> if we want to maintain our lead that we needed to continue to invest and ensure that we ar the ones setting the pace and another entity. >> the initial race to the moon brought about the united nation in 1966 treaty which determined that nations cannot claim right over the moon or other objects in space. >> they got the flag up now. you can see the stars and stripes. >> because of how this is structured, it's not like you can plant a flag and say it's ours up. it. >> that is true but we also see china do things in the south china sea where they build islands and have claimed some exclusion zone around them. those are the things that we certainly want to keep an eye on . >> we need updated space awful sure as space becomes that not only available for mining but becoming a work finding domain as well as. >> with rapidly advancing space programs, there are questions over who can explore and mine a the wu the moon's resources. >> it's opaque paekau when it comes to mineral extraction. whether or not there any prohibitions about taking minerals away from the moon or another celeste yelled body in bringing them back to earth. >> you think we knew need new international laws when it come to space mining? >> i think we need laws and a lot of that right now is national laws. we make our own role as a, so t speak it. >> they don't let me hold them in rocks when you guys on around . >> a 2015 us last private companies to explore outerspace resources. >> were going to be back on the moon soon. >> president donald trump 2020 executive order encourages advancements in space mining is. >> interesting piece on the treaties it only looks at nationstates. it does not really pay much attention to commercial concerns . >> the us hopes to return to th lunar surface by the end of the year. utilizing commercial partnerships. private company asked robotic low provide the launch and lander by the unmanned mission. >> i think were trying to get our head around what space look like in coming years. >> certain that we have a flourishing commercial spaces sector in united states. i think encouraging that continued growth working with our national organizations such as nasa, it will allow us to be the leaders in that change or b the leaders for that change. for the positive. >> if you are looking into the crystal ball about how many years it's going to take before we have at symbian that thing that somewhere whether on the moon or someplace else, is it that the horizon? >> i think timeline wise with artemis it, we are talking the 20-at 30s and the chinese are shooting for those of similar timelines. >> nasa plans to contract commercial partners for up to a private plane and it missions. it's all part of the commercial lunar payload at services services initiative. >> the us has companies interested in all of that. is china like that? under the nationstate? >> the very much intertwined. one could reasonably assume if commercial is working on it tha it's funded and supported greatly by the nationstate. >> lawmakers and scientist agre while staying ahead of china's important, more needs to be studied by outerspace resources before we consider it a reliabl source to mine. >> it'll be a space race from minerals now? >> that's entirely possible. >> having fire the imagination of a generation, the special little pools into port for the last time. >> we went through a time when nasa was oma's defendant. the shuttle program went down. we were getting up in space by private companies it it is stil giving that a bit. is there more understanding tha there needs to be more funding of this? >> there is certainly an understanding on capitol hill o the necessity to maintain that strong both the presence of or make government perspective, bu also from that commercial perspective. a strong commercial sector will allow the us to maintain that technology and other leadership in space. >> as for satellites and other objects launched into orbit, those are compiled in national registries of my country and reported to the united nations. landing, building, digging on solid ground in outer space wil likely force the international community to be think that space . we will send it back to you. >> thank you, brett. coming up next, our whatever happened to segment. it tonight we look at the wall street scandal that made a modest origins of four its investors. for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. >> welcome back. the dow and s&p 500 closed at their highest level of the year today after drohan powell said the federal reserve will begin to more carefully move it more carefully and interest rates. the industrial average gained a 295. the s&p was up 27. nasdaq rose 79. >> for the week the dow gained 2.57 points the s&p 500 up thre quarters. nasdaq finished ahead about one third. ♪ ♪ >> into nights at whatever happened to segment, the online forum wall street bets and what really began as a joke has ende up changing how congress and other regulators look at the stock market. lydia who, shows us. >> how much should we make today ? >> 5 million. >> how much did we lose today? >> 1 billion. >> the will i convince advents inspiring the film dumb money started here. a form created in 2014 called, wall street bets. >> there's nobles that say that individual retail users can't use a stock market like a casin and it's a big investment banks allowed to do so. >> in late 2020, attention on the forum i focused on struggling companies like brick-and-mortar video retailer game stop. game stop it was trading at under $20 per share. hedge funds were betting it would drop it further. a practice called shredding. the army of every individual investors on on reddit armed with a stimulus check pushed back. they gobbled up shares sending the stock prices soaring. at one point as high as $347 is. >> it was a combination of the dark attached attention to thousands and that the sentimen the negative sentiment against wall street. >> some investors who sold at the top it reportedly made millions. there others lost a big after the stock eventually fell. >> i wrote as a financial services committee is to ensure- -and our financial market . >> after the hearings, there's security's and exchange commission adopted a new role taking effect next year aimed a reducing the risk of broker it will be strict at trades it lik robin hood did in the midst of game stop buying frenzy. >> is no doubt we'll get other shenanigans that might not be a short squeeze, but is going to be this fantastic. >> jb rug is its key the creato of the wall street bets that form was removed as the moderator by reddit 2020. three years later, he is suing reddit claiming ownership of th wall street bets trademark. it read told foxbusiness, he wa removed ever trying to enrich himself. a violation of right its user agreement. adding the lawsuit is quote, completely frivolous. >> lyddy yahoo in new york for as thank you. up next the panel but the end o the cease-fire in gaza plus of the santis expulsion. here's what some of our fox affiliates in of the country ar tonight. box 32 in chicago and illinois appeals court uploads it just sees a disorderly conduct conviction. the actor was found guilty in 2021 of staging a racial hate crime against himself in 2019. filing a false police report. he will not have to finish a 15 days in jail that was part of his original sentence. this is a live look at la from fox leveled one of the big stories there tonight. malone's dharma color caulk and who i went heads go with gets a star the hollywood walk of fame. he began his stage career at th tender age of four. his performance a few years and later is kevin mcallister in tw home alone babies and a whole roster of other films prompted vh1 to place him second on his list of the 100 greatest kid stars of time. >> that's tonight light look ri special report, we will be righ back. is it. ♪ ♪ y. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? 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>> i think the biden administration is trying to wag a politically correct war. we've got one group who targets civilians. they use it civilians as shields . they behead children. their group that tries to minimize civilian casualties is the grouping lecture two. there's no statute of limitations when it comes to beheading a child. we spent it with the years to finding the people that wronged us on 9/11, let's give israel a least two months. is that too much to ask? to go extract their revenge. >> leslie, somebody leaked a transcript of it lincoln talkin to his counterpart this week. take a look at this. blinken appearing to push the i release it to scale back their military plan for setting gaza. israel defense minister says of the entire israeli society is united by the goal of this this mentally, so. even if it takes months. >> i don't think you have the credit for that. >> what do you mean? >> when we write the checks at the help the military and provide weapons, may be there i some merit to that. would you ask over 1 million people to move up from the nort to the south to be safe, that core door that many of them use in many of them on foot only wa they could get there, it was also bombed it which resulted i now close to 5,000 children. we know half of the population of gaza are under 18 years of age. what about north to south go to that starts farming the south. with regard to opinion, we see opinion against israel and decreasing. it's almost split the united states and that was not that wa a few weeks ago. we see opinion throughout the world of being more pro- palestinian and pro- cease-fire. received leaders brazil, spain, france and others at speaking out and saying the same. i think with regard with united states is saying the world migh be saying how many are hamas veil that is true but leslie said more than 1 million palestinians have moved it sout inside gaza. how are the israelis too take out the tunnel system that hama is built underneath the entire seven part of the gaza strip? if they're not allowed to use military force? >> they have to be allowed and don't think aloud is the right word. they do what they have to do. what leslie said is true. it lets not talk about the gazans as a poor. read what the literature is in their schools it. it's all into semi say anti- je let the idf is doing what israe is doing is it waging a war for civilization. the west, and that we are waiting, unfortunately. so is a lot of the rest of the world as leslie pointed out. that's a bad thing. now israel being attacked from one side i hamas and hezbollah the other side. we should be mounting our defenses. increasing her efforts and certainly increasing our suppor for israel. it visits not justify about israel. it's a fight about western civilization. >> i want to turn our attention to something else that happened today in washington. grabbing a lot of headlines. the expulsion of congressman george santos he became the first 20 birth member to ever b expelled by his colleagues. it turned out 17 of 21 were actually expulsions for quote disloyalty to the union during the civil war. it has been a minute since that happened. trey, was this healthy by the nation? a disaster? what you make of it? >> it all started on the house committee, i guess i minority view when it comes to this. i think the standard for servin in congress is a higher than narrowly avoiding indictment. i think the standard for stake in congress is more than narrowly outpacing an indictment . you are entitled to due process it. if state wants to put you in prison, your entire to do process. you when i don't get a jury trial every time when i picked gust host at something. you when i don't get a jury trial every time a i promoted a work. you don't get a jury trial and whether or not the houses as yo he violated house rules. he was about it out unanimously by the house ethics committee and his peers said, we don't want you around. the house decides who stays there. not a jury of 12 people. not to judicial branch. >> to that point, are democrats obligated to take up the expulsion of senator menendez? if the answer is no it, as i suspect it might be, not try to put words in your mouth, tell u what the differences. >> on honestly, there are many people in my party that it talked about expulsion. if you look at the members, democrats are split half-and-half as to supporting him or wanting to expel him. the wrong words that you put there because of those are the ones coming out of my mouth. with regard to george santos, i'm sorry. he conditt his constituents. he conned his contributors. he conned congress and over 300 and not 12 on a jury but 300 of his peers at republicans as wel said it was time to go. at the time was a charm. i think this was a service to the republican party but to the bodies of congress both democrats and republicans that need to call out their own if a their cons like this is. >> leslie, you're not alone as democrat we saw bill today a couple of democrats voted against they voted to keep him out to expel him as well. a couple of democrats voted to keep him in. it mixing party. >> if i could just say something , he lied his way into congress. he should be thrown out. no problem. it does not deep need to be litigated. you don't have to have kids go to court in order for parents t get permission to speak them. there are some things we can do without litigating. if we have to litigate everything, we are done as a society. but now that we got rid of a gu who lied his way to get in, let's get rid of some people wh are lying in order to stay in. interesting. the sage senator federman from pennsylvania talk about bob menendez and how he needs to leave. that is just the beginning. there are enough allowed lot of lies told by people in congress. it democrats a better look at themselves. >> trey, setup the politics of this to us. what does it mean going forward? how long do you think it will pick governor kathy ho old to actually get the seatbelt? where is it going? >> it depends. at that will probably be democratic seats not lung. when kevin mccarthy lisa, it will take avenues of a long tim to call for a special election. they have a razor thin margin. it's down to two. they could get along jelly and when they had a five or 6 percent majority. it's down to two and a couple o those might leave for like professional wrestling or only fans or something else. mike johnson has the worst job-- kevin mccarthy is the luckiest person on the face of the earth. >> our wonder if you would agre with you. i suspect he might. he seems happy. opposed to the speakership it seems to be doing well. we had an interview with him last week. he was a very circumspect about everything he'd been through. panel, thank you for joining us tonight. we have to leave it there. >> thank you. >> it's friday. we normally would do winners an losers but were almost out of time. we have an important winner of the week we went to get to. @foxnews colleague welcomed a son into the world. conrad at james benson. conrad at james benson wise was born this past saturday. he's blessedly happy and healthy . congratulations to the three of you from all of us here. welcome to the fox extended family. our newest and handsomest special report viewer. ♪ ♪ it's friday. also time for notable quotable's . >> two hostages have made their way back. we hope there will be more. >> i'm a mom and i want my only son to come home to be. it. >> before as well as major military operations, it must pu in place the present protection pans it. >> i swear to limit hamas and nothing will stop as it. >> the notion was a massacre of jews as a fabricated narrative. >> if you wish americans were feeling singled out, targeted and isolated. we met this thanksgiving that dinner was the for the cheapest ever record. >> dog bites me twice nips my groin. that was my thanksgiving. >> the price tag per year is $451 billion. that's both for the housing in care of the asylum-seekers as well as at those known got-away is. >> i was talking to a fellow wh made the move from california t florida. he paused and said and by the way i'm gavin newsom's father-in-law. >> neither of us will be the nominee for a party in 2024. >> down goes the fraser prayer. >> the words of capture the essence of christmas. >> go [bleep] yourself it. >> the whole member of the hous is now 434. >> this is not how i thought this year would go. >> monday on special reports, the latest on the israel hamas war. make sure to also join shannon bream at per fox news sunday. shall be from the reagan defens of one of the sunday. her guest will be general charles keele browne junior. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. congress and michael watts as well as congressman seth moulton . if you cannot catch is light, set your dvr for 6:00 p.m. eastern that's at 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thank you for watching special report. i'm jelly at turner and washington. the ingraham angle is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura

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, Answer , Differences , Half , Constituents , Contributors , Charm , I M Sorry , 300 , You Re Not Alone , Couple , Saw , Service , Cons , Bodies , It Mixing Party , Parents , Problem , Permission , Litigating , Kids , Everything , Federman , Gu , Sage , Beginning , Politics , Lies , Pennsylvania , Seatbelt , Lung , Seats , Couple O , Avenues , Jelly , Majority , Tim , Razor , Margin , Kevin Mccarthy , Lisa , Five , Wrestling , Fans , Wonder , Mike Johnson , Speakership , Losers , Winners , Winner , Oxnews , Conrad , All Of Us , Congratulations , Wise , James Benson , Family , Newest , Special Report Viewer , Home , Protection , Pu , Notion , Dinner , Massacre , Narrative , Record , Jews , Housing , Thanksgiving , Price Tag , Care , Groin , Both , Asylum Seekers , 451 Billion , 51 Billion , Neither , Got Away Is , Reports , Fraser Prayer , Capture , Essence , Christmas , Bleep , 434 , Charles Keele Browne , Guest , Reagan Defens , Israel Hamas War , Eastern , Special Report , Flight , Dvr , Jelly At Turner , You Cannot Catch , West Coast , Michael Watts , Congressman Seth Moulton , 3 , 00 , Ingraham Angle , Laura ,

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