Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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>> jesse: i'm jesse watters with jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., sandra smith and will cain. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ron desantis and gavin newsom throwing down in the epic red vs blue state debate on "hannity." talking trash for months and finally getting the chance to hammer each other's record face-to-face. >> they tax too much, political agenda, they lost companies. >> governor newsom: california dominates, fifth large economy in the world. >> governor desantis: he had gives locked out of school because of teachers union. >> governor newsom: last guy you want to talk to, lying to migrants, promising jobs and housing, sending to martha's vineyard. >> governor desantis: this is app they plat the human feces found on the streets of san francisco. >> taking vicious shots at each other. >> governor newsom: i can handle it, you are nothing, but a bully. >> governor desantis: he will tell lies to mask failures. gavin newsom you are troling folks to outtrump, trump, how is that going, ron? you are down 21 points in your home state. >> governor desantis: he is throwing things out, this is a slick, slippery politician. >> governor newsom: i will take joe biden at 100 versus ron desantis any age. >> jesse: trading jabs over future ambitions. >> governor newsom: when will you back out and give nikki haley a chance to take down trump. >> you will not admit it -- >> i don't know how many times i can say, making this stuff up about shadow campaign. >> what biden and harris and newsom want to do is take that model nationally. >> governor newsom: one thing in closing that we have in common is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> jesse: judge jeanine pirro, you've been chomping at the bit. >> judge jeanine: he is mean-spirited, petty guy. no, obviously greasy gavin, new name for him. the thing that i found most offensive was one that didn't have a lot to do with substance. he interrupted ron talking about joe biden and teachers union and kamala harris and he interrupted. i don't know if we have the sound, he said, by the way, it is not kamala harris, it is kamala, it is kamala, it is madam vice president to you. stop insulting the woman. talk about petty. then the thing is every time they brought up bureau of labor statistics, the census, the seeds, sean hannity made gavin newsom the liar he is. taxes in california, people leaving california and then telling people you created jobs because you are allowing them to return to jobs you locked them out of unconstitutional during the lockdown is a straight-out lie. bottom line, here is guy who destroyed the city of san francisco, became the governor and now destroyed the state of california and want to be president of the united states. i think people saw them for petty, slimy guy. >> jesse: did newsom win on style, substance or neither? >> good to see sandra and will at the table. several things, i thought both did well last night. some facts as relates to mr. desantis, able to get some things out around covid and taxes. i thought governor newsom was able to get a lot out about his state. i think some numbers around people that moved there and jobs created, i don't think we get that full picture and they tried to share that vision. we did not understand how that would translate to them being president. sean did a great job making sure it was about the states. how they responded and what resiliency they were showing, that was positive. the question about style, i thought governor newsom, who is a good-looking guy and presents well and presents a strong way, probably found better of governor desantis in some exchanges because for whatever reason i thought he was more prepared. governor desantis was prepared, he countered many times, the counter and balance was struck. the two most telling and rememorable leans, he said neither of us will be the candidate in 2024. on a national level, this issue of women's health and reproductive rights and abortion, this issue is not going away and you have to, if the national party is unable and republican side is unable to get a better answer than governor desantis gave last night, it will be hard. >> judge jeanine: at least he gave an answer. >> i will not quarrel on that, i can just say what the voters are saying, kentucky and ohio, voters said abortion was a big issue for them. both pluses, both are patriotic and passionate and neither will be the nominee. >> will: i'm concerned, i think gavin newsom is effective, prolific, easy, sociopathic liar and does an excellent job of lying. i think desantis won the debate, he had reality and facts on his side, newsom would have you believe the california economy is booming, people are moving from florida to california, that it was most open state during covid. he would have you believe completely false reality, i think desantis was capable of pushing back on. newsom does it with such ease and i'm not concerned with people that like desantis, not concerned with trump voters or newsom voters, i'm concerned with casual news watchers, casual voters that tune in and all they see is that slick authority. he's diced some stat impossible to parse. he was full of numbers and judge, full of moralizing. how dare you demean lgbtq community as you threaten books and demean people and casual viewer might walk away from that slick presentation going, that guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about. >> that is why it is a debate and desantis showed up with facts, he won before he got on the stage. gas prices almost $5 in california, just over $3 in florida. the florida economy, people paying $5000 in taxes and over $10,000 in california. you have this population migration, which was easy for someone like desantis to fall back on. i think it came up multiple times, 454,000 people left florida between 2021 and 2022, 750,000 left california, 450,000 went to florida. perhaps line of the night was the story, hook, line and sinker, desantis brought up he was talking to a gentleman who fled california for florida and it was newsom's father-in-law. who won the night? voters will decide, american public will decide, there were substantive moment and we all win for this conversation happening, for this debate even happening. kudos to sean hannity, great job. there were substaative debates and people learned about each person, each governor. >> kudos to sean and harold ford jr. who said gavin newsom was handsome. >> what are you doing? >> jesse: coming up, dirty democrats caught censoring conservatives and they admitted they are ready to do it again. ♪ ♪ kevin, where are you?! kevin?!?!?.... hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. these plans are made to support your whole health with $0 annual physical exams, $0 lab tests and $0 preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies. and you'll get more for your medicare dollar with $0 copays on most covered dental services a $0 eye exam and an allowance for eyewear plus $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions, at the pharmacy or by mail. now's the time to look at unitedhealthcare's variety of plans. so give us a call to learn more about coverage options in your area. with our right plan promise, you have our commitment to helping you find the right plan for your needs. and to help make life with medicare simpler, you'll get the all-in-one member ucard. only from unitedhealthcare, the ucard is your unitedhealthcare member id and much more. show your ucard when you visit your primary care provider, dentist or eye doctor, or fill a prescription at the pharmacy. and use it to access medicare advantage's largest national network of providers. you can count on unitedhealthcare to help you get the care you need, when you need it. enrollment ends december 7th. now's the time to learn more about america's most chosen medicare advantage plans and how they can open doors to a simpler healthcare experience with the all-in-one ucard. call unitedhealthcare today about the only medicare advantage plans with the aarp name and get more of what matters to you. (music ends) ♪ >> explosive testimony on capitol hill over government censorship, matt taibbi and michael shellenberger telling lawmakers how the biden administration applied pressure to shut down free speech. >> the scope, power and law breaking of the censorship industrial complex are worse than we had realized. this is not a partisan issue at all, despite the fact it has been repeatedly described as right-wing conspiracy, we found suppression on both sides. >> democrats were not concerned about government pushing censorship. >> the government can -- >> time of the gentleman expired, chair recognizes -- >> 35% of the first amendment? >> it is not the first amendment, terms of service and they are flagging it for social media companies to make their own decisions, that is not the first amendment, that is terms of service. >> congressman dan goldman was not done there. he claims the hunter biden laptop is not real. >> you have no idea, you know hard drives can be manipulated. >> are you saying "new york post" committed conspiracy -- >> hard drives can be manipulated by russia or rudy giuliani. >> you are engaging in conspiracy. >> jesse, are you concerned what you just heard there? >> jesse: i am, big brother used to want to listen to us, now they want to tape our mouths shut. well, 35% thchl is like a speech tax. i get to say 65% of what i think, the government gets to take the rest. no, no, no. i'm not saying the government is into tyranny, they censored, gagged and arrested donald trump trying to replace me with a robot and trying to boycott and bankrupt our companies. they are not into democracy, best part about democracy, giving politicians power to represent us, not giving them power over us. they have worked for us, we have power over them. and the supreme court made it clear, the constitution made it clear, you can't abridge free speech, democrats are out on live television saying, let's go, this is crazy, they are calling it disinformation, but it is a conversation we are having. remember colonial times, publishing houses would print, ridicule against the church or slavery or the king, have great conversation in the country and we had television and then had tv license media corporation and now we have the internet. government can go through the backdoor of the internet and hit kill switches. i will start street preaching. >> look forward to that, judge, are you concerned this is happening more and more to matt taibbi's point, on both sides. >> judge jeanine: what these people are saying is that the government has the ability to spew american's views based upon their own politics and what matt taibbi and shellenberger is talking about in 2019 and 2020, during presidential election, we saw it happen, head of the fbi and intelligence communities say it was russian disinformation, they said it was not in the united states with the fbi, cia and homeland security and with the uk, as well. think back to 2016, who did hillary clinton go to get information? christopher steele, a spy in the uk. it is not just in the united states, it is with so-called partners in great britain. this guy dan goldman is dangerous, he thinks taking away 35% of free speech is okay, because he is couching it as terms of the company, which is nonsense. it is bs. that laptop, may not be legitimate, may have been manipulated because it might have been manipulated. well, there might be martians up there watching now, maybe doesn't mean it is, unless you show manipulation, you cannot conthe american public to think the hard drive is not the real hard drive especially when hunter biden admitted it is his. >> did denying the laptop, did that surprise you by a representative of congress? >> harold: it did a little bit. i love exchanges like this before congressional committees, oversight committees. when you get two smart people going back and forth, they were yelling, it got noisy, informative noise, substantive noise and i think shellenberger, got the better of congressman goldman, at least on substance of what they were debating. we go through episodes in this coun they probe and want to understand and examine how government might be -- to say certain things or not. we saw during the civil rights era, people were eavesdropped on. they were fighting for people's freedom. that balance and recall bragz comes every 10, 15, 20 years, we get a big one next year as the court takes up the missouri v biden case, determine what are limits, government can exert and ask them to regulate or for that matter tame or expand their speech, if allegations are right, the government was in the business of telling them what to do or what information was okay, what information is permissible, that is wrong and glad this hearing is taking place. these are oversight efforts, whether you agree with what happened or disagree, should agree with the fact no one's right to speak, whether i agree or disagree should be infringed upon, i don't like what you are saying. >> will: i'm disappointed i'm going last, we won't have time to hear response. >> harold: i'll respond. >> will: might have swung ideologically, might have been the time the right -- >> harold: i was just saying it swings. >> will: what is undebatable right now, regime of censorship in current modern moment is being driven whole-heartedly by the left, openly and in this hearing democrats are party of censorship and case today. we have news, biden administration is pressuring youtube, anyone with hesitancy about vaccine to take it down and this was in 2021. by the way, the left as ideology doesn't embrace free speech to same level as right globally, look at the uk and europe, canada, hate speech, generally this idea i'm offended by what you have to say and i should be able to shut you up. only defense for this country, which is hallmark of free speech is the american right. i'm not here to tell you i trust the american right, not that they have a sterling record on this, absolute proponents, i know this, if you have faith, if you need this part of the american experiment to last, you need the american right. i will -- the left is lost, they are gone, they believe in censorship, not the first amendment. >> judge jeanine: so said the court and on its way to the supreme court, that is the case. no one has monopoly on stupidity. this moment, the left need to calibrate it. a year ago, we had a speech conversation about whether or not people should be able to teach certain things in clas and people said, i don't want that, people thought free rights were being infringed upon. this debate that happened before congress, it is wrong and should be corrected, i don't care right or left. >> will: i appreciate that. i believe in free speech and terrified for future of the first amendment. >> harold: and i'm for the rangers. >> george santos getting thrown out of congress and it could be a bad sign for other crooked politicians. ♪ ♪ this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? 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(vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: congress getting more chaotic, republican george santos becoming sixth lawmaker in history to be expelled from the house after scathing house ethics found vile agsz of federal criminal law and used campaign funds for botox treatment and pornography website only fans. that indictment charged him with wire fraud, money laundering, warning members what precedence it would set in the future. if they want to loop me in with three confederates expelled for treason and those convicted in court of law, i will be the first expelled without being convicted. >> judge jeanine: what about other members of congress accused of crimes? senator john fetterman think they will look like hypocrites if they do not boot out bob menendez. >> we have a colleague that has done more sinister things, senator menendez needs to go, if you expel santos, how can you allow menendez to stay in the senate? santos landed on the moon and -- where as i think menendez is really a senator for egypt, not new jersey. >> judge jeanine: i mean -- >> will: what is happening in the world? >> judge jeanine: at least john fetterman is putting sentences together. >> will: smart answer from john fetterman. >> harold: he is harvard educated. >> judge jeanine: when is last time you complimented a republican? >> harold: last segment. >> judge jeanine: he has not been convicted of a crime, what are we doing here? >> will: the process of due process, shockingly, john fetterman points this out, he has not been convicted of anything, if you take people on acquisition, take out menendez. his accusations are more serious. if we go down this path, same thing n.f.l. deals with, talk about guy accused of doing something, do you kick him out or let due process play out? they are kicking him out of congress. i don'ts have to defend santos in his ridiculous lies, just the concept of principle and he's lumped with what, three, confederates and others kicked out of congress. this is why it is a big deal, subverting will of voters, voters picked santos. >> there was house ethics committee, that was pretty revealing. >> judge jeanine: you have elizabeth warren saying she is american indian, and swalwell and menendez, why aren't they under the gun? >> fair question. the subscription, it was more it was from more than that -- on the record saying we are a nation of laws, not a nation of men, he said this institution better remember that. fair warning, could be a slippery slope. the bigger picture, what this means for speaker johnson, has razor thin majority. major battles coming up, shutdown battle looming. this is dividing the party and does change things for republicans. >> judge jeanine: you have terrorist sympathizer like rashida tlaib, ilhan omar, cory bush. >> i'm not for expulsion, i was expelled from many groups throughout my career and i feel it is unbecoming. >> my gosh. >> jesse: this guy is a liar, fraud and thief, only difference, he was too obvious about it. you got to be sleazy, but classy, you can't still, you have to insider trade, okay. it is embezelment, why not take kickbacks like bernie sanders' wife. lie on your resume? or say you are american indian. if you want to money launder, do it through shell companies, that is how you do it. remember when the mafia would get heists, lay low, don't go buy furs, number one rule. he is buying hermes, come on, get something off the rack. >> judge jeanine: is there something to be said for the fact republicans do this and democrats don't? we're more ethical like -- >> harold: lead the witness. i think a boss of mine outside this show shared with me a while ago, one thing you got to understand, one reason we have not had situations egregious as this and gotten to this point, and think should we remove the person from the house, some people have decency and etiquette and others say, i will resign, this is not good for the institution or me. interesting mr. santos, he has not said he didn't do this stuff. when he was on the floor, calling on members to speak on his behalf, making eloquent points made here, you can't kick somebody out without a conviction. he just led with don't kick me out until i'm convicted, interesting and odd way to do things. i hope one thing that comes out of this, i hope the press really pose basic questions to candidates, did you go to college? can you present your degree that you actually graduated? this is the things he lied about or misrepresented. he said he worked at goldman sachs. >> judge jeanine: isn't it up to his democratic opponent to do that? >> harold: up to everybody, press, voters, not letting anybody off the hook, we all have to ask not tough questions, but just basic questions when you make these points. i think it was a tough vote, i would have voted to expel him. he did not say he didn't do it, it was an exhausting report. what senator john fetterman said on "the view" is something the democrats will have to grapple with. >> jesse: what if voters in long island wanted a fraud? >> they can re-elect him. if they want to re-elect him, committee believes that district did not know about him, so many people want him recalled. >> jesse: my mother's district, too. that is great, isn't it? >> will: can i get a list of the organizations that expelled you? >> judge jeanine: up next, the hollywood star who lied to get her daughter into college is throwing her own kid under the bus. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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your daughter was born in america, she was born the child of wealthy parents, went to the best schools, had the best experiences, clothes, restaurants and ability to get whatever she wanted as opposed to kids in the inner city, she wants to break the law issue she's a lying, cheating thooefr and feel no sympathy or concern for her. she makes hollywood disgusting. as far as i'm concerned, now she says that i knew i was committing a crime, but same time, i knew it was good for my daughter, i are full of crap. don't give me this you are helping women who had gotten out of jail, you were in jail 11 days, that is a drive-by sentence, she was never in jail. she says i'm helping women reintegrate into society, how? going on runs with them. she is the worst of the worst. >> will: harold, judge has no sympathy for felicity huffman, do you have for the daughter? >> harold: i think the judge is right in terms of mrs. hufffan, i'm delighted she said she is wrong. i think a lot of parents will be able to have some understanding what she meant. this is the wrong thing to do. everyone deserves second and third and fourth chances if they learn from where they needed a third or fourth or fifth or second chance. i know it was only 11 days and she had great representation and lawyers that were able to negotiate for her. the fact she wants to give back to communities that may not have those chances is good. i hope she tells parents not to do this. >> judge jeanine: most parents can't afford to do what she did. >> harold: even if they can, they shouldn't. >> jesse: why did the fbi raid her house with guns at dawn? >> judge jeanine: they are democrats. >> jesse: why would fbi go in guns ablazing? this is fbi out of control story, i don't see this as let's grease the wheels. she is at carnegie melon, what kind of learning disability does she have? that is great school. >> judge jeanine: they have a great drama department. >> jesse: what is the learning disability? i know if you have a parent and his name is -- william macy? >> great actor. >> judge jeanine: he is. >> jesse: you have anything you want in front of you, what kind of career do you think she was going to have, does she have to get into harvard or princeton, if your father is william macy? how bad were these scores? you could go to ucla and still do fine. i think this deal with college, you can go to a bad school and make it big, i went to trinity, look at me. [laughter] >> let that one sit there for a second. what she did was awful, harold has a point, you would do anything you did for your child. she needs to pay, do the time, she did, was eleven days enough? no. it was pretty bad, they are paying off sat supervisors to inflate scores, this is really bad stuff. we need to look at the college system. that person advising her was saying your daughter will not get into schools you want, not any school, could have gotten into somewhere. guess what news is this week, major fortune 500 companies are dropping undergrad requirement ychl? it is becoming more and more worthless, look at the college system in this country and all the problems with it so parents aren't feeling this level of pressure. >> judge jeanine: if you are a good parent, you teach your child to deal with disappointment, how many kids didn't get into their first choice? the kids go to another school and happy. >> will: go to trade school, wouldn't have to treat to get in, she wouldn't be indoctrinated, learn critical thinking, go to trade school, welding. more coming up next. ♪ ♪ (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. 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[indiscernible] >> blew it. it. >> saying he's--i don't know if it's a bar. an italian accent. >> i thought he is because he had a lot of cologne on. >> people think i'm italian. it. >> he was a out his nose. >> i thought years. have a great night. >> good evening from washington i'm jillian turner and

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Substance , Didn T , Offensive , Woman , Madam Vice President , Sound , People , Taxes , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Seeds , Guy , Lie , Bottom Line , Lockdown , City Of San Francisco , Estate , President Of The United States , Slimy Guy , Petty , Did Newsom Win , Will , Facts , Style , Neither , Mr , Last Night , Table , Numbers , Job , President , States , Picture , Vision , Question , Showing , Resiliency , Reason , Exchanges , Balance , Leans , Counter , Rememorable , Two , Issue , Rights , Level , Abortion , Candidate , Women S Health , National Party , Answer , Least , Side , Voters , Let S Go , Ohio , Pluses , Both , Kentucky , Lying , Reality , Sociopathic Liar , Easy , Florida , Release , News Watchers , Stat , Authority , Moralizing , Presentation , Viewer , How Dare You Demean Lgbtq Community , Books , Stage , Gas Prices , , 3 , Population Migration , 0000 , 5000 , 000 , 10000 , Someone , 2022 , 2021 , 454000 , Story , Night , Line , Gentleman , Hook , Sinker , 450000 , 750000 , Public , Win , Conversation Happening , Father In Law , Person , Kudos To Sean , Kudos , Substaative Debates , Dirty Democrats , Coming Up , Conservatives , Kevin , More , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Holiday Tradition , Cashbacking , Big Time , Holidays , What S Going On , Unitedhealthcare , Coverage , Medicare , Matters , Enrollment , Remember , October 15th And Ends December 7th , December 7th , October 15th , 15 , 7 , Plans , Medicare Advantage , Doctor , Plan , Prescription Drug Coverage , Health , Orange , Aarp , Part D , Hospital , Preventive Care , Services A , Lab Tests , Colonoscopies , Exams , Mammograms , Dollar , 0 , Pharmacy , Prescriptions , Allowance , Hundreds , Mail , Variety , Coverage Options , Call , Eye Exam , Life , Commitment , Needs , Area , Promise , All In One Ucard , Member , All In One , Medicare Simpler , Prescription , Eye Doctor , Primary Care Provider , Member Id , Dentist , Providers , Network , Care , Doors , Healthcare Experience , Enrollment Ends December 7th , Call Unitedhealthcare , Music Ends , Government Censorship , Michael Shellenberger , Matt Taibbi , Testimony , Capitol Hill , Law , Speech , Administration , Pressure , Power , Breaking , Lawmakers , Scope , Censorship Industrial Complex , Government , Fact , Sides , Democrats , Conspiracy , Suppression , Amendment , Censorship , Terms Of Service , Social Media Companies , Chair , 35 , Congressman Goldman , Terms , Service , Hunter Biden Laptop , Decisions , Idea , Drives , New York Post , Rudy Giuliani , Russia , Big Brother , Mouths , Speech Tax , Thchl , 65 , Rest , Tyranny , Donald Trump , Gagged , Politicians , Democracy , Part , Robot , Abridge , Supreme Court , Television , Constitution , Conversation , It Disinformation , Ridicule , Church , Publishing Houses , Colonial Times , Internet , Country , Tv License , Slavery , King , Media Corporation , Backdoor , Kill Switches , Street Preaching , Point , Ability , Saying , Politics , Views , Fbi , Intelligence , Disinformation , Election , Communities , 2019 , 2020 , Uk , Homeland Security , Cia , 2016 , Information , Christopher Steele , Partners , Hillary Clinton , Laptop , It , Company , Nonsense , Hard Drive , Hunter Biden , Surprise , Conthe American , Congress , Committees , Oversight Committees , Forth , Representative , Yelling , Noise , Coun , Episodes , Eavesdropped On , Court , Freedom , Big One , Fighting , Recall , Missouri V Biden Case , 20 , 10 , Allegations , Limits , Business , Hearing , Place , Oversight Efforts , Last , Harold , Right , Response , The Left , Whole Heartedly , Regime , Doesn T , News , I Don T Care , Case , Anyone , Hesitancy , Vaccine , Youtube , Hate Speech , Canada , Europe , Defense , Record , Faith , Experiment , Proponents , No One , Monopoly , Left , Speech Conversation , Stupidity , George Santos , Rangers , Sign , Hope , Bucket , Veteran , Franklin Graham , Demonstrations , Chaos , Wars , Jesus Christ , God , Sins , Blood , Trust , Heaven , Earth , Cross , Prayer , Son , You Haven T , Sinner , Number , Savior , Screen , Oman , Type 2 Diabetes , Isn , 2 , Diabetes , Vo , Blood Sugar , Stop Mounjaro , Body , Type 1 Diabetes , Children , Food , A1c , You , 25 , 1 , 4 , Reaction , Family , Swelling , Democrats Don T , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Stomach Pain , Neck , Lump , Vision Changes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Diabetic Retinopathy , Side Effects , Dehydration , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Taking Mounjaro , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Lawmaker , History , Republican , House , Botox Treatment , House Ethics , Campaign Funds , Pornography Website , Vile Agsz Of Federal Criminal Law , Fraud , Indictment , Warning Members , Money Laundering , Fans , Confederates , Expelled , Treason , Loop , Three , John Fetterman , Members , Crimes , Hypocrites , Senator Menendez Needs To Go , Bob Menendez , Moon , Senate , Sentences , New Jersey , Egypt , Harvard , Crime , Segment , Anything , The Process Of Due , Acquisition , Take Out Menendez , Deals , Path , Accusations , Nfl , Others , Concept , What , Principle , Subverting Will , House Ethics Committee , Elizabeth Warren , American Indian , Fair Question , Swalwell , Aren T They Under The Gun , Nation , Institution , Subscription , Men , Laws , Johnson , Battles , Fair Warning , Slippery Slope , Terrorist Sympathizer , Republicans , Shutdown Battle Looming , Cory Bush , Ilhan Omar , Rashida Tlaib , Career , Groups , Expulsion , Gosh , Liar , Thief , Difference , Insider Trade , Kickbacks , Wife , Bernie Sanders , Embezelment , Shell Companies , Money Launder , Mafia , Heists , Rule , Number One , Lay Low , Don T Go Buy Furs , Hermes , Track , Like , Show , Situations , Boss , Witness , Decency , Etiquette , Floor , Behalf , Press , Somebody , Conviction , Odd , Don T Kick , College , Questions , Degree , Opponent , Up To Everybody , Goldman Sachs , Vote , Anybody , Report , The View , Long Island , Committee , District , Daughter , The Hollywood Star , Isn T , List , Organizations , Up Next , Symptoms , Bus , Moderate , Arthritis , Kid , Settling , Rinvoq , Pill , Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms , Tnf Blocker , Enbrel , Humira , Damage , Skin , Infections , Some , Joint Pain , Psa , Stiffness , Fatigue , Nra , Tb , Risk , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Reactions , Cancers , Fatal , Blood Clots , Gi , Heart Attack , Tears , Stroke , Lymphoma , Death , 50 , Abbvie , Rheumatologist , Series , Elite Chicken , Favorite , Subway , Bacon Ranch , Scores , Chicken , Stats , Cheese , Satellite , Games , Better , Directv Sports Central , Peyton , Cable Guy , Reward Card , Cable , Visit Directv Com , Touchback , Oh Yeah , 400 , Felicity Huffman , Sat , Daughter Cheat , Lori Laughlin , Hindsight , Producers , Ear , Disclosure , Shouldn , Classic Hollywood , Parents , Schools , Child , Kids , Thooefr , Experiences , Law Issue , Restaurants , Clothes , Inner City , Sympathy , Concern , Hollywood Disgusting , Women , Jail , Sentence , Scrap , 11 , Worst , Society , Runs , Hufffan , Mrs , Everyone , Understanding , Chances , Representation , Lawyers , Shouldn T , Guns , Raid , Grease , Wheels , Would Fbi Go In Guns Ablazing , I Don T , Out Of Control , Learning Disability , They Have A Great Drama Department , Carnegie Melon , Parent , Factor , Front , Father , William Macy , Princeton , Ucla , Fine , It Big , Trinity , Laughter , Sit , Second , One Sit , Eleven , College System , Supervisors , Guess , Somewhere , Fortune 500 , 500 , Problems , Worthless , Disappointment , Wouldn T , Choice , She Wouldn T Be Indoctrinated , Store , Design Business , Business Internet , Business Grade Internet , Exploding , Switch , Verizon , Bobby , Ketoacidosis , Kidney Failure , Chronic Kidney Disease , Urinary Tract , Places , Stop Taking Farxiga , Infection , Yeast Infections , Genital , Perineum , Opinion , Fast Food Worker , Bowl , Problem , Justice , Restaurant , Employee , Customer , Victim , Example , Position , Sat Test , Clean Up , Six , Proctors , Sandra , Situation , Defendant , Ignorance , Suffering , Property , Back , Dwi , Jackets , Graffiti , Monitoring , Ink Business , Kidding , Products , Premier , Smarter , Sam , Who , Cash , Purchases , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Genius , Beans , Borders , Coffee Grinder , 02 5 , Ideas , Ink Business Premier Card , Spending Potential , Blend , Glucerna , Blood Sugar Response , Help , Carbsteady , Excuse , Crust , Savory Sauciness , Cheesy , Me Time , Pizza , Rock And Roll All Night , Kiss Day , Four , Gene Simmons , Congrats , Albums , Tongue , Boys , Deer , 44 , Night Moves , Night Classes , Elementary School , Tom River , School Doesn T Off Night Moves , Rudolph , Night Class , Ran Off , Cutie Pie , Staff , Firefighter , Paramedics , Team , Marie , Action , Cpr , Delay , Doctor Peterman , 45 , Siberian Husky , Husky , Home , Professionals , Animals , Italian , Indiscernible , Accent , Bar , Cologne , Nose , Washington , Jillian Turner ,

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