seeing more and more of that. we have a problem with antibiotics. we don't have the antibiotics we need. >> bill: good to see you. >> dana: hamas terrorist attack at a jerusalem bus stop leaving three israelis dead and six others injured. two palestinian gunmen opened fire on civilians during the morning commute. two off duty soldier and armed civilian returned fire and it killed the two terrorists. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. so rare that you actually see this on camera. >> dana: you can feel the terror. >> bill: hear the sounds in the background that go with it. i'm bill hemmer. deadly shooting on the edge of jerusalem car eft out by two brothers jailed for terrorist activity. the latest mayhem coming as a pause in the war between israel and hamas has been extended by one more day. they went right down to the last hour before they did that extension. which will allow for the release of more hostages. america's u.n. ambassador saying it's possible there could be another extension. >> this is all in the hands of hamas. the israelis have said if they continue to release ten hostages a day they'll extend by a day. so it truly is in their hands. but i do think there is a potential for that. >> dana: fox team coverage jacque heinrich at the white house. nate foye is live in northern israel. >> good morning. breaking just in the past few minutes we're learning from the idf that the red cross has in its care two israeli hostages ahead of an expected larger hostage release later tonight. we're learning that one of those two hostages is a 21-year-old woman on their way to israel right now. more hostages expected later. this comes just hours after a hamas terrorist attack in jerusalem that killed three people this morning. we'll show you what we can from that attack. i warn you, it is very disturbing. take a look you see the terrorists get out of their car in jerusalem at a bus stop and open fire. we stopped the video before they actually started shooting. they killed two women, one man. they sent several others to the hospital. reservists shot and killed the two terrorists who were brothers. during a meeting with u.s. secretary of state blinken this morning israeli prime minister netanyahu said israel will stop at nothing to get rid of hamas. >> this process is producing results, it's important and we hope that it can continue. at the same time i look forward to detailed conversations with the government of israel about the way ahead in gaza. >> 49-year-old american israeli leon is waking up in israel today for the first time since october 7th. the mother of three was kidnapped from her kibbutz with her husband, who remains in hamas captivity, along with at least seven americans. three palestinian prisoners for every israeli hostage are returning home as well. last night another 30 palestinians reunited with their families. you see that here. now as for the hostages that are set to be released later today, the parents of a 17 and 18-year-old sister and brother confirmed that their children are on that list and this is as two hostages are already coming back to israel, but mia is one of them. that's not one of those two children. we'll keep working to learn more about who else is on that list. send it back to you. >> dana: nate foye, stay safe. >> bill: president biden bolstering its support for israel the right to defend itself. his aid request is getting stalled in congress. getting it passed could mean cutting a deal with republicans on border security. jacque heinrich has it now. good morning. >> good morning to you, bill. republicans are insisting that any foreign aid to israel, ukraine, and the pacific also come with addressing the border challenges. and while democrats are feeling the pressure to come around to that, they insist that any changes to asylum policy also come with pathways to citizenship. senator alex pe dee yeah and senate democrats are concerned about reports of harmful changes to our asylum system that will deny lifesaving protection for vulnerable people including children and fail to deliver meaningful improvement to the situation at the border. using a one-time spending package to enact permanent policy sets a dangerous precedent. senate republicans are saying the reality is in order to get a bill here that can also pass the house chamber, you are going to have to come up with some wholesale policy changes to the border that they are demanding on that side. that means you won't get a whole lot of democrats who are happy with this proposal. >> we need a true bipartisan bill, which means some democrats will feel like they have gone too far. they won't vote for it. that's positive to me. that produces more republicans. if we have fewer than 25 republicans we aren't helping the speaker gain the momentum he needs to have a bipartisan vote on the house side. >> forging -- republicans are insisting it gets done in both chambers. putting it on the same line as national security interest in israel, ukraine and taiwan. the country's highest ranking jewish official is standing by the president's side calling out anti-semitism being voiced by protestors. >> in some cases, people even celebrated what happened describing it as the deserved fate of, quote, colonizers. in many cases people that most liberal jewish americans felt previously were their ideological fellow travelers. >> at least seven americans believed to be held by hamas, bill. >> bill: thanks, updates from the white house when we get them. more to come. jacque heinrich. >> dana: joining us is dan senor, co-author of the new book, the genius of israel. there were two more hostages released today, that is good. emotional blackmail is excruciating. >> there is a mix of unbelievable highs for the people reuniting with their loved ones and start to learn about life was like with them for the 48, 50 days in captivity, which is pretty awful. the recognition that the overcoming of that trauma is going to take a very long time and then you have all these other families, some of whom i'm in touch with saying when is my loved one going to be on the list? will they be on the list? and then also just broader pressure on the israeli government to not finish wiping out hamas, which we could debate whether or not continuing with that conflicts with the goal of getting the hostages out, the rest of them or reinforces it. is supportive of pursuit of it. the mix of emotions in israel right now is difficult to overcome. >> bill: no israeli men have been released yet. you wonder what's their condition, what's their status? are they alive? the israelis are releasing women who are in prison, including a woman eight years ago who attempted a car bomb. including a woman some eight years ago convicted of attempting murder for stabbing a female soldier. one of the leaders of hamas is in gaza today, his name is sinwar. he has gone face-to-face in the tunnels with some hostages. if you are israeli you know who this man is. he was in and out of israeli jails for more than 20 years. he was part of a prisoner swap 12 years ago for one israeli soldier. >> so this is extraordinary and you are right to focus on it. he not only was an israeli prison serving one life sentence, he had a headache when he was in israeli prisons. they found a tumor in his head in his brain and israeli jewish doctor conducted surgery on him and saved his life. that doctor is still alive today and interviewed in the israeli press. sinwar's life was saved in an israeli prison serving a life sentence. in this prisoner swab was over 1,000, something like 1027 palestinian prisoner for one soldier. sinwar was part of that swap. he goes back -- when he was in the prison he learned fluent hebrew. followed israeli press. an unbelievable consumer of the israeli news cycle. goes back to gaza and here we are today, the architect of october 7th and he is meeting with hostages. >> bill: the final scene in the movie munich standing on a hillside in queens or brooklyn and part ways and the world trade center tower is superimposed in the final image of the movie, which tells you that all of this stuff is repetitive and is on a vicious deadly cycle, more so in this part of the world than anywhere else. >> the only -- i hear this a lot from critics of israel's war aims and how it is conducting the war. they say okay, fine, keep fighting hamas, keep fighting hamas fighters. but in the rubble of the collateral damage that's the war will be the next generation of hamas fighters and hamas leaders. so you can kill the hamas fighters today but you can't kill the idea that that is they are susceptible to the hatred of israel that can turn into the future generation of the sinwars. my reaction to that is of course that's possible. but that has never stopped us in the past from trying to eliminate a threat that is here and now. certainly in the war -- when we were bombing, leveling dresden in world war ii you can kill all the nazis. in the rubble of dresden is the next generation of nazis. you could have said the same thing about imperial japan and war against isis. if you can eliminate the threat for a few years, for a generation, it's not to say the threat won't emerge at some point. maybe it won't. even if there is a risk it does removing the threat in the medium term is imperative. the threat against israel today is -- if israelis believe they cannot safely live in their country for the near and medium term, there is no israel. >> dana: there is no point. >> they won't live there. that's what the israeli government has to do. the goal of eradicating hamas in the here and now is essential. >> dana: dan senor, stick around for a moment. >> bill: we had major breaking news late last night. tributes pouring in for henry kissinger who died at the age of 100. he made it. kissinger served as secretary of state in the nixon and ford administrations and was known for reshaping the world with his diplomacy, the paris peace accords that helped end the vietnam war and so many other things. lauren green is with more on his life and legacy today. good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you very much. the 56th secretary of state will be remembered as one of the most admired, controversial, influential and respected men in the political world. he advised 12 presidents from jfk to joe biden it came under richard nixon. he helped shape american foreign policy under nixon. i warded the nobel peace prize for negotiating the cease-fire agreement to end american involvement in vietnam and paved the way for president nixon's visit to china and normalization of chinese, american relations and detente between the u.s. and soviet union. he was born on the 27th of may in 1923 in germany to an orthodox jewish family. in 1938 they fled to the united states as the nazis gained power and became an american citizen and served in the u.s. army during world war ii. he earned degrees at harvard and taught there. george w. bush said i long admired a man who fled the nazis with the jewish family and fought them in the united states army. when he became secretary of state his appointment as a former refugee said as much about his greatness as it did about america's greatness. >> there is no country in the world where it is conceivable that a man of my origins could be standing here next to the president of the united states. >> he remained influential even at 100. keynote speaker at the al smith dinner in new york city last month saying that societies don't grow by victories of one faction over another but by reconciliations. i was at that dinner and just felt so privileged to see and hear him speak. by the way he is survived by his wife, nancy, two children and five grandchildren. >> bill: a look back at an amazing life. >> dana: a great reflection. dan senor you stayed with us because you had a personal relationship with him and a chance to study and learn from him. your reflections this morning. >> he was everything lauren said. master diplomat, advisor to multiple presidents, also a master teacher. i was with him just a few months ago, 99. he wasn't 100. he gave me this master class on the yom kippur war. he did the policy following that war. and you would think this guy was not 99. you would have thought he was 49 the way every detail he remembered. every date. the strategic implications today of what happened then and how he stitched it all together. he also 98, 99, finished is book where he chronicled the biographies and the lives of thatcher, sadat. this was a man teaching and mentoring to his final days. my last conversation with him was his obsession with cultivating the next generation of republican political leaders hoping they would care about foreign policy. >> dana: was he trying to recruit you to run? >> someone else. a friend of ours. he was -- the man was so engaged in the world mentoring young people and educating leaders until his last days. there is no one else in american public life like him. >> dana: we should do a podcast on kissinger. thanks for coming in. >> not long ago, many of us marched together for black and brown lives. in the eyes of some, this principle does not extend to the jewish people. >> dana: schumer accused groups on the left of a double standard when it comes to violence against israeli women. >> bill: detained american paul whalen attacked by another inmate. his brother david is here today to tell us how he is doing, his condition and what, if anything, is being done to protect him today. >> dana: a 9-year-old kansas city chiefs fan accused of being racist shuts down the critics and what his dad is saying about an apology. i think he is younger than nine. t is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car 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>> paul is able to speak to our parents in 15-minute phone calls once a day. after this happened he let our friends know and parents know and they communicated it to the state department. he is worried as that video clip showed there are sharp shears in that room. metal they used for cutting threads off clothing. there are no guards in it. paul is in that room with people who have anti-american feeling and are likely to direct it at paul. >> dana: last april he said this. -- you said this. his resilience is shaken. paul told our parents he feels as though the u.s. government has abandoned him. the state department when finding out the news about what had happened most recently said we call on russia to insure paul whalen and all u.s. citizen detainees are safe. russia should immediately release paul whalen. are you still convinced that the state department and the biden administration is doing all it can? >> it's hard to know. it's a lot of words, really. we've been hearing paul is a top priority. usually you try to do thing to achieve it. we haven't seen anything achieved in paul's case. certainly there have been no concessions that the russians accepted to let paul go. it doesn't seem like everything that has been done that can be done. >> dana: like to see more proactivity in this case and others we keep top of mind. you are in our heart. we hope he stays safe. >> bill: let's bring him home. another wrongfully detained american evan gershkovitch will stay in prison in russia. he is there until at least the and of january. back in march he was arrested on espionage charges that he and the "wall street journal" strongly deny. russia said it would consider a prisoner swap only after he is tried in court. we're watching that, too, as well in moscow. >> a vote for president biden is a vote for president biden and vice president harris. we are a ticket. it is called biden/harris, that's the administration that's on the ticket. >> dana: another verbal gaffe from vice president kamala harris. is she doing more harm than good playing a role for president biden on the campaign trail? 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(♪) >> i would say that age is more than a chronological fact. not only is he absolutely authoritative in rooms around to globe but in the oval office meeting with members of congress. >> bill: vice president kamala harris addressing one of the bigger concerns for voters about president biden, his age. now 81. saying he is not too old for the job. mark penn former clinton pollster and advisor and karl rove. gentlemen, great to have you both on today. i want to frame this the following way. the phrase was i would say that age is more than a chronological fact. that's pretty clever. now to both of you, here are the approval numbers and the disapproval numbers for biden and harris. disapprovals in our polling both check in at 59% and president biden is two points higher than she is. karl, would you like to begin? if so you can start with age, numbers or maybe in the end they are all numbers. >> look, let's start with the number. 3/4 of the american people think he is too old including 69% of democrats. i love this. i spent a lot of time with the president and situation room. he is authoritative. steady, mature, made the call. what she is saying is who will you believe, me or your lying eyes and ears? the american people have made a judgment about this. the idea they can somehow spin this into something valuable and strong and able for the challenges ahead are kidding themselves. they have made a judgment about this. >> bill: mark, karl is not buying it. are you? >> well look, i think age is really -- it is not a chronological number an inflation number. if inflation was going well and economy was going well they wouldn't say he is too old. the country itself has never been older. we've never had more people this old in this country than before. the voters have never been older. so look, i think it's about his performance. if he performs well in the next year it will go away. if he doesn't it won't. >> bill: a couple things i want to show you guys. fox polling remember that we showed trump's gains on biden by the voting group independents 21 points, black voters 15, hispanic 13, suburban voters eight. if you're the white house, i don't know. dnc you are running around with whir hair on fire based on the numbers there. kevin mccarthy was asked about the next election and asked about who would be a good vice president and this is what he said for donald trump. >> right now it would be nikki haley in my view. >> you think she would serve? >> it's up to nicki. a bigger question for trump. if his campaign is about renew, rebuild and restore, he will win. if it's about revenge, he will lose. >> bill: he said a lot there, karl. go for it. >> i think the former speaker was spot on. if donald trump were to become the republican nominee his chances in the general election would depend exactly what the former speaker said. is it about renew, forward-looking. we'll renew and strengthen america or recriminations and revenge and rage at having had the presidency taken away from him? i think he is spot on. that's why there is a lot of concern about the former president's state of mind when it comes to what is the general election going to be about if he becomes the republican nominee? >> bill: mark, how do you see it? >> look, the way i see this coming down here, it's really there are two re-election campaigns, right? both presidents. they are going to have to tell people what they are going to do in their second term. neither of them have even begun to do that. re-election with president clinton we spent our time what is the american going to think about the future and what it will look like. these two men, no matter how old, have to convey that and they haven't. >> bill: karl, do you think that's right? talking about bidenomics. i don't know if it will work or not. go ahead. >> i think the problem is mark is absolutely right. it needs to be about the future. and the problem for biden is that he and his vice president seem to be completely tone deaf to where americans are coming from and what they are believing. i have another favorite out of the kamala harris interview. she talked about her work on the border crisis. the work i've been doing a lot is to work on the root causes of irregular migration. what's the first thing she says? the only thing she says about her work that we got $4.2 billion for digital inclusion programs in guatemala, honduras and nicaragua. they aren't looking at they don't have good internet connections in guatemala. this is insane. it is difficult for them to talk about concretely what will they do to make america better in the future. >> bill: come back, okay. big brains on that screen right there. thank you. two guys on the end, mark and karl, talk soon. >> thanks. >> jewish americans are feeling singled out, targeted, and isolated. in many ways we feel alone. >> dana: senate majority leader chuck schumer on the rise of violence against jews as hamas still uses rape on women and girls. gillian turner is live at the state department with the story. >> well, as you mentioned hamas is using rape as a weapon of war against israeli women and children. we know this in large part thanks to forensic exams conducted on corpses after the october 7th attacks. now families of hostages are saying hamas is continuing sexual atrocities even now. >> i also want to bring out there are young women that we have to get out of there. i will not say what is happening but we all know what is happening to young women. >> u.s. lawmakers say they, too, have seen the evidence. listen. >> hamas raped women and killed frail and elderly civilians. that's who hamas is. >> but now american and israeli jews say international organizations who claim to care deeply about women are failing them dismally. israel's first lady taking aim particularly at the u.n. she writes the silence from international bodies over hamas mass rapes is a betrayal of all women. there have been none at all. just this week an official from u.n. women, an international group dedicated to protecting women, declined to condemn hamas's sexual violence but committed only to quote, investigate all alleged violations. sheryl sandberg writes this. we have come so far in believing survivors of rape and assault in so many situations, at this time many are ignoring the stories that these bodies tell. yesterday senator chuck schumer tore into civil rights groups that he says are also failing jewish women, listen. >> not long ago, many of us marched together for black and brown lives. we stood against anti-asian hatred and protested bigotry against the lgbtq community and fought for reproductive justice. apparently in the eyes of some this principle does not extend to the jewish people. >> so secretary of state tony blinken is in israel on the ground right now. worth mentioning yesterday the state department honored what it calls, quote, the international women human rights defenders day. dana, back to you. >> dana: thank you. important story. ♪ >> bill: that is the sound on the song fairytale of new york by the irish panned the poggs. it takes on added significance as we learn today the man behind it has died. our celebrity news today. he has passed away. he was the leader of the poggs, the band that fused irish folk music and punk rock. a big deal in the 80s that they were able to do that and reach a mass audience. his death comes after a long illness. he was only 65 years old but that song fairytale of new york will take on a different meanings this holiday season. >> dana: it will. download that one today if you're too young to know it, you'll love it and have it on your spotify list or wherever you listen to music. may he rest in peace. is the u.s. on the path to war with china? a survey reveals a vast majority of americans believe yes, it is so. the pain of war being felt at home. the grieving father of a fallen idf fighter calls on president biden to throw his full support behind israel. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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what would you like to say now, doctor? >> let me first thank you, bill and dana, for having me on. i think the first thing my son would have shared with you the to thank you for your moral clarity in reporting at a time of such moral confusion in the west. israel's battle is not a battle over borders, or over a personal or local ballot. it is a civilization battle. hamas is isis. no cease-fire with isis. a declaration of the civilized nations to destroy isis. what hamas has done to us. the raping of women as punishment. this is something that is a norm. i just visited a family last night whose daughter was incinerated by hamas on october 7th. there is nothing left of her. this is the norm for these people and a threat to civilization which has to be defeated. and it begins with moral clarity. i thank you for that. and that would be the first message my son would like to share with you. >> bill: that's extraordinary. we could talk all day and i know you will among your family and friends. what do you want us to know about your son? >> well, first he was very connected to the american experience. he trained with the delta force and he was very proud of that fact. he visited quite often, although he was born here in israel and traveled with his family to know the american experience and to appreciate the rich american history. most importantly, he believed in the common values that we share in terms of judeo-christian ethic. and insuring that our future is one of virtue and values and a belief in a common ideals. and he was a father of six. his sixth child was just born three months ago. he was an excellent soldier. he knew the battlefield very well. he was at a battalion commander level. major, but he chose to go into this war as a squadron commander because his soldiers loved him and he loved them. so he chose to lead the squadron. he was the point squadron of the entire division and the division commander told me it was on his suggestion that the war aims were determined. so i'm very, very proud and mourning for my son, my first born, but also very proud of him. >> bill: you raised a hell of a man. thank you, doctor. stay strong and stay brave. >> dana: wow. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> bill: thanks. >> dana: very powerful. select subcommittee on weaponization of the federal government holding a hearing one year after the first twitter files report. we'll keep an eye on that. elon musk not mincing words on the ad boycott against his company, x. ♪ my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. (♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. >> harris: images of israeli women going viral around the globe as their bravery is heralded. the cousin of one of those women who stared down hamas during her hand-off to freedom. republicans out with brand-new documents from google showing just how the biden administration tried to censor all of us during the coronavirus pandemic. they stepped all over the constitution. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: secretary of state blinken is in tel aviv meeting today with israel's opposition leader. the state department said he also met with the palestinian authority president abbas in the west bank. we don't have video of that. we'll bring it to you there. they are speaking about the violent protests there and no doubt will have more to say today. hopefully take some questions from the press. >> bill: elon musk did an interview and boy was it an interview. it went on. some choice words for companies who pulled their ads off of his platform x ripping into one ceo in particular, kelly o'grady has more from l.a. on that now. hello, good morning. >> choice words is right. the loss of ad revenue could cost the company $75 million and musk blasted advertiser. >> if black mailing me with money and advertising. go [bleep] yourself. go [bleep] yourself. is that clear? i hope it is. hey, bob. >> he is referring to bob from disney who paused advertising. even though the boycott may bankrupt the company people will blame the companies. he was clear his motivations for buying the company were to protect free speech. we have seen the pattern before. advertisers left twitter when he bought it. they came back. maybe they will again. >> bill: i watched about 20 minutes of that last night. something else. >> dana: i admire andrew who kept quiet as a reporter. sometimes that's the key, right? then the guy keeps talking and we got more news out of it. great to be with you. safe travels. see you tomorrow and harris is next. >> harris: breaking news, th

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