Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters and she need s a stepladder to reach her stepladder, dana perino, "the five" ♪na p >> greg: chicago mayor brandon johnson spewing some breath-taking bs over who's to blame for the failed state of his city, the left wing leader going on an excuse palooza blaming everything from right wing extremists to his predecessor tik tok super star lori lightfoot. i miss her. mind you the last time a republican was in charge of that place, herbert hoover was running the he was the 31st president, dana. >> dana: oh. >> greg: yeah. but before we dive into what brandon said, here's a quick refresher on the future site of the dnc. shocking video shows a woman gettinfutug robbed by a rifle-wielding gang on a busy chicagn a o street before the p victimized three otheror people. and chicago's so overrun with migrantser p they're stuffing illegal immigrants into police stations, churches, airports, and soon to be built tent city. residents who live near the new camp are protesting. >> when yowu think about all th things we allow to slide, this is another thing that we just can'llowt allow this to happen.e >> there's no transparency from the mayor, not even from ramirez. very inhumane to do this. >> this mayor is acting like a d dictator. he needs to go. he must go. >> greg: typical right wingers. but let's go back to brandon. chicago's woke mayor wants to blame everyone but himself. >> whalamet we have he a seen i very raggedy form instituted by right wing streamism. everyone knows that the right wing extremism in this country hawings targeted democratically cities and quite frankly been very intentional about going after democratically-ran cities that are led by people of color. it's the same republican right winglic extremism that stormed capitol. it's the same right wing extremism that refuses to accep, the result ts of the civil war. they're still mad that a back man isivil free in this countrye this is nothine g new. but aren't you glad that the soul of chicago won't be brokena and those are the words of i think beyonce. you won't break our soul. >> greg: oh, jesse. he's like taking a page out of jussie smollett's .book. likeng there's this huge hidden extreme maga, you know, criminal gang going around carjacking and stuff. i don't see any red hats at the crime scenes. >> jesse: no. well, you can't blame biden for opening the border because the fbi will theyou n raid your hou. that's what they did here to our mayor. i don't understand why he's un saying that whites or conservatives are mad at him. blacks are mad at the black mayor because he turned the south side of chicago into latin america. no one can even move in that ut neck of the woods because ve they're just flooded with migrants. and you have to understand, the black community in chicago is feeling thatack they're being replaced and they've said this. they've said that they're americans and you're importing a population there andam they're e crowding them out of schools, crowding them out of soccer fields, out of basketball courts, out of if you loollk at the explosion the hispanic population in this country it's astronomical. they've doubled the last couple decades, used to base 5% of thet population, hispanics now are 20% of the population. the hispanic population's doubling, the black population in 2060 supposed to be flat.60 they, are having a lot of children, they are coming to this country, they're going to replace the political power of the black community within the democratic party. and the black community in the democratic party has been so un loyal to the democratic party that the hasy can't understand they would do that.d and that's what people are saying in now, this mayor is not trying to fix anything. he's just pointing fingers.g he's not progressing. these people are saying you're establishing so much there's been no progress in chicago. he's going to fail just like alh these other progressive mayors are failing. and thenhe he's just going to wd up at harvard because that's what they do. >> greg: dana, you look at a lot of the problems chicago's facing, the migrant crisis, crimes, gangs, tent cities. thesimese are not caused by republicancaus policies. it's kind of like their political anger is being li directed at the people pointing out the problems and not the nt problems themselves. it's like getting mad at your doctor for diagnosing your illness because he's a republican. >> right. >> dana: also as you pointed out that wasn't exactly the right wing crowd holding the press conference.wi there hasn't been a republican mayor in chicago i believe sincc 1927?hi so i'm not sure how many people are going to buy this. this year -- sorry, in the last six months, 15,129 cars have been stolen. we could go through all the different burglaries, carjackings, robberies. but just imagine if your city i so badbu that a migrant arrivesy takes a look around and says wow, you know what? i think i'll try my luck in venezuela whersayse i might hav better zui felt like when he was doing his press conference talking abous dot extremists republicane was almost trying out to be white house press secretary because he knew it wasn't going to i don't know who he thought he was trying to convince, shoring up his own base, but it sounded so forced and so juvenile and really sounded like someone de completely out of his step and i feel bad ford chicago. and i feel bad for all the s mayors because the white house won't helpd them. >> greg: i felt sorry for him. and i never feel sorry for people >> jessica: wow you had 'em peace? >> greg: yeah i thought i had the flu but it was empathy. judge the great thing about republicans you can make fun of them all you want but we still will help you. he can yell at us but why doesn't he just say, okay, help us. what should we do because republicans will help. we're used to getting yelled at. >> judge jeanine: he knows what to do. he knows thaatt there were 30 peopleno whows were shot this pe weekend after thanksgiving. he is the person who appointed the superintendent of police. he is the one who can say to the police superintendent, sit down, let's talk about policy here. i don't really like your policy, where the police are not going to be punished for not chasing a criminal. i mean, that is a policy in at chicago. so a ipos people are losing the wallets and what we saw in the first video when we started thi segment,th as people are being robbed openly, police are not even chasing they're literally calling in a rob 2 on the corner of michigan and center street. that is his fault. it's his fault it's a sanctuary city. it's his fault the police are not making arrests. why not talk to your democrat progressivwhy e da, george soro funded da kim fox who messed up the jussie smollett case and say kim we have real problems.em for him to turn around and say there ar e white people in this country that are upset blacks ac are free, that was outrageous to me. first of all imet took white people to elect a black e president. e people to make id sure we have laws on the books that don't allow for discrimination. cut the crapth. stop tryinw g tofo be so divisi. they want to create hate and hate. they claim this victimhood. and then this outrage when, in the end, even the illegals are saying it's so bad here, you don't listen to minorities, i would rather go back home. >> greg: g jessica, i feel like- okay. there are two issues here in that he's deciding to go towards one than the other. there are the real issues, the real problems, and then he goes, but, we're being targeted, we're being targeted the and i think he means something like fox news, the media constantly pointing out the degradation of liberal citiesatio. so what? it's like that's not your job. your job is not to address how the media portrays the city, your job is to focus on the problems that are being exposedr ame i right? nod or blink yes. >> jessica: if i'm still alive trapped in i want tt o address that, i firi want to say that i don't know who jesse is talking to in o but -- >> jesse: i've had them on my show >> jessica: i don't think blackt prepeel sitting around talking about the great replacement theory and they can' t get on a basketball court. >> jesse: they've had people leave fields because there wasn't enough room because of migrants. you have>> g to watch jesse wat primetime >>th jessica: 8:00 is bedtime f thgroue baby. she's a fan mostly when your mom calls in. no great replacement therapy. t to your point greg i think you're correct that there's a decision he made that he wanted to go toward a more nationalized what's wrong ut with the republican party versur being ona local city mayor. and i think that it can be be difficult when you run one of these huge cities, right, that you don't feel necessarily that you're just a local guy but nece that's what it is.lo you have a little plot of land and that's what you're in charge of and the people who put you i office, and, by the way, chose him over paul, who's still a democrat, tried and true democrat here but had a much tougher stance about things likh immigration and supporting the police was an option. when i was watching the footage of the city council meeting where they wouldn't allootagw to to take the vote on maintaining sanctuary city status i was thinking are peoplpeope having buyer's remorse that they shouls have the optio?n to have a democrat hav in office who's go ton to listen to their concerns. he did inherit a whole host of problems from lori lightfoot anl the mayor before her and the t mayor before him, but homicides in chicago are down 10% from this timine last c year. they're down here in new york. they're down in philadelphia. dc is an outlier in terms of liberal cities and we've talked abouant what's going on in dc a lot. but i don't think that when overwhelmed by what's going on and the migrant crisis that they're necessarilyh sitting at home and talking abouecest the broad strokes. they're talking about how they know the little girl down the street was shot in a drive-by shooting. >> greg: murder is obviously ths worst crime but people are e wo leaving the cities not just because of murders, it's everything, crime inuse generat larceny, carjacking >> jessica: i'm saying one of the things we talked about was --. >> greg: jesse, people are leaving new yorkg: >> jessica: he left. he forced himself out. >> jesse: i left >> jessica: anyway, that's it, bye. >> greg: bye. up next, joe biden's green scheme is so bad even democrats are being:g forced to admit it. s green schema so bad, even democrats are being forced to admit it. ♪ ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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of course they want to make money but he said people who live in apartments say where am i going to charge it. this he get frustrated, the trucks when you go to toe something or put a trailer on the back they don't work as well and people are saying they're still too expensive and they don't want it anymore. this is a house of cards. and when the house of cards starts falling down in states like connecticut watch out. the bottom can fall out very quickly. >> judge jeanine: jessica why do you think americans are so resistant to the president's green agenda? >> jessica: i think that's what's going on with electric vehicles is part of the green agenda but not the entirety of it. >> judge jeanine: well this part of it >> jessica: i know and i'm going to address your question directly and then i'm going to add something. so we're okay. i think that ned lamont, who by the way one of the more popular governors in the country, is very smart to do this. and you saw it also during the pandemic with jared poll is the democratic governor of colorado where president biden was being responsive to your constituents. mayor brandon johnson, you just have to listen to your people. you can change rules for that. you can say this is something we want, we aspire to, he said that in the clip we showed. i want to get us there the goals are too aggressive we can't move that quickly. hopefully this will engender more good will toward evs if we take a break on this continue with your gas cars et cetera. there's also this problem for the fords of the world and gms people are buying teslas if they're buying electric vehicles. they haven't been able to get people en masse to buy these other versions and tesla has a different kind of sheen to it and people feel like the price can be justified also driven by wealthier people that are doing it. if you're asking middle class people to do it it's not resonating the same way. biden's green agenda, though, had a really big successes. he was at this wind plant, cs wind the world's largest wind tower manufacturer, just broke down on a $200 million expansion direct result of the inflation reduction act 850 new jobs that have come to this tiny town. 99% of the clean energy investments in colorado are in counties with below average weekly wages 68% counties with higher than average child poverty. this is helping people on the ground for real. there have been seven billion overall investment in manufacturing clean energy, semi conductors, evs batteries et cetera that are helping average americans and that is part of this as well and why he should be out there talking about it. >> judge jeanine: jesse, the biden administration just unveiled a massive set of highway emissions regulations as americans are getting ready to spend money for the holiday, and the finalized rule requires state and local transportation agencies to establish greenhouse gas reduction targets that they may not be able to make because people are not buying these vehicles. >> jesse: they're not hitting any of their targets and half of the offshore wind projects off the east coast have been cancelled or are about to be cancelled. i was trying to find where the market is to buy a green new car and i couldn't figure it out. because if you live in the city, where are you charging it if you park on the street? and if you happen to be able to afford a garage, that's like five to $800 a month more. they don't have chargers in garages. are you going to buy another car that's electric and you have two cars in a garage in manhattan? that doesn't even happen. so then you're out in the countryside. are you actually going to buy a car in the countryside where you have to drive miles and miles and miles? you won't be able to charge it. then i'm thinking, if you do happen to charge it in the country side it takes 20-40 minutes to charge. who has that kind of time to sit around at a charging station? i have errands to do and i have to be back before dark. and then, for safety reasons. so now you're only targeting the suburbs and who lives in the suburbs, you have older people in the suburbs. older people are not buying electric cars. it's just too different. they're not just going to start -- they can barely do e-mail. and then you have suburban housewives, all right? and suburban house hubs. usually the women don't control which car to buy. sometimes -- >> judge jeanine: really? >> dana: that's not true >> judge jeanine: no, no. wrong, wrong. timeout. let it go. >> jesse: the women choose cars you're right. okay, fine. maybe. anyway, let's just say the women that i know at least aren't tech people. they're not like, oh, let's get an electric vehicle. no, that's not what they're about. so the men in the suburbs, a lot of them drive pickup trucks. if they don't drive a truck, they're a conservative and not buying an electric car. so now you have this market, this is liberal suburban house hubs. those are the only people in the market for an electric car. that's not a big market. >> judge jeanine: thank you jesse. >> jesse: you're welcome. >> judge jeanine: an an older suburban ite greg do you have an electric car. >> greg: not yet but financial tip i have bought stock in extension cords. i have a theory that they're trying to replace our fossil fuel cars with evs. >> jesse: that would not be great. >> greg: no, i think the government's getting spanked by the invisible hand of the free market. this is what happens when you embrace a goal that's not based on a system but a desire or a wish. if you want, you know, like me, wash board abs and 7% body fat you have to create a system. you can't just witch you have 7% body fat and wash board abs. they treat this massive overhaul in your life like it's an electric car. just press forward and it will happen. no you need a system to do that. this is another area where something like evs were based on projected climate models that turned out to be false. the estimates, predictions have been off by 20% and what not. they lied to us. they lied to us in order to ban appliances. to eliminate fossil fuels, to ban gas-powered engines and to shame us into eating insects. and imagine if they did it the right way. because i think that jessica's right. you introduce evs that are cool as an alternative and give it time to become convenient, this is what musk did with the tesla and his new truck is magnificent but it's expensive. but wealthy people will buy the expensive thing. it was all the wealthy people buying vcrs and flat screens and getting computers first and they were costing thousands and thousands of dollars but over time they became more efficient, faster, better and cheaper. americans understand that. like e electric trover time the will get better but they drove this argument into a bad place fearmongering. and americans have a pretty good bs detector on like, i don't need to do this because the earth is collapsing. it's not happening. and we're seeing these climate models are not bearing out. the world was supposed to end in a couple years. it was supposed to already end. >> judge jeanine: already be over. >> greg: yeah, just tell us this is going to be a great way to get around and maybe we'll listen. that's what musk did with the tells la cars. >> judge jeanine: all right. coming up. the media falsely smeared a kid accusing him of wearing black face and now his family is hitting back. ♪ and now his family is heading back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? 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[laughter] >> jesse: but the story was about someone's face. right? and you only saw half of the kid's face. don't you think you should have seen the whole face? and this is what the media does. they take half the story, not the other side. and you know which side i'm talking about. and then they public it. this is like turning on america's news room. click, you see hemmer and you're like, oh, god this show's terrible. and then you write a story about how the show's terrible before you see dana. >> dana: happens every day. >> jesse: then you're like wow this show's great, a cohost. i do this all the time at dinner parties, you go to a dinner party and want to know what a couple's like and you meet the husband and the husband's i hate the nba, sole food's disgusting tiger woods is overrated and you're like, oh, i know this guy all of a sudden his wife walks in and she's black and you're like, okay, now you get the full story, okay? that's what reports have to do. i'm a reporter i'm a journalist. we had april ryan remember what she said about stevie and i thought should i make fun because she's the only one wearing a mask and then i found out because i asked that she has a medical condition and i said to myself jesse you are a brilliant reporter because you got the full story before running your mouth and that's what that guy didn't do the male car rot >> jessica: i have no idea what's happening anymore. greg, do you think this will become a big story? i still feel like it's very -- obviously it will blow up on jesse's show. >> greg: i think every block jesse gets better. what do you think? okay, first, you have to focus on the writer, this guy, karen. this is the new pathway for no talent hacks. if you don't want to write and you don't want to report, click bait is the answer so this is what he did. he got the spotlight faster than anybody and he knew what he was cog because obviously if you see the picture from the kid from the side, there was a front picture there but he chose the other one because he realized i could amplify this and i could get some attention. he didn't realize, and i'm going to get to it, the perfect comparison is to the covid kid hoax. that happened on pre musk twitter when they didn't have community notes. so the out of context lie of the covington kid was able to scale massively before it was debunked. i fell for it. i was sitting at a barks cafe bistro in soho and i was drinking rose and i had to put my $0.02 in, i had to put my $0.02 in. compare that to now, musk introduces community notes which immediately puts out the hoax fire before it can actively spread. he created it, an actual solution to fake news and it's actually brilliant. nonetheless did. so within hours that story was filleted and humiliated the hoax writer who probably -- this is going to follow him to his muted career. doesn't address how the story got there and that's the process which is designed based on click bait that targets and smears the right targets, not all targets, specific people are targeted to be taken down. dead spin is paying for it now, their spin is dying. but you look what happened to espn and sports illustrated. these were all once-respected sports institutions that are now infected with a mind virus that is predicated on identity and envy, because it creates clicks >> jessica: dana? >> dana: not only is community notes coming for him but so is technology. have you seen recently the artificial intelligence reports about the writing for sports outlets, i mean it's actually happening. they're not going to use reporters anymore. and i have a question. so he's a sports writer and he's covering the chiefs game and he doesn't think to himself, the other side of his face could be red because he doesn't know what the chiefs colors are? even i know what the chiefs colors are. >> greg: also in sports they wear face paint. this guy knows. he claims to be a sports reporter, i don't know. but anybody would know that. >> dana: right. like you could put me on a quiz show and name a team and i'll tell you the color. >> greg: it was definitely deliberate >> jessica: also a kid. >> greg: kids can be racist jessica >> jessica: not without their parents help. >> greg: have you seen jesse jr. >> jesse: oh, stop it. >> greg: i'm kidding. >> judge jeanine: you know, the fact that this guy wanted to cancel out a kid really speaks to who he is. the fact that this thing even got reported is an indication that journalism is not what it's supposed to be. it's just throw it out there and see if it sticks and, you know, then worry about whether or not it's true. this guy, this male karen, he's got to worry about that because there is a defamation case here. and then this other personality, this guy named dan libitard says i can't help with the fact that they want to sue for racism while he's in full racist guy. the kid is legitimately in garb that is consistent with the game and apparently they say his grandfather is native american. so cut the crap. and the lawsuit is a legitimate one. there's a false statement or suggestion, it was publicized and there are damages. >> jessica: okay. coming up a sex in the city star is going hungry for hamas. >> jessica: coming up, a star is going hungry. ♪ ♪ struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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they don't eat. that's what they do to get ready for a part. hunger strikes have to be open-ended right? you can't just -- that's how you leverage your health against the opponent. you don't put a cap on it. although i am hunger striking right now for at least an hour to protest against all the unnecessary stories featuring taylor swift. i think we have to have enough of that so at 6:00 i will be back in the green room. you should always strike with something that matters to you. celebrities need to go on an attention strike. no frothy pronouncements, no texting, tweeting, displays of virtue signaling that will mean something. >> dana: jessica you're a fan of the show a lot of us are but this is stupid >> jessica: this is stupid. i'm not a fan of cynthia nixon's politics complete garbage and this morning schumer gave an amazing address about the rise in anti-semitism. >> dana: was remarkable >> jessica: something powerful he said is anti-semitism isn't coming primarily from the far right but people most liberal jewish americans felt previously were their ideological fellow travelers. >> dana: cynthia nixon hasn't said anything about the jewish women who were targeted. >> judge jeanine: nope hasn't said a word. but i love that she says she's going on a hunger strike to trigger the israel/hamas peace as if anything she would do would trigger anything as it relates to israel or hamas. but the most significant thing she's unaware of is hamas throws gaze off buildings and she thinks putting her health in danger might trigger peace. it's so ridiculous. she knows nothing about the history. i'm not going to waste time but this is ridiculous. >> dana: jesse final word. did you effort her for your show? >> jesse: no, but we're having johnny deliver pasta to her house just to tempt her because thissent isn't a hunger strike it's a fast. a two-day fast has many medical benefits i'm considering doing it myself. although some people say it's actually bad for your health so i don't really know what i'm going to doichlt i maybe you need to effort your nutrition. >> greg: what an analysis. it's good for you but it's also bad for you. [laughter] >> jesse: let's just go to commercial. >> dana: up next, do men suffer more than women when they're sick? get ready to hear about man flu. suffer more than women when they are sick? get ready to hear about the man flu. ♪ ♪ (christmas music) ( ♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at ♪ >> jesse: dudes are as tough as nails. you probably heard about how i was bitten by a dog twice and lived to tell the tale but believe it or not, our immune systems might not be as rugged as our bravado. a british health expert says the man flu is real and men suffer more and become sick more often because we have higher testosterone levels. some of us have very high testosterone levels. fellows the next time you're not feeling well don't feel shame about kicking back on the couch and not coming to work. jeanine. >> judge jeanine: why? why are you coming to me. i don't believe any of it. i just think when a man gets sick he wants attention and can't deal with it so you're going to say testosterone suppresses the immune system estrogen increases our efficiency >> jesse: jeanine follow the science. >> judge jeanine: no, that's not science, that's men being babies. >> jesse: we are not babies we will we're medically different than women >> jessica: but you could be quiet about it woman there's no medical reason you have to complain. you know what a day in the life of being a woman is like? we don't feel well all the time. got to go to work. got to pick up the kids. >> judge jeanine: got to kick dinner >> jessica: yeah. >> judge jeanine: got to make sure the clothes are back. . >> jessica: right. do i stack his boxer shorts or not. >> jesse: he gets starched boxers >> jessica: no isn't that what they did in olden times. >> judge jeanine: they ironed them, too >> jesse: emma, that's something else. dana. >> dana: when i first met peter i went over to england to see him, that's where he was living and i remember in his car he had a box of tissues, a lot of people have that but i remember they were man-sized tissues so in england they actually sell larger tissues for men so they must believe all this and also i remember peter was very sick. >> jesse: man tissues. >> dana: he didn't complain though because we were just dating >> jessica: too early i i want complaints increase as the years go by. >> jesse: as we get more comfortable. >> greg: number one british health expert? british? they gave us harold chipman. so anyway, i love a story that is sexist in both directions. right? so a feminist can say you go girl, we have a stronger immune system. ha ha that. we can say well we have 50% more muscle mass which accounts for the greater amount of muscle aches and pains you get from the flu right? so this is just another example of the matriarchy. we still have to bear the heavy lifting despite our pain. do you care about our pain? no. pick up that big box, man. i don't care if your muscles ache. >> jesse: oh, man >> judge jeanine: pick up your socks. >> greg: why aren't my socks starched >> jessica: starched boxers would be uncomfortable. >> jesse: starched boxers what have i been missing. one more thing's up next. ♪ ♪ thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ some of the best traditions start under a tree. it's where we gather as a family. it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. bass pro shops and cabela's. 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Bobby , Business , Vo , Switch , Life Insurance , Confidence , Drinks , Heart Attack , Roko , John A , Selectquote , 29 , 500000 , 00000 , Insurance , California Gorda , Qualcomm , 21 , Age Expertise , Red Versus Blue State , Debate , News Up , Nine , Spicy Chicken G Abu , Chicken Wings , Everybody , Popeyes , Yearses , 51 , Ghost Pepper Wings , On The Inside , Crispy , Outside , Crispy Thicken Wings , Honey , Barbecue , Garlic , Flavors , Breaded , Let E Outside S Go , Parmesan , Prime Time , Jes , God , Adorable , J Ohesse , Friend Holden , Grandmother , Watch , Name , Nap , Awakening , Eulalis Yoa , Pra No , Thg Grand , Wait , Grandchildren , Parkway , Nap Prd , Wait By , Playind , Prankedg , Timer , Coal , Stockings , Gall , Disgusting , Al Wow , Kat Timpf Entire , Pono , Michael Loftus , Hay Co , Littt , Greg Sgusti Ng , Bruce Wayne , Okayn , Horrifieorrifying Lid , Judgeorable , Camera At Oregon Zoo , Orego Pln , Ad Thinorg , Drugs , You Go Girl , Adorablehat , Bea , Bucould , Old W , Owenghar , Fliers , Flier , Cancer , Hockey Fights , Guest , Cancer Night , Nister Tuesday , Pediatric Brainnd , Hockey , Starting Lineup , Treatment , Captain , Youth Hockey Club , Flg , Evens , Cerapy Yy , He Gotlub , Warm Ups , Face Chemotherap , Locker Hs And Custom Jersey , Players , Jok , Purpose , Yoy , Jokesone Moho , Boots , Knee Highsa , Breaks , Walking , Eyebrows , Price Tag , Louis Vilouis Vuitton , Tone Options , No , Leg , Wouldessica , 500 , Chicken , Bodmey , Udge J , Thosetingd , East Riverow , Greg Ea Imagine , Night , Hot One , Waters ,

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