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that temporary truce between israel and hamas is winding down and global protests are heating up. then there's some kind of hold-up in the release of today's hostages. only two israeli russian nationals set go so far. brigadier general pat ryder and leon panetta are here. "your world" starts now. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. let's go to northern israel. a hold-up in this release or snafus, we don't know how to explain it. we know that nate can help us. what's going on? >> well, neil, just in the past few minutes, local reports are that ten israeli hostages are being handed off to the red cross right now. we're working to independently verify those records. this comes after a delay. we've heard some logistical problems possibly. but it appears that that transfer is underway right now and comes after you mentioned two israeli russians were freed earlier. let's take a look at this video of them being released. this is a mother and a daughter, 73 years old and 50-year-old. they were kidnapped from their kibbutz on october 7th with the mother's son and his girlfriend that are still being held by hamas. as these families finally reunite, of all the hostages that have been released so far, there's still over 130 hostages in hamas captivity including roughly eight americans. whether or not tomorrow brings more reunions like this will depend on negotiations tonight. you mentioned the extended cease fair expires after today. u.s. secretary stated antony blinken arrives tomorrow as three u.s. military flights deliver aid for gaza in to egypt this week. israeli officials say the only way to extend the cease fire is for hamas to release all women and children hostages. if that doesn't happen, israel defense minister said today that troops are prepared to resume operations should the decision be made. neil, we're learning that right now just minutes ago, the israeli war cabinet is convening. they're going over a proposal by hamas that would include more prisoner hostages exchanges. it would extend the pause in fighting by two days. this would be an extension to the previous agreement rather than a new agreement. we'll see what comes out from israeli officials tonight. >> neil: nate, be safe. thanks. great reporting as usual in northern israel. we're learning some of the hostages are making their way to the hospital right now. we'll keep you updated on that and more reports as they come in. meantime, we've been telling you about protests planned around the country including here in new york city and could disrupt a christmas tree lighting in rockefeller center. the backdrop shows the dilemma for the white house in dealing with this with the concerns and protests building within. peter doocy has more on that back and forth. peter? >> american diplomats are pushing for the cease fire that is about to expire to last longer. they think that's their best chance to get more hostages out. the qataris are telling the "wall street journal" there's been enough good will built up that maybe they can start talking about a permanent truce. that is still to be determined as democrats here in washington d.c. are now saying, they might not tank the republican proposal to tie money for israel and ukraine to border funding. >> i'll trust senator schumer to make a judgment about what should go to the floor. but i hope for a vote as soon as possible on aid for ukraine and israel if there is no agreement possible, i'm willing to be flexible on proposals for immigration reform, but not if they are infact poison pills designed to sabotage that aid package. >> pro-palestinian protesters have taken to the streets of new york hoping to disrupt tonight's rockefeller center christmas tree lighting thinking that that will help win hearts and minds for their cause. we have seen quieter protests including from a cia case officer that for some reason has a social media account and used it to post a pro-palestinian image. >> it's disconnected from the role that they have to post a pro-palestinian. what are you doing posting on social media when you're a professional analyst at the cia? >> all the president wants to talk about is his climate agenda. he just did admit in his remarks in colorado that he was so distracted by a call with his national security team about the next tranche of hostages that he walked off of air force one and passed his greeters and in to the limo. he was saying sorry to them. >> neil: thanks, peter to david freedman, the former u.s. ambassador to israel. we're learning some of these hostages are in fact making their way we're told to the hospital to be checked out. there was a lot of confusion on this. whether that came from the hamas side, i don't know. you might know better. what happened? >> yeah, i -- we don't know. you know, every single one of these transfers has been plagued by emotional blackmail from hamas. you know, it's heart breaking. i think hamas has figured out how to exact the most pain, the most emotional and physical pain upon the hostages and the peacing loving public. i'm not surprised be it and we'll probably see more. the question is when are they going to be eliminated? a lot of people in israel and people in america that want to see a good conclusion, we're waiting for the battle to start again. nobody wants to jeopardize hostages, but this battle has to restart. i heard earlier commentary about a long-term truce. you know, without a victory being signals, that is the worst thing that could happen for anybody in the region. >> neil: there apparently trying to iron out another two-day extension of the pace. i believe that would make it an eight-day pause to allow more hostage releases. i'm just wondering whether hamas is dragging this out to the point that to your earlier concerns, it works to their advantage. >> it only works to their advantage. they're the ones that are asking for the cease fire. israel never wanted a cease fire. israel is engaging in a cease fire to get back the loved ones of so many families. six to eight days. again, as long as there's hostages coming out, the cease fire will hold. hamas isn't stupid. they're going to want more. they're going to -- they're supporters are going to put more and more pressure and the domestic situation here in america and places like michigan will put more and more pressure on joe biden to push for a cease fire. i said before, it's going to start looking a lot like afghanistan if that's the way the president goes. we can't retreat. we can't force israel to retreat, this is an existential battle with a ruthless enemy. they have killed americans, holding americans hostages and there's no negotiating with them. as i see this, i'm getting the feeling that the american administration is moving a lot closer to a more permanent cease fire. that will be a life line for one of the most vile organizations on the face of the earth. >> neil: is the netanyahu administration prepared to say no to joe biden if that is the recommendation? in other words, look, we have a terrorist group here that killed 1,300 of our people back on october 7th. we cannot let them survive this and capitalize off of this. is israeli prepared to go to that point if the pressure builds to such a point the administration says enough? >> i have no doubt. i don't think israel has a choice. the politics wouldn't permit it. the government will fall a minute after netanyahu calls for a permanent cease fire. the people of israel are -- they want this fight. they want to end this. they have been living with this threat over time. the rocket fire, the indiscriminate rocket fire for 20 years. they're entitled to end it. everyone in america should want to see israel end it as well. in the absence of that, it's a license to terrorists everywhere to adopt this template, which is cynical and subhuman and the free world, we have to put an end to it. >> neil: i've been following the numbers, rough math on my part. we've had about 80 of the 240 hostages released thus far on the israel and multinational side. yet three times as many palestinian prisoners have been released. do you know why that is? why the palestinian releases are so higher than the israeli releases? >> just to put a finer point on that, the israelis are getting back innocent women and children and israel is giving up convicted criminals. people who had attempted or succeeded in terror attacks. it's a very simple answer. it's a regrettable answer. it puts israel as a disadvantage here. we love our children. israelis love our children. americans love their children. we love our grand parents. we can't sleep at night knowing that children are living in holes unaccounted for. the palestinians have a culture of death. one soldier was traded for 1,000 palestinians a few years ago. it's hard to fight a war when you value life and your enemy values death. that's are the circumstances. >> neil: real quickly on that point, ambassador, you know, hamas has been saying that some of these hostages were traded off to private groups, private terrorist groups, i would suspect and claims that it doesn't know where good many of them are. do you fear they might not be alive? >> of course. i mean, there's been rumors already that they're not alive. this idea of subcontracting out hostages to other terrorist groups? we're in a world that none of us are familiar with. news of us can even get our arms around. these are the worst of the worst people on earth. just additional emphasis on why they have to be eliminated. >> neil: thanks, ambassador. always enjoy talking to you. i apologize under these circumstances. thank you. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: i want to focus on news closer to home that has a lot to do with what's going on in israel. the crowds building on6th avenue outside our studios on the left here. huge crowds for the annual lighting of the rockefeller christmas tree. there were these protests going on earlier today. still going on now, hopefully they say to get to midtown manhattan and disrupt it as they did yesterday. so for this iconic moment when we celebrate peace on earth like in washington yesterday, sometimes anything but. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? 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>> well, look, obviously people in this country have the right to protest and to do it without any violence or disruption. that is something that we accept in a free society. i think the administration and frankly everybody has to keep their eye on the ball here. the ball, the mission here, that is taking place as a result of this war is really two fold. one is to destroy has and make sure that they never again can conduct an attack like october 7th. the other is obviously to get our hostages released. that's important as well. whatever we can do to obviously get the hostages released as we had over these last number of days, i think is a good thing. as the same time, the focus still has to be on destroying hamas and making sure that that kind of attack never happens again. i think that has to be the principal focus. >> neil: i was speaking to david friedman. one thing that came to us, the united states telling israel to stand down, your response is over the time. you have to cool it. he has israel has an obligation to say no. we have to do this. do you think it will come to that? >> i hope that's not the case. we have a strong bond with israel. he had a strong relationship over a number of years since their creation. we're in many ways obligated to work with them in order to make sure that they're able to maintain the state of israel. so i think in the end that the relationship that we have seen is going to continue. i'm sure that the prime minister has gotten advice from the president and i'm sure that the prime minister's given advice to the president. that's what that relationship needs to be all about. the ability to be honest with one another and be able to say what you think. but in the end, the goal is the same. and the president, this country has basically embraced the goal of making sure that israel defends itself -- >> neil: but has he -- does he still embrace that? do you still get the sense the president does embrace it there's this enormous pressure in extending the pause. they're playing to hamas' advantage and frustrating the israelis that will most likely decide for another two-day extension we're told, could be wrong and that that is really hurting the israelis right now. what do you think? >> well, you know, you have to take this situation as it's presented to you. the fact that there's hostages that are being released i think is important. that's an important goal to try to achieve. at the same time, those calling for a cease fire or some kind of long-term truce in which, you know, we allow hamas to continue to exist, i think, are barking up the wrong trail. frankly hamas is a terrorist group this has to be eliminated for the sake of having a future peace in israeli between the israels and the palestinians. that cannot happen unless we're successful at trying to make sure that hamas doesn't have that ability. i think everyone basically embraces that goal. >> neil: ambassador, one of the things that stand out as we get more details on the latest release of hostages, ten israelis have been released,four hostages from thailand on their way to be looked at at a medical facility. but we don't know what held this up today, but almost every day stuff like this happens. hamas seems to play it to its advantage. do you think that this process is playing to hamas' advantage, they're getting the global sympathetic audience and protests that could play out even in new york city tonight and elsewhere as it has all over the world to israel's detriment? >> well, you know, the most important thing to remember is that we cannot trust hamas. they're a terrorist group. i dealt with al-quaida when i was director of the cia. the basic principal that we operated on is never trust a terrorist. the same thing applies here. so yes, of course, hamas will try to play this out, try to gain an advantage. but i think what all of us need to focus on is the fact that ultimately hamas cannot exist, that we need to go after their leadership and that we need to ultimately make sure that we achieve that goal if we are to have future peace in that area. that's the bottom line and that's what we all ought to be committed to. >> neil: you talked about your days as a cia director one. the present one acknowledged that this can't be in the drip drip fashion it has been. you wonder if the pause stops, any hostages that might still be remaining, that's a problem getting them at that point. >> yeah, no, there's no question. i really pay tribute to bill burns for what he's doing. he's working with the head of hamas -- i'm sorry, the house of massad and they're trying to sit down with qatar and hope that they can negotiate some additional releases of hostages. i think that's a good thing. i think that's important to try to make that effort. in the end, they also have to make sure that what is happening here is not a prolonged effort to basically delay what ultimately has to take place here, which is either that hamas has to surrender and give up or be defeated. that's the bottom line behind any deal with regards to getting the hostages. >> neil: leon panetta, thanks very much. i appreciate it. as leon was wrapping up, i want to bring your attention on some of the numbers i roughly scratch to keep track of these hostage releases, including maybe about 80 or so israeli hostages, not all israelis. what you heard in the latest group, four thailand residents. but by comparison, close to 170 palestinians have been released. so if you do the math, it's roughly running 3 to 1 in favor of palestinian hostage releases over israeli hostage releases. taking you to midtown manhattan. the reason i link up this, there's planned protested in new york city getting ready for the iconic lighting of the rockefeller christmas tree. some of these pro-palestinian groups plan to disrupt that and to march on that as some had last week you might recall during thanksgiving where few cemented, glued themselves to the ground to disrupt things. they did. smaller number there. we don't know the number they're anticipating tonight. we do know that the new york city police department has reminded folks you're free to protest, you're not free to disturb. deciding that difference will be a big matter in hours. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. >> neil: all right. we are beginning to get more details. this is the rafah crossing that links gaza with egypt and the latest hostages that are being entered and back in to israel. let's get the latest from nate foy who can tell us on how that is going. nate? >> well, neil, very good news to pass along. the ten israeli hostages are in the hands of the red cross. an american is among those ten hostages. an israeli american. she's 49 years old. kidnapped from her kibbutz with her husband who remains in hamas captivity. we just got a picture of her. we're trying to get that picture processed. if we can, we'll pull it up. she's part of this group. you mentioned the four thai hostages as well. nine israeli females are included in this group, including one as young as 13 years old. five teenagers as part of this group also that is on their way to israel right now after 54 days in hamas captivity. this comes as we're waiting to see what will happen tomorrow with this israeli war cabinet meeting right now to discuss as i mentioned earlier that offer by hamas to extend the previous agreement with additional hostages being released with palestinian prisoners going back and the pause in the fighting continuing for another two days. we'll see exactly what the israel says about that. this now means that between seven and eight, those are the estimates from the white house, americans remain in gaza with one less american now being there. secretary of state antony blinken arrives in israel tomorrow as more humanitarian aid continues to funnel in to gaza. we're all waiting to see first and foremost that this newest batch of hostages that they safely arrive in israel and reunite with their families. also what happens with this pause in the fighting. right now that truce is set to expire at midnight. we'll send it back to you, neil. >> neil: thanks, nate. a reminder, we'll be speaking to the pentagon press secretary pat ryder momentarily and get his take on where this stands and if they get the pause another 48 hours. that's the talk. first, let's go to bob vander platts, president and ceo. he's supporting ron desantis for the presidential nomination for the republican party. he's kind enough 0 join us right now. bob, good to have you. >> thanks for having me, neil. >> neil: how is this whole israeli back and forth and pauses and hostage releases and all, how is that being received in iowa? how closely are they watching it? how is it affecting the candidates and their strategies? what can you tell us? >> well, they're watching it very closely. right now praise god for the release of the hostages. they also want to see hamas completely defeated and uprooted out of gaza. because they're just a terrorist group wanting to wreak havoc and death on israelis. iowans like americans, we stand with the nation of israel for a lot of reasons. biblical, and strategically. for those of us that are of the christian faith. >> neil: donald trump wasn't very happy when he heard that you were backing ron desantis. i'm sure he wasn't too pleased when he heard that the koch group is going behind nikki haley right now. how does that sort out in iowa? obviously your support means a great deal. we gotten reports that ron desantis needs to just outright win iowa to carry on. do you agree with that? >> well, i do agree with that. he knows how important iowa is. he's known it for a long time, that iowa is ground zero. i think what you're seeing with ron desantis, he has a great organizational structure right now for an iowa caucus. he has the historical endorsement of the iowa governor, a very popular governor, kim reynolds who is putting her thumb on the scale for the governor of florida to be the next president. i would not have endorsed and i don't think kim reynolds would have endorsed if we didn't see an avenue for ron desantis to win in the state of iowa. >> neil: so as you see things now, we're always told, you know, religious vote and religion period is a big issue in iowa. and that would seem, you know, at first blush to make this a tight race in iowa. right now donald trump is winning in a walk in the polls. as you reminded me, that can change and historically has changed. what do you make of those polls? you mentioned that ron desantis has to win. he's down by a lot. >> yeah, he is down by a lot. the polls are just polls right now. what i'd say is the former president, being under 50% and well under 50% the last poll i saw was like 42%, that's not a great day for him. but i think there's a lot of blue sky for a guy like ron desantis. he can actually gain momentum here. as we look at labor day for a general election, people really look at thanksgiving day when it comes to an iowa caucus. again, i think he has the fundamentals to win the iowa caucus. the more this takes place, the more people galvanize and come on his side on his behalf. it's a great opportunity to up end the former president in the hawkeye state. >> neil: we talked about the outset about the israeli situation, these pro-palestinian protests, one that could happen where i am just a block or two away from where i sit for this christmas tree lighting in new york. but that is actually an unusual way helped nickki haley. strong support for ukraine, strong support for israel, unabashed backer of being with our friends and staying loyal to our friends. so it seems to have helped her in polls nationally. she's had a big uptick in iowa and not so much ron desantis. do you think he misplayed the global threat issue? >> no, i really don't think he has. as a matter of fact, he's the only candidate served in the military and somebody that is very clear where he stands with the nation of israel. as a matter of fact, i thought what he did during the thanksgiving family forum, a very balanced approach. yes, we want to stand with israel. we also want to secure our southern border. we want a balanced approach here. i thought he came across very direct, very focused of what a commander-in-chief needs to be. i think he would be well-aren'ted on the foreign stage. that's what we need, a leader respected on the world stage. >> neil: bob a question quick question for you. did you tell donald trump that it wouldn't be him that you would support? >> no. he didn't call. i'm sure he assumed it wouldn't be him since he didn't attend the thanksgiving family forum. him going after me shows the strength of our organization and the strength of our endorsement. he understands that he could get up ended here. that's why he's chosen to go after me and a very popular governor, kim reynolds. >> neil: we'll see what happens. thanks, bob. >> thank you. >> neil: watching disturbing numbers as we take a look what's going on with the president of the united states. you have these pro-palestinian rallies happening and of course you have the push and tug back and forth on support for the president either he's too lenient or pushing too many. that's the essence of what we'll see tonight potentially if the protests hit new york city for the christmas tree lighting. doug schroen is here on how all that sorts out. doug, you know, i was talking to bob vander platts on this issue, israel and how it's going. how that moves on the campaign trail. the president has been strong in his support for israel. there's talk that there's division in the white house on how far to go with that. he said israel is well-within their rights to go and pound hamas. then you have these pause that's the administration is also stressing with the understandable humanitarian benefit of getting hostages back. it's a tough balance for him. >> it is a tough balance. i'm being analytical here. i support the president. i support what he's doing. i like everybody else. please let the hostages be released. that being said, the democratic party is divided. there's a left wing and younger people that are frankly pro-palestinian and in some instances even sympathetic to hamas is unbelievable as that may be. older more traditional democrats are very strong in supporting israel. the longer this goes on, unfortunately it plays to the disadvantage of the president, which is one of the reasons why his poll numbers, neil, have been sinking. >> neil: let me ask you about one group that he seems to be losing. young people. >> correct. >> neil: i understand some of the -- they have been behind many of these pro-palestinian protests and no doubt will show up today as they did yesterday in washington. what do you make of that? for democratic president to have to deal with that. now is not a good time to be dealing with it. >> no, it isn't. it's based in part as you suggest on pro-palestinian sympathies. it's also the younger people are particularly impacted by inflation and the cost of gasoline and the cost of everyday goods and services like groceries. so i think it's as much a reaction to the president and his policies as it is any embrace of president trump or the other republicans. but it's a warning sign and it explains in part why donald trump is leading along with the other republicans in the trial heats with president joe biden. >> neil: you know, let me ask you about where we stand. there's a move afoot, some democrats want someone besides joe biden and they look to gavin newsome and others. is it too late for that? i mean, i see where they're going. normally if you have a president that is not popular in his party switching him out is no sure bet for that party. when presidents have been challenged in primaries, even those that have exceeded, they go on to lose in the general election. could democrats risk being doomed either way? >> yeah, the simple answer to your question is yes. the last time we had robust challenge to an incumbent president, 1980, ted kennedy gave jimmy carter a run for his money and we know what happened to jimmy carter. i would say it's tough for gavin newsome, not impossible, for him to interpose himself if joe biden doesn't run. the likely nominee if he's not a candidate is vice presidentkamala harris who is actually weaker in the polls than biden. so either way, it spells trouble for my party. >> neil: doug, one of the things the administration continues to point out is that we're not in a recession despite all the talk. it's a risky strategy telling americans don't be so bummed out, you're just imagining it. but they try to say look at the strong retail sales reports, look at these markets, the latest gdp, 5.2%, the trend is our friend and you'll feel it by election day. i guess by extension. that's where they're going. what do you think of that? the data and our psyche will catch up to that? that's what they seem to be hoping for. >> you know, they have been making that argument both from the white house and in paid media. so far from the polling i've done and other polls, it's not working. i think frankly they need new policies on the southern border, cutting spending, balancing the budget and being tough overseas as president biden is trying to be in ukraine and israel. that's how they'll win. not trying to persuade people that the pain they're feeling at the pump and the grocery store is not real. >> neil: not a wise strategy when you tell people no, you're imagining it. doug, great talking to you again. thanks very much. doug schroen. >> thank you. >> neil: bryan llenas in the middle of all of this craziness. it's welcome craziness. new yorkers love it when they get a chance to see the rockefeller christmas tree lit up. it's a big tree. but there's other problems. bryan? >> yeah, an 80-foot christmas tree, neil. that's right. a pro-palestinian group is planning on disrupting tonight's lighting on the rockefeller christmas tree. what the nypd is saying and doing to make sure this event goes off without a hitch. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> neil: getting ready for the lighting of the christmas tree in new york. it's an iconic event when it hap happens at rockefeller center. bryan llenas is in the middle of that a block or two away from me. hey, bryan. >> hi, neil. there's no specific credible threat towards new york city or the 91st annual rockefeller christmas tree lighting tonight. the nypd is anticipating pro-palestinian protesters to disrupt the event. you'll can see people there, see the tree and hundreds of barriers where people will be outside in the sub -30-degree weather as they wait for the christmas tree to be lit. this is the same day when the u.n. recognized a day of solidarity for the palestinian people. they're urging followers to flood the tree lighting for gaza. "flood" is the term that hamas uses to name their october 7 terror attack against israel. the nypd chief of patrol says that they'll have plenty of cops, counter terrorism, intel division, special operations. they are all out tonight. in an interview with fox, the chief of patrol warned protesters. >> standing tall, keeping the peace. you can voice your opinion, but the minute they start breaking property or assaulting people, which has been minimal, we will take quick and swift action. they know that. >> there's other protests including a walk out at new york university for palestine. the nypd has said there's 350 palestinian protests since october 7th. tonight's group has taken responsibility for the recent macy's thanks giving day parade protests where people were arrested for gluing themselves to the parade route. they took responsibility for vandalizing the new york public library with red hand prints that were meant to be blood prints on the library. recordedly costing $75,000 to clean up that mess. the nypd memo obtained by the "new york post" says that the police have been warned here to be on elevated alert, to have elevated vigilance given all that is happening in the world. they're confident that they have this event secure like they do with so many huge events held here in the city. neil? >> neil: people are free in this country to protest. as the captain is telling us, you know, they're free to do that and of course it's when they cross the line. but you do have to wonder for an event like this, the christmas tree lighting, a lot of kids are there. you know, passionate views not withstanding, you know, that is a whole other element here. it could -- it stands to potentially ruin it if it gets out of hand for kids who just want to see something magical. >> it's a great point. i'm in front of the american girl doll store, this is where people come to do their gifts, to see the lights on the fifth avenue. this is the start of that season where people save their money, they come to the city, once in a lifetime types of trips. people are on edge. they came here for a reason. that is to enjoy this tree like so many people from all over the country. we spoke to some people from oklahoma standing out here. this is different than on a bridge where you can tick off new yorkers trying to get to work. this is families out here. that's part of the elevated vigilance for the nypd and for new yorkers. >> neil: we throw everything at you, a couple weeks ago was a volcano in iceland. now you are in the middle of god knows what can happened in manhattan. >> luckily that did not erupt. that's good. >> neil: does lose your passport. thanks. bryan llenas. hopefully everything goes well. i hope it will. we have brigadier general patrick ryder. as you've been hearing and showing you, rafah crossing that links gaza with egypt and this latest hostage release that includes ten israelis including one american israeli and four from thailand, the general kind enough to join us right now. that's good news, general. do we know anything about their condition and how they were when they finally arrived? >> yeah, thanks very much for having me, neil. i don't have any specific information to provide right now on the status of this most recent hostages. clearly good news and we're happy that these individuals will be reunited with their family members and loved ones very soon. but, you know, something we'll monitor very closely. >> the pentagon of course, you can recommend, you know, a pause like the one they're considering now in israel to allow the release of still more hostages. we don't know where that stands or whether it will be extended. i believe it would end at midnight tonight, which is about i think seven or eight minutes away in israeli. what do you think? >> well, i don't want to speculate. as you know, our state department and the white house are working this hard. from a department of defense standpoint, we continue to stay in close contact with our israeli partners on this situation for two reasons. again, to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to support the further release of hostages. but also importantly to make sure that israel has what it needs to be able to protect its people and defend itself from future terrorist attacks. we'll continue to stay focused on that. we'll also continue to stay focused on making sure that humanitarian assistance can get in to those that have been so impacted be i think war and hamas' cruel terrorist attacks. >> neil: a good deal of that aid did get in. can you tell us how that went? >> sure. well, from a military standpoint, as you know, yesterday we had a c-17 aircraft deliver 54,000 pounds of humanitarian assistance. that included medical supplies, included winter clothing as winter comes in. also included food for those on the ground. so that aid is being delivered to u.n. agencies through the usaib team, which will get it in to gaza for further distribution. you can expect to see some additional u.s. military flights here in the near future as well providing additional assistance. again, all of this underscores the importance of two things. one, making sure that innocent civilians in gaza, innocent palestinians have the humanitarian assistance that they need and also the important of making sure that israel can defend itself. the common denominator here is hamas. terrorist organization that has put the israeli people and the palestinian people in a terrible situation. so we're going to continue to do what we can to support not only israel but also support the innocents that have been caught up in the cross fire. >> neil: the attacks, most recently a drone on american forces and centers of operation. you know, everything seems to lead to iran. so with all of these attacks, close to 80 by now, general, the responses have been far less. i believe six at this point. why is that? >> yeah, so it's a really important question. let me go ahead and put this in perspective. so first of all, when it comes to the broader region, we assess that the conflict between israel and hamas has been contained to gaza. of course, as you know, the department of defense, we're working hard to prevent this from becoming a broader regional conflict. the entire u.s. government, the interagency. but when it comes to these iranian proxies and it comes to these attacks and places like iraq and syria, i don't want to minimize the danger that those present. most of those attacks have been largely unsuccessful. whereas our strikes are all on target and always going to hit the intended target. it's going to diminish irgc and iranian proxy capability -- >> neil: it doesn't. i mean no disrespect. if it did, then iran would stop this and these proxy attacks would cycle back. they're not. >> yeah, look, again, this is not the first time these groups have conducted these kinds of attacks. so clearly it's an effort to try to exploit the situation. and so again, we're focused on the defeat isis mission in iraq and syria. that's why we're there. the only reason that we're there. if our forces are attacked and threatened, we'll take appropriate action at a time and place of our choosing. the protection and the safety of our troops is paramount. my point is you have these attacks that are ineffectual. when we strike, we take out what we're targeting. every time we do that it diminishes irgc capability for future attacks. we don't want a broader regional war. we don't want to get in to a fight with iran. we're focused on the important national security work that we have in that broader region. the united states is a force for good in that region. we're going to continue to work with our allies and partners to preserve insecurity and stability unlike countries like iran that are attempting to exploit the situation. so again, we're going to be very measured in our approach and we will not stand for our forces being threatened or attacked. >> neil: are you prepared, general, that if there is no pause and midnight we go back to where we were before and the war is back on, is the pentagon prepared for what could be another long drawn-out affair? >> again, i believe not go to forecast or speculate on what we could do. force protection is a paramount priority for us. we're going to do what is necessary to protect our troops and if and when we need to strike again, we'll do so at a time and place of our choosing. our focus is preventing a broader regional conflict on protecting our forces and ensuring that our strong partner israel has what they need to defend themselves from future terrorist attacks. >> neil: thanks, general, patrick ryder, the pentagon press secretary dealing with all right, that will do it here. getting ready for the lighting of the christmas tree and hopefully just that. ♪ ♪

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