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wild pigs, the super pigs. all right. 7:00 in new york city. hour two of "fox & friends" for this wednesday starts right now. >> a search is underway after a u.s. military aircraft with six people on board crashed off the coast of japan. >> ainsley: japanese fishermen found three of the crew members. >> lawrence: one of the engines looked like it was on fire. >> more hostages released set to begin again. >> there was a direct link between ground operations and pressure on hamas. >> more than 140 hostages remain in gaza. >> every day counts for that baby. >> hunter biden is ready to testify in public on camera for millions to see. but comer's original subpoena for hunter biden is for a closed door transcribed interview. >> hunter biden is not above the law. >> young kansas city chief's fan getting wrongly smeared as a racist wearing black face. article in dead spin only showed this photo of the boy and did not show the other half of his face. >> unbelievable that they take shots on a kid this age. >> the white house's 40-foot national christmas tree took a little bit of a tumble. >> this political cartoon shows bidenomics dragging down the u.s. economy. >> he is the definition of symbolism a presidential literally falling down just like that massive christmas tree. ♪ >> lawrence: buckle up. we begin with a fox news alert. right now a search is underway after a u.s. military aircraft with six people on board crashed on the coast of japan overnight, ainsley. >> ainsley: crashed right into the water it looks like off the coast. the japanese coast guard is reporting that one person was killed. japanese fishermen found three of the crew members. their conditions are still unknown. >> brian: officials say they have located the wrecked v-23 osprey in deployed life boat. we have a photo of debris believed to be from the aircraft. there have been a number of incidents over the years involving this hybrid aircraft. take a look at this chart. it includes a crash back in august off the coast of australia that killed three u.s. marines during a routine exercise. >> steve: in this incident, overnight, there are reports that one of the engines appeared to be on fire as the aircraft went down. we are still working to confirm what happened and we will bring you updates throughout the morning because so many americans are impacted by that and fly on the osprey each and every day. >> ainsley: in the meantime james comer with house oversight sent a letter to hunter biden and his lawyers and said we want him to testify publicly. well, now he is responding by saying yes, i will testify publicly to house oversight on december 13th. he agreed to comply with the subpoena. >> brian: what they did is said i want you to go behind closed doors and i'm going to depose you. no i want to go out in front of the cameras. james comer said no, we are going to depose you. we are not going to make this a theater situation. we're going to depose you. you are a key witness. but are not the only witness and not the objective of the entire case. so, instead of going out, there have five minutes on, five minutes off. five minutes for republican, five minutes for democrats go behind closed doors for hours, lawrence, and they will decide what to bring -- if and when to bring hunter forward. it's an aggressive tactic. >> his attorney is a skilled attorney. and they are not trying to win the legal argument right now. abbe lowell wants to win the p.r. war. and it looks like hunter biden has been losing it right now. special when you see the 60% of americans when that poll was done said they would have changed the way they would have voted if they would have new knew aboutthe scandal. the white house does not want this to happen. it's caused some friction between the president and his organizers and his campaign staffers but he is going to do anyway, ainsley. >> steve: well, you know what, lawrence. here's the thing. we have been calling for this to happen for close to a year. since january. and the republicans took over. every time we would have somebody from one of those committees investigating hunter biden, we would say, you know, when are you going to subpoena him and put him down in a chair and turn on the cameras? and they say well, we don't know if that's going to happen. well, now, hunter biden is actually taking, you know, is he taking the initiative right now. and here's the thing. and, brian detailed this a moment ago. these are apparently not just going to be hard ball questions from the republicans. the democrats on the committees, they support joe biden but they are not hunter biden. because, when you look at jerry nadler, he called hunter biden a disturbed man who may have very well done some improper things. jamie raskin, the democrat from maryland, said, in august, to abc, hunter did a really unlawful and wrong things. you got to figure the questions could be hard from both. and to the point of doing this in public, josh hawley, the republican senator from the great state of missouri said, american people have a right to see and evaluate for themselves because if you do this stuff in private, bunches of leaks happen. let the public see. >> ainsley: i think there is so much here. and we have reported on it for so long. bits and pieces, his laptop, his money, i think that the public sees this overall as just two tiers of justice. we watch how donald trump is treated in the courts. and then we watch how hunter biden is treated in the courts. politico has piece talking abot this and hunter biden testifying and how the president's aides don't want this. politico says the counteroffensive will play out in cowrmts and in public just as his father ramps up his re-election campaign. some white house staff are irritated that he is being more aggressive because he's not clearing the tactics and the strategy, said one former 2020 campaign aide. some aides worry two that hunter biden's courtroom counter punching foreign activities, and struggling with drug addiction. >> brian: easily say listen, i had a drug problem. my brother died. my mom died, i've had trouble. i admit it. i'm on the road to recovery and be a sympathetic figure when the real focus is not hunter biden for better or for worse or his laptop or his choice of hookers. the real choice is where was this money coming from? did it compromise his father? did you do anything to make sure that your father was -- got that money in exchange for, what? and then the phone calls. why was your dad calling in the middle of a meeting in ukraine? why was your dad showing up at a dinner with your business partners from different business dealings? what was really talking about the weather? are we supposed to believe this is a coincidence? that happens behind closed doors. and as matt whitaker told me before, i did not know this don jr. twice went behind closed doors and did his deposition. remember it was leaked out by he believes adam schiff. during it in real time what he was doing behind closed doors. >> lawrence: to your point, brian, about the sympathetic figure, there is a lot of people that have family members that have struggled with drug abuse and addiction. the problem that hunter biden has is that he has two story lines. either you are an addict and you have this triumphant story or you are a businessman. you can't be the addict and then a successful businessman as well and many people, my first question would be is what are your qualifications? >> brian: what did you do? what was your service? >> lawrence: what were you doing? >> brian: and how it relates to his dad. >> ainsley: didn't have any experience. >> steve: these are all great questions. that's why the american people had the same questions. it would be great to see it. we have talked about this in the past when we have had televised debates where historically the democrats are better at this than the republicans because the democrats all get together. they coordinate their questions so that if you're going to ask 20 minutes worth of questions about a w whatsapp's passage. do you this. a number of people on these committees who are not lawyers, including mr. comer, who could defer to other lawyers on the committee. or they could even have the committee lawyers take over and ask the questions. so you can essentially depose them in person because we have got so many questions and it would be nice to see them where we don't get a through a leak. we actually see with our own two eyes what hunter biden finally has to say. >> lawrence: i think you have a point steve, and to you, ainsley, that the legal aspect of this makes it more muddy. the problem is average day americans see what is happening, and they say it's not fair. >> steve: we want to see what is happening. >> lawrence: when you have a federal judge that says what is going on in my courtroom? who else has gotten a deal like this. >> brian: whistleblowers went behind closed doors and figure out what they had and didn't have and bring them out front and center. democrats have at it. you hammer his credibility. you hammer his credibility. and then let the public opinion and we know almost everything these guys -- whistleblowers said ended up right. >> ainsley: seams very shady, they are talking about the big guy. is he getting a percentage of the money. it appears that the big guy would be the guy on top. that would be the dad. to your point, why is the dad calling his co-workers? why is he calling him over and over and over? it was, what, 18 phone calls? your dad has never called me. >> lawrence: no. >> ainsley: your dad has -- i know he was the vice president at the time. we are not talking about him calling president zelenskyy. we are talking about him calling somebody sitting on a board in ukraine. >> steve: peter doocy asked joe about that and he said it's not true. we got questions, we don't know whether james comer is going to say let's do it in public or not. >> brian: in full transparency, i know this is going to come up. your dad did call me i said you are shopping with sean. >> lawrence: give me the opportunity. >> brian: i said i don't know where he is but i assume he was shopping with sean. >> ainsley: we were talking about our thanksgiving. lawrence was talking about how expensive the groceries were when he went shopping with sean hannity. >> ainsley: brian was wait a minute. let's pause. >> lawrence: inflation hitting us pretty hard. >> steve: whoever thought sean hannity would go to the grocery store. >> lawrence: he goes all the time. >> ainsley: he talks to everyone. >> steve: we need to she this with our own two eyes. >> ainsley: makes friends with all the people who worked there. especially during covid. talk to them all and give them money. >> brian: i do self-checkout i'm in and out. as usual if you buy something with pounds on it, four pounds of ham, all of a sudden excuse me, i have no idea how to do. this can i swipe but if you tell me four pounds of ham, six hot dogs anything i get from the deli. >> steve: a number on the ham. >> brian: i want a barcode. give me a barcode. i didn't get trained to be a cashier. give me barcode. i don't want to count my bananas. >> steve: i'm going to take you to the grocery store. >> brian: i don't like to do it. i want in and out. >> ainsley: i like both. if do you self-checkout no one there. long line in the other. if there is not a long line i'm going to the cashier, right? >> brian: police the express lane, excuse me, that's 16 items. you have to go. >> ainsley: do you do that? do you call people out? >> brian: i don't do that. it would be fun to do it. >> steve: no kidding. more on hunter biden today on fox. still ahead a fox news alert. israeli forces say hamas has handed over hostages, including the family of on your screen to another islamist group in the region. so, what are these groups? our next guest is an expert on iran's global terror network. is he going to explain that coming up. >> brian: plus, pro-palestinian protesters arrested during an event for the national christmas tree in d.c. last night. >> ainsley: and a new trick for old dogs. the new canine wonder drug that could give help to your dog, help them live a lot longer. oh, lawrence, we have dogs. >> lawrence: i need that. >> ainsley: brian, got listen. that's coming up. ♪ every day ♪ get a little bit closer ♪ is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? 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not expected in the group, however, is the youngest hostage 10-month-old kfir buy bass. hamas handed him off to another terror group in gaza with his 4-year-old brother and parents. his heart broken aunt spoke to us yesterday. unite the family to try get some answers on why my family is still there why it's taken so long. why, if this deal was made and they said that women and children will be released first, the youngest hostage is not being released. >> brian: it's insane. our next guest knows all about these groups. these terror groups over in gaza. he was sanctioned by iran which funds a large number of them. foundation for defense of democracy mark biewb wits back with us mark, first off. the 10-month-old handled off with the 4-year-old. think about that the next time you watch protesters out in the streets for that cause tell me about the other subgroups in hamas in the region. >> so there are about 12 terrorist organizations all fund dollars by iran operating in gaza. all operate under a joint operations command. >> brian: no rivals. >> compete and coordinated. they are all -- though have all been developed by the irgc the islamic revolutionary guard core. financed by iran hamas is playing shell game guy claiming it's not in control. it's in control of gaza and terrorist groups. >> brian: they get extension on the cease-fire or the pause for every -- you give me 10 hostages you get another day. give me 0 hostages get another day. when it comes to 9-month-old, 10-month-old we don't know exactly where he is. that gives you more of an extension unless you don't care about children. that's how they play it. just give you an idea of some of these groups. one is broken down plfp found in 167. designated a terrorist organization. key leaders is a guy named ache ahmad sue democrat. funding, tangentially from iran. not heavily armed but enough i heard they got so many hostages they were overwhelmed with the 200 plus they god. a number of hostages are going to be killed in interest emotional warfare practicing against israel. they not only get a pause, brian, but they get back three times the number of palestinians from israeli jails. why the way palestinians all of who have been convicted or arrested for trying to kill israelis. so, it's a great deal for them and they want to extend this to a permanent cease-fire then they can emerge standing and the winner of this. >> brian: iran is behind all of this, yesterday they buzzed uss eisenhower with a drone. we just warned them. we let that drone go back. number two the houthi terrorists over in yemen, that is financed by iran. hezbollah financed by iran. hamas financed by iran. and we refuse to confront iran despite the fact they hit us 74 times through their militia. how hard is this to figure out? what is holding the biden administration back? >> iran is sensing american weakness and american fecklessness they know they can continue to not only threaten us but our allies and what is holding the biden administration back it's obama administration iran policy that believes that can you pay off the iranians, bribe the iranians with 10s of billions of dollars which is what the biden administration is doing now. iranians will back off. iranians push forwards. they feel american mush and they keep going. they feel american steel they will back off. >> brian: traditionally they have always backed off. >> they back off when they feel american tree see it. when president trump killed soleimani for 10 months didn't execute the nuclear program and we are afraid what they will do. >> brian: pointed out in the break that ronald reagan sank half their navy. wish we would go back to those days. thank you much,. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: at least one person dead after a u.s. military aircraft crashed off the coast of japan. we will have a live report. plus, over the hill, 38 members of congress will not seek re-election next year. ainsley and i will break down some of the key senate races up for grabs unless she died to do it all herself. she has that type of power on this show. ♪ ♪ if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust you heart to entresto. 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>> steve: all right, thank you very much. >> lawrence: thanks, griff. >> steve: brian, over to you. >> brian: thanks for intermediary toss. i needs thatted moment and so did ainsley. i promise to toss back eventually. 38 members of the house have announced they will not seek re-election and also some in the senate. >> ainsley: not just the future of the house like you said republicans are setting their sights on five key senate seats that could very well determine the balance of power in the upper chamber. let's take a look. >> brian: their best chance to take over the majority in the senate in years to come. first offer most obvious, ainsley, joe manchin says i was losing anyway. i might run for president. i'm going to step aside and this republican state must likely will go republican. >> ainsley: because people love jim justice. he has been the governor there is he a republican. west virginia has voted for the g.o.p. presidential candidate in the past six elections. so joe manchin saying i'm going to take a imtooout. there is questions maybe he will run again in a different party the no labels party. run for president. we'll see. >> brian: governor jim justice self-financed self-made multi billionaire. let's go over to montana. every year we hear that senator tester in that very red state as a democrat is vulnerable. but he finds a way to win. will this time be different? let's take a look. that's jon tester, farmer guy, wants to be an every man. never takes a hard vote. think about it, ainsley. we always talk about sinema and manchin. we never talk about tester having a hard vote. >> ainsley: tim shy, runs former navy seal look at campaign vide. >> brian: might go at it in a primary. right now he has single dignity lead and see how it governments. >> ainsley: look at this, brian. montana voted for the g.o.p. presidential candidate 11 of the last 12. trump won by 16 points. it would be different if tester was taking gutsy stands against his own party. he doesn't. you ron der how long montana will tolerate it. next go to ohio. tilting more and more red each and every year. make senator brown vulnerable? >> ainsley: this is j.d. vance territory two. guys probably be running against him all three possible republicans polling very close. there is a few republicans in this race. they are polling very close to sherrod brown. >> brian: last poll i saw dolan up by two and larosa up by 1. we will see how this goes. i want to see your can input on that teeted. your thoughts on that helping brown? well, you know, the issue with abortion. republicans really have to get on board and figure out how they are going to talk about this. there are a lot of women, especially independent women they want to say we might not like abortion but they don't want people to tell us what we can and cannot do. every situation might be different. i like nikki haley's answer to that when she was debating. >> brian: we promised five states and we have done three. how many is left i believe that's two. >> ainsley: kristen sinema game an independent last year. will it help or hurt. she has name recognition but a lot of people like kerry lake. tough votes. the democrats say no, i want somebody else. i want it to be reuben gig gal go. >> he is the democrat. >> think about this. what does cinema do helps kerry lake if cinema stays in for sure has enough to keep that seat. arrest election was very close with martha mcsally. >> ainsley: do you think it helps kari lake if cinema stays in west point grad. self-made millionaire from pennsylvania. not going to be challenged in the primary. >> ainsley: wife deanna part of the trump campaign. probably get the support of donald trump. republican, great guy, businessman. bob casey. he is a democrat. and is he likely -- these two are likely to face off in that state. >> brian: if it wasn't for the strength of mccormick as a candidate, casey would be almost a lock to keep that seat in pennsylvania. which is always a battleground state. but right now trump is up by 12 in that state. and right now pennsylvania seems very fed up. even though they are happy with their governor. very fed one some of the democratic policies. >> ainsley: trump is leading in the polls at least biden by four points in pennsylvania. >> brian: pretty impressive. i saw one up by 12. see if that helps. pat toomey had that seat he lost it to senator fetterman. not lost it. he stepped aside. fetterman ends up winning it. see if mccormick who loves to wear a vest. why do you spend so much time in connecticut when you are running for a seat in pennsylvania. he said, hey, listened, i'm divorced i want to see my kids. i have got to go back and forth but i'm from pennsylvania. let's see if that sells. >> ainsley: good job, brian. >> brian: i really enjoyed myself. did you. >> ainsley: i enjoyed working with you. >> brian: let's stay in touch. outrage after a young kansas city chiefs fan wrongly accused of wearing black face. the mom is calling out the sports journalist who called out her son. that's coming up. >> ainsley: they showed a picture of just the one side of the black face, not the full thing. plus, cia director william burns reportedly pushing to extend the hostage deal with hamas. mike pompeo once served as cia director and he is next. >> brian: want to gracefully walk off? 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the subway series just keeps gettin' better. for almost 100 years, harry and david has been making gourmet gifts to share with loved ones near and far. because giving is about more than a day on the calendar. we believe the world would be a better place if we all shared more. harry and david. life is a gift, share more. >> steve: a fox news alert. as you can see right there, it is 2:00 in the afternoon. and you are looking at israel's southern border with gaza. now in its sixth and final day of an extended cease-fire deal. will they continue it today? well, cia director william burns now in qatar reportedly pushing for a major hostage deal with hamas during a secret meeting with israel's masad chief as investigators and negotiators are trying to or allegedly calling to extend it further. is this the right move? fox news contributor and former secretary of state and cia director. he has a very long business card. mike pompeo joins us live. >> great to be with you, steve. >> good to be with you as well. in a melting like that. you have got m mossad. what exactly does the cia director do? >> two things, right? i think director burns has data and brings that to bear. here is what we know the mossad folks and the other israeli intelligence services showing their picture of the battlefield and knowledge of the whereabouts of the hostages, who is holding them and how they are being held and best way to get them back. the reason you are seeing intel chiefs come together they often have the best picture of the battlefield and the risks and trying to communicate those to policymakers. >> steve: when you were a secretary of state you helped designate the houthi rebels as a terrorist organization. and now it sounds like the white house, this white house that reversed that now suddenly saying they probably are terrorists. >> we designated them as fares for the simple reason they were terrorists. it wasn't particularly complicated that sense. look, they are an iranian sponsored group of folks that submit yemen and cause enormous risk to commerce. they have taken ships off to sea. israeli connected ships off to sea. they fire missilessed into the kingdom of saudi arabia almost every day. and there is americans there. and the risk of americans getting killed by terrorists is real. i can't imagine why the administration literally hours after they came into office, undid what i had done. and said no, these folks aren't terrorists. it was counter factual and frankly now we can see counter productive too. we are back at it taking risks and killing people again. >> steve: what is israel -- in israel, and lebanon and whatnot, what are the houthi rebels trying to do to us? it looks like they are poking us, trying to get us involved in a bigger way. >> i think that's right. this is part of a coordinated effort by the islamic republic of iran. these aren't independent actors. all of the training, all the weapons i just described, they are all iranian weapons. provided the good graces of the ayatollah. and so whether it's hezbollah in the north of lebanon or militias that operate in iraq there. pushing americans, 70 plus attacks are pushing americans. they are testing the united states of america to see if we have the resolve to impose. if we don't, it's likely this will continue for a long time and you will have american soldiers, sailors, airmen, you will have someone killed. >> steve: there are a lot of israelis that are thankful that president biden is squarely behind israel in this. but, apparently a number of people in his own administration who are pushing the pro-palestinian side. and so, there's this internal division at the white house it sounds like and at the same time you look at his demographics regarding his voters on the democratic side and it sounds like a lot of people not happy with joe biden right now. >> yeah. i think that's true. i know it's true inside the state department. it is a leftist organization. many folks would favor the palestinian cause. that's been long true. also true with the agent. the analytic team. often there was a palestinian analytic team. i never got that we didn't have -- israel or middle eastern team. i hope president biden will just continue to do the right thing. the right thing for the united states of america is to give the israelis the space they need to go crush hamas and put pressure on iran. if we do that, it doesn't matter what the polls say or some bureaucrat buried in foggy bottom says. the president ought to do the right thing. >> steve: real quickly, it sounds like and it's a new story today, somebody it sounds like at the cia at a senior level posted something on social media that appeared to be pro-palestinian. you're not supposed to take a side, are you? >> no. specialty agency. especially at the agency. -- i'm struggling for words because it is so far out of bounds. right? it is so disconnected from the fundamental role they have to post a pro-palestinian thing. whatever it is. what on earth are you doing posting on social media when you are a professional analyst at the cia. >> steve: you would say a dumb thing to do. >> ridiculous, stupid, i hope the agency will take care of an individual in an appropriate manner. >> steve: very good. mike pompeo, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: it is a quarter before the top of the hour and carley joins us with more news from the chicago land. >> carley: more news here at home, steve. the new york state attorney atts office showing masked thieves robbing a woman at gunpoint. this happening in chicago. they took her backpack, forced her to empty her pockets. authorities say the crew went on to rob four other people. a police officer -- this is strange here, reportedly spotted the car the thieves were driving in. but decided not to chase after it. those guys still on the loose. and the national christmas tree taking a bit of a tumble the 40-foot spruce tree delivered earlier this month knocked over by a strong gust of wind yesterday. the house judiciary republicans making light of the incident on social media posting, quote, national christmas tree falls down. perfectly sends up joe biden's presidency. officials are working to get the tree ready for tomorrow night's lighting ceremony. got a prop it back up. those are your headlines, check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast standing in front of our all-american christmas tree, of course. >> janice: everything seems to be bolted down very well. quick recovery of that christmas tree. well done, everyone. take look at the maps because it's cold outside. 22 right now is what it feels like in new york. but look at the wind chill in mobile, alabama, 20 in atlanta, feels like 35 in little rock. 29 in wichita. even orlando it's cold. 43. here are your morning low temperatures. 50 states below freezing right now, my friends. tomorrow the same. so, i mean, this is an artic cold front that has dipped as far south as florida. potential record lows for philadelphia, elizabeth city, north carolina, a couple cities in north carolina. there is your forecast today. an area of low pressure moving into the west. that's going to bring some heavy rain and mountain snow to the northwest down towards california, then we have a developing storm system for the south, the lake-effect snow is still happening. look at some of these michigan top snow totals so close to two feet here. some areas downwind of ontario and erie have gotten close to three feet of snow. so there is that area of low pressure that moved across the ohio valley as we get into friday and saturday and where we have those cold temperatures we could see some snow. right now a little bit too warm for a big snow event along the i-945 corridor, we have been into a big snow deficit. i have a feeling we will get a big storm some time this season. that's my prediction. steve, ainsley, brian, l.j., over to you. >> brian: if you said that last year you would be wrong. that is bolder than it sounds. >> very bold. me and l.j. are going to be doing snow angels on the plaza. >> steve: first need snow. >> janice: i'm excited. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: the kansas chiefs are in the news. there was a little boy who dressed up with the native american headdress. >> brian: very cute. >> ainsley: painted his face half red, half black which are the school colors. >> steve: colors of the kansas kansascity chiefs. carron african-american man criticizing this little boy for painting his face black. >> steve: here is the deadline -- the headline rather on dead spin. it says the nfl needs to speak out against the kansas city chief's fan in black face. native headdress as well. well, as it turns out and ainsley you aptly pointed out he painted half black half red. in the profile shot it looks like he had done that to his face. also turns out his mother said, you know what? what are you talking about? he is okay wearing the headdress because we are from a native american family as well. >> lawrence: this is crazy. we are have anti-semites literally marching in the middle of the street being open with their racism and you have a kid that just wants to have a little bit of fun. and they are quick to condemn the kid who, by the way, he is not a black face. that is not black face. black face is where you paint your face and you make fun of the culture. you say black folks had big lips and everything. there is a negative connotation with that the kid was nowhere near it. he just had half his face painted black. the person that wrote the article knows that though. and was looking for a moment. a moment when we have 60% of the hate crimes in this country going against jews. and this is what he picks out. >> brian: it's unbelievable. by the way as i pointed out on "fox & friends first" what instincts. chiefs one of the best teams in football super bowl champs outstanding wide receiver excuse me tight end just set an all-time record and he is dating taylor swift. >> ainsley: most famous person. >> brian: 8-year-old wearing a head cress go with that maybe my editor will give me a trophy. >> ainsley: mom is commenting and she posted she said just stop already. he is native american. she is worried, i'm sure, about her little son. i'm sure people at school are talking about this. he was probably so excited to take part in this game. >> lawrence: that's why they need to sue. >> brian: the name of the team is chiefs. that's what chiefs wear just like the pass peek i can't chiefs my town. they are trying to get rid of all indian american references. have they asked the american indian? most have no problem as long as it's not mocked. as long as it's taught respectfully. >> lawrence: same thing washington redskins tribal leaders come out. >> brian: we don't have a problem. >> ainsley: we like it. >> lawrence: we have gotten so crazy with this woke nonsense. >> steve: the family has fought back. >> ainsley: i'm sorry, when you are writing a child about a child you have to really use your head. >> lawrence: 100 percent. what's the malicious intent of it trying to destroy the kid. >> steve: let's see what happens today regarding. this in the meantime still ahead, an important story for pet owners. there is a new medicine in the works that could extend your dog's life. >> ainsley: that's amazing. and we're going to talk to renowned veteran and hank the pup about the potential wonder drug that could give your forever friend a new life. >> lovely to meet you. >> ainsley: nice to meet you. ♪ the day i set you free ♪ i told you you could always count on me, darling ♪ but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ lowe's knows you need to save money this holiday so you can get more of what you want. with our lowest price guarantee. this holiday if you find a better price, we'll match it. get more for your home and your family. you got this. we got you. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? 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slow down the growth factor in big dogs. the data shows large dogs have 28 times the level of growth hormone than small dogs. here with more veterinarian and co-own or of pure paws is dr. nula. doc, i'm a dog owner, work with a lot of dogs whachl is so special about this drug? >> for any of us who love dogs and how much they affect our lives, if there is anything we can do to prolong a good quality of life, absolutely, let's do it. that is what loyal is providing us. >> lawrence: the average breed 7-10 average age and for tiny dogs, 14-16 years. i have a big dog, i'm probably the target audience here. what is different about the drug, what makes dogs live longer? >> this is insulin growth factor 1. it is a hormone that we all have that triggers hormones in dog. giant breed and large breed dog, incidents of this is elevated in bigger dogs. if we can mitigate that and reduce it, not get to zero, but medium level where a smaller dog like a chihuahua that lives 20 years, we can prolong life for giant breed dogs that we love. >> lawrence: i'm sure this will fly off the shelves. there are risk, side effects that could impact the dog in a negative way. >> good question. we don't know all of this, we have to have our judicious peer-reviewed studies. loyal has not released that information because of proprietary issues. they are reporting maybe gi upset. there is an injectable drug that you go to a vet and have i

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,Golo ,Sholeh ,75 ,6 ,Back ,Japanese Coast Guard ,Crew Members ,30 ,Griff Jenkins ,Anyone ,Latest ,Phone ,Images ,East Coast ,Ocean ,U S Military ,Runner V 22 Osprey ,22 ,Debris Field ,Operation ,Wreckage ,Search And Rescue ,Yack Shima Island ,Condition ,March ,Marines ,Train Mission ,Training Mission ,Osprey Crashes ,California ,String ,June ,June Of 2022 ,2022 ,March Of 2022 ,A P Reports ,Crashes ,Military Exercise ,Nato ,2012 ,19 ,Press ,Ospreys ,Issues ,Farm ,Video ,Northfield ,November 1st ,Another ,Safety ,Concerns ,Smoke ,Speech ,Flags ,Minnesota ,Loud Bang ,Press Pool ,Military ,Thanks For Intermediary Toss ,Obvious ,Joe Manchin ,Seats ,Take A Look ,Chamber ,Chance ,Sights ,Balance Of Power ,Candidate ,Governor ,Elections ,Imtooout ,West Virginia ,Party ,Senator Tester ,Let S Go ,Labels ,Jim ,Vote ,Red State ,Farmer Guy ,Jon Tester ,Sinema ,Tester ,Navy Seal ,Campaign Vide ,Tim Shy ,Primary ,It Governments ,Dignity Lead ,11 ,Red ,Points ,He Doesn T ,Tilting ,Gutsy Stands ,Ohio 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,Ridiculous ,Thieves ,Backpack ,State Attorney ,Land ,Woman ,Gunpoint ,Pockets ,Chicago ,Police Officer ,Car ,Loose ,Wind ,Gust ,Making Light ,Janice Dean ,Presidency ,Prop It ,Tomorrow Night S Lighting Ceremony ,Janice ,Course ,Wind Chill ,All American Christmas Tree ,Maps ,Mobile ,Cold Outside ,Atlanta ,Alabama ,Cold Front ,Same ,Artic ,Wichita ,29 ,43 ,35 ,Area ,Snow ,Record ,Forecast ,West ,Cities ,Lows ,Mountain ,Elizabeth City ,Rain ,North Carolina ,Florida ,Philadelphia ,Feet ,Lake Effect Snow ,Areas ,South ,Snow Totals ,Storm System ,Michigan ,Ontario ,Erie ,Snow Event ,Cold Temperatures ,Ohio Valley ,I 945 Corridor ,945 ,Storm ,Snow Deficit ,Season ,Prediction ,Feeling ,L J ,Snow Angels ,Plaza ,Kansas ,Colors ,Kansascity Chiefs ,Native American Headdress ,School Colors ,Fan In Black Face ,Headline ,Carron African American ,Nfl ,Native Headdress ,Profile ,Headdress ,Anti Semites ,Racism ,The Street Being Open ,Connotation ,Culture ,Lips ,Painted Black ,Country ,Hate Crimes ,Jews ,Teams ,Instincts ,Fox Friends First ,Football Super Bowl ,Wide Receiver ,Tight End ,Native American ,Cress ,Editor ,Trophy ,Famous Person ,Taylor Swift ,8 ,Game ,School ,Peek ,Sue ,References ,Indian American ,My Town ,Head ,I M Sorry ,Nonsense ,Washington Redskins ,Works ,Intent ,Pet Owners ,Let S See ,Wonder ,Forever ,Friend ,Veteran ,Pup ,Hank ,Darling ,Nice To Meet You ,Kidney Failure ,Chronic Kidney Disease ,Places ,Stop Taking Farxiga ,Infection ,Ketoacidosis ,Yeast Infections ,Genital ,Urinary Tract ,Blood Sugar ,Dehydration ,Perineum ,Reaction ,Holiday ,Price Guarantee ,Ga Lowe S ,Ink Business ,Genius ,Breakthroughs ,Premier ,Products ,Borders ,Beans ,Coffee Grinder ,Smarter ,Sam ,Cash ,Purchases ,Breakthrough Card ,Reality ,Ideas ,Spending Potential ,5000 ,000 ,02 5 ,Hearts ,Ink Business Premier Card ,Exit ,Card ,Ekg ,Credit Card ,Kardiamobile ,Thumbs ,Causes ,Anywhere ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Stroke ,Bradycardia ,Heart Rhythm ,Fda ,Tachycardia ,Kardiamobile Card ,Wallet ,Costs ,Holiday Sale ,79 ,500 ,Kardia Com ,Amazon ,Families ,3 ,Crisis ,Biden Economics Pitch ,Mayorkas ,Texas ,Growth Factor ,Pet ,Take Note ,Growth Hormone ,Veterinarian ,28 ,Work ,Dr ,Paws ,Dog Owner ,Co Own ,Doc ,Nula ,Dogs Whachl ,Love Dogs ,Many ,Quality ,Lives ,Is ,Big Dog ,The Average Breed ,14 ,Hormone ,Insulin Growth Factor ,Target Audience ,Giant Breed ,Hormones ,Breed Dog ,Chihuahua ,Zero ,Shelves ,Information ,Studies ,Reporting ,Vet ,Gi Upset ,

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