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>> todd: a fox news alert, take a look, looks like smoke over gaza, despite the ceasefire. we will verify what is happening now. today we are expecting hamas to release 10 more hostages. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. 51 people held pie hamas are back in israel after the terror group released more and children yesterday. they were airlifted to a hospital in tel aviv and that is where we find trey yingst. that smoke plume could change things. we don't know what is going on. >> trey: it is day five of the ceasefire between israel and hamas. we are looking at live images with black smoke rising from inside the strip. it could be indication of ceasefire violation or tactic to reposition. we are looking into it this hour. 11 more hostages were freed overnight as part of this larger ceasefire deal. they were flown to the hospital, nine of them children. they are from nir oz, taken into gaza on october 7. all have fathers being held inside gaza. israeli officials are hopeful 10 additional hostages will be released tonight. it is families reuniting that stands out over the past week. this family was reunited over the weekend. the kids meeting their dog for the first time in 50 days. we continue to follow developments inside gaza. palestinians are gathering supplies and clean water in khan yunis. this is the longest conflict in history between israel and gaza, closest in length was 51 days in 2014. this is developing with hostages still held inside gaza and fighting expected to continue later this week. >> carley: so notable you said all the children released yesterday have fathers still left in gaza, that could be done by some cruel design. some hostages aren't being held by hamas, they are being held by other terror group and that raises questions on what happens to them, could they ever be part of hostage negotiation between hamas and israel if they are being held by another group like the palestinian islamic jihad? >> trey: it's a great question. there are reports that indicate up to 40 hostages in gaza aren't being held by hamas. there are other organizations like islamic jihad, smaller criminal organizations that are families inside gaza. they are reportedly holding hostages and it further complicates the negotiations. hamas may not be able to identify where they are being held and thus they can't get them to release them. as we look forward into this, there could be a few days of ceasefire, this extension could be extended. the fighting is expected to resume, israel is preparing for weeks of battling as they go after hamas leadership. >> carley: trey yingst live in tel aviv. thank you. idf spokesperson peter lerner will join us later and we will get information on the smoke plume. and prison stay of gershkovich for a third time. according to russian media, the journalist will be held until the end of january. he was arrested in march on espionage charges while on a reporting trip a claim he and the "wall street journal" have denied. both biden administration and kremlin say they would consider a prisoner exchange after reaching a verdict in his case. >> todd: departure ceremony being held for rosalynn carter. she will head to emery university. president biden, jill biden and kamala harris and doug imhoff will attend. the former first lady died last week at the age of 96 after being put in hospice care. she was married to former president jimmy carter for 77 years. is joe biden due in 2024? liberal media outlets think so. >> carley: polls show majority of americans do not approve of how the president is doing their job. brooke singman is here with more. >> brooke: president biden is pushing ahead with reelection campaign. analysts say there is no coming back after his chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan, rising inflation and pandemic. others say the bleak poll numbers might understate the problem. many activists who worked hard to elect biden now have little enthusiasm for the president due to his racial justice, gaza and other vital concerns. as thes white house tries to do damage control, many are wondering if staffers are going to abandon what could be a sinking ship. >> given the president's sagging numbers and he is behind any republican opponent has there been talk about a change in strategy or staffing going forward? reflection of the numbers that show him underwater? >> no. >> brooke: vice president kamala harris is on the defense, trying to gain support from younger voters. >> i started a college tour in september to go out and meet with our college-age leaders. so colleges and universities, community colleges and trade schools, college age. let me start by saying i love gen-z. i love gen-z. >> brooke: as far as republicans, less than 50 days from the iowa caucus on january 15th and president trump is holding a commanding lead over competitors. >> todd: add gen-zers to the venn diagrams. and vikings quarterback dobbs, who is also like a rocket scientist, no joke. very smarts, maybe better at rocket science. justin fields losing two fumbles. one night where the kickers could shine. >> play clock at four, good hold, good kick and bears back on top with 10 seconds to go. >> todd: carley liked this, bears kicker fourth field goal of the night accounting for all his team's points. one final chance and doing the lateral thing and did not work. chicago wins 12-10 for first win over divisional opponent and first time bears won without scoring a touchdown. >> carley: the kicker was the m.v.p., a perfect game. i root no matter who is playing, i root for the kickers. >> todd: loves legs and mayor of charleston will tell us about his win, first republican elected to office since the -- >> carley: what is missing and it might have something to do with hunter biden, keep it here on "fox and friends first." ♪ ♪ nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. >> janice: it's beginning to look a lot like christmas. we have the christmas tree here, cold temperatures. 14 in fargo, 18 in marquette, 34 in new york. yes, feeling like the cold is here. coldest air of the season spreading across the northeast today and lake effect snow. already a foot falling. these are temperatures, 20 in state college, 32 in new york. those are actual temperatures, factor in the wind and it feels cooler than that. wind for parts of michigan. wind chill will make it feel like 10, 11, 17, you get the picture. here it comes, friends. potential record lows for parts of the mid-atlantic. we are going to get into record breaking area here. lake effect snow because of winds moving over the relatively warmer lakes of the great lakes. we will see big pile-ups of snow. if you like over a foot, it is happening for buffalo, niagara falls and hanover and getting more today. there is your forecast today, otherwise quiet. new storm system moving into the west and it is cold for much of the country. the gulf coast won't be snow, it will be rain and we're going to get quite a bit over next couple days, five to eight inches. not only snow, heavy rain and christmas tree. very close to the christmas tree, i was afraid i might impact the christmas tree somehow. >> carley: the christmas tree approves of your weather report. i have nothing to back it up. >> janice: my goodness. todd, do you have a christmas tree voice? >> todd: i feel like i'm rubbing off on you in weirdly negative way. >> carley: todd posted a picture of his christmas tree, beautiful. >> janice: i have not seen that. >> todd: i participated. >> carley: you told me she didn't like last year, so you did the whole thing. >> todd: newly elected mayor of charleston, south carolina, republican mayoral candidate flipping south carolina red for the first time since 1877. beating by 200 votes. and the mayor elect joins me now. sir, why did you win? william cogswell. >> people wanted to see pragmatic solutions to their problems, we are putting residents first and it worked. >> todd: how did you win over democratic votes? you had to get some democratic votes. >> technically the race is bipartisan in charleston, but everything seems to be bipartisan these days. pragmatic solutions, we were able to put together democrats to back us, that is how we won. >> todd: you mentioned it is a nonpartisan race and your opponent may have tried to sow seeds of division like democrats do locally, nationally and at the state level. do you think your victory was rejection of democrat policies of division? >> it was certainly a rough campaign in the last few weeks and my opponent did go pretty partisan. to your point, i think it backfired on them. >> todd: nationally, do you think your race shows republicans they can run on a unifying message and win electionings, specifically looking at next year, 2024? >> absolutely, i think if you focus on pragmatic solutions to problems, that is what voters want to hear. these pot holes are not partisan, they want things running smoothly and want to know there is a firm hand on the wheel and we bring that leadership to our local government and again, put people that live here first. >> todd: you will be in the national spotlight because the south carolina republican primary is a big deal. this shows donald trump and nikki haley leading gop prefers. nikki haley your former governor, are you planning to endorse a candidate and if so, who? >> i would say nikki haley, i got to go with her. she's been an incredible governor, when i was in the legislature, i served under her and had the honor to be under her. she brings pragmatic solutions to our state and our country's growing issues and she has a good disposition and is a good person. i got to go with nikki haley. >> todd: one piece of advice, you were number one food city under democratic rule, don't mess that up, william cogswell. look forward to visiting you soon, it is a great city. this alarming video showing hundreds of migrants packed on top of a cargo train barrelling toward our southern border. >> carley: san diego is the latest city using their airport as a migrant center. the cries builds into the suburbs, stay with us. my daddy's a cowboy. i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers, for generations. this life is in our blood. and we ain't stopping no time soon. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. 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[cheering] >> carley: look at that train packed with migrants heading to our southern border. it will stop in a mexican city across from eagle pass, texas and a thousand miles north, migrants are living at the san diegos airport. bill wells, mayor of el cajon joins us. what is going on at the san diego airport? >> migrants are sleeping at the airport. we have 172,000 homeless people in california. california has basically made it completely uncriminal to be homeless in california and there are no places in shelters or hospitals, no place to go at all. add this new migrant crisis and things get out of control and people have nowhere to go. >> carley: so sad to see, no one wants to see people sleeping in an area you shouldn't be sleeping in. it goes to show the humanitarian crisis. we remember when governor abbott and governor desantis sent migrants across the country and you say the federal government is doing that same thing now, explain that. >> that is right, federal government is bringing people over with no place to go. it used to be you had to have a sponsor that would guarantee you have a place to go. now san diego is a destination. migrants have no specific plan of where to go, they are doing what they call street releases. there are thee main stops where street releases occur. one is my town, which is 15 miles to the east and 30 miles north of the border. as a result, we see lots of people coming in that have no place to go. this is exacerbating the homeless crisis. >> carley: how do you feel about governor newsom, if you ask for help, does his office help? >> there is almost no communication, certainly no plan. county of san diego are running out of money and this is local money that should be used to help local people. but this is not helping whatsoever. as far as government, we get nothing. alejandro mayorkas should be stopping people acrossing the border, but he's not doing his job. governor newsom is doing nothing to help the problem, just rhetoric and happy talk about how things are going to be great. we are also being gaslit, they are telling there is no problem at the border. our eyes tell us there is everything, but no problem, it is significant problem. >> carley: we were looking at images of that train packed with migrants riding the top of it, this issue is not going anywhere any time soon. thank you for joining us, have a great day. now to a fox news alert. gaza, large clouds of smoke are rising above the city despite a two-day extension of the temporary ceasefire between sxralt hamas. >> todd: we expect more hostage releases today, we are talking to lieutenant colonel peter lerner about all of it next. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪ meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. >> todd: a fox news alert. we are looking at smoke rising over gaza despite the ceasefire between israel and hamas. hamas will release 10 hostages today and 10 more tomorrow. idf spokesperson peter lerner joins us now. any information on what the plumes of smoke are? >> no, i'm not aware of that. i am seeing as you are broadcasting it. it is a developing situation and we'll be looking into it. i am not aware of anything happening at this hour, but there could be something happening on the ground. we are trying to bring home as many hostages as we can everyday and hopefully day five, we'll see more hostages brought home today. >> todd: do you worry this could jeopardize the ceasefire? >> i don't know, what we're trying to do is making sure our positions are operational and pause is maintained. same time, we're taking steps to be ready for any development. so the reality is one we need to maintain fire and protect ourselves and that is what we are doing. i can't confirm this situation, i don't know what it is. we will have to look into it. >> todd: this development notwithstanding, based upon how negotiates have gone so far, are you confident this ceasefire will extend through wednesday? >> it is very hard to look beyond this evening either. i don't want to harness the horse before the cart. the threat on the ground is ruthless one, this is awful, mass manipulation and heartbreaking. we see israelis gather around televisions from 4:00 p.m. everyday here, glued to the television set trying to understand who will be let out, who is coming out, their condition. that will be the situation today and then we'll look forward to and plan for tomorrow. we are making necessary plans to transfer the hostages to hospitals where they continue treatment. our role is to protect them and bring them back into the community and cushion them after the huge trauma they have been through. that is what we're doing. the operational pause, we believe we wouldn't be receiving the hostages without immense military force utilized to bring hamas to the negotiating table and we are conducting activities with continuing flow of humanitarian goods to people in southern gaza and bringing hostages home. >> todd: with regard to which hostages are selected for release and which are selected to stay, that has to be an agonizing decision. how do you pick? >> that is not something we do, that is happening in corridors of diplomacy, our role is to facilitate it once they are released. i don't envy who gets to decide who comes out. we hope to bring every last one of them home. we have demanded red cross has access to them, i can't recall that has happened. >> todd: what is hamas's end game. upon eventually the hostages will be released, what happens then and idf continues with full force? do you have any sense? >> i do not know what hamas's end game is, we know what the end needs to be, need to be demilitarized gaza strip and location governed by palestinians as they choose to see fit and needs to be without a terrorist organization that is a staging ground for terrorism against israel. we intend for that to happen. we have taken advantage of the last four days to reassess operations and learn from our lessons of seven weeks of combat and be prepared to mobilize at a minute's notice. >> todd: are you fearful hamas will take further hostages? >> great question, that has been their plan since day one. we are operating very cautiously in the field from operational activities and forces on the ground. we need to understand, this is something they may try to do and we've been operating slow and surely in order to achieve our goal of dismantling and destroying hamas capabilities. i assess that with modest success, we are winning, we are defeating them. that is why they came to the negotiating table to release hostages and what we will continue. bring home every last one of them and make sure they never use the gaza strip as a staging ground ever again. >> todd: thank you, sir. >> carley: to a fox news alert. rescuers in india working to free 41 workers trapped in a collapsed tunnel in the himalayas for 17 days. they are planning to pull them out one by one, through a pipe that is three feet wide, if you can believe it. they are investigating what caused the tunnel to collapse. washington, d.c. is experiencing more homicides than in the last two decades, but the mayor is at a climate conference in the middle east with the likes of john kerry. we will ask local business owners what they think about this. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? it's true. plus when you buy your first line of mobile, you get a second line free. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. >> todd: disney ceo will speak to employees after another film flops at the box office. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with details, hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: it would be called a year into the return of ceo. this is on the heels of another box office misstep. "wish" did not bring in the expected debut following a string of disappointment like the marvels, elemental. disney has driven away audiences with their wokeness. disney said we face risk related to misalignment in taste for consumer product. that affects profitability of our businesses. legal analyst jonathan turley writing in annual sec report disney acknowledges this. what is interesting about this, jonathan turley says here is the issue. disney's products are viewed by many conservatives as empty virtue signalling. that town hall is at noon eastern time. >> todd: the other ceo did no help. and joe biden not attending the global climate summit. >> cheryl: instead he is sending john kerry and a couple other staffers. rishi sunak is attending and even pope francis, despite his health. he has something going on with his lungs. the president is having trouble with younger voters who are disillusioned with his performance. john kirby asked about the president's absence, here is his response. >> i don't have anything to speak to with respect to travel. the president has been focused on the conflict between israel and hamas over the last month. >> cheryl: that summit is being held in dubai, 200 countries will participate in. >> carley: d.c. mayor bowser is going to promote tourism, might be a tough sell due to armed robbery, burglary and theft and the 249 homicides this year. a restaurant owner in washington, d.c. and a restaurant owner that just closed his restaurant. the mayor is in dubai promoting tourism back to washington, d.c. what do you think about all of this? >> i can't believe that. as a business leader, you remain laser focused on metrics that matter to you and clearly metrics of washington, d.c. don't matter to her. hey, come visit d.c., we have broken homes and businesses in freefall, crippling measures being put in place. what is there to sell? she has driven away patrons of d.c. and now looking abroad to bring folks to spend money in d.c. makes no sense. >> carley: adam, i understand crime has impacted your business, tell us about that. yeah, we've had five breakins this year back-to-back to back. every time we raise this issue, we get platitudes and rhetoric from her and the council. it is insane. she is killing businesses in d.c. and done nothing to help us. she's breaking records left and right and those are not the records you want to break as legacy. at this point, she needs to resign. she is not good for the city, there is no success under her. >> carley: aaron, i understand you closed three locations in three months. why? >> same story, unfortunately, what we've seen -- 15 years ago, where adam's restaurant is and two much my former restaurants, we saw build-up of d.c. and this was the trickle-down effect of tony williams, a great mayor who cared for the people of the city and businesses and how to build business and to make the city the great city that it was. what we have now, you know, like adam said, we have a huge population of homeless that need help. we have a ton of mental illness, which go says side by side with the home and wills we also have violent criminals that can't be and won't be prosecuted or that have the businesses don't have protection of the police because of really poor and aligned d.c. government temperature is sad, we've shut down both places and had employee that was shot and stabbed and thankfully survived. we've had numerous break-ins, this is just one side of town. >> carley: that poor employee. he is okay, though? >> he is. >> carley: thank god. aaron, why do you think there is just this dramatic spike in crime and when did it start, during covid? >> i feel it did. i think there is a lot of contributing factors to that. one, more specifically on our side of town, adam and mine, we have seen huge spike in marijuana shops and this is an idea that i thought was built and designed to generate revenue, help increase our depleted police approximate department, also contribute toward great programs that d.c. has done pretty well with. but what we've seen instead, seen no tax revenue through the programs because shops can't generate money because they are not legal. >> carley: interesting perspective. we've seen high amount of crime. >> carley: people talk about policy and police, it could be other businesses entering the area where there is a spike in crime and the people shopping in those businesses, as well. thank you for joining us, sorry about what is going on in d.c. and hope it gets better soon. president biden education secretary attempted to quote ronald reagan, got the message backwards. we're going to set up follow-up calls to make sure we're available. as i think president reagan said, we're from the government, we're here to help. >> todd: tomi lahren joins us next on what he left out. >> lawrence: our education secretary is not educated about a former president. what could go wrong? coming up, jam-packed tuesday morning show, possible developments in gaza, it appears smoke is rising despite the ceasefire between israel and hamas. 10 more hostages set to be freed today. we'll talk to one family member who says her loved one has been handed over to another terrorist group thachl shocking story ahead. and shocking video shows a train packed with migrants heading for our southern border. get fresh insight from former border patrol chief sxchl jonathan turley and stuart varney break down the dire credit card debt and jimmy failla on the white house move scrapping time-honored christmas tradition, ahead on "fox and friends." don't go anywhere. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. . when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, nothing's worked or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. >> as i think it was president reagan said "we're from the government. we're here to help." there are resources there. there is technical assistance there and playbook that could support the work you are doing. count on us as partner in this. >> that was biden's education secretary miguel cardona completely missing the mark on this former phrase from ronald reagan. listen. >> the nine most terrifying words in the english language are: i'm from the government, and i'm here to help. >> carley: everyone knows that phrase, right? >> outkick host tomi lahren to talk about this swing and a miss. tomi, what do you think? >> the jokes just write themselves my friend. it's pretty rich that you have an education secretary that doesn't know one of the most famous quotes in political history. what is even more concerning than that he actually does believe that after everything the american people have been through especially in the last three years that the notion of big government is comforting to folks. and he seems to make light of it and make a joke of it that big government is there to help. no, i don't think so. so he got the quote wrong and you think big government is comforting. like i said, this administration, the jokes, the circus, they write themselves, they run themselves. i don't expect anything different. it's nice to have a little comic relief on a tuesday morning. >> todd: education secretary, let's remember. >> carley: of all the secretaries. >> todd: jill biden deciding not to hang stockings at the white house for the grandchildren and pets. last year just acknowledged 70 grandchild navy for the first time this year. last year, six stockings, this year instead of hanging the seventh they are hanging none. basically, tomi, they would rather celebrate no one than give this innocent little girl the simplest form of acknowledgment and respect a freakin' stocking. >> right, well, jikd called the display magic, wonder and joy. apparently that does not extend to grandchildren of any sort. we talked about this before, todd and carley. joe biden and those who apologize for joe biden repeatedly say his condoning and coddling of son hunter is about a father's love. that fatherly love doesn't extend to the seventh grandchild which he barely referenced in july. yet has really discuss show any love especially around the holiday season. you are right, towed, they would rather get rid of all the stockings than put up anything for a young, innocent grandchild. i don't want do hear anything from the left about a father's love and joe is a good pop pop. i'm not buying it. where are the stockings? >> carley: decorations are beautiful this year. i think back to the multiple hit pieces that former first lady melania trump received for her decorations and the difference in media treatment. we are talking about tinsel here. do you remember that, tomi? >> oh, i certainly remember it. we know that the double standard is the only standard of the left. i think, again, just removing children from the joy of christmas, that really couldn't encapsulate the biden administration any more perfectly. we will leave it at that it's a beautiful display. we would like to see you acknowledge children in general that would be nice for our christmas magic wonder and joy. >> todd: does anyone else care about the psychologic damage this little girl realizes there was a whole of government effort to bushy her existence. >> and not only that, todd, they have gone out of their way to make sure she can't use the last name of biden. it's really shameless. they condone hunter. they bring hunter to all the white house events but this little girl not even acknowledged. maybe one time just so they could check that off the list. that's as far as it goes. this poor little girl certainly doesn't deserve that we expect better from our commander-in-chief, the president and the first family. >> carley: christmas stocking controversy very interesting turn of events. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day everybody. >> steve: good morning, everybody. we start this tuesday with

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Joy ,Lot ,Divine ,Mass ,Christ ,Songs ,Source ,People ,It ,Tree ,Nico ,Instagram ,Laura ,Mommy ,Great Band ,Sounds Lyci ,Raymond ,Thou Todd ,Gchl ,Hostages ,Hamas ,Ceasefire ,Smoke Over Gaza ,Fox News Alert ,Fox And Friends First ,Take A Look ,10 ,Carley Shimkus ,Todd Piro ,Children ,Terror Group ,Israel ,Pie Hamas ,Tuesday Morning ,51 ,Things ,Hospital ,Trey Yingst ,Smoke Plume ,Tel Aviv ,Five ,Smoke ,Images ,Indication ,Tactic ,Ceasefire Violation ,The Strip ,Deal ,Part ,11 ,Nine ,Wall ,Fathers ,Officials ,Inside Gaza ,Nir Oz ,October 7 ,7 ,Family ,Kids ,Families ,Weekend ,Dog ,50 ,Palestinians ,Developments Inside Gaza ,Water ,Khan Yunis ,Fighting ,Conflict ,History ,Length ,2014 ,Design ,Hostages Aren T Being ,Group ,Hostage Negotiation ,Questions ,Palestinian Islamic Jihad ,Reports ,Question ,Organizations ,Gaza Aren T Being ,40 ,Negotiations ,Extension ,Leadership ,Information ,Peter Lerner ,Idf Spokesperson ,Journalist ,Prison Stay ,Russian Media ,Gershkovich ,March On Espionage ,Circus ,Reporting ,Claim ,Wall Street Journal ,Trip A ,Have ,Kremlin ,Verdict ,Prisoner Exchange ,Case ,Departure Ceremony ,Rosalynn Carter ,Emery University ,Joe Biden ,Kamala Harris ,Jill Biden ,Doug Imhoff ,First Lady ,Jimmy Carter ,Hospice Care ,96 ,77 ,2024 ,Americans ,Brooke Singman ,Job ,Polls ,Media Outlets ,Withdrawal ,Inflation ,Pandemic ,Reelection Campaign ,Afghanistan ,Analysts ,Problem ,President ,Activists ,Enthusiasm ,Poll Numbers ,Others ,Staffers ,White House ,Damage Control ,Many ,Justice ,Concerns ,Opponent ,Talk ,Republican ,Staffing ,Sagging Numbers ,Numbers ,Change ,Ship ,Strategy ,Reflection ,Voters ,College Tour ,Support ,Defense ,Leaders ,Community Colleges ,Colleges ,Universities ,Trade Schools ,Republicans ,Lead ,Gen Z ,Iowa Caucus On January 15th ,15 ,January 15th ,Competitors ,Venn Diagrams ,Add Gen Zers ,Vikings ,Quarterback Dobbs ,Joke ,Kickers ,Rocket Scientist ,Smarts ,Fumbles ,Justin Fields ,Rocket Science ,One ,Two ,Bears ,Kick ,Field Goal ,Clock ,Hold ,Night Accounting ,Kicker Fourth ,Four ,Thing ,Chance ,Win ,Points ,Team ,Chicago ,12 ,Mayor ,Matter ,Game ,Touchdown ,Mvp ,Legs ,Something ,Us ,Office ,Carley ,Charleston ,Hunter Biden ,Footwork ,Nice ,Nothing ,Oman ,Sports ,Cheers ,Games ,Woho ,Field ,Pitch ,Xfinity 10g Network ,Power ,Wifi ,Homework ,Book ,Home ,Battery Back Up ,Data ,Power Outages ,4 ,Christmas Tree ,Janice ,It S Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas ,Cold Temperatures ,14 ,34 ,18 ,Temperatures ,Cold ,Feeling ,Season ,Foot Falling ,Hair ,Lake Effect Snow ,New York ,Yes ,20 ,Wind ,Factor ,Parts ,State College ,Wind Chill ,Michigan ,32 ,Picture ,Record ,Lows ,Mid Atlantic ,Friends ,17 ,Area ,Snow ,Winds ,Lakes ,Foot ,Pile Ups ,Great Lakes ,Forecast ,Niagara Falls ,Buffalo ,Country ,Storm System ,Rain ,Won T Be Snow ,West ,Bit ,Gulf Coast ,Heavy Rain ,Eight ,Weather Report ,My Goodness ,Way ,Candidate ,South Carolina ,South Carolina Red For The First Time ,Sir ,Votes ,Beating ,200 ,1877 ,1877 Beating ,Solutions ,Problems ,Residents ,William Cogswell ,Race ,Everything ,Democrats ,Division ,Seeds ,Estate ,Policies ,Level ,Campaign ,Victory ,Rejection ,Point ,Message ,Win Electionings ,Pot Holes ,Hand ,Wheel ,Government ,Primary ,Spotlight ,Donald Trump ,Governor ,Nikki Haley ,So ,Who ,Leading ,Honor ,Legislature ,Advice ,Food City ,Person ,Issues ,Disposition ,Migrants ,City ,Video ,Rule ,Hundreds ,Don T Mess ,Border ,Airport ,Top ,San Diego ,Cargo Train Barrelling ,Cowboy ,Daddy ,Suburbs ,Cowgirl ,Cries ,Migrant Center ,Ain T ,Life ,Generations ,Blood ,Farmers ,Family Heritage ,Ancestry ,Gift ,Rinvoq ,Check ,Damage Rinvoq ,Symptom Relief ,Results ,Course ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Urgency ,Leave Bathroom ,Uc ,Colon Lining ,Remission ,Infections ,Death ,Cancers ,Skin Cancer ,Ability ,Intestines ,Stomach ,Tears ,Fatal ,Heart Attack ,Blood Clots ,Stroke ,Lymphoma ,Tb ,Don T ,Heart Disease Risk Factor ,Risks ,Reactions ,Gastroenterologist ,Doctor ,1 ,Businesses ,Abbvie ,Stocks ,Solar Flare ,Bacon ,25th Hour ,25 7 ,25 ,Anything ,Work ,Snoring ,Vote ,Overtime Approvals ,Designs ,Ticking ,Power Nap ,Havoc ,World ,Payroll ,Hr ,Adp ,Train ,Cheering ,Mexican City ,Eagle Pass ,Texas ,Bill Wells ,North ,San Diegos Airport ,San Diego Airport ,El Cajon ,A Thousand ,Homeless People ,172000 ,Place ,Hospitals ,Places ,Shelters ,California ,Control ,Shouldn T ,Migrant Crisis ,Sleeping ,Nowhere ,Crisis ,Desantis ,Plan ,Sponsor ,Destination ,Town ,Street Releases ,Stops ,30 ,Lots ,Result ,County Of San Diego ,Newsom ,Help ,Communication ,Money ,Alejandro Mayorkas ,Rhetoric ,Gaslit ,No Problem ,Eyes ,Issue ,Clouds ,Hostage ,Sxralt Hamas ,Sides ,Cheeks ,Knees ,Suds ,Graduation Performance ,Improv Class ,Razor Sharp ,Health ,App ,More ,Footlong ,Health Tips ,Wellness Tools ,Subway ,Aarp ,Powerhouse Lotion ,Bond Daily Healing ,Heals ,Moisturizes ,Deal Worth Celebrating ,Bond ,Skin ,Moisturize Dry ,Moisturizers ,Vitamins ,3 ,Plumes ,Situation ,Ground ,Pause ,Positions ,Reality ,Development ,Fire ,Negotiates ,This Development Notwithstanding ,Evening ,Threat ,Manipulation ,Cart ,Horse ,Let Out ,Televisions ,Israelis ,Television Set ,00 ,Plans ,Role ,Treatment ,Community ,Trauma ,Activities ,Negotiating Table ,Military Force ,Southern Gaza ,Goods ,Flow ,Release ,Stay ,Decision ,Diplomacy ,Corridors ,Envy ,Red Cross ,End Game ,Sense ,End ,Force ,Idf ,Location ,Gaza Strip ,Staging Ground ,Terrorist Organization ,Terrorism ,Advantage ,Notice ,Lessons ,Combat ,Operations ,Seven ,Forces ,Day One ,Goal ,Capabilities ,Order ,Dismantling ,Success ,Rescuers ,Workers ,41 ,Tunnel ,Planning ,Pipe ,Himalayas ,Washington D C ,Feet ,Three ,Business Owners ,Homicides ,John Kerry ,Middle East ,Business ,Business Mobile ,Providers ,Comcast ,Line ,Free ,Mobile ,5g Mobile Network ,Contracts ,Bill ,Carriers ,Line Activation Fees ,Term ,Device ,Big Three ,5 ,75 ,Cheryl ,Disney ,Ceo ,Box Office ,Employees ,Film Flops ,Details ,Cheryl Casone ,Hi ,Return ,Heels ,String ,Box Office Misstep ,Wish ,Marvels ,Debut ,Disappointment ,Elemental ,Risk ,Audiences ,Misalignment ,Taste ,Wokeness ,Consumer Product ,Analyst ,Profitability ,Sec ,Jonathan Turley Writing ,Jonathan Turley ,Products ,Conservatives ,Virtue ,Signalling ,Town Hall ,Global Climate Summit ,Rishi Sunak ,Francis ,Lungs ,Trouble ,Response ,Performance ,Respect ,Absence ,John Kirby ,Countries ,Summit ,Dubai ,Bowser ,Tourism ,Sell Due ,Armed Robbery ,Restaurant Owner ,Burglary ,Theft ,249 ,Restaurant ,Business Leader ,Dubai Promoting Tourism ,Metrics ,Homes ,Laser ,Visit D C ,D C ,Folks ,Freefall ,Patrons ,Measures ,Crime ,Adam ,Breakins ,Records ,Council ,Aaron ,Legacy ,Locations ,Story ,Build Up ,Restaurants ,Trickle Down Effect ,Tony Williams ,Ton ,Homeless ,Mental Illness ,Population ,Won T ,Criminals ,Side By ,Police ,Employee ,Government Temperature ,Sad ,Protection ,Break Ins ,Side ,Thank God ,Spike ,Contributing Factors ,Covid ,Idea ,Mine ,Programs ,Department ,Revenue ,Tax Revenue ,Shops ,Policy ,Perspective ,Amount ,Education Secretary ,Ronald Reagan ,Tomi Lahren ,Calls ,Coming Up ,Tuesday Morning Show ,Lawrence ,Family Member ,Developments ,Insight ,Credit Card Debt ,Border Patrol ,Christmas Tradition ,Jimmy Failla ,Stuart Varney ,Chief Sxchl ,Anywhere ,Heat ,Contrast Therapy ,Spain ,Don T Go ,Ice Works Fast ,Icy Hot ,Diets ,Solution ,Weight ,Golo ,Wasn T ,Secret ,Approach ,Insulin ,Glucose ,Eating ,It Wasn T ,Symptom ,Weight Loss ,Insulin Levels ,Weight Gain ,Cause ,Everyone ,Here I Am ,Fat ,Phrase ,Assistance ,Miguel Cardona ,Count ,Partner ,Playbook ,Mark ,Resources ,Language ,Words ,English ,Outkick ,Friend ,Doesn T ,Quotes ,Miss ,Swing ,Tomi ,Notion ,Flight ,Quote Wrong ,Jokes ,Comic Relief ,Stockings ,Grandchildren ,Secretaries ,Pets ,70 ,Little Girl ,Time ,Navy ,Seventh ,None ,Form ,Acknowledgment ,Six ,Stocking ,Display Magic ,Sort ,Before ,Freakin ,Wonder ,Jikd ,Love ,Father ,Grandchild ,Fatherly Love Doesn T ,Coddling ,Condoning ,Son Hunter ,Left ,Show ,Holiday Season ,Young ,Innocent Grandchild ,Melania Trump ,Decorations ,Pop ,Hit Pieces ,Joe ,Difference ,Standard ,Tinsel ,The Joy Of Christmas ,Media Treatment ,Couldn T Encapsulate ,Care ,Administration ,Display ,General ,Magic Wonder ,Girl ,Existence ,Damage ,Government Effort ,Whole ,Name ,Hunter ,Events ,List ,Everybody ,Great Day Everybody ,Fox Friends ,Commander In Chief ,Christmas Stocking Controversy ,Steve ,

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