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second round of houses releases including 13 israelis. but still, no americans. ♪ reunited at last with loved ones after several weeks in captivity in gaza. >> today is been a product of a lot of hard work and weeks of personal engagement records a brief cease-fire in place but tension on the ground remain and many more hostages are still under hamas control. >> i want to be clear the war is continuing to coax her in the ground in israel with the latest. less inflation and nation the high cost of the thanksgiving holiday driving home voters a grim outlook on the economy is biden's approval numbers remain stubbornly low. we get white house reaction firm advisors chair jon h. and the tug-of-war over the foreign aid package drags on. we will ask republican senator tom cotton about his parties and calls for more security funding at the southern border. democratic congressman jake auchincloss over the stalemate of the president's call for emergency wartime aid for both israel and ukraine. and. a major victory for the far right in the netherlands. days earlier argentina. voters fed up with their elite political failure to curb inflation, homelessness and uncontrolled migration. we will ask our sunday panel if this could foreshadow how voters here may vote in 2024 all right now on "fox news sunday." ♪. shannon: elephant boxes in washington. hamas had agreed to release and of the group of hostages today. we are standing by. national secured advisor jake sullivan said the white house has quote reason to believe at least one of three americans held will be among them. we are currently in day three of a four-day pause inviting. after delay on saturday the houses are prisoner deal between hamas and israel did get back on track. a total of lease 50 is really hostages will israel says it will release 150 palestinian prisoners. president biden is vowing to keep pressing for the release of all american hostages. we are going to bring in lawmakers from both side of the aisle to discuss what comes next in the israel hamas war. but we begin with trey yingst is alive it's hostage square in tel aviv israel. >> shannon good morning britt overnight for a second straight evening israelis and breathing a sigh of relief. thirteen hostages released as part of a broader cease-fire deal. it was not done without anticipation and uncertainty. the agreement nearly collapsing right before the transfer was set to take place. qatar officials said they were able to negotiate a path forward the ultimate how they hostages s taken by the red cross to egypt's rafah crossing they are met by israeli intelligence officers and brought here to israel. hamas and told foxnews the delay was over a disagreement on aid trucks israel threatened to resume their bombing campaign if hamas backed out of the deal but part of the group last night 12 are taken to the sheba medical center in central israel. central israel. and 21-year-old maya was in more immediate need of medical need after being shot 50 days ago for the videos of families returning and reuniting giving israel hope bringing the total to 26 hostages released as part of the cease-fire deal. another group is expected to be freed tonight. remember they are being exchanged in a three -- one ratio 39 palestinian prisoners were released on saturday evening. the question though today is whether or not the fighting will resume. regional forces on fox news today they believe there could be a possible extension to the cease-fire deal in the days ahead will tell. shannon: trey yingst reporting from his or we thank you and your team again. join now by arkansas republican senator tom cotton. member of the armed service committee great to have you back on "fox news sunday." >> let start with this pause. there are folks who do not think it is been the best idea wall street journal opinion piece over there set a cease-fire deprives israel of military momentum and transfers the initiative to hamas. now that israel has agreed to a short cease-fire the bite administration and they will expect longer cease-fire spread hamas will remain armed and dangerous and gaza will use the cease-fire to regroup. we have gotten dozens of hostages out what you make of it when we go from here? work they do not want to second-guess the government that near unanimous support in their security leadership this was the appropriate step to take print out not going to second-guess the israeli government. seems like president biden puts more pressure on israel than he does on hamas and its hosting guitar. part of the reasons why we got to this point so we had to have a four-day pause is the biden administration has consistently behind the scenes insisted israel government takes steps that are clearly not in israel's instance buried providing fuel into gaza. not just water or food or medicine but fuel which mass will be providing them with ammunition. i'm also very frustrated we have not seen the release of a single american hostage. perhaps there will be one today. apparently hamas is so contemptuous of president biden and american power they feel the imperative to release filipino and tie hostages before they release american hostages that's one small example of the weakness of president biden has projected around the world that has resulted in things like americans been taken hostage or iran attacking americans more than 79 times over the past month with a follow kabul in 2021 progress to the point about american still being held there democratic congressman, mounting and running its president biden in a prime rate with democrat said he thanks we should be using u.s. forces on the ground potentially to get this americans out. here's what he says. >> by now i would've expected american best special forces to perhaps play a hand in extracting them. i think it is absurd, shocking and dismaying six weeks later was sub american hostages held by a terror organization gaza. i am happy for the israelis, do not get me wrong hamas should release all hostages but the fact we have americans sitting in gaza right now held hostage is appalling it should be addressed immediately. >> you have served in uniform oversee what he think about the skuthiscall for using u.s. specl forces to get our folks out? >> was shortly open to that. we have elite special operations forces were specifically trained in hostage rescue. do you think we have to be differential to israeli government and the israeli defense forces about the tactical situation on the ground. but if american military forces are called upon and can provide a viable solution to get out american citizens and the citizens of israel or other nations we have to be open to that. but again it's not just a small special operation units we have trained we have two aircraft carriers in the region we have increased the number of troops and aircraft we have in the region. hamas is so contemptuous of president biden is not yet released american hostages this would never have happened under donald trump or ronald reagan in fact if you will recall jimmy carter had a hostage crisis with iran. hamas is patron for over 400 days it around with lisa's hostages the day ronald reagan took office they were so scared of what ronald reagan might do to them you do not see that, dear for president bite of hamas, ronna frankly anyone around the world. this is to talk about her assets in the region our troops in uniform in the region how worried are you about expanding way don't think the american people of taste for that progress unfortunately it's already expanded towards and so biden took office iran has attacked american positions in the middle east i think that over 150 times for just in the last month is over 70 times he will hit back a few times. but we do hit back it's almost always in empty proxy warehouses or may be proxy forces in iraq and syria. seems like the president wants to go out of his way to avoid eye running casualties. >> what targets would you suggest? >> i would target iranians were operating in iraq and in syria. it also spok's send a clear mese to iran these attacks do not stop and beat it will begin to threaten their assets. ronald reagan when he sank half of iran navy for attack a u.s. army ship. the present talks about fear of escalation brute fear of but fef escalation ensures escalation. as to establish escalation dominance over a terror supporting regime like iran. sean connery's character in the untouchables said to kevin costner's character eliot ness about how to handle the chicago mob that they sent one of yours to the hospital he said one of theirs to the morgue is just not the chicago way that's the way and president biden does not appear to understand them. >> to be get drawn into something they did not want to achieve peace talks they're having the u.s. was involved in as well. but to get militarily involved with their land mass is a different situation. that is another level. >> what ronald reagan did when he sank half of around navy it did not lead to open outright war. in fact it ended the eye ron/iraq war could have been raging for more than eight years because there's so scared of ronald reagan. after donald trump the terrorist mastermind pulled in for the rest of the trump era. the way to stop these attacks is not to be fearful and hesitant and cautious in a response but massive retaliation to make it clear we will not tolerate these attacks on americans otherwise i fear will see a mass casualty attack against american forces in the region. shannon: you know there is a strong sentiment in that region that's blaming the u.s. as well pointing fingers at us. "washington post" is putting lentils in the middle east called washington support for israel's war a reckless position it does not account for the long-term diplomatic security economic effects that alienating a region were rivals they might try not you and i talked about many times are carving deeper inroads, more important they said the war has toppled the united states from its moral high ground. do you worry about the longer-term impacts alienating many in the arab world especially the younger generation who clearly not think u.s. is on the right side of this conflict to kirk's life in the middle east is not a church picnic preach what you need more than anything as iron will and crushing force. what i fear most threatens american interest and stability in the region's american weakness. arab leaders want to be partners with a strong american frankly with the strong israel because the thing they fear most is iran. and it's terror proxies like its paramilitary groups in iraq and syria and hamas or hezbollah or the rebels in yemen which president biden took off the terror list in his early days in office that kind of weakness or weakneaweakness we have seen tos iran is what is going to imperil american interests a interest an the region. not being hesitant or cautious or showing restraint in the face of attacks on american troops and citizens the region. this massacre of israelis on october 7. shannon: you got a lot of head of each comeback from the. fighting fights in ukraine, israel, the border, all that what your hopes? >> last two years biden has shown he seems to care more about ukraine's borders and he cares about america's borders. we republicans care about both we want to secure our border pretty when to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country the crime, drugs the potential terrorism and could open this country up too. at the same time you want to help ukraine resist russia's war of unprovoked aggression. so in return for providing additional funding for ukraine we have to have significant substantial reforms to our border policies. specifically asylum and parole the processes that are being abused in our border or a millions of illegal migrants to come to this country over the last three years for cocoa tech to our next guest to see if you can be getting bipartisan progress on that thank you for coming in. german out messages democratic congressman jake auchincloss welcome back to the show sir. >> sent to having me on, shannon. shannon: let's start here you said he sees for us on a good idea until hamas is destroyed by want to talk to about the specific pause but again the wall strewall street journal pis a cease-fire terms allows hamas to extend this a truce by releasing 10 hostages a day as a possibility a permit true smears and hamas start to trade adult mail and military hostages. the group's demands will rise. the u.s. will pressure israel to release hundreds of palestinian terrorists, has the plasma and a good or bad idea in your opinion? what are your concerns with this conflict moving forward? >> there is no such thing as good in the situation when there are still hostages being held in captivity. but there is progress this is progress. hostages are being released. humanitarian aid is coming in for palestinian civilians. the israeli defense forces are able to regroup as they prepare for operations to the south where the hamas leadership that in gaza seems to be it is a testament to the president's strenpresidentsstrength and ignr a cease-fire that would have denied israel the leverage they need to secure this deal. but israel is right this is the middle not the ends. they had two objectives going into this conflict one is to rescue the hostages there still hostages being held captive to it was was to dismantle hamas as still coherent. they need to be prepared to turn south and resume military operations. i think they are going to have support from the american body politic in doing that. i represents ideologically diverse district of a county that voted republican for to have some of the bluest zip codes in the country. three months ago this district wasn't pretty united in opposition to prime minister netanyahu on judicial reform expansion in the west bank but now there is relative consensus israel has a responsibility to defend itself and protected civilians. even while recognizing netanyahu hard right cabin is made things unnecessary difficult with direction the west bank. i think israel should continue and resume the military operations at the expiration of the truce. then the broad american electric will be behind them. shannon: urban conflict senior party over this whole thing for the new yorker has this headline, how israel is splitting the democrats. the democratic coalition wants to seem united in its staunch unquestioning support for the country today. that consensus seems to be cracking. how would you describe what's going on within the party? some that do this is happening y publicly. >> there are outliers for sure. the press has been wise to ignore the calls for cease-fire which were reckless and misguided. but those are speaking to her own clinical ends this broad consensus among democratic policymakers that president biden has been drawing on 50 years of foreign policy experience to walk a narrow tight rope over a wide chasm, quite effectively that is in sharp contrast to the republican party of ukraine. this is the party as we heard from senator cotten likes to invoke on ronald reagan's they are now prepared and leisure of donald trump to hand ukraine at right back over too russia they are deeply divided by the leader of their party. and that is in contrast its most critical. >> but to be fair they have voted for eight again and again in the house and senate republicans. there is a slate within the party which is on yours and the issue of israel we've got senator sanders sank no more blank checks to israel things aid should be conditional. i note you have said you didn't think aid should be conditional regardless of whether it's a democrat or republican administration. you talk about presidents. our polling shows people do not trust him out when it comes to the issue of around specifically and how he is dealing with brand-new poll shows 70% of americans think he has been to accommodating like senator cotton pissed you served in uniform you know about our troops at least 73 of them what should he be doing differently with respect to ironic? >> the first of all this administration has been tough on iran. they have rolled out almost 50 new sets of sanctions that have helped lead to almost 50% inflation in the iranian economy. iran is desperate right now could they advance abraham accords and the thing ironic fears of more than military action by the united states more than economic action from the united states is a political isolation to the abraham accords. that was on a large near-term catalyst for the hamas attack in october 7. they'd miss mission is not been tough on iran. if we were to follow the republican party warpath in the middle east, where we would end up as another failed forever at war. i sought the futility of the expensive war without end game for the last thing america needs is to go back to the muck and blood of conflict in the middle east. the better thing to do the thing i saw when i committed special operations and pat them on trainer al is there is to work by and with fellow democracies as they fight on the front line to support israel as they fight against hamas in gaza to keep that to it one at front war as opposed to opening up other fronts against has blah or excuse me against iran directly to support ukraine to support taiwan as it prepares for increased chinese aggression. the president's standing with democracy he's working by and with allies that is smart military strategy. shannon: there are number of gop senators who reach out to ask why this administration is not using other things at its disposal like sanctions. eight letter to the president back on november 16 they said the world is in the direct result of allowing iran's oil revenues to grow and unfreezing billions of dollars in extraterritorial bank accounts we must prioritize and forcing all economic sanctions. so it raises the question why aren't we and why shouldn't we? >> we are. using a runni my running oil ex. they have forced iran to be selling their oil on the black market where they are not recovering a majority of the total revenue from the sales they've expanded the number of sanctions against individuals more than 400 different entities or individuals in ronnie revolutionary guards for human rights violation and run exports for this administrative economic isolating iran. at the same time they are building greater era cohesion with abraham accords but that'ss a thing iran actually fears much more than a military strike from the united states. that is why hamas launched on october 7 its assault we need to continue to isolate iran from the broader middle east. shannon: you mention the abraham accords multiple times but let me ask you do credit the trump administration with getting this done? >> the trump administration obviously was in power when those got done. netanyahu was the prime mover behind those. but yes, it was a successful initiative president biden's help strength them. what we have seen now instead of logic military sultans every toxic regime in the middle east which would create six new wars bite next weekend. the president has been transacting with companies like qatar to help rescue these hostages. in the middle east you do not have good choices. you have tough policymaking criteria. what the president has done as a resist calls for a cease-fire on the left well resistant calls from escalating into full-blown war on the right. he is walking a central path. shannon: you are correct always insane is no easy choices the middle east. congressman auchincloss we thank you for your time and your time in uniform for us as well thank you. >> good to be with you. shannon: is thanksgiving a bigger minded to americans about the cost of inflation with the turkey dinner coming end with a big price tag. up next will talk to jared bernstein about the current state of the u.s. economy and whether americans have any reasons to be optimistic about the future. with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. and cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or [phone alert] good thing the new dexcom g7 can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7 shannon: a president but is vermonter than his development at the middle east. so far no american hostages have been released during this plan to pause between hamas and israel the white house is hoping that could soon change, as soon as today we turned to lucas tomlinson is traveling with the president and nantucket. hello lucas. >> shannon, national security advisor jake sullivan says he has reason to believe at least one american hostage lawyer rolled abigail it will be released today the president less than like the rest of america says he remains hopeful. ask mr. president. what about the hostages being released? i'm hopeful they will say something soon purports a second group of hostages was released from gaza late last night president biden and his family were doing some shopping on small business saturday and nantucket were outraged over israel policy followed him to the island. the crux of free palestine. >> most americans are just as angry over the state of the economy. 89% of americans are extremely or very concerned about inflation and higher prices. in only 20% of americans polled think the economy is an excellent or good shape. nearly eight and 10 rate the economy is only fair or poor ahead of thanksgiving biden tweeted gas prices are down a dollar 70 from their peak at. but today it gas prices remain 37% higher than the day he took office bring home sales are now at 13 year lows. interest rates are 23 year highs. american credit card debt is now over $1 trillion for the first time in american history. despite these troubling economic indicators the president has long insisted his policies are working. >> is another way of saying the american dream. >> it's another wa singer's or e american dream progress is just another way of saying restore the american dream for chris the oldest president in u.s. history also continues to face questions about his age. even here and nantucket for christmas are presently too old to be running for reelection? [inaudible] [laughter] why is donald trump beating on the latest poll? [inaudible] >> a president biden faces the lowest approval rating of his presidency could be hope to hear from president biden before he takes off to go back to washington. shannon: lucas on the road of president and nantucket thank you very much. joining us an out chair of the council of economic advisors jared bernstein welcome back because it's good to be here with you. >> we always do polls you just heard what lucas was reporting i want to get to the specific when we asked americans that they see signs the economies hit the worst in turning around. 67% of voters we surveyed said no they actually think the worst is still to come the conference board assures that assessment work absent u.s. economic growth will buckle under mounting headwinds early next year real disposable personal income growth is a flats pandemic savings are dwindling household debt is rising. i know it you're going to want to paint a rosy picture but for most people their expenses not good pick racks i want to try to paint a realistic picture of its new wants and takes into account everything you just said. but also reflects not just what people are saying which we have to listen to they are the best arbiters of economic conditions. but also what they are doing we are just coming out of a black friday that's arty setting records for online buying between 10 and 16 billion for black friday online. we are looking at consumer spending that drive t this drivy forward posting growth rates that are north of 5%. with an unemployment rate that's been below 4% for 21 months. not what that means in a period where inflation is come down by two thirds, it peaked at 9% is now three-point to per. >> real wages have grown. wages are beating prices now so as disposable income to quick starting to but most the time they have not. rectum talk and less for five months. that speaks to both my argument and perhaps your argument. my argument is that we are moving on the right track but we have a lot of work to do. the question needs to be in regard to the polls you just cited are we moving in a direction that will reach the american people, give them more buying power? continue to see actual decline in gas prices you put up a slide 3007 it says. gas prices that's a stale picture shannon. the average gas price is $3.25 per. >> yes i need to find around here in d.c. were not going to find that hopefully on the country people doing better. you talk about spending on black friday which is a good indicator to look at where people are but we have a headline from the wall street journal american borrowers are getting closer to maxing out for their talking how close people are to get into the very last of what they have in savings with a credit limit. so still spending, yes that's going to come due at some point they say delinquencies are wet between september and october as well. >> credit is tighter because interest rates are higher in interest rates are higher in part because of the fight against inflation which again has been a successful fight's terms of taking down the rate of inflation it's also important to look at actual prices the gas price at peaked at $5 a gallon in june of 2022. this morning i checked it before i came on $3.25. $1.75 presents per gallon off of its peak you fill up a 15-gallon tank that's about 25 bucks to do that through four times a month $75100 breathing room. >> when you guys took over as what to year old and 39 cents? so we are up to question a '2016 was a dollar 70. >> i'm saying let's happen on your watch. >> under our watch the price of gas is up. >> after the invasion of ukraine the grant gas price spike that something happened over there that affected the whole world it affected the global supply chain come infected energy since that peak president biden got to work release hundreds of million's of barrels of oil. shannon: wished by the way winter were going to refill the question requested took the price of the thrills and 12 and since her 16 states where gases go through dollars account airplane tickets are down 1313% are god's greatness especially this weekend you mentioned this i want to know. we keep getting these questions quickly started to refill. one of things the president did was ensure we go to buy a barrel of oil's that will cost a lot less than we sold them for. we have started to refill with oil prices from the 70 5a barrel. rob resold that oil for about 90 5a barrel they're still arbitrage there from the commander-in-chief. the question needs to be not are those polls right or wrong people are telling us how they feel we have to look at two nuance appoints one, our wheat moving and a direction that will reach the american worker, the american consumer? or real wages raging, yes question rick is a job market is tight as it is ever been? yes. it'is inflation on two thirds wd speak absolutely or prices coming up for gas, for airline tickets for car rentals for eggs, for groceries at the lowest inflation in two years. all of that is a yes. we are moving in the right direction we have more work to do to reach average americans who by the way hard telling us to their consumer behavior they are feeling pretty good about their own financial condition. shannon: they don't when he asked about polling she' she isa mom, she is a nurse is what she says about the reality of her situation as an everyday american. >> i feel like my husband and i are doing everything right. we both have good jobs i am a registered nurse. wheat work full time. he full-time. somebody has to change this. like i make good money. he makes good money. we do not live above our means. shannon: they are living less than paycheck to paycheck over 60% of americans say that is how they are living. only 36% of voters will be a reality for them. what is your message to that woman? >> it is very important to speak particularly to someone who's going to that kind of pain. i think the message there is two things. one, we are working hard to deliver precisely what she is asking for. we are seeing the signs we see shoots of improvement in those areas. real wages are now growing. they've been growing not just for a week or two or four, five, six months. we are seeing higher interest rates. but also people's disposable income has been rising. their debt service payments what they're paying to service planning is quite low. and a second thing i would tell to her is if you actually ask somebody like that, and i think you should it's important to flesh this out. what do they think of the pack leave cap insulin prices at $35 a month question of what about giving a medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices? what about tax incentives are or manufacturing jobs? what about capping out-of-pocket prescription drug costs. they are legislated they are in the field. i do not think some the folks were talking to here know enough about that. those issues pull at 80 plus%. >> very specific groups of people seniors. everybody out there, this woman feels she represents response to her husband person after person saying ithink i'm in the same bh you. she had two or $300 to make it another week and half to the next paycheck but some people said i would love to have that. >> here we think the problem be present but it's a don't compare me to the almighty comparing to the alternative. took tw it through five minutesf everything we are doing to try to help precisely that person and everyone like her. whether it's raising a real wages keeping the job market tight, lowering costs of gas, of groceries, what do we have from the other side? tax cuts for rich people, give giveaway to big pharma. helping wealthy tax cheats of a hundreds of billions of dollars. that's who they are fighting for. she knows who we are fighting for were going to keep doing it until we reach it. >> she said she's not political the average american out there and all these polls including democrats say they are not doing well. we are turned for the american economy to be good for everybo everybody. it benefits everyone. >> i think we know how to do is keep our head down. downward built on the progress we've made so far tried to reach people precisely like her. clearly she does not feel it yet i'm confident she will forgive going for. >> forget going too. >> always good to see you thanks for coming in. new slew of polls showing things are moving in the wrong direction for president biden's reelection effort. we'll bring in the sunday panel for the growing calls in his own party to step aside others say stop talking about us.publicly you don't recogndon't recognizeg to inclusive donald trump raised his presidential hopeful and encouraging other men to join him, and the rights of the lighthouse time person of the group usa today washington bureau chief susan page. the commentator's chairman of the project 21. heritage foundation president and marie harf state department spokesperson. think of as many parter we of those. congressman phillips is not going to run for reelection will come with t last in the white h. political headlines both his words opposed to forgetting words for a bi for vita. trumps shares natural poles as high as any time in the past year. but is not good for the lighthouse projects coming to be first this morning. national polls figure out from election to take with th little parade of solid work about the state has had pulled with biden and trump? >> program i feel president obama and his very similar polls and mitt romney at the same time. i do think the democrats should take these with some caution and warning sign. to get out there. make the case who just heard that eight making of the economic news is impacting people every single day. about what joe biden's second term would look like. they have some work to do so this would take this as a warning sign. i firmly believe donald trump has a ceiling on the number of people that would vot vote for m for that poll after poll. every time donald trump is not the top of the republican party since one in 20167 present wildr before the democrats sitting here today it will say we hope donald trump is the nominee because if joe biden donald trump head-to-head is pretty good for democrats. i think they're probably a little nervous and haley or someone else but elections are choices. i think democrats are confident joe biden is the only one ever be donald trump you do it again. we think you have a democratic catholic congressman phillips who are thinking he cannot feel confident we are going to run with think we need to get serious about this. rachel has this headline and type down right and alleys of right development of the president. is it a lot or other things stop talking about this publicly work is not doing well. and how you can beat him. this is that the water's warm waters but he failed if you are a i think most democratic strategists as soon joe biden going to be the nominee. you are not going to succeed and have some enough to be nominated so he is the guy you need to back even though dean phillips is doing is taking a lot of democrats the same democrats were saying behind the scenes which is still biden has a significant problem given from. things like the situation we see a big challenge from fighting with the baseload clinic young people african-americans and others. if you really sick and enthusiastic is going to win her legs are fully showing he is leaving significantly in a number of those categories to president trump there is lack letters come hispanic voters many key groups he needs to hold together to win the white house and the other side of the aisle. there is plenty of angst over there as well. there has been reports of doctor moreau offended the santos camp this week that haley poked noting her rise in the poll happy to pounce on that same sie act of peoplehood nikki has the best counter to donald trump and joe biden seconded new hampshire south dakota she's taken a lot of heat she's surging just the right time for her. she presents the old guard of the republican party. the less populous, or more internationalist link of the party is rallying around her. the question is, is that enough to affect the outcome of the election? ask me how it's going to come out is what it has been with him like the last six months. >> there not long to see that. referring back and think that the data is clear there is no path to the nomination every dollar spent his in-kind deterrent campaign. thirteenth w13-point head-to-he. the best against president bid biden. there's no way to get to that. >> it is in a 14-point obviously from my perspective. any of the three remaining major contenders of the republican side that very well. but to your question having been to highly placed in the last few months this think this is in the strongest position stronger and i was running from campaign in new hampshire however is this state by state. they can't fire she's doing really well for the next primary? as you know south carolina. this is a race that probably gets to at least super tuesday and lived live a outlier insanet respect focus on policy and ideas ministered all three candidates well in prima primare republicans will be well served by having a contested race bigwigs will probably i'll be there at some point eric panel stick around much more to discuss. break point candidates speak to victory an international stage in the world is taking notice. those winds abroad signal anything about lookahead here for our 2024 election will i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) they've done assuming th here tt didn't work it will say what you have to try the skype. ashannon: unreacted right-wing populist shopping attachment shocking many. one become the best present i think they slid in the permanent populace also pulled out a big victory in the netherlands. still a lot of work for him to try to put together a coalition government now many are wondering if any of these winds point to clues how american voters from 2020 will be her back now with our panel and went to onc the local weekly torah bd characterizing the same the big winner a veteran right wing campaigner pete freak out his victory has a frigate across europe is something to behold. kevin and they are scared of the site and worried about the implications of some of the other when they are in it is glorious. that is a complement which is to say if you spend time talking to people around the world especially in europe and latin america they are frustrated about what americans are frustrated here with the elites gently take her self-governmente and flourishing they are really arrogant about it when the complaint. and sit fo so it is glorious its wwe hear about the corner after decades of european centralized control in brussels. too much centralized power in washington. plus on the political right to say things we believe the 2020s of the golden era here around the world to quickly do not share your view at the they are very worried about what the impact of these when i visit with they are trying to pull together through political this migration was the dominant issuf the election it remains a concern as migrant numbers continue to rise so has the support for far right parties in many countries in europe. that is certainly an issue here as well. lexington middle immigration problem is something that resonates with coding generally. the elites have decided they know bettnobetter then voters g. one of the things that he is concerned about is will there be an exit? will there be a vote to have the netherlands that you review? why is that concern them? because the policies that are imposed by the elites are not popular they are strong medicine for your own good. the thing about being and make your own decisions and a lot of trees are coming to that conclusion. i think that is to clear them in a place as well because most of the migration. here is a bipartisan agreement the border is not in a good place is chaotic work in record numbers every month now. we have fallen on the list of jobs performance of national security immigration and the saints relate its way of sale from both of those punk disapproval are out wearing those who approve we talk about the situation he was awarded her latest polling shows 85% of americans think it's an emergency or major problem. that is another difficult topic for the went out to campaign on. >> it is. listed in certain resources to the border they're taken quite seriously. we can't with the far right candidates winning to be purely ideological policy differences. these are all planet candidatesy model themselves off of him who are coming free and fair elections. to his health care. they're calling immigrants, this debate about how to securable to call me old-fashioned i think you can bring down inflation comes in. without being racist and misogynist engines extreme things. but then vi within view then vs inviting is. these polls show thirds. principles for people and companies doing it. flexible to seem to be very clear when we talk about the right-wing parties and we talked about to leave them exactly how to bring down inflation secure our tour of the shift to the brain globally we are talking about today is extreme it is taking us back to a place to have fewer rights. people for their. this upcoming collecting that in the case of fighting to make. you might want inflation to go down past the economy to grow more quickly when filling out on the backs of donald trump and his extremism is not the way to go. but that is the global trend here if she was in white house the issue of immigration. please see the light has a shifting policy more willingness to embrace border security measures conclude that. let's talk about building the wall. this chanchange also in the demc party voters, democratic governors, mayors and big cities things that probably need to address the new and different way. there is no issue that moore animates donald trump voters in the issue of immigration. we had seen this and that netherlands, and france, internet and elsewhere as well. but the mood of the country there are other things will factor into the word about the economy. there were about the border. they'll hagayle has an apple ouf americans the most in three day they would be afraid to walk alone at night within a mile of the home. >> this is the exact reason why i said earlier, then do it. if all of the policies could be done without the wool requirements the left clothes, finishand goodness things. the truth of the matter is that people are going to have to make a choice. you take the rights for the left. if you do not like all the rough edges of the right you will look over here at the left and you hate the craziness of it. and that makes it a lot more attractive people to the right. that is what we are free and in europe and that is a leasing in america too. shannon: when he think about marine has felt out lesser rights for people and other things. respond to that. i the people are feeling both in europe and in the united states that their rights as they can do about policies. foods propose solutions are far worse than the problem. and secondly, migration. people in europe and america i think that is right to vent abridged. therefore this in great frustration i think it's going to bear wonderful fruits. the horses point on the right, you can talk about commonsense solutions for threats to include their panoply with next sunday. thank you very much. coming cap next emotional readings as passages of the release of israel, some more but there are still many, many families who are waiting for their loved one to come home for approximately 400 alex the ver ♪ ♪ shannon: this is new video coming in of the second group of israeli hostages released last night. here you can see them being transported to the sheba medical center in israel. more hostages are expected to be released today and hopes finally there could be americans among them. fox news correspondent alex hogan is live on the ground in jerusalem with the very latest. hello, alex. >> reporter: hi, shannon. it now appears wheels are in motion for the release of today's hostages, and u.s. officials expect at least one american could be among them. it's the moments families here in israel wondered if they would ever see again, 99-year-old -- 9-year-old ohad running into his father's arms, emily 's first hug with her dad who initially believed she was dead. yoni holding his three girls once more. a. [cheers and applause] thousands crowded the streets to welcome the hostages home. the families who were once strangers now speak as one. [speaking in native tongue] >> translator: we need to continue and not stop our fight til all kidnapped are released. >> reporter: doctors say most of the hostage as appear healthy as the stories finally come out of what happened to them. ruth says she was able to watch and listen to the news while captive. that's how she learned her son had been killed. a a dina's family says she spent her time in total darkness, disconnected. she didn't know her husband was dead and had no clue about the war. but now they're home getting a glimpse of hope to hundreds of families that their loved ones too could still be alive. in exchange for those moments, israel has released 78 palestinian prisoners. motional reunions as those families welcome home their loved ones as well. shannon? shannon: alex, thank you very much for that update. for all of your coverage. next week, "fox news sunday," don't miss our special, the state of defense. we're going to come to you live from the reagan library in simi valley, california, the site of the reagan national defense forum. we will have experts on hand to discuss the top military and defense issues facing the country and the world right now as they are multiple. that is it for us today. thanks for joining us. i'm shannon bream, see you next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪

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