Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240702

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>> kevin: done with the stuffing and now it's on to the shopping. could be a record season for your spending. hello. i'm edward lawrence in for neil cavuto. this is a special thanksgiving edition of "your world." with consumers giving thanks for a cooling inflation, they are not thankful for a rash of retail theft across the country keeping prices higher. to madison al worth with the latest on what you can expect when you hit the stores. madison? >> hi, edward. the national retail federation forecasting that holiday spending is expected to reach record levels in november and december and 966 billion. black friday deals are already in full swing. amazon and best buy started their black friday deals a full week early november 17. target began offering seasonal discounts on november 19. according to a recent detail me not survey, 83% of shoppers say they intended to start holiday shopping before today, thanksgiving. you're heading out the door right now to snag some deals first, wait until this report is over and second don't try to go to any of these stores. recent years it's become tradition for the doors of black friday to open early, as much as a full day early thanksgiving. these retailers are keeping employees home for the holidays and they won't open till tomorrow morning. other than rei. they are also closed today, friday as well. even with the deals, retailers are sounding the alarm about the strength of the consumer. high prices have forced people to pull back on big ticket items. companies are competing to bring hesitant shoppers back in to the fold. we ask people how they're approaching holiday shopping this year. >> i look around at certain stores online. i look to shop online. >> i'll be getting in there. it's okay. it's still expensive. >> sales do drive me to purchase more products. >> sales are very important right now. everything is so expensive. we have a lot to look for. >> it's not just the consumer this shopping season. retail crime, violence and theft are impacting the retail industry at unprecedented r ret represented a $112 billion in losses for businesses. things are continuing on a concerning path. according to new analysis, shoplifting is 16% higher since 2019. edward? >> yeah, madison. have you started your shopping yet? >> i have started my shopping. i'm a fan of if you see something you like for a family member, grab it. >> i wait till black friday. i'll do all my shopping then online then. thanks, madison. let's get right to your shopping with retail guru hitha herzog. shoppers will be out in force spending this season. so what is the disconnect here? >> there's a couple of things going on. to your point, i think we're seeing a lot of consumers go online. according to a report i worked on with the data catalyst institute, consumers still want to go in the stores. that's the number 1 reason why they want to shop and when they want to shop. 38% of consumers. we're seeing this uptick of people going online. part of the reason why is a lot of the promotions started in october. retail space, we call it the christmas creep. this is not a relative that won't leave your home after the holidays, this is a promotion that happens in october and continue through november. really seeing that at record rates. >> i thought you shopped online until you can wear your slippers. yeah, so we're seeing record credit card debt more than a trillion dollars. so when does a shopper look at that seeing how much debt that they have and say i need to stop spending? it seems to keep growing. >> i know. you know, edward, this is a fomo situation. we're a nation of shoppers. the united states really just we want to get out there and shop. this is something, like a national past time. you're absolutely right. when you start seeing -- when you start seeing consumers feel the after effects of the pandemic, people were indoors and couldn't go out and shop, you are seeing people, you have this ripple effect. they want to spend that money. for better or for worse, they have access to credit in some cases. the credit markets have not dried up that much for the consumer. and so they really have access to be able to spend. >> let me ask you this. because of inflation, you're seeing people pick different items. is that happening this holiday season where you don't go for the more expensive? you go for a smaller item? >> the cfo of walmart signals that the consumer was still feeling the pinch. when walmart says something, the whole industry listens. this is really kind of a tell of what is coming. just the consumer, the shopper in general is still feeling price sensitive. we're two years out of pandemic lockdowns. with inflation, even though that is coming down, that consumer is still feeling that. to that point, online shopping is so prolific. according to the data, 60% of small businesses are selling on amazon. i always say, edward, if my wallet is across the room for me and i'm on the see if a and i'm scrolling, if i have to go and pick up my credit card and put in that information, the item is not getting bought. so if it's easy to shop online, people will do it. >> stores are calling it theft shrinkage. how does that play in the store hours? you have the theft and what kind of deals are out there? the cost of theft is just passed on. >> right. shrinkage is -- it can pass as a lot of thing. theft is one aspect. what we're seeing according to data that we're looking at is that theft has really increased in cities like los angeles and new york over the past four years. so when it comes to shopping in the stores, i think what stores are trying to do because there's so much -- they need security. so what stores are going to try to do is spread that security out as much as they possibly can. i always tell people to go in earlier because people are just happier and more willing to help. i think at that point you're going to see a lot more staff around to help you. >> earlier in the morning as opposed to earlier in the season? >> earlier in the morning. i'm not talking about 4:00 a.m. but certainly it's friday morning. get your coffee out there and get your stuff if you like going to the stores and having that experience. >> thanks, hitha. thanks for your help. >> thanks so much. >> not as much heartburn and sticker shock for the cost of that thanksgiving day meal with prices down from last year's record highs. so as the holiday season gets in to gear and lots of families gathering and parties on tap, how will food prices be looking for those big events? let's talk to stu leonard jr., ceo of stu leonards. so the american farm bureau says the average classic thanksgiving dinner for ten people is $61.10. down from the record high. it's still 25% higher than 2019, prepandemic levels. wages haven't kept up with that thyme. how did people manage that cost? >> well, you know, first of all, thanksgiving is the most inexpensive meal of the year. you got turkey that is $2, $3 a pound. you have pie, you have mashed potatoes, gravy. it's not that expensive. we look at it more by head. a lot of our customers today are just -- we have this dinner for eight. so you can buy a box. you have a turkey, you have your sides, you have rolls, you have pies, you have everything in there. we notice a lot of people are just ordering a dinner for eight or a dinner for 12 this year. so we're looking at stew leonards like prices are about the same as last year. some things are up, some things are down. overall, we don't see any price increase here at stew leonards. >> don't invite uncle buck. so you're seeing people make tough choices and what they're leaving and buying is. that happening more often now? you see people make the choices as to what to buy? >> well, you know what we're finding right now at stew's, we found for thanksgiving, people shop later this year. last year we had the bird flu going on. so people panicked a little bit and shopped earlier. we're seeing sort of like an end of the thanksgiving pop at stew leonards that we saw. so what it's like? ice cream. it should eat like ice cream but indulge. people on thanksgiving indulge. whatever the stats are as far as credit card debt and all that stuff, they still want to have a really nice meal for their family. we're seeing that right now. family gatherings are back. our large turkey is sold out already, the big ones. showing you more bigger family events. >> so you're seeing people do that splurge. so for instance, dessert was not left off the menu for the thanksgiving dinner that people are having right now. the dessert is still on the table. do you think only after this thanksgiving you'll start to see some choices being made about what to buy and what not to buy? >> yeah. you know what happens? everybody goes on a diet on friday. so i know i'm saving calories up for thanksgiving. 40 people here with the wren -- the leonard family. it's just going to be a fun day. it's a time to celebrate with the family. we're seeing that right now. people want to get back together and have a nice family day. >> so you see the fall-off after thanksgiving? people have realized that they have eaten too much? >> well, it's turkey sandwich time after thanksgiving. you know what we're seeing a trend this year, they're not only buying a turkey, right? but they're also -- in our catering we have the sliced turkey all done. so people are getting two turkeys, one turkey and a side and maybe a breast. >> i'd be remiss to tell you my grandmother loved going to your stores. we have about 30 seconds. especially the one on long island. she loved it. thanks, stew. i appreciate it. >> thank you. 25,000 turkeys. before you go, see this sweet purple potato here? this is on a netflix show. you live to be 100 if you eat these, right? eat a purple sweet potato. >> thanks. i got it. that's the key. thanks, stew. so everyday investors giving thanks for the stock market this year. we'll handicap the rest of 2023 and what could be in store for the new year and with more americans taking a break from politics at the dinner table, what is the discussion -- what is it centered around? a new report. you might want to hide. ♪ michael strahan: discoveries at st. jude have helped increase the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to 80%. so when you support st. jude, you're helping more kids grow up to be whatever they want to be. like this kid, who's a high school track star. and this kid, who was elected to state office. and this kid, who has three kids. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime. you know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. cascade platinum plus... with double the dawn grease fighting power and double the scrubbing power. for a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. upgrade to cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. let's get real clear. if you have psoriasis and are experiencing joint pain, it could be psoriatic arthritis. both are believed to be caused by excess inflammation inside the body. get real with your dermatologist and ask about real clear skin, today. 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. >> senator joe manchin said that he would absolutely consider a presidential run as an independent candidate. maybe a no labels candidate. what do you think of that? >> joe manchin deserves the most serious consideration if we get to that point. we don't want just to do this for the sake of doing it if we offer our ballots to a third party unity bipartisan ticket. we want to feel that we have a chance to win and also that we're not going to be spoilers for one candidate or the other. if we get to that point, joe manchin deserves the most respectful consideration, if he's interested, because he's earned it. >> edward: so that was former democratic vice presidential nominee and co-founder of no labels, joe lieberman signalling his support for a possible third party run from senator joe manchin. how could that shake up a race where president biden is struggling with his poll numbers? let's get the reed from julia manchester from the hill. how can this not pull votes from one candidate or the other? senator lieberman said he didn't want it to do it but how can it not? >> it's hard to say how it can't not at this point, edward. for joe manchin, there's a possibility that his candidacy could pull votes from president biden. whereas with the robert f. kennedy jr., for example, he has the possibility to pull votes not only from president biden but also from donald trump. it's interesting to hear the republican messaging on r.f.k. jr. change from being almost friendly towards r.f.k. to not being so friendly once they saw the internal polling. so i think third party candidates oftentimes do become spoilers. the problem for joe biden here is that there's so many third party candidates. there's jill stein, potentially joe manchin, cornell west. the list goes on. so that is going to be a real problem for a president that is struggling with enthuse ability with his own party. >> you see joe manchin taking more from biden? >> you know, he could take some from trump. he certainly is a conservative democrat. but when you look at joe manchin's voting record itself, look, he seems to push back against the democratic party. he has ended up towing the democratic party line and voting with the former president in supporting the former president. his rhetoric doesn't match that. so when voters are looking at his particular record and they see that joe manchin has been a democrat, they might associate him with a joe biden or there might be some swing state moderate democrats and look at a joe manchin as someone that is more representative of their beliefs. >> edward: before we me have on to gop stuff, quickly, is this retribution from senator joe manchin? because he got dooped low pressure in to passing the inflation reduction act in response to get what he wanted for that mountain valley pipeline that is going to go from west virginia to virginia. that pipeline never came through. that part of the deal never came through from democrats. is this kind of a thumb your nose at the democrats retribution if he runs as a no labels or independent? >> i think there's frustration there. however, i think joe manchin has said repeatedly, he talks about how there's this moderate middle section of the country that doesn't -- is, you know, drowned out often times by the partisan rhetoric on the left and the right. he wants to explore that moderate middle part of the country. that could be a majority. >> edward: let me get into the gop race, second place. how does ron desantis or governor haley cut in to the lead of president trump? how do they do that? >> yeah, your guess is as good as mine. i've talked with both campaigns about this. they say look, it has to do with the field dwindling down and the rest of the field consolidating their support before the never trump or the anti-trump candidate, whoever gets that second place spot. the field has dwindled down and trump still gets the majority share of the vote like in new hampshire and nationally. for ron desantis, there's a lot of trump voters that would say their second choice is ron desantis. for nikki haley, she's probably going to accumulate more of the never trump or moderate establishment part of the republican party vote. the question is though, you know, are there enough voters in both of those camps that would be willing to unite against trump. it doesn't seem that that is the case right now. >> edward: julia, i appreciate your insight on this as we watch it in to the next year. this will be very interesting. thank you. so for the battle between the red and the blue to surging green. can you or you can see the 2023 stock market. will the rally continue into the next year? we'll have to see. you thought it was tough traveling to get to thanksgiving. wait until that return trip happens with record-setting travel expected. what you can expect this weekend and beyond. you're watching a special edition of "your world." meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ [sfx: cards shuffling] this holiday, weathertech gift cards are perfect for people to pick exactly what they want. laser measured floorliners that fit your vehicle precisely. keep your seats safe from messes with the child car seat protector. sinkmat protects under your sink. there's even something for our furry friends with the pet feeding system. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the holidays at ♪ ♪ this is a tempur-pedic mattress. and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because only tempur-pedic uses our one-of-a-kind, incredibly adaptive tempur® material to relieve pressure points and support your body, in a way no other mattress can. molecule by molecule, and millimeter by millimeter. all night. every night. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience the deep, undisturbed sleep of tempur-pedic. learn more at ♪ i was looking at my ancestry traits the other day. i figured it out why i never actually made the football team. yeah, because you're 5'8”. wait robbie, go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me see. let me pull it up. don't have it. yup, i knew it. what else does it tell you? no, hold on, i'm going to find some athletic gene in here. endurance, no. speed, average. i would say below average. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. >> i'm mike emanuel from fox news in washington. happy thanksgiving. "your world" continues in just a moment. first this special report news break. a four-day cease fire. the fighting is supposed to stop at midnight. the first hostage release will be at 9:00 a.m. eastern. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's goal is to wipe out hamas. president biden says he's keeping his fingers crossed that a 3-year-old will be one of those released. the president is on nantucket. groups of pro-palestinian protesters disrupted the iconic macy's thanksgiving day parade in new york city. some chanted and sang palestine will be free and others glued them to the street along the parade route. now back to "your world." >> edward: with just over a month to go, stocks have been in a go in a 2023 posting big gains despite rate hikes from the fed in their fight against inflation. let's talk to our money watchers, keith fitzgerald and daniel shea. first, we're seeing inflation continue to be more sticky. so in the next month or so, do you look for dividend paying stocks or do you stay away from stocks as some predict consumer spending will slow. where are you? >> when you look at the market, yes, inflation is sticky. inflation is hurting the consumer. the stock market is strong and rallying. i'm still invested in the stock market. i would encourage investors to stay invested in the stock market. this is the the most bullish time of the year. when you look from november going in to april, this is the best time to be involved. i actually think that the s&p can make new highs neck year. >> edward: what sector are you looking at in the s&ps? >> i actually like consumer discretionary, i like energy stocks as well. when you're looking at technology, this is an incredibly strong space. this is already at new highs right now. so when you're looking at stocks to get involved in, i don't encourage clients to get in when you're at the new all-time high. certainly i would stay invested in technology and look for some consumer discretionary stocks to recover. >> molly: right. that's very interesting. i want to get the take now from keith on this. we have heard a lot about the a.i. stocks leading the charge in the second half of the year. when a company mentions a.i., they get a boost. will that trend continue is the first question but also, you know, including stocks like nvidia that need the stuff to make that tight thing. where do you see tech going forward on this? >> you've hit the nail on the head. demand for tech stocks, a.i. in particular is very real. i think it's one of the greatest single investing trends in the history of humanity. this son par with other inventions, even the internet. looking forward to a investor, any company that does not adapt or adopt a.i. in particular is dead money. not all tech is the same. three to five years out you'll be happy to do so. >> edward: when you have a company that mentions a.i., they get a boost. when do they have to deliver on a.i.? is that a shortened time frame for investors or are they going to be patient on this? >> well, respectfully, i would split a hair with you on this. when i -- that's the difference between traders and investors. what i'm talking about is the big players, the microsofts of the word, the nvidias of the world, the apples of the world. these are the companies with the cash flow, size and scale to put numbers on the table right now. i don't want to mess with the want-to-bes. i might pay off and might not. >> the market thinks the federal reserve is done hiking and will cut next year. what if the fed stays true to their word and they stay higher for longer? do you dip in and by strong names now and sell in the first quarter or looking for a longer term investment? >> i'm looking for a longer term investment. i love dollar cost averaging especially in these moments in times where the fed has been aggressive. i think if fed will keep rates higher longer. this has created an incredible buying opportunity. what we're also seeing right now is we're seeing the ten-year come back and mortgage rates fall. i think that mortgage rates are going to fall coming in to the new year. and with that, i think the housing market will pick up. so i don't think that we should start selling in the beginning of the first quarter. once we get into january and we have earnings season in january, the market can continue to be strong in to the spring. >> edward: so in the last 30 seconds, keith, your take. are the feds staying higher for longer? i know you love the federal reserve. >> oh, my goodness. i think we have to have more dessert after that one. no, i think the fed is going to raise rates one more time this year and probably once in q-2024. and then i think they'll have a moment of clarity, realize all the damage they've done and get down to business. >> edward: good thing you're on opposite sides. thanks for your insight on this. excellent conversation. this will continue in to the next year. so forget about a personal shopper. would you trust a.i. to help with your holiday gift giving? 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>> i think that politics should not be talked about. the only thing you should talk about what is what you're grateful for and who made the best sweet potato casserole. if we're getting into the nitty gritty, turkey has tryptophan. it makes you sleepy. you shouldn't talk about politics when you're sleepy. if you want to argue on thanksgiving, that's what the nfl games are for. >> edward: scott, sandra smith said she's invites a guest to thanksgiving dinner so the family will be on their best behavior. do you have any tricks to getting along at this holiday dinners? >> i mean, i would go toe to toe with aber abby. i hold up a big bowl of cranberry sauce and ask for someone to test me on my politics. that cranberry sauce goes all over them to abby's point, you shouldn't talk politics when you're sleepy. we learned that from joe biden. take a note. >> edward: so abby, do you go to a family dinner or does the family come to you and does that make a difference in the topics that are discussed at the tables? >> that's an interesting question. the family comes to us. i think there's a saying, my house, my rules. so i think that helps. also last year my brother made homemade butter. that's all people could talk about. there was no room to talk about politics. if you can borrow my brother, he would come to your house. >> edward: it's like butter. so scott, uncle buck, you know, stole the remote and turned away from the commander's game, which they're about to beat the cowboys. how do you get to change it without causing a fight? >> i guess these days with family, you can experience the good and the bad. so maybe you know the way to push buttons and diffuse arguments. you have to be patient. this is a tough time for america. it's one where people's voices are heard, if they're respectful, that is a way to get through these arguments or dissertations that people bring to the thanksgiving day table. >> edward: so uncle buck cheated playing clue. how do you tell him to cut it out? >> he's not invited mim. >> edward: it's a john candy reference. >> cheaters never win, edward. you beat him fair and square and you have that to hold over his head for every thanksgiving to keep. it will teach him not the cheat again. >> edward: what causes the most arguments? they play cheating at a board game and cheating at television. that's two things during the holidays that cause the most arguments believe it or not. so when it comes to consumers, they have a real problem with artificial intelligence. a new survey is revealing that 85% aren't interested in a.i. helping them decide on purchases. where do you stand on artificial intelligence helping you buy things? >> i don't trust a.i. to help me buy things. i do a lot of different things for work. so i google a lot of different topics. you know, if a.i. started suggesting fake santa claus beards or beef jerky, they would not hit the mark. my consumer behavior would confuse a.i. if they did -- if -- i call them they. they feel like humans. feels like human now. if a.i. wanted to do a cost benefit analysis of different products that i want to buy, maybe i would accept that. >> edward: maybe if it does it for me, i would consider it. i hate shopping. from that survey, influencers are not is influential. 57% of people say a celebrity won't make them buy a product. how about your thoughts on that? >> i think it depends on what makes the influencer influential. if tony hawk was holding up a skateboard saying i used this one to win 73 titles, okay, i need that skateboard. if a real housewife is telling me to drink diet coke, i don't know if i would rush out the buy diet coke. >> edward: the real housewife wouldn't be invited to thanksgiving dinner. that would start this -- >> cause too much fighting. >> edward: how do you stop an argument? when you see something go down a path, as people are watching, they might be starting to talk about, how do you stop the argument before it happens? >> y relief. you know? someone who crack as joke, makes everyone laugh. and just gets up and walks or just make everyone eat too much turkey so they all fall asleep from the tryptophan and then you can't argue if you're sleeping. those are my two thoughts. >> edward: and yeah, that makes perfect sense. the last 15 seconds, what is your favorite thanksgiving item that you'll eat today? >> i love a good sweet potato casserole. i like the eat the march mellows off the top. >> edward: you might have -- >> and homemade bread. >> edward: can't forget grandma. thanks. scott martin would probably fight you on that casserole. an american icon, lee greenwood gives thanks to our troops and our country. first, if you're heading out to the airport after this weekend, thanksgiving celebrations are going to want to take a breath. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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>> hope and pray for the best, number 1. and get to the airport early for sure. you know, any major airport will be packed. you have to wear your patience pants as i always say and prepare for the worst. but also, you know, take precautions and follow along with the status of your flight on the airline app. so if it is significantly delayed, you don't have to sit at the airport. you'll know ahead of time. get alerts from the airlines, again, just plan on getting to the airport early, realize there's going to be traffic, parking will be a nightmare. >> edward: there's an app for that, right? on that point, you said get there early. airlines have said an hour, 90 minutes. so on the holidays, do you expect that? two hours? what is early? >> yeah, i mean, especially here where i am in los angeles. getting in to lax can be a nightmare. minimum two hours even for a short domestic flight. any major airport where there's a lot of traffic in new york or l.a. or chicago for sure. the weather, of course, you never know what will happen in the midwest and the east coast. so just be careful. take precautions. just realize this is unlike any other team traveling around. >> so lee, are there any tricks to traveling better or more efficiently? >> get there early. track your flight. fly early in the day. if you can. if you do have delays or cancellations, you'll be more likely to get out that particular day. if you take the last flight of the day, there's more likely than not you'll end up flying the next day. also if you can fly at off peak times, obviously early in the day or leave monday instead of sunday, that will save you aggravation, time, hassle and just really any other day besides sunday. you'll be thankful. >> edward: be thankful, exactly. and try to take direct flights. try not to connect. that can cause issues. what about packing? some people bought governments for black friday. they'll bring them home. how should you pack a suitcase as opposed to what to carry on? >> i always say best flights are direct flights. with packing, do carry-on if you can. because again, you're just giving the airlines more of an opportunity to kind of screw you over, whether it's a delayed flight or lost bag or delayed baggage or whatever it might be. if you -- the less you have to deal with them, the better off you are. >> edward: and maybe hold that gift in your lap or put it under the seat in front of you to take care of it. and i remember, i came through dulles airport friday. it took forever to get the bags. i hear you on checking the bags there. any last tips on how to handle it at the airport? >> it's a holiday weekend. the people that work for the airlines are also people. they're working on a holiday as well. with nice because if something does go wrong, nobody likes to help a jerk. kindness goes a long way. it always does. that's life in general, not just thanksgiving travel. >> edward: absolutely. thanks, lee. i appreciate it. with all the turmoil in the world, legendary singer lee greenwood is thankful for america, our troops and the freedom we have. he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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"god bless the usa" bible. >> edward: absolutely. i am curious, you have seven number one songs and 25 hit singles, those records they are behind you remind me of that. where does that song, speak no mike "god bless america," where does that song drink for you? >> it is an important piece of music. it was on my third or philip album, it was not intended necessarily to be a single. it was intended to be a tribute to my country and as you see i have sang it almost everywhere in the world but for this country and me and how i feel about my country, it is faith, family, god, country, and those who sacrifice for us, it is about those people as much, their families, all of these soldiers who have given so much for us. in this time of thanksgiving, i hope they are with their families this time, as well. >> edward: did you realize the song would take on the meeting and the life that it has this many years later? >> you know, people asked me that all the time and i would miss that "god bless the usa" come after my entire country career of 40 years, has become an umbrella. but it is not parachuting, and i will tell you i am still artistic and i am a musician. i still think this country, 2024 we will be touring all of this united states, and spreading the message of goodness and the fact that you need to be proud of your country and who you are. >> edward: what inspires you the most when you write a song? >> um, i think how it makes me feel. i am a person like everybody else and so i am inspired by music. hey, somebody asked me one day, do you have any regrets writing "god bless the usa"? i said, only one. i think that surprised the interview. what could that be? i didn't write "hotel california." >> edward: [laughs] >> we write music all the time and the final judge is the public, and when they say "i love this" or even my family says, has input, my wife, kim, she talks about my music and what i should write and what i should record and release for the public. we discussed it before we do that. >> edward: but with that song, you can check in but you can never leave. [laughs] i think i would take "god bless the usa." lee greenwood, thank you very much for what you have done. thank you for your service to the country. everybody has enjoyed your music. i appreciate it, thank you. and thank you for joining us here. hope you are enjoying your thanksgiving with friends and family. "the five" starts now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wohl ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: hello, everyon

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