east coast 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night. breaking tonight the president of the united states is now 81 years old and as the clock ticks concerns grow, especially among young people. polls now showing his disapproval rating among voters under 45 is at an all-time high with many saying he is simply too old to run the country and that includes members of his own party. senior national correspondent kevin corke is live with the latest on this. good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace, it is noticeable if you fall down while trying to climb the stairs up to air knows one, it is noticeable if you, you know, fall off of a bike or trip on stage at graduation or if you shuffle when you walk. yes, those things do paint a picture of what many consider an obvious physical decline associated with the being an octogenarian but it is his cognitive decline that is most worrisome especially for a lot of young democratic voters. case in point, the oldest president who turned 81 today. he tried to make light of the fact that he's -- he said, what am i, 60? he also went out and mixed up taylor swift's name with britney spear's name, he botched the name of swift's concert tour. he said it was kind of warm in brazil though the country is going through a terrible and deadly heat wave. not the kind of thing you want to hear or see if you're 81 and trying to make light of the fact that you are the oldest president in american history. if that wasn't wince inducing enough the latest fox news survey says biden's disapproval is at an all-time high among voters under 45 with 18% of them saying they disapprove of or cite his age and mental state as being the disapproval reason. now the white house is doing its best to keep the, you know, birthday hoopla down. yeah, they want to focus on the annual turkey pardon. politico reporting by the way biden fund raisers and donors just don't think the campaign is addressing the age question appropriately. they want them to do more. they want them to really craft this message that sort of takes it off the table. by the way if biden does win reelection he would be 82 in his second inauguration and 86 when he leaves the white house. trace, we've never seen anything like that. >> trace: nope. >> reporter: and i have a feeling that will concern a great number of americans. >> trace: yeah. they're big numbers. kevin corke live for us in dc. kevin thank you. let's bring in kash patel former house intel committee national security advisor. cash great to have you on as as always, forget mixing up taylor swift with britney spears and beyonce wall street journal editorian board given biden's age and obvious decline running for reelection is an act of profound selfishness, he has wanted the big desk since at least 1987 when he first ran. aging people even if they're not surrounded by yes men can be the last to notice time's toll as many attest after trying to take away dad's car keys. even his own team is saying maybe it's time. your thoughts, cash. >> reporter: well, i think it is. it's not just the age number trace, great to be with you, not just zeroing someone out of government service because they reached a plateau, it's the cognitive ability. this individual is the commander in chief responsible for the nuclear weapons program, he is responsible for the defense of this country, responsible for the hostages detained overseas being murdered by terrorists. he is responsible to stop the flow of narcotics into america from ccp fentanyl killing our children. and if he doesn't have that capability, then he should have step aside and allow someone else to come in that has it. young voters are seeing it republicans have seen it all these years and the media has covered for them. but i think we're seeing the final results every time joe biden takes the podium. >> trace: kevin was talking about this this big scary nbc poll talking about trump versus biden among voters between 18 and 34, put it up on the screen you can see trump at 46%, biden at 42%. the scary part is that is outside the margin of error. you lose young voters when you're a democrat, cash. you lose the white house. >> reporter: you're absolutely right. people forget that demographic swings electionses, especially when they're close, look, obviously i'm for president trump, i've endorsed him senior advisor for national security. but forget the polls for a second. i've been out here in las vegas with president trump walking into a ufc fight with dana white. i have seen 25 thousand people lose their minds when he walks in. same thing at madison square garden. i would like joe biden to make an attempt to walk into a sporting venue like that and see if the youth of this country have the same response. i don't look at the polls i look at those realities, i'm on the ground with president trump all the time and that's what i'm seeing. >> trace: and speaking of president trump, i want to get your legal take on this. writes the following, quoting here, judges signal they may loosen trump gag order in federal election interference case. do you find that to be plausible? >> i find it to be constitutional. as a former national security prosecutor and public defender, the only decision judges should be making is a complete dismissal of the gag order. this, you know, notion that they might take a cal pal to it or refine it is unconstitutional. the question isn't whether you like donald trump or not, what toss the first amendment do for an individual running for the presidency of the united states and it allows him una bridged to say what he wants when he wants and if you don't like that you adjudicate it at the polls. as long as he's not calling for violence, president trump is out there using his humor, using his ability to bring people together and deliver a message on how he's going to execute a second term in office. and no judge in america should be allowed to deny him of that. i think this is going to the supreme court. anything short of full removal of the gag order is unconstitutional. >> trace: you might be right. kash patel great to have you on as always. thank you sir. >> reporter: thanks so much >> meantime the los angeles unified school district now accused of failing to protect students of anti-semitism. a prominent group of jewish parents telling the school board in a direct way that they have had enough. bill melugin is live with breaking news on that story. good evening. >> reporter: good evening to you. parents that have students in the la youtube feud school district now pressing the district to press kids on what they describe as unbearable anti-semitism taking place within the district. 20 parents made their appeal at the school board meeting last week. that's where they claim the district has seen a rise in both subtle and outright anti-semitism since hamas's terror attack in israel last month leaving their kids feeling unsafe. one parent noted that a recent middle school peace rally quickly turned into a pro palestinian rally with children pointing at her son and laughing at him for being jewish. other parents are calling for immediate action. >> we demand that lausd provide in-depth training in anti-semitism for all staff. >> never again is happening now. i really didn't think it would. my parents and grandparents warned me. please help us stop it before it goes too far. >> no question in the wake of the october 7th massacre anti-semitism has increased tremendously and from the mind of students and parents in the district we need to take action now. >> reporter: we did reach out to lausd to ask for their response to these parents concerns and pointed us to comments the district's superintendent made at that same board meeting. >> we are a school system which by virtue of policy and practice must reject, must reject any form of intolerance, humiliation, towards anyone for whatever reason. we are a school system for all by all respecting all regardless. >> reporter: the district also pointed us to its human relations diversity and equity web page which has they want pointing towards anti-semitism and islamophobia but i think parents are looking for more than a link to a westbound scroti. >> trace: they are let's bring in julie hamill from the alliance of parents and pete peterson, school of public policy, great to have you both on here. the one parent saying never again is happening now, pretty strong comment. i want to play one more sound bite from a parent at the meeting. it's 11 seconds, well worth it. watch this. >> instead of focusing on academics you have focused exclusively on force feeding our students in ideological rot disguised about such trojan horse terps as inclusiveness unless you don't agree with us. >> trace: unless you don't agree with us julie because inclusiveness is always the definition of the educator at large, right? >> yeah. and i think what we're seeing here is the innocent anti-semitism is coming from inside the democratic party. if you watch the democratic convention in sacramento this weekend, you saw that from the main stage they called for a ceasefire in the morning, that erupted into protests outside a demonstration where they broke into the convention center and had to cancel all of their activities. the devil works hard but care the counsel on american islamic relations works harder and they will spin all of this into a, oh, we're seeking peace, this is pro hamas, these students are not anti-semitic they're supporting the palestinian cause. >> trace: yep and we get e-mails from care every single day by the dozens and every message comes with a different twist on how really you should look at it this way. pete. what do you make of columbia university suspending these pro palestinian clubs. some say the clubs are just kind of reorganizing, regrouping and starting all over again. >> yeah, i remember when we talked last time trace about this organization, students for justice in palestinian which is a network of 200 student-based organizations around the country, many of them are leading the protests that we're seeing on college campuses, and, of course, in the wake of october 7th we are seeing a lot of anti-semitism being displayed by these organizations, columbia stepped forward and tried to silence them but at the same time that anti-semitism is so embedded it's just spinning out into new organizations and frankly the universities don't have the policies in place to prevent these anti-semitic os from reconvening and restarting. >> trace: that's exactly right. i want to go back to where you were talking about this, the california democratic party convention politico writes the following, quoting here, gaza conflict upends california democratic party convention, the conflict in gaza pervaded a democratic party convention on saturday as speakers and demonstrators pressed party leaders to demand a ceasefire a progressive stance that has divided democrats and it has divided democrats. i mean they're yelling at each other right? yelling at adam schiff picking this one and that one, it gets ugly and it's going to get uglier. >> they shouted down adam schiff the jewish head of the democratic party in california they wouldn't allow him to give his speech. they shouted down katie porter. they have a serious problem they need to address and what i find very ironic is the people shouting down and cheering on hamas are the purple haired really liberal people who wouldn't do well in places like gaza. >> trace: who wouldn't do well at all and that's the whole thing. we talk about this all the time. it's not your subject, pete, but the whole context is context, right? we talk about this. we ask these kids on campus, do you know what you're saying? do you know what it means? do you know the history and 25 out of 26 times pete they don't know what they're talking about. meantime the money, you always follow the money trail william lajeunesse did a story on u.s. money giving, maybe funding hatred toward israel. here's a bit of his piece watch. >> the biden administration has sent nearly a billion dollars to the united nations palestinian relief agencies known as unra, anywhere from 50-60% is spent on education despite reports from the gao and others that it employees teachers that preach hatred toward israel. >> trace: and they have documentation pete that it is. you have young kids that through high school, they're teaching and learning hatred. >> that's a global organization. let's just look at the united states, the adl came out with a report on the condition of middle east studies in many american universities finding most of them are anti-semitic, most of them accuse israel of being a colonial power. and it shouldn't really be any wonder that when those students come out of classrooms in middle east studies they're coming out in ways that are criticizing israel both anti-semitic and anti signist. >> trace: pete julie thank you boast >> plenty of crime and not a lot of punishment it seems for a 20 year old suspect arrested five times in 18 months for things like robbery. marianne rafferty with more on los angeles police now identifying this suspect. marianne good evening. >> reporter: trace this is one of many other cases. this is one example where suspects post bail go on to commit other crimes before they're ever prosecuted. lapd released this clip of a male suspect holding a gun to a male suspect. they identified him as 20 year old desean dowell a man reportedly had ten charges against him rye lated to a series of home style robberies in the past 18 months he's been released five times. >> it goes to how broken the entire system is. it just shows you how things are falling through the cracks and how we are not, as an office, we are not adequately staffed to actually deal with the job that we have to do. >> reporter: and somehow dowell has managed to post bond after each arrest. the office of la district attorney george gascón told fox news digital dowell had been bowed out multiple times for sums up to $300,000 and in one case gascón's office asked dowell to prove he wasn't paying bail with money he stole but the court allegedly shut down the request. we heard from others in the district attorney's office saying this isn't an isolated incident. officials say a suspect who bailed out twice on robbery charges in august is now accused of a september murder. trace? >> trace: tough story. marianne thank you. fox news at night common sense department been on hiatus the past two months but decided to come back to work after hearing about a los angeles man who had his gun permit suspended after he was attacked. vince richie was about to open the front door of his los angeles home with his wife and five-month old daughter inside when two armed robbers jumped his wall and ran toward him. one of the robbers even put a gun to mr. richie's chest. but richie was quick enough to throw his cup of hot tea at the suspect then pull out his own gun and open fire. the robbers fired back. but nobody was hit. a few days later, the los angeles sheriff's department suspended vince richie's conceal carry permit but sheriff's deputies didn't say why. richie says it's because he yelled at los angeles police officers for bunkingling the investigation so if common sense has this right the victim yelled at the police department but it was the sheriff's department that took away his gun permit. and now the sheriff's department says there is a process for richie to get his permit back. common sense finds it odd that law enforcement is telling a victim, who's now defenseless that he'll get his permit back in due time with no regard for due process. yet the robbers remain on the run, armed, dangerous, and unconcerned about police protocols. let's bring in former los angeles county sheriff alex villanueva. sheriff always great to have you on here. nobody's quite sure why he got his gun permit, his conceal carry permit pulled away. the sheriff hasn't given a real statement on this thing. los angeles police are saying we didn't do it, they're just saying it wasn't us, wasn't us. what's the reason here? i mean, the guy was robbed at gunpoint in front of his own home and they took away his permit because they're angry at him? what's the cause here? >> reporter: apparently there was some communication between lapd and the sheriff's department for them to take that unilateral action. they did not provide anything in writing to vince to say hey, we're taking your permit away for x, y and z reasons. if you look at the tape, imagine his only recourse is a weapon inside his home. at what point was he going to say, hey, robber, excuse me while i get my gun and we can reengage. that's the insanity. so the, as of the sheriff's department, this is inexcusable and they're putting him in harm's way because the suspects are still outstanding. >> trace: the story marianne was talking about the robbery suspect released five times in 18 months the la da george gascón says rising crime in los angeles is fake news. watch. >> we're coming after a period of time where fake news has dominated the dialogue. violent crime is down where addressing violent crime aggressively bringing drama our vehicle titles. >> trace: i was talking to people in oakland and los angeles all the time they don't think it's fake news. >> who do you believe me or your lying ice, that's what he's trying to say and there's a disconnect all the, as in the court about posting the bail, about the judge telling the defendant behavior yourself, we're going to let you out this time we're serious. they laugh. the criminal community has it all figured out and realizes there's no consequences until we're reestablished, consequences with the da who actually prosecutors crime this will continue to repeat itself. >> trace: this is kind of on a smaller scale but struck me. this is a lending tree self checkout survey. put this up on the screen. 15% have purposely stolen from self checkouts. 44% would steal again and 31% of gen-z people purposely have stolen from a self checkout. i know it's not violent crime sheriff but it's one of the things where the broken window theory, it's just where something in society is not clicking the right direction. >> yes. well prop 47 has basically legalized theft because it eliminated a lot of the consequences and reclassified burglary to a misdemeanor and then you have someone like gascón who says i'm not going to prosecute misdemeanors. they're legalizing theft. so people say well it must be permissible. >> trace: if they raise the dollar amount sheriff, would it help -- or lowered the dollar amount. would it help say $400 or more it's a felony? i mean, it just seems like people know but it doesn't matter because it's not a thousand dollars or more. people are stealings tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars and there's still no consequences. >> until people start getting handcuffed hauled to jail and sent to the big house and face a consequence in court, until that happens this will continue accelerating this lawlessness we see on the streets. >> trace: thank you happy thanksgiving to you and your family. >> same to you. >> trace: coming up the state of the presidential race plus an update on the hostage situation in israel. we're told they are getting much closer to releasing hostages. later in the nightcap a new poll reveals what most people think is responsible for division among americans, from social media tom political leaders to cable news. what do you think is the number one reason? let us know on social media, x and instagram at trace gallagher. you can see the whole list and then weigh in. we'll show you the results and read the best responses in the nightcap. meantime, 8:20 here on the west coast and it's a fox news at night trip across america with a live look at the santa monica peer, the santa ana winds by the way blowing again in southern california, kind of late this time of year. now to the small city, the oldest settlement in the louisiana purchase. already decorating for christmas. and finally a live look at media, pennsylvania just outside philly. if you cannot join us live, don't forget, set your dvr and watch us any time. back in a few minutes. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions. all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at >> trace: voters in early voting states like iowa and new hampshire have just a couple months before they mark their ballots deciding who they want the next president to be. kevin corke is back live with a campaign trail update. kevin. >> reporter: trace while other gop presidential nominees like vivek ramaswamy, are crisscrossing the hawkeye state former president donald trump was back to the lone star state of texas picking up a key endorsement from the state's governor greg abbott and the president also laying out his vision for immigration in the country. he says he wants to get rid of birth right citizenship institute ideological screenings and revive the trump era travel ban. meanwhile the biden campaign is targeting former un ambassador nicky hailing who is surging in the polls calling her a maga extremist for saying that she would have signed a six-week abortion ban while governor of south carolina if that's what the electorate voted for. california governor gavin newsom announced his own tv ad condemning florida governor ron desantis's six week abortion ban. that is obviously not slowing down the money train for mr. desantis. in fact, his campaign raised $2 million in just 48 hours this past week. he's going to need it. he is trailing the former president by a wide margin trace. >> trace: kevin thank you. now to the war in israel. iran backed houthi rebels threatening to target ships in waters after they hijacked an israel ship in the red sea. negotiators seem closer to a possible deal to free is really hostages held by hamas. jeff paul has breaking details in tel aviv tonight. >> qatar's prime minister who's been heavily involved in the tense negotiations say only minor challenges remain in terms of a potential hostage deal but as it stands right now here on the ground in israel there is no deal just yet and that is only further angering the families of the few hundred hostages kidnapped on october 7th. many spent five days marching from tel aviv to jerusalem trying to press the government to act. tonight some of those families are in tel aviv meeting with members push them to bring the hostages home. multiple reports indicate the deal would release women and children hostages for a four to five day pause. and allow more aid to come to gaza. the israeli says it's a top priority to get hostages back any agreement does not mean their mission in gaza to rout out hamas is over. >> even if there is a pause to return our hostages, we will return and strike the enemy with all our might. currently, the military campaign is expanding, intensifying and deepening. >> reporter: despite all of this talk of a potential hostage deal, the fighting in northern gaza continues. the idf says they've obtained cctv footage from the shifa hospital showing two foreign nationals being forcibly taken inside on october 7th. they continue to uncover tunnels the most recent found on the shifa hospital complex 30 feet below the surface running roughly 180 feet long. we're also tracking developments in the southern red sea where yemen's hughy rebels hijacked a caringorship. important to point out there weren't any israelis on board but prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the attack. trace. >> trace: let's bring in former navy seal and special agent jonathan gilliam and fbi reservist izzy exagui. gentlemen thank you both. izzy you first i want to come to you because you just got back from gaza, you were there less than a week ago and it's the same place that, maybe more than a decade ago, little more than a decade ago, you lost your arm. what was it like to go back there? what was your job called? >> yeah, i was hit by a mortar close to 15 years ago now. i served as a reservist for roughly ten years. since then i've actually retired. i had no plans to ever see that border again. but after i woke up on the 7th last month and i saw hamas publishing that footage live, those atrocities, i didn't feel like i had much of a choice, i had to go back and serve again. >> trace: yeah, it's a yeoman's call for you thank you for doing that. the houthis attacked a ship. they believe it's related to israel commerce and say some it's a call for pro palestinians around the world to do something more bold. what do you think of that? >> i think that's exactly what it is. i've been saying all along israel is pressing forward in their ground movement very tactically and they're doing very good as far as that goes. but they're losing in the propaganda war. and that's because iran is such an advanced intelligence agency, most people don't realize. so when you look at hamas, the way they advertise and put out the videos that they did, they were inspiring people around the world that are loyal to them. when you see things like what happened today, or yesterday, with the houthis and this cargo ship, you see the same thing, where they're inspiring people that are loyal to them. unfortunately at the same time social media is inspiring people in colleges that have no idea -- i heard you talking about that earlier. they have no idea what they're talking about and so they're inspired at the same time. and this is a very dangerous mix. >> trace: yeah it really is. when you hear calls for a ceasefire izzy, what do you think? >> i don't think there's any reason to talk about that until all of the hostages are released. this is not an organization we can trust. you cannot trust a group that breaks into another country, murders, rapes and then publics the footage of these murders and rapes on the facebook pages of grandmothers and granddaughters, and laughs and makes phone calls. look, mom, i've killed ten jews. this is not a group you trust. this is not a group you allow to regroup to better attack my brothers in arms. no. release the hostages first. >> trace: jonathan do you think a whose taj deal is near, is close. >> i'm right with your other guest, i'm sorry i forgot his name. >> trace: izzy. >> i agree. izzy. i don't know if -- you can't trust hamas, you can't trust anything that they say. and i think that the faster that is reel moves through gaza, the better off they're going to be. i just want to say this one thing and i know izzy would agree with me on this you know, when we were attacked on 9/11, the entire world went to war, right? and that was planes flying into a building. but we have videos of them putting children in cages. we know of the atrocities they did of cutting babies out of moms. why isn't the world participating in this? why isn't the united states on the ground helping them clear gaza, just like when we were in iraq in fallujah. we have the experience. why aren't we there helping, get this done as fast as possible to get hamas out of there because that, in the end, would free the palestinian people from hamas, and would free israel from iran and hamas as well. >> trace: izzy i have 15 seconds for you. wrap us up. >> israel doesn't need help on the ground. israel needs the support of the rest of the world, its closest ally america. if we have america's support a strong backing from america we can get the job done without help. >> trace: amazing that you say you were in gaza a week ago, you're living in los angeles now and you feel safer in gaza than you do as a jew in los angeles. that's a very bold statement. izzy thank you, jonathan thank you, we appreciate your time. >> you got it. >> trace: coming up a look at how the weather could impact your takes giving travel plans. still ahead, social media exploded over this woman's new tattoo. and this gorgeous little boy's quick thinking saved his grandma. the day's best viral videos are next but first a live look at the busiest airport in the world. are you traveling? because more than 3.5 million people are about to join us. the busiest travel week of the year, maybe of many years. breaking information on what to expect coming up. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's ♪ >> trace: if you are traveling this week for thanksgiving you might want to listen up. multiple weather events on both coasts forced to cause delays in the air and ground. bill melugin us live with an update on this. bill. >> reporter: trace talking 110 million americans expected to travel for this thanksgiving holiday but there's a few storm system out there that might throw a little wrench into some people's plans, talking heavy rain and snow. both set to hit both coasts over the thanksgiving week due to several weather systems. the systems are expected to cause both ground and air delays, according to forecasters. the heaviest systems are expected to be in the eastern two-thirds of the country. travelers say they're ready for it. >> i planned ahead and looks like it's going to be smooth. lines are short. but today is only monday. >> reporter: we got here really early. >> five hours. >> get to the airport two hours early. >> reporter: airlines are bracing for record numbers of travelers this thanksgiving holiday. the tsa expects to screen a record breaking 30 million passengers from november 17th to the 28th. that's a lot of people trace. >> trace: 30 million more on the 405 eventually, bill. thank you. >> yeah ♪ >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup elon musk and x corporation suing media matters for defamation calling the liberal organization, quoting, pure evil after they published a report of ads running next to pro nazi content. they claim media matters exploited it to make it seem widespread. media matters responded to the lawsuit calling it frivolous and meant to bully x's critic into silence. nfl tight end travis kelce opening up in a recent wall street journal article about his budding romance of taylor swift and how he's handling the pressure of dating a mega super star. he said i never dated anyone with that kind of aura around them never dealt with it. but at the same time i'm not running away from any of it >> argentina's new president elect javier millet getting a lot of attention not just because of his unruly hair style but his campaign style. the far right called himself an anarco capitalist and used a phrase from trump promising to make argentina great again. let's welcome in peachy keenan saying she's going to start a new podcast. i want to go back to javier the new president elect of argentina because you say it flooels this whole thing. we have this tar right president in argentina, you have kat von dethe tattoo artist and kind of a heck razor and stuff. we almost thought for a short time today that snoop dogg had given up weed which turned out to be just an advertisement, it was all phoney but you say it's a vibe shift. what do you mean by that? >> many people are talking about this, there seems to be a slight pushback in the culture war which we're all fighting whether we like it or not and seems like there are some people who are pushing back against the liberal progressive ideas that we've all been swimming in for so many years. kat von dee is saying good-bye to years of witch craft. she's covered head to toe in tattoos and becoming a devout christian, is she going to be a wife and doing tik toks and baking pies with her little kids? i hope so. then there's travis and taylor. is monogamy going to come back in style? is she going to write his name in her blank space she's had all this time. if she got married i really believe there would be a huge marriage spike. >> trace: i think you're right on this. the new york times, i thought you might enjoy this. the new york times wrote the op-ed startling evidence on learning loss is in. the school closures that took 50 million children on of classrooms at the start of the pandemic may prove to be the most damaging disruption in the history of american education. the new york times wrote that and at the bottom what they failed to write is, damn, did we get that wrong. >> it only took them three years to figure out all these things that we sane normal people knew right away. >> trace: we knew it. >> i knew in january 2020 that this virus probably came from the wuhan lab. we knew putting masks on two year old kids would be problems, all obvious common sense things. >> trace: they are and common sense might deal with those in the days to come. peachy keenan tweeted this today quoting here, california politicians made the catastrophic blunder of accidentally demonstrating competence. now they've shown us they can fix things fast but have refused until now. talking about the ten freeway which of course was lit on fire by homeless encampments and san francisco, cleaned up san francisco lick' split although it's going south up there i'm being told from my people on the ground. but you're right, they can do, all the stuff they can do, the will is just not there. >> they did it. they fixed the ten, kamala harris, all taking credit for it. if you can do in five days get that freeway back on line, hello, i passed a hundred homeless camps on the way here tonight. do we need to light bills on fire to get them to fix those? they can do it. why aren't they doing it. >> trace: i want to put this up because we're going to talk about this in the nightcap i want your quick take. quinnipiac poll which do you hold most responsible for divisions among americans, social media, political leaders, cable news, other countries only 1%. is there another one you can save it for nightcap. >> i think social media is what radicalized me, my husband taught me to use twitter a few years ago and look here i am. maybe it's that. >> trace: shame on your husband. peachy thanks very much. >> thanks trace. >> trace: well, first up in tonight's viral videos, a u.s. navy plan overshot its landing in hawaii and ended up in the shallow waters of the bay. the p-8 a is a multi mission plane used to hunt submarines and gather intel. the runway is shorter than usual because it's on a peninsula that enough with the weather might have been enough to tip the plain on edge. there were no injuries reported. >> i regret my tattoo. but not this one because this is actually not a real tattoo. >> trace: the woman who went viral on various social media platforms for tattooing her boyfriend's name on her forehead reveals, as you see there, phoney. she said she did it to raise awareness that some people live to regret their tattoos and she is among them. she hoped her videos to cause people to think twice before taking the leap themselves. >> i take it the phone, i just call 911. i don't know what's happening to my grandmother. i'm scared. >> trace: that's the kid you want with you wherever you go. a young boy in florida got special recognition for his quick thinking when his grandmother was having trouble breathing. six year old james called 911 with her her phone and led the paramedics right to her. grandma made a full recovery and is very grateful for her little hero as you might imagine. up next what would you think, as we talked to peachy about, responsible for the divisions among americans. social media, political leaders, cable news. still time to weigh in on x and instagram at trace gallagher, the nightcap crew is next. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org ♪ >> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, bill melugin, moifshths peachy keenan and julie hamill and tonight's top particular political division. a new poll from quinnipiac university shows these are the top causes of division in the u.s. social media, political leaders, cable news networks and other countries. what do you think? do you agree or disagree with these rankings? julie hamill to you first, what do you think about that? >> social media i do think is number one. i think our perceptions are shaped by the media we consume. and as an example, i quit facebook at the beginning of the pandemic because people were being mean to me when i wanted to reopen schools and a few months later my perspective on so many political issues shifted and i had no idea how much facebook was influencing my perception. >> trace: by the way, did you hear that peachy and i were talking the last segment the new york times coming out saying shutting schools is the worst thing we ever did. it is shocking. peachy keenan what did you think? >> i think they're all sort of one things, all sort of the misinformation media complex just sort of handing down this elite opinion, elite narrative which is really frankly a lot of lies. we saw that in covid, we see it with all of these things. so i think it's sort of one big blob, present network excluded. it's really hard for people to figure out what is true, what is misinformation, what's not. and i rely on social media actually to give me like a lot of the truth. i mean people will think well you're believing these false hoods but i don't think so. >> trace: bill melugin. >> social media i think is the biggest problem 100%. it's trained generations of people to understand that you can sit behind a keyboard and say stuff to each other on line that you would never say to their face. having a political discussion it's easier to find common ground when we're looking one another eye to eye and talking things other it's a lot easier to call someone a moron or racist oh line. but too many people are watching dance videos and getting likes on instagram posts. >> true. >> trace: marianne. >> i tell my friends don't get all your news from one source and a lot of times kids are getting news from one thing say tik tok and not getting perspective. >> trace: i say the same thing kevin corke people do stuff on the freeway they would never do in the grocery store. would never flip anybody off in the grocery store. >> reporter: i agree with bill but i still say the government is worse. they've been weaponized and i think that leads to division. >> trace: i also think countries should be higher in that poll because countries cause a lot of division. thank you all. thank you for watching america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. see you back here tomorrow. to h. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. h i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. 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,Handing ,Elite Opinion ,Lies ,Covid ,Big Blob ,Misinformation ,Truth ,Hoods ,Face ,Discussion ,Keyboard ,Generations ,Eye To ,100 ,Dance Videos ,Moron ,Racist ,Likes ,Instagram Posts ,Friends ,Tok ,True ,Grocery Store ,Anybody ,Gratitude ,Watching America S Late News ,Words ,Commitment ,Discount ,Salute Discount ,Chance ,Difference ,Freedoms ,Dna ,Dedication ,Wash ,Sniff ,Odor Protection ,6 , ,

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