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>> kayleigh: hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany here with my co-host emily compagno. "fox and friends" co-host carley shimkus, host of kennedy saves the world, kennedy herself and bill hemmer. welcome. our country's oldest president turns 81 today. his age clearly becoming a political leeblt. biden was born in 1942, same year the film casablanca premiered and world war ii was underway. nbc poll foes former president trump beating biden under younger voters. 4-point edge. three years after biden held a 26-point lead over trump with the same group. wow. another poll shows president biden trailing former president trump by two points in a 2024 match up, first time trump led biden in nbc polling history, although trump's lead falls within the margin of error. steve corne summing up this way. more than 2-1 disapprove. equally significant 7% approve of joe biden. more than 1-5 say they disapprove. you need more unified support in your own party. >> kayleigh: bill, the numbers are eye-opening with caveat of red wave and looking like republicans would have a huge night. with that caveat, i'm worried if i'd biden looking at this >> bill: the polling when they did six battleground states. the youth vote 70% of these between the age of 18 and 34 disapprove of the way the president is handling the war in the middle east. 60 days ago, no one thought about that. think about the internal strife within the democratic party and this youth vote reflects that. everybody will make a big deal about the birthday, 81. i hope i make it to 81 and i'm happy and have a zest for life, but the war is a big deal and student loan forgiveness promised this age group, has not been the issue the president wanted it to be in terms of removing student loan obligation for millions and millions of americans. if you think about the "new york times" poll, they are suggesting if you were to get a conviction and won of these trials, some numbers change upward of 6%. in a nation that is 50/50, that could be significant is a conviction that rock around trump's neck? he said, i can stand on fifth avenue and shoot someone and i would still win. i think thus far, if you look at trump's approval rating, more court cases happen, he ticks up a little bit each time in each poll. watch all that. >> kayleigh: it is an x-factor. the october surprise, there are so many x-factors, that being one among them, biden's age another. carley, look at headlines this is what the president woke up to, biden campaign works to assuage democrat plans. "wall street journal," joe biden turns 81 years old, running for reelection. in his, based on interviews with 30 and more than a dozen. >> carley: let's focus on the turkey pardon. last year the wedding. very much planned. >> bill: liberty and bell. >> carley: god bless them unless they are pardoned. a lot of 81 year olds are like how did i get roped into the age conversation, not so much about age as his condition, that is the big issue. bill brought up that poll, it also showed that donald trump would lose in a head-to-head match up with any other generic democrat aside from joe biden. joe biden says he is running to keep trump out of the white house. his race could mean just that. you are starting to see it forming, jb pritzker said he may be old, his ideas are not. republicans are antiquated, i think that will be the through life and rebuttal is there are age concerns. >> emily: there are and there is not a huge rebuttal because emily, big, swanky retreat, they were asked about a backup plan. "washington post" claims the comment was swift. the president is the party's nominee, there is no backup plan. >> emily: to me, i loved "wall street journal" opinion calling biden profound selfishness to keep running. for me, democrat party and establishment and administration as a whole that failed to create a backup plan and failed to say, you can find a narrative, shape a narrative and have ioda of your prowess and shape a narrative that says with all due respect our candidate is a candidate and we have a robust stable of equipped people. selfishness to me, somewhere along the line regular americans got lost in shuffle. those against him site mental acuity. they thought they would bring in college kids with loan forgiveness. they pat themselves on the back to have that box, it is mind numbing and sheer disappointment with broad stroke painting. mean 63% and voters under 65. hispanic voters 60% and african american voters 40%. biden should have looked at them rather than color of their skin or gender. >> kayleigh: they pulled in tiktok influencers ahead and "great dagr aggregate voters ran through. >> kennedy: he is losing so much with younger voters. in the "new york post" sienna poll, trump and biden are losing to r.f.k. jr. they are ignoring a lot of signs here and i think a big push here by establishment media types is to ring alarm bell soy democrats wake up to this and feel sense of urgency. complacency will lose them the white house. it is usually things like foreign policy and economy and military hot spots, one thing that will not resolve itself for joe biden is his age. it is his mental decline, none of that will get better for him and could get worse in a short period of time. quilting together a coalition. emily points out the groups at record disapproval and he needs all of them and he's losing support fast. ing >> huge wakeup call and he's an incumbent with the numbers. tonight tune in to "hannity" 9 p.m.s on fox news, i will be guest hosting, i'm most excited about jonathan isaac, new product line with scripture verse on it. >> bill: cool, be watching that. >> kayleigh: new york mayor eric adams was all for being a sanctuary city, now the nypd is taking the biggest hit. iberty ”" he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. my daddy's a cowboy, i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers for generations. this life is in our blood. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. veteran homeowners. car payments are getting out of control. not long ago, you could pay off a car in a few years. now, car loan rates have climbed to 15% and can take five years to pay off. so get this, the newday 100 va cash out loan. our lower rates let you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate car and truck loans. and you can save $500 a month. all right, tandy, what's it gonna be, the drink made from whatever was laying around, or the one made with your drizzly haul? drizly! stock up today, sip well, tomorrow. drizly. s >> emily: new york city could be on virge of signing off on mayor adams budget cuts to pay for sanctuary city influx of migrant. big apple is expected to roll over and accept the cuts, slashing the number of nypd officers to lowest level since the '90s. the budget would reduce funding for schools, libraries and more. rapper and bronx native cardi b is speaking out and blaming president biden for not supporting new york through the migrant crisis. wait for it. in new york, there is 120 million budget cut that is going to affect schools, public libraries and the police department and $5 million budget cut in sanitation. of a budget cut in sanitation, going to be drawing more rats, going to be drowning in rats. not endorsing a president no more. joe biden talking about yeah, we can fund two wars, 120 million budget cut. what is going to happen to my niece and nephews? the bronx, $120 million budget cut on school, libraries, new york is super dirty. >> emily: she is just one of millions of new yorkers who feel that way. if just a few of her followers listen to everything she said, we are already drowning in rats all over sixth avenue. when you live here, it is impossible to adequately convey the stench and sewage that permeates this play and the mayor is going to take away from the kids and we pay our taxes, that is unacceptable. >> kennedy: there is gang activity and violence. both my girls have been subjected to lockdowns, we have fewer safety officers and now asking parents to step up and provide security, really? you want me to step in and be the muscle? you are in bad shape. if you look at the budget line by line, there are redunancies. why are they cutting cops first? education funding where there are other places where you could contract and it would make more sense. first place to start if you are going to be a sanctuary city, that signal has consequences that hurt people most in need. >> emily: i'm curious, do you think the reason they are cutting what is padding and confirmation is to illustrate or is it just continued abject failure of leadership there? >> bill: i was impressed with cardi b, she can go on and on and on. if you cut cops in new york, when is last time guy drove down the road the wrong way on a motorcycle, is that an hour ago? fewer cops? what a disaster we're looking at here. in defense of mayor adams, the fault lies with the white house. they knew what was going on at the border and how many were coming in and the white house did not have the guts or spine to stick up for the progressive movement in america. you have 1.5 million gotaways. >> emily: bill is right, that is the origin, there is poor stewardship and decisions being made by local leadership and the governor. those most in danger are police officers. when you don't have your backup or entire force behind you, they will bare the brunt of it employs >> carley: 4000 fewer police officers, can you imagine that as crime ticks up? not just cardi b and new yorkers, a city council meeting had to get shut down because residents were protesting, mostly african americans, wanted chicago to stop being a sanctuary city and they want to vote. they realize what they are getting, they are not getting enough and now will get less because of illegal immigration issue. i am surpriseded to a point, the biden administration has not addressed that. mayor adams and brandon johnson are say thering is a big issue, we need funding, because democrat narrative and messaging there, they are not saying the border needs to be closed. mayor adams weren't to south america and said don't come to new york. it is like party over issue and they are struggle withing that. i do agree with you, the buck stops at the top with a federal government issue. >> emily: who paid for that trip? did i pay for that? would that put one more officer back on the street? >> kayleigh: great point. i am sure you did. this stops with the federal government, they are in control of securing the border. there is this line that stood out to me. international migrant crisis should not be the responsibility of a city, but here we are. you say you are a sanctuary city, you have this goal that is not grounded in reality. "new york times" listed things that will be cut, police officers issue the number will drop below 30,000. "new york post" says composting sites, that will affect the rat situation. school security guards, cutting summer school and universal pre-k program. kids come last. >> kennedy: cops and kids. >> carley: essential services getting slashed. >> emily: coming up, governor gavin newsom claims tennessee city has banned being game in public. turns out he is very, very wrong and it is not the first time, stay with us. >> kayleigh: california governor gavin newsom underfire for claiming a city in tennessee. they had a law in place against indecent exposure in law, the original law mentioned h homosexuality, but was undated. new ordinance no lock longer mentioned the word, that didn't stop newsom tweeting this. a city in tennessee has banned. his tweet would not pass the fact check. >> bill: couple things. the bias is on him, that was his own judgement what he was reading into the language. gays against groomers, they have 400,000 followers, it stands for all people, not just gay people, they say. part of the ax tack by democrats on republicans was muted when donald trump stood on that stage in summer of 2016 and look, i remember like yesterday rick grenelle said bill, the president is about to make history, recognize gay rights for all americans, never happened at a republican convention, do you mind if me and my two friends have these three seats? you bet, this is history for you. he came down and shared that moment and off they went. trump took this issue and took it away from being used against republicans. gavin newsom was mayor of california, well versed, but he was wrong. this announcement, thursday, a week from this coming thursday, you got newsom and desantis and 90-minute prime-time debate on fox. both men are quite capable of this stage, shall we say. i think it will be mandatory watching. >> kayleigh: there is a twitter video about a college in florida called new college, calling it ground zero for what the gop is trying to do to education in this country, books ban, speech limited, fox news digital reached out to newsom's office for a list of the alleged banned books. he is talking about florida and tennessee, he's governor of california, why talk about other states, if you don't have aspiration for higher political office. >> emily: using donations to putul billboards in florida. his state is rotting under failure of leadership. i want him to govern, i wanted him to govern when high was mayor the a city. here is my issue with this, it is wrong, that was over generalization on his part, it doesn't matter how much we explain. the narrative is so baked and the democrats are so cohesive it doesn't matter he is wrong. don't say gay bill was also wrong, it imprinted on the fabric of this country and no one has let it go. when you put up a picture of desantis, they say things that are fall because media perpetuates that, so does gavin newsom. what will be the narrative after the debate? i have a good idea who will spoke the other, i wonder about that coverage. >> kayleigh: social media, young people, a third gets main news sourt is tiktok. what do you think about gavin newsom and this narrative he posted on social media? >> kennedy: it is all distraction, he knows it is fake and his policies are horrible and he's doing what he can like a big phony bologna, to get people distracted from real issues he's facing. someone in california will go, i love that state, i was there 10 years ago, have you seen it lately? its been taken over and it is incredibly unsave. he is unpopular, dropped 11 points from earlier this year in l.a. times poll because people in the state know he's abandoned them. his policies have not taken root it will do the country a big favor. >> kayleigh: this is what the left does, they take something they misconstrue it and attach a nice name to it and they allow that catch phrase. gender affirming care, disguising minors getting sex change. don't say gay but will bills sexual orientation may not occur in grade k-3. when you call it don't say gay or it takes fire in the media and left lies or gavin newsom tweets out something like this, people believe it. >> far too many issues in california to be worried about tennessee. coming up, what a story here. massachusetts high school catching backlash after cancelling usa day during spirit week. why they did it, coming up next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. 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(affirmative bark) ( ♪ ) (barking) am i glad to see you! (barking) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. >> white house briefing just ahead, lots of questions expected about the president's birthday. poll shows him losing reelection to donald trump. renewed calls to ban tiktok. congressman mike gallagher will be here on that. iranian proxies step up attack on united states interest. keith kellogg joins us. why are u.s. dollars being used to fund u.s. schools in gaza? all that and nikki haley just ahead. join us for "america reports." ♪ >> emily: every once in a while, "saturday night live" takes a break. they seem to mock the idea of men playing women's sports watch. >> been 50 years since billie jean king shocked the world and stood up to misogyny in the tennis community, what if i told you she was not the first. >> ms. diamond, what do you say to men telling you no place for girls in this sport. >> if any man has what it takes to beat me, let's play. no more questions. after that promoters were chomping to set up a batch and she found an opponent, biggest star in men's tennis, ronny dunster. >> i feel like i was an odd choice, i was the largest man to ever play tennis. >> and here comes the first serve. [screaming] >> oh, my gosh. >> we should have seen it coming. he was 300 pounds of poor muscle and she was one of the lowest ranked female players at the time. >> did i win it? did i ruin it for women? >> you all right? >> there is a hole in her stomach, man. >> kayleigh: she didn't ruin it for women, men who play in women's sports ruin it. >> bill: should i feel bad i was laughing. she loses part of her body, kudos to "snl" for taking it on. billie jean king lives in new york, i would have had her in the audience. i'm a producer over here. >> emily: i love it. carley, they got it right, biologically, it is unfair when you introduce male biologic genetics to a female sport. i had a girlfriend in college, state champion of tennis came to visit one holiday break in the bay area and my homey was like, we will play tennis. smoked. never played tennis. he beat her. there is something to be said biologically and genetically for physical strength men have over women >> carley: you are correct. i wonder if "snl" meant to dive into this debate? i think they did. whether a swimmer or boxer or fighter, any sport where biological man, physical differences are apparent and that image of jason mamoa. what is going on right now is not working. >> emily: to carley's point, maybe they are dipping a toe in the water, it is too late for riley gaines. everything stripped, for those women injured massively, the volleyball player, the wrestler stripped of their opportunity and achievement. they can weigh in, but it is like a little too late in a way. >> kayleigh: common sense issue, 63% agree biological men should not be in women's sports. kennedy may know, how this gets to air on "snl" i remember them practicing and autocorrecting and only a few of them got to air. how do they wade into an issue and get this to air. i never expect "snl" to wade into this. >> kennedy: what they realize what bill maher has realized, skewering one side doesn't rate well. you probably have a couple writers who might be conservative, they know you have to make fun of absolutely everything and we are laughing because there are absurdities in every aspect of life. that is what comedy is supposed to do. >> bill: thank you for gchl forgiving me. why martha stewart is cancelling her thanksgiving. we'll explain why. >> what? >> stay with us. veteran homeowners, do you know what's taking a big bite out of family budgets? car loans. get a newday 100 va cash out loan. own your car and have no more monthly car payments. 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. ♪♪ >> last but not least, martha stewart says she is cancelling turkey this year. say it ain't so, that's despite being crowned the queen of thanksgiving. here is what stewart had to say. >> i gave up thanksgiving, i canceled -- somebody canceled -- nine guests canceled because somebody got sick, so i decided, i called up my chef friend and i said we are not doing thanksgiving. >> yeah. >> and i've also cooked like 13 turkeys already for my tv show. >> you've kind of done it. >> turkeyed out. >> i hope you have taco thursday or something. >> what will america do? >> i never thought i would be able to say this, but martha stewart is a quitter. can you believe that? given up on one of the greatest meals of the entire year, we'll see. what are you going to do with the drum sticks, emily. >> the apocalypse is coming. martha is giving up thanksgiving and her bff snoop gave up weed. my point to martha stewart who i love, it's not all about the turkey, but the connection. >> and the sides. >> she's going home hoping, kennedy from home to home, with friends, lovely, and she gets to judge which is also something she does very well, very judgey in five different contexts, i totally appreciate that. but to your point, martha stewart built her reputation on thanksgiving, based on thanksgiving and perfect preparation, marie condo, the queen of organizing, also giving up organizing. so what emily is saying, it is the apocalypse. the second horsewoman. >> i love it. maybe martha stewart can go to carley's home, she's out with a new cookbook. cooking with friends. and as a matter of fact, a whole holiday section in cook with friends and pete hegseth shares his favorite thanksgiving meal. stuffing with pink jello, you can find the back story in the book. >> i'm sure it's delicious. >> recipes from all your fox favorites and i think it would make a very good christmas gift. >> jello. >> we have tried with my family and my boyfriend's family, we have tried those recipes, two thumb's up. >> it's a best seller. >> thanks to everyone. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> two of the great artists of our time representing the ground breaking legacy of hip-hop i

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Kayleigh Mcenany , Emily Compagno , President , Kennedy , Country , Age , Carley Shimkus , World , Fox And Friends , Bill Hemmer , 81 , Joe Biden , Casablanca Premiered And World War Ii , Leeblt , 1942 , Trump , Poll , Edge , Foes , Nbc , 4 , Three , Lead , Points , Group , Poll Shows , First Time Trump , Match Up , 2024 , 26 , Two , Way , Polling , Margin , Terror , Steve Corne , 1 , 2 , 7 , Bill , Kayleigh , Party , Numbers , Support , 5 , Republicans , Caveat , Battleground States , Night , Red Wave , Six , Youth Vote , War , Disapprove , 18 , 34 , 70 , Deal , Everybody , Strife , Democratic Party , 60 , One , Life , Birthday , Student Loan , Zest , Issue , African Americans , Millions , Age Group , Student Loan Obligation , Terms , New York Times , Conviction , Nation , Trials , 50 , 6 , Someone , Rock , Neck , Fifth Avenue , Court Cases , X Factor , Approval Rating , Another , X Factors , October Surprise , Wall Street Journal , Reelection , Plans , Interviews , Biden Campaign , Wedding , Let S Focus On The Turkey Pardon , 30 , Lot , Liberty And Bell , God , Conversation , Condition , Match , White House , Democrat , Race , Jb Pritzker , Ideas , Emily , Rebuttal , Concerns , Big , Swanky Retreat , Backup Plan , Comment , Washington Post , Swift , Nominee , Selfishness , Running , Narrative , Administration , Whole , Establishment , Prowess , Ioda , Line , People , Candidate , To Me , Respect , Somewhere , Stable , Loan Forgiveness , Shuffle , College Kids , Him Site Mental Acuity , Back , Box , Disappointment , Mind , Voters , Painting , Stroke , Hispanic , 40 , 65 , 63 , Gender , Color , Skin , Dagr Aggregate Voters , Tiktok Influencers , New York Post , Signs , Types , Establishment Media , Rfk Jr , Big Push , Sense , Complacency , Alarm Bell , Urgency , Soy , Things , Thing , Foreign Policy , None , Decline , Spots , Economy , Groups , Coalition , Quilting , Wall , Record Disapproval , Wakeup Call , King , On Fox News , Tune , Guest Hosting , Incumbent , P M S , 9 , Eric Adams , New York , Product Line , Scripture Verse , Cool , Sanctuary City , Nypd , Hit , Baby Grand Piano , Center Stage , Mark , Iberty , Guy , Liberty , Save , Bibu , Pay , Mustache , Liberty , Liberty Bibberty , Limu Emu Squawks , Knees , Suds , Sides , Grant Gill , Legend , Graduation Performance , Cheeks , Improv Class , More , Health , Health Tips , Wellness Tools , Aarp , Razor Sharp , Family , Gift , Cowboy , Generations , Daddy , Farmers , Cowgirl , Blood , Ancestry , Family Heritage , Homeowners , Veteran , Car , Control , Car Payments , Car Loan Rates , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , 100 , 15 , Five , Home , Rates , Truck Loans , Rate , Equity , 00 , 500 , Drink , Whatever , Drizzly , Tandy , Drizly , Sip Well , Mayor , S Emily , Signing , Influx , Adams Budget , Virge , Number , Officers , Migrant , Cuts , Level , Big Apple , 90 , Schools , Libraries , Funding , Budget , Native Cardi B , Rapper , The Bronx , Budget Cut , Crisis , 120 Million , Rats , Sanitation , Police Department , 5 Million , A Million , Wars , Budget Cut On School , Niece , Nephews , 20 Million , Everything , Followers , Few , Sixth Avenue , Stench , Play , Sewage , Kids , Gang Activity , Taxes , Violence , Girls , Muscle , Safety Officers , Lockdowns , Shape , Parents , Security , Cops , Budget Line , Redunancies , Place , Education Funding , Places , Signal , Consequences , Padding , Need , Reason , Cutting , Leadership , Confirmation , Failure , Road , Motorcycle , On And , Fault , Disaster , Defense , Border , Many , Spine , Guts , Progressive Movement In America , Governor , Stewardship , Origin , Decisions , Gotaways , 1 5 Million , It , Police Officers , Danger , Brunt , Force , Most , 4000 , City Council , Meeting , Crime , Residents , Wanted , Immigration , Chicago , Point , Brandon Johnson , Adams Weren T , Messaging , South America , Say Thering , Don T , Struggle , Buck Stops , Government , Officer , Great Point , Trip , The Street , City , Responsibility , Migrant Crisis , Reality , Goal , Cut , School Security Guards , Composting Sites , Rat Situation , 30000 , Essential Services , Program , Time , Gavin Newsom , U S , Tennessee , Turns , Public , Game , Coming Up , California , Law , Indecent Exposure , Mentioned H Homosexuality , Word , Ordinance No Lock , Didn T Stop Newsom , Undated , Fact , Bias , Tweet , Groomers , Judgement , Reading , Language , Gays , 400000 , Part , Stage , Ax Tack , History , Gay Rights , Rick Grenelle , 2016 , Friends , Convention , Seats , You Bet , Well Versed , Debate , Announcement , Desantis , Men , New College , Video , Watching , Florida , Fox , Twitter , Office , Education , Fox News , Ground Zero , Speech Limited , Books Ban , Zero , States , Books , Talk , List , Aspiration , Estate , Donations , Putul Billboards , Rotting , Thigh , Generalization , Doesn T , Democrats , Media , Don T Say Gay Bill , Fabric , Picture , Idea , Mother , Social Media , Tiktok , Coverage , News Sourt , Policies , Distraction , Phony , Bologna , Issues , California Will Go , 10 , L A Times , 11 , Something , Root , Favor , Left , Name , Catch Phrase , Care , Minors , Sex Change , Bills Sexual Orientation , Grade K 3 , 3 , Fire , Lies , Ink Business , Backlash , Story , Massachusetts High School , Premier , Cash , Purchases , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Products , Borders , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Smarter , Sam , Who , 02 5 , 000 , 5000 , Lobster , Vo , Ink Business Premier Card , Spending Potential , Red Lobster , Chase For Business , Shrimp Celebration , Ma , Shrimp , Entrees , Sore Throat Pain , Times , Vapors , Sore Throat , Throat , Menthol , Relief , Drop , Vicks Vapocool , Vicks , Aria , Jade , Farmer , Breath , Dog , Kibble , Diet , Bubbles , Mouth , Adventures , Purple , Pains , Mattress , Store , Rejuvenated , Aches , Visit Purple Com , Black Friday Sale , 20 , 900 , Nsync , Break , High School , Celebrating America , Welsley High , Massachusetts , School , High School Administration , Principal , Fitness , Spirit Theme , Themes , Explanation , Politics , Topic , Fun , Patriotism , Citizenship , The Stars And Stripes , Stop Apologizing , Wrapping , Bubble Wrap , Latvia , Nuts , Italy , Pride And Joy , Everyone , Cut School , Shouldn T Go To School , Pep Rally , Apologizing , Principle , Block , Thread , Doesn T The Principal Say Let , Itten Moos , Flag , Gym , Statue Of Liberty , Margaritas , Schoolers , Apology , Bad , Attention , Impact , Privileged , Red , Blue , Olympics , Miss Universe , Guess , White , School Feel , Woman , Guys , Outnumbered , Podium , Medal , Alternate , Menu Lineup , Series , Monster , Rest , Subway , The Boss , Home Improvement Loan , Some , Bank , Fifteen , Philly , Naming , Charge , Subs , Luck , Number One , Titan Turkey , Veterans , Hvac , Homes , Banks , Newday 100 Va Loan , Roof Windows , Fraction , 12 , Affirmative Bark , Dream Kitchen , Barking , Call Newday , Guitar Music , Belt , Golo , Stacey , Weight , Notch , Questions , Lots , Mike Gallagher , Calls , Interest , Being , Attack , Proxies , Iranian , Gaza , Nikki Haley , Keith Kellogg , America Reports , Men Playing Women S Sports , Every Once In A While , Saturday Night Live , Billie Jean King , Tennis Community , Misogyny , Sport , Oman , First , Ms , Diamond , Let S Play , Tennis , Opponent , Star , Batch , Promoters , Ronny Dunster , Serve , Odd Choice , Screaming , Gosh , 300 , Women , Players , Stomach , Women S Sports , Body , Producer , Audience , Holiday Break , Homey , Genetics , College , Girlfriend , State Champion , Bay Area , Strength , Women Carley , Genetically , Smoked , Fighter , Swimmer , Boxer , Differences , Image , Water , Toe , Jason Mamoa , Volleyball Player , Opportunity , Wrestler , Riley Gaines , Little , Achievement , Common Sense , Kennedy May , Bill Maher , Writers , Skewering One Side , Conservative , Doesn T Rate Well , Martha Stewart , Comedy , Aspect , Absurdities , Stay , Car Loans , Family Budgets , Bite , Get A Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Payments , Ain T , Turkey , Queen , Somebody , Chef Friend , Guests , Stewart , Sick , Nine , Turkeys , Tv Show , Kind , Turkeyed Out , 13 , Quitter , Meals , Drum Sticks , Apocalypse , Martha , Snoop , Weed , Connection , Lovely , Reputation , Thanksgiving , Contexts , Organizing , Saying , Marie Condo , Second Horsewoman , Pete Hegseth , Meal , Cookbook , Cooking , Holiday Section , Recipes , Back Story , Book , Fox Favorites , Stuffing , Pink Jello , Boyfriend , Jello , Thanks , Ground Breaking , Show , Seller , Artists , Hip Hop I , Legacy , Thumb ,

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