mark: hello, america, mark levin, and this is "life, liberty and levin". we have two fantastic guests, the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu, and our friend alan dershowitz. before i get to the president, you know, i've been -- can to the prime minister, i've been thinking about this, how many armies on the face of the earth have been trained not to kill civil januaries? if as a matter of fact -- civilians? as a matter of fact, has our army been trained not to kill civilians? i'm just curious, because i don't know how many died in afghanistan, our media wasn't keeping track of that, in the korean war, the vietnam war, i just don't know. i don't think churchill gave a damn about how many civilian died when he was trying to defend his country, i know harry truman didn't give a damn. so it's very strange. we have a country in israel that is the only country with a military, to my knowledge, that is trained not to kill civilians, and they're up against an enemy that is trained to kill civilians, both their own palestinianings and israelis. so i hit here as an a on sevenner of the corrupt, pathetic media, question right out of the box, prime minister, what are you going to do about the civilians? mr. prime minister, i want to welcome you to the program, and i want to ask you a different question, how is the war progressing, and is israel winning? >> the war is progressing well, and we're going to win. we have no other choice. it's going well because we put our forces on the ground, and coincidentally, actually there are fewer civilian casualties because we call them civilian with population in gaza -- called on the population to leave. hamas tried to stop them at gunpoint, actually using gunfire to prevent them from e reeving the zones of battle. but they left. the number of civilians is actually, those that are killed is going down. the number of terrorists is going up. we're destroying their infrastructure, their command posts, their rockets, their underground tunnels, and we're going to win because with we have to win. this is a battle of the forces of civilization against the forces of barbarism. and if barbarism wins in our part of the world, europe will be next and america will be next. because the axis of terror, of iran, hamas, hezbollah, the houthiss and their other minions will spread their bar barbarism to the entire world. israel fighting our war, but it's also fighting america's war, it's fighting your war. and our victory will be your victory. mark: mr. prime minister, people have very short memories. we went to war in afghanistan to fight the same islamist ideology after our people were slaughtered in new york in the twin towers, and we've been attacked scores of times before that by the same us louisiana lammist -- islamist ideology. maybe carrying a different flag, it doesn't much matter, trying to create these the caliphates all over the world. they're not really interested in having one state, that's obvious with hamas. you turned over the gaza strip to the palestinians, and they turned it into a terror state. obviously, you know what's going on in in judea and sumeria now, how that area's being increasingly terrorized by the same ideology and the same individual individuals. i just wonder sometimes when you're by yourself and thinking about this, you have to talk to the press because the battle of ideas and the battle of the press goes on and on and on, and israel's been through this many times. at the very beginning, israel is supported, and then so much of the world turns on israel. sometimes do you say to yourself, what the hell is going on in this world? it's turned inside out. don't the western democracies give a damn about what's taking place here? >> i think a lot of people do, and in america there's a strong backing of public opinion that a basically understands that israel is the forces of good against the force of evil. and i saw this massive rally a few days ago washington from jews and non-jews standing together shoulder to shoulder because they understand that. but, yes, there is that certain, that frustration because we're attacked by hamas. they storm into our community, rape and murder women, burn babies, behead people, take hostages, babies, children, elderly, murder children in front of their parents, parents in front of their children, no wonder the german chancellor came here and he said these are the new nazis. so what did you do with the original nazis? hitler invades europe, commits the worst savagery, does the holocaust on the jews, the allies fight back, they invade normandy. they go through the cities of france and the cities of germany, the german army places itself in the cities in civilian neighborhoods, in hospitals and schools everywhere and, of course, the allies fight. they target the german army, but there are also a civilian casualties, a lot of them. now, you know, what would have happened to history if at that point public opinion would say in the democracy, oh, god, what are you doing to the nazis? what are you doing to the german population? that's not what they asked. they said what you said, how is the war progressing. history would have been catastrophic if we didn't keep our eye focused on who's to blame. who is to blame? who is to blame for these civilian casualties? the allies or the nazis? and now many, in many quarters and democracies they're saying israel is to blame, the allies the are to blame, not the ax sit of terror, but the -- ax sit of terror, but thal -- the allies for peace. against request these barbarians who want to take us back to the middle age as. this is a sign of moral bankruptcy and moral obfuscation, a sign of deep confusion at best, and we have to get the simple things straight. israel is keeping, doing everything in its power the keep civilians out of harm's way. hamas is doing everything in its power to keep civilians in harm's way. israel provides humanitarian safe zones, humanitarian borders, hamas if prevent ises gaza civilians from leaving the war zones. is so it's not hamas, it's not israel, but hamas that is responsible for what it's doing. it's using the civilian population as human shields. it is deliberately targeting and murdering civilians and deliberately hiding behind civilians. that's e a double war crime. they're the ones responsible. they should be held blame, they should be held accountable, not israel. israel is fighting the just war, the right war of the democracy against the barbarians. mark: you've spent most of your life as prime minister, as a cabinet member, as a party leader, as a scholar warning about the terrorists, warning about the ideology, warning about iran. it came to really a pinnacle when you came to the united states during the obama administration and speck to the entire congress -- spoke to the entire congress, the entire world, every american. and you said iran must not get a nuclear weapon with. now, it seems to me if you're concerned about a citizens, innocent people, about babies in hospitals, you're concerned about all those things -- which we are -- then you will do everything humanly possible to insure that iran does not get a nuclear weapon. so my question to you, sir, is this: to the best of your with knowledge, what exactly is being done to try and prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon, to your knowledge? >> i'm not going to say everything in my knowledge, but i can say this much,9 that the jury is still the out. i mean, if we see what the iranian axis is doing without nuclear weapons, the horrors person if traited on that -- perpetrated on october 7th, the watch on the terrorism that it's practicing not only in the middle east, but on every continent end ebb colluding north and south america, the terrible aggression that is perpetrated in every single zone in the world and especially in our region, that's what it's doing without nuclear weapons. imagine what would happen if iran had nuclear weapons and all its minions, all its proxies would know that they have a nuclear umbrella. it would be a different world, and the entire world would be in danger. and, of course, if iran had nuclear weapons, be able to use in the only terrorist proxies, they'd be able the wield on you the threat of the greatest terror of them all, nuclear terror. they'd have ballistic missiles that could reach any city in the united states, and they'll hold you hostage. and, therefore, the battle now that we're waging is a battle against iran's ax a sit of -- axis of terror. and everybody wants to see who's going to win. if israel wins, we all win. and if israel doesn't win, then the ax a access emerges victorious. and that the imperils our entire future. so this is not just israel's war, it's your war. and we have to win this war. just as we have the win the battle against the nazis. we had the -- to win the battle against isis, we had to win the battle against al-qaeda. everybody understood. we cannot let this be obfuscated by hamas propaganda. we have to keep you are moral clarity and our strategic clarity. we have to understand that we're fighting for our future. by the way, the future of the palestinians as well as israelis, the future of the middle east, the future of the moderate arab states, the future of the expansion of the historic abraham accords, the future of peace with saudi arabia. that can all be achieved, but it has one necessary prerequisite, victory, total victory over hamas. we destroy hamas, we assure the peace. we destroy hamas, we assure security. we destroy hamas, we assure a better future for all. mark: and honestly, this is what statesmen and real leaders, especially wartime, believe. lincoln, churchill, washington, many of your greatest leaders in the past in israel and so forth. when you're at war in a war like this, this is a war to the end. there's a winner and there's a loser. and i'm just concerned that people don't understand that. mr. prime minister, when we get back, my question to you is this: do you think it's helping the situation in the middle east when iran is able to receive or to acquire tens of billions of dollars? i don't care if it's direct, i don't care if it's a waiver, i don't care if it's released, i don't care if it's in their mattress. my question to you is, are these steps that will further peace or further the iranian war machine? we'll be right back. ♪ and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. this was no bear. it was like a bearsquatch! dad. what's a bearsquatch? it's a cross between a bear and a sass... it's made up. he's usually sleeping. he'll never sleep again. ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back, america. i'm here with prime minister ben. min netanyahu of us legal. mr. prime minister, at the end of the last segment, my question was all this money flown into iran, tens of billions of dollars, lifting waivers, oil money and so forth and so on, how is this advancing the cause of peace, or is it advancing a different cause in. >> well, certainly not advancing the cause of peace, and my position is any money that goes to iran advances iran's war machine. look what iran is doing in the region. every where it's implanted itself, everywhere it controls these proxies they've brought misery and blood with shed to those people whether it's in lebanon which is collapsing. i mean, the whole economy there is collapsing under hezbollah, iran's minions. whether it's in yemen, i mean, they face one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the 2 21st century. in gaza, look at what -- 93% of hamas' military budget comes from iran, and look what that produces. everywhere they go, misery, bloodshed, poverty. and and so that's what the iranian axis brings, and it brings manager else, it brings a crazed theology. it's literally, i think, a theology that is completely mad. i mean, the idea is to bring back modernity, roll back the enlightenment, roll back liberty as we know it, bring it back to these theological regimes that deny the rights of women, gays, minority, human beings. and then export slaughter, revolution, bloodshed, savagery. iran applauded the savagery, the savagery of hamas. iran applauds that same savagery when it's committed elsewhere. so who do you want to win? if who do you want to see winning? if they win, this spreads. and, by the way, the thing about iran's proxy including hamas is that unlike the previous war criminals like hitler and stalin who sought to hide their crimes, they send their murderers with goprocameras, and they broadcast it to the world -- gopro. so this is infectious. it's not merely that they want to win here, but they want the win elsewhere by fomenting, as eye -- isis did, this crazed, murderous glee of murdering human beings, beheading human beings, burning human beings, massacring human beings. that's what iran stands for. now, the battle right now is waged in one place, on israel's border, the hamas if caliphate. and just as the entire world understood when they saw even lesser harms of isis, they understood we can't let these barbarians win, and everybody united. they sent armies overseas to defeat them. we're not asking anyone to send armies. we're asking you the support our just battle which is your battle just as the battle for eye access was your battle. -- eye isis -- isis. just as the battle against bin laden was your battle. now, you didn't ask for a ceasefire with bin laden, right? remember, we hadding, mark, we had 20 9/11s are proportion nately, now, imagine that, okay? you have 50,000 americans murdered on one day? 10,000 the americans held hostage including babies, children, women, elderly? i mean, who takes a baby? a 10-month-old baby hostage? what kind of monsters are you, okay? you didn't have that. what do you think america would to do? if it did, it went to war. to destroy al-qaeda. it didn't say, well, let's have a ceasefire with bin laden. we're doing what we have to do, but we're doing it alone. but for everyone else. we're doing it for you are sake, but we're also doing it for your sake, and we have to win otherwise this disease will spread, and it will consume civilization. and there are moments in the history of the world where the forces of darkness face face the forces of light. and the forces of light must win, otherwise you could have an a age of darkness. but for that, you need moral clarity and resolve, resolve and courage. i see a lot of that in the american people, midwest of the american people -- most of the american people understand that. some don't and some are misguided, and some are woe efully misif guided by a misguided media that broadcasts, essentially, hamas -- and what are they saying? they're saying blame israel, in the hamas. blame the allies, not the new nazis. blame america, in this case, and not bin laden for the casualty, civilian casualties that you sustained in iraq and afghanistan. that's not what you should do. we need that moral clarity, we knead that certainty of purpose, we need victory. mark let's talk about civilians again, this time in iran. the people in iran hate their government. the government of iran is an authoritarian, islamist government that slaughters and tortures its own people. it rapes their girls, puts them in prison if they don't comply with the fundamentalist viewpoint. do you happen to know if anybody's keeping count about how many civilians have been murdered, imprisonedded, raped, tortured or disappeared in iran? >> untold numbers. by the way, they don't always hide it. they execute their civilians from cranes in the cities. people are suffocating as they are the hung from cranes. and you saw the iranian people fighting against, protesting against this tyrannical government, and they were shot in the streets, i mean, that's what you see. that young woman executed over a question of a head dress, you know? if that's absurd. that's what they are. and by the way, you say iran, hamas executes people the same way. they shoot them in the back of the head. you dare say the word against hamas, and you're immediately executed. that's what happens in gaza too. but a lot of people in gaza, and that's information that i'm getting right now, are saying what did these people bring to us? you know, people say, well, what happens after the victory? if you create another generation that will learn to hate. is that what happened in germany? after you defeated the nazis? is that what happened in japan after you defeated the imperial forces there? that's not what happened. people realize there's a potential for a different future. there's a different prospect out there, a different life. so the defeat of hamas creates a different opportunity, and rolling backup iran's aggression aa sures peace. showing resolve and strength against iran doesn't bring war closer, it brings peace closer. it brings peace through strength, peace through resolve. that's how you get peace. mark: spot on. we'll be right back. ♪ rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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(♪) ♪ if. jon: welcome to "fox news live," i'm jon scott in new york. tributes pouring in from around the world honoring former first lady rosalynn carter who died peacefully in herrer georgia home today surrounded by loved ones including former president jimmy carter to whom she was married for 77 years. mrs. carter is being remembered not only for her dedication to her husband during his four years in the white house, but also for decades of human town work after washington. humanitarian work. she is survived by four children and nearly two dozen grandchildren and great grandchildren. rosalynn carter was 96. president biden and first lady jill biden are in virginia tonight serving turkey dinner to some 400 naval personnel in norfolk. at a one point mr. biden was asked about the hostages in gaza. he replied he wants to insure their freedom before he comments further on the matter. i'm jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin". ♪ mark: welcome back, america. we're here with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. two kind of related questions, mr. president. number -- mr. prime minister. number one, the cultural9 rot in the west didn't start today particularly when it comes the evil versus good and, furthermore, i'd be with curious about your thoughts about what has been taking place at this main hospital where hamas if is dug in and your folks are really trying to do the right thing. can you answer a those questions? >> yeah. in 1933 shortly after hitler came to power, the oxford student union in britain had a debate, and 2 to 1 they had a resolution that that they would not under any circumstances fight for king and country. and, you know, you know what that did. they had to change their way because they understood they wouldn't have a king and they wouldn't have a country, and they wouldn't have an oxford if they didn't fight. so they the ended up fighting on the battlefields and fighting well until nazis almost destroyed -- it's the same thing here. i mean, this is a moral indictment of higher education in the west that you have colleges and campuses that are aligning with the new nazis and not with those who are fighting them. the second thing on the hospital, this is not the hospital you know. it's not what you see in your neighborhood. it's hospitals that have been commandeered by hamas, used as command and control centers. we found weapons, ammunition, and there were plenty of terrorist chieftains there and their there arist subordinates, and they fled when we entered. no these are not hospitals. we were able to career them out, happily, without a fair fight. but we have to -- fire fight. we cannot allow them to have these safe havens in hospitals. we give civilians in gaza humanitarian safe zones. hamas gives its fighters, its terrorists safe zones in hospitals. the last thing i want to say is this the. look, i have three goals. one goal is to the defeat hamas, utterly defeat and destroy a hamas. the second is to bring back our hostages. and the third is to insure that we don't have a similar threat in the future from gaza and that what happens in gaza is good for israel, good for palestinians, good for the middle east. and to do that, we need to demilitarize gaza and deradicallize gaza. we cannot have for the foreseeable future israeli cover where riding military respondent to so we root out the terrorists and a civilian regime administration that cooperates with demilitarization and de-radicalization, and that can't be a palestinian government that doesn't fight terrorism, but funds terrorism. that teaches it children to hate israel, to work for israel's annihilation. we need something else. we need a massive reform here, the kind that you had in germany, in japan, the kind you have in certain parts of the arab world. that's what will insure a bright future for the people of gaza is, for the people of israel. mark: are you concerned, mr. prime minister, and you read it mostly through leaks but more and more public statements by various governments, our government, governments in europe that they're already trying to decide for you and the people in the area what is needed, how they're e going to do it? i mean, you just pointed out that gaza was basically the two-state solution. palestinians were given gaza, and it was turned into a terrorist military operation. and i'm sitting here thinking but what would they do with an a entirely new country. would they have an air force? would they have missiles? can they build chemical weapons? who's going to make sure they don't? who's going to oversee that? so what you saying what we did in world war ii, we had a marshall plan, but first we degnats nazi -- denazified germany. in other words, there are cultural things that have to be done before you're busy setting up something else, correct in. >> yes, because otherwise what you're going to get is the same thing. and hamas already says they'll stay there, and they'll do it again and again and again. well, you have to defeat hamas, but you can't get a new hamas to emerge there. and who's going to do that? who's going to prevent this terrorists from coming in? israel. and who's going to make sure that we deradicallize and denazify, in your words? well, we have to have a force that is committed to a different future for the palestinians. i mean, they're stuck in this rabbit hole, in this never ending loop seeking to destroy the jewish state. that's what's keeping this conflict alive for the last century. it's not the absence of a palestinian state, it's the presence of a jewish state. they could have had a state. they were offered that, and the u.n. resolution of 1949 refused. they established the b -- pb -- plo in 1964. it was in arab hands. the organization, the plo, the palestine liberation organization, was set to liberate tel aviv. jerusalem, haifa, israel. the persistent refusal of the two wings of the palestinian society, the plo and the hamas to accept a jewish state in any boundary, that's e what keeps this conflict going. and unless you treat that, all you're doing is you'll destroy this terror state that was built in gaza, and they'll emerge again because you haven't done anything to change the ideology. you haven't done anything to these people who you want the put in there people who pay the terrorists and their families the more number of jews they murder the more they pay them? they teach their children that you have to liquidate israel? their leaders now applaud every week, every week what hamas did. i'm talking about the modern -- moderate branch, so-called moderate branch. and their leader today, almost 40 days after the conflict began, refuses to condemn the savagery that was perpetrated. these are the people you want to end trust? no, we need a different future. the palestinians deserve a different future. peace if requires a different future. it requires israeli overriding military control to deradicallize and demilitarize gaza. it's only to do it. i know there are arab states that can contribute to this, others, but we have to be clear about what we need. we need demilitarization and de-radicalization. nothing else will suffice. but if we do it, there'll be a better future for all. mark: and i'll say this for me, what you don't need is an american administration that a keeps pumping billions and billions of dollars into the umbrella operation, and that is iran. until iran's addressed, i don't see a great deal of peace breaking out in the middle east. >> i think, by and large, i think that president biden and the administration have done great things. i have to say this. because he came in, he stood with us. they were supporting us with arms, they are supporting us in many other forms. i appreciate it. we can have our differences here and there. but i think we're agreed that a we have to defeat hamas. we agree that there shouldn't be a temporary ceasefire for the -- except for the return of hostages, we have to have a victory. and i also see the support of the broad swath of the american people on both sides of the aisle, senators, congressional representatives and ordinary citizens both pastors, communities. i'm highly appreciative of.. -- of that. in the end, the terrorists in iran and gaza say there's no defense between israel and america. america's the great satan, israel is the small satan. you know, in one way they're right. they say we are you and you are us. and there's a deep cultural seasons, they're right. mark: all right, mr. prime minister. thank you. god bless you, and do our to all of our -- do our to all of our israeli brothers and sisters over there. >> thank you. thank you. mark: we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: welcome back, america. i want to welcome a good friend of mine, a principled and courageous man, alan a dershowitz. he's written a fantastic new book, war against the jews. he actually wrote it in about a month. but i want to get right to the nub of the matter. you spent your life in academia. you spent your life at harvard, harvard or law school. you see what's going on in these schools, and it's not just harvard. university of pennsylvania, columbia, there's 200 of them. they have these students for justice of palestine, they have these hamas nut work individuals in these various education e -- educational centers, they have administrators who are cowards. hooking back and now looking toed, what do you make of all of this? >> i looked good into the eyes of evil. i taught 10,000 students, and some of these students have now become hitler 's youth. and if terrorism comes to the united states, and it will because hamas is contagious, and when people start i blowing up schools the way, for example, radicals did in the 1970s or army bases, some of my former students from harvard will become those terrorists. there is a fifth column in this country of young, radical students who will turn against america and become the future of terrorism against us. so this is coming to a theater near you if it's not stopped. in israel, in gaza and on american university campuses. thankfully, a lawsuit, an 82-page lawsuit was failed against new york university by a prominent law firm alleging violation of the civil rights act, violation of the business act, breach of contract by these schools encouraging anti-semitism, anti-israel attitudes, prejudice against jews in class and despicable actions by faculty members. a hundred harvard faculty members signed a letter essentially supporting hamas. mark: let me ask you this, alan. we have a very big bureaucracy. we have a huge the president of justice, civil rights division. we have another big bureaucracy called the department of education. donald trump signed an executive order which gives those authorities the power to act against anti-semitismthreats on college campuses. maybe they're doing it here and there. i'm not seeing a big push. i'm not hearing from the attorney general. i'm not hearing from the head of either civil rights division. what the hell is going if on? >> i was at the white house when president trump imhownsed that. he called on me to speak and i congratulated him for his great efforts even though i'm not a republican in getting the administration behind the effort to root out anti-semitism. it hasn't worked. in fact, what's happened -- and it's this administration and biden as well -- whenever they talk about anti semitism, they say and islamophobia. i got news for you, there is no islamophobia at any university in the united states. it's a think. it's virtue parading. oh, we have to fight anti-semitism and islamophobia. let me tell you who the anti-semites are, they are largely -- not completely -- the radical muslims who claim to be victims of islamophobia. s this is a one-sided issue. only jews and pro-israel christians on campus today are being attacked. miss if limbs are not being attacked -- muslims are not being aipac tacked. they're the privilege groups. they're the ones who get the benefits. they're the ones who get the advantages from teachers. they're the ones who get the good recommendations. but if you say you're pro-israel, if you wear a star of david, you are not getting fair treatment at american universities today. and there has to be the a response from the government or else we're going to bring lawsuits, you know? hurt a jew, we sue you. that's going to be our in motto, and we're not going to allow this kind of pushing around. as we heard before, this happened in the 1930s. harvard welcomed nazis. yale had a pledge that said we won't fight against the nazis. people marched through the streets of new york doing heil hitlers and swastikas. we will not let that happen again. as a long as a i have one ounce of energy, i am a going the fight this. i'm going the fight it at universities, i'm going the fight it at a places where i went to school, and i am not going tost res until we see not only hamas rooted out, but hamas supporters. the national lawyers' guild which has thousands of lawyers at every university law school in the united states have become the primary legal source against israel. on october 8th before the blood was even dry, they praised hamas for a wonderful military action. they talked about a israel having to free murderers, but nay never said one word in front of -- about the hostages. if you have a lawyer, ask that lawyer do you personally defend beheadings, burnings, rapes and kidnappings. and if you do, treat him the way you would treat a lawyer who belonged to the i ku klux klan and supported the lynching of blacks. there is no difference. 1200 jews were lynched on october 7th, and these people support those lynchings. mark: to underscore your point and the prime minister's point before you, the third reich in the ivory tower, complicity and conflict on american campuses, professor steven norwood, it is a fantastic -- now, he's a liberal, in my view, but it's a fantastic book. and he explains as you're explaining in the '30s and even in the '40s the germans infiltrated our colleges and universities, they infiltrated our culture. it was intentional, and there was this fifth column, as you say, of pro-nazi students, pro-nazi professors, pro-nazi e media in this country. and your point is and it's here again. but this time it's funded by groups like the hamas network. we know of now some billionaires and millionaires as more information's coming out who are backing these movements and so forth. and when colleges and universities pretend that this is free speech and and academic freedom, they're giving cover to violence, to anti semitism which is not free speech. we'll be right back. ♪ there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. (♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪) it helped create very real memories. (♪) balsam hill. ♪ mark: professor alan dershowitz, you know, in the # 1930s and '40s, the american media was incredibly despicable and unconscionable that they mostly covered up the holocaust. >> right. mark: and they did so pretty much if at the direction of the roosevelt administration. the times wrote a mea culpa, but the times since then has been horrendous on israel. it has promoted anti-semitism -- >> right. mark: a lot of the media are regurgitating what ma has -- hamas is telling them. what do you make of this? >> this is part of hamas' plan. they attack israel, they know israel has to respond. they hire their fight -- hide their fighters in hospitals and schools, and then when israel retaliates, hamas hopes that there'll be some dead babies. they then bring the dead babies out, parade them in front of television. and if it bleeds, it leads. and the media is the one that causes the world to turn against israel. and then hamas says, hey, wash, rinse, repeat. we'll do it again and again and again. so the media is deeply complicit in these efforts. in fact, i would say the media is responsible for the deaths of many palestinian children because if not for their, for them putting the blame, putting the finger of responsibility on israel, hamas would not do this over and over again. and another person,9 another group that's complicit with the media are the doctors in gaza. these doctors know that hamas is using their hospitals. they've given their permission to do it, and they go on television and they look in the camera and they swear, i never saw hamas if person in the 16 years i've been there. israel showed a film with a hamas guy walking in with a rocket launcher as if he owned the building true the front door, and these doctors lie through their teeth. the media prints their lies. the media points the finger at israel. the world turns against israel because nobody wants to see a dead baby. that's part of hamas' strategy. every dead baby is the responsibility of hamas. the media is come prison sit -- complicit, and the doctors are complicit. mark: what do you make of elements within the democrat party, and i don't see it within the republican party, the tlaibs and her ilk -- >> yeah. mark: -- who are out there spreading the most or horrific anti-semitic statements, her ties to these various organizations and so forth? i never thought i'd see the day where congress would even allow somebody like that to sit in its chambers. >> and we know that there is a statute, a federal statute, making it a crime the give material support to a designated terrorist organization, which is a maas. and teen -- hamas. and tlaib comes very close to that. she gives support. she may not say it's material, but she gives support. she is part of the problem. and other members of congress. too many democrats refuse to vote for the resolution condemning hamas, and too many democrats refused to vote for the resolution supporting israel. i hope we'll see a joint resolution and joint allocations, resources. israel needs some support, weapons support to win this war as prime minister netanyahu has said over and over again not only for israel, but for america and for the civilized world as well. so i think bipartisan support is absolutely necessary, and i have to tell you as a democrat, the democrats are not doing as good a job in supporting israel today as the republicans have been doing. mark: you were a friend of barack obama. he put out a heinous statement, quite frankly. you got very upset about it. a lot of people don't know about it. what do you want to tell america about barack obama? >> he call me to the oval office just before he was reelected, and he promised me, he said i've known you a long time, i would never lie to you, i have israel's back. i didn't realize he meant to put a target on. and then he did terrible things. he allowed the u.s. to not veto a resolution calling the cotell, the western wall, occupied territory. and just last week he essentially quainted a moral equivalence between hamas rapes, murders and kidnappings and a very disputed occupation. israel doesn't occupy the gaza strip. it left it in 2005, and obama just lied to the american public. he said that life in the occupied territory's unbearable. if it's unbearable, that means you can do anything. ramallah is the most beautiful city in all of israel, nicer than jerusalem, better food and there's no terrorism x there's peace. there isn't a single israeli soldier. that's not unbearable. obama lied to the american public. mark a mark did you get any pushback after you criticized him? >> i did. of course, i always get pushback from the democratic party and my liberal friends whenever i support israel, whenever i criticize democrats. but i'm calling it as i see it. i'm calling it straight. i don't care how many friends leave me, libraries cancel me. i'm going to speak out whenever i can, i'm going to write books and op-eds. i wish i were 25 years old, i'd volunteer to fight for the idf, so i'm going to fight in my way. >> i want to thank you, alan dershowitz, god bless you, my friend. keep up the fight. you've got a grand new book out, "war against the jews: how to end hamas barbarism." available on we'll be right back. aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. mark: welcome back america. i fully understand it's sunday night, there is football, other things you might want to do, you are thinking gee, can he let it go for one night? the answer is no. i think we're on the brink of potentially world war iii, i think europe is weak and cultural rot in the united states that we see every day. so as long as i'm given a platform there needs to be some beacon of light that looks to what is taking place, whether it is sunday or any other day of the week, whether it is nighttime or morning time, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin

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