>> hello, america. i'm mark levine, and this is life, liberty and levine. a very serious question i want you to think about. should have a very'sy answer, but it doesn't: what is joe biden's foreign policy? can anyone define it? can anybody give it contour or explanation and applying to one region or another. foreign policy should be based on a word i use all the time, prudence, not ideology. i don't think you call joe biden's foreign policy prudential given all the wars going on. and he's little fuse to many of them. look at middle east for now, for a moment. syria in the middle of a civil war. they've slaughtered anybody from 300-500,000 of its citizens. i don't remember joe biden giving a speech telling them to stop killing citizens and start to protect them. yemen is in the middle of a civil war and they're slaughtering people and they're a surrogate for iran and they're shooting missiles as well as acceptabling drones to kill -- sending drones to kill american soldierses, for which they're not paying any price. lebanon had a civil war. hezbollah has basically won it. effectively controls the government even though there's tension and their economy is literally crashing, which is one of the reasons why hezbollah should it attack israel won't have a lot of support from the lebanese. egypt's economy is crashing. crashing. of course iran is thriving. iran is the glimmering light of economic expansion and prosperity thank tots funding by joe biden. tens of billions of dollars for nothing. michael duran that i had on here the other weekend, he wrote about the plan by obama then biden, blinken, sullivan, and the other republican robin lou baits and call it had realignment of the middle east. they can only be baked up in kitchens in ivy towers or ivy league schools or what i call poison ivy league schools. you basically have different arab countries with different leaders. some have military dictatorships and some monarchies and some are relatively recent and time line in the middle east like the dictator in egypt and so forth. some of them were created in the 1920s like saudi arabia and jordan or monarchs were put in place by the british and others. some of them go back further and we treat the arabs and muslims and these countries as if they're all one in the same. they're not. exempt for this. they will do anything to survive. monarchies seek to survive and one inbred to the next. military dictatorship seek to survive. they'll be knocked off by another mig tear dictatorship or muslim hood or something like that. iran is not an arab country and it's persian. it's trying to build a caliphate and control the arab countries and other muslim countries and 23409 sharing their muslim set. it's very complex. that doesn't make the difference between good and evil complicated and that's very simple. there's not a single democracy among the arab states. not one. not one that they have in common. number two, many of them, but not all, will do anything to survive. even if it means paying billions of dollars to hamas or any other terrorist entity to try and buy peace. they'll do what they have to do. even if it means piling on israel even though some are praying that israel defeats hamas once and for all so hamas cannot build the caliphate it wishes to build. many quietly and secretly want israel to take on or take out iraq. when they all fear -- iran because they all fear and look at what's going on in yes, ma'am and iraq and the -- yemen and iraq and the other project coming out of textbooks and scholars wrote about it and spreading democracy in part of the world and not really experiencing it except for one, israel. the so called moderate art states therefore and say one thing in public and do another in private. but they're out for their own interests and the biden administration streets the countries as a conglomerate and the aggregate so as best as i can tell, what the biden foreign policy is is the foreign policy of an orphan. why do i say that? they blew up the middle east. they're went from obama's after reengineering the entire region. donald trump who said that's crap. let's get down to basics and deal with practicality and countries that want peace and countries that don't. it's clear the palestinians don't. let's work around them and deal with the countries that do and they can work out israel with our help and these arab countries individual peace arrangements and came known as abraham accord. trump through threw out the entire play book and it's been totally wrong. he certainly through out obama's play book because that was insane and he's got the same failed morand ick republican robin lou baits around him and obama is not my view for him calling shots in the respects given biden's obvious mental condition. what is it that biden wants to achieve in the middle east? they want an assimilation and the so called moderate era. in israel, assimilate what? assimilate their economy and their militaries. assimilate their national security interests. iran has to be built up and the counter balance and achieving the fantastic in assimilation that will spring from it. it's nuts but this is what they're doing and what they believe. so iran has been rearmed. by the united states by joe biden. iranian people have been put down and rose up to overthrow the government and he's been put down because of the money they've received and the support they've received from biden. and his regime. they showed no support, no interest in the real freedom fighters and people and teenage girls who were rising up to try and overthrow that regime and they have an iron grasp over their own people. with iran, biden's policy is disastrous. he's been at the point of the spear on appeasement and nuclear weapon for iran and we're not going to stop them. it's going to be up to little israel once again and they're going to be under pressure by the united states not to do it. we have economic appeasement and all kinds of trade routs were opened to iran and they're able to fund china where chai flakes ---todd's able to buy -- china and china buys enormous amounts of oil to iran and iran sells to china. all trade restrictions have been lifted. we have restrictions on trade with iran. all have been waived. there's no more discussion about stopping iran from getting nukes. they're attacking american soldiers. we're sending them billions and billions of dollars and i don't want to hear from the green eye shape phony council and it goes here and goes here. we're funding iran. while iran is attacking american soldiers and funding hamas and the utes arkansas houthis and funding hezbollah and iran is funding terror cells in the united states that have threatened to kill our former secretary of state and former national security adviser. it is biden directly and indirectly who's enriching that country. balance, you see. but at the same time they're trying to push israel not to defeat hamas. in 100 different ways and they candy coat it, they camouflage it as humanitarian pause. there could be no humanitarian pause when you're trying to wipe out a terrorist regime that kills its own people and israelis and nothing more than to kill americans and humanitarian pause? the propaganda is appalling. israel is told you can defend yourself to a point. the bleeden administration would love if -- biden administration would love if israel stopped right now. they're going to continue to build up iran. this idiotic policy of assimilation through different cultures and even the arab countries don't get along and biden is desperately trying to save what he's created he lit a fire in the middle east and sending two care craft carriers sitting there and they're not doing anything. he wants to show we mean it. are they firing a nuclear miss and will behind the scenes undermine the state of israel and building up iran. if you want to be strong when iran attacks our bases and does severe damage to the soldiers, hit strategic locations in iran. when iran went after our navy, went after freighters, ronald reagan knocked out half of their navy. biden is looking for excuses and looking for people to blame. nobody bedder than knelt ya hue hated by the american -- netanyahu and hated by the american left and the hated by the radicals that run the parties in israel and trying to undermine his government before the war and during the war. billionaires like soros and other billionaires with dark money coming in trying to undermine the state of israel. to try and remove netanyahu and the government in the middle of a war. he does not want israel to win anymore than he does not want ukraine to win. i'm not an isolationist, but i understand the exes exasperation with never ending wars and biden wants a never ending war in ukraine. late wuation, late with wrong equipment. he's warned them they can't use the equipment to defeat russia. these people in ukraine are being chewed up and spit out. and israel is not going to put up with it. they're not going to be chewed up and spit out. so he's a failed foreign policy that can be best described as a foreign policy of arson where he sets fires all over the place or others set fires and won't put them out in the proper way. they're part of the middle east. but the gaza strip, he doesn't give a. he doesn't lecture those countries, those regimes about civilians and killing your own civilians. he doesn't give a about our own civilians boarder and he's now looking for blame. but it's more than that. you ever see the movie the bridge over the river kawhi in it's a great movie and i believe it was 1957 give or take. there's a lieutenant colonel nickel son played by aleck guinness. joe biden is no aleck guinness. the pow camp in indoe china and brutal japanese empire, imperial japan, are brutalizing american yayanks and the pow camps where they take them and decide they're going to use them for slave labor. they need this bridge over the river kwai to move japanese troops from one location to another. and lieutenant colonel nickelson is basically the commanding officer, the platoon that was captured and members of the platoon in the pow camp. they build this bridge and it's beautiful. they develop the architecture they decide how it's going to be built, they complete it, they complete it in record time. but the order goes out to blow it up. blow it up. when they trained -- when a train full of japanese soldiers and crossing the bridge. there's the plunger for the tnt. opportunistic silt end of the bridge from where the japanese train is coming. sot water goes out -- order goes out, blow it up. blow it up. the train's coming. he won't blow it up. why? he was too proud of the bridge. too proud of what they've cr created. it didn't matter. he wouldn't blow it up. in the end, he's shot and as he's dying, he falls over, hits the plunger and the bridge blows up and the japanese train. not a perfect parallel but good enough. that's joe biden's foreign policy. he needs to blow it up but he won't blow it up. the enemy keeps crossing the bridge and crossing the bridge. he keeps making sure that they have enough money to get across that bridge. joe biden is a stubborn and transgent individual and he's surrounded by sing fants and accolades. i'll be right back. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. 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[ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. system of articulation welcome back. we have steven miller and founder of american first legal and former special adviser to president trump, my wife formally had worked with your outstanding legal organization. steven miller immigration is among other things about knacksal security. can't have people coming into your country you know nothing about coming from countries. they're in the midst of civil wars coming from countries where america is hated coming from countries that are abrowned with terrorists and all kinds of miscreants. it's difficult for a nation to figure out who is who when there's a big border with two obviously and a big border on the southern border and you have a president that doesn't seem ogive a dam and violated every single safety measure that's in place to ensure that people are coming into this country is supposed to be. called the 2025 which to me is reveals itself almost every week. project 2025 and steven miller and the white nationalist dracula behind trump immigration policies like the muslim ban and separating immigrant children from their families and putting them in cages. that steven miller is more disgusting, racist immigration plan for a trump term. she's a lier. never supported any of that and never did president trump. jot trump immigration policy was the most humane immigration policy that any president has ever put into effect and disrupted and fake families. and con tense and labor exploitation and being sold into slavery and the trump policy disrupted and shut those evil networks down and stopped the horrible harms being inflicted ons american people in the form of drugs. in the form of crime. the collapse of our healthcare system and our financial system. all of those evils all of those horrors were stopped by president trump and then joe biden came into office and unleash that had horror and petulance on the american people and the cartels and that's the policy that joy reed is celebrating and defending and she's defaming and smearing and besmirching those of us with the honor of working for president trump to save thousands of lives, to stop unimaginable, unimaginable atrocities from taking place on our boarder and prevent terrorism on our soil to keep jihadists out of america. those are the wonderful things we did and she is assailing and president trump the goal to protect the american people and things could be figures out. obama had a similar plan in place. you folks looked at it and what was taking place at the time there were and you instituted this policy, which was eventually upheld by the courts and calls it a muslim ban. let me ask you a bigger question and we have people like joy reed and she's just one of dozens who have a prime time platform on station on msnbc and cnn and elsewhere and they go there and lie through their teeth and say the most racest bigoted things. doesn't that truly harm america and doesn't that truly divide the country and even lead to potentially. >> safe and unstable environment and that rhetoric signaling to her audience by labeling me as a white nationalist drabbing la or whatever monstrosity that she hurled in my direction. >> the special contradiction of the white nationalist and more fundamentally, the weaponization by the left of calling any american a white nationalist for simply supporting a sovereign border that every other country in the world was entitled to. every other country in the world gets to say who comes in and who doesn't come in. but in america, if you airspaces the same you, you're a white nationalist or racest or bigot. no, you're a patriot and those that support open boarders are actually committing with their advocacy a crime against every citizen in the country and stealing from them. their safety, healthcare, welfare, their security, education of their own children. the right to live in a country that has a in-tact social fabric. all of those things are lefted by open borders and to your point about the travel ban, this was one of the great policies that any president has ever had. we went around to every country in the world and we performed an objective test about their ability to c cooperate with a minimum security baseline and control of their territory and ability to cooperate with the video intelligence agency and provide meaning. backgrounds and affects on your citizens and if you could not meet the tasks, guess what, you did not have access to our immigration system. you lost that privilege and that system that he put into place kept us safe for four years. so damn straight that system goes back into place in 2025 if he gets the chance. >> i challenge joy reed to make a list of all majority husband lick countries, point out which ones are an issue had this ban for national security reasons and which ones didn't. i'll tell you what you'll find because i already did. the vast majority of countries with the vast majority of muslims were not on that list. this was countries that could not control what was going on even in their own country. joy reid doesn't have a problem with that, which is why she supports open boarders, which is why she and her ilk support anybody from anywhere coming into the country without even stopping to provide us with their name. i'll be right back. there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. (♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪) it helped create very real memories. (♪) balsam hill. >> holiday travel season kicking into high gear and airlines prepare for one of the busiest weeks ofs year. the tsa expects to screen more than 30 million passengers over the next 12 days and busiest days for travel is this tuesday and wednesday and sunday after thanksgiving. there's some good news for the estimated 50 million people hitting the roads. gas prices are actually down about 40-cents per gallon from this time last year. major american cities are seeing protests as israel and hamas war rages on. thousands are taking to the streets demanding the u.s. cut off aid to israel. propalestinian demonstrators blocked traffic in downtown chicago earlier today as part of their demonstration. major rallies popping up in new york city and washington. i'm jon scott. now back to life, liberty and levin. >> welcome back, mesh. steven miller, former special adviser to president trump. let's stay on this issue of the border. according to the markist left, which has heavy representation throughout the media, cbs and cnn and vsnbc. should president trump win the presidency? do nothing about all the people coming into the country. millions and millions and millions of people and terrorists have been stopped. you have to assume some got through and drug cartels are problem in every mote row politan area and tens of thousands of women have been sold into sex trafficking. little kids have been sold into sex trafficking. the new york times even did a piece months ago about 85,000 young teenagers who basically are slave labor throughout our corporate and business environment in the country. and this is all been done because joe biden has allowed it. my question to you, sir, is this, under our constitution, you commit a high crime, if you defy federal strike that coauthors and if you take steps that do not protect the national security of the country and that's a high crime and i know i went back and looked and this one's noted even in dispute. i'm not even talking about money or anything else. should not this be one of the major issues when and if the house republicans take up the issue of impeaching president biden? >> it is absolutely critical and articles of impeachment be set from the house to the senate for both mayorkas and human trafficking, drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal immigration and the violation of dozens of federal immigration statutes. now, people will say, well, we have federal annuity for the crimes and that's the reason why the impeachment process is so essential. you must use the impeachment process to hold them accountable and remove them from power. >> when you watch joe biden, relentlessly talk to israel behind their backs to other countries and apparently to netanyahu, the government of israel, claiming concern about citizens in gaza, how seriously can you take a man who could in 24 hours reverse course on what he's doing on the southern boarder and protect the citizens of the united states? why is it he's so focused on the jewish state and not focused on his? >> there's a disease in the mind of the american left that understood wantly disallows, prohibits any feeling of support for national sovereignty here in america. any affinity for america as a coherent nation state. the idea that america has inherent interest in controlling who can and cannot enter the country and controlling the flow of immigration. all of these thoughts have been banished by the modern left. to the point in which the left celebrates it as a virtue to flood this country with millions of unknown masses. to demolish and unravel the institutions to break down social trust, to break down community bonds. all of the things that happen when you take a city or a place and then overnight transform it with countless people who speak a different language and have a different cultural value set. have a fundamentally different way of looking at the world with no process for assimilation. no process for integration and not to mention the fact their very being here is an act of criminal trespass compounded by one crime after another stealing a social security number. working illegally. failing to pay taxes, crimes that are amnesty through the inaction of doj. deliberate inaction of the department of labor and homeland security that have committed by the american citizen would have them ruined. they would be in jail, their businesses stole and livelihoods taken so american citizens are forced to watch not only as their communities are changed without their consent but the laws that they must comply with. the taxes they must hand over are not taken or taxed from the illegal aliens and those laws do not apply to the illegal alienses and it's a two-track society. citizens live under one set of rules, illegal aliens are except from every rule. >> well said. i find it interesting that biden, the media, and their democrats never tell us when enough is enough and too many is too many. they never put a number because they don't want a number. i find it interesting and not coincidental and the same people that hate our country with the media and democrat party and elsewhere. tracking history and trash our founding and trash capitalism are the same people that want the boarders wide open. to import people from different cultures. you mentioned assimilation is harder and harder to assimilate in a country that's destroying its own culture. many of the same people who insist on these open boarders insist that we destroy our own culture and there's nothing to assimilate into. i want to thank you for all the hard work you're doing and i'm very, very sorry you have to be a target of such racist bigoted anti-semitic individuals throughout the media. take care of yourself. >> thank you, mark. and it's a small but unfortunate price to pay to be able to have this platform like i had with you today to fight for what's right and just in america. >> we'll be right back.s ♪fr >> welcome back, america. here with former u.s. air force brigadier general, i love the sound of brigadier general. rob spalling and hudson institute -- rob spaulding. i watch what he's doing with the middle east and he's lit a fire and rearming the enemy. i watched him meet with xi. i'm extremely concerned about what they were discussing and how they were discussing it for obvious reasons. i look at ukraine and russia and i'm not a republican that feels we ought to cut and run with ukraine, but i am one of those people that thinks joe biden doesn't want them to win. i am very concerned about what's happening to the ukrainian citizens and the country over there as this grinds on and grinds on and grinds on. he seems to try to want to -- he's reengineering he and his poison ivy league eggheads reengineering the world and so forth. my question, i'm worried about our security and i'm worried about our military given what's ex-ploiding all over the world. what do you say in >> if you go back to world war ii, remember we chose a priority. that priority was europe and until europe was done, japan had to wait. we had the wait. the pacific forces fought a campaign, but they still were not the priority in terms of resources. what we have now is we have this rise of great power, authoritarian competition and led by the chinese communist party and supported by russia and the invasion of ewe scran and the first shoe to drop for the second cold war and then hamas' invasion of israel supported by iran and we've got a global cold war going on. we're trying to prioritize everything, meanwhile our southern border is open and everybody knows that and so i think, you know, between great power, authortarianism and competition and conflict and cold war, whatever you want to call it, rise of global islamism and getting the second wave now and woke ideology in the free world. we face three threats and this is something i began to recognize when i was in the air force and it's just gotten worse since i left. you're right, we have a horrible strategy and we don't have policy that's focused on americans and national security. quite frankly i have been frustrated by the whole epiepisode. >> the big battle for the department of defense right now and the administration is over them paying for transportation for abortions. they can't meet their enlistment and that's a disaster. i'm very concerned that we're actually being outgunned now and we have a navy that's under 300 ships under reagan it was 600 ships and further advanced on hypersonic missiles than we are and chinese are modernizing -- excuse me. the russians are modernizing their nuclear missiles and chinese are building them as fast as they possibly can. we're doing none of these things. it's got 19% increase for epa budget and 3% for the defense budget when it ought to be reversed in so many ways. i just feel like we're hollowing out our ability to defend ourselves and psychologically we don't have a president or administration explaining the real dangers this country faces. >> you're right. they don't understand the supply chain starts and ends in china. so if you're going to fight a war with china for example, where are you going to get all parts and pieces to support that war machine. that's a challenge we face. we have to go back to eisenhower strategy after world war ii before the cold war and that was really too muster or resources and build our industrial base, focus on science and technology and mother and fathering, building our economic capacity here at home while we basically use nuclear weapons as a deterrent. we're going to have to pull out the same strategy. we cannot -- back then we could not meet the power of the soviet union here in china and we have to focus on nuclear weapons and go back to a lot of same cold war strategies that we had before. >> how about reagan strategy for defeating the soviet union and sounds like what you're talking about and building the strongest kick ass chicago on the earth and strongest technology possible and building up the military as well and all starts with the economy. that's your point. >> that's correct. don't forget that reagan had the benefit of a number of administrations that were pursuing this very limited, you know, conventional military budget focusing on nuclear weapons and using most of the money to build our industrial base, our productivity and ability to then he could turn to that big industrial base and big science and technology investment that they've made over several decades and say let's basically end it here. the chinese are repeating the same strategy and we're on the other side and they own the industrial base and they're using our investment against us and our ability to help them in terms of technology, talent and capital. we have to stop that and bring that back home and we have to guard ourself. it's going to take a long time. it's not over in a couple of years. it'll be decades. >> we'll be right back. >> welcome back, america. we're here with former u.s. air force brigadier general rob spaulding. general, we're on our own unilaterally making it impossible to be independent and we climate change and all the other ideologies and the tier reigns leadings. what does that do to the national security? >> terrible. i was in the military and looking at how do we get our refined oil in the pacific? well, it's from factories that are primarily owned by the chinese communist party where the contracts are owned by hip. not even just producing energy but the ability to refine oil is something we have offshored and we've offshored and don't have the capacity to produce it ourselves and this means it were sleetly relying on china and not just energy and instrategies structure base and most large power transports come from china and our -- a lot of telecommunications technology come from china and think about it. the ability to shut things off or control things is what is part of their strategy and i was a b2 guy and i would take it out and today they can turn it off either because they own the product that's being built or they have put malware inside of our systems. so they have basically played the long game and we have been asleep at the wheel. >> i have to believe in his diminished state, joe biden joes some of this and i have to believe that the joint chiefs know all about this. i have to believe that even the civilian leadership for the pentagon and elsewhere know all about this. i have to believe the intel agencies and defense committees, intel committees on congress know all about this. why the hell aren't they doing anything about it? >> because, we've been thinking about national security as an away game. we have forgotten about the homeland first and during the first cold war, we were protecting the instroketure and highway security benefits and now we need a dick emberdal national highway system and not something the joint chiefs think about and not something national security council think about and more about we need f35s, we need aircraft carriers but you know what, this country goes down from say like an emp and we shutoff the grid or shutoff communications and all the systems that we had back during the first cold war, none exist and we had this warning on our cell phones two months ago. how are you going to get that warning when the cell networks are all down because the single nuclear weapon and doesn't have to come from chai that . can come from north korea, come from iran so we have just neglected homeland defense thinking that in the post cold war world, would war i, we could do an away game. we have to get back to building resiliency and security here at home first. >> general, i want to thank you for your service and i want to thank you for coming on. we're going to have you back. general rob spaulding. god bless you, my friend. >> thank you, god bless. >> we'll be right back. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ welcome back, america. i went to close the program by making first guest on those topics, the second and those topics. national review conducting operations in the biden administration should i read, heavy hand here in the united states. national security and immigration are linked american security relies on secure borders, relies on a growing healthy vibrant economy. relies on decision-making that takes prudence and practicality, the guiding principles when comes to foreign policy, none of those things are happening in america. on top of that you have what we call a fifth column. the fish : is the american media which you hate the country and populated with people who hate the country who do not speak objectively do not provide the truth but i'll see you tomorrow night month life, liberty and levin. ♪ ♪

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,Monarchs ,Time Line ,Saudi Arabia ,British ,Jordan ,1920 ,Anything ,Arabs ,Same ,Muslims ,Military Dictatorship ,Mig ,Tear Dictatorship ,Country ,Something ,Caliphate ,Set ,Muslim Hood ,Persian ,23409 ,Democracy ,States ,Complicated ,Arab ,Difference ,Hamas ,Billions ,Two ,Peace ,Terrorist Entity ,Piling ,Hamas Cannot Build ,Fear ,Iraq ,What S Going On ,Yes ,Ma Am ,World ,Part ,Project ,Scholars ,Textbooks ,Administration ,Interests ,Thing ,Art ,Public ,Conglomerate ,Aggregate ,Orphan ,Practicality ,Donald Trump ,Scrap ,Basics ,Trump ,Work ,Help ,Abraham Accord ,Peace Arrangements ,Book ,Play Book ,Play ,View ,Respects ,Shots ,Robin Lou Baits ,Morand Ick ,Obvious Mental Condition ,Assimilation ,Militaries ,Assimilate ,Balance ,Money ,Put ,Rearmed ,Interest ,Regime ,Overthrow ,Girls ,Freedom Fighters ,Grasp ,Policy ,Point ,Appeasement ,Nuclear Weapon ,Spear ,Indoe China ,Chai ,Kinds ,Pressure ,Trade Routs ,Soil ,Trade ,Trade Restrictions ,Restrictions ,Flakes ,Amounts ,Todd ,Soldiers ,Wall ,Dollars ,Discussion ,Nukes ,Eye Shape Phony ,Funding ,Council ,Utes Arkansas Houthis ,Terror Cells ,National Security Adviser ,Secretary Of State ,Ways ,Pause ,Coat It ,100 ,Terrorist Regime ,Kill Americans ,Propaganda ,Israelis ,Bleeden ,Cultures ,Care Craft Carriers ,Fire ,Miss ,Navy ,Bases ,Locations ,Will ,Scenes ,Damage ,Ronald Reagan ,Freighters ,Excuses ,Left ,Netanyahu ,Radicals ,Hated ,Nobody Bedder ,Ya Hue ,World War Ii ,Billionaires ,Estate ,Parties ,Soros ,Ukraine ,Isolationist ,Exes Exasperation ,Equipment ,Russia ,Late Wuation ,Way ,Fires ,Carson ,Civilians ,Regimes ,Gaza Strip ,Boarder ,Blame ,Bridge ,Movie ,Aleck ,Kawhi ,River ,1957 ,Pow Camp ,Japanese Empire ,Guinness ,Are Brutalizing American Yayanks ,Pow Camps ,Slave Labor ,River Kwai ,Platoon ,Nickelson ,Commanding Officer ,Location ,Troops ,Members ,Order ,It ,Architecture ,Train ,Plunger ,The Bridge ,Silt ,Tnt ,Sot Water Goes Out ,In The End ,He Wouldn T ,Cr ,Dying ,It Didn T Matter ,Enough ,Parallel ,Enemy ,Individual ,Sing Fants ,Accolades ,Businesses ,Solar Flare ,Bacon ,25th Hour ,25 ,25 7 ,Snoring ,Ticking ,Power Nap ,Vote ,Overtime Approvals ,Havoc ,Stocks ,20 ,Solutions ,Payroll ,Designs ,Adp ,Hr ,President ,System ,Steven Miller ,Steven Miller Immigration ,Special Adviser ,Articulation ,Wife ,Founder ,Organization ,Things ,Midst ,Knacksal Security ,Border ,Terrorists ,Nation ,Miscreants ,Abrowned ,Safety ,Measure ,Dam ,Ogive A ,2025 ,Nationalist ,Immigration ,Dracula ,Ban ,Policies ,Families ,Children ,Immigrant ,Immigration Plan ,Term ,Cages ,Immigration Policy ,Jot Trump ,Lier ,Labor ,Effect ,Crime ,Form ,Networks ,Healthcare System ,American People ,Slavery ,Drugs ,Harms ,Collapse ,Exploitation ,Ons ,Office ,Horror ,Horrors ,Evils ,Joy Reed ,Cartels ,Smearing ,Petulance ,Atrocities ,Thousands ,Terrorism ,Lives ,Honor ,Goal ,Jihadists ,Figures ,Folks ,Platform ,Dozens ,Courts ,Prime Time ,Elsewhere ,Msnbc ,Teeth ,Lie ,Cnn ,Environment ,Rhetoric Signaling ,Contradiction ,Audience ,Direction ,Monstrosity ,Drabbing ,La ,Weaponization ,Racest ,You ,Patriot ,Boarders ,Security ,Citizen ,Healthcare ,Advocacy ,Welfare ,Education ,Open Borders ,Lefted ,Travel Ban ,Social Fabric ,Ability ,Baseline ,Backgrounds ,Territory ,Control ,Video Intelligence Agency ,Test ,Meaning ,Immigration System ,Safe ,Tasks ,Privilege ,Guess What ,Four ,Issue ,List ,Majority Husband Lick Countries ,Chance ,Point Out ,Majority ,Joy Reid Doesn T ,Problem ,Ilk Support ,Anywhere ,Name ,Tree ,Memories ,Balsam Hill ,Gear ,Airlines ,Passengers ,Holiday Travel Season ,Tsa ,12 ,30 Million ,Gas Prices ,News ,Roads ,40 ,50 Million ,Propalestinian Demonstrators ,Cities ,Traffic ,Streets ,Protests ,Aid ,Downtown Chicago ,War Rages ,Cut Off ,Demonstration ,Levin ,Rallies ,New York City ,Jon Scott ,Back ,Mesh ,Stay ,Representation ,Markist ,Let ,Media ,Millions ,Presidency ,Cbs ,Vsnbc ,Sex Trafficking ,Mote Row Politan ,Drug ,Area ,Women ,Tens Of Thousands ,New York Times ,Teenagers ,Business ,85000 ,Steps ,Constitution ,Strike ,Sir ,Coauthors ,Issues ,Dispute ,Impeaching ,Impeachment ,Articles ,House ,Republicans ,Senate ,Drug Trafficking ,Human Trafficking ,Smuggling ,Violation ,Impeachment Process ,Annuity ,Immigration Statutes ,Reason ,Power ,Dbacks ,Oman ,Concern ,24 ,Jewish State ,Disease ,Mind ,Wantly Disallows ,Nation State ,Sovereignty ,Feeling ,Affinity ,Coherent ,Thoughts ,Idea ,Flow ,Institutions ,Virtue ,Masses ,Trust ,City ,Value Set ,Language ,Community Bonds ,Process ,Integration ,Fact ,Criminal Trespass ,Inaction ,Taxes ,Homeland Security ,Social Security Number ,Amnesty ,Working Illegally ,Department Of Labor ,Doj ,Communities ,Livelihoods ,Consent ,Laws ,Aliens ,Alienses ,Number ,Democrats ,Society ,Rule ,Rules ,Capitalism ,Tracking History ,Trash ,Wide Open ,Culture ,Mark ,Individuals ,Target ,Take Care Of Yourself ,Welcome Back ,Back S Fr ,Rob Spaulding ,Brigadier General ,U S Air Force ,Sound ,Hudson Institute ,Rob Spalling ,Xi ,Military Given ,All Over The World ,Poison Ivy League Eggheads Reengineering The World ,Priority ,Pacific Forces ,Campaign ,Wait ,Europe ,Japan ,Chinese Communist Party ,Great Power ,Resources ,Rise ,Terms ,Invasion ,Competition ,Led ,Ewe Scran ,Cold War ,Everything ,Shoe ,Everybody ,Ideology ,Wave ,Conflict ,Authortarianism ,Global Islamism ,Strategy ,Air Force ,Threats ,Three ,Transportation ,Abortions ,Big Battle For The Department Of Defense ,Whole Epiepisode ,Disaster ,Enlistment ,Outgunned ,600 ,Chinese ,Russians ,None ,Fast ,Modernizing ,Budget ,Defense Budget ,Increase ,3 ,19 ,Parts ,Pieces ,Supply Chain ,Dangers ,Example ,Big Industrial Base ,War Machine ,Challenge ,Eisenhower Strategy ,Focus On Science And Technology ,Weapons ,Capacity ,Mother ,Deterrent ,Fathering ,Soviet Union ,Technology ,Military ,Kick Ass ,Sounds ,Starts ,Chicago ,Earth ,Benefit ,Administrations ,Most ,Conventional Military Budget ,Investment ,Productivity ,Science ,Talent ,Side ,Home ,Capital ,Couple ,General ,Unilaterally ,Climate Change ,Factories ,Ideologies ,Tier ,Leadings ,Terrible ,Pacific ,Energy ,Contracts ,Hip ,Sleetly ,Telecommunications Technology ,Power Transports ,Instrategies Structure Base ,Systems ,Product ,Guy ,Malware ,Chiefs ,Game ,Asleep At The Wheel ,Joes ,Intel ,Defense Committees ,Leadership ,Congress ,Pentagon ,Away Game ,Hell Aren T ,Homeland ,Instroketure ,National Security Council ,Highway ,Aircraft Carriers ,Benefits ,Dick Emberdal National Highway System ,Warning ,Communications ,Shutoff ,Cell Phones ,Emp ,Say ,Grid ,We Shutoff ,Homeland Defense ,Cell ,Cold War World ,North Korea ,Building Resiliency ,Service ,Friend ,God Bless You ,God Bless ,Dog Barks ,Dog Walking Business ,Car Insurance ,Hundreds ,Bunny ,Liberty Mutual ,Pay ,Topics ,Guest ,Second ,Program ,National Review ,Hand ,Operations ,Decision Making ,Borders ,Principles ,Fish ,Top ,Fifth Column ,Tomorrow Night Month Life ,Truth ,

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