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eric: at the intensive ferocious sounds of war the idf continues to encounter fierce fire fights with the terrorist fighters of hamas. new video appears to show israeli airstrike on a hamas command center in gaza bird that follows an announcement by the israeli military it will expand its campaign to wipe out the terror group completely. this is the idf announces five e soldiers who range in age from 19 -- 23 years old have been killed bringing the total so far 256. this is a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am eric shawn. arthel: i have arthel neville patients at gaza's largest hospital fleeing for their lives leaving behind people too sick to evacuate and the doctors who are caring for them. idf says it allowed humanitarian pauses and fighting today so residents could leave in the senior advisor to the israeli prime minister says that will continue but there is still no plan for a cease-fire. >> it is important to distinguish between humanitarian pauses which we have done and are doing and will continue to do. the people have to understand gaza is not a democracy. gaza is ruled by a very futile authoritarian terrorist group. every time you hear someone around the hospital area saying we've never seen hamas here you have to know they can't say anything else. if they did say anything else they be in serious trouble with their local authorities. arthel: alex hogan is alive in northern israel with the latest from there. >> hi arthel you can probably hear the loud tanks and behind me firing off in the distance but we see a lot of crossfire right now between idf and has blood it was earlier today the said they struck multiple sites across the border. the country's defense minister traveled to this part of the country today reiterating a statement we have heard before warning hezbollah if it strikes israel will be ready. meanwhile this is a look further and the south we can cease and the video released today by the idf that targeted posterior weapons warehouses and centers in gaza. israeli soldiers are expanding their ground operations still searching around the hospital where they say they will now help now help with evacuations but soldiers are tracking down those tunnels in an effort to dismantle hamas into find those hostages. this is the footage we can show you of the thousands of people who have gathered at a rally for these are family members of the hostages and loved ones and supporters. tens of thousands in march of this week from tel aviv to jerusalem in support of raising awareness and calling on the government to do more to bring them home for tonight we heard them chanting 40 that is in regards to the roughly 40 children kidnapped these families are demanding at least their imminent release. effective gaza conditions are worsening for palestinians who are displaced. those who are homeless and wounded. now flooding hospitals in southern gaza medics and gaza say one israeli strike today killed nearly 50 people. major protests taking place around the world in response to some of these images coming out of gaza of the destruction there. now back here we are continuing to hear the crossfire these are tanks stationed along the border watching the skyline. we routinely see the skyline horizon separating israel and lebanon light up in this red glow likely will continue to see that tonight. >> yes we heard at the top of your life a shot there, alex hogan thank you very much. eric: back your home president biden is facing some growing backlash from his own administration as well as progressive members of his party over america strong support for israel. hundreds of government officials have signed an anonymous letter demanding the president called for a cease-fire himself. lucas of tomlinson alive with the latest in the white house on this. >> hi eric in the past two hours president biden's publish an op-ed in the "washington post" pledging his support for israel and ukraine writing quotes both puthe putin and hamas are fightg to wipe a democracy off the map. america cannot and will not let that happen. pro- palestinian protests continue here in the nation's capitol there is mounting criticism as you mentioned after the anonymous letter from officials over 500 of them for nearly four dozen agencies demanding a cease-fire but there's also another letter circulating this one not anonymous for more than 100 former members the obama biting a menstruation praise the president early on fox a democratic member of the house armed services committee had a message to the if you do not like your job you can quit. >> many people within the government serve at the pleasure of the president. and if for whatever reason they are not onboard with what it is the pres present is doing they e options. >> ahead of thanksgiving present biden and the fi first lady will head to naval station norfolk tomorrow for the largest navy base in the world and home to uss gerald ford and eisenhower strike groups. ford is under maiden deployment was supposed to be home for the holidays. she was extended due to the war ike was supposed to replace certain out she is outside the persian gulf along with destroyer cruiser and submarine escorts to keep an eye on iran. present biden turns 81 on monday perhaps that navy will surprise a committed to for the cake or seeing him happy birthday unless ordered not to do so. speaking of the u.s. military it has been over 60 attacks against u.s. forces in the middle east over the past month for the u.s. has retaliated with airstrikes three times. one for every 20 attacks do not forget that $32 million reaper drone was shot down off the coast of yemen. eric: you hope tehran gets the message. lucas tomlinson at the white house, lucas thank you. >> the fact of the matter is, israel has a right to defend itself. we saw the vandalism at my local office just recently. this is simply unacceptable. arthel: texas republican congresswoman monica speaking to fox news business after protesters vandalized her texas office with anti- israel messages. she is not the only lawmaker dealing with fallout from the israel hamas war. vandals also hitting new york city office of democrat congresswoman -- congressman danna goldman yesterday leaving pro- palestinian graffiti. earlier this week protesters trapped several ho house democrs including members of leadership inside dnc headquarters. outside they called for a cease-fire in gaza and confronted police allegedly punching a female officer and a pepper spraying others for joining me now california congressman there i said. congressman i know you are a republican are you able to tells anything more about what happened outside dnc headquarters wednesday? >> i was about a block away looking down and could see a little bit of it. the thing that disturbs me shows me these are violent protesters. pepper spray is granted not fatal but it certainly is an attack on police. there is only one arrest. i have sent a letter asking for a question of with the video and they have why they are not arresting additional amount of these so-called protesters who turned violent. what are the challenges we have in america as i support nonviolent protest i support free speech. but you've got to stop there when they don't stop there they are just criminals and they need to be arrested. that goes regardless which party or who they are trying to intimidate. this was group intimidation. revive as you said, there are some protests of course that are peaceful. but what concerns you most about the direction some of these protests have taken? >> what concerns me most is a question. and that is why are they so coordinated? who is funding them? i have no problem with those who have well-placed sympathy for the innocence on both sides of this issue. but the reality is there was a violent unprovoked attack against israel. 1400 plus dead. we have seen the videos on a bipartisan basis we have had to watch the atrocities as they were picked up on a body camps in some cases by the terrorists themselves. this is a war that does have to happen and does have to eliminate the ability to have these attacks. i appreciate the protesters and i am like everyone else calling for the minimum loss of life that minimum disruption of innocent people. but just as we reacted to our at 911 there has to be a response to the unprovoked attack and murder of over 1400 is rarely men women and children. >> i want to play sound right now from fbi director christopher wray on threats inspired by the war you're talking about the israel hamas war let's take a listen. >> the biggest chunk of these threats that have been reported into us by a good margin are threats to the jewish community. the synagogues, jewish or prprominentofficials, things li. we also have a large number of tips and leads related specifically to hamas radicalization and recruitment. arthel: everything is in the messaging. hamas, the terrorists now using israel's response to their terror attack on israel for workroom and rattle radicalization. the counter message and how should that be put forth? allowing the press to be along with the idf to see that in fact they are and should be using the appropriate rules of war. we thought a 20 year war in afghanistan a similar but shorter war and iraq. we did so with the press at our side so there could be a clear understanding that war is inevitable. there are rules to it and those rules should be obeyed. i trust the israelis are obeying the rules but they wear uniforms. hamas does not wear a uniform. so at any time somebody can go from looking like a civilian to attacking and that is at the idf is facing. and so i do think there are ways we can mitigate. i think people on both sides have to understand it is not our country and they are reacting to their country the weight we reacted when we were attacked. >> yes, yes. listen tell me too wrap but i do and to ask you this question congressman and i want to ask you, is it time for a cease-fire? for maybe a week to free hostages, give innocent palestinian civilians a chance to escape? >> i'm going to give and if. if hamas was h a turn in all of their hostages and they want a cease fire in return for the turning over of those 200 or so and the accountability i am sure that would be listened to that the idea there be a cease-fire in the hope they can begin long and protracted negotiations when weapons get recharged. i don't think it's practical and nothing any military would do that without a good reason to do it in advance. arthel: it's a big f how do you trust them? we will keep watch this as well house of foreign affairs. >> there's not a lot of trust in that region. arthel: it is so distressing i must say. we have no more time congressman it's nice to see it anyway, beautiful san diego. you used to be my congressman when i lived there, nice to see you, thank you. >> come back anytime. arthel: thank you. mark: for president trench is in fort dodge, iowa just took the stage if we take a look at. campaigning there you see the former president, as the caucus less than two months from now the president, the former president one of the several republican hopefuls who are now campaigning in the hawkeye state. along with former president he was leading the race in the republican primary. two others are also campaigning following all this in fort dodge, iowa live mark meredith with the very latest on how the campaign is going. hey mark. eric, good afternoon to you. we are less than 60 days away 58 to be exact until the iowa caucus for you right before president just took the stage behind me for the biggest or not we have seen us on the political events in the last few days. a few hundred people out here it is packed gymnasiums certainly has signed for the trump enthusiasm. that is still out here in the first caucus for the first contest states for the chubb campaign not running the traditional caucus playbook we have seen from other campaigns been said going to the individual houses in the small diner's and said the president doing the former president during an event like this he's able to fly in, do commit to caucus telling people what they need them to become generally 15th and fly back out. as opposed on the other candidates like desantis and haley will schedule three or four events of the same time. the former president though is going to be very eager to try to generate some of the momentum he had four years ago in 2020 of 2016 however elastic caucus but we are looking to see whether or not there's a change of pace from what happened back all those years ago. but as i mentioned is not just a voter present has harassing nikki haley, governor desantis was campaigning with the governor of iowa, kim reynolds who just endorsed desantis a few weeks ago. there's a little bad blood here in the state of iowa between trump and governor reynolds but we'll see if he calls her out from the podium here. also look at how massive our president talks about the bite administration. lucky us of his remarks today so i attacked us of the greatest hits about crime right now is way to talk about the war in israel. is what the top of the u.s./mexico border but he is expected to go down and visit tomorrow. looks alright they'll be interesting visit in iowa live thank you. arthel: the breaking news in brazil. taylor swift is postponing tonight's show in rio de janeiro. after a young fan died during her concert there last night. some 60000 attendees and a real packed into the stadium yesterday. they were not allowed to bring water inside with the heat index which combines temperature and heat hit a record 138 degrees. reports say swift had to stop her show multiple times as fans begged for water. she posted a hand written note on instagram after the show thing she had a quote shattered heart i would not speak about the incident. swift does not announce a new date for tonight show but she is scheduled to perform an oreo again tomorrow night. back to our top story israel facing pressure on the world stage as more countries demand a cease-fire in gaza. reaction from a former israeli diplomat, that is coming up next. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. revert to cap facing int intense backlash after praising obama osama bin laden letter went. he publishes twist as justification for the attacks of 911 back in 2002. lawmakers have renewed calls for a nationwide tiktok bay on the jewish celebrities met with company executives to voice their anger. alexandria hoff has more. >> videos promoting the letter are still really easy to find the trend comes off almost like an ad or a paid clothing review with creators making their identical claims that lot into words launch them into an existential crisis. here's a few. >> energy to stop what you're doing and go read a letter to america. it is literally the craziest thing i've read in a while. while i cannot say i'm not surprised i am pretty shocked. but this is not an argument for bin laden but he actually some good points as we are seeing eclectic days and and that quees out about the but the rest of it he was eating her quick seedings over the years and for someone doing a really good job at something. this is amplified to fear the chinese own tiktok is coaching young americans to naïve and misguided belief systems. tiktok is simultaneously fending off claims of anti-semitism. executives mowed jewish leaders and celebrities as companies denying the platform favors pro- palestinian content it's reignited calls to ban the app. >> at the idea bin laden was a prophet and a hero who was it predicted that israel is the little saint in it we are the great stay tuned. that is what china wants them to believe produce what russia and that is what iran wants them to believe reports fox news digital did get in touch on the tiktok influence and that went viral for promoting osama bin laden's letter as a pro- palestinian activists who stated this quote i did not share the letter to promote any form of hate or violence against anyone nor do i agree the extremism and it put as shocked by what i had read and wanted to have a conversation about it with my followers added tiktok band her account. we five alexandria hoff thank you. >> these repeated calls by the global community must not be ignored but implemented at once. there must be acs fire and human rights grounds and end to the fighting. eric: that is the calling for acs firm but who is he said should do it? hamas israeli prime minister netanyahu continues to reject the calls for a prolonged cease-fire in the war against the terrorist group. saying the idf has eliminated thousands of terrorists saying we will continue to fight until victory until we destroy hamas and bring our hostages home. demonstrators are on the world have been taking to the streets also this weekend. several countries have recalled ambassadors to jerusalem and protest in tel aviv. but why are they not condemning the atrocities of hamas and the continued attacks against the jewish state question at former israeli diplomat joins us he served in york and elsewhere for the israeli foreign ministry and joins us now. what seems to get lost in all of this is the prime minister says he will agree to a temporary cease-fire if hamas releases the hostages sprayed was that the responsibility for what the global leaders are calling for, doesn't that rest with the terrorist of hamas? maxwell eric, first about thank you for having me. the absolute correct the one missing word from the officials you see especially the united nations in those international organizations is the word hamas. those people were very quick to forget on october 6 there was an active cease-fire between israel and hamas and what happened the day after? against innocent is israelis and too many forget the reason why we are here. in addition strategically speaking right now cease-fire is hamas 's goal. they want to survive and if there is one thing that is clear israel has no intention of allowing them to survive. now when it comes to the humanitarian situation on the ground, the idf has been doing a remarkable job in facilitating the movement of civilians to safer areas but if anyone endangers those civilian it is hamas that's firing on those people and killing them. it is the idf that is protecting palestinian lives. hamas has no regard for a palestinian lives. >> why do you think that just get through to some the demonstrators and others that have been reports of hamas and killing the residents of gaza to prevent them from leaving to use them as human shields. that hamas they say want more gazans killed for that political propaganda purpose to try to get more sympathy on their side. how can this doesn't get through to some of these people? >> the ignorance is astounding it connects directly to the item you had about supporting bin laden in this tiktok generation and age. there is a deeply rooted animosity not just for israel but for the united states that seeps through all the arguments of so many of these protesters. i want to take it opportunity and present the challenge for all of these and on college campuses if you really support palestinians there is a way not for a temporary cease-fire but a complete cessation of hostilities if you really care about the lives of palestinians all that is to happen o does has need to put down their weapons and surrender to stand trial for the war criminals that they are for crimes against humanity and release the hostages if this happens or is not only a cease-fire the be no hostilities in that region you will have helped millions of palestinians will they meet the challenge, eric? eric: you do not hear that from them but what do you do hear from prime minister netanyahu as a personal w well deep-seated history of terrorism. he has dedicated his life against that personally has suffered that his brother wasn't killed in the raid. in 2016 a set in the prime ministers office and jerusalem and interviewed him about that. if here is his philosophy on hearing what to do to defeat those terrorists. here is his philosophy as he said it to me. >> the way you fight terrorism you fight the terrorists. you don't say i can't do anything because i have to defeat their ideas she will defeat their ideas but first defeat them. he did not say i will fight by first defeating their ideas first you defeated them. eric: desai continued to be his guiding light as he faces hamas? >> absolutely pray with all due respect to the ideology you have to defeat the military and political power so they will have no more governing power over the gaza strip the reality of october 6 is over there is nobody in israel in a decent civilized world that witness that kind of barbarism and will allow hamas evil to continue to control that part of the region knowing this is the basic precondition to achieve any stabilization and regional peace in the future. hamas cannot continue to exist as a viable force on her boulder in the middle east. >> finally there's a news conference a few hours ago in which they talk about the leadership indicating in the prime ministers where they are dead men walking. you've got billionaires taken pictures of them right now reported billionaires living the life of luxury protective, secluded and hezbollah trip tonight no problem in qatar. headhunter everett terrorists ououter member israel did with those who committed the massacre and 72? should they assassinate leaders are they dead men walking? will they pay an account for what they've done to the palestinian people? >> israel has a long and strong memory. i have no doubt the prime minister meant every word he said but i really think it's not just on israel. i think hamas has proved itself to be a stain on the soul of humanity wherever you have a leadleadership, hamas and finanl supporters, they all have to be banned and all of them need to be tried like the nazis were tried in the northern trials. this is a kind of evil we face as a civilized world and its barbarism not just a regional conflict between israel and a militia in the region. >> a stain on the soul of humanity. former israeli diplomat server 15 years more on the foreign ministry. thank you and thank you for your work. of course. >> thank you. comhelpful to prosecutors charga college with manslaughter after a jewish man was killed at a protest they are not pressing hate crime charges will hear from ted williams about that case coming up. with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans 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across the country today. check out this rally unfolding in nashville this afternoon. if you can't hide your committing genocide. israel, israel, you can't hide. your committing genocide. some caring sides genocide joke using genocide against that thepolicy and people calling one united states to stop sending a mimilitary aid to gaza. but it's illiterate by the minute, by the second and everybody dicing those images especially the younger kids are quick similar scenes unfolding in new york city hundreds marching on eighth avenue causing major traffic congestion during the evening rush hour the crowd stopped in for penn station blocking access to the main train hub and then out of the city over to the nation's capitol hundreds of protesters leaving behind this wall of handprints near union station with the phrase free at pals and on top fox affiliate reporting three people were arrested for the vandalism cleanup efforts are already underway. this morning on fox senior advisor to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu sharing what he believes a cease-fire would lead too. at mins hamas remains in power it means gaza remains a rule by a brutal organization. that means i are more violent n the road. i can understand emotionally some people think what stop the bloodshed it is a band-aid solution it's not a real solution in as a click fix. >> we are monitoring other pro- palestinian rallies here in new york city and throughout the country. hope to others because elite red handprints represent the blood of the innocent israelis massacred by hamas. thank you. >> i california manna pleading not guilty on the death of a jewish protester after a confrontation between pro- israel and pro- palestinian rallies the 50-year-old college professor was charged with involuntary manslaughter and battery in the november 5 incident but not a hate crime. the victim is 69-year-old paul kesler was knocked down while waving the israeli flag he suffered a head injury at autopsy to dete determine his ds a homicide. >> looking at the statements as well as the words that accompanied the act we cannot at this time meets the elements of a hate crime. but nevertheless we will continue to explore and investigate. bowellspring and civil criminal civil trial attorney ted williams. we'll get to the continued investigation and a moment but first if you would tell us about these charges. where they the right charges? >> i've got to tell you i do believe unfortunately under the circumstances that proper charges if you are looking at a hate crime you are talking about there must be evidence of bias, hatred or prejudice and those are substantial and motivating factors in the commission of the crime. under the circumstances here was charged with involuntary manslaughter. involuntary manslaughter is the unintentional killing of a person without malice as a forethought. he was also charged with battery. battery is the great oppression of a person and under those circumstances and the evidence presented the d.a. decided not to charge as a hate crime. arthel: can these chargers be easily prosecuted or more likely to be dropped on appeal? >> it is interesting. it's going to be based upon the evidence. as of last week that d.a. va interviewed at least 60 witnesses they had a 600 pieces of evidence and some of that evidence is videotape. all of those will be used in a trial. they will have access to that evidence of. it's going to be up to a judge or a jury to make a decision whether he is guilty of those charges. arthel: like you just said says they will continue to investigate the offense but will there be additional or up charges, ted? >> i can tell you there is always availability to a prosecutor. that prosecutor had other evidence come in that prosecutor can certainly upgrade the charges and more likely than not if the evidence was presented they would upgrade the charges to a higher offense of or perhaps a murder. >> this was a college professor who struck mr. kesler. how might this impact protest moving forward? >> that is a sad commentary h here. this was as a result of a protest. quite naturally in america we do have first amendment rights and we have the right to protest. we protest peacefully. under this circumstance the protest between the palestinian and the israeli demonstrators and as a result of that we have mr. paul kesler who is no longer here with us. that's very, very unfortunate. arthel: that is for sure. so i don't know when this trial is going to happen but i do not know if you know if this is something they'll be brought to trial soon? i've got about 30 seconds if you can explain that to us. that charge could exercise his rights to a speedy trial if that does not take know if you know this is something they'll be brought to trial soon? i've got about 30 seconds if you can explain that to us. the charge could exercise his rights to a speedy trial if that does not take place i anticipate the latter part of next year in this case will go to trial. >> okay ted williams as always appreciate your expertise. thank you very much, ted >> thank you arthel. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage ends december 7th. so talk to unitedhealthcare about getting more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with 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[laughter] thank you. they go eric good tips. eric: will have more news when we come back. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice? i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ eric: we are looking live in plains, georgia the home of a jimmy carter in the former president and his wife roslyn have lived there for many, many decades. that center has enough the former first lady was 96 years old has now entered hospice care at their home. the former president turned 99 years old last month. he has been in hospice care at home since february. ed a statement their grandson jason for the couple is enjoying spending their time with each other and their loved ones and their families. of course we have fox news send our very best wishes to the former president, the first lady and their whole family. >> yes, yes we do. listen, earthquakes are rattling iceland as experts warned of a volcanic eruption is imminent. residents back at the southern end of the nation last week are now told they may not be able to return home for months. bryan llenas is live in southern iceland with details. ryan, tell us more. >> arthel, iceland meteorological office said there's a high probability of volcanic eruption. behind mate you can see the sign with the line strength of the town of grindavik and the famous and blue lagoon hot springs this is closest anyone is allowed to go because grindavik was fully evacuated a week ago after thousands of earthquakes and cracks in the earth's damaging infrastructure buildings for the homes for fully evacuated previous still speak to those folks who live there, they are on edge. >> i waited on the other side for five hours just to go home to get some stuff for my home. and i'm not sure about the town. it's very hard to go there and see everything. >> the biggest threat with this particular eruption is lava. as a 10-mile long tunnel that runs underneath the town of grindavik they do not know where the eruption is going to happen but if it does it could happen in the middle of town they built defensive walls as well as trenches for that geothermal power plant and the blue lagoon from potential streams of lava. >> the intensity is, what has happened is we have more smaller earthquakes. what has lessened is the size of the earthquakes. but the intensity is still high. so the outlook is rather bleak in my opinion. >> as i mention this is not a classic volcano. this is a 10-mile long magma tunnel essentially scientists are monitoring to see where that eruption could happen. arthel: will take it here, brian. no it's okay it's okay. the outlook is bleak he says. are you feeling any earthquakes there since you have been there? is there any threat to air quality at all? >> yes. you do not feel the quakes they are thousands of many quakes which is a surprise to us they are magnitude one. the big concern is sulfur dioxide when it comes to those gases of this eruption happens. arthel: that stinks, the sulfur stinks can you smell it? >> yes it does. you can smell it from these springs and naturally. once it becomes eric tench can come to the fishers and the earth is when it becomes a real problem. ash is not the concern here it's the sulfur dioxide in the law but in this particular type of eruption. arthel: thank you bryan llenas be safe out there. that is an assignment for you. >> that is he said they will have two or three hours they say before they evacuate. so certainly we hope you willof get that p warning. , -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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Commentary H , Palestinian , Circumstance , Sure , 30 , Charge , Rights , Expertise , You Arthel , Ketoacidosis , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Risk , Stop Taking Farxiga , Infection , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Dehydration , Genital , Skin , Matters , Enrollment , Remember , December 7th , 7 , Prescription Drug Coverage , Exams , Orange , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp , Eye Exam , Eyewear Allowance , Lab Tests , Dollar , Call Unitedhealthcare , Services A , Doors , Healthcare Experience , Needs , All In One , Ucard , Business , Fan Experience , 5g Solutions , Game , Music Ends , Mlb , T Mobile , Chest Congestion , Type , Mucinex Dm , 5g Network , Bye Cough , Coughing , Relief , Cough , Bye , Hashtag , 12 , Comeback Season , Avatars , Parks , Holiday , Aaa , 55 Million , Holiday Rush , Destination , Airports , Test , Airlines , Airports Atlanta , 4 Million , Brush , Security Line , Starting , Troue , Passengers , Airport Authorities , Checking , 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Heavyweights , Realtime ,

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