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good afternoon. i'm bret baier in for martha maccallum. right now on "the story," president biden's education department now probing a handful of ivy league universities, colleges, even a k-12 district all reporting cases of anti-semitism or islamophobia as the israel-hamas war continueses to roil american schools. in moments, we'll go live where pro palestinian students are rallying against ethnic cleansing and genocide of palestinians. first, to molly line. good afternoon, molly. >> good afternoon, bret. the aim according to the education department is to take aggressive action to address the alarming nationwide rise and reports of anti-semitism, anti-muslim, anti-arab and other forms of discrimination. the seven schools under investigation, lafayette college, cornell university, columbia, wellsly college, the university of pennsylvania and the cooper union and maize college. >> the level of intensity is high. we need to match it with a level of response that meets the moment. we need to be listening to students and let them know that they will be safe in our schools. we won't tolerate hate or threats on campus. >> cornell and columbia are not commenting. the university of pennsylvania says the school is cooperating fully and taking comprehensive action to respond to anti-semitism. the wellsly incident involves an e-mail sent by dorm leadership declaring that there should be no space, no consideration and no support for zionism in the wellsly community. the schools said they made clear that anti-semitism has no place at welsley. miguel cardona anticipates this list of schools under investigation will grow. bret? >> thanks, molly. let's go now live to alexis mcadams at a pro palestinian rally getting underway in midtown manhattan. good afternoon, alexis. >> this is one of three protests planned in new york city this afternoon. these people are gathering in this specific location, bret, because it's in front of governor cathy hochul's office. the new york governor is complicit in the genocide being committed in palestine. these are students from different universities across new york city calling for their universities to step up and protect pro palestinian students saying all anyone is worried about is the students that are jewish on the campus. that's what they're talking about today. as we mentioned, it's not the only protest happening, but there will be lots of police and heavy police presence around as this group is calling on a day of action asking americans to take that action to demand an immediate cease fire saying israel is committing genocide and there's not two sides to the conflict. watch. >> we will not back down. we don't just ask for a cease fire. we ask for a complete liberation of palestine from the river to the sea. palestine will be free! >> and bret, still again this afternoon, you can hear the chants of the students calling from the river to the sea saying palestine will be free. barricades just like this one in new york city are set up as officers with the nypd will remain on high alert. bret? >> bret: thank you. let's bring in guy benson, fox news contributor, host of the guy benson show on fox news radio and harold ford jr., co host of "the five." i want to they this for you. this is from an n.y.u. jr. suing the school. she's fired up about it. take a listen. >> at washington square park where protests take place, i was confronted by someone who screamed at me, hitler was right and the good jews are the ones from germany. i really -- every night i think about this how somebody at an nyu event said this to me. i can see them in one of my classes. >> i think, you know, it's really visceral for a lot of students, guy. we're seeing this more and more on campuses across the country. you've written about northwestern and other places where you have seen this stuff pop up. these students are dealing with it day to day. >> yeah, i'm absolutely sick of hearing some of these students and faculty even talking about genocide from the perspective of israel perpetrating a genocide allegedly. what are earth are they talking about? yes, there's innocent people being killed because hamas uses innocent people as human shields. israel goes out of its way to avoid those types of casualties whereas hamas does the opposite. they try to inflict those casualties on their own people and of course on the jews and israel as we just saw 1 1/2 months ago. and yet the word genocide is misappropriated by the students and deflected on to israel. it's outrageous. we hear apar tied. that's another lie. the only jews but contrast in gaza are hostages. they dare accuse israel of being an apartheid society? it's an upside-down, 180 degrees from actual reality. i think when someone says there's no two sides to the conflict, i agree with that morally. they have it exactly backwards. >> bret: you know, harold, incidents against people supporting jews and the islamic faith have increased exponentially. 316% increase from last year. incidents of assault, vandalism and harassment. care, 216% increase from last year and requests for help and reports of bias. anti-semitism, islamophobia. your thoughts on this and the contagion that has happened around the country. >> first, good to be with you. first, college campuses are places historically where you've seen outcries, you've seen protests. places where you would hope we would have debate and dissent and people being stimulated by ideas. there's safe places for that. the different here and guy tried to touch on it in his opening is that there's no safe place on any campus where hate and anti-semitism and threats of violence or the predicate for making a statement or sharing an idea or approach. when a student or anyone says "from the river to the sea", i don't know -- i hope they don't know what they're saying. i'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. if they do know what they're saying, there's no place for that kind of language. i'm a graduate from the university of pennsylvania. we have our share of challenges on campus as others are as well. i'm hopeful that these young people that are protesting understand the history of protests and dissent in our country. you can't be at a protest for palestinian rights and at the same time peaceful and at the same time engage in violence against those that you may think or you think have a different view than you share. our college campuses will have to deal with this definitely. i'm proud and happy to see the federal government is looking into this. no jewish student for that matter, no students that shares the views that guy and i share about this issue should be threatened on any college campus for sharing our views and worse case for being jewish. >> bret: yeah, guy, quickly. acknowledge it's not easy being one of these administrators or a college president in a time like this. but you see these letters from faculty members, harvard, 100 harvard faculty members write this letter to president claudine gay condemn her anti-semitism statement. they say it can't be ruled as anti-semitic to question this nationalist government for can arguments that characterizal as committing genocide can be considered anti-semitic. these administrators are battling with faculty that clearly are -- have this point of view that is really making things difficult. >> and they want this both sidesism. if you're against anti-semitism and you create a task force against anti-semitism, which is exploding right now, you volunteer to include islamophobia, unless there's an imbalance and you're putting your thumb on the scale. it's accusing people of genocide, using that loaded word and turn around and the next breath and shout genocidal things. like from the river to the sea which has meaning. those words mean things. look at what exists between the river and the sea, it's the state of israel. they want it gone and scream in to fattah, killing jews. there's a lot of deceit going on right now. yes, you're right. it's very difficult for college administrators to handle and unfortunately this is a bed that they have made over years of allowing this kind of thing and this type of hate to seep in. >> guy, harold, thank you. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: the brooklyn office of dan goldman spray painted with the words "free palestine" and "let gaza live." you can see the words "blood on your hands" on the sidewalk there. the congressman's office says harassing and outright attacking the staff of a jewish elected official at a time of anti-semitism is dangerous and unacceptable. a blistering response to those on tik tok propping up osama bin laden from a group representing the families of 9-11 victims. we'll talk to a son that lost his father in those attacks later this hour. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you 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rosalynn carter is in hospice care. she's at home with her husband, former president jimmy carter who went to hospice care in february. he's now 99, she's 96. they have been married more than 77 years. the carter center says the couple is grateful for the outpouring of love and support. politics now. take a look at this. former president trump up by almost 30 points in new hampshire. about two months ahead of the first republican primary. 46% in a new "washington post" monmouth university poll. former south carolina governor nikki haley is in second place with 18%. and then former new jersey governor chris christie in third place. entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy and florida governor ron desantis round that poll out. so what about new hampshire and where things stand? let's bring in lee carter, polster. lee, good afternoon. you look at that poll, you look at recent polls. what do you see? >> well, i see it's going to be hard to take trump down. seems like he's got all the momentum and has for some time. it's interesting that nikki haley is making up ground but nowhere near enough and something drastic would have to happen for trump not to be the nominee. >> you look at those early states. that's where the competitors say this will turn. new hampshire being one of them. they envision that there's going to be some turn about, some shoe that drops that enables one of them to climb up to number 1 in iowa or new hampshire. you're saying that that is a heavy lift. >> it's a really heavy lift. doesn't seem like there's any indicator at this point that that is likely to happen. the president, the former president, is up by 20 to 30 points in about every poll and seems to be the one that people are looking for. the one thing i keep saying is that there is this fundamental belief among republican primary voters that this system does feel like it's rigged unfairly towards the left and they want someone to fight it. that person seems to be donald trump in most people's minds. it does not mean there's room for somebody else to come. we still have a few months to go. nikki haley has been making inroads. she has 35% of the vote. it's not terrible but nowhere what she needs to do to get that kind of momentum. a lot of activities are happening on the ground could lend her more credibility though. >> bret: meantime on the other side, the economy is really a major problem it looks like for president biden. if you look at our latest fox news poll. 78% of voters rate the economy negatively. either only fair or poor. then you look at any signs the economy has started to turn the corner is the worst over. yes,29%, no 67%. there's just a lot of pessimism out there. >> sandra: yeah, there is. i think this is a really bad sign for the president who has been trying to run on bidenomics. he's told americans the economy has never been stronger. he keeps pointing to the job market. that seems very much out of touch with how americans feel. that i think is his bigger problem than where the economy sits. if he would say i feel your pain, let's go through this together and i think he would have a better outcome. right now he's trying to convince people who feel terribly that things are never better. people are saying that their paychecks might be higher than they used to be, but they go less far than they used to. they see it in heating bills, across the board. despite the fact that president biden is making the argument, i don't think it's resonating and that will be a big problem for him. >> bret: it's how you feel about it. thanks, lee. new video of hamas weapons and ammo being stashed in elementary schools inside gaza. major libby weiss is standing by, a spokesperson for the i.d.f. 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bret. there's a bit of pressure on israel forces right now to show proof that justify why they went in to the al shifa hospital a few day ago. so far they've shown videos of weapon, other military equipment. they have yet to show the command center that hamas was using below gaza's largest hospital. so far the biden administration has backed up israel on this matter saying that they do too believe that hamas was operating underneath that hospital. they said their own intelligence assessments convince them that hamas was using al shifa not only as a storage facility but a command and control center. john kirby declined to answer any questions on whether israel shared any new information about what they have found so far. the white house hasn't changed their messaging. on the front lines, the fighting can getting more intense as the idf moves deeper in to gaza. the israel military announcing that they could be expanding their operation saying they will reach hamas where they exist including southern part of gaza. israel forces continued searching the vast shifa hospital complex saying that they found a tunnel complex. they spoke about the importance of allowing journalists in to gaza to see what they have uncovered. >> the various hospitals, in all of them, we're finding hamas terrorists, information and structures. it not been accident. the whole world saw this. we'll continue to expose this to the world. >> inside gaza, the humanitarian crisis is only getting worse. the hospital says all around in gaza they're running out of things like anesthesia for operations and they can't evacuate the sick due to the fighting. food and water is scarce as well. we learned that telecommunications have been partially restored. >> bret: i hear explosions in the background. what has the activity been like in the iron dome tonight? >> earlier today, there were rockets being fired from gaza in to central israel. we had to go to a shelter for a little bit while that all cleared up. the minute we got here, that has been the constant. you hear that outgoing artillery as well as you can hear choppers overhead as the fighting continues inside northern gaza. >> bret: jeff paul in southern israel. thanks, jeff. let's go live to tel aviv, spokesperson for the idf. major, thanks for being here. first, if you could, give us an update of where things are from an idf perspective tonight. >> thank you for having me. the idf is continuing to dismantle hamas and hamas infrastructure in the northern part of the gaza strip. at this stage, we have destroyed hundreds of tunnels and continuing really to hunt hamas wherever they are in the northern part of the strip. and to act very precisely within the shifa hospital where we continue to uncover hamas infrastructure and weapons. really things that have no business being in a hospital in the first place. we're continuing to do that with the focus on making sure that hamas can never strike us again. >> bret: you hear all of the protests, you hear the pushback about a humanitarian crisis. clearly they're feeling that inside gaza. you are trying and i talked to the israeli prime minister about having efforts to get civilians out of the way, trying hard to avoid civilian casualties and also help them in some of the dire needs that they have. explain some of that and what is exactly happening. >> absolutely. so we have taken several concrete steps in the last month to minimize the impact on civilians in the gaza strip. they are absolutely not our target. we're only striking hamas. the measures have included telling them to move from the northern part of the strip to the southern part of the strip. at this stage, more than 900,000 civilians have moved and more continue to move every single day. we've dropped more than 1.5 million flyers, more than five million phone calls and texts encouraging people to move. we do this out of a legal obligation and because we don't want to harm or hurt civilians. despite the fact that this gives hamas to a degree some sort of operational advantage. we're doing that nonetheless. we have civilians moving in an evacuation corridor that the idf is securing. we have seen in the past that hamas has actually struck its own civilians who have attempted to move from the northern part of the strip to the south. so we're securing them in that movement. and we're continuing the supply of humanitarian goods in to the strip. so really we're the only party in this conflict that has any regard for the welfare of civilians on either side. >> bret: major, i have a full seconds here. obviously hamas -- we talked about this -- tries to keep people in certain areas. they do use human shields. in the same breath, there have been thousands of palestinians killed inside of gaza. do you have a number on that? what that number is? >> i don't have a number to share at this point. i can say the loss of any civilian life is tragic and it's not something that we want and we take several measures to minimize that. it's something that we carry with us as we fight a horrific terror organization that intentionally targeting civilians here and in the gaza strip. >> bret: major, we appreciate the time. thanks for the update. >> thank you. >> bret: on a new episode of the untold story podcast, martha sits down with lucas tomlinson for a reporter's notebook for his coverage of the israel-hamas war. it's available now on foxnewspot tik tok doing damage control over viral bin laden propaganda. removing the #"letter to america" after it wrapped up 13 million views on the app. former army intelligence captain jeremy hunt weighs in on that next. health insurance. it's often hard to know which way to go. it's nice to have options, but too many can be confusing. for instance, if you have medicare, you may be able to get a plan with extra benefits if you know where to look. a licensed humana sales agent can help show you the way. take humana's medicare advantage prescription drug 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him in a bit. first to hillary vaughn with this story live on capitol hill. good afternoon, hillary. >> good afternoon. democrats and republicans have found a common enemy in ticket as bipartisan calls to ban the app or force a sale to the u.s. company have grown louder after the app has been used to push anti-israel and pro hamas content on the platform. >> at the end of the day, the chinese communist party has say-so over the algorithm. it's believing that they're promoting anti-american activity. not just on the case of what is happening in the middle east. >> tik tok denies that they are in control of the content saying it's driven by users saying that tik tok does not promote one side of an issue over side. our recommendation algorithm does not take sides. tik tok is in more trouble after that disturbing trend where tik tokers were praising osama bin la laden. they say it supports terrorism and the content is not unique to just tik tok. lawmakers say this is proof it's time to act before it's too late. >> for someone to suggest this is america's fault or bin laden who killed thousands of innocent americans was right is disgusting and further evidence that we need to ban tik tok or force a sale. >> brett, any congressional action on tik tok not likely to happen before the holidays or in to the new year. bret? >> bret: thanks, hillary. let's bring in jeremy hunt, former army intelligence officer that ran for congress as a republican in georgia. he's chairman of veterans on duty fighting for policies to keep america safe, strong and free. jeremy, thanks for being here. first, your 30,000 foot view of what we're seeing and reaction to what we just reported on. >> yeah, well, first and foremost, what is striking to me, for so much of this conversation we've been talking about how the chinese communist party that owns ticket has had unfetterred access to american youth data and information. now realizing that their pushing their own prop again to to america's youth. it's a two-pronged problem. people are waking up to it. you saw the statement that tik tok put out saying nothing to see here. we don't know what we're talking about. we don't allow this. i wouldn't believe that for a second. we know that it's probably no coincidence that as the chinese president was on american soil that pro osama bin laden videos were trending in the united states. we know they have a history of this. even after the october 7th massacre in israel, we saw pro hamas videos trending then. this is not some type of coincidence. we know they're mocking us. they're saying we can control american youth, they're saying we as the chinese communist party owning this app, we have unfetterred access to your children's data and we can push any kind of anti-american propaganda that we want. >> bret: jeremy, it's tougher now though to break this because maybe two years ago it would have been easier. now you have 150 million people using this thing. i managed to get my two kids off of it but it was like getting a barnacle off of the bottom of a boat. it was hard. so what do you tell people, one, for their kids and two, for the government to turn around and say we're not going to do it? we're going to ban it? >> yeah, i think you're right, bret. the reason why the chinese communist party has been so successful in using this app to push propaganda is because our youth are addicted to it. there's no doubt about it. it's the most dominant force of news for genzers in our country and owned by our largest adversary. that's a big problem. it's fueled by the addiction. two phases to this, too. on one end, we have people tomorrow scrolling. then we also have the other issue where these tik tok content creators are just so desperate for likes and follows and shares that they're willing to report videos of them praising osama bin laden who is responsible for the death of 3,000 americans, they're willing to put themselves oftentimes reporting videos and putting themselves in harm's way, instigating fights with strangers. all of these things so desperate for the affirmation of some bot on tik tok. that is a serious issue, too. that is a cultural issue that doesn't have a neat political answer, a neat political solution. a lot of that has to come from home. parents instilling values, doing what you're doing. saying in our house, we're not going to be on this app. >> bret: yeah, it was tough. there's 35 states if you look at this map that have banned tik tok on government devices. that's one thing. we're talking about bills to ban tik tok in the nation. do you think that happens? >> it would be very difficult to do so. even just like chairman gallagher of the china select committee, one thing he's looking at is saying how do we force a sale to an american-owned country. there's other solutions to look to. but doing nothing is not going to work. >> bret: yeah. jeremy hunt, thanks for your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> bret: mat bochy was 9 years old september 11th, 2001. his father worked at the world trade center. he never returned home. his message next. 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. >> bret: disgusting and appalling. that's what 9-11 families are saying about people defending the attacks that killed almost 3,000 people. the group 9-11 families united says "we strongly encourage these americans that are not old enough to remember the brutality of 9-11 to seek out reliable sources to educate themselves instead of forming their misguided opinions based on false tik tok videos." matt bochy lost his father on september 11th. he joins me now. thanks for being here. i'm sorry for your loss. after all these years, i know how tough it is, especially every anniversary. what is your thought when you see these videos and you see reaction to them? >> well, i'll share the same sentiment that the other 9-11 families share. this is hurtful and we're appalled. it shows the reality that these teens are being spread misinformation and how they're finding sympathy is beyond me and it's appalling. this individual was the perpetrator in a tragedy that took nearly 3,000 innocent americans, my dad included, this is hurtful to all of us. >> bret: you were 9 at the time. over the time, seeing -- trying to find out exactly what happened and seeing the footage of 9-11 caused you some problems in your life, right? >> it did. i was completely confused. i game obsessed with trying to find out what happened to my dad. i knew he made three phone calls before he died. over the years, i would obsessively research the footage from that day and thinking that i could find him in one of the photos or showed the people hanging out of the norths tower, this damaged my childhood and my adolescence. but unfortunately left for me to go through other tragedies draw mass. one is going down a path of drug and alcohol addiction. >> bret: you wrote a book about it, "sway", right? it details your story. the first book by a 9-11 victim's survivor, a family member who lost a family member. you put it to words. >> i wanted to show the world through my lens, through the lens of a child of 9-11 what i went through and the fact that that day was the beginning of a tumultuous journey for me. that is a day we forever remember. the fact of the matter is, myself included, we have our struggles in between. you know? i wanted the world to know that this is a day that forever changed my life. >> bret: so last thing. you know, you've had people reach out because of all of this stuff on social media. there's young people that don't understand. they don't know. they see these videos and they somehow are swept in all of this. you're concerned about it. >> the thing is, as i said before, it just shows that the children of our generation now are completely unaware of what really happened. they need to know the truth. they need to know who is responsible for taking the lives of 3,000 innocent americans. they need to know what actually happened. by just going through social media and tik tok and getting their news that way, they're not being told the truth, this is a cause for concern. they need to know what really happened and this was not a day that we can sit here and blame our country or blame our government for what exactly happened, right? this is something that we need to look at who was really responsible and hold them accountable. >> bret: you think tik tok should be banned? >> i think it needs to be monitored. if its owned by a u.s. corporation, maybe we can prevent some of this propaganda, this negative propaganda from being spread. i think that children are being polluted and brainwashed by what they're seeing on tik tok. that needs to be accounted for. >> bret: it's hurtful to you, your family and other families like you. >> 100%. this is my father that we're talking about. he was murdered on live television. so it's hurtful. as i said before, we're completely appalled by this. >> bret: yeah. matt, we appreciate your time, your story. wish you well. >> thank you so much for having me. >> bret: new york city mayor eric adams expected to help fund the migrant crisis by cutting back on cops. next. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ i was tired of throwing money down the rent drain, so to speak. after watching the admiral that just made up my mind, i said, i'm calling newday usa tomorrow. 70 more dollars over my rent. i'm actually owning my own home because newday usa focuses on the va homeloan benefit. that's their expertise. i felt like i would definitely get a better shake. the admiral said that my service is, you know, my down payment. for us that was important not to be able to have to put anything down. i was aviation in the marine corps, 30 some million dollar aircraft. if the country, american people can put that kind of trust and confidence, the equipment that we fix, literally $200,000 home. can you help me? can somebody put a little bit of belief in me? and i felt like i felt newday did do that. if you can afford rent, you can afford to own. to maximize that va loan benefit and not pay anything out of my pocket was tremendous. i had my doubts, but i don't anymore. >> bret: the surge at the southern border continuing to spill over in to the nation's big constituents including new york city. the major is slashing the police budget to deal with the crisis. gerri willis is live at the roosevelt hotel where the city is housing migrants. good afternoon, gerri. >> good afternoon, bret. the city says they're going to be spending $12 billion in taxpayer money the next three years. that means cuts for services for regular new yorkers. let's take a look at those nypd budgets over the next fiscal year. the nypd will have 132 million slashed from their budget. that includes $42 million for new recruits. it's not just the police. it's also the department of education getting a $547 million hair cut. the ndny, social services across the board, seeing big-time cuts. now digging in to the nypd for a second. over the next three years, you'll see a 13.5% personnel cut for police. that means fewer guys and women on the beat walking the streets, keeping people safe. that means there will be fewer than 30,000 police officers working in new york city. i want to compare that to 2019 when there were 36,000. here's the mayor. >> for months, we heard me talking about the fiscal challenges of cities facing the crisis have skyrocketed. places great strain on our budget. we've been cleared that without significant timely action from our state and federal partners, we will be forced to make some tough choices. >> and so new york city residents, their safety hanging in the balance. bret? >> gerri, thank you. take a look at this. massive cracks in iceland. an entire town has evacuated ahead of a volcanic eruption there. bryan llenas is live. what is it like, bryan? >> well, it's cold right now. also really there's a lot of tension. people are still listening to the scientists that say it's highly probable that an eruption could happen within days. you can see a line through the sign and through the world famous blue lagoon. there's a security checkpoint. the town has been fully evacuated. we did manage to speak to some people that were allowed to go back in to town to gather belongings for a few moments like photos and pets. listen. >> i'm very scared. i don't know what is going to happen. my husband and everything. i have lived in my house for 40 years. >> major infrastructure is broken. so we're getting electricity on and off. the landscape, it's here and there. but it's much, much better than i thought. >> iceland is preparing for potential streams of lava. the blue lagoon area has been protected in the event of an eruption. there's a tunnel of magna that runs under the town. they don't know where the ebb rep shun will happen but they're preparing for it to happen in the middle of town. there's been 2,000 earthquakes in the last 24 hours. it's a sign that an eruption is imminent. >> bret: before we go, next wednesday, november 22,ly be in naples, florida at the barnes & noble there. signing my first novel, "duel across time." it's a history book. it's a fun novel. if you're in the area, swing by. i'll be there at 1:00 p.m. that's it for "the story" friday, november 17, 2023. as always the story goes on. i'll be back at 6:00 for "special report." it will be a packed show. a lots of news from all week long. thanks for tuning in. martha will be back next time. 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