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>> make major question going into the weekend is this violent protest happening across the country. good morning everybody you've almost made it it's almost the weekend. thank you so much for sit staying yesterday. >> i got the best way to end my week was with you. you become inc. you for having me. >> you made a good choice. this is "america's newsroom" violent outside -- lawmakers were evacuated from the basement of the building in the capital was put on lockdown it is all of that just a taste of what's to come? >> pro-palestinian group posting a map of new york city targets, fanning the flames of anti-semitism burning since hamas lobsters attacks on th the dash that they are saying this threatening businesses and organization are referring to them as the enemy is exactly the kind of hateful rhetoric that seeks to divide new yorkers but it will work and quote. live in midtown manhattan is with us now is our corres correspondent. >> good morning the remove social media posts calling for the protests and businesses and news organizations claiming these places are helping to oppress the palestinian people. the pro-palestinian group within our lifetime says it's post was removed by instagram and meta but not before putting city leaders on high alert, councilman keith powers are writing on x -- this is an unacceptable invitation to senseless violence. the group coorganize this rally held in new york city's washington square park just yesterday. people are chanting for a cease-fire and calling for the united states to end its aid to israel. the protesters are cruising israel and also a major corporaf spilling blood and help her to commit against palestinians. one of several protest the group is held throughout new york city. this won't happen in times square in october 8th, not even a full 48 hours from the start of the surprised attack on israel. within our lifetime because itself and zionist group and says it quote resists the zionist occupation by any means necessary. many of these rallies are prehearing chants from the river to the sea calling for the annihilation of -- in the industry says this is not israel versus palestine and the terrorists must be destroyed. >> and we need the help of the word and the help of the united states and this is a great opportunity to thank president biden for his amazing support. we will never forget our friends. you folks have stood behind us at the toughest times israel ever had since its existence and we will never forget that. >> the nypd telling of his offices have been policing these protests and will continue to do the same. >> thank you so much for that. there is not this tool on college campuses. >> the level of intensity is really high and we need to match it with the level of response that meets the moment we need to be listening to our students let them know that there will be safe in our schools, that we are now can't tolerate hate or threats on campus. >> education secretary vowing to protect students as they try to end anti-semitism and ending islam ending islamophobia as well. he says that that might just be the beginning, those seven include cornell and columbia and wellesley and the university of pennsylvania. jewish students say they are afraid of going to class and he is saying that federal funding is ultimately underlined for some of the schools so let's watch those stories as it goes. >> we will indeed, we have recovered the body of the second is really hostage, the 19-year-old corporal was found in a hospital in gaza city. the same site hamas is using as a nature center of operations. they are alive from northern israel at this hour alex what is the latest? >> right now we hear the sounds of cannons and those are tanks on the border and a lot of tension here in the north and we traveled and there's another tank firing off we traveled to the northern series will rejoin the navy monitoring the border as they have not struck haifa multiple times and that's especially alarming because that is 30 miles past the border. with patrol boats watching the north and south by sea, these measures ships can be deployed within minutes to strike back. they have taken control of the main harbor in gaza. >> this is one of the navy's initial ships being used in gaza and they're trying to refill and then they were headed back to the battle in gaza ground forces are sending specific coordinates to the navy so it's just like this and they can take up his targets. >> in the south they are right now taking out targets like this -- these are observation posts in gaza but need today patients are filling the hospital after israeli strikes on work gaza health officials claim a residential building. for context, for all of that we have heard from the defense officials here saying that the batter could expand further south if hamas militants infrastructure are found there. meanwhile today in the central part of israel families of the hostages are marching to jerusalem this is a march that has lasted several days with those now feeling a sense of some bitterness after the last 24 hours they have found the bodies of two of those hostages in gaza near the major hospital of course sandra the last news of these families we are hoping for. >> thank you. >> meanwhile the jewish state in the jewish people under attack. mary baker might entail, a couple of things to get through and let's go through them quickly here, number one john kirby say you can go after groups like hamas but it's unlikely that you will eliminate them. they stole what we have seen over the past 20 years he's probably right about that because the ideology will live on mary. >> that is right, but what is the implication of that and what's the use of saying that they'll, israel has to remove its threats to its citizens and its doing just that but i ask a different question of kirby which is if you voiced support for israel that's wonderful but you can't on the other hand ignore iran continuing to develop its nuclear program and kicking inspectors out of the country and giving them $10 billion with the sanctions waiver. it is very schizophrenic policy and it's very dangerous. >> it's one thing to have the impact on the terror group that's happening in the world but it's another impact that we can have on the terrorist groups. here is john kirby on that. >> what we have learned through our own experiences that through military and other means you can absolutely have a significant impact on the terrorist group's ability to resource itself anti-train fighters and to recruit fighters into planner to execute attacks. >> this is such a big going to be a big part of that mary. >> and mean he acknowledges that we can do something about it, meaning that we can reimpose the maximum pressure campaign, we can do such sanctions on the u.n. or secondary sanctions and companies that do business with the run and were not doing any of the witch tells me we are just not serious about cracking down on the islamic republic of around the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism and the groups behind this attack affiliated with them. >> they are meeting with american business leaders i want to get to that in the moment but let me go this video of antony blinken shaking his head when president biden was asked about being a dictator watch this y year. >> he is. this is a guy that runs the country -- based on the government. >> you have that moment that we split the screen to see that it will type because we did that see that the other night would happen then "the wall street journal" writes about all these business leaders and these are big kids too. u.s. ceos on a chinese menu what you think about that meeting and whether or not you get what you want? >> first of all i love fighting he's right that he's being a dictator -- i wish she would say that more frequently and we have more bite and -- how deeplyembarrassing i the corporate leaders are going to look back to three or five years from now and be deeply embarrassed by that but more importantly and more immed immediately, the world can you justify investment in a regime that is rating foreign businesses and that is caused espionage law that allows them to go in and take whatever they want that hostile property rights and no rule of law which has completely eviscerated the financial center of hong kong i would ask not just of the ceos judgment but their fiduciary duty to shareholders. what are these boards of directors doing in places like honeywell for instance or thermo fisher or nike and what are we going to get proxy advisory firms asking questions about their fiduciary duty in their judgment. i tell all of our clients it's better to get out sooner rather than later. >> what a huge point and a huge question this is becoming a bigger and bigger topic. thank you so much mary. >> were he said the other night was that there's plenty of room for operation and they said this the day before and some of these business leaders say that they were disappointed with this message they want him to concede more i would ask what we would have expected in the first place going into seminary thank you for that. to new york city we will check this out. >> we are going to be leaning into parents and parent groups to do some volunteer isn't within a lead into a crisis management team we have to pull it and it's all hands on deck moment. >> new york is strapped for money in a big way that's the mayor on revealing budget cuts. cops are on the beat will come off you and have less hours. the mayor is blaming blaming the growing migrant crisis doesn't look like joe biden's can a help with this will get to that coming up. a bio lab covid test on u.s. soil now the feds indicting -- also looking at the holidays look out for folks like walmart and target they're giving us clues as to the strength of this economy. will there be good or nasty? >> what would you get me? >> i will tell you during the break in the brea beal will shake it down for us tell us. >> there not find the goods that they were during the pandemic. their front buying discretionara items. but there's no magic involved. 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>> that is right centro we are seeing huge cuts for all new york city departments as you say the big number $12 billion. that is the amount that is going to micah richards instead of other spending for the city let us talk about that and why pdd . hundred and $32 million that's the amount nypd will be cut over the next fiscal year and 42 million of that will go to classes for recruits. now we are seeing other department cuts as well for the fiscal year and the department of education will be cut by 547 million in the fire department will become by 74 million in social services 322 million. it really affects every bit of the city's budget. what does this mean as a practical matter? when it comes to the dash 3.5% cut -- over the next few years through 2025 we will see some huge cuts to personnel. beyond that as you mentioned there will be less than 30,000 police officers on the streets walking the beat and keeping us safe. and that it's back to 1990s levels. mid-1990s. that's the david dinkins era saw huge changes coming for all of these departments and here's what the mayor had to say you're sitting to this. >> for months, we've heard me talk about the fiscal challenges our city is facing is the cost of asylum-seekers has skyrocketed. placing great strain on our budget. it has been clear that without significant timely action, from our state and from our federal partners we will be forced to make some tough choices. >> so now, patrick and the president is saying that new yorker safety hangs in the balance, and here is his statement. this is can attend that nypd staffing crisis into a public safety disaster. our police officers are being worked to exhaustion and nine when one response times already rising. i just want to give you one example of the threats that we expect the nypd did they take of. it was a sweet formerly to eat now out yesterday which stated t people should rise up and protest by coming down on 13th institutions and many of them jewish right here in new york city a call for a -- i really so many serious stuff. back to you. >> thank you so much. the migrant crisis is forcing another city to make changes chicago board no limit asylum-seekers to 60 days. the first attempt to reduce city resources available to migrants it also comes a seated leadership is based in the blackface backlash from chicago, taxpayers over the micro search they have been speaking up loudly. >> it's been a bit of a love wide and stock market is retail giants repair, and target stocke in the highest gains in four years and walmart suffered its biggest loss in more than a yead the next day. the morning to you maria let's take you back two weeks ago, here is the ceo of target on cnbc and this is what he said then watch this. >> they are buying the stuff even food and beverage. so they're even tightening up the spending of those categories, so you are buying less apparel, items for your home, fewer toys, they are buying fewer discretionary items. they're not find the goods that they were during the pandemic. >> here is what we are trying to figure out were trying to read the tea leaves here and understand how the consumer is feeling about their own personal situation. which will show us what will happen over the holiday season. you studied it for years how do you see it as of today? >> that is exactly right. but we are seeing from the tea leaves is that people are buying less and buying fewer goods and they are being forced to spend more money on health care. that took a big chunk out of this quarterly numbers for the retailers. you mentioned walmart and walmart has something going for it is walmart a lot of people want to train down to a cheaper stuff they don't want to be paying sky high prices for things so walmart is actually taking market share from other people and market was able to report revenue was up to five and a quarter percent in the same-store sales were up 4.9%. it wasn't a great report obviously the stock traded down because the guidance about what is coming next and next year was really what investors are focused on with the warmer quarter but you have to say walmart is doing well compared to others because it's taking market share for that very reason we are all trying to trade down and get things for cheaper because when you look at retail sales there were up to.5% a look at inflation even though it is way down from the highs of the year ago inflation is still running a clip of about three and a quarter percent so the next story was just that for the retail earnings this quarter bill. we saw some positive surprises in some and people did see a decline in luxury spending and they are trading down to places like walmart and the expectations for the future are also quite worrisome because partly there's going to be a resumption of student loan payments do not forget that is going to take a big chunk of consumers disposable and discretionary income or spending plans out of the mix because they have to pay the student loans. so there is also not to worry about as well. good news here going into thanksgiving and thanksgiving dinner is going to be cheaper in a cost you 4% less than it did last year. in turkey is down 16% from a year ago but it's a mixed story. >> i was home in ohio last weekend and gas is decent. it's not what it was when barack obama was president. but our fox polling this week week put it up, is this any sign that the economy stake in the corner. in the worst is over 67% say no. what is the condition? 70% say only -- that there is there consumer sentiment. so you don't need walmart. you don't need target and you don't need the price of the gasoline that shows you how folks are feeling. >> it is true but we are still waiting for things to actually show the impact because this money we have housing data actually housing starts in housing permits were up and a lot of people expected him to be down so we still are looking for an economy that is growing but growing slower and continuing to slow down going into next year and has not been the significant impact of those higher rates that allow people expected we are waiting for that and we will see if things worsened substantially into the holiday season and into next year but right now it is sown of trending and stapled to lower not as big as an impact as one would expect giving 11 rate hikes. >> we shall see more over the weekend. thank you so much maria. >> click to see maria and it's nice see her thoughts on things the president yesterday acknowledged that voters are not feeling great about the economy but he doubled down on how great the economy is and that's a tough message that's a tough sell to voters. second think heavy talk about inflation yet. "wall street journal" wrote this out there are a lot of skeptic consumers out there that consume a lot of oreos and they noticed that there's less cream there taking pictures of this. the companies deny that fact but they're still watching out for that. twister oreos and take a look at this is a real story and i get economic environment all these companies trying to find a way to not raise prices but to lessen the amount of goods. >> and sometimes you just need to trim on the amount of edges. meanwhile republican candidate something in swing states this alex is the first of the nation caucus quickly approaches. we are live in iowa as they try to close the grab with former president donald trump and now nervous residents and iceman are now still looking for possible volcanic eruption we will get an update on the ground there, and now if you could be a long way home live at hartsfield-jackson. 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since the 2020 election we found in our polling this week that donald trump is up and independence 13 non-hispanics in those numbers are legit a year from now it's gonna be really, really interesting. lastly we found out here head-to-head matchups as of now we found donald trump four-point lead on joe biden and ron desantis five-point lead in nikki haley with an 11-point lead over joe biden so we're keeping an eye on this and we will see what happens in iowa and in new hampshire and then super tuesday right? >> very interesting stuff meanwhile candidates are hitting the trail and heading to iowa either to talk to state voters with too much to go before the first in the nation's caucus. mark meredith is live on the ground this morning he's got more from there hello mark. >> you are right, this is crunch time we are less than two months away from the caucus and those campaigns check to score those pivotal endorsements trying to stay competitive in this race the latest pulling out this week shows former president still dominating the race, his numbers up three points within the last month and for him to still pull in second in nikki haley catching up. donald trump will come to iowa tomorrow for caucus event but it is notable that he is skipping the high-profile event tonight with the family leader foundation a good christian conservative group he was invited to speak will likely to chose not to attend. instead three other geopolitical's again to be reaching the tape on the podium so think of it like a thanksgiving conversation just with more fighting. they may offer an endorsement as soon as this problem comes before christmas which could help that with evangelical voters. haley has a few event in iowa today she's been facing a lot of criticism from comments made earlier this week when she said all social media users but should be verified the campaign has tried to walk this comments back now haley is trying to address the growing outrage over social media users sharing old comments from's usama bin laden, she's calling it unacceptable for an overnight there is right it's right for foreign actors to exploit. >> debts that americans putting that on tiktok, that is our enemies putting that on tiktok because that's what they want, they want to divide and cause chaos in our country. >> florida governor ron desantis also in iowa as we mentioned the camping tells me that they are ready to go after haley but they're also ready to talk a lot about a high-profile endorsement they recently got in the governor violation of the campaigning this weekend and opening a campaign office right here in des moines sandra? >> what is happening there will be critical thank you so much mark. >> a federal grand jury has indicted a chinese national for selling unauthorized covert test kits and then lying about it with the fda what's going on here we are going in next what you have william white you have? >> this is one of the test kits that he's been accused of selling it says made in the united states but it was made in china and they didn't work. but those criminal charges don't begin to capture what really happened inside this vacant warehouse in central california where an illegal immigrant from china operated an unregulated underground lab. this man who also goes by five aliases pled not guilty yesterday to lying to federal officials in this leaving the medical products. but here's the lab when he was writing last year. dozens of freezers hooked to a wiring jars of and lab mice and soil continues and inspectors found refrigerators full of deadly viruses covert chlamydia e. coli hepatitis and hiv and malaria and ebola. >> hundreds of thousands of recalled medical test kits and a thousand white lab nights genetically modified for testing purposes. this was a true house of hor horrors. nestled next to an american school in the supermarket and a public water system. >> congress produced a report critical of the cdc and fda for failing to regulate private l labs. >> is a country was threatening us like china what better way to create havoc then to be able to spread through private labs all sorts of infectious diseases. >> it was owned by prc national and $330 million judgment and not standing against him for stealing property. >> unanswered hear bill what was this guy doing with ebola animalia if he's only making till vic kept test kits and how many other private labs out there are ha illegal viruses tht could cause the next pandemic. >> thank you so much certain intriguing stuff. >> the fox nation patriot award is honoring everyday people who do extraordinary things among them is tracy hardin from rolling fork, mississippi, tracy practice self and others into her restaurant walk-in freezer during a deadly tornado and much saving all of their lives the cast of the five in senior meteorologist presented tracy in a wonderful moment with the fox weather courage award. >> i want to accept this award and memory of the 14 nights and 14 friends we lost during the tornado. we are rolling and rising. before well-deserved there they were honored last night for going above and beyond in the name of patriotism and i love this event. i love learning more about great americans and great patriots. >> the thing about all those awards is that they didn't do any of that for attention and it getting it now but they did it because people needed something. and our hats are goes off to them. dana was down there check out this photo. there we go and wow that almost looks like the five. with janice so well done to the entire fox team down there in nashville. william is proud. nicely done. so we are waiting for the convicted murderer to show up in court ahead of his upcoming trial and state financial crimes but will we learn state soon you will find out with us. president biden suggesting that he could be replaced. was he just messing around or is there something more to this? >> just cleaning up the street of california factor into a presidential run? >> we are struggling in the state. housing and homelessness. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. >> watch the story you remembered the south carolina attorney he is back in court and his upcoming trial set to focus on the alleged financial crime that their concerns about the integrity of the jury. we are live in atlanta with the latest understory today. the morning so what can we expect hello. >> good morning several moving parts breakdown before he enters the courtroom late yesterday group jeff chris tennant recused himself over future potential murder trials now the south carolina supreme court has yet to rule whether or not he will in fact get a new murder trial due to allegations of jury tampering court clerk who does deny those allegations. in the meantime he will be in court today and we believe he would face judge newman once again. his lawyers recently filed a motion requesting him to recuse himself from publicly expressing his personal opinion that he is guilty and was properly convicted today his attorneys are said to be in court to address jury issues in the states upcoming financial trial to begin on the 22nd his lawyers will argue that there is no place in south carolina where they can have a fair trial because of widespread publicity is surrounding his previous murder conviction. nearly 90% of the jury pool question he has returned indicating most had prior knowledge of murdoch and his criminal charges his lawyers are requesting a change of venue but are hoping for a delay of the entire proceedings in other states financial crimes trial revolves around the cheat death of the former housekeeper gloria and the low country lawyer is accused of pocketing millions of dollars in insurance element money owed to her family. now the court is set to start at 10:00 a.m. this morning and we might find out if the child will be delayed or even move to a new county altogether bill? >> okay we will see how it goes in a big welcome to you here at the fox news channel we are great to have you aboard. we will see you soon thank you i want to talk about governor newsom and i want to thank him he's been one great governor. he has a job and looking for. >> president biden cracking a joke saying that he could replace them all comes while joe biden continues to face dismal polling numbers. so jessica enters in joining us us -- let's go to marco first on that joke. >> well when you can make fun of that i think that shows more self-confidence that after all you know you were running for president a year the democratic presidents you have it wrapped up and you've got 62% and you've got governor newsom out there running a shadow campaign doing some interviews and getting himself better known just in case. so i thought it was a pretty good clip. >> interesting perhaps less of a joke and more of a reality with those sinking poll numbers. jessica? >> may be so. >> i think it's getting too much credit to the president he's finally realized what we all know which is that his days are numbered you have a crisis at the border that is of his making and it's a humanitarian issue and is one of national security have crime in our cities and we have a war breaking out in the middle east and we have just this week kids coming out of our schools basically praising -- i think president biden realized this what we all due that his days are numbered and he starting to pass the baton to someone and unfortunately he is a much better even though he hails from the state of california. >> the polling numbers i just mention on his approval rating on key issues the president and those that disapprove of his national security 57% that number is out now. and the israel hamas award to your .55% guns 59% immigration those numbers get even higher for the economy and inflation. mark this is john fetterman on the point of gavin newsom and the possibility of others in the race. he suggests that newsom doesn't have the guts to announce he's running for president listen to this. >> let me say something that might be uncomfortable there are two additional democrats running for president right now. number one is a congressman from minnesota. the other one is the governor of california. [laughter] they are both running for president but only one has the guts to announce it. >> any of them mark could they be donald trump or beat donald trump? this is the latest news they're also losing to trump and i head-to-head matchup. >> you know right now trump is pulling a lot stronger than he has in the past. joe biden is weaker, but if the election were held today according to the post trump would win even though we had some elections just recently with democrats doing better than expected. there is a year to go hear the president has to fix the economy do something about immigration do something about crime and then bring cash so he can have the international leadership to move to something in the ukraine and israel. he has a huge drop and i've been with presidents that were like this such as president clinton and it was not as late as this but they can't turn around and there's a lot of work but if he doesn't he's going to be in the same position he knows he has to move the numbers he has to get moving on some of these issues. >> were finally focus on some of the g.o.p. contenders still in the primary including ron desantis and nikki haley in they are showing the matchup between invited and those g.o.p. contenders using the number goes up what is nikki haley 52% for the republican candidate if they had to make the choice for president if they were voting right now that shrinks his number to 41% final thoughts? >> yes the electability of the candidates on the right is draining the news today i think were going to see three of them in iowa tonight with the family leader making their pitch and pitch and president trump will be in iowa tomorrow and so i think with your ex to go to see us about them going out to each a little bit more and then trying to show that they are the alternative to the former president they can provide peace of the border piece around the globe instability here in the united states so i think marcus wright is still the undercoat before biting it's a little bit too late for the suffering that we are feeling right now today but there's still a lot of movement on the chessboard before next november. >> we will end on that note thank you so much jessica and mark. >> special counsel investigation both president biden and hunter why a grand jury has been convened in one case on that. veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. 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