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>> for the first time ever, my wife and i brought all of our kids to the patriot awards this year. they are seated up in the balcony. >> hi dad. [laughter] >> we need to make sure our police are supported by this rule of law. bad guys, you do the crime, you do the time. >> our country is at risk this is the line in the sand, moms for liberty moms across the country have drawn that line because we do not co-parent with the government. [cheers. [n out of the war i got two things i'm proud to say i survived and the second things is i met my wife who i was married to for 71 years. >> my mission is to bring awareness to veterans and that's i'm accepting this award to to bring awareness to our veterans to remind them that they matter, that we do care. and that they will always be remembered. ♪ o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave [cheers] ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: okay, chris, you are so cute. the guy behind the camera is dancing all over this stage. we have two bands this morning. with great names. we have the brass animals and we have the high school students from maple wood. the high school drumline. thank you all so much for getting up early. we have a bunch of veterans in the live audience here. we are at the grand ole opry house in nashville. >> steve: that's right. this essentially is the post game show for last night's patriot awards. if you haven't seen it yet, you can check it out on fox nation. you never know. sometimes we rebroadcast it on fox. >> ainsley: free for veterans. >> steve: it absolutely is. we have a bunch of veterans in here today. i hope that every one of the members of the of the two bands stops by and steps into the circle because we have talked a little bit with this. here at the grand ole opry, they actually carved out a 6-foot round circle of the original floor of the grand ole opry, the reiman auditorium in downtown nashville and placed it there. it is essentially -- it is holy ground. >> lawrence: when you step, in i feel like you get a burst of energy. it's different. >> ainsley: prove it. >> steve: hop over here. >> brian: lawrence is right because sometimes he makes things up. >> ainsley: so energetic. [laughter] >> steve: we're about to show you where we presented the first ever stephen siller award. as we stood here, ainsley was right here and she says i feel like. >> ainsley: hallowed ground. what's the rule? i think when i went to the reiman, years ago, i think they told me you can't really stand on the circle and that's why when carrie underwood was able to perform for the first time she was -- they all get emotional. >> steve: because it's holy ground. they said last night they said that legend has it right here on this round piece of wood, is the dust from hank william jr.'s cowboy boots. >> lawrence: wasn't the dirt that brian brought into the floor. >> brian: there is a lot of stories. i don't know if that will stand up to scrutiny. >> steve: this is perfect symmetry here we are at the circle as we were just about -- let see, nine hours ago presenting the first ever stephen siller award. and this is very emotional and very impactful and very deserving to the people who were awarded it. watch. >> this year nashville faced unthinkable tragedy when a gunman entered the convent school. >> tonight we remember and we honor of the six lives lost, including three adults and three children. >> took nashville's finest six minutes to get to the school and the shooter. the sacrifice deserve our recognition and our deepest gratitude. >> steve: indeed, lawrence. we have teamed up with tunnel 2 towers for a very, very special award. >> ainsley: we would like to introduce you to detective michael colozo. detective/sergeant jeff mathis and detective ryan cagle. [cheers] >> lawrence: yesterday was so special to me for a couple reasons. as you all know, i always end covering the school shootings, tragically. i was so hurt about my home state of texas that did not -- the officers not going in toward the fire. and then i went to nashville and saw -- within minutes, they went there and if you listen to the call, you hear englebert saying move, move. he's giving the order as gunfire is still happening. they were going toward the shooter. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: to meet those heroes was a special moment. >> ainsley: last moment they showed the video. >> steve: the body cam. >> ainsley: the body cam of them going in. >> steve: so powerful. one other story, the fellow who did do some of the talking and five in all were awarded the presentation last night, two of them couldn't be there. but the fellow who did do the talking, said -- talked about the heroism of one of the detectives and he said to figure out where in the school the shooter was, the covenant school in nashville area, one of the detectives ran through -- ran outside, ran around to draw fire so, they could figure out where the shooter was. they're all heroes. >> brian: what about the pendley painting at the end. station. so that was -- we also on a side note, love to get that manifesto, we find out what every shooter is thinking except this shooter. and i asked these guys he said i don't think it's coming out. go. >> lawrence: apparently the fbi, little more political than local police department they are in control now of the releasing of it. real quickly before we let go. i thought it was also -- we hear the story of tunnel 2 towers. stephen siller son's jr. >> steve: stephen. >> ainsley: he was 9 y 9 months. >> lawrence: he was 9 mondays 9s old. do you remember anything? >> lawrence: i was 9 months. >> ainsley: i think he said he was the youngest of all the kids. >> lawrence: he is the baby. >> ainsley: almost didn't name him stephen after his dad. frank said please you got to go with stephen. he needs to be a junior. thank the good lord they did. his name carries on in many ways. >> steve: he told us yesterday on this program stephen siller jr., that while he was only 9 months old when his father was killed on 9/11, going from the tunnel to the towers, that's why we call it that. he has heard from so many people i remember your dad. i remember your dad from training. i remember the time -- he has sump a vast knowledge of his father through the eyes of other people who he helped. >> brian: you will see frank siller all over the channel, too. one of the greatest people you will ever meet in your life. we have three guests coming your direction. pete hegseth, fresh off hosting last night. dennis quaid, endlessly sexy, as is sean hannity. three very handsome men. later, we're going to do poll and find out who is the handsomest if that's a great suffix. >> ainsley: sexiest man alive. >> brian: our sexiest man alive. >> lawrence: are you in this. >> brian: i'm not eligible. '8" checked with the judges. >> ainsley: you are not a man. [laughter] >> brian: why did i g give the pause unbelievable. three very handsome men coming up. >> steve: one of them sang a great gospel song. >> ainsley: really strong christian. >> lawrence: he is. he has a beautiful story. >> brian: someone is rushing to bring their tux back. you got to get it back or get fined. >> steve: right, by noon. >> brian: i got calls from my tux guy, are you going to bring it back today? >> lawrence: you rented your tux? the great brian kilmeade? >> brian: i'm giving it back. >> steve: no wonder you had it open. i can't wrinkle it or an extra three bucks. >> brian: sign my name on the shin so everybody who rents it a chance to look back. >> steve: after our talk earlier about whether our tuxedo should be buttoned i divoolgd it when you are standing it should be buttoned. if you are sitting and you want to unbottom ton it. >> ainsley: and women can sit with it buttoned. >> steve: can you do whatever you want. >> ainsley: we will show you more of the patriot awards today realized other veterans didn't have flowers on the grave. another man 101 years old. >> steve: andy. >> ainsley: world war ii veteran. stormed normandy. lost his wife. they were married 71 years. he talked and you could hear a pin drop. everyone wanted to give him ha time. >> brian: for the record no pins did drop. >> ainsley: everyone stood up for the national anthem and put their hands or their heart and everyone was singing. >> steve: a patriotic night. >> brian: one thing left behind. >> steve: crime. >> brian: again, i shouldn't have paused. that was my fault. >> steve: start like this, one of the nice things about being here in nashville and then. >> brian: it's got to come natural gas for me. >> steve: gavin, say take two. >> brian: i was thinking if you have a second one of the things that happened in nashville that made me think about new york and thinking about the problems we left behind quickly move forward, that was me myself. one was le illegal immigration. we have # 20,000 illegals dropped in our city nowhere to put them. they are hanging out outside hotels. we he now give them pickup tents and tell them to go to central park. costing millions of dollars called the 00 president and maybe that's why he being investigated president wouldn't go visit at the u.n. you do my budget i'm cutting back i have no choice. shear is eric adams. >> we just had-to-announce a budget cut in our services in the city. we have in new york a total of $12 billion to pay for these asylum seekers, migrant crises at our city was hit with. the national government must do their share. this is a national problem. it's not a new york city problem. chicago problem, massachusetts problem. the national government should be picking up this tab. >> lawrence: so the president today. >> steve: is he right. >> lawrence: he is right. the president is supposed to be meeting with the president of mexico. you wonder what he is going to say. >> brian: he better bring it up. >> ainsley: the white house is saying they are going to continue to work together. partners. >> lawrence: work so well. remain in mexico where we were putting pressure on them. had the mexican military that were trying to secure -- working relationship. donald trump put pressure on -- >> steve: you know, defund police crowd, this is their wildest dream come true. new york city is going to have to cut -- is going to cut next year $132 million from the cops. and $74 million from the fire department. they are also, you know, fire department long-term disability and light duty people injured or out sick, they are making them retire early. >> ainsley: or they are firing them. >> steve: because they need the money for the migrant crisis. listen, it wouldn't be that way if the federal government said, okay, we let the people, in we'll give you the cash. >> lawrence: fix it. >> steve: they won't give people the cash. >> brian: sanctuary, too, status. >> ainsley: these are the lowest level of cops since the mid 1990s. we are going to reduce our number of police officers in new york to 29,000. and this is right in the middle of this multi billion dollars migrant crisis. the next five police academy classes will be axed. 4500 officers are already expected to leave the ranks within the next 18 months. and joe borelli said it bass e. best. the minority leader for the city. he said defund the police crowds woke dream has come true. we were fed a line of b.s. that the wave of migrants would be a benefit to the city. now we are defunding the police to pay for their beds. >> brian: while doing their laundry and taking down their sheets and giving them a mini menu during the day. education, education department was told cut $547 million this year and 600 million next year. we're cutting out of education. >> lawrence: they are not cutting all their woke programs that could probably help with the funding. again, look, they can cut all they want. they can try to address texas given $5 billion to the problem and we have a surplus in our budget. the bottom line is you can keep shelling out cash. you got to fix the problem at the border. >> brian: you got to want to. >> lawrence: what joe biden and kamala harris the border czar. ains have a chance in one year. >> steve: we have a chance right now. do we really want to go back to new york? i mean. rather stay here. >> brian: could we seek asylum? >> steve: are there any tennessee officials in the house? >> ainsley: will you build us a studio? we don't have to pay taxes. >> lawrence: i'm sure governor bill lee would love us here. >> brian: maybe. maybe not. >> ainsley: it's 16 minutes after the top of the hour. p. diddy accused of sex trafficking, abuse by a former girlfriend. a live report next. plus, cutting bark on one teaspoon of salt just as well as some blood pressure medicine. that's according to a new study we're going to ask dr. janette nesheiwat if there is any truth to this. >> lawrence: that's going to help brian. >> brian: she was a star. youngsest start of the stage last night. >> veterans and that's what i am accepting this award to bring awareness to our veterans to remind them that they matter, this we do care. >> brian: yep, 18-year-old preston sharp joins us live after winning the young patriot award last night. lawrence lawrence first, here is the maple wood high school drumline performing live at the grand ole opry ♪ ♪ the right message at the right time, every time. 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yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> steve: developing story right now rapper and music mogul sean diddy colmes facing serious allegations in a lawsuit filed by an ex-girlfriend a musician who colmes discovered decades ago is now accusing him of sex trafficking, rape and abuse. todd piro joins us from new york with details of this developing story. todd? >> todd: thee allegations coming from long time girlfriend toro stage name cassie. signed with diddy's label in 2005 when she was just 19 years old. she filed a 36-page complaint in federal court yesterday claiming a pattern of abuse that began as soon as their relationship did. the suited reads in part cassie was held down by mr. colmes and endured over a decade of ohio state violent behavior and disturbed demands for ms. ventura the dark times she spent trapped by mr. colmes in a cycle of abuse, violence, and sex trafficking. she also accuses comes of trying to silence her by offering her 8 figures to keep quiet. his attorneys firing back calling the accusations baseless and outrageous. they say cassie is just looking for a payday quote for the past six months mr. conbs's persistent demand of $30 million under the threat of writing a damaging book about their relationship which was unequivocally rejected as blatant black male. cassie is seeking compensatory damages for lost wages and emotional distress. over to you, carley. >> carley: wow, todd, okay. thank you. got some more headlines to get to here. a judge handing down 27-month sentence to the homeless man who attacked minnesota congresswoman angie craig earlier this year. the attack happening in the elevator of the democrat's d.c. apartment building. she escaped after throwing coffee at him. check out this wild video. a dear crashing through the window of a restaurant in tennessee. look at that. the animal almost landing on the table where a family was having dinner. it's hoof slashed a teenager who had to get 11 stitches in her shoulder. the next day the restaurant owner sent flowers and gift card to the family that's so nice. that gift card had a light-hearted note saying quote, i guess can you say things got a little buck wild last night. those your headlines, steve, over to you. >> thank you very much, carley. >> you are welcome. one easy way. listen to this. this is really important. you have high blood pressure, listen to this. one easy way to lower your blood pressure is to cut back on salt. you've heard that but a new study underlines just how much you should do that actually helps. researchers reveal that if you cut out just one teaspoon, not a tablespoon, a teaspoon of salt out of your diet every day that works as well as blood pressure medicine. they said, quote: regardless of medication, we found 70 to 75% of people are likely to see a reduction in their blood pressure if they lower their sodium intake in their diet. let's bring in fox news medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat. good morning to you, doctor. thanks for coming to the opry. >> it's great to be here. >> steve: a lot of the people take blood pressure medicine. >> yes. >> steve: and they are hearing this and they think i think i cut back on salt years ago. but apparently not enough. >> yes. so this new study, this doesn't apply to everyone. for example, some people it's genetic, it's hereditary no matter what they do even if they are physically fit and exercise and eat right they may still have high blood pressure. this new study that was published in the journal of american medical association found, again, if you just cut back by one teaspoon it can reduce your blood pressure, dramatically. if you -- and if you take like, for example, lie sin ply sin pao if you cut back on the salt intake. why is this important? elevated blood pressure, which have of americans suffer from, can lead to heart disease it. can lead to stroke it. can lead to kidney damage. so this is very important to help predict your cardiovascular health by doing one simple step. >> steve: i think a lot of people would be interested in eliminating the pill that they take every day. but here's the thing. so you think i know at our house we stopped using a lot of extra salt. i don't know, 10, 15 years ago, 20, maybe. so you don't really shake it on anymore. but there are things that you have brought here today like that soda, a diet soda has got a lot of sodium. >> yeah, you are absolutely right. regular soda. diet soda. any types of drinks. look at the nutrition label. 50 milligrams of sodium i bet you didn't know this has sodium. hungry and need is a snack and no healthy fruits around. a bag of chips, 250 milligrams of sodium. i bet you didn't realize that either. >> steve: they are fritos, they have snack. >> a snack bar loaded with sugar or sodium. if you are having some bread. there is a lot of hidden salt and sugar in the a lot of the foods we eat. most of us get about 3500 milligrams of salt a day. we don't need more than 500 for most people. >> steve: people can start doing the math. what is the number of milligrams they should reduce? >> that's a good question. the american heart association recommends that for most adults, not to exceed more than 1500 milligrams of sodium with maximum of 2300. now, that's different if you are an athlete, if you are a construction worker, if you sweat a lot. then, you know, it may be different for you. but too little or too much of anything, especially with sodium can be harmful to the body. that's why it's important to see your doctor routinely to know your blood pressure and vital signs. >> steve: thank you, doctor for making a house call at the opry today. >> good to be with you. >> steve: have a good weekend. >> you too. >> steve: our next guest was just 10 years old when he started placing flags and flowers on the graves of american veterans. that young patriot award recipient, preston sharp is here coming up next. and he has the trophy. but, first, the brass animals have got another song. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. 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(♪) 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. ♪ the winter play was really coming together. ♪ until... disaster struck. ♪ tensions... were high. ♪ luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey... could picture the perfect night. ♪ we're delivering more happy for the holidays. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: coming up, we have a star studded lineup today on fox. first, 1:00 p.m., president biden is expected to meet mexico's president as the crisis at our southern border rages on. portland students out of class again amid the city's teacher's strike. today the uaw voting union members ratify a new deal with g.m. on track to approve deals with other major automakers. that's all today right here on fox. over to you, brian. >> brian: thanks, ainsley. our next guest just 10 years old when he started placing flags and flowers on the graves of veterans. yeah, round of applause. [applause] >> brian: 8 years later preston sharp was presented with the 2023 young patriot award. watch. >> this award isn't for me though. it's not from honoring all those veterans, placing flags and flowers on veterans grave sites. it's my mission is to bring awareness to veterans and that's what i'm accepting this award to, bring awareness to our veterans, to remind them that they matter, that we do care, and that they will always be remembered. i just really appreciate everyone. i appreciate the support and let's make sure we honor veterans every day and not just on holidays. >> brian: preston needs some help. when he goes into towns a lot of people rally just because they heard of preston's story. preston, what did it feel like last night standing on that stage right in that circle? >> unbelievable. i mean, words can't even describe it. and i'm just so glad that we were able to bring awareness to veterans yesterday. there is such amazing people. i'm so glad that i am able to it's crazy my mission has came so far from starting when i was 10 years old to now, just turned 18. being here is crazy to me. it's awesome. >> brian: you are so composed. especially for your age. donald trump signaled you out at the state of the union address for the extraordinary things that happened. for people that don't know you were 10 years old. you go to your grandfather's grave. he was a veteran. you notice this cemetery just a mess. >> yeah. i mean, the cemetery, the grass was like 4 feet tall. there is trees falling over on veterans' gave sites. my grandfather was buried there. i was just reading veteran's names, and i was trying to figure out why a cemetery wouldn't take care of their veterans that were laid to rest at their cemetery. and there is just nothing to describe it. my mom is like, preston, if you see something wrong, you got to do something about it. and so i went home, started a go fund me. started a facebook page. and i just started going out to that cemetery every weekend, i think i was in fourth grade. cleaning up all the veterans' grave sites with clippers. weed eating. and clean it off with soap. making all the grave sites look nice. >> brian: incredible. obviously you moved a lot of people. how many cemeteries do you think have you gone to at this point. >> i have gone to so many cemeteries. i know for a fact i have honored veterans in all 50 states and placed around 600,000 flags and flowers out. >> brian: what message do you want people to take away from you doing this? you don't want the spotlight on you but you want it on the mission. >> yeah, the veterans are what matter. they are the ones that risk their lives and give their lives for us each and every day. and at the end of the day, it's my motto is to honor every day and not just on holidays. i feel like that's how it should be. let's not just honor veterans on holidays. make sure if you see a veteran in a grocery store outside in public. they are wearing their veteran hat. you go up to them, thank them for their service. it will make their day or even week. >> brian: absolutely. 18 years old. thinking about college. any college. think about how great your essay is going to be. would be lucky to have you. best of luck, preston. if people want to follow you on your personal social media where do they go? >> yeah, so real preston sharp is my instagram. preston sharp is my facebook. and then flags and flowers is my website. >> brian: preston sharp, round of applause, ladies and gentlemen. america's finest. [applause] >> brian: meanwhile, appreciate you being here. coming up on one nation tomorrow night, 8:00, amongst our guests, we are going to have two of our war correspondence talking and giving perspective on these wars that they follow. trey yingst, benjamin hall offered analysis as well as what it is like interviewing all these terrorists. correspondent they will be helping us out. here'sy alli a former muslim who is now a christian. what is hamas' mindset and why they have to be eradicated dan aykroyd. daven aykroyd will be on. catch me on fox nation tour. teddy and booker t. pathway to racial equality. saturday in chattanooga, saturday in the evening in madison, alabama, and over in montgomery. i might be coming to your city. go to brian meanwhile, coming up straight ahead on this show, trump's gag order, lifted in new york civil fraud trial. look out truth social is going to be on fire today. plus, a top executive exits appear heiser bush because of the bud light disaster. sean duffy on that. plus, look who is with him. john rich. one is really good at music cue the drumline. ♪ voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. this is franklin graham. i had a veteran one time tell me, "is there such a thing as a bucket of hope? "my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. lowe's knows when you open up your home this holiday you open up your kitchen. during black friday every day we've got deals on samsung appliances fit for any kitchen and - any budget so you can open up the possibilities. shop black friday every day deals now. in store and online. ask. >> a new york judge has lifted donald trump's gag order in his ongoing civil fraud trial. >> ainsley: reacting on truth social trump said in part his ridiculous and unconstitutional gag order not allowing me to defend myself against him and his politically bias and out-of-control trump hating clerk sinking him and his court to new levels of low is a disgrace. here with reaction, co-host of the bottom line with dagen and duffy on fox business, sean duffy, hey, sean. >> good morning. >> ainsley: hope you got some sleep last night. >> like two and a half hours. >> what do you think about this? he appealed it, the appellate court. >> overturned the lower court? yeah. listen, this is a political prosecution. you have a political judge. you have a political prosecutor. and so thank goodness at least in new york the criminal justice system or the justice system is actually working, it's beautiful they're not going after me because i violated the law. they are going after me because they don't like my politics. here is what concerns me beyond this. there is wars in the middle east. right? we are all following that. but the war against donald trump, i think is going to have a far greater impact on the american people for a longer period of time. we have politicized the criminal justice system. the justice system as a whole. i don't think we walk back from this very easily. >> steve: ultimately, because it was the appeals process they said, yeah, the lower court guy was out of order. so forget about that. it's a win for him. because the system worked. >> this was temporary, right? so this could get overturned, right, by the appellate court or the supreme court could overturn it as well in new york. but, at this moment, donald trump can talk about the case and i think it's, again, it's a win for democracy and it's a win for free speech. >> ainsley: okay, anheuser-busch. >> yes, i heard of that. >> ainsley: letting go of marketing chief exiting after this bud light thing. sales are plummeting. >> you think? >> steve: hold on a second. does anybody -- we have a studio audience here of 100 people. how many people here used to drink bud light, applause. who used to drink bud light. okay. who drinks bud light now? i mean, nobody. not one person. >> it's taken over a year to fire the marketing chief. right? when you are going to partner with dylan mulvaney and you lose 17% of your beer drinkers, that's a huge percentage of your profit is taking this long to get rid of him. you are on the wrong course and wrong page. this should have happened a long time ago. send a signal to your customers we get it. we're going to go in a different direction. it's taken way too long but it's the right move, finally. >> steve: you know, we have read a lot about it. they were trying to develop new avenues of revenue and stuff like that. obviously, this was a poor choice, given what happened. but, what -- but it speaks to a larger issue in big corporations where some of them are trying to do just that. >> a lot of companies are woke. most of them are woke. conservatives have tried to have boycotts before or like make brands pay for their political engagement it never works. >> this is the first time conservatives said not going to drink you're beer. other options. it's interesting it lasted so long that you still have anheuser-busch down 17% with regard to bud light that conservatives have walked away from the brand. even independents have walked away from the brand they don't want bud light politics in their life. >> steve: now, the number one beer in america which is from mexico. >> see on the beach drinking mow modello feet up. >> steve: there i am in skimpy suit. yeah, thanks,. >> this is doocy's sad song. >> steve: mrs. doocy, she is a blabber mouth. >> she tells it all. >> steve: good to see you. thank you, sean. >> ainsley: check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> hello, good morning. cloudy skies. temperatures are in the low 60's. we got a little bit of rain in the nashville area over the next couple of hours. i want to show you florida. we have been showing you video out of south florida where we have got over 19 inches in key largo. places around the fort lauderdale area, over a foot of rain this wasn't even a tropical storm. but we had hurricane force winds along the east coast of florida. this is a big deal. and, obviously, a lot of people are without power and we have been showing you those videos. this area of florida has been dealing with a lot of rain. this was not a good news story. the rest of the country we have got that area of low pressure all that rain to florida. that's moving up the east coast and that's going to cause travel problems for the eastern seaboard. new problem in the west could cause issues for thanksgiving week travels which of course we will keep you up to date on as we get into the weekend and next week. fox for all of those details. steve, ainsley, over to you. >> steve: all right. j.d., thank you very much. still ahead on our friday telecast live from nashville. sean hannity and actor dennis quaid. both big stars. >> ainsley: but, first, country music star john rich performs, next. 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