through today and i'm sure the end of the day an update. >> two follow-ups, sorry. of the 900 americans and family members left in gaza, any of them killed or wouned while waiting to get out? >> i don't have confirmed reports of that at this time. an so there are reports, you don't have confirmation? >> we don't have confirmation. >> and then on the question of these deliveries, early on, or earlier, i suppose, the goal was set to have at least 100 trucks coming in a day. obviously we are falling very, very far short of that number. the secretary earlier discussed the possibility of shalom opening or considering the opening of that crossing to deliver more aid. why isn't that a more viable route? >> we are continuing -- first, let me say, the question is not really about the number of gates open to get into israel. the question is about screening mechanisms and being able to screen the number of trucks. plenty of rafah to get trucks through to deliver humanitarian assistance. the question is getting the trucks screened, an appropriate number of trucks screened and in through rafah. the so we work with the israelis, conversations that david satterfield has been having on the ground with them, we continue to push, we don't have an agreement on it yet, it's taking longer than we wanted, but it's something we are very focussed on and trying to get accomplished. >> yesterday israel only allowed some 24,000 liters of fuel and u.n. agency says it's not enough, much more is needed and the only -- and also accused israel of using fuel as a weapon of war. do you agree israel is using fuel as a weapon of war and can you update us on the u.s. efforts to get more fuel into gaza. >> i would say we agree more fuel needs to move into gaza. we have been very clear about this. publicly and privately. we want fuel to move into gaza, not just for the delivery of trucks, what the delivery of humanitarian assistance, which is what the fuel that went in yesterday would support. we also want fuel to go in to power generators for hospitals, want it to go in to power desalination, and other humanitarian purposes. we are very supportive of the delivery of fuel. it something that we have actively pushed for with the israeli government, the secretary had conversations with members of the israeli government yesterday about it. other members of the administration have had those conversations. something we are actively pushing for all the time. >> secretary council adopt a resolution calling for extended humanitarian pause in gaza. the u.s. abstained from citing the lack of condemnation of hamas. does the u.s. support the call for extended humanitarian pause in gaza and encourage israel to abide by the u.n. security council resolution, which it has rejected. >> we do support expanded humanitarian pauses in gaza. when israel announced the pauses, the president said he wanted to see longer ones, and we push for longer ones. we did vote against the resolution as you said because it did not condemn hamas, which we think is important step for the u.n. security council to take, we hope there will be longer pauses. >> follow up on that. president biden has been calling for the reform of the u.n. secretary council and called on member states to refrain from the use of veto except in rare extraordinary conditions. but since the start of the war in gaza the u.s. has used veto power i think three times. how do you explain that in terms of consistency. >> we thought those were appropriate uses of the veto, trying to reach a resolution which ultimately the security council was able to do. >> on the truck inspections, you said the problem with the trucks getting in is the inspections. does that many israel is dragging its feet? >> john: all right, so we have been listening to matt miller at the state department taking questions and sandra, a lot of the questions revolving around the idf operation ongoing at shifa hospital. matt miller saying he hopes the israeli defense forces would try to complete that operation, engage in that operation, in a way to limit civilian casualties. he said the united states does not want to see hospitals attacked from the air and reiterated that a ceasefire would only benefit hamas, but what this administration is looking for is a series of extended pauses in the fighting to allow humanitarian assistance in, and for people to get out. >> sandra: on evacuating patients from the hospitals in gaza, the problem has been hamas. nearly 700 americans have gotten out of gaza through the rafah gate. the updates continue at state. we will monitor the briefing. more news to get to at this hour, john. a disturbing document written two decades ago by the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks is resurfacing on one of the biggest social media platforms in the country. bin laden going viral on tiktok and appears to be gaining sympathy. >> john: of all the things you could never imagine. the words of al-qaeda former leader ringing true with some tiktok influencers, encouraging others to read it for themselves. get reaction from charlie hurt on how the twisted rhetoric is erupting here in the united states. >> sandra: but first, william is live in los angeles for us. what led to these viral videos? >> it all started with a 25-year-old l.a. influencer whose tiktok post on the bin laden letter went viral. so americans watch about 3 billion hours of tiktok every month, a third get their news there. and that's why this incident in the last 24 hours on social media scares a lot of people. the post linked to a letter written by bin laden 20 years ago on the web page of a british newspaper. says jews have no right to be in israel and blames america for the violence in the middle east. she says, i need everyone to stop wa they are doing right now and go read the letter. because "i'm going through like an existential crisis." well, people did. that video got some 2 million views and 200,000 likes with most saying they, too, feel angry, manipulated and lied to by the media, and u.s. schools. >> for someone on tiktok to somehow suggest that this is america's fault or that bin laden, who killed thousands of innocent americans was right, is absolutely disgusting and further evidence that we need to ban tiktok. >> so the conversation then migrated from tiktok over to reddit and twitter, hundreds of thousands agreed with the video and posted similar views on the anti-american letter, with no context on bin laden, 9/11, or beheading celebrated by al-qaeda. >> at that point of media consumption, it becomes hard for young people to know that there are disconfirming views out there and so they tend to believe narratives that they are exposed to through social media and through each other. >> tiktok has since taken down the influencer's video saying it violates rules on supporting terrorism. it happens on every platform, not just ours, so tiktok is getting a lot of heat on this. that influencer, by the way, told the l.a. times, she makes about $15,000, or $200,000 a year doing youtube videos on make-up, diet and fashion, not history. >> sandra: william, thank you. >> john: democratic squad members facing backlash from their own party over calls to end u.s. support for israel and now "the new york post" reports they have received campaign donations from a non-profit under investigation for potentially funding hamas terrorism. hillary vaughn joins us live from capitol hill. what has the intrepid hillary vaughn dug up today. >> hi, john. the non-profit under investigation, the american muslims for palestine, they donated to a lot of these progressive democrats here on capitol hill that have been some of the most outspoken members, calling for a ceasefire in this israel-hamas war. "new york post" reports gave rashida tlaib $500 and another board member gave another $1,000 to tlaib, and ilhan omar received about 50 bucks from the non-profit, and 1200 from the group's chairman, and other progressives like cori bush and presley. that non-profit is under investigation by the attorney general in virginia for allegedly giving money to terrorist organizations, the v.a. attorney general's office announcing this, the attorney general will investigate allegations that the organization may have used funds for impermissible purposes under state law, including, benefitting or providing support to terrorist organizations. denying the allegations outright saying they do not send money overseas and they are focused on educating americans about the rich history of palestine, saying in a statement, never has and never will support terrorism, no court or government entity has ever held that amp supports terrorism, no evidence to support that allegations because they simply do not do that. john. >> john: hillary vaughn for us, the latest on that. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: charlie hurt now, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor. first, to william's reporting on the osama bin laden letter to america after 9/11, promoted by these tiktok influencers. they have gone viral, charlie, you heard the report a moment ago, on social media, promoting the terrorist justification of the attacks on the united states using very antisemitic rhetoric. what is happening here? >> yeah, you know, obviously, sandra, it highlights the problem of social media and in particular tiktok, which is a very weaponized social media platform designed to spread stuff like this behalf of chinese communist government. but a larger problem, it's a startling snapshot of how far we have come over the past 20 years since 9/11. the fact that we as a country and our schools and universities have done such a poor job of teaching actual history and the truth behind these things that somebody like osama bin laden can be a truth sayer or leader of young people who have no concept of the history, older people remember firsthand but our children should have learned about. it really does reminds you that this is an ongoing -- this is an onslaught, this is all very intentional, and it is designed to destroy our country from win and right now they are winning unless we figure out how to do something about it and that starts obviously with the political class, politicians getting a backbone and trying to stop the kind of poison that is taking over young people that they would kind of fall into all of this. >> sandra: i want to make sure i get this in here. this is just in, as you were speaking, the white house through andrew bates, the white house deputy press secretary and senior coms adviser issued a statement about the letter running rampant on tiktok. bates says never a justification for spreading the repugnant evil and antisemitic lies the leader of al-qaeda issued after committing the worst terrorist attack in history, highlighting them for the direct motivation for murdering 2,977 innocent americans. and the who us says in the statement, charlie, and just in to us now, and no one should ever insult the 2,977 american families still mourning loved ones which associating themselves with the vile words of bin laden. particularly now, and just after hamas terrorists carried out the worst slaughter of the jewish people in the name of the same conspiracy theories. like president biden said in remembrance of the americans who lost their lives of bin laden, it's more than now we come together against a rising tide of hatred and extremism. your thoughts on that, charlie, that just in. >> sandra, it's a great statement, glad they put it out. what's really, really terrifying about that is they are going to get -- be attacked by their own supporters for putting out that statement. their own supporters in the democrat party are going to object to that statement, and that tells you an awful lot and i think it's really important to step back and kind of look at policy positions. you know who doesn't have -- when you read that statement, that letter from osama bin laden, in lock step agreement with the country of iran, the jihadist terrorist government of iran, they want to eliminate israel. the problem with the democratic party today, including joe biden and the democrats now scrambling to claim that they support israel is that the biden administration just like the obama administration has supported iran in every way possible. they have given them cash money, they have unleashed their economies. they have given them support in terms of the nuclear deal that basically puts them on a glide path to building a nuclear bomb. everything democrat -- the democrats have done, the last two democrat presidential administration's have done have been in support of iran. iran's primary goal is to eliminate israel, and the idea that they are going to sit here now and act like they are upset that somebody is talking about eliminating israel, then stop supporting iran. >> sandra: we heard you, charlie. this as pew research says going back to where people are getting their information and how important it is the white house is speaking out about that, the viral video and the viral letter from bin laden, this is the percentage of u.s. adults who regularly get their news from tiktok, by age group. 32% of 18 to 29-year-olds get their news from tiktok. 15% of 30 to 49-year-olds, obviously the numbers get smaller as the age group goes up. but we have to keep that in mind when we see this happening. charlie, great to have you on. thank you so much. >> great to see you, sandra. >> john: fox news alert, sheriff's deputies in southern california have arrested a suspect in the killing of jewish protestor paul kessler. 69-year-old kessler died during a blow to the head during an altercation. charged a 50-year-old man, a college professor, with involuntary manslaughter. they say that professor caused kessler to knock his head on the concrete, which caused a fatal brain bleed. the suspect held, sandra, on $1 million bond. >> sandra: fox news alert, a verdict just in on the paul pelosi attack case. we have been awaiting this. still waiting for it to be read inside the courtroom. we know that they have reached a verdict, the jury, in the paul pelosi assault case. so, we will bring you that news as soon as we have it. our reporter is running out of the room. >> john: and breaking moments ago, as we pointed out, verdict reached in the paul pelosi attacker trial. he faces decades behind bars. david depape, if he is found guilty. latest from claudia in moments. >> sandra: hundreds of anti-israel protestors lashing out at democratic leaders for their support of the war in gaza. could the growing anger in the democratic base derail the president's re-election bid? our panel is here, they will discuss next. >> i'm curious to see if doj is going to take a look at the surveillance footage outside of the dnc headquarters because we certainly know they can. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 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on the xfinity 10g network. is: >> john: breaking news, president biden is speaking at the ceo summit at apec, but just before we take the president full, a verdict in the david depape trial, guilty on two counts, guilty of kidnapping, guilty of assault, claudia will have a full report coming up. right now to the president. >> the choices we make are going to matter, it's not hyperbole suggested, for the entire world. it's up to us to harness the economies and tap the entrepreneurial spirit of our people and unleash the potential, unlimited potential of our partnerships in order to realize the future that will benefit people not only in the asian pacific region but the whole world. i mean that sincerely. people everywhere. future is shared and inclusive. where workers are empowered and the rights are respected. our economies are sustainable and resilient and the bridges that connect our people open a golden gate of opportunity to create lives of hope. lies of hope most people are just hope. you know, it's been my approach here in the united states from the moment my administration took office, we are building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up. trickle down economy worked ok sometimes, but not a whole lot trickled down to my dad's kitchen table. when the middle class does well, the poor have a chance and the wealthy still do very well. because what happens, the poor have a ladder up, and the middle class and the wealthy still do well. folks, we are already seeing the results. the last quarter the american economy grew 4.9%. the highest growth rate in two years. more people in the united states -- [applause] -- because of many of you sitting there, the ceos. give credit where it's due. more people in the united states are in the workforce today than any time in american history. unemployment has been under 4% for 21 straight months. inflation has come down by 65%. and more to do. i mean, the lowest inflation -- lowest inflation rate of any advanced economy in the world. meanwhile, median household wealth has grown by 37% in real terms since before the pandemic. i acknowledge a disconnect between the numbers, and how people feel about their place in the world right now. and we can deal with the second part as well. we still have work to do but our model for growing is delivering real results for all americans. significant black unemployment, latino unemployment, etc. the strength of our economy is driving growth and spurring investment throughout our region. again, because of many of you sitting in front of me made those judgments. and drawing investments to the united states, especially from asian pacific economies. since the start of my administration, combination invested over $200 billion in the united states. these are historic investments creating literally tens of thousands of good-paying jobs. 14 million created just since we came to office. all across america in industries that are going to shape the future of this globe. semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, critical materials, hydrogen -- and other emerging technologies. i've long said it's never been a good bet to bet against the american people, never. i mean it. think about it. [applause] it's never been a good bet. and we are proving it once more. so message to all of you here today is leaders of government and industry, you can count on the united states. we are delivering on our promises and we are doubling down on our progress. and we'll soon be -- we'll soon be your strong and steady partner as we continue working together to realize the asian pacific region that is free and open, prosperous and secure, resilient and connected. by the way, twice since i've been president i've had the leaders of the asian pacific islands come and meet with me in the united states. you are all part of it. i thought when i left the g20 in vietnam desperately wanted to see me and raise the relationship, it brought me back when i stood in front of the monument to john mccain. all my days growing up i never thought that would ever occur. today i would like to talk a little about the work we have done in the region to get there and how we are going to go about seeing this road forward. i've said for a long time united states is a pacific power. had a brief discussion yesterday with president xi. he asked why we so -- asked me before, i reminded him, why we were so engaged in the pacific. it's because we are a pacific nation. because of us there's been peace and security in the region allowing you to grow. he didn't disagree. it was a very good, straightforward meeting. we aren't going anywhere. for decades america's enduring commitment to the region has been a springboard that's enabled growth, transformative growth, assures the open flow of commerce, lifted millions of people out of poverty. today that relation goes both ways. united states remains vital to the future of the region and the region is more vital than ever to the united states of america. my administration's outlook from day one, and we have clearly laid out our approach with our indo-pacific strategy. we are delivering across the board, including when it comes to our shared economic agenda. united states has deep ties with our fellow apec economies. more than 60% of u.s. exports go to fellow apec economies. robust two-way investment between the united states and countries supports good jobs, new opportunities all across the region. and american businesses significantly represented here in this auditorium are the largest source of foreign direct investment in the apec economies. in fact, we take just the u.s. companies represented here at this summit and look at their new investments apec economies in the calendar year, total more than $50 billion so far. investments announced today from companies like amazon, united, delta, microsoft, to make sure our region is more inclusive and interconnected. investments announced today from companies like boeing, apple, flexport, pepsi cola, pepsi company, i should say, make our economies greener and more sustainer. investments today from companies like ibm, ergonon, visa, look, they make up -- they make our region more resilient, and make it more secure. here in this world, this world renowned hub of innovation, leading tech companies like anthroppick, i'm going to mispronounce, not going to even try. [laughter] it's better not to try and not mispronounce than try and mispronounce. the point is, small and medium-size business start-ups are getting into action as well. all the announcements translate into real outcomes that matter to people's lives. they are proof that a strong dynamic american economy is an engine of growth, economic growth, innovation, throughout the entire region. and testament to the fact that american investment and ingenuity are in high demand across the region. because when you do business with the united states and our companies, you know what you are getting. high standards. fair practices. protections for workers. world class ideas and innovation, and a commitment to deal with the environment. finally, quality guarantee. look, this is how we have been able to mobilize billions in investment, including major new announcements this morning for our partnership for infrastructure and investment. we also work closely to deepen our bilateral economic cooperation and partners throughout the region, especially on the issues that will most impact our future economic success. for example, in september when i traveled to vietnam as i mentioned earlier to mark historic new phase in our partnership of our countries, we committed to work together to strengthen the semiconductor supply chain. with india, japan, republic of korea and singapore, we have launched new initiatives to shape technology and standards that will transform the future. we have deepened economic partnership with the philippines, australia, and others. renewed and elevated engagement with critical regional bodies, including pacific island forum. and when we offered to host apec two years ago, we committed to modernizing this institution to make it easier for us to work together as we take on the challenges of a new era, and there are many challenges. we are going to see more changes in the next ten years than we have seen in the last 50 years. that brings me back to the summit, where do we go from here. the world is -- >> john: we'll let the president continue to talk to the ceo summit at the apec conference downtown san francisco, the message to the ceos, that the region is very important to the united states and the united states is very important to the region. even though he's touting the u.s. economy, not a word about bidenomics in there. >> sandra: acknowledgment a disconnect between the economic numbers he said and how people feel about their place in the world right now, which was obviously, he went on to double down on how great the economy is. so, interesting, a couple interesting moments there, john. we'll continue to monitor the president's words there. >> john: the summit will continue. >> sandra: we have some breaking news to get to on the depape verdict, found guilty, david depape, convicted of assaulting paul pelosi in the assault case and attempted kidnapping charges. claudia has the news live from san francisco for us. she's been covering this trial from the beginning. claudia, what do we know? >> sandra, david depape planned for many months to kidnap nancy pelosi and when she was not at home in october of last year, he attacked her husband paul instead. so says this jury here at federal court, that just minutes ago returned unanimous verdicts of guilt on both counts, count one, attempted kidnapping of a federal official, and assault on the immediate family member of a federal official. the government proved depape went to nancy pelosi's home, prepared for violence and armed with a hammer, told paul pelosi he would take the punishment instead. along with videos showing him breaking in and lunging at pelosi in front of police, and his own confession he targeted nancy pelosi because she was "the leader of the pack of lies" and he would break her kneecaps to teach others a lesson. the jury rejected it that it had nothing to do with the job of house speaker but that she was evil elite, spreading lies and corruption and promoting pedophilia. he sobbed as he talked about his wild conspiracy theories, he said he never intended to hurt paul pelosi but realized the plan had failed, he snapped. testifying on monday as a victim and witness, the 83-year-old pelosi recounted waking up in a pool of his own blood with a fractured skull. he says he still has headaches and trauma more than a year later. david depape faces 50 years in prison with this conviction and keep in mind, he still faces separate charges in state court, including attempted murder, charges that could send him away for life if he is convicted there. david depape showed no emotion as those guilty verdicts were just announced. back to you. >> sandra: claudia, thank you. john. >> john: all right, sandra. joined by criminal defense attorney mercedes colwin. a statement from nancy pelosi's family, through a spokesperson, speaker pelosi and family deeply grateful for the outpouring of prayers and warm wishes of mr. pelosi during this difficult time. pelosi family is proud of their pop who demonstrated composure and courage the night of the attack and the courtroom this year. thankfully he continues to make progress in his recovery. speaker pelosi and the family would not be offering further comment on this matter. given what we saw on the surveillance video of the pelosi home, a guilty verdict was, i mean, certainly no surprise, i don't think. >> that's exactly right, john. anybody following this case would not be surprised with the ultimate verdict. you have proof positive of the assault, the ramblings of depape on the stands. he tried to defend himself and saying that this is all part of stopping corruption and protecting children. that went to the wayside because it was obviously a real stretch, one, to put him on, it's a really significant decision for any defense attorney to do. obviously one that was taken very seriously, but one that was with risk especially when you have someone like depape who made himself more and more unbelievable. >> sandra: the prosecutor said depape started planning in august 2022, even paid a public records service to find information about rep pelosi because she was the target, right, i mean, this was obviously very premeditated, this attack, this assault. the evidence in this case is going to show that when the defendant used that hammer to break into the pelosi's home, he intended to kidnap nancy pelosi. this was apparently in the opening statement, mercedes. >> well, sure. and also in the backpack, you are spot on, sandra, in the backpack you had zip ties, a rope, tape, you have the search, the search tha had, it's obvious that there was an intent to take nancy pelosi out. coming in the door and starting to scream at where's nancy, where's nancy, paul pelosi, unfortunately, was home at the time and suffered this terrible blow to his head. but there was so much evidence leading up to this. almost questions why there wasn't a guilty plea, some sort of plea agreement between depape and the federal prosecutors, understanding that perhaps maybe it wasn't offered or two, the fact that the sentence is so huge. just as claudia said, it's about 50 years and it's 20 years for the attempted kidnapping. 30 years for the assault on a federal official's family member. and it can run consecutively or concurrently in all likelihood it would run consecutively, and then the state crimes as well. so, so many balls in the air, might be strategic calculated decision to go forward with this and try their best to try to defeat the federal claims. >> john: all right, well. clearly that did not pay off, is that strategy, and david depape will get a long time to think about what happened. mercedes, thanks for joining us, appreciate it. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. >> the current strain on our aviation system and its workforce cannot be underestimated. absolutely i am worried about safety. >> sandra: all right, aviation experts are sounding the alarm on airline 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his party? richard fowler, and david avella. so, let's start with you, richard. we saw this extraordinary event on tuesday on the mall where democrats and republicans came together by the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands to show support for israel and protest against antisemitism. peaceful, beautiful thing, not an incident happened. then 150 people last night protesting outside the dnc, 150 cops had to get involved, six were injured, one person arrested. and this is the far left. what's going on here? >> listen, there's no question. nobody wants to see violence on their screens and we should be clear we believe in the ideal of peaceful protesting, so say that and say it clearly. as you look at the footage and we heard the president the top of the hour, the white house, i think what is working in their favor is time. as you move forward, the heard the president say in his press conference, he's really pushing on the israelis as well as qatar and turkey to come up with the two-state solution. how do we get out of this knowing we will never return to this place again. and the state department and biden administration focused on getting the hostages out and a long-term solution for the region, that's going to be critical for him to regain some parts of his base as well as convince the american people that we are standing with our ally israel and means to defend themselves, also ensuring we are ending the civilian deaths, on israel and gaza. >> no question joe biden has problems on the left flank, hundreds of people are protesting in the streets, calling him genocide joe, 500 plus political and government employees signed a dissent letter sent to the president. wall street journal editorial board said joe biden faces a deep state revolt on israel. hundreds of federal workers tried to undermine his policy. we thought it was trump with the deep state problem. >> when the commander in chief says go do this, you go do this, and now those in the administration are actively against what the president wants to do and interesting dynamic, you are saying there are career bureaucrats who think they believe they know more than the elected officials and the elected officials who americans put in place to set policy, and ultimately that's the direction the country goes. >> john: if you go over to the state department, official dissent channel which allows opposing views to be aired to officials who are making policy. but when you are a political appointee and you've been appointed by the president of the united states to carry out that president's policies, you are supposed to tow the line and not sign a letter saying we disagree with everything you are doing. >> yes, it is true that you do serve at the privilege of the president when you are a political appointee. with that being said, if you are anybody watching the crisis play out, nightly news covering, or this channel and seeing what happens, most folks think this is horrific no matter how you look at it, to see innocent children die, babies not have incubators and hostages not being able to be reunited with the family. >> john: and the 1200 killed. >> and not to mention the fact we found a dead hostage body today from coverage, and folks say something has to be done to stop this. easy to say let's go to a ceasefire, but where the white house is clear, is a short-term solution. let's do diplomatic pausing and get relief in and long-term solution to ensure it never happens again. if you talk to the folks at the state department, qataris or the turks or egyptians, that's where the goal is. how do we get to the two-state solution, he's pushing netanyahu in that direction, saying please end the horror, tired of seeing, and gaza, please end the horror, tired of living it. >> john: polls that show some good news for biden, 60% approve of his financial support for israel but bad news, 36% of democrats say biden is to supportive of israel. >> why you see the third party candidates coming out and it will cause a problem for the president. we may see dean phillips take joe biden out in new hampshire. >> john: we'll see. thanks for hanging with us. >> sandra: israeli forces delivering aid to gaza's largest hospital as we get word that the idf recovered the body of one hostage, and here on u.s. soil, the focus remains on bringing all of those hostages home. we are going to be speaking to jour journalist fedson next. some men. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have 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brother who hamas is holding hostage while people fight for the safe return of their loved ones. some people are ripping down posters and protesting against israel. let's bring in the president of media line, the agency covering israel in the middle east. thanks for being with us. let's get your reaction to the mother of five in her 60s whose husband was murdered in their safe room in their kibbutz. she was taken hostage by hamas found deceased today by the idf. >> it is very sad. thanks for having me today. i was with members from the kibbutz recently. i have to say that it's a very sad day here in israel to find out that this 65-year-old woman a cancer patient, was found dead. it also leaves questions about where all the hostages are at the moment in gaza. the families are feeling worried about their loved ones. it's more than 40 days in to this israel-gaza war. >> john: we're showing a picture of the woman there, 65 years of age. the idf did not say how she died or when she died. only that her body had been found and returned to israel for dignified burial. i want to go back to where we started at the top. that was a picture of an israeli in new york city that found a picture of his brother, who has been held by hamas since october 7 on a billboard in new york city. let's listen to what he said when he described to what it was like to see his brother's picture up there. >> watching him here is -- it's surreal. i wonder what he will think when he finds out that his poster is -- picture is everywhere. >> john: his poster is there in new york city. showing so many people support the run of these hostages. it was a touching moment. >> the hostage organization behind this has done an incredible job of really enlightening the world of what is happening with all of these families. the numbers they have come out, with 239, the number of hostages being held in gaza. it's hard to still know correctly because of so many missing. quite honestly, what he's saying is in the hearts of every one of these people, i was in kibbutz and spoke with so many of them including thomas hand, one of the hostage fathers that you had on recently. thomas told me that he was happy to hear that his daughter was killed and not in the hands of hamas. we learned as i was putting together a documentary on the burning hearts that there was a possibility that she's alive and that the israel defense forces told him so. i can't imagine what he's going through. quite frankly, john, what is important to note is the posters you talk about, many people are ripping them down as well. i think that the reality is that many people have lost their soul in this war. it's really a war of civilizations of understanding what is good and what is bad. this was just evil at its core. >> john: yet we had the touching moment here in washington monday. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> sandra: warnings from aviation experts and there are concerns that things will only get worse as we head in to the busy holiday travel season. an faa appointed panel created to exam the slew of near misses is warning that current safety levels are unsustainable. dennis here and joins us now. first up, this is the ntsb chair on the near misses so far this year. listen. >> the ntsb has opened investigations in to seven runway incursions this year alone. in over half the aircraft got within seven hundred feet of each other. these incidents must serve as a wake-up call before something more catastrophic occurs. >> dennis, is anybody waking up to this? >> well, we weren't asleep. these are near hits. the chairman has it right. she's been more forceful in her words recently. we have an aviation safety crisis going on. this study just affirms that the air traffic control system, particularly with staffing, is just not where it should be. the infrastructure has failed. now we have all of these airplanes flying this thanksgiving holiday and we know it's under pressure. the most concerning thing is with the air traffic controllers, they have my back, i've got theirs. when they're working overtime forced, 60 hour work weeks, they get fatigued. when you get fatigued, you make errors. the system is wired to trap that when it happens. if it's a constant threat, it's a real problem. you know, we're the gold standard for safety. we're becoming the bronze standard for infrastructure. >> sandra: wow. we had on our screen a moment ago, the u.s. down nearly 1,200 air traffic controllers since 2012. that as we expect a record thanksgiving holiday travel. are people safe getting on their airplanes and travel something. >> they're safe because captains, first officers like myself, the professional pilot won't allow that margin of safety to be squeezed down. but there's pressure on us. managers saying more, more, more. let's go. sometimes it's for profit, sometimes for pride. the bottom line, we have one mission and that's to protect our passengers. that won't season any day, be it a holiday weekend or not. that's safety for us. it's not a slogan. it's not a punch line. it's an action. that's what we're going to maintain this week coming up. every day that we travel for as long as we're on the flight deck. >> sandra: it is important to hear that from you. we appreciate that so much. thank you. we'll be watching. the holidays are quickly approaching, a lot of people are getting on planes. i just had a wonderful flight experience. the pilots were lovely. >> john: you're not traveling for thanksgiving? >> sandra: no. i didn't know it was coming. thanks, john. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. we'll see you again tomorrow for friday. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: thanks very much, john and sandra. the story right now, young american

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