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you sound amazing. >> you are not flat at all. >> happy wednesday, everyone. so as america grew and expanded, nothing represented the promised land nothe promis. fornia it was the golden state, endless summer dancing raisins, music iconsummers like the beac and charlie mansonma go west. >> young man was the saying. and true we were disgust things sexist even then. but california was literally the ultimate of the american continent and of american aspirationsaspi. it was the mountaintop. it attracted immigrants like arnold schwarzeneggecteds likerh of fame and fortune and bent over housekeeperofs. ia jus >> but california just became the end of something elst ene through progressive policies just died. and no edw the woke need a wake. flo in lieu of flowers, send nancyws pelosi a new. >> but it's indeedndee oved r. that big loud thud you heard was the progressive agenda hitting the ground like joe biden near a sandbag. and it was all thanks to governos tor greasy locks,'s our nation's weird, bitter souls called journalists weird t admit it, but gab just caved jus to reality and switchedes political sides. and his reason is what we've known all alon.hig the left's silly, sanctimonious adolescent simply does not work in the real world. >> so how did we get aow new newsom. >> today in san francisco begins the asian pacific economicc ec conference, which n gritty way of saying, let's spend money on and limos. this is somethingthing american politicians have perfected. >> but like everything else, asia learns fast. el asilearns fthe guest of honoe communist party chairman cheese jinpinchinesg, whom i love as a menu's, a racist, would say. but he's no slouch. >> you want to see how axits a world leader exits a plane? take p look, joe. >> this is how it's done. look at that. smooth, confident descent. you get the feeling he's actually in control of his limb s. it's a >> and without a spot or two,lm it's almost like he knew how t use the stairs. how many hours of practice does it take to dtho that? and it looks like he knows where he is. not an ambulance in sight either. >> excellent dismount, by the waounthe wayy. >> i could watch that for days, and maybe i will. now you've got to get the dogchc to check him for fentanyl. if obama hasn't eaten him firsht . >> so with g in town new, some discovered his inner republican and suddenly made san fran look like a place where people woulde uldn't b actually want to live instead of odd. and you would believe amerwhat america's fascist accomplished. in one weekend in the dead deadjuht pedestrian barricadeshe up to control crowds and keep junkies out of the streets. gone, too, is th e graffitiaffiti, the garbage and perhaps most obviously gone are the homelesd, . poof. just like that vanished. that's a lot of bused.s xi ca to martha's vineyard. >> even she can't make his own citizensn' that fast.ho's and that's a guy who's so far out ahead on labor camps that nike has him on retainer. f >> you know, usually when people disappear from california that fastor fast mova to texas. but it's weird that no one'st no asking where they went and why it couldn't have been dead dos easy to dos now. >> now, since the homeless think the citye ho the are toile newsom wants to make sure the chairman doesn't step in a san francisco treat. and also with biden's schedulems to attend, things could get pretty messy if the president actually triesesi to walk. if he falls in one of those streets, he'd come uf ould comp a six foot tall baby. >> ruth. delicious. so why is it that when a libwano wants to govern effectively, he suddenly becomes a conservative? well, let's as suddenlyk gav. >> i know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town. that'se comiinto because it's tb >>ecau i had a great answer. right. that is what they calls what ine . gavin just murdered the left's entire agendleft'sa. h maki >> so can weng now get on with making our democrat run cities livable c again? >> well, sadly, it turns out decades of progressivism can't b undone overnight. >> in l.a. on saturday, a fire d damageamagd the crucial ten frey so badly it will be closed for weeks, if not monthss , which means every day more than 300,000 citizens will misszens their botox appointments. >> the fire, which officials already determined was caused by arson, just happened to occurarson, by a homeless ca. which is like saying there just happened to be a bag of coke at the premises where hunter biden happened to be staying at the timn be stayie. der an >> investigators say it was started under an overpass fueled by woodfueled and pallet. and u.s. was quick to say that it didn't start in the camp camp.. becau >> but that's clearly a political move because the city has seen similases seer incidents before. the state has known for years that fires surrounded thesat fie camps is a constant risk. in 2019, a blaze started in a a homeless cam camp tup tucked unn l.a. freeway. in june 20, 21 j, 54% of the fires responded to by the l.a. fire department were caused by the homeless. and in downtown l.a., that rates was 80%. >> that's eight out of ten. >> hmm. i love math. now, initially, california's transportationtially califorspoy said it was very possible the fire started in the camp. camp.others suggested, though,t might be california politicians lighting own. wn >> but, of course, l.a.citize mayor karen bass warned citizens not to jumpnsus to conclusions. and why? because yesterday, another freewayey fire broke out in l.a. in, yes, a homeless camp, which is no surprise because there's hundreds all over the city. m so i think i know where all those homeless missing from san franist. went. and apparently they brought their weber grills with themr w >> so, yeah, overnight,ov san franciscans have seenrkable a remarkable transformation. and all it took was a communis a to come for a visit. now, you think there's anyone else out theredo you who might i to impress a big? holy smokes. i think i just figured out how to clean up america's to cs . >> we could use president xi like a human dustbuste br. ca >> so, please, chairman, come to new york. you can stay at my place, buddy. n i actually own a wok, and mostdt of the stuff in my apartment was made in your campse stuf. nr >> then we can go to baltimore ,memphis, houston, chicago, d.c., because there's one thing a liberal loves. it's showing off to the reds. but even cleaning up san fran isn't going to make up for the rest of gavin'fos miserablel track record in that state. wed how's that going to playe when he runs forll president? >> well, maybe we can his name is gavin newsom, h and he can do for america what he did for californifor a with m as president. you'll enjoy friendly, fresh a air, living prescriptions without the long lines at walgreens. also, no more walgreenwalgreensw and say goodbye to filthy public bathrooms when the whole world ishee wh your.t in you won't have to hold it in one second longer than you wantsecond l to.t >> now, we will convert your car to carbon neutral air conditioning forcar to free. >> gavin newsom is your veryn ns best frienomd. brought to you by the committee to make america terrible. welco whatme? welcome ahead. roc yes. this anchor always the right up. fox news anchor. go. got that right. ppily he was happilyma married until his wife saw his act. actor, writer, comedian jamie lissauer and appl, he's an expert in emergency. what makes him a perfect fit for this show? campus reform, highe r felloworm hi nicholas giordangho. and finally, if she gainedt seln a pound, it would be lonely. a "new york times" best selling author. and back to contributor >>t f. p fox new >> g jamie, how you doing therel i'm good, thank you.y i don't care. would you sathat they that the g on in california right now the looks better or worse than the end of your terrible>> jam depressing marriage? >> similar. similaielar.reg: simr similar? yeah, it's. i've hated gavin newsom by theb way, for.e -- for a while. i've not liked him since my my life, sleo everything wasasks number one. he told everyone to wear masks. yes. and then he was caught. no was caug nt wearing a mask.ppend god, that happened to me during once. that skirt was like, we're all putting our masks on. and then iont was just me. >> the throwaways in california . by the way, i don't know ifthe you've ever been on them. they are a disaster whensa they're not on fire. yeah, i know. so this is, like, really bad. i also likalso, likee a confusih message. they come on and they go, we don't have to shut down the ten. >> that's good news. but it's going to take months, not week s. yeah, right. and then gavin goes, yep, that's right. it's not going to take it's going to take 6 to 8 weeks. and i was like, i thin g tok months. yes, i think that's 1.5 to 2doni i where they trying to trick me. yeah. i don't liken people - trying tn i was at the playground the other day and there's this little girl my daughter is playing littlgirl m. >> yeah. and i go, how old's your daughter? i say to this lady and she goes, oh, she's 39 month os agoi i think she's three. nk she'sfirst of all, i don't ce how old your daughter is. i've tried to be nice. now i've got to do some sort of mathematicam trl formulyi iav to figure out how old your daughter is. but this thiematicals whole thid remind me of my marriage. >> to answer your question from the beginninbu wg, because it sh i said it was a disastere ai waiting to.whic >> yeah.h e th which was those are the same words the priest used. they are disaster. well, yeah, that was a good line. i like how you work. that playground went int youkedo there. it had. i did right. i had nothing to do with it, but it was okay. a lot of mine don' hado doh t. >> yeah. at least you didn't say the election was flat. julit.reg: at e. flat. >> an inside inside julikee, what do you think u america would look like if he actually ends up being president? if you see what'ident if ys jule in california, he actually said that he admitte: y saidd san francisco got a facelift. i mean, a facelift, you know, arson and fire and checked news crew apparently was held up at gunpoint and that's their facelift. i mean, i someday wantsome get a facelift when i get to that place. but if you ever walked bu the upper east side and seee ,like a bad facelift, becausee that's what san francisco is like, catwoman, she likfacee yeah, that's san francisco. >> and as far as marriagesy ending, like san francisco, i would only be lucky if mine ended as welbe l. i mean, fires, explosion, gunshots and drugs. sounds like a frickin paradise honeymoon. i never got to say next. >> but san francisco is flat. fa >> yeah.t, no hills there. therehi at all.t need >> francisco just did a facelift. it needs an anima. yeah , that would be. >> but it looks like it's hads an. g i don't know where i'm going, professooir. h pe how come it's not possible to teach people in california their mistakes ? my it just seems like this stuff goes on and on and on. my theort thy is the rich are far removed from the poor, so they actually don't see the consequences . >> what do you think? well, i think that theory is absolutely correct. i mean, justcorrect. at the obvious, he comes out and they put up these heavy duty fences and democrats love walls and fences. they actually worky work to kee' people out except on our southern border, that that's where they can't wors ork.k. yeah. and then he comes out and says, well, when you have a guest over, you got to clean your. >> it reveals what he really thinks about the people he look s at them as garbage. the residents of california, they'll stilill votel vote for . that's the scary part. but it was his marie moment it m saying, you know, let them eat cake. and i feel bad because aftergues this little apec's summit is over, guess what's comings back in? >> and it's the homeless encampments. yeah, it's almost like let them it's the he or pieces.s almo >> cake, pieces, cake. remember thosest? >> gre >> you don't have that problem. i don't, girl. yeah, you are. i keepg: - yohave you always forget. gre >>g: what do i you make of this whole fire situation? it's pretty it's actually in california almost . they it's a natural disaster because all they driveo is and that is e the most crucial freeway for southern californiuthern a. yeah, well, you also think that, you know, freeway not on fire is a great bipartisan initiative. >> yes. because it does affect everyon use iternia's . >> and the thing that's sad ry is california is really greagret in a lot of ways. i was just there. i had the best time. the weather wa tiful.s beautiful.were my show sold out. a the crowds were amazing at the best timmazist e. been my friends, it would've been perfect if l.a. didn't throw the knife at me. ye p if throws, true. >> but, you know, i mean, she did all as well. buat doesn't break the skit n you could say, but like, it actually was pretty bad. and she wasn't even in a homeless camp. she warett eves justn in all by herself. >> yeah. so i think that there are some simple things that can be done. i think that something like a knife being thrown could be taken a little more a ky setting.e shu >> you know, there shouldn't be multiple freeways freeelem.ght on fire beforld like this is a problem. yeah, it shouldn't be thate ha to california. awesome, because california is awesome just based on the weatherju bas theeather >> so many other things. you know, that reminds me of an analogy i came cam up with.woma like california is likewh a beautiful womao n who have to do anything because they have the water. e ththey have the the so they're just there no matter what it's like. >> it's like a completely brain dead, beautiful woma n, right, that smokes. >> yeah, that smok>> gree. it's just like a beautiful alain dead woman who smoke. we can dream. all right. up next, peake tries to be cool, blathering about book bands and school. >> i don't know if you'll be in the new york area and like, tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeldickn and click on the link to join our studio audience. the fox nation patriot awards are back and they're going be better than ever because this year we're here in nashville. we're taking over the grand ole opry house. and you can catch the whole show live tomorrow night on fox nation. it's an event unlike any other. me and the rest of the fox family to honor our nation's true heroes and celebrate the spirit of this great country. it's all happening tomorrow night, so sign up now at fox nation .com for exclusive access to the 2023 patriot awards. >> the virus that causesdo shingles is sleepingrmant, in 9% bliste it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painfule at any blg rash that can last for weeks and it could wake at time. and it could wake at time. think you are not at risk for shingles? 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i thin dk she should never talks about woke books at a concert. first of all, i can barelym to get my kids to read. so then you get your kids to a concert and you expectert and a to open up a book. and it's got to be about and trans. >> yeah. what does that have to do with singing? it's the same thing as taking a knee at a football game. bout tak it's not about politics. >> it's about going to see people play football, which polig seet stand football.i >> swoo i wouldn't go.uldn but a concert. i mean, who the hell is she trying to teach our children or our children? >> o good children don't needhan that. >> this is what happens when stars see the glow in their life fading and they start getting desperatgetting e and the best way to get some kind of resurgence in there in credibility is virtue signaling. >> and she's really bad at it. rer what did you makebad at of it? >> well, they are bad at it because they just want to redefin it they re the word w means. that's true. no. and that's what it's all about. books aren'that ll it's parents are complaining that there's inappropriate, in the school library. you know, k through you k 12 shouldn't have. you know, especially we don't espe of the flies in k through five. our so what the bookbooks ths and trying to put in ones that we would never read to our children however. the are they're the ones that did try and get dr. seuss banned and canceled and they're the ones that are having american classics be rewritten becaust arhavinge so many triggt in there. shouhey just they don't knowrue they're talking about and they should be more concerned about th bthe 13e 13% of studen that don't know american historyerican, that thy can't read, write or do mathematics. you just had d oregon, announce that they're doing away with all graduating standards of proficiency. >> like, let's be more mor concerned about that and the fact that our educatioe cun sysm has collapsed, then fake book bands. that's what i think exactlbaniny exactly. >> you are in favor of book bands. i was surpriseoud as aay libertarian. >> mm okay.. ut the well, look, i actually have throughout the years had issuesd with some of ron desantis pieces of legislatioantis'n as e speech absolutist. >> and so because of that. hat o also, nothing makes me more frustrated than to see someonthe coming out and saying things that are completely not true because then it makes iutt more for those things to be taken seriously when i say them. she was sayinge things that to a mockingbird was completely banned. diary of anne frank was completely banned, which is just not true. and then she turn that goes oh maga people ared, it'se mad. no, you're wrong. and like, like julie said, she's handing out thes. e booksshe' at a concert. that is really weird. yeah, it is very . to a >> to go to a concert which her songs are about. get the party started, and someon songse you a copy ofe diary of anne frank. >> yeah. i like o the it's an important book for many reasons, but it doesn't make me want to dance. yeah. what is it? get the party started. what?y >> she's anti-semitic. that's what yopartu said. >> i didn't say that.u somebody else said jamie.r >> you said that? oh, yeah. i don't know g: jamie, jamie. >> you never read your kids?d yeah, i readto them a wh would you read to them? i'll tell you what. i wai was god s to read them, ac pose this back as a question to you. i waas as going to read them diy of anne frank, and it just occurred to me, should we be reading anne frank's? you know what mean? >> i mean, it had a there's a tiny lock on there for a reason, you guys and q magic would be banned from schools. yeah, i was thinking i was like, can you imagine ifld e you haifd a diary and somebody was like, hey, we have good news and bad news. good news is you now have thg book. ind bad news >> yeah, the bad news is yeah, everybody knows that. you think second cousins that. c hot don't countusin >> i'm impressed that i'm impressed by being given away by books that are concert like that. that mean she's doing well lik e i might at my shows. >> i can't even give away tickets to my shows. they said first thousand people get books at the concert and f anybody is not1,000, is not amongst the first 1000, you coulfindd one in the trash on the floor, grab one or it's so it's so true. but this is what she needs to do, right? because nobody this is thetime first time i've heard about pink in ages. yes, tru i've. true. you know, true. isn't it true that, likeit weird you ban a bookok, but like, if my kid finds out that those books are banned, he's going to buy he' buy them. you c yeah, they're not burning them all. i'm saying you can't get them. they're just saying like them. they're sort of letting the parents choose or letting someone. i don't know. and then when i hearthen whed rd you could. you could read it, i was like, thank god there's video no thew i feel like reading, notraphy? reading. that's it. that's an instance where the movie is always better than. >> the book? mo. ok t i never understood. stoo no, no, that was just weird. yeah. and then you get all excited, then you got turn the paged and it goes away. all right.up nex >> enough of that. up next, is it a crime to call nineties the best of all time? my one c was up here now it's down with rebels this is agency it's down with rebels down there my doctor told me rebels this lower day one clo better than a leading branded pillst som and that people takig rebels has lost more weigh for r >> i gotoi to my one single and lost some weight to rebels . >> this isn't for people with type one diabetes. don't take rebels as ilergic t you were your family. ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasi re stoma reacr if allergic to it, stop rebels if allergic to it, stop rebels and get medical help right away you get a lump or swelling in your neck. so if your stomach pain or an allergic reaction, serious wit. effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider problems or changes taking with ulcers with a sulfonylurea audiencey blems. increases low blood sugar risk side effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your one c down. you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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what machinewere the were they g against in the nineties? >> and thes?y they actually became the biggest conformists there, right? yeah, exactly. you know>> nic, they were telliv you to put on your mask. yeah. and by the way, how did 30 years of raging against ane machine help the machine go the machine got more powerful and they got richer. >> cat what sahey you abou 9t the 90s. >> well they were huge for me really. i learned to walk. at: ye i learneahd talk, i learned how to use a toilet. >> i learned how to read,pretty learned how to write. >> i mean, like, pretty big stuff i found. ie i use all of it still. >> yeah. that's amazing. do you have an any recoy recollect recollection of that? >> do you look back at the music? i stil: i stilo a lol listen tot of music from the 90s. i mean, i can think of fourm th brian jonestown albums from the 90s. i still listen to all the timeel so like nineties rap, you know,s i do like nirvana and i do like again walking, talkin, reading and writing. >> what's your feeling on nostalgia in general? nerva >> i find it very strange. yeah, i know. wuri do. i look back on a lot of things in my life with the nostalgiags is weird because my life was a lot worse before than it is now. just objectively. yeah, exactly. so there is no nostalgia for you. >> yeah. just painful memories that are erased by a variety of prescription medications. >> that's not true. o the prescription medicational i take is a stimulant forju my adhd. that doesn't make me forget anything. it doesn't. quite the contraryat: the only >> all right, jamie, is he greg: right or is he full of it. the >> so how old are you in the nineties, i think absolutely right. i waabsolutes 20 something. i'm not that good at subtracting pressure. subtr >>ac yeah, yeah.. >> but honestly, you're so right that like your time about the ba'sd toy like.e 90 yeah like there is stuff i used to bump in the nineties that's garbag'se. >> like cocaine. yeah. stuff used to be great. but think about how you associate those memoriesh stuff with that stuff, right? yeah. like, i remember i lost my virginity to the backstreet boysinity to bac. >> we were all very drunk and that is a great joke. >> thanks, kat. you're welcome. i mean, agree with them, but. but think about all the funk like and you go like.i go t like college, right? like nine inch nails. i went to a college party when i associatllege like music from the 2000, all i think about is how just my hard life, r you know, like, i go, oh, brittany. i remember listening to that when i throw outg to tha thr my, you know, oh, kings of leon. i remember was like this kings of leon jam. when i found out my colonoscopy was out of network , i had, you know, like, oh, oh, oh, t beyonce. my wife left me, too. all the single ladies. . yeah. i think i do think you're right, though. so it's like the the association with that memory i t i don't think it's really better music. >> no you know what it is julise you you take a decade that you had the lowest stress ormmediate responsibilities in your life, so you immediately think that'so the great decade because you didn't have a mortgage or >>miserabla e marriage. >> jamie or julie i wasn'taught] married in the nineties. >> i know. i'm just like, that'ulie: i ed y point. that's my point. but is like when you are nostalgia is predicated on the fact that you didn't have worries about taxes or pending debt. >> i think when you look back at decades and you deie: when music, it reminds you of where you were at that time. like i was definitely walking by then, but i was failing through high school. like i have great memories sneaking out of the house, smoking pot, making my mother have emotional breakdownsmokingy every night. when she went into my bedroom and either found a bong or pillowhaves under my comforter, which was not me, i was out across the street high.. but -- but i will say i wentee through like a roller coaster, like i was a confused teenager. like, first of all, i loved axl . i had such a crush on him. like when the song patience came outlove actually cried. ou that's back when we watched mtv videos and i criedtually that's how emotional. and then years later, fast forward, i was into like heavy ,which i'm not sure what i was,i thinking. there were metallica, all those reallyke dark songs. becam then i just became a country fan. i was like a countryy lovingst almost, but not like, because i never i've never kissed a girlkebian bec. l over >> but you know where i'm going here? i would love for the map. ali do all over the place. do you like country music? and you played some softball. ryd mcentire. ye yes, yes. and a little bit of softball. yeah. >> they just throw up evenjust better. oh, you can't. on her five times. i from metallica and axl rose to revisit that was the same time that you probably came to fox is in. >> yeaame toh. >> everybody has to listen to country music when they come to fox. yeah. fox.w i listen to nothing but t seventies. >> there you go. yeah. well, good forthd for you.have. >> thanks. you know that. that's all the time. we have to talk nextsa weeme ti and remember to keep a journal when you get those crazyghts jus and ghts, just write them down, okay? and they becomthen eate your th >> oh, coming up in animal jubilee to fill you with at if you have chronic kidney disease ,you can reduce the riskse of kidney failure with far sicker because there are placesa you'd rather be for significanct cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatala rare, infectio dehydr, urinary tract or yeast this . this a rare life threatening bacterial infection in the skin bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum coulection,d oc♪ >> stop taking for a second. call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms. this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis. >> first thing monday, the five is leading up to fox square. join your fox favorites as they kick off this holiday season in style. don't miss our specials: we all-american christmas tree lighting monday sponsored by verizonha as soon the networu businesses rely on. >> we had an mri as soon as they came up, i just started as they came up, i just started crying and i was like, god i a tumor. bryce was diagnosed with a rare brain at just nine months old, a treatment that can beat his cancer doesn't exist at children's cancer research fund. our goal is to change that.r for that somebody can tell a family your child doesn't have to die we must do better for kidsly ey fighting cancer. join the fighand at cancer, da. >> chip station saves us so's ra much timdye. makes it really easy and seamless. pick order everything you need. label onto the box and it's ready to go. our cost for shipping like we'r e cut in half. just like that. are de slash and get two months free. >> israel is under attacstk and jewish families are in danger. thople of enemies seekly in our destructiothn. the people of israel need immediate help. rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. crosshairs. own homes. >> many have lost everything. and fear for their lives. the international fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response launched an urgent response to rescue thos attack. only $45 the groundne across israel delivering lifesaving aid. your urgently needed giftto tur of onln.y $45 will help rushme food, water, medicine food, water, medicine and emergenc is jewish families that have nowhere to turn. time is literally running out. what we need you to do is to act now. >> hey, high. >> check it out. team jackets. oh, nice. these are sick guys. >> love it. wait. why is mine say a little baby cake? 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ren'yeah.cute and they're cute. mm-hmm. and then when they get bigger, they can trampleand whhet you . >> yes. generally at low ren reg:t circuses in eastern europe. >> hey, that's your mine. >> yeah, those were the days i had to change my name. professor, i know this is new to you. >> you never thought you'd be doing an animal story, but i trust you'llt yo somethinghing r important. >> well, i think it's very important because it gives om t a lesson about what we learned from the first segment of the show. how.and we're going to watch tha a video of a silly horse that's going to trot aroundt' . s and you have the cattle rancher there who isin new governor new. and this horse is going to keepd on going around and around because it sees the fence, because fences work. and and when the horse tries, you're going to see the horse leap and try try to get through the fence as she's telling the horse, no, you're nohorse ta allowed to do h >> and look at what happens with the horse. appeit's going to get stuck, because scientifically, walls, fences work. >> it's a shot at sciencape objective. that >> this is what you call proof. i believe that walls work w are and horses are stupid. >> they don't watch. i don't care, jamie. mm-hmm. well:.amie: uh , now i realize that i havebaby the same shame level of ant. baby elephant, number one. and then i have a clip here that's showing you it's. it's a dog doing an impersonatiodon. usin >> any woman using a publica pu restroombl where they try. they >> it's true. try not to touch the seat. you know, you're something. >> okay. it's just. it's. there's something wrong ja. the dog >> well, game owners are.]. some are. no, that's >> greg: a joke.g they're either. the owners are doing horrible things to thishorrible dog for or he might have. >> maybe. maybe he hasick a spinal issue. >> oh, my gosh. i hope whenever i see a dog this, i want to take my dog and show it to him and just go look what it could have been. >> yeawhat youh, but look, he dn go back down. >> yeah. se. ah.e, he's.en >> it's not a permanent condition. >> jam >> it's.ieig he's just showing off, apparently. but you're right. like when my doght. would insi, i would go, like, let'so go outside, and then he would th,outside and i'd be like good job. >> these guys are, like, feet off the ground. juah, it's me. it's just me. julie, do you have a wonderful animal story to round out this a glorious segment that america writes about? speae is also about horses, but not political ones . that debbie downer over there. mine is about and ponies. >> and ponies. that's correct. >> i went to that for a poollls. of . nto th and honestly, i would love to dive into these, but imagine being a ponyess bug and enjoyis they are frolicking in . yes. dii men the ?so >> yes. and watch this one pony. it's so cute. they're like, curled up and they're rolling around in it. i hope it gets to that point. oh, and then there's a dog. s , that that or a cat that gets in there that i thought was a little far. her legs are notlittle h enough. >> looks like they got a whole case of . yeah. no. well, that's what i was also going to say. but you know what? it's multicolored. there's blue , there's goi black ,s an and then there's white. >> so all food groups are in there. >> ha ha ha. it looks fun. thwould dive in those in a heartbeat. in >> would you? y anything else like to add about those? >> i just love a good ball>>ie: >> yeah. up n, we'll geworkt to work on that. >> we'll put it outside for you. okay. ext, ds up next, does the qb for the chiefs always wear the same pair of briefs? 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i do but my kids do not washun their underwear because i find them under the bed. and so and then they rewear them sso this o this guy's got g on my children. >> oh, well, thank god i get arrested. yeah whil >> but he does say that hete washes up every once in a while, which, again, is better thanr t i don't like to doi jut laundry. no, no, don't. you don't. so i just tell them to turthem n them inside >> that's it.ti that's disgusting. ng. ik i'm. why do i talk that way anymore? you make me sick. no, i tell them to go to school without underwear. obviousl, ty. obviou yes, i would hope so. you're a good mother. i am. in case the lawyers are watchingslou're her. her.ers >> what do you think? there is something to superstitions. do they actually help? >> well, i'm italian, so there's a lot of superstition. the italians have, you know, the paper that sits right there. yeahight, and italian horn, you know, so that ints? your underpants. not today. so but when you look at it, the italian horn is liket th onf the main things to ward off evil. and they have it hang him right ongs to ward off doors. >> we have that actually at my house. so but it's not because it'se o >> it's because of the wife. she wants to make sure it's there. there.erstitions it' , i think a lot of people believe i won't rewear dirty underwear. >> yeah, that's gross. i believe in hygiene. yeah. you're an expert in emergency management you'r . >> i would assume there would be some unnecessary roughness ry with those u underpants, i.e., chafing. i mighiet be.that d >> look, i'm just talking as a scientist. then that doesn'oet maybe it doesn't, but who cares? it's. i can say whatever i want. >> cats. are you referring to skid marks? noie: are never mind that catm >> i suppose if you wear eve the same underwear at every game, no one's going to want you a sack. >> you know, i think this is s o . >> he was like, if you're offt on a hot streak, i can't washn'n them, you know? no, i don't know. that is soow. gross.r be >> and women get so much being, like into astrology and like, at least astrology never tells you you can't change your underwear. yeah, grow up. >> that'd be interesting if it did, though. d, thougyeah, i know some people who probably would listen to it. >> yeah. psychicsn to that don't change your underwear. i think half of the women i know wouldn't change their underwear. if you kno womenw what, i mean.r no, stupid ladies. u kng. pidin i don't know anybody. how many women do you know exactld y? i know there's me. yeah, julie, that's pretty much like count>> greg: as a woman n. >> so, jamie, what happened in the good old days whenlie. they relied on? i know, right? yeah. those are fut asn. nuff >> i believe in the superstition stuff. really? what do you do? do you have superstition you s? and would you believe this? i actually have a lucky shirt that i think was luckysu . w like with. luc like with the ladies. it was like a lucky. it was my favoritekyh th band.yi my my favorite band was called i'll give you thousand dollarsnd if you.a t i don't think that's a bandie: t and it might not be. this is lucky though he's got if he's go t if he's out with he's winning you know with the why not just wear the. yeahhe i see the same thing in a wrestling i want a bunch of matches. i would a what i would do is i change my underwear during what i wouldy h and they would forfeit. ucky. oh. oh. it's very luck>> greg:y. m >> anything else? y no, i don't think so. i have a minute. i just picturing. ou you like writing that joke in a coffee shop? yeah. like everyon op, like everyone. >> you has no yeah, like, oh, i got one. and then i get here, i'm like,ts oh, maybe not. well, you know, i just assumsume you wear the same underwear daily. but that's a budget decision, not a superstition becausecause of >> the, you know, the alimony and stuff. that's a lot. yeah, it is the lot. jamieort. endbut we just end ti now. >> yeah. when i add it all up i, it's mo than 100% of what i have. >>a yeahundh. >> oh, all right. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. >> wow. incredible. amazing my go to is liam. if i drop them off, i dramatically reduces redness in one minute and look at the difference my eyes the brighter and whiter for up to 8 hours luma five. >> it's kind of amazing. >> see for yourself. boston 1773. one of the most daring and, consequential events in american history is about to take place. this was the spark that lit the torch of and that, too, is on the docks. the british will have their boots firmly planted on our necks. enjoy your freedom while it lasts. i'm rob lowe, and this is or death. death. >> boston tea part >> honey, honey. sneezi >> nyquil. severe honey, powerful cold and fl achinoney-licu with a dry taste. nyquil. honey. honey. the nighttim e.pick >> sneezing, coughing, aching fever, honey licious. especially with the cold hing yousl ship station, savesp, us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless. k an order everythin you need. slap the label on to the box and it's ready to goand get 2 m our cost for shipping like we're cut in half, just like that. go to ship station .com slash tv and get two months free. >> do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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>> i'd love to update the omaha funny bone this weekend. and i'm doing my first theater show, basically, thanks to being on your show. so thank you. t theatedecember 9th in boise, , at the egyptian theater at it'ss a beautiful theater. repor >> boise is a great townte. it is. it is. all right. it's the voices are.. oh, a g i don't knowre. >> we're out of time.e're thank you. jamie. julie banderas. f nicholas. arigato. kat timpf our studio audience. 40% out with jeremy gallagher next. i love fo >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingan

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Chairman , Couldn T , Dos , Toile Newsom , Treat , Citye , Schedulems , Doesn T Step , President , Baby , Libwano , Uf Ould Comp , Delicious , Ruth , Leaders , Conservative , Answer , Folks , That Se Comiinto , Suddenlyk Gav , Ecau , Gavin Newsom , Left , Agendleft Sa , Democrat , Progressivism Can T B , Line , Dumpsterba Fire , Citizens , Fire D , Officials , Not Monthss , Botox Appointments , Damageamagd , L A On Saturday , 300000 , Ten , Carson , Bag , Overpass , Coke , Premises , Pallet , Homeless Ca , Occurarson , Timn Be Stayie , Woodfueled , Der , Investigators , Camp , Risk , City , Estate , It Didn T , Thesat Fie Camps , Becau , Move , Seer Incidents , Blaze , Unn L A Freeway , Aa Homeless Cam , Similases , Camp Tup , 2019 , Fires , Homeless , Rates , Downtown L A , L A Fire Department , Eight , 21 , 20 , 80 , June 20 21 , 54 , Course , It , Math , Transportationtially Califorspoy , Camp , Others , L A Citize , Yes , Freewayey Fire Broke Out In L A , Karen Bass , Conclusions , Surprise , Hundreds , Communis A , Transformation , San Franist , Ov San Franciscans , Themr W , Weber Grills , Big , Visit , Anyone , Theredo , Holy Smokes , President Xi , To Cs , Human Dustbuste Br , Thing , Stuff , Stuf , New York , Mostdt , Campse , Buddy , Apartment , Wok , Houston , Ni , Baltimore , Memphis , D C , Chicago , Name , Rest , Loves , Track Record , San Fran Isn T , Reds , Gavin Fos Miserablel , Lines , Prescriptions , Californifor A With M , Walgreenwalgreensw , Hair , Friendly , Walgreens , Bathrooms , Goodbye , To T , Wh Your T , Car , Best Frienomd , Carbon Neutral Air Conditioning , Wantsecond , Ishee , Ns , Veryn , Committee , Anchor , Welco Whatme , Roc Yes , America Terrible , Ppily He , Comedian Jamie Lissauer , Fit , Right , Expert , Emergency , Writer , Fact , Wife Saw , Factor , Highe R Felloworm , Fox News Anchor , Happilyma , Appl , Campus Reform , F P Fox New G Jamie , Contributor , New York Times , Best Selling Author , Hi , Nicholas Giordangho , Pound , She Gainedt Seln , G , I M Good , Therel , Thank You Yi Don T Care , Sleo Everything Wasasks , Masks , Marriage , Number One , For E , Theb Way , Similaielar Reg , Similar , Simr , Way , Disaster , Mask , Throwaways , Skirt , Ppend God , Whensa , News , S Yeah , That S Right , Gavin Goes , Likee A Confusih , Likalso , 8 , 6 , Lady , Daughter , Playing , Littlgirl M Yeah , Playground , I Don T Liken , Little Girl , Tn , 1 5 , 2 , I Don T , Sort , Os Agoi , Ice , Thid , Nk She Sfirst Of All , Mathematicam Trl , Formulyi Iav , 39 , Three , Question , Waiting To Whic Yeah He Th , Words , Priest , Disastere , Beginninbu Wg , Hado Doh T Yeah , At E Flat , Mine Don , Flat , Least , Election , Joke Jo Julikee , Julit Reg , Youkedo , Facelift , News Crew , What Ident , He Admitte , Y Saidd , Ys Jule , She Likfacee Yeah , Becausee That , Gunpoint , Seee , Upper East Side , Catwoman , Marriagesy Ending , Fa Yeah T , Gunshots , Drugs , Explosion , Sounds , Frickin Paradise Honeymoon , Welbe L , Gi Don T , Anima , Tape , Therehi At All T , Chills , Professooir , Theory , Consequences , Mistakes , Poor , On And , Theort Thy , Rich , Fences , Ork K Yeah , Walls , Work , Obvious , Duty , Wors , Border , Justcorrect , Part , Guest Over , Residents , Let Them Eat Cake , Stilill Votel , Aftergues , Gre You Don T , Problem , Guess What , Cake , Pieces , Summit , Comings , Homeless Encampments , Almo , Little Apec , Gre G , Situation , Girl , Freeway , Initiative , Southern Californiuthern A Yeah , Sad Ry Is California , Iternia S , Buat Doesn T Break The Skit N , L A Didn T , True , Timmazist E , Friends , Ways , Throws , Knife , Crowds , Ye P , Weather Wa Tiful S Beautiful , On Fire Beforld , She Warett Eves Justn , There Shouldn T , Freeways , Knife Being , Ky Setting E , Shu You , Freeelem Ght , Beautiful Womao N , Likewh , Analogy , It Shouldn T Be Thate Ha , Up With , Weatherju Bas Theeather , Water , Anything , Beautiful Woma N , Smokes , Smok , Matter , Gree , Scenery No , E Ththey , Beautiful Alain , Up Next , Smoke , Blathering About Book Bands And School , Peake , Tickets , Area , Link , Studio Audience , Slash Gutfeldickn , Gutfeld Go To Foxnews Com , Fox Nation Patriot Awards , Event , Mother , Grand Ole Opry House , Fox Nation , Nashville , Fox Nation Com For Exclusive Access , Spirit , Country , Fox Family , Heroes , Virus , Causesdo Shingles , 2023 , Painfule , Shingles , Bliste , Blg , Is Sleepingrmant , Lying Dormant , 9 , Doctor , Becausevent , Prevention , Pharmacist , Shingles Couldion , 50 , Bath , Shower , Installation Costs , Interest , Payments , Jacuzzi , Bath Remodel , Offer , 65 , Stress , Price , Mess , Safer , Waiting , Home , Step , Com , 800 , Seven , 47 , 348286 , Life Insurance , Selectquote , Trust Me , Aneurysm , Peace Of Mind , Visits , Coverage , Exam , Policy , Confrontation , Car Engine Revs , Whatcom , A Million , 2 Million , Engine , Tires Squeal , Texting Clicks , Glass , Loose Gravel Clanking , Order , Businesses , Most , Opportunity , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Network , Internet , Business Internet , Company , Anyone Else , Prepaid Card , Business Today , 000 , 1000 , Pair , Greg , App Store , Possibilities , Money Back Guarantee , Jeans Today , Apple , Artist , Singer , Fans , Concerts , Stand , Stop , Bad Books , Checkecke , Books Aren T Bannedsingr , Florida , 2000 , Songstress , Community , Kill A , Square , Jawe D , Titles , Catcher In The Rye , Mesl Mockingbird , Sex , Sunshinoe , Magica Ator L , School Libraries Ba , List , Reading List , False , Key , Books Floridians , To Catch Bada Predator , The , Maga , C Oh , Bunch , Catch , Commando , Crowd , Ye Oh , Thee Ne Back Row , Anybody , Families , Dads , Story , Facts , Cringe , Wrong , On H Quote , Kids A Bedtimbut Reae , Wive Twowell , Kids , Songs , Party Startestartede , Althoughngs , Wall , Everybody , Saturday Night , My Friendssag S , Oute , Meonndiu , Mercedes Benz , Like Julie Said , Lane , Stick , Tel Jokes , Likee Bu , Celebris , Concert , Books , Book , Children , Politics , Football Game , Shell , Knee , O Good Children Don T Needhan , Wouldn T Go Uldn , Football , Bout Tak , Polig Seet , Life , Kind , Stars , Desperatgetting E , Rer , Glow , Virtue Signaling , Resurgence , Credibility , Parents , Banned Ar It , You K 12 Shouldn T Have , Books Aren That , The Word W Means , School Library , Redefin , Ones , Ths , Dr , We Don T Espe , Bookbooks , Flies , Seuss , Five , 12 , Shouhey , There , Knowrue , 13 , Studen , Classics , Triggt , Don T Know American Historyerican , Thy , Becaust Arhavinge , Th Bthe , 13 , Book Bands , Mor , Mathematics , Graduating Standards , Proficiency , Exactlbaniny , Cun Sysm , Oregon , Educatioe , Favor , Well , Issuesd , Surpriseoud , Aay Libertarian , Nut , Someonthe , Some , Hat O , Speech Absolutist , Ron Desantis , Diary Of Anne Frank , Thes , Mockingbird , It Se Mad , People Ared , Doesn T , Reasons , E Booksshe , Someon Songse , You A Copy Ofe Diary Of Anne Frank , I Don T Know G , Somebody Else , Yopartu , God , Back , Diy , Anne Frank S , Anne Frank , You Wh , Mac , Schools , Magic , Clock , Somebody , Thg Book , Bad News , Diary , Ifld E , Cousins , C Hot Don T Countusin , You Haifd , Wind , Shows , Well Lik Ei , Floor , Trash , Grab One , Kid , Bookok , Isn T , Likeit , Nobody , Wages , Tru , Video , Reading , Someone , I Don T Know , Thew , Whed , Notraphy , Ti , Instance , Paged , Movie , Stoo No , Imo , The Nineties , Crime , Right Up Nex , C , Rebels , Agency , Family , Ri Gotoi To My One , Leading , Ilergic T , Weight , Weigh , Single , Diabetes , Pillst Som , Wit , Gallbladder Problems , Help , Effects , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Neck , Stomach Pain , Provider Problems , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Stoma Reacr , Endocrine Neoplasi , Side Effects , Prescription , C Down , Kidney Problems , Changes , Diarrhea , Blood Sugar Risk , Dehydration , Ulcers , Nausea , Vomiting , Audiencey Blems , 10 , 0 , Ingredients , Brand , Unique , Tune Off , Sleep Support , Hello , Qnol , Pack , Feet , Socks , Magical Alpaca , Crew , Family Practice , Feet Running , Scum , Heartburn , Thermo Regulating Safe , We Rmy Fred Me Place , Wool , Cashmere , Moisture , Acid , Zero Heartburn , Witeartburnreliefh , Relief Prilosec Oty , 24 , Zero , Neighbor , Sister , Marathons , We Rn , Text , Suddeno , Areg Don T , Conversation , Colonial Penn , Callinetlan , Todg Abo5 A Month Plan , Plan , Colonial Bend Life Insurance Company , Life Insurance Company , 995 , Lifealth , Health Reason , Health Questions , 5 , 85 , , Information , Beneficiary Planner , Rate , 95 , 0 95 , Gift , 9086060 , 800 9086060 , 90860604 , 1 , 90860601 , Show It , Self Care , Omni Luxe Contour , Skin , Enthusiast Music Brand , Led Light Therapy , Omni , Ecom Nineties , Wrinkles , Luxe , Podcaster , Flap , Grunge , Rap Rock Critic , Podcast , Pandemic , Songsa Dui Celebrating Nostalgia , Podcaster Rob Harvill Ergues , It Jamy , Times , Conclusion , Ninetie Clae S , Hits , Genres , Uncei , Pop , Hip , Ghi , Truedd True , Vocalist , Biggie Smalls , Decade Di , Kurt Cobain , The 90s , Nostalgiweira , Deadt Oc , Bright Future , Nicholas Okay , 90 , Nostalgia , Brain , Somethingng , Wasn T Good In The Beginning , Reminder , Lov , It Gre , Malls , Cars , Tupauc , Littere Litt Whato , Bay Area , 1970 , Time , Wasn T , Ninetie S Yeah , Picture , Coexisting , Pinnacle Powe Ar , Thians , Monica Lewinsky , Oval Office , Biggeste O Deal , Clinton , Sink , Politicsthe , Machinewere , The Movies , Wha , The Machine , Mask , Conformists , Ane Machine Help , Nic , 30 , Cat , Ye I Learneahd Talk , Toilet , Sahey You Abou 9t The 90s , Recollection , Tot , Ith , Recoy , Fourm , Timeel , Trap , Writing , Albums , Si , Walking , Nirvana , General , Talkin , Brian Jonestown , Nerva , Nostalgiags , Wuri , Memories , O , Prescription Medicational , Prescription Medications , Stimulant Forju , Variety , Adhd , Contraryat , It Doesn T , Subtr Ac Yeah , Subtracting Pressure , Toy Like E , Cocaine , Memoriesh , Garbag Se , Ba Sd , Joke , Virginity , Kat Timpf , Backstreet Boysinity To Bac , College Party , College , Funk , Brittany , Tha , Thr My , Nine Inch Nails , Nine , Wife , Colonoscopy , Oh , Kings Of Leon , Kings Of Leon Jam , T Beyonce , Ladies , Memory Iti Don T , Association , Ormmediate , Responsibilities , Mortgage , Miserabla E Marriage , I Wasn Taught , Point , That Ulie , Taxes , Debt , Worries , I Ed Y Point , House , Pillowhaves , High School , Breakdownsmokingy , Smoking Pot , Bong , Bedroom , My Comforter , Patience , Street , Loved Axl , Teenager , Roller Coaster , Crush , Outlove , Videos , Fast Forward , Becam , Heavy , Country Fan , Those Reallyke Dark Songs , Mtv , Countryy Lovingst , Metallica , Country Music , Softball , Map , Ye Yes , Girlkebian Bec , Mali , Ryd Mcentire , Bit , Evenjust , Axl Rose , Forthd , Nextsa Weeme Ti , Yeaame Toh , Journal , Ghts , Animal Jubilee , Th Oh , Crazyghts Jus , Riskse , Kidney Failure , Chronic Kidney Disease , Significanct , Infection , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract , Yeast , Symptoms , Oc Stop , Perineum Coulection , Infectio Dehydr , Fox Favorites , Holiday Season , Miss , Style , Specials , Fox Square , All American Christmas Tree , Bryce , Tumor , Mri , God Ia , Verizonha , Treatment , Kidsly Ey Fighting Cancer , Child , Goal , Children S Cancer Research Fund , Label , We R E Cut , Shipping , Seamless , Cost , Everything , Chip Station , Fighand At Cancer , The Box , Fda , Ra Much Timdye , Israel , Danger , Enemies , Destructiothn , Jewish , Are De Slash , Thople , Crosshairs , Many , Homes , Lives , Fear , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Rockets , Response , Medicine , Medicine Food , Emergenc , Thos Attack , Aid , Groundne , Rushme Food , Giftto Tur , Onln Y 45 , 45 , Baby Cake , Love It , Team Jackets , Thigh , Nice , Jackets , Jacket , Deal , Nickname , Ace Toms , Rhino Dragon , Death Trap , Classic Little Baby Cake , Monday , Kitchen Nightmares , Dreams , Hulu , Mondays On Fox , Artistry , Dedication , Detail , Masterpiece , Precision , Edmundo , Jeans , Facility , Flexibility , Art Denim , Dynamic Stretch , 40 , Birds , Seas , Trees , Fishes , Pets , Comfortable , Martin Bukom , Animal Friends , Friends Or , Dreams Come True , Gaff Feed , Cnn , Toe I Alws Go , Way Fis You Know , Becauso , Thane , Primetime Lineupr , Animal Story , Baby Elephant , Animals , Saidi Hope , Birds S Chas He , Africa , He She S , Theshe S Cute , Look , Shame , Up Ani , K H , Arned , Likehideute He , Ae , Aren T , Trampleand Whhet You , Ren Reg T Circuses , Elephants , Ren Yeah , Those Were The Days , Professor , Thinurope Gt Mine , Eastern Europe , Horse , Segment , Governor , Mom , You Llt Yo Somethinghing R , How , Lesson , Aroundt , Isin , Cattle Rancher , Fence , Horse Leap , Nohorse Ta , That At H , Shot , Appeit , Sciencape Objective , Horses , They Don T , Don T Care , Want , Level , Amie , Dog , Publica Pu Restroombl , Clip , Impersonatiodon , Usin , Thishorrible Dog , Owners , Dog Well , Game Owners , A Joke G , Seat , Something Wrong Ja , He S En , Ah E , Issue , Gosh , Se , Yeawhat Youh , Outside , Doght , Job , Juah , Would Insi , Let So Go Outside , Ieig , Speae , Ponies , Poollls , Enjoyis , Bug , Nto Th , Debbie Downer , Ponyess , Pony , Frolicking , Men , Dii , Case , Looks , White , Little , Food Groups , Notlittle H , S An , Goi Black , Legs , Multicolored , Up N , In A Heartbeat , Ie , Ball , Add , Ha , Fun , Thwould Dive , Chiefs , Qb , Briefs , Ds Up Next , Ext , Call , Cold Shortening Brand , It Shortens Colts Zach Cam Shorten , Medicine Cabinet , Must , Zink Formula , Studs , Carat , Gifts , Exchange , Tennis Bracelets , Jewelry , 399 , 349 Thousands , 99 , 699 , 199 , Bathroom , Model , Tab , Fox And Friends , 3482867 , 800 3482867 , Fox Nagain , 325499 , Dirty Underpants , Underwe , Underpa , Tradition , Fir , Patrick Mahomes , Underwear , Chiefs Quarterback Becau Res , Game Day Underpants , Game Day , Pas , Guy S Got G On My Children , Bed , Yeah Whil , Them Inside Out Us That , Once In A While , King , Ik , Thanr , Turthem N , It Ti , Obviousl , Obviou Yes , Doi Jut Laundry , Hete , Ty , Superstitions , Superstition , Lawyers , Italian , Her Ers , Paper , Th Onf , Underpants , Horn , Italians , Yeahight , Liket , Evil , Italian Horn , Off Doors , O It , There Erstitions It , Rewear Dirty Underwear , Gross , Hygiene , Emergency Management , Who Cares , U Underpants , Scientist , Roughness , Chafing , Pregame , No One , Noie , Skid Marks , Sack , Cats , Women , Astrology , Streak , Being , Them , Don T Know , Gross R , Soow , Pidin I Don T , You Kno Womenw , Thougyeah , Psychicsn , U Kng , Count , Band , Shirt , Superstition You , Like , Lucky , Superstition Stuff , Dollarsnd , Favoritekyh , Luckysu , Th Band Yi My Favorite , Fut Asn , Luc , Ati Don T Think , He S Go T , Bandie , Yeahhe , Wrestling , Matches , Ucky , Luck , Coffee Shop , Everyon , Top , Y M Anything Else , Jamieort , Superstition Becausecause , Budget Decision , Alimony , Ts Oh , Endbut , Yeahundh , Incredible , Don T Go Away , 100 , Whiter , Redness , Eyes , Luma , Difference , Spark , Events , History , Daring , Boston , 1773 , Freedom , Death , Necks , Torch , Docks , Boots , Boston Tea Part Honey , British , Rob Lowe , Honey , Ship Station , Hing Yousl , Pick Sneezing , Taste , Fever , Coughing , Nighttim E , Sneezi Nyquil , Nyquil , Savesp , Achinoney Licu , Honey Licious , Box , Tv , Go To Ship Station , Slash , Goand , 2 M , Circle , Deliciouslycirkul H , Blend , Channel Sleep Support , Wakey V Up Refreshed , Flavors , Uniquer , Pacific , Walmart , Shopping , Unexpected , Life Insurance Coverage , Life Policy , Save , Visit Select , Quote , Jj Mccarty , Undefeated , Playoffs , Heisman , Push , Michigan , Maryland , Games , Big News Saturday On Fox , Announcers , Eastern , College Park , Season , Reveal , Troll , Star Shark , Store , Wednesdays On Fox , Building , Oh My God , Nfl , Harry Potter , Doozy On Tv , Hall , Laughs , Theater , Weekend , T Theatedecember 9th In Boise , Funny Bone , Youre , Townte , God Is Agi Don T Knowre , Voices , Repor , Studio , Jeremy Gallagher Next , Ingan , Laura Ingraham , Fo Laura , Arigato ,

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