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>> hello, i am greg gutfeld with judge dana perino and jesse watwaters come we thank you for joining us tonight. president biden hosting president xithe . seeking to change relations for the better. talking man-to-man about issues like taiwan, artificial intelligence, drones, and announcing that china will finally crackdown on productione of fentanyl. pleasure. there is n no substitute a face-to-face discussion. our discussions have always been frank and i have always appreciated it. we have known each other for a long time, we have not always agreed, which has not t surprisd anyone, but it is paramount that we understan eacd each other clearly, leader to leader with no misconceptions or missed medications. we have to ensure that o competition is not put into conflict. >> you may have noticed that san francisco looked clean and polished. gone arest the crusty vagrants, replaced by barricaded walls, the california governor and destroyer of chinese children, gavin newsom comparing it to just having some people over to 2 anytime you put on an event,t, by definition you have to have people over to your house and clean up theu ha house. make sure that the kids make the first thing that he talked about was sasco.n francisco. the first thing he remembered was the golden gate bridge in 1985. this place is beloved.t the best days are in front and not behind. >> okay, behind it. dignitaries put on local attire, did you find it offensive that the president didn't cake himself in san francisco? [laughter] >> i thought you were going to say that that is what hunter wears. but i'm worried about the steel. about fentanyl. and so trump tasks left of the sanctions on the chinese policys institute because they wertie surveilling the weaker, forced into making this and all of the amazon products, so all of ats sudden the chinese are a like o that. because we need this chinese police instituteis i to run cour narcotics trafficking, so wer cannot help you with that. sorry. so what portis and, joe biden comes in, and amazon and apple are begging him to drop thee sanctions, hsae does it, and now they will get spied on, tim cooi and jeff bezos get all their money and the chinese gave up pinky promise to crackdown onhi fentanyl. do you really believe thatne? >> i don't. >> i don't either. so you know, it's like being hoodwinked. i don't think this is going toth solve any problems. >> are you saying that because it says hood. may not. [laughter] >> we come a lonweg way, you kn, they removed all the homeless and the drug addicts and not a single reporter is bothering to get to the bottom of where they are. where did theyth move them? >> maybe they are out of alcatraz. >> maybe they would like to go >>for a two bear. [laughter] >> i think it's pretty shocking that gavin newsom was like okayh yeah, he is the leader of chinag he's coming to the country, there's other dignitaries there i think that we are aware thatl there are issues in that video for a long time.if y you pay all those taxes, you watch the business leads, maybe you had your car broken into and you know, this is a result, id wonder if the reporterths will even notice if the homeless como back, i'm pretty sure thatme thy will, and i want to have an open mind and i would rather haved communicatioran then more, there is a lot of caution when it comes to all of this. the last thing i would point out is the presidents climate advisor john kerry, just a few seats down from the president, plus the president here, that is why you see janet yellen, right next to him, secretary of state, things like that, the life of me i do not understand why we keep begging china to help when they are never going to and we are wasting time and energy on thatt >> what is the name of the place that you put your dogs on vacation? do you think there's like adi boarding thing for theng homeley >> there you go, there you go. >> judge, should they have let the drug addicts stay because then they could see the handiwork of the drug importation? >> yes, he deserves to see what he planted.>> this is like the final blossom of what he planted. here we have the sky, he has 2.3 million muslims in internment camps and on forcibly sterilized individuals, he was complicit in the release of a biological weapon that pretty much destroyed our economy and got us into this totalitarian mindset where they think they can lock us all down, and then we cheer them on, like there's all kinds of chinese flags in san francisco, like he's some kind of hero coming to the united states, when you think about it, president xi has done more to clean up healthy cities than any politician in thethe united states. i have to give you credit on that, but you know, for him to say i'm going to help you with this problem, but i need you to lift the sanctions on police stations arounu d the country.on to do that? he shouldn't be allowed to send it here. it's killing what,se 80, 100,000 young people? i mean, this guy is treated like a hero when he i shouldn't be. >> you know, i was shocked in the green room, you had said look at all those beautiful chinese flags, i wish there was a tank going over a protester.g i thought that that was a little far. >> yes, it would've been if i would've said that. but i think differently. i think the president, and this is like 27 years ago, this is the first time that our president has set down with the leader of china, with thetr economic strength inen our favor in a definitive way, covert slow ways, and warmest economic pressures are there because they have high youth unemployment rates, driving that is a collapse in the real estate sector and we have also risk from china in huge ways, we still have been manufacturing american items in asia, more to vietnam and other places as well, we have invested heavily i about the manufactured chips in our own country, and as a result, i think when president joe biden, and i listened to that, they were candid but cordial about the disagreements. i would not be surprised if we don't hear that we had more leverage and got a bettetr deal n regards to fentanyl, climate, time on, perhap s other things. we will see if they have given them some suggestion, but i know that america is in a stronger position in this conversation as my adult life and hope that the white house is able to capitalize. >> i think i it was bad for himo tell them not to slip those menus under the door anymore. [laughter] >> coming up next, congress turning into ashot cage match okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. 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[laughter] back do you think that john kerry should bring him over?es >> i think that he was luckyss that that randi weingarten is a bruiser. gary shandling with human growth hormones. wit >> you know, k now that you mention it. i don't mind this at all, i think is this is the kind of political story that we need,ou thinking about the conflicts that are going ot lictn right np the democratic party. not beheading children deserves h ota response. this is not right. at the end o tf the day, you stl have to agree on the basic moral principles that that an atrocity occurred on october 7. if bernie can break up a fight, there was no fight. >> hold me back, hold me back. >> well, at least they are not raisinast g your taxes if they e fighting. comingng up next, getting sued,a college is being sued over claims of anti-semitism. or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and, you know it, then your face will surely show it. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, smile big and bright. ♪ thousands of kids just like me are happy every day. and it's all because of generous people like you who support shriners hospitals for children every month. all you have to do is call the number on your screen or go online to right now with your monthly gift. because of people like you shriners hospitals for children is able to make an everyday miracle happen for kids like me. that brings a smile to my face. ♪ if you're happy and you know it, dance around. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, play a song. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know, then your face will surely show it. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, jump up high. ♪ and when you call or go online right now to donate $19 a month or more, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of all the smiles you're bringing to kids faces every day. will today be the day you send your love to the rescue? when you call the number on your screen right now and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll be making a life changing difference for a child just like sarah. your monthly gift today could change a life forever. because of you, we're happy and i know it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently. or go to right away. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! 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[ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! >> ivy league are being put on notice students running wild. a federal lawsuit with three students claiming that the school failed to protect them from anti-semitism and colluding statements like hitler was right and gas the people. john roberts speaking to one of the students who has sued tog to make being a person at nyu at this moment is very scary. we are hearing chance of gas people, hitler was right and as the granddaughter of holocaustte survivors, these statements being thrown around carelessly and thoughtlessly are extremely harmful and the spread o f misinformation as well is contributed by students andnt faculty members. >> it is not jusst college campuses were people are being disrespected but a massachusetts towng is allowing a palestinian flag to be flown in public. all right, harold. they filed a federal lawsuit inf the southern districedt of new york. it appears that pursuant to the department of education, civilmt rights as well as the code of conduct that universities apply that he's got a good case, but nyu says we are challenging this one-sided narrative. >> welcome that i have every right to challenge it based upoy what we have seen the publicit i narrative, but i think it will be har bd for them to prevail. every college and university has a responsibility to make a dynamic and good place, to have, serious, robust, conversations about issues, but what we have to agree on is there should be no safe place for hatred or anti-semitism on any campus around the country. and then when you zoom out froms the issue, you have to understand over thuever e many , students and people have been targeted. i think about what happened in pittsburgh at the synagogue bear l years ago, a person just per got brought to justice and hasnh now been sentenced recently. these are the kind of thingse th that these university presidents are going to havhee to take account.uc as much as i believe that people should be able to say things that make you feel intellectually uncomfortable, to make me challenge myselfe academically, i should absently never be in a place where i or any person, i'm happy to be african-american, where any person feels like they are going to be physically harmed or assaulted because of the views or because of who they are, leta alone the dreamslo they share. >> you know, there is a palestiniaan an flag next to a . >> i'm sure you look into it as well, the town tried to changety the policy, they said that legally they are in this bind and that they have to allow the flag to fly. so you might want to check the bylaws in your city about that, i do think on this college piece, along with the donors, saying no more money coming to you, taking the universities to court could be the way to impact some change, daniel krauthammer was part of it, we asked him ant about it and what he tried toex express is it'prs probably worse than what you realize.e. t and it's not just the students but the faculty. sending letters with some pretty horrible things. and the media was really horrible at covering the march, my friend gets a hard copy, "the washington post," do you know where the story about the 290,000 people on the march fore israel yesterday was, it was ine the metro section. thinking about president trump, claiming he had more people there than his inauguration, that story would still make the front page if it would've come back up. but this one, 300,000 people there peacefully altogether, you know, and then the media totally misses it. >> you know, they are calling t not onlyhe for financial damages but for the termination of nyu personnel and going after the president. >> we all know that lawyers can get what they want and donorsor can get into schools to change their behavior. thinking about how many thingskb they did for trans students, soh they redesign all of the bathrooms all over the campus and the black students after the riots did not feel safe so than they got their own safe spaces, you guys got your own safe spaces where certain people wer. not allowed. everything. so if someone is chanting to gas people, they are asking for l protection, treat me like you treat everybody else and if you cannoty el do it you are not vey smart. the flag thing i get, i don't care what they thought. they are flying the palestinian flag and i differentiate between the palestinians and hamas, an also on cinco de mayo they flyem the mexican flag, many by the ukrainian flag, sometimes i like to fly the canadian flag in solidarity with the truckers, as long as the american flag iskerg there, that's what matters. >> wrap it up, greg. >> through the lens of power there's no such thing as everybody else, it is us versus them, hate crimes have skyrocketed, how did this happen? the lens o.f power. you see everything through the happens, that is the ideology that is being driven upon the campuses. and they are at the forefront of the battle of the entire west, england, france, canada and as you can see on the american streets it iu s also here. and remember they were comparing trump to hitler and that gave's them the moral authority among the industry to censor orti gainvestigate people who might e a threat to them, this practice hae has now moved to people and going to get worse. you know. so you are going to see this narrative, once again employed all next year because if youou d decide that somebody is a nazi, morality justifies whatever you want to them. that's what justifiedownterss t. people, they think, because they are evil, they are hitler. >> coming up next, criminals getting christmas shopping early by ransacking delivery trucks. ♪ ♪ ♪ is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. >> it is the season, follow the delivery trucks. getting stuck at a red light, blockton, cops say that the suspects stole multiple packages, causing nearly $10,000 in damages, so far three suspects have been detained. this is how you go christmas shopping, is that right? >> brick-and-mortar are closing because of organized theft okayed by insurance companies anofd corporations, now you aret home and the products that are being delivered to you are being targeted. what i tt ars left? the buildings and the shipping? are we going to have to go back to making our own stuff at homeg i don't know how to makeme pottery. i mean, it's crazy, it's like what we going to do, we are going to have to do crafts, can someone please call how alex gets his home furnishings, does he have it shipped on a private plane to bypass the work of his own da's? i'm really curious if he is impacted. >> if i see it, i am stealing it. >> well, i>> just want to know when it comes to protecting the staff, why not reach out and san we want to protect these people who are making an honest living, and i don't understand why they think grabbing things is about this truck, dove soap, stretch s pockets, fish oil tablets, vitamin c tablets and a three pack of leggings and extra small. so good luck. >> that is when you're going to get if you steal my stuff. >> what do you get? >> well, we have three boxes. t i've got a michigan jersey, and he got a michigan jersey, but if i were the mayor of memphis some of these cities, i would want to have a d.a. that have the same kind of toughness that you woulh have about this, we would coordinate with federal officials, how do you prevent in neighborhoods, and we joke about it, but there are some people that cannot order another. o go back to making things. and we have sunk to a point, members of congress elbowing each other, and now we cannotht trust that the gifts are going w to get delivered to you. >> almost like patrick swayze and dirty dancing. >> you know, if you were a foreign saboteur, you couldn't do better than we've already done, and it's someone that wants to sabotage the country. and yoyou know, you demoralize then you defund the police. and then if yot u are onine of e companies you say you know, your employees are not allowed to stop the criminals just let them go, and then if we do make anut arrest, the guy gets out on no bail. we did this to ourselves, and we havehi to stop complaining. i mabouty be wrong, but there ws one person punishment all of this. the woman that drove the truck.. taking out the packages, she was alone, she left the door open, she got fired. aunt back-and-forth, back-and-forth.ha >> locd k it up. and stores are ditching some of the self checkout machines. thank god. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ if it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off ♪ ♪ a porcupine and you're sweatin' your ♪ ♪ next trip to the loo ♪ ♪ colace is the brand you need ♪ ♪ to soften stools we're all agreed ♪ ♪ #2 should be easy to do ♪ trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> self checkout machines couldc be a thingko of the past, walmat removing them, mostly because of theft but also the barcodes never work and scanning fruit is a nightmare. judge, you have some experience with this. these whole things with the machines. >> i like the machines, because i'm faster than theyhe are. >> yeah right. [laughter] >> but here is the thing, the problem is they just throwp of everything on top of everything anrad with these self ch checkoa lot of people don't know how t o use them, it takes forever, so the companies would rather you s wodo it yourself because they don't want to hire people and it's cheap.hi >> you know,s i just care aboum how it impactspl me. i see a self checkout line a that's open and i see it around the back and i'm going to theli long line. it'sne pressure, i get there anr have enough pressure, i'e.m tryg to find the barcode and it's no in the same place and then all the time i put the thing downnd and it doesn't i count the and then all of a sudden a double counselor. and you are looking at everything you are buying and then the other line is already through. >> it sounds like that word that u used, saboteur. >> i do think that it might be going away for a minute, but innovation, i believe, will be making it a lot better for everybody. and i was just saying, you knowa i think amazon as if he was well in seattle, scanning your credit card as you walk in, you put whatever you want int your bag, pack it and as you are leaving, your credit card gets charged with whatever is in the back. call it magic, but i think that technology is going to solve a los got of it. and the self checkout doesn't need health insurance. and it's not going to call in sick. so we have to be thinking about what is going to happen, artificial intelligence has a lot of promise but i think that se of things happening to workers, happening quickly because this stuff is coming fast and especially if you have a lot of things like this. >> what do you think about this. >> well, i love it, my version is a mirror. it's like a videogame that youle are part of. i like looking up the fruit andh vegetables, the most important thing is that i am in control o. this and i know backing so well, you build a foundation with the sturdy and heavy products, youut put the lighter items in here and no one double bags unless they are these two unless they eat a lot of food, so i like control over the bagging, i like accomplishing something small which makes me feel good, i hate waiting in line with people with their club card. >> remember when you would go there, the person in front of you would writd e the check righ away and it's like oh,ey it's te to pay now. let me get back in mley big bag and then i'm going to write it out and who do i write it out to, it was so annoying. >> and remember cashback. >> remember i used to do that for my neighbor, marge. >> david sonny with a no. [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪a' ♪ ♪ ♪ runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> time for one more >> well, there was a big celebration in new yorink last night. there is, i wanted to make sure i get it correct, the benefit dinner for the american australian association founded in 1948 by sir keith murdoch to strengthen the relationshipn th between both nations, also celebrating 75th anniversary honorees. >> on behalf of my father and me, it is grea>>t to be with yoe here tonight. the alliance between america and meriaustralia has been entering because it's grounded in shared cultural values. we are both liberal democracies that cherish individual freedoms and free markets. we are nations made up of first peoples and immigrants, young,op optimistic's, and also multicultural.ultu we have fought together in every major war it's testimony to its foundations and its ongoing relevancand its e. is cl itea is clear that together we are stronger, safer and most likely to succeed. >> it's a really great night. and the beach boys performed my first concert when i was 12, 1984, at red rocks. harold and i had the pleasureler of attending, and it was a great event. so thanks for inviting us, everybode y. >> that was amazing. australia is really a good friend. their littleazing. koalas are so adorable. >> they really are. and they have animals that come with pockets. >> they do. they do. what about tasmania? tasmania. >> interesting place. all right. where am i? amjesse, you don't know anything about tasmania. name one thing besides the devil. name one thing. >> five, four, three, two. i know. i. all right. don't miss the five. live from nashville, tennessee, tomorrowyoe five at 5:00 easter of the patriot awards. oh, boy. who is that handsometesee. guy ? we'll be down in music cityil and i'll be joinedl be d by couy music superstar dirks bentley. and the show will be full of surprises b. >> local flavor. greg will definitely be there. can't wait to see you there. tonight, jesse watters, prime time at eight stolen ballots in massachusetts caught on tape. we will find all of these election fraudsters if it's the last thing i did. >> all rightnd all o . is no >> so a is going to be there.t and interestingly enough, peter's not going with you anyway. oh, tonight, what a show. >> we got a professor, nicholas jordan giordano. >> i should have probably julie banderas kat timpf,and it jamie lewis. that's going to be a great show. sorry, nicholas. 's time foand it's time for gre. >> how many? no. for >> yeah, it's time for anotherwy edition of how many nuts? the winner will be past the golden acorn statue. >> the judge is the current holder of this wonderful step. >> you know, this is worth over. $17 million. >> i can't wait to get there. all right, let's >>n we roll it, and then we'll let the people guess where is the little guy>>d here? yeah, that's a tiny one. all right, guess that >> well, now you have to guess.j we're going to have to finish it yet, so. guest judge? guessm finish >> yes. yeah. how many? how many? how many video. video you want,? nine, ten, ten, eight, eight, 1. 11. >> let's go.ana: c >> but it's a chipmunk, sohisi it's probably going to be six one little. >> yeah. oh, i'm never goin.g to be 11 women. >> it wouldn't have been in his hand. i'm going to win it. seven, six. shoot. i almost no up, up. >> oh, oh. >> make room. i hope it bleeds. it is 6:00no, seven.eans >> it's seven. no winners. that means. oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.>> j >> is that finished? what did you say, eight. that's over seven. yeahg: that' . g to you know, when you go overt that, me four, i get to holdquie on to the swirl. >> no, we're going to a great night tonight. i ge jeaninto thet to hold on tc oh, that's you get to hold on. oh, no, thanks. you keep h.udge jea it parallela different kind of competition. a 12 year old girl from california won a top junior science award for her life saving invention. shani gail of san jose created a fire detection device that uses thermal imaging to pick up fires way faster than traditionalputtin smoke detectors. her innovation won her first place in a 2023 thermal efficiency civic junior innovators challenge. she got it. she got $25,000. and we hope that and prayas we that she keeps on inventing. congratulations to her. and as we like to say around this tablesahigo, you go, go, go >> see, dana, girls can do e. enc thanks. i was one right at that in the commercial break. ne, you said girls could neveram do science. that's what you said. i'm livingoof. proof. >> yes, it was in the break. all right, judge. all right, so this. littled fell girl is pretending to be asleep, and she fell for her parents. n clever trick. they said if she's asleep when i put her arm upi or stay up. but if she's awake, it will drop. , th so there she is with the arm up. you ca girn see my little girl s not fooling anyone, especially her parents. >> mm. wow. that's pretty funny. yeah th cute,, that's cute. i mean, there she is, asleep to try that with jesse jr. >> yeah. or the dog. oh, you mean the rookie, right? yes. pete, that dog. greg: >> all right. jesse, did jy you saywh who yo, who you have on tonight? >> i can't remember. yeah, he's goingg af aftervideof election. >> we have video of someone stealing ballots out someoneut o of someone's mailbox. greg oh, wow. that's a federal crime. that's pretty amazinme.>> greg: >> the feds on it. election fraud is more widen people arew saying. >> no, that's true. we we know that every single structure in societyeverre s is. except elections. let's talk about that. let. about it. a >> how about australia? i love australiand . you don't get i went to australia and i punched a wallaby. i didn't i punched a wallaby. >> and we stil up jessie

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