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these pro-palestinian demonstrations popping up across the globe. including new york city, where protesters shut down grand central station last night, and in joe biden's hometown in delaware where crowds are gathering as we speak this morning. they are all demanding cease-fire but they are far from alone. french president emmanuel macron latest to urge israel to stop fighting and more than just four hours a day why israel benjamin netanyahu isn't having it and his top foreign policy advisor is here fighting it. and republican senator bill cassidy here to weigh in on what the president should be saying and doing about it all of that and this veteran eetion day lee greenwood what a voice on remembering folk who is keep us safe in a scary world right about now getting scarier by the minute. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome everybody glad to have you i'm neil cavuto we have a busy two hours well we have a busy world so much going on at the exact same time let's get to it especially many israel they're agreeing to those four hour stoppages for humanitarian help but that does not mean a cease-fire. that's an important distinction that israelis want to keep founding we'll talk to key advisor on that in a second to alex hogan in israel with the very latest. alex. reporter: hi neil here in northern israel we've seen continue strikes between the idf and hezbollah with idf saying they're specifically trying to target those hamas -- hezbollah locations and earlier our team woke up to sound of artillery wasn't enough time for sirens to go off. take a look at this video this was the idf retaliation from some of those early morning air strikes -- blasting on the hillside just behind me. the idf also saying it was able to detect several drones entering its territory now on top of these air strikes on the border local media also reporting israeli attacks hitting a truck in lebanon about 25 miles into the country the deepest attack that we would have seen so far in to this conflict. moving far south air strikes reigning down on gaza idf saying so far found about 90 tunnels israeli government has agreed to these temporary pauses in the fighting again not a cease-fire as you mentioned. but it does allow civilians to flee and in the last three day, about 100,000 civilians have left according to the idf still there's no way to verify number of dead in gaza. but the -- the health ministry in gaza says that as many as 11,000 people died again worth reminding our viewers that is led by hamas. but with so many corpses we're seeing images of bodies being buried in mass graves. now, today arab lead reverse meeting in saudi arabia to discuss the war egyptian president abdel called for immediate cease-fire crown prince says war needs to end and hostages need to be return and palestinian authority mahmoud abbas urged u.s. to put pressure on israel to stop this war and with tensions we've seen attack bases and u.s. service members overseas that number now of attacks, on u.s. bases rising to 47 attacks. neil. neil: just amazing alex please be safe to your crew as well and lucas tomlinson with the president in wilmington, delaware. again there are crowds getting ready to have their own protest later on today. lucas what's the latest from there? reporter: well neil white house announce a four hour pause in combat operations in gaza and notably israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu would not commit to that number in his interview with bret baier. >> is that true there's going to be some stoppage -- >> no fighting continues against the hamas enemy. the hamas terrorist, but in specific locations, for given period of a few hours a few hours there we want to facilitate a safe passage of civilians away from zone of fighting. reporter: so while netanyahu avoid specifics there just saying netanyahu avoid specifics there saying few hours there and forces did have evacuation order in gaza open between 4 and 9 p.m. time to evacuate idf says tactical pause of military operations in the refugee camp today for four hours between 10 and 2 p.m. with evacuations now president biden was asked about pauses earlier this week. >> did you ask for a three day pause to netanyahu? >> asked for a pause for a lot more than three days -- [laughter] yes. >> did you ask him to pause for three days to get the hostages out for that length of time? >> asked for a longer pause for some of it. >> now many believe it was saudi arabia's warming relations with israel that sparked the october 7th massacre and as we heard a big arab summit and iran president is in saudi arabia today for the first time in the 11 years that the two countries restored diplomatic relations in march now president biden hopes china will help mediate excuse that noise will mediate end to this war between israel and hamas when president biden meets president xi jinping on wednesday. >> with the president in wilmington, delaware and foreign policy advisor to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, very good to have you and very good to have you back. let me get your take on this arab summit that's going on with iranian representative in attendance. does that worry you? >> thank you neil thanks for having me. we urge all arab leaders to call for immediate and unconditional release of all hostages being held hostage by hamas isis, the hostages include infants, toddlers, children, elderly, muslim, israeli arab jew and other religious people of people of other religions. that is the clear demanding that should be made by all leaders, all international leaders including arab leaders that all hostages should be released immediately and unconditionally. neil: what happens -- what does that mean that war activities what can you say? >> idf is taking the war back to hamas. the idf is dismantling destroying hamas as we speak right now. we are enabling safe passages safe humanitarian corridors for civilians to get out of harm's way and been doing that and calling for that urging that from the very beginning that's civilians get out of harm's way. israel seeks to minimize israel seek to minimize civilian casualties hamas terrorists seek to maximize civilian casualties. they target israeli civilians while fighting behind and below their civilians. they carry out double war crimes by attacking our civilians and hiding behind theirs we do our utmost to target and distinguish between civilians and target rs it terrorists and we target terrorist and all civilian casualties this is important to understand all civilian casualties are all on hamas hands. neil: when you hear some of the members who are talking about the disproportionate response that's their opinion -- i want to stress by israel -- those october 7th attacks, what do you say? >> i would like to make crystal clear israel is acting in complete compliance with international law. the proportional response to the the atrocities of october 7th when hamas terrorists infiltrated israel murdered oh a thousand people, beheaded people, burnght babies live most proportional response to that atrocity in order for no atrocity of that kind or anything near that happen again, is to destroy hamas. that is the proportional response. now in the course of this -- of destroying hamas which is what we're doing right now in the course of destroying hamas, we are making a clear distinction between civilians and terrorists in full compliance with international law. the idf is the most humane military on earth and that is what we're doing right now we're taking the fights of the terrorists. the idf took out 50 terrorists yesterday and 50 the day before. we are going to continue to take the fight to the terrorists only pressure will be the pressure is the only thing that works on these terrorists that's the only thing that will facilitate the release of hostages and that was only thing that will destroy hamas. neil: let me ask you about that goal to destroy hamas. how do you prevent someone might be a lower ranking hamas member just leaves hamas? no longer associates himself with hamas? he still is a terrorist. how do you eradicate that? >> well clearly every hamas terrorist, every hamas terrorist is either going to be killed or captured all of them. all right. they're going to be destroyed and the day after hamas there's a lot of plans for the day after hamas there's been a lot of -- with our partners with our international partners there's a lot of discussions about what's going to happen the day after hamas. there are three common denominators for all of the plans one is that gaza will be free from hamas. two is that gaza will be demilitarized and three, the gaza will be deradicallized it will be deradicallized in such a manner that children will not be taught to murder jews. that is -- a common denominator of all of the plans now once we have that, we will be able to rebuild gaza the international community will rebuild gaza and there will be hope for peace and hope for peace once gaza is free ands ans that our national anthem hope there will be peace once there's no hamas. neil: there are, obviously, thousands of hamas players in this region to say nothing of thousands more may be sympathizers that's a big task but leaving that aside out there. you talk about what happens after hamas is gone. no longer control of the gaza, you're well aware that qatar wants active role in deciding gaza's fate what do you make of that? >> well i think, obviously, nobody can have ties with these terrorists. hamas is designated terrorist organization. the united states and other partners of ours are around the world have designated hamas savages as terrorist organization and clearly just like you wouldn't have diplomatic ties with isis, i think it would be outrageous to have diplomatic ties with hamas. >> as far as qatar which has passageway along with egypt to get aid in and national and others out regardless of that role and their goal for the united states and discussing the region as well, just want to be clear up there. that israel wants no part of qatar having a part or role in deciding whatever gaza becomes. >> we appreciate the international help of providing human humanitarian aid to all civilians in gaza we welcome all of the international help for all civilians. we do strongly believe that all ties with hamas isis should not be acceptable. neil: got it thank you very much be well, be safe. >> thank you. thank you, neil. neil: all right in the meantime here we told you about this pro-palestinian protest going on in london this is even bigger than one i believe two weeks ago. molly line on the phone with us from london with the latest. molly what can you tell us? >> neil this is an absolutely massive pro-palestinian march i'm standing in front of the u.s. embassy along the river watching tens of thousands streaming by across throughout the march and gone on for several weekends now and today is different because today is day a here they pause to remember the war dead and, of course, anniversary of world war i and end of the world war i and process because it falls on this day including by british prime minister as provocative and disrespectful but some of the protesters today have said they do not view that this way that and they continue this a peaceful march and they're out in full force and calling this a major policing operation. some 2,000 officers from the met and other u.k. forces also on duty across all of central london police reporting each year they have a huge security operation for this remembrance weekend. but this year far greater more complex than they have ever delivered before. these protesters are being kept well away from any remembrance event. the route is different route that's usually been taken we're in fron of the u.s. embassy where the protesters plan to come to a close today but on other weekends closer to westminster of government center that is also where a key memorial of the chief british war memorial, located and they wanted to protect that this weekend so they steer the pro-palestinian march away from that area. one other thing to report something that the police here keeping aen eye on counter-protesters dozens of which more than 80 at this reported to be arrested causing challenges for police and trying to keep two protest apart as well as protect significant memorial. but right now we have been here for quite some time. and this protest continues. the chant you heard protest in america also happening here from the river to the sea. there are a lot of signs that say free palestine but once again marchers view this as a peace march, and they say that is not -- opposite from the sentiments of armsist day. >> getting bulletins that london police have already detained dozens of these pro-palestinian demonstrators we saw a lot of that last night in new york city outside grand central station. where they essentially shut that passage way for a lot of new yorkers to get in and out of the city. ultimately it was opened up but it was a nightmare congressman tim wallburg of georgia with us. congressman some of these protest risk getting out of hand one thing for arrest another thing for violence. but we are seeing many more of them. do the demonstrations themselves worry you? >> they do. and god bless our veterans today as we remember them. but yeah they worry me a lot especially when they're carried out in total ignorance what you're seeing going on university campuses today or even high schools in new york just the other day. you've got to believe these students have been radicalized by professors and teachers who are not telling them the truth. they're getting caught up with a life about palestinians it is not palestinians that's the problem but hamas and the fact that israel are trusted, trusted allies being attacked by hamas brutalsly and now rallies are perpetrated on college campuses that jewish students fear their literal lives walking on campus are being shamed in classrooms, it is just wrong. i think our universities, our colleges, and our department of education have to step up to the plate and say, demonstration, disagreement is okay. but let's do it about truth and let's do it as america generally is known to do it peacefully and not putting on certain students, certain nationalities in this case jews to own taking the weight of the world on them and put in danger themselves. neil: they're clearly many kamptions in danger to your point you led 43 of your colleagues in a letter to the education secretary to crackdown on what seem to be serious lapses going on at some campuses regarding jewish students safety sure enough soon after that columbia university suspended two pro-palestinian student groups. do you think this risk getting out of hand and your letter might have gotten a response? >> well finally had four months today it got a response written to university president saying you've got to get a grip. there has to be a stoppage of violence on the campuses, in fact, if there isn't if you're not stepping up to the plate we'll consider removing federal aid to your institutions that should get their attention. money does that. but i think it is more that we're talking about a moral issue right now. when you have dei and inclusion pushed on college campuses that really is racially motivated it is not doing good for our country for our students, for their future. for their understanding, college campuses ought to be a place where there is diversity true diversity ideas and thoughts where we compete against each other but in such a way that we learn and promotes more peace and living together. what's taking place now isn't and when you hear from the river to the sea, or glory to the martyrs on campus you know they've been by hamas and not freedom and opportunity. neil: to be remiss as a michigan you're a democratic of the state censored by hogs and a lot of groups are saying that that was unfair, others are saying it wasn't tough enough. where are you on this? >> tlaib leader of the delegation and certainly i want to work with my colleagues. we afforded her first amendment liberties in first censorship motion that was brought we table that. had conversations with rah regardless from the river to the sea saying that's not what it means to the world and -- she didn't ratchet back she upped it with a video i think a video that is encouraging demonstrations that have become violent even loss of life in california this week that almost taking over the white house last weekend. destruction that went on. so i think it was appropriate to sensor her this week, i'm not sure that that will change her opinion. only when some people who have a voice like members of congress stand up and even go against their personal beliefs and say, it's time to speak for freedom. it's time to ratchet it down. it is time to stand with israel pushing back not only the palestinians. but pushing back on hamas and the atrocities they did and peace will redevelop in our country and around the world. neil: thank you for coming in on this saturday congressman i appreciate that in the meantime congressman is referring to protest going on a big one in london as we told you earlier getting more details that police say so far -- and it is really just getting started. not started per se because it has a ways to go but already arrested 82 protesters in central london we're told very little violence involved here. some arguments back and forth but abundance of caution if they get heated, they arrest and end of story see how this goes because similar in brussels one planned for delaware all of europe major capitols see protest most have been pro-palestinian. stay request us. applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? 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(soft music) neil: you know since we first covered this story five weeks ago this very morning, this has been playing out week in and week out not only weekends but throughout the week huge protest they particularly get huge when they're on a weekend more people have time to go to them. and that is exactly what's happening in london we had a doozie one weeks ago smaller last week but london again epicenter of another european strike on the strikes going on israel it is a pro-palestinian demonstration pretty much for the most part. about 82 people have been arrested thus far comes on heals of similar strikes planned in brussels later on in wilmington, delaware where the president will be this weekend. we've seen them pop up in washington and new york grand central station outside that last night, that's a major train artery to get in and out of the city i can tell you from experience that it shut down getting folks trying to get into or particularly out of the city last night. a lot of helicopters flying around. so high tension time we're monitoring that and everyone has a right to express their point of view you just hope they do so peacefully thus far, for the most part that indeed has been the case. in the meantime other political developments closer to home. joe manchin making it official, the polls maybe pushing in to the decision not to seek reelection, as west virginia senator putting dicier map next year 23 democratic seats are up for grabs, that includes three independents there are ten republicans seats are up. but, obviously, the math favors republicans potentially taking that body away. but the next question then becomes what is joe manchin do? carley cooperman lee carter gop polster carley to you this is his tease maybe a no label run that favors more moderate approach that he would get on that get on a ticket some of you mention with mitt romney i don't know but are you worried for democrat what is that could mean if he does? >> if manchin were to launch a third party bid it would be concerning for joe biden and the democrats. manchin said he's interested in exploring if there's an opportunity to build a centrist coalition there's certainly people who would be interest in supporting him. that being said he's also said he's not interested in running if it is just going to be a spoiler i think he's going to think long and hard about that because he does not want to essentially hand donald trump reelection. so it is going to be something we're watching carefully but i don't think he is going to just jump in at the expense of helping donald trump to win election. neil: lee carter let me switch with other potential third party candidate could threaten, but not the president this time. maybe more donald trump i'm talking about robert f. kennedy jr. going 23, 24% in polls better than the 19% that ross garnered in is 1992 people are still debating who hurt more that year. but i'm just wondering -- is an rfk jr. potentially you are the hadding donald trump more some of these polls are all over the map but seal to indicate that he punctures that vote more than he does the president's vote. what do you think? >> i mean, it is true that rfk jr. seems to have more appeal to republican when is you look at polls it seem he's more attractive there. the different thing here, though, is that no matter what when a third party candidate comes on the ticket it actually -- it pulls from joe biden. more than anybody else because donald trump's base is so solid and so secure he's got a floor of 30 to 35%, it just can't be deterred. and i think that is going to be -- that's going to be what he needs to depending on and looking for a third party candidate and rfk your is different because he polls for republicans but i think it hurts joe biden more than it hurts donald trump. neil: i wondered too carley with the president of any outside candidate their impact individual states. now the wrap is they're indeed spoilers. i don't know if that's the case. you can say abraham lincoln nominee of this new republican party, he wasn't a spoiler but ultimately i think the winner but leaving that aside -- do you think that in states like florida or some of the battle ground states, that the entering third party candidate changes that vote? that is the wrap of ralph nateers presence on the 2000 ballot what do you make of that? >> look, it certainly is a risk. we know that both of the leading presidential candidates on both sides are highly unpopular. voters are not happy with the two choices and i think one of the reasons that we've seen rfk reach as high as he had in polls reach to dissatisfaction voters feel with the candidates that are leading the two parties. that being said, i do think at the end of the day, i don't think any of these third party candidates will get as high as what they're receiving in polls right now because voters do also take into consideration the realities of our two party system. that is currently dominating and i think it matters to a lot of people especially in swing states where they understand that voting for a third party candidate also has the implications of supporting another candidate that they might not want to win. neil: carley lee, thank you so much we'll assess this as it goes on but polls are fascinating you remind me don't get fixated on them. fix a on across the pond make se there's no uprisings or anything like that. they didn't listen to me. things have gotten a little bit violent scuffles with the police that is landed better than 80 of them -- in the paddy wagon now a lot of them set aside they always do that in abundance of caution this is over the now five-week long israel hamas war. and indications that israel is not interpreting a four-hour activity to allow aid to get in and folks to get out at cease-fire. that is not of these pro-palestinian demonstrations want to see it they're angry about it and it is playing out across the globe. stay with us. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. 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what do you think? >> let's hope so proprotesters in wilmington or westminster they're going to have a first amendment or fundamental speech right to make their voices heard and to press their government to change policy even if we think that cause they're protesting for is odious and let's be clear. when we see these protest in london this is not about a four-hour pause versus one day cease-fire, they're protesting for something very different when they chant from the river to the sea, what they're saying that israel has no right to exist. they're saying that the region needs to be at best ethnically cleansed of jews so remedy for that, of course, is not censorship and government heavy handed reaction. the remedy for that is more speech. so we need to be pointing out what is really motivating these anti-israel and let's be clear, in some cases, anti-semitic protesters. >> you know what's weird is now some colleges are crack down on anti-semitism but not many, and some of it -- put it in a vail of free speech people are allowed to say whatever they want. but that is welcoming it. and endorsing isn't it? >> i think when universities just turn thes other cheek in the face of jewish students being intimidated or even worse being assaulted, that sends a chilling message and message is we're not going to stand up for free speech. actually the way to promote free speech and promote exchange of ideas is not to let a violent mob threaten people and into silence it is not to allow protesters to tear down posters of jewish babies who have been kidnapped into gaza that's not speech but censorship that's destroying somebody else's speech you can say whatever you want in america what you can't do is interfere with ability to express own views an you certainly can't use your anti-semitic principles to try to cow and intimidate jewish students as they go to dining hall as we've seen on a conform campuses across our country. >> the answer to that is eloquent i appreciate that we need to hear that very good seeing you again nathan sales ambassador at large we want to address something with good ambassador that is distinction how you see the global reaction now particularly in the markets. which is nothing. versus what happened 50 years ago all of the major averages spreading ahead since october 6th seen the same play out in the world i must stress there's a difference in the middle east region where markets markets mae underwater that would make sense israel particularly. so it could be in luke lloyded with us strategic wealth partners since whatever happened 50 years ago won't happen now. how do you see it, luke? >> i don't think that's the case neil. i think wall street is actually missing the big picture here. what's happening in the stock markets exactly what's happening to americans right now. we're going see the impact of that over the next couple of years. the very few at the top are sitting pretty while everything else and everyone else is stressed out and anxious only 7 are resilient like apple and microsoft make up 37 prkt and over 4 the 3 are hurting so small companies are actually trading at the lowest they've been since the covid -- even lower than october -- neil: are they whistling past, you know, the danger with the war in israel. does that add any potential impact on this narrowing base of winners? >> it will. and it is gong to especially this -- you know then goes to china taiwan situation because now we're two wars deep what if we go to three wars deep with government spending. biggest wealth divide in history is still happening. first, it was inflation because of the government spending. now it is higher interest rates because of government spending and guess what conflicts in the middle east do? it increases government spending. so now we have to finance these two wars. but the governments already spending money like it's wartime. we are at the same level of debt to gdp we were at in world war ii when we saw moody downgrade debts yesterday in china is selling u.s. bonds they're not buying it and used to be one of the biggest buyers of our debt that mean interest rates will remain high so i don't think wall street or main street who can't afford mortgages who can't afford car loans right now is really prepared for long-term high interest rate environment. as our debt becomes riskier to issue no one is buying our debt rates have to go higher. neil: what does that mean for markets as you see now and people saying all right they're very resilient i should get in on missing a party. what do you say? >> you need to buy companies with no debt we think interest rates are going higher and remain high again small companies have taken such a hit they have a lot of debt and can't afford to refinance at higher rates so you need to buy companies without debt and cash flow positive, and that have more of a defensive tone. we think from the last rate hike, i think the federal reserve has lost control of interest rates as a whole different conversation from the last rate hike, to last rate cut defensive stocks perform better those are wal-marts of the world you need groceries no matter what buy defensive names don't take on risk, technology stay away from, take, you know, make sure you don't buy into companies with a lot of debt they won't be able to refinance that over next couple of years. neil: luke thank you very much following all of that. i do topght take you to washington, d.c. right now outside the tomb of the unknown soldier getting ready for president biden he's going lay a wreath at that tomb. that is iconic moment for u.s. presidents we often talk about republican or democrat when they go here, it is pretty to popping up out of town that's been hit by a shooting or massive storm, hurricane what have you. this too is one of those somber rights of passage for u.s. presidents, to put it in perspective 60 years ago this very day, john f. kennedy went to the tomb. for veterans day 11 days later he would be dead. i only mention that to say that this is something that we see again and again in u.s. presidents regardless of the politics they are joined together at the importance of remembering those who made the ultimate sacrifice. stay with us. 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surveillance happened back in trump administration now you have senators ted cruz mike lee and chuck grassley they want to know what current department of justice is doing about the issue. and in a letter sent to attorney general merrick garland they subpoena a staffers private phone and e-mail logs during the congressional investigation of both the department and the fbi for their involvement in the russia collusion hoax known as cross fire hurricane. so this revelation came out of a freedom of information act request by empower oversight that's a group representing whistle-blowers. the letter also reads, the decision by unelected government bureaucrats to investigate the elected congressional representatives and staff trying to hold them accountable a true attack on our democracy so lawmakers want to know who else was targeted what phone and internet companies were issued subpoenas and if the department still has those private records. now fox news learned just yesterday that the instances of allege surveillance noted in the letter were part of a broader investigation into the leaking of classified national security information where subpoenas would have been used. the doj is not commenting on the letter right now. a senior official does say that it has been received and that a response to congress will come next week neil. neil: all right alexandria thank you so much for that alexandria huff following all of those developments we are following, obviously, what's going on at the tomb of the unknown soldier here remembering those who made ultimate sacrifice for this country. president biden will be laying a wreath there that is tradition so we'll be following that also following the fact that it being veteran's day takes on an importance with the war going on in israel, and the sacrifice that have been made and some fear could be made in the future if we're involved in that in any way shape or form. lee greenwood coming here to let us know these are the guy who is always have our back. he has not forgotten. i don't think he ever will. ♪ there ain't no doubt, i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the u.s.a. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ and i won't forget the men who died ♪ ♪ who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i gladly stand up ♪ ♪ next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ neil: you know i don't think i've ever tired of hearing that song and heard it again and again and again maybe something to do with the greenwood and impact of his word and his voice. envy people who can sing like that. singer/song writer releasing movie all star tribute lee greenwood taking a look and remember veterans never forgettings veterans and devoted a life, in fact, to this lee it is great to have you. >> thanks great to see you, neil. neil: you know those lines and sung them god i would imagine hundreds maybe thousands of times. but each time i see you doing it and live event or what have you, it's far from a chore for you. it's like it's in you now. >> yeah. in this veteran's day, of course, we remember with a laying of the wreath at arlington that some gave all and all gave some. it's just, you know, we looked at the 16 u.s. tours i've had in combat zones around the world it is really a time to remember our veterans who have served in combat over the past years and all of the wars we've ever had yes we're on tour but this is a special day. veterans day and you're right we have a movie that will air tomorrow. in 600 select theaters across america, it is 40 years salute to the veterans and to the music that i created over the past 40 years. you can see clips with 40 different singers all who can fill arenas and show rooms across america the past 30 or 40 years they all donated their time knowing that we would have this film to show tomorrow. and that's across america 600 theaters if you go to adopt a you can accept veteran and caregiver to see this wonderful film one time event for free adopt a neil: i was thinking of you i had one on with me to help build homes for vets and all he like you says neil i hope it doesn't get to be just a veteran's day thing. for you it is not but you worry about that. >> no. because the people that i talk to are the ones that have boots on the ground. and i know we have less and less family members that have the military person, my father joined the navy right after the bombing of pearl harbor and i know that was tough for him when he faced the crisis of the world we have people every day deployed with the crisis in middle east and ukraine in harms way it is a good time mow to remember those who have already served this is a very special day for veterans. and i have to say a very happy veteran's day to all of the men and women that i know who have served in the past. people go to adopt a send a veteran and caregiver to the movies they deserve -- >> very well said thank you for all you do lee greenwood on that and right of the screen you're looking at arlington national cemetery president about to lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier virtually all of the predecessor both parties have done so. it is a right of passage proud passage embattle democrat, embattle republican doing well in the polls not doing well in the polls every president has taken this event seriously. over the years -- every year. 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