Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240702

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i'm judge jeannine perot along with jessica. martha mccullum and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." "finally cleaning up san francisco but it's not because they want to fix the crime and drug-filled city for residents. it's all to impress world leaders and top ceos coming to town for a big economic summit next week. the democratic city has refused to lift a finger to address drugs, homelessness and crime but now that joe biden and president g are coming to town next week the roads will be repaved. the streets power washed to get rid of all the graffiti and public transportation stations will have added overnight deep cleaning. it's so obvious what's going on that even liberal california governor gavin newsom admits they are putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. >> i know folks say, oh, they are just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town. that's true. but it's true. but it's also true for months and months and months, prior to apec, we've been having different conversations, and we've raised the bar of expectation. >> folks are saying this is not what i thought it was going to be based on what has been in the media because i think what happens sometimes is a moment, a snapshot, it's not always san francisco. sometimes it's the bay area. some place in some other city, and it's attributed to san francisco so i think we've got and let of unfair press. >> judge pirro: over on the east coast if you try to stand up for victims of crime you may be labeled a criminal yourself. one vigilante opening fire in a subway station in an attempt to scare away a would-be robber threatening to steal a woman's purse. he's now being charged with criminal possession of a firearm and reckless endangerment and is out on $10,000 bail. okay. so jessica, explain why it's more important to clean up the cities and roll out the red carpet for leaders like x ping than for ordinary american taxpayers and do you buy that gavin newsom's we've been working on this for months and months as an excuse for not having done it earlier. >> jessica: it's not just ping. biden is coming, kamala is coming, this is a summit. this happens regularly. when you have someone to come over you clean up. in our homes. >> you remove all the drug dealers. >> i tell brian, you pick up that poop right now. it's unacceptable. that part doesn't surprise me. i do think we've heard, that the way san francisco is, is not acceptable. they will lose their first tier city status from this, and that it's just devastating when you walk around and you see what's going on with the homelessness and drug addiction. so, yes, i do believe him about that. and i hope that this becomes a catalyst for fast-moving change, they say, oh, this is so much nicer. what can we do to make sure this is something that we can maintain in the future? >> judge pirro: you know, martha, one of the things the chinese apparently know from their own version of tik tok as well as from the media coverage that they are doing in china is they say that san francisco looks like and has been branded a "ruin city, hell, a total failure," so the effort to bring in this pacific eo, whatever this is, economic forum, do you think it will last that businesses will invest? >> when it comes to china they understand this kind of cleanup really well. they did it before the beijing olympics. if you remember they basically moved the slum areas, they moved it so everybody's traffic would not see a lot of what exists in their country. so this is a process that x ping is very familiar with, so people don't actually see the way people live there. that's one thing. the other thing is, i think gavin newsom is cleaning up for his election as well. president biden is coming. he has to do a cleanup job and he doesn't want the rest of the country, whose eyes may be on this apec summit for a bit to see the way people are living in that city. i'm reminded also when you talk about economic incentives of the days when new york had a huge turnaround. you had giuliani, and bloomberg who also did an excellent job of policing, tax policy, encouraging businesses to move to new york. lowering regulations, encouraging the police officers, backing law enforcement, giving them the recognition, you know, at every step of the way. you could see it. you just watch it turn around in new york city. so they can do that. it's really not as complicated as i think it might sound. they cleaned up people off the streets. they helped people to get into hospitals and rehab centers which eric adams has said he want to do. i think he got sidelined by a number of things but that's something he said he wanted to do. i think it's cleanup for the 2024 election because we know he's hoping things will shift and he'll be able to run. >> judge pirro: all right, jesse. speaking of crime and what happened with giuliani and followed up by bloomberg, this week we saw a new york city guy who had a job, who was arrested for criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment for trying to help a woman who was being victimized, to say the very least, by someone who was mentally ill at a subway station who was trying to rob her. what i find most interesting about it, jesse is the guy who shot up a warning shot, had a college degree, he's had one job for 17 years, he had to post $10,000 bond. the mentally ill guy who attempted to rob and has been arrested, and is homeless, has no bail. how fair is that? >> jesse: we're living in an age where you're throwing real men in prison and you're letting weak predators get out on bail. and i'm not saying this guy shouldn't have, you know, done what he did. i don't know if he should be licking warning shots off on the subway. maybe i would have put the gun up like this and said scram, vagrant. maybe that could have done the job but the point is this, you're criminalizing masculinity. there is a masculine instinct to protect women who are in a vulnerable position and if you continue to do that year after year what you're going to do is you're going to destroy honor in new york, and if you destroy the police and if you destroy manhood, you're going to see an era of predators, where predators are going to run wild, and all the women and all the liberals will say, wait a second. well, this is the result of what we've been doing over the last several years. and in terms of gavin newsom, the reason you clean up for people when they come over is because you want to show them respect. and if you yourself live in filth, then you don't respect yourself. so if i was a taxpayer in san francisco, they are using my money to show respect to the chinese and not clean up for me. that means the politicians in san francisco do not respect the taxpayers. jessica, they have big summits in chicago and new york and houston. it's not a story when they clean up for people, because they don't have to clean up so much. san francisco has let it fester to the point where cleaning up this much -- >> judge pirro: cesspool -- >> jesse: you don't treat people in chicago like that in terms of quality of life. there is crime. there are not people with needles sticking out their arm as kids walk to school. >> judge pirro: shooting through windows. >> jesse: there is crime but we're talking about quality of life. we wouldn't even have the cameraman go -- he refused to got. he said it's too dirty, too dangerous. >> greg: and you fired him. >> jesse: now he's fired. >> judge pirro: greg, you could talk about crime, xx ping. >> greg: china gets the red carpet. they said they needed to get on the ball us that they are having company. this is more like having childcare services show up, so hide the drugs, put the bruised kids in the back room. this is not about impressing. it's about hiding. they are trying to impress china. why don't you take care of the asians in your city first. there is no shortage of high-profile antiasian crime in san francisco. in 2022 alone there was a 567% increase in reported asian hate crimes and that's what was reported. not actually but reported but here's the big point which, martha, you made. you didn't have to throw a fresh coat of paint on squalor. that was the practice of communist hell holes. we called them poe tempt villages. >> where you construct a facade, when one of our presidents went to china or the uss r, they would sweep up the poor, paint over the decaying eyesores and for a few days the city would p sparkle. we've been asking what happens when liberals take over? they get their communist utopia. they did, a turd with a coat of paint. as for what happened in new york city, we predicted this. when you handcuff police and you release deranged criminals what can a citizen do, mcdowell set at this point, self-defense becomes self help. this is to jesse's point you might feel compelled to help. look what happened to daniel penny. if you step you you get screwed and that is, that changes the way a man thinks, and, jesse. [laughter] >> judge pirro: all right. anti-israel demonstrators getting even more extreme with their latest protests. ♪ ♪ at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. can we get real clear about life with psoriasis? 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>> i think -- >> i think -- honestly, i think i need to be a bit more clear on everything that's going on so i feel like i'm not really qualified to answer that. >> i'm not sure if i have seen anything that shows that that's actually happened, is that correct? >> all right, jessica. >> jesse: what happened there? >> obviously someone wanted to go hang out with their friends and didn't really know what they were going to support. it looks like, the sheer volume of people participating seems like it's just a cool thing to do. we're going out to protest, and i think kids who are doing the more serious stuff like locking kids in libraries at cooper union or what happened at cornell or columbia, you saw columbia has suspended two israeli groups, mit should be doing it for what happened there and that's the perfect refuge for the presidents of these schools. you are allowed free speech but you're not allowed to intimidate. you're not allowed to touch. you have to be respectful in these interactions, but like we talked about yesterday clearly a lot of people are misinformed about this, and i know that the administration is feeling the genocide joe comments. blinken said today we feel like far too many palestinians have died. we all feel that way but that's juxtaposed with the idf that they have gotten 80,000 gazans out safely. and hamas is protesting that so they can be murdered, stashed, you always think about elections, everyone has that on their mind and i was thinking about what you were saying, greg, about the abortion issue and how, if you feel it's a moral issue and if we lose on this, so be it. and i think that supporting israel in this moment is a moment for democrats to say this is a moral issue for us and if we end up alienating part of this base, and frankly looking at the turnout on tuesday i don't think that will be an issue but if joe biden's name makes them feel like genocide joe, you can find someone else to vote for, or you can sit it out, because this is something that's too important. that doesn't mean we don't care about palestinians. it doesn't mean we don't want a two-state solution but if you don't even know about the massacre and what happened on october 7, it doesn't matter to us. >> jesse: greg? >> greg: what you're seeing is a battle between a mental state and a jewish state, right? the war among protestors exists in their heads, marinading in the identity politics and lineage shaming. it exists independent of the present atrocity. as you can see they aren't wear of it because they prefer to live in the past which makes the protestors romantic and free of the gore. hence, all of their warnout catch phrases like occupation and collective punishment. the jews, however, are at war with hamas. it's not in their heads. they removed their heads that war kicked off on october 7, so it's a mental state versus a jewish state which explains why it is here in america because a mental state can move. a mental state can be imported and spread like a delusional contagion which obviously it has. as for the protestors here let's call them what they are. anti-semocrats. that scott adams word. anti-semi-crats. they are the frankenstein coddled by liberals because they were too scared to stand up. how else can you get nonbind air female leftists marching with a group of men, who, if they got in power, would turn on them in an instant. you can say they or them. >> jesse: you said romanticism. martha, there is a romanticism involved in this, i don't know if it's the vietnam era or academicians are telling students to go out there and hit the streets. as you can see they really don't know what they are talking about. >> they are not just crazy kids who are dumb. they are espousing something that is extremely dangerous. they are essentially saying that they want the palestinian hamas organization to be the winner of this situation, and they don't even know what happened on october 7. but that doesn't matter. what matters is that these deeply entrenched organizations, and look at the size that you're seeing now at these things, they are all very formulaic. in the early days we were seeing things that said people wanted a clean world. handmade with stars of david on them. they don't want that message, and these messages are deeply entrenched and very purposeful. believe me, back in iran, they are looking at these scenes and they are feeling like this is a win, right? when you allow hamas to pull up what they did in the post barbaric, there are no words for it. i mean, i watched this video of what they did and there are no words, and their glee around what they did is so deeply disturbing to humanity. so this is not cute or funny or good to hang out at the protests because there is a deep issue underlying here, and a lot of bad people are benefiting from these kids. i swan of them interviewed today and she said, they said, oh, do you think they should let the kidnappers go -- kidnapped people go? what about the hostages? she said, i don't really think it's about that. please do not go holding a sign and walking around at these things. do your homework. figure out what happened, and then if you genuinely want to go out and protest, then do it. but you're feeding into a dangerous narrative here. at least be smart enough to understand what you're talking about. >> greg: dumb and dangerous. >> judge pirro: the truth is these are the same people who vote. okay? when they talk about low information voters, i mean, they are not being disrespectful. this is reality. these kids are, many of them are college students. i mean, if they don't know what happened on october 7, and there is not just one or two interviews of people saying, oh, did something happen on october 7? they have no idea. it is -- it's almost like defining deviancy, in the 1970s or 1980s, where things aren't as bad because the real bad stuff is so much worse. so that, you know what we've got in new york city now are people who are painting and vandalizing police cars and also vandalizing the facade of buildings. nobody is being arrested for this. nobody is being taken in for this. it's just like they allow this to happen, and so we're defining society downward. we're defining our culture down, we're allowing people to be totally out of control for a ridiculous nonsense lie, and that's what it is. it's a lie. the same people, if you can imagine this, as they are beating a pinata of both biden and netanyahu, they are raising the lgbtq flag next to the beating pinata. that's the reality of what's going on. there are people in every time they hit the pinata, the cheers get louder and cllouder and louder. this is almost like a jungle. we're really at the point there is no truth, facts or reality. there is just perception, and the perception is, israel is bad, because we've decided to focus on them as the bad people. we could have been anyone else and it will be the next person but it always seems to be about israel and that's the saddest part of it all. >> can i add quickly to what the judge was saying, someone said something similar to me and it struck a chord. when the americans were held in iraq, 52 of them, we knew their names. >> in 1979. >> we don't talk about the hostages. we don't know about them. there are a few brave moms that are on tv talking about -- >> and they are pulling down the signs so we don't see them. >> i know, but that's on us that we need to talk about the hostages more because you can't have a cease-fire without these people being returned. >> jesse: this veteran's day, a massive initiative to house the heroes. chairman and ceo frank is here to tell us all about it next. ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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"the great disappearance" by david jeremiah is available now everywhere fine books are sold. ♪ >> this veterans day the tunnel to towers foundation is honoring america's heroes in a special way. the foundation is welcoming home over 100 during the grand opening of the houston veterans village in texas. renovating a former hotel that now includes 161 rooms and a living center that provides support services. they plan to replicate this model across the nation in their efforts to eradicate veteran homelessness. well done, joining us now ask chairman and ceo, frank siller. great to have you with us. you just over and over prove how relatively easy it is, if you commit to making a difference in people's lives. you can get it done. >> we get it done because we bring a lot of people together. it's who we're doing it for. obviously, there is a homeless problem in america, and the worst of it is that a lot of it is of veterans and these great heroes went to war for us. risked their lives for us, saw horrific things. came back to america. could not assimilate back into society and many of them are on the streets and it's unacceptable. if they are in the battlefield you wouldn't leave them on the battlefield, so why as americans are we going to leave them on the streets? so we made a promise that we would eradicate homelessness amongst the veterans. i know how we'll get it done. one of the ways is through fox viewers. every time i come on, and certainly "the five", so many sign up right away for $11 per month. but we're also asking fortune 500 companies to come on-board supporting them, et cetera. this is just the beginning. we had dennis conveyed with us, andy pet itt. >> it breaks our heart when we see a homeless veteran on the street, and frank sees something and he goes, we can fix this. >> the amazing part of it is so much money, like 90, 95, 96, 97%, goes to help those people. and it's not just the gold star families. it's the first responders. it's police. it's everyone who has put their lives on the line for the rest of us and you just keep multiplying. in the other segment, frank, we talked about the universities and people who are deep funding them, like leon cooperman. you've got to go after those people because you perform -- >> one of the things, i was listening to the segment, all these billionaires funding schools for the radicals that hate america, how about taking care of the americans who are willing to die to give us the life that we have? yes, i'm calling these people, these universities, to come on-board, tunnel to towers, see what we do and know we give 95.1% of every dollar raised goes to our programs and that's how we're going to get it done by bringing everybody together. >> greg: jesse, you said would you give half your salary. >> jesse: actually, i said i would give my entire salary. and when i said my salary, i meant your entire salary. [laughter] >> generous of you. >> we cover homelessness a lot and it's not that they don't have a place to live. there are other issues going on, mental issues, whatever. once they get in the homes that you're providing, is there anything else? >> of course. thank you for asking that. on your plaza right now we have a comfort home. we put it there, we got a crane in the other night. we dropped it in, in the middle of the night. it's important. i wanted them to see the type of homes we're doing. besides these hotels we're vamping, we're giving them 500 square foot homes on the screen. let me tell you something if i ever get kicked out i know where i'm going. but they are beautiful but we just can't put a roof over their heads so i want to read a list of things that we're doing to make sure they get all the comprehensive services once they are in there because we have to help them get back into society. employment assistance, job training, benefit assistance, education assistance. a lot of them are close to getting degrees or going back to college or school and prepare them to go back throughout and work. financial budget management, many of them don't know how to do a budget. legal help. post-traumatic stress counseling. all of these services. in this, what you saw in the opening of this segment, was this hotel that we revamped, right? on the first floor we have all of these services. >> jesse: what companies are already involved? who is helping out? >> i've got to say american express ones of the first ones since we launched this. they just came on-board in a big way. millions of dollars. >> that's great. >> it is. to have name like that is unbelievable. but we've had general motors. gm has been with us for a long time helping to us build the smart homes. the home depot foundation, they have been involved in homeless veterans for a long time, too, and i want to tip my cap. >> they employ them. >> and general motors. >> and fox. >> that's another thing, we'll make sure that we're going to get these great heroes into working, back into society. part of these things are permanent housing but we also want transitional housing because we want them transitioning out and getting their own homes. >> how many homeless vets did you guys help this year? >> 3,000. i'm going to tell you, because we have, we're blessed that we have a national program that, all across america that we can, if somebody hears about somebody homeless or a family member knows somebody they love who is homeless, they can call us and we can get them off the street immediately and work with the v.a. to make sure they get the services. we'll build a tremendous relationship. there are other organizations who have been doing this for a long time and i want to give them a lot of credit but we're blessed that we have a lot of people who join us. once again, i would like to say to the fox viewer, and i would like to say it again, together, why not say that we eradicated homelessness amongst our veterans, not tunnel to towers, not "the five", not just gm and home depot and american express, all of us, make a promise. tunnel to towers made a promise that we're going to day, of these heroes and i want you to join us on that mission. >> talk about veterans day with your kids and say as a family let's make a contribution, and you get that legacy, right. you invest as a family and say this is what we're going to do and when you see this homeless person on the street and it breaks your heart. there is something we can do and we can do it through >> 50 houses today we delivered to first spoernd families, mortgage-free homes, because i want everyone to understand that we're going to continue to do that work. we're never going to stop taking care of those heroes but we're also going to eradicate homelessness. >> the key word is you deliver. you always deliver. >> thank you. god bless you. thank you for having me on. >> thank you, frank, always good to see you, we'll be right back after this. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. first up, it's the jesse waters primetime scoop of the century. viral airplane woman is speaking out on what exactly she saw after a video of her yelling about another passenger not being "real." on an american airlines, it took flight on social media. >> i was talking to a specific person that i had an altercation with. not a good one. >> jesse, tell us about your time with tiffany. >> if that was the scoop of the century, then i'm in big trouble. but she was a very nice person and she came in and she's rattled. she's psychologically shot, and to have half a billion people see the worst moment of your entire life was just so difficult, she went into hiding for a month and a half and now she's trying to come out of it and she's doing the best she can. she had a bad moment and everybody knows about it. imagine your worst moment of your entire life and the whole world found out about it. jessica. >> i feel that every day. >> judge pirro: she said, i watched the interview and she said, i'm able to laugh at it, but i bet the guy on that airplane was not able to laugh at it. here's the thing. when she's on the plane, she says that mfer, he's invisible or something, and -- >> not real. >> judge pirro: and she said she had an altercation. if you have an altercation with someone, jesse, you don't turn around, you usually say you're a no good this, that, he did this, that, you don't turn around and say he's not real. i would ask her if she had a drink. did someone put a pill in her drink, and all the disruption that she caused, everybody had to de plane. tsa had to come back to make sure that they were all screened again. then she kept trying to get back on the airplane. she was claiming the airplane was not safe. it would never get to its destination. how many people on that plane are thinking i wonder if she knows something i don't know and i'm not going to make it. she caused a lot of problems. i'm sure she's a sweet woman. should have kept her mouth shut. don't say it was a bad moment. no, you're a ridiculous. >> jesse: so i should have attacked her? [laughter] judge, i'm sorry. >> jesse: thank you. i. >> greg: the real thing was her telling people that everybody was going to die on the plane and there is still no explanation for this. there is no explanation. that wasn't like getting worked up or spiraling. it was -- this was a drug or medication thing. because, that's just, it's drugs talking. it not a human talking. >> yes. >> greg: let's be honest? >> she's an attractive young woman. if it was a talk-show host screaming the plane is going down," i would be in jail. >> what do you think, martha. >> i was look agent the video thinking about the guy who shot that video, you know, and how, if it weren't for him, because he's right square in front of her, and he gets the whole thing, she wouldn't have had to hide in her house for a month and maybe she could have dealt with whatever issues you all are suggesting that she may have had. i think it's unfortunate that everything gets videotaped and everything gets thrown in everyone's face and people don't have time to dig into the things they should be paying attention to and spend way too much time paying attention to this stuff. >> and that's how you shoot video. >> you remember in bridesmaids where the woman is screaming, there is a colonial woman on the plane, we're all going down, but that was a comedy. not real-life. >> i don't remember that. ♪ at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. ♪ ♪ don't hurt me no more ♪ >> greg: yes, don't hurt me. i'll go to you, martha, for friday's question. what is something you did as a kid that you still feel guilty about and keep it clean. >> stealing pencils out of the one of the cubbies in kindergarten. i have no idea why. >> greg: how about you, jesse. >> jesse: my friend had one of those water jugs that you filled up with cash and coins and i took some chewing gum and i tied a string to a pencil and stuck the gum to the end of the string and went like that and i got $10 out of his bucket. >> greg: terrible. judge? >> judge pirro: what are those red wagons called? radio flyer, whatever, i was pulling a friend in i and i think i had a rope on it and we did a corner and something happened and it hit her in the head and she was bleeding and i ran home. >> you ran home? >> greg: nice. jessica? >> jessica: when my sister was little and we would be taking a bath, shove her hand down the drain to see if she would go. it never happened but i feel like it was bad. >> greg: what is something that you did as a kid that you still feel guilty about. what if you're still doing it? >> you sick-o. >> greg: i always use my dad's coin collection to buy an album. a great album. running with the devil, goes into eruption and eruption precedes the best version that you really got me. you can't do anything better than that. i think my dad up there, is probably going, greg, i'm glad you used the money on that. something you wanted to do as an adult, as a child, that did you as an adult that didn't turn out like you thought. something you thought as a kid you wanted to do, but you ended up doing it and it wasn't all of that. >> you know all of you can eat buffets. -- you know all of those all you can eat buffets. >> seinfeld talks about having sushi next to a cupcake. >> can you think of something? >> being an adult is not that great. where are my naps? >> that's a good one. >> i remember when i was a kid i used to always want to wear make-up. now i would rather hang myself than do make-up. joe. >> greg: i would have to say shaving. one more thing is up next. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. . common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing." jesse? >> jesse: john and mary ann big, big happy anniversary shout-out. 50 years. look at this beautiful couple married november 10th, '73. two kids, five grandchildren. way to go. very impressive milestones. >> greg: let's be friends. >> jesse: tonight on "jesse watters primetime," a woke woman's dui disaster. one of my favorite all-time body cam footages i have ever seen. >> judge jeanine: okay. now, have you ever heard of those jars where everybody has to put money in if they swear or something. >> greg: a swear jar. >> judge jeanine: a swear jar. this isn't a swear jar. saying the name taylor swift will cost you in one guy's house. he lives in maryland. his wife's huge obsession with taylor swift has caused her husband to create a taylor swift jar where she has to drop in a quarter every time she mentions the singer or her new boyfriend travis kelce. what do they plan to do with the money? she says she is going to buy taylor swift concert tickets. all right. greg? >> greg: not the same since i dumped her. tonight, 10:00 p.m., dana white. dagen mcdowell, todd piro, kat timpf. this is a great show. hey, let's do this: greg's flying deer into a pickup truck news. the story about this is that the truck was for sale, right? and the guy was about to buy the truck and then this happened. the truck on the left. >> dana: whoa! >> greg: knocked the price down from 9400 to 8500. he didn't ask for the deer. >> nice jumping on that deer's part. good recovery. >> greg: there you go. jessica? >> okay. you are indeed seeing double 17 times, a pennsylvania school district has 17 sets of twins in the same graduating class. the school district of class of 2036 has been dubbed wishing all these kids of heart. >> judge jeanine: martha. >> today was the 100,000 k bike ride that george w. bush does every year. the former president, dr. marc siegel was out there with him. it's a ride for our warriors and it's a wonderful feel-good event. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. have a great weekend, everyone. >> bret: hey, judge. have a great weekend. >> judge jeanine: you too.

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Special Way , Hotel , Support Services , Rooms , Living Center , Veterans Village , Grand Opening , Texas , 161 , 100 , Veteran Homelessness , Efforts , Model , Nation , Difference , Homeless Problem , Worst , Promise , Battlefield , Viewers , Fox , 1 , 11 , Companies , Dennis , Beginning , Fortune 500 , Et Cetera , 500 , Heart , Veteran , The Street , Andy Pet Itt , Star , Responders , Line , 95 , 97 , 96 , 90 , Universities , Segment , Leon Cooperman , Care , Billionaires , Towers , Tunnel , Yes , Dollar , 95 1 , Salary , Issues , Anything Else , Comfort Home , Night , Course , Plaza , Middle , Crane , Type , Hotels , Screen , Vamping , List , Assistance , Benefit Assistance , Employment Assistance , Roof , Education , Help , School , Budget , College , Budget Management , Post Traumatic Stress Counseling , Opening , Floor , Millions , On Board , American Express , Build , Home Depot Foundation , General Motors , Working , Cap , Housing , Vets , 3000 , Street , Somebody , Program , Family Member , Relationship , Credit , V A , Fox Viewer , All Of Us , Mission , Legacy , Contribution , Spoernd , 50 , Word , Work , God Bless You , Frank , Cup , Social Media , Primetime Scoop , Flight , Yelling , Passenger , American Airlines , Altercation , Scoop , Tiffany , Big Trouble , A Billion , Best , Half , Airplane , Interview , Plane , Mfer , Drink , Pill , Disruption , This , De Plane , Tsa , Destination , Thinking , Problems , Mouth Shut , Ridiculous , I Greg , Judge , The Real Thing , Explanation , Drug , Wasn T , Spiraling , Medication , Human Talking , Video Thinking , Talk Show Host , Jail , Agent , House , She Wouldn T , It Weren T , Whatever , Front , Attention , Bridesmaids , Screaming , Comedy , Going Down , Kid , Question , Don T Hurt Me , Friday , Friend , Stealing Pencils , Kindergarten , Coins , Cubbies , Water Jugs , Cash , String , Chewing Gum , Gum , Pencil , End , Bucket , Terrible , 0 , Corner , Head , Europe , Wagons , Radio Flyer , Bath , Hand , Sister , Drain , Nice , Album , Dad , Eruption , Coin Collection , Running With The Devil , Adult , Child , Buffets , Cupcake , Sushi , Seinfeld , Naps , Make Up , Shaving , Caplyta , Chance , Lows , Lytetm , Before Dawn , Doctor , Bipolar , Medicines , Mood Changes , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Common , Movements , Aren T , Adults , Risks , Antidepressants , Risk , Behaviors , Thoughts , Death , Dementia , Stroke , Confusion , Report Fever , Muscle , Permanent , Patients , Support , Savings , Caplyta Com , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Weight , Me Rybelsus , Stomach Pain , Isn T , Lump , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Neck , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Provider , Jeanine , Prescription , It S Time , John And Mary Ann Big , Big Happy Anniversary , November 10th , 73 , November 10th 73 , Body Cam Footages , Way To Go , Let S Be Friends , Milestones , Dui Disaster , Jesse Watters Primetime , Jars , Taylor Swift , Swear Jar , Isn T A Swear Jar , Husband , Wife , Jar , Travis Kelce , Obsession , Singer , Maryland , Concert Tickets , Dagen Mcdowell , Dana White , Todd Piro , Kat Timpf , Truck , Show , Pickup Truck News , Sale , Greg S Flying Deer , Deer , Recovery , Price , Jumping , 9400 , 8500 , Class , Times , School District , Graduating , Twins , Pennsylvania School District , 100000 K Bike Ride , Marc Siegel , George W Bush , 2036 , 100000 K , Weekend , Bride , Warriors , Bret ,

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