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do their dangerous and difficult jobs. >> dana: homeland security secretary mayokas facing tough questions in a senate hearing underway defending president biden's border policy after illegal policies have hit record highs. they want an additional $14 billion to support operations along the border including temporary detention and processing centers and money for cities to expedite work permits for non-citizens. senate republicans are calling for solutions including resuming construction of the border wall and asylum reform. a full report coming up for you later this hour. also on capitol hill the house judiciary committee is holding a hearing on free speech on america's college and university campuses along with the rise of anti-semitism and violence against students supporting israel. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. nice to be with you. i'm bill hemmer, good morning at home. today's house hearing happens as reports of anti-semitic incidents across the country jumped sharply higher since the start of the war with hamas and israel. today's hearing features testimony from students and professors as many of these schools struggle to balance first amendment rights and campus safety. alexis mcadams has more in the newsroom in new york. let's start there a brand-new hour. >> we've seen a variety of anti-semitic things on campuses, violence against jewish students and pro-palestinian professor glorifying these attacks by hamas. many jewish students we talk to on campuses don't feel safe and the house judiciary committee looking at the current state of the first amendment at american colleges and universities. that's happening right now this morning. students and recent graduates are expected to speak what they have experienced on these campuses. this comes as protests and rallies at colleges across the united states have continued for weeks. we have oh he seen it live. large crowds of students marching on both sides. pro-palestinian groups chanting from the river to the sea. palestine will be free and pro-israel demonstrators call for hamas to release the hostages. as the war continues to rage on the tension leading to violence on many of these campuses like here at tulane university in new orleans that you are looking at. investigators say a physical fight when a palestinians student tried to light an israeli flag on fire. cornell university in new york 21-year-old patrick dye arrested by the feds after he threatened to shoot up the jewish student center and kill jewish people on that campus. many people felt unsafe then. these incidents leading the president of israel to write a letter demanding change saying free speech is of the highest value but speech promoting violence against individuals or groups and calls for the elimination of a whole country of israel are unacceptable on these campuses and the president of israel wants to see action taken. according to the anti-defamation league since the october 7th attack on israel there has been a 400% surge in -- that includes harassment, vandalism and assault and continue to see it on campuses. jewish students will speak in the hearing and they want the schools to take action immediately. >> bill: we're watching. thank you very much live here in new york city on that. >> dana: meanwhile qatar and other arab donors are pumping billions into american colleges. schools have accepted at least 8.5 billion from 1986 to 2021. that's according to the american israeli cooperative interprice. lydia lou live with the latest. >> i had a chance to speak with betsy devos this morning on this topic. she says it is likely much more foreign money is flowing into american colleges and universities undetected because universities have not complied with laws that mandate disclosure. she says this is just the tip of the iceberg. we're getting a new report from the network contagion research institute that shows more than 200 american colleges and universities withheld information on roughly $13 billion in contributions from foreign governments between 2014 and 2019. much of that coming from authoritarian countries according to the report. the country of origin for most of the undocumented foreign funds qatar. more than 2.7 billion came from qatar over five years. the country is also home to leaders of hamas. other countries from which undocumented funds flow include china. you can see here 1.2 billion. saudi arabia, a billion, uae half a billion dollars. hundreds of colleges are taking the foreign money. cornell coming in second behind carnegie-mellon seeping 1.2 billion. yale taking in half a billion. the reports author with correlation of acceptance of foreign money and on campus anti-semitism writing this. a massive influx in foreign concealed donations, much of it from authoritarian regimes with notable support from middle eastern sources reflects or supports heightened levels of intolerance toward jews, open inquiry and free expression. the report found that schools accepting money from middle eastern donors had on average about 300% more anti-semitic incidents than schools that did not. i'll send it back to you. >> dana: fascinating numbers. thank you for putting that together for us. new video just in ivanka trump is entering the courtroom now. she is there. just from a few moments ago. she has been in the courthouse for 25 minutes and now entering the courtroom. she will take the stand in the new york attorney general's $250 million civil fraud trial against the trump organization. >> bill: we'll watch that. back to the middle east and what's happening with u.s. forces, those stationed in eastern syria and iraq. this is about three weeks ago, not quite three weeks ago. you see every red dot there in syria and a few in iraq? those were the initial hits by drones and various rockets on u.s. military forces. just the 19th of october. today is the eighth of november. come to the 29th of october and see how the map changes. the dots appear more frequently throughout eastern syria and the northern part of iraq. this is today now, okay? we are talking about a series of 2 1/2 to 3 weeks. at least 40 attacks on u.s. military bases and possible the number is considerably higher. what has been the u.s. response so far? it doesn't appear to be much. hezbollah leadership is saying it's sending a message to israel, meanwhile, that there will be consequences if the conflict expands with hamas. what happens now? alex hogan live in northern israel to bring us up to date on that. hello. >> hi, bill. we've seen three rocket attacks from hezbollah here to israel today and as many as two israeli soldiers have been wounded. you spent a lot of time here but to set the stage for viewers to give you context. we're in the northern tip of israel. the hillside behind me on the border, other side of that is lebanon. we're also just on the borders of syria and of jordan. a lot of these small northern towns have been either completely or partially evacuated. civilians have been replaced by soldiers, large settings of military presences here. and in lebanon civilians are also starting to evacuate some of those border towns as well. the idf says in the last 24 hours its forces have taken out targets like anti-tank positions, this video is an overnight israeli strike in lebanon after hezbollah fired more than a dozen rockets at this region alone yesterday. major protests across the border in lebanon after officials an israeli woman killed a woman and three granddaughters. a senior advisor to president joe biden travel to beirut urging caution and restoring calm here is of the utmost importance. >> united states does not want to see conflict escalating and expanding into lebanon. >> unlike what we're seeing in southern israel by hamas, the rockets that are being fired here are much larger. they are shorter range but they do have an explosive head. when they are sent here, the damage is much, much bigger. and because of the proximity of where we are when sirens sound off there are only ten seconds before impact. >> bill: let's keep it peaceful as much as we can. alex hogan near the border with lebanon. >> dana: the head of the f.b.i. updating a house intel committee on the recent spike in terrorist threats against the u.s. following the hamas attack on israel. he warned the risk of a terrorist attack on u.s. soil is at its greatest level in a decade. mike turner is chairman of the house intelligence committee and people are very concerned about this especially when the southern border has been open for so long. we know about all the gotaways, but we also know that over 170 people on the terror watch list have been caught this fiscal year alone. do you believe that the administration has a good handle on this in order to keep americans safe? >> absolutely not. director wray is doing a great job in trying to respond to the increased threats and get the word out. he appeared before the senate last week indicating that the terrorist threat was the highest in a decade. yesterday he briefed members of my committee the intelligence committee in the house. what he said is there are individuals who are affiliated with international terrorist groups and organizations that are here that pose a risk for attacks in the united states. he also cited lone wolf potentials of people sympathetic with hamas, hezbollah and isis but these organizations and groups are calling for attacks. he did specifically cite that the border situation itself the open border people are coming across represent a national security threat. that has not been controlled and that those individuals are not located within the united states pose a risk and threat for international terrorist organizations and attacks right here in the united states. >> bill: so, sir, we listened to fwo brothers yesterday. they have a family member held hostage. i will quote him. a wake-up call not only for israel but for the united states and for israel. he said you are next. we got it? okay. hang on one second, sir. we have it queued up. we'll roll it now from yesterday. >> this is a wake-up call not only for israel, not only for the jewish community, this is a wake-up call for all of you here, all of america, all of europe. you are next. you are next. >> bill: is he right? >> bill, certainly the threat is the highest that it has ever been. when we around 9/11 our problem was our intelligence communities weren't communicating. we didn't see the threat. after 9/11 we put in place counter terrorism efforts. had our intelligence communities tracking and communicating among each other. what we have today, though, because our border is open, so many people who are a national security threat have come into the country that it's really almost impossible for everyone to be tracked and all the threats to be followed. director wray is doubling his efforts with the f.b.i. and working with homeland security trying to track down the people to thwart efforts to execute an attack. the risk is high especially with what hamas has done in israel and conflict that's going on there. the outrageous attack that occurred really has spurred, i think, an unbelievable level of hate and calling for attacks in both europe and the united states. >> dana: are they able to keep up with social media posts that are -- there are so many of them and we know that's where a lot of this anti-semitism is flourishing. if you post one video on tiktok that gets a lot of like, the likelihood of you posting another one goes up. there is so much of it out there. are they able to get a handle on the bad stuff? >> they attempt to track those that represent a threat. as you just pointed out it is difficult because of the volume and really the prevalence today of this hateful and threatening speech that is occurring online. the other aspect is we have people here in this country who came illegal who represent a national security threat. just trying to track them down and understand what they are doing and thwart their efforts to hurt people in the united states, to undertake a threat in the united states, that's where they are really struggling. >> bill: what wray said the f.b.i. has quote multiple ongoing investigations into people affiliated with hamas. so it's on. >> absolutely. >> bill: and where it pops up is something we await. thank you for your time. mike turner, republican from ohio. thank you. on this note now, dana. heavily armed rival drug cartels fighting each other over control of our u.s. southern border. wide open for 2 1/2 years. we'll take you to the most dangerous area in the u.s. in minutes. >> dana: a graphic video showing atrocities committed by hamas during the surprise attack on israel and she is facing backlash. is she about to be canceled by hollywood? >> bill: president biden facing pressure to drop out of the race in 2024. what some prominent democrats are saying about that. >> the party is not getting rid of joe biden. it is solidly behind biden. you have a number of governors who are waiting in case the spot would open up. for now joe biden is the nominee if he wants it. llenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 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rich edson is live with the latest. >> this all ties in here governor youngkin tried to hold the house, flip the senate. they did neither. a few hours ahead of polls closing youngkin told us the issues would carry over into next year and on to the 2024 presidential election. that's the point democrats are making. >> i think that we are going to continue to take advantage of republicans being extremely out of step with the american public when it comes to these issues. we also saw glenn youngkin in virginia campaign against the president's economic agenda. fell flat on its face. these are things the american voters are paying attention to. >> youngkin and republicans focused on public safety, education and pledged to pass limit on abortion after 15 weeks. what youngkin called a reasonable compromise. democrats hammered that issue. after the election the national organization responsible for electing statewide democrats said of the new democratic majorities that this new era of leadership in virginia will insure that abortion remains legal and that republicans maga agenda is stopped in its tracks. youngkin personally campaigned in the closest districts across the state. political director tweeted last night we hoped for a stronger outcome this evening but proud of the effort all of our candidates put into these extremely competitive districts. we're waiting to hear from governor youngkin himself today as he now faces a democratic senate and house and questions over his agenda and national political future. dana. >> dana: everyone is thinking about that future, too. >> bill: get analysis now. an aei scholar and mark penn also with me. you just wrote a book called where have all the democrats gone? after last night was that pre-mature? >> well, where have all the democrats gone would not be a problem for the democrats if all elections were relatively low turnout elections that hinged on abortion rights and election denial. for them i don't think that's the case. i do think these results do underscore the potency of the abortion rights issue. the democrats could run abortion rights against trump in 2024. they probably do very well indeed. >> bill: mark, how do you see the results of last night? sometimes you need to take a step back and wait for the weekend and go home and think about it. or have you already made up your mind, mark? >> well look, i don't think the results were a surprise but i think the surprise was that republicans didn't romp and democrats held their own. when you look at the national polls now republicans are doing really well in the national polls on key issues. i think there is an issue not abortion rights, not marijuana, it is personal freedom. i think democrats now have gotten on the right side of personal freedom which people of all ages, i think, more or less agree with and this is going to be a potent issue. personal freedom trumps inflation and immigration. >> bill: like don't take it away from me, right? it's kind of what you are saying. you all have seen "the new york times" poll from over the weekend and everybody was saying the house was falling until today. amazing how things change. call for one, trump leading in five of the battleground states that they looked at. it's pretty interesting, right? nevada, georgia, michigan, arizona, pennsylvania, biden up two in that poll in wisconsin. karine jean-pierre asked about it yesterday at the white house. >> obviously we have all hear at the white house seen the polling. i'm just saying we have to take them as a general rule, we should take these polling with a grain of salt. >> bill: david axelrod only joe biden makes the decision. if he continues to run, he needs to decide whether it is wise, whether it's in his best interests or the country's. and then he gave a quote to "politico" saying i told him to drop out. he is the only one to make the decision. well then he will. how did you see all that? >> well, i think it's a common debate that will be unfolding in the democratic party over time as some of these polls continue to come in that indicate kind of what we already knew, though the times poll underscored it. biden is a very weak candidate and can be beaten and extraordinary he could be beaten by donald trump who democrats believe and they are not crazy that he would be a bad president. he did a lot of things as president that were unpresidential and everybody should hate him and why can't we get them to vote for joe biden? biden has no intentions of stepping aside and if they would wind up with anything much better because squabbling will take place in the party that come to the fore. it is not clear there is an easy way out. i expect joe biden, unless he keels over, to be the presidential candidate in 2024. >> i see biden continuing to seek the nomination and win it. republican debate tonight. let's see whether there is an anti-trump candidate that emerges on the republican side. but i do think that this is a warning sign, biden knows inflation, energy, 60, 70% of the people are unhappy with the economy, with what's going on with their life. don't feel they are better off. he has one year to really clang that and he has to work hard to do that if he will win re-election. that's what this poll says and what bill clinton did. >> bill: mark, you are biden/trump at this point, that's what you believe? yes or no. >> i am still holding back. let's see what happens at the debate. nikki haley has real promise. right now trump is winning. >> i say yes biden/trump is the match-up absolutely. >> bill: we'll see how it goes in florida. talk again soon. well done. thank you. >> dana: we are keeping a close eye on a house hearing about the dangerous rise of anti-semitism at america's universities as jewish students testify about threats and violence on campus. a witch's brew of drug smuggling and running gun battles. we go live to a stronghold for mexican cartels on u.s. soil. >> i think we need to turn inward here and look to tighten the border up and make sure these folks coming in from these terrorist countries, terrorist-harboring countries should be turned right back around and not put into this country. ♪ with fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> dana: there is a house judiciary committee hearing getting underway, free speech on college campuses with college students and professors doing the testimony. they are the witnesses. the hearing will also examine the rise in anti-semitism, anti-israel sentiment and violence towards students supporting israel. we're watching this and bring you the highlights. >> bill: okay. while that's happening there it is considered one of the most dangerous places along the border an island in texas. a hot spot of mexican drug cartels with smuggling and gun battles and turf controls in the mix there. fox news getting a look at the terror threat as secretary mayokas testifies before that senate panel. team fox coverage. mike emanuel is on the hill and bill melugin is bringing us story from the island today. what did you learn? >> good morning to you. our very first time out here. this area behind us is widely considered to be the single most dangerous spot of anywhere along the southern border because of heavy cartel activity. we'll show you what we're talking about. look at these images in recent months. high profile incidents. the images of those cartel gunmen moving through the brush on the u.s. side after they crossed illegally armed with rifles, armed with body armor. it didn't just happen once or twice but repeatedly. you see photos in months of multiple groups of gunmen moving through the brush. some of whom were arrested. you will see photos of border patrol being shot at and some border patrol trucks in this area with bullet holes in them. all happening in the brushy area behind us. texas dps has found ieds, guns, cartel cameras set up in the brush behind us. we'll show you what is happening on the other side of the river. the wild thermal drone video two weeks ago across the river a hundred yards away rival cartels throwing explosives at each other. grenades or homemade i.e.d.s. they battle for the lucrative smuggling route on the other side of the river. take a look at this video from just in past saturday. exact same spot a few hundred yards behind us. drone watching as a huge group of cartel gunmen are strolling along the edge of the river just yards away from the united states, guys. you can see the cartel gunmen walking around, some of them with rifles showing they're in control of the mexican side of the river. for a long time they were in control of the u.s. side of the river as well. until texas got involved. here is what they did. look at this video. in october they declared this island on the u.s. side to be texas property. they went in with bulldozers, sent in texas dps, special operators, they sent in the texas national guard and began cutting down the trees, bulldozing the brush so cartels didn't have anywhere to hide anymore. set up razor wire all over the place and now what it looks like right here right now. go to our live fox news drone. this is the island after a month of texas dps work and texas national guard work. they have raised it. they cannot cross anymore. wire is set up and texas national guard soldiers post evidence all over the edge of the rifer here. those guns aren't for show. they are fully loaded wearing ballistic vests. texas dps says because the federal government took 0 action to secure this area the state of texas had to step up, secure this area dominated by the cartels. there are daily gun battles happening in mexico and breaking out earlier this morning. for now this area has been secured by the state of texas widely considered to be the most dangerous area and you can see what they've done out here, guys. send it back to you. >> bill: you wonder what the federal government can say about that? they told them to clear out the wire, clip that wire in arizona and put down the container ships and picked those up, too. >> dana: right before bill melugin started. the house judiciary committee hearing. there were protestors there. [shouting] [shouting free gaza] >> dana: all right. it's pretty interesting when protestors make the point of a hearing. a hearing about anti-semitism, the rise in anti-israel sentiment and so that is going on. the students there, students and professors. >> more and more of them. you have to ask yourself dana why are all these protestors wearing a mask? what are they afraid of? >> dana: they don't want to be publicly shamed even though they are willing to do that to others. >> bill: this will go on. you can clearly see there are many more gathered inside that room. police can't keep them out. if they walk in and walk in and if they get in line for the hearing they get in. >> dana: jordan looking at these antics. >> bill: there will be more. we'll let you know how it goes down there. do we want to talk? okay. so there is -- another one. let's get to mike he manual to figure out what is happening in the hearing. what have you got there? >> bill and dana, good morning. secretary mayokas is telling lawmakers in a senate hearing this morning that the illegal immigration crisis has been growing over the past few years leading to the current crisis. let's take a live look at the senate appropriations hearing. mayokas is on the hot seat again calling on lawmakers to fully support the $14 billion proposed by the white house for additional border security. a small portion of the 16 billion emergency supplemental. mayokas got into it with lindsey graham a short time ago. >> 280 something people on the terrorist watch list that we know of. where are they? >> senator, the terrorist screening dataset. >> where are the people? >> the individuals who we encounter on the data screening -- >> are they out of the drain or in the country? >> they may be well out of the country. >> you don't know. there are people on the terrorist watch list and you can't tell me where they are at. >> this comes as the southern border is overwhelmed by migrants across the globe. while republicans want more security at the border, they argue the biden administration is throwing money at the problem. a group of senate republicans, including senators graham, cotton and langford have offered a border proposal with resuming construction of the border wall. reform of asylum laws and more. chuck schumer has called that plan a non-starter. the white house says it is not serious so it appears both parties are talking past each other again. bill and dana. >> bill: thank you, mike. >> dana: let's get back to the judiciary committee hearing. opening statements by a students here. let's listen. >> called 911 for rescue. another board member being physically attacked. silence from the university and charges not pressed by the district attorney's office i have been left to consider the precedent it sets. though i may not be qualified to determine what constituents adequate evidence in the eyes of the justice system. if they resulted to fear and violence without consequence what is keeping this pattern of behavior from being executed repeatedly. throughout the planning of a march 2023 event. this event would grow to gain more pushback than any event on campus an four years and the freedom of speech violations. condemnation of the event by a local new york state senator and multiple western new york. three university professor calling for the cancellation of the lecture. forced venue changed orchestrated by university administration but voted on by sunni council. a multitude of threats and a tweet from kathy hochul calling comments from michael dehumanizing. it garnered a statement from university president explaining that the constitution protects speech on campus quote no matter how noxious the content, end quote. based on the actions taken by faculty and rhetoric used i cannot name for clear examples of evidence that demonstrate the case of a university concerned only with following the letter of the law rather than uplifting conservative values to a level with the values of the left often celebrated in the university's own distinguished speaker series. it was forced to extend to a federal lawsuit. once the chapter was banned from campus as the result of a new national affiliation ban by the student government. i graduated in the previous spring semester and no longer able to engage in discourse with opposing students i'm fortunate to have friends on campus including current board members, something that the very concerning to me eventually on campus and off is the outward support for hamas under the guise of support for palestinians civilians. unsettling number of students who appeared in a 300 person pro-palestinian march on campus. >> the woman behind him will do something at some point. the hearing is examining anti-semitism. anti-israeli sentiment. violence towards students supporting israel. the protestors will continue momentarily. >> dana: the special counsel in the hunter biden probe david weiss answered questions yesterday. >> when he was specifically asked did you ever request special attorney authority under section 515 his response was yes in the spring of 2022. so that goes to the heart of the matter. he requested it. was not given that request. never had that authority throughout the time. yet he pretends that somehow he did have that. >> dana: david spunt has more from washington. hi, david. >> good morning. special counsel weiss made history as the first special counsel in the middle of an active investigation to answer questions before congress and investigation involving the sitting president's son. weiss came to congress to talk about a misunderstanding about his authority. not the specifics of the actual probe. on this network in june i.r.s. whistleblower shapley said weiss complained she was denied special counsel status and could not charge hunter biden in either washington, d.c. or california all because of politics. watch. >> i have was there and i witnessed this personally and he started with he is not the deciding person whether or not charges are filed or not. >> not the deciding person on whether charges are filed with hunter biden. >> he said yesterday it is not what i said nor is it what i believed end quote. weiss made a bit of news announcing in the hearing he has never spoken to attorney general merrick garland. weiss put his request to become special counsel in writing. sources say house republicans talked to him behind closed doors because they want to do this specific investigation. in addition to federal gun charges against hunter biden weiss may plan to charge hunter biden with tax crimes in california where he currently lives or washington, d.c. stay tuned on that. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: let's bring in martha maccallum to talk about this. good morning to you. call for number two first. weiss's statement on his authority he gave to the committee. he said i have been the decision maker on this case. i don't make these decisions in a vacuum and bound by federal law. principles of federal prosecution and d.o.j. guidelines. he agreed to meet with them. never happened before. you could applaud that decision. maybe he cleared something up. or not. >> yeah. obviously there are a lot of questions when you go back and listen to gary shapley, the i.r.s. agent and his other colleague both testified about things that had disturbed them about this case for a long time. i was looking this morning about what happened when the case got sent to pittsburgh to scott brady, who was the d.a. in charge of the federal attorney in charge of looking over it. they did investigative work. according to reports, when they tried to turn that over, they had witnesses to what they say were the two bribe attempts in ukraine for hunter and joe biden. witnesses, very extensive investigation that they had done that they believed tied the biden family though these bribes. the weiss team wouldn't look at them. leslie wolf said that's the rudy giuliani evidence. it wasn't connected to him it was a separate investigation done by the office at the behest of bill barr. david weiss was talking to bill barr, not merrick garland. so those are the things that are very disturbing to a lot of people who look at this story and david weiss says that he had nothing to do with it. that wasn't what he said. he never said he wasn't in charge. it's his word against the i.r.s. agents really. >> dana: want to ask you about another topic. last week you were here filling in for bill and talked about how you had seen the video the i.d.f. had put together that hamas had filmed on their gopros. gal, gadot is an actress. i stand with israel, you should, too. the world cannot sit on the fence when horrific acts of terror are happening. she is planning to show this video for people in hollywood. she is getting a lot of threats and cancellation threats. she is in a position of power to be able to say no, i want to show this. >> it makes me go back to the contention that when you see people ripping down the hostage pictures, images of children and families and cousins and people who care deeply about each other who are missing. ripping them down people say it didn't really happen. the beheadings and rape didn't really happen. the torture of children didn't really happen. this video that they are showing and that gadot wants to show and i went to see about ten days ago now, these are surveillance videos from cameras posted in these towns for a long time. they are cameras that were gopros that hamas wanted people to see. the reason they strapped those gopros on their head when they went off on their motorcycles with ar-15s. they wanted the video to get out. this happened. gadot wants people to see it. the israeli government wants people to see it. interesting to see how many people show up. people need to understand both sides of the story. suffering is suffering no matter who undergoes it whether gaza or in the villages in southern israel. but you cannot deny the reality of what happened. >> bill: you saw it at a screening in new york, correct? do you know if this is streaming online anywhere right now? >> it could be. i'm not aware. there are a lot of still images that you can see. >> dana: it's not available. >> i don't believe it is. you know how the internet is. >> dana: see you on "the story." one greek diner in new york, how the jewish community is helping his business boom. - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and 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[yells] [yells] [yells] trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam! they have waffles! and splendid pools! cannonball! >> dana: there was emotional testimony from one of the students in the hear today. >> i was doxed in a group chat of 800 students and labeled as a nazi, token, white supremacist as bigot. some individuals expressed i made them uncomfort and feared i might commit a hate crime against them because i'm black and hold conservative principles. they believe if you are conservative you are hateful. support oppression and only want to benefit straight white men. such beliefs are untrue. >> a reason why billionaires have threatened places like harvard and university of pennsylvania for -- >> dana: giving them a chance to bear witness to what happened to them. not just happening at schools. a long island diner is causing a stir over its support for israel. he put up flags and posters of the hostages taken by hamas spurred a boycott with several staff members quitting. the business is rebounding thanks to support from the jewish community. let's bring in the owner of the diner. when you showed your support you had three staff members quit. several daily patrons stopped coming and the local door dash drivers boycotted and confronted you. >> yes, they did. >> dana: what did they say? >> well door dash drivers decided that they were going to stand against us for displaying the israeli flag and what they said was that we were promoting hate and that they were going to refuse and band together to stop delivering our orders. >> dana: and even at one point you saw that your restaurant was no longer even found on the door dash app? >> yes. me and several customers after a week of noticing that none of the orders were coming through, i asked some people to randomly pull up our restaurant or even just put in burgers, fries in our village and nothing was coming up. >> dana: you threatened legal action. the restaurant is now back on the app. what happened afterwards. now your diner is hopping. >> well, the truth is yes, yes, we've been having a lot of support from the local community. and people have been coming, jewish people have been coming from out of the state, new jersey, connecticut, delaware, ohio, some people from florida showed up. i mean, the support is tremendous. it's humbling. >> dana: how did you feel about realizing that there was this much resistance to people who would be upset that you would put up the posters of people who had been kidnapped by hamas? >> i couldn't believe it at first. i live on long island, which has a primarily jewish population, especially in my area. i have grown up in woodbury where i was a minority basically over there. and i couldn't believe it. i mean it's pretty sad. >> dana: what is your specialty at the diner? >> well, our specialty is our salmons, breakfast obviously, burgers, steaks, a little bit of everything. >> dana: sounds like a good place. >> yes. >> dana: our congratulations to you on turning this around. thank you, peter. >> i appreciate it. thank you very much. bye-bye. >> bill: he in the town of huntington. >> dana: so americana. door dash said we have no tolerance for discrimination of any kind. his restaurant is now on the app. obviously something happened for a while. >> bill: huntington is in suffolk county. republican repeated a democrat there where the gentleman is right now flipping the seat from blue to red. they only have an election for executive every ten years. republican won. they hold a lock on long island. they control both counties, nasa and suffolk as well as the d.a. all four congressional seats. when we mention that go back to the mid-terms of last year talking about the red wave. they did get enough seats to flip the house and that's the reason why you see hearings every day on the border, on anti-semitism in college classes. it's only a four seat majority. republicans want more. but still it is a majority. a lot of those seats on the suburbs of new york city are the reason why they have that majority. >> dana: the democrats are trying to redistrict again in new york state and we're waiting to hear from a court about what that will look like. it sounds in the weeds. it matters because the balance of power in congress is so tight that those four seats could make all the difference. >> bill: so it was a big night last night for democrats in certain states like kentucky, beshear held on. he has been a popular governor. some approval ratings have him as high as 60%. >> dana: a young man. >> bill: he ran up the numbers higher this time around than he did four years ago when he won. abortion passed in ohio. that will be in the state's constitution. in virginia you have to think it's going to be very interesting to watch how glenn youngkin governs over the next two years. he has talked at great length about education in virginia and flipping the senate and it didn't happen. >> dana: he came up short. great to be with you today. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: we're watching a professor on capitol hill right now tackle the

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,Seat Majority ,Mid Terms ,Red Wave ,College Classes ,Court ,Suburbs ,Beshear ,Weeds ,Big Night Last ,Difference ,Balance Of Power ,Approval Ratings ,Length ,Harris Faulkner ,To Be With You ,

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