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>> todd: a fox news alert, the polls are closed, results are in and democrats have the edge, including in virginia. democrats maintain control of the senate and flip the house of delegates, the party will be able to block governor glenn youngkin agenda moving forward. >> carley: and beshear defeated republican attorney general daniel cameron. >> todd: in mississippi republican governor tate reeves fended off state reg later brandon presley. this is "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. in ohio, voters decided to put ab abortion rights in the constitution. >> brooke: voters will protect abortion access. this measure prevents ban on abortion for the mother's health or before the fetus is considered viable and legalizing marijuana for the -- abortion was a big issue in virginia, democrats just flipped the house of delegates and maintained control of the senate, a major blow to governor glenn youngkin's agenda and makes it unlikely his 15-week ban will ever pass. in kentucky, andy beshear defeating daniel cameron, taking 53% of the vote despite cameron's support from mitch mcconnell and rand paul. watch. >> look what we were up against, five super packs, mitch mcconnell's super pack, rand paul's super pack. [booing] >> the republican governor association. all running ads full of hate and division and you know what, we hit them all at the same time. >> brooke: republicans have something to celebrate in mississippi, tate reeves defeated brandon presley. we all now know what itten moos in state like mississippi, when you stand up to national liberals and stand up to joe biden. they threw everything they had at mississippi. 13 million dollars they threw at mississippi. mississippi did not bend. mississippi is not for sale. >> brooke: a judge extended polling hours after they ran out of ballots, attributing this to high turnout. >> carley: brooke singman, thank you. bring in tina ramirez. it appears abortion is a motivating factor, how do you view the outcomes from last night? >> this wasn't what we hoped for in virginia. i think republicans would have done better in virginia if they focused on the kitchen table issues that virginians care about, like the biden failed economy. issues that resonate with every voter and we see this in delegate ken taylor who won. she helped us flip the house two years ago, she just won reelection, one of the most competitive races that democrats tried to take back. she focused on the economy and she won. if republicans had done that across the board, we would have won more seats. >> carley: we'll talk to kim taylor about her victory last night. >> todd: everybody is talking about the economy all the time, the biden economy is destroying family's net worth and republicans somehow didn't focus on that enough in the state of virginia and throughout the country. they did deliver messaging on abortion that failed in two straight elections whachl do republicans need to do in 2024? i will refer to it as the big one to avoid three-peat of losses? >> you see a failed agenda in virginia against those who wanted to run on 15-week abortion ban. i think they realize that in this election, when you are talking about these issues, i'm a mom, single mom, and people across the state of virginia understand that and win. they win because they talk about it differently. here in virginia, we have most extreme democratic policy, if you want to win, talk about their extremes and fight. don't lead from position of weakness and try to negotiate. >> carley: not all good news for democrats, cnn released a national poll has donald trump beating joe biden 49 to 45. the president will be celebrating these elections as win for his agenda and byted will say this is proof americans will reelect him next year. should they be celebrating today? >> we have a long way to and saw in the -- unite behind a winning message, the message joe biden and this aed min stragz have been a disaster for our economy and our security. america is less safe because of this administration from failure in afghanistan to failure in the middle east. these are failures that are affecting our families, our wallets, these are things republicans need to reunite behind. we never can take an election for granted. >> todd: does this keep glenn youngkin from jumping into the 2024 presidential race? >> as a parent and mom and someone that helped him get elected, we have a long way to go. his priority needs to focus on the rights of parents in virginia. that needs to be the agenda. he doesn't have any support there. this is what virginians across the board voted for two years ago. he needs to fulfill that agenda. >> thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. our troops in iraq and syria come under attack 40 times in the last three weeks and pentagon admits it is deciding how and when to respond while trying not to escalate the war. >> todd: and 22 democrats voted with republicans to censor rashida tlaib over her anti-israel comments. we are live with that next. and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. -- -- israeli forces staging just feet from the gaza border, an area to northern part of the gaza strip, israelis are waiting for orders to go in and support infantry troops inside gaza. the idf mobilized artillery in the south and north for first time since the 1973 war. battalions on high alert as they support operations inside gaza. there are intense battles near the al-shifa hospital. it is expected the israelis will find a major hamas command center. local media reporting forces are within half a mile of the al-shifa hospital. they are anticipating a evacuation corridor out of the gaza strip. we showed you images yesterday of people evacuating south. israelis are urging civilians to leave as fighting gets more intense. we expect more today about developments on the ground and come whats next. >> carley: there are the hostages and president biden spoke with netanyahu on monday and asked him to agree to a three-day pause to allow hostage negotiations to play out. they want to compile list of names and let america and israel know who the hostages are. so far it doesn't look like netanyahu is going to go for this idea. what do you know about the conferring >> trey: 240 hostages. israelis have been clear, they are bringing the fight back to hamas inside the strip and unwilling to-- lawmakers simply had enough of rashida tlaib antisemitism language, like this, watch. >> mr. president, the american people are not with you on this one. [chanting] >> the previous president wanted to ban us and put us in concentration camps, this one wants us to die. if i had to show them in numbers, we're not going to sit back. every child that died in gaza, multiply it by hundreds. >> pro-hamas chants defending, saying this, from the river to the sea. my work in advocacy is centered in justice and dignity for all people, no matter faith or ethnicity. she tried to defend herself yesterday. >> folks forget i'm from detroit, the most beautiful, blackest city. trying to bully or censor me won't work because this movement for a ceasefire is much bigger than one person. >> 22 democrats joining almost all republicans and rebuking the michigan congresswoman. four republicans voted against it. former members of her squad were not happy. >> what is true here, every single one of them has not acknowledged that palestinians are dying in the tens of thousands and will say it is us who are not acknowledging humanity. >> fellow democrat brad snyder said rashida tlaib insisted on using inflammatory language that demonstrates hamas propaganda and disinformation. in congress, censor, one step below expulsion. rashida tlaib is the 26th member ever censored in the house. >> todd: police piecing together the death of a jewish man. the death has been ruled a homicide and possible hate crime. nbc reported he died after hitting his head. >> carley: and chicago residents are sick of living in a sanctuary city and they are letting their leaders know it. that is next. >> believe we should remain -- no, no, no. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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>> i am. i have spoken with the chief of police and with the sheriff and elected officials and there is incredible amount of pressure that on the elected and on the sheriff and da to make sure a charge is brought and an arrest made. we don't know what that charge will be, that is subject to the investigation, we demand that justice. >> todd: how is the jewish community dealing with the loss of kessler? i imagine it is hitting them hard. >> it is hitting us pretty hard. the kesslers are a wonderful family. they do want privacy. the jewish community, we're sad, angry and fed up. this is the fourth incident this year, violent attacks against jews. there were two shootings and there was ace home invasion a few weeks ago and now this. hate against jews is up 400% in los angeles and the community is terrified. there are people who do not want to wear religious paira fern ailia, they don't want to go out to eats or to school. this entire incident is hitting hard. >> todd: does that fear extend to rallies? if i go support israel, i could experience the same fate as mr. kessler? >> i'm encouraging folks to not give up. what is most important, we are expressing support for the jewish people and jewish state. we want people to be vigilant and not engage in violence. it is important to show solidarity. there is a national rally on november 14th and we hope to gather thousands on the national mall to show solidarity with israel and uniification with the jewish people. >> todd: it doesn't help with nbc releases headline like this. man dies in california, officials say. they have since changed it. what do you make of the media, nbc news in this case, to say what is happening. i have to think if this was a black lives matter individual, in the same fate, you would have the specifics there in the headline. >> yeah, no matter what news outlet, we need accurate reporting and understand and take a victim-centered approach. paul kessler was a 69-year-old man who was jewish and pro-israel. i'm not here to playpolitics, i want to do what is right for the people. any headline need to reflect reality on the ground. >> todd: thank you, we appreciate it. democrats winning big in virginia, ohio and ken tuck nethis off-year election whachl can republicans learn from the losses? >> carley: we'll be talking to two republicans ahead in the pols this morning, including one who could flip aoc's backyard red for the first time in almost 20 years. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. could flip aoc's backyard red for the first time in almost 20 years. pols this morning, include who could flip aoc's backyard red for the first time in almost 20 years. ls this morning, inclu one who could flip aoc's backyard red for the first time in almost 20 years. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. 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[dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> todd: pro-palestinian groups calling for national day of action today facility run by defense department and military contractors. >> carley: could get scary. cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: good morning to both of you. these activist groups are calling for today to be pro-palestinian national day of action. instead of taking to city streets, groups plan to go to doorsteps of contractors that work for the dod. international day of action plan for 8 november 2023 by pro-palestinian group, rallies, protests, marches, propaganda action in all possible cities at sites of production of largest trans national weapons cutches. boeing, lockheed martin, northrup grumman, hp and microsoft. facilities are being told to avoid protest, if possible and dod personnel should remain k cognizant of their surroundings and avoid protest throughout the united states. if you find yourself in the middle of mass demonstration, leave the area and avoid unethical behavior. >> todd: extremely concerning, we will be watching. a lot of heat in the windy city. >> cheryl: this is something else. this is the scene at chicago city hall. unfolding into chaos. the issue? their status as sanctuary city. this was ruling committee, mostsly african american crowd filled the gallery with many that had to be held back by officers. they are angry taxpayer money is be being spent to house migrants, instead of poor neighborhood. [indiscernible] -- believe we should remain a sanctuary city? >> no, >> no. >> cheryl: in all my ears, i have not seen anything like this or such a concerted toefrt ignore the people. they will pick up tomorrow. >> carley: looks like pete buttigieg got a pay cut, i think he will be able to afford it. >> cheryl: he will probably be okay. this bill was authored by congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, approved late tuesday that would slash the salary of pete buttigieg to $1. it is actually an amendment to larger funding bill. she accuses him of fake bike rides to the white house, using a private jet and ignoring the train derailment in east palestine, ohio. he denies this and eventually did show up to east palestine. pete buttigieg looks to be politicizing his role and making it clear he believes he is above the attitude endemic throughout the biden administration. >> todd: we will get his full salary, rebuke from the house. thank you. house judiciary chair jim jordan just revealing new e-mails that show dhs, department of homeland security created disinformation group at stanford before the 2020 election, worked on policing chechen. >> carley: one e-mail said we set up integrity partnership at request of dhs and in weekly coms to debrief about disinformation. columnist for the messenger joe concha joins us now. think when dhs was created post-9/11 and what it has been doing with speech, what do you think about this? >> department of homeland security and at the southern border, not a lot -- there. what this report shows is there was collusion between social media and traditional media heading up to the 2020 election. we have people that worked in this building that were censored, mollie hemingway, sean hannity and newt gingrich and the satirical site babylon bee had to be censored. think about the 2020 election, georgia, arizona, wisconsin by far less than 1 percentage p point, here is challenge for the gop. home page of "new york times" "washington post,", you don't find one story on what jim jordan exposed yesterday. censorship because they know they are culpable. >> todd: jim jordan said it is bigger than we originally thought. what stood out to me, dhs said it could not endorse system to flag disinformation, so got stanford to do that for them. that should raise concern more than wooech seen or equally so with what we have seen with the antisemitism response at stanford. >> joe: ivy league of the west. >> todd: house advancing a bill to censor rashida tlaib. 22 democrats join majority of republicans. what is your reaction to the censorship vote? >> joe: kudos to those who voted to censor rashida tlaib. when you use a term from the river to the sea, it is clear to what that means to the terror groups out there, means distribution of israel and exterminating everybody who lives in it, period. no ambiguity temperature is clear. it is a message like don't worry, i got your back. why else would a u.s. lawmaker say something like that. in the 2022 election, she won by nearly 50 points in her district, she is not going anywhere if she doesn't have to. only way rashida tlaib is ousted comes from within a primary challenge, somebody moderate. does that happen? time will tell. >> carley: four republicans voted against the censor, she is allowed to say what she said, as a body, we don't like it. >> joe: republican votes are saying, we don't want to weaponize censorship of people. >> carley: republican presidential primary candidate heading to the debate stage tonight. rivals will battle to become the top alternative and new polls show they have catching up to do. nunes is on deck. >> todd: first lawrence will look at what is coming up. >> lawrence: i woke up before my alarm, going to be a good day today. coming up on "fox and friends," competitive races decided. kentucky's beshear one of it is most notable wins of the night and tate reeves, a challenge and big blow to governor glenn youngkin's agenda, we are breaking it down. another day and another poll, trump beats biden in hypothetical rematch, how the former president is winning independence and pro-palestinian rallies shutting down streets and causing chaos, where they are expected to be today coming up on "fox and friends." you don't want to miss it. our , we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. it's electric... hmmm.'s gas. hmmm. quite the paradox. it really is both. hmmm. the first-ever lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ print. mom, we're gunna be late. i know, sweetie. print! come on, print! out of ink again? 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>> well, i can tell you what we're doing here in florida under the leadership of governor desantis, he has made sure and has made it very clear that at no point will we allow our jewish students or really any student to feel unsafe on campus. we have already provided record funding for schools and synagogues and communities. and, in addition, we have said and we have made it very clear through governor desantis' executive order that those groups, those hateful groups, students for justice in palestine, that are providing support to hamas a terrorist will be deactivated. it is a to provide support to material organizations that are considered terrorist organizations? we are not just going stopped that for it. governor very clear. the first governor in the entire country to make those statements and to provide that action. and so we want to make sure all of our students, under this terrible tragedy that we're seeing unfold in front of us, we want to make sure all of our students but in particular our jewish students that are fearful across campuses and around this country that near florida they know that we support them and we will always stand with israel. >> carley: okay. let's talk about governor ron desantis who you work so closely with, of course, has endorsed for president. is he running, of course, for the white house. but there is this new cnn poll shows former president trump beating president biden by 4 percentage points in head-to-head matchup. there is also siena poll shows trump beating biden in five of six states. what is ron desantis' path forward. i don't know that we necessarily believe any poll from cnn. but, nonetheless, we are really focused on making sure that we get our message out to americans across the country much, which is why this recent endorsement by governor reynolds in iowa was so important for us. i think she recognizes. she did the courage juries thing. she could have stayed on the sidelines she support and endorsed governor desantis because she has worked closely with him and seen his leadership firsthand when they were dealing with covid. she has made sure to tell iowaians she not only supports him but committed to caucus for him. she is going to go around iowa and campaign for him. i think polls, of course, are a snapshot in a moment of time. what we believe is that the voters will speak loudly and they will speak on election day, and i believe firm live that they will support ron desantis. >> todd: in kim reynolds' endorsement there is a subtext that she did not feel that donald trump could beat joe biden. do you think donald trump can beat joe biden, especially in light of not only the poll that carley mentioned but the recent poll from the "new york times" that shows five out of six swing states going to donald trump over biden with some pretty large margins. we will see how those polls continue to flip back and forth a lot of ebbs and flows in this campaign. joe biden, let's be clear is, a terrible candidate we firmly believe and that's why governor reynolds also endorsed and believes that ron desantis is the only individual that cannot only deliver success electorally like he did here in florida, but he has the vision and can serve two terms to really unwind all the dangerous policies that biden has really been spearheading at the border, economically, from the education standpoint. and so governor desantis has shown that florida can indeed be a model for the rest of the country. he has led. he has really made sure that we have delivered the most conservative, common sense agenda for floridians and he wants to do that for americans throughout the country as well. >> carley: well, this endorsement by kim reynolds comes two months until that all important iowa caucus. we will be watching and see how everything shapes up. lt. governor, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. have a great day. >> thank you. >> carley: absolutely. todd, you have a great day left you have 10 seconds left. >> todd: tough questions because they have a year to figure this out. >> carley: one year. and with that we have three seconds to "fox & friends." it starts right now. ♪ >> 308s are closed and results

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