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>> a fox news alert, i am jackie in new york, time could be running out for biden administration, secretary of state antony blinken traveled to iraq today to meet with that nation's prime minister. bra stern warning to iran and terrorist groups that u.s. is prepared to protect military from attack, earlier in day secretary visited west bank to doize flight of gaza civilians. >> israel raised important questions about how humanitarian pauses would work. we have to answer those questions, we're working on that. we agreed our teams would get together, they are doing that. to work through the specifics, of these pauses. >> so far there is no sign that israel is ready to back any plan for a momentary ceasefire, the military claims it has encircled gaza city and decided the besieged coastal trip in two, troops to enter gaza city within 48 hours. still the white house is making it clear palestinians must have a say in whatever comes next for the territory after the con click. conflict. >> villagers in mountains of northwest nepal have started cremating the bodies of loved ones who were killed in a strong waco friday night, the main focus on supply food and set up temporary shelters for thousands seeking revenue from the bitter cold,. >> back to --jo >> jones, kennedy and raymond arroyo, welcome to the big tujunga, to the big -- big tujunga -- "the big weekend show." a "new york times" poll gives trump the lead in 5 key swing state match ups in nevada trump has a double digit lead and he is ahead by five points in georgia, a, m ts have, they don't know who that democrat would be right now, i don't think that people look at kamala harris feel she is ready. they look across rest of the party governor, senators, mayors and house members they are struggling to figure out who they could put up if it not joe biden, reality is democrats will probably run joe biden. >> even bill maher is worried. >> he could lose. you know when people say, well he beat trump before, yeah, things change, this is not 2020. and he is not the same guy. can he win the job? we think -- running takes a lot of energy, it is not 2020 when there was a pandemic, and he could run from zoom in his basement. ebiden i don't know, i don't think he can win, some polling results people need to look at them. >> some democrats like failed georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams are not giving up on biden just yet. >> the satisfaction with president biden is strong and high, i do not see a third party candidate making inroads in georgia, or many other places. >> looking that the poll, there is just no good news here for dems, i want to pull up a quote from "new york times," on their polling, the reporter writing discontent with majority of voters say mr. bidens policies have personally hurt them, joe, personally hurt them that is a terrible place to be. >> yes, i live in small town georgia, the affects on the economy, i was talking to my brother-in-law about this in the just inflation, that is a big word that wraps up everything it is hard for one person to materialize to a thing in their life, but you talk about housing market, my mom is trying to sell her house, she can't sell it no one is willing to take the risk to borrow the money. and everyone around me has farming equipment, it is hard to buy new farming equipment, there is one option left instead of 10 you are used to. and it costs too much money to get -- certain parts, there in automotive industry little pieces of cars that you can't get, they forgot how to make by taking a couple years off, looking at whether or not it falls on joe biden, the dissatisfaction because of the current situation in nation runs deep into places that we wea don't always talk about. >> right, when it comes to affordability of buying a home and groceries, kennedy, putting these polling numbers up again, i want to pull out arizona, when you consider what happened there elec electoraly biden won arizona in 2020, and mark kelly won a special election there. and then. this is -- sorry trump beats harris, and in addition to that trump beats harris. even force than biden that is not a huge surprise. back to when you look at electoral map and struggle that biden faces in places like arizona, historically in last two cycles democrats have done much better biden won in 2020 and 2022. and one year ago, this coming wednesday, is when voters went to poll, now in arizona they say, they prefer trump. >> it's not surprising given i think. we have come in last 3 years, we're in t debt that people are in with their credit cards and student loan debt, the more that government screws around with it the worst to gets for people, joe biden represents big government, his important will get worse -- performance will never get better his best days are behind him, that kind of decline is only going to get worse, you will see that bear out in more o of the polls, he does not have answers or confidence, and people have problems that are not going away. and to bill maher's point they have only gotten worse the last 3 years that was before everyone everything that is going on with israel, which has people who maybe don't pay attention to foreign policy all of the time, they are too busy worried about thousand afford things -- how to afford things, they are we on the verge of a third world war, and donald trump, they know he is under indictment and still doing so much better than joe biden. >> a major miscalculation by democrats counting on trump to go downward, and biden is down with latino voters and black voters, people across the board, they don't have confidence in the economy or immigration, and foreign policy, now technology a.i., this week biden signed an executive order to establish regulations and functioning for federal government with a.i. then you go to nbc news reporting, that biden has actually tapped former president obama to help in this effort, obama has been working the past 5 months with white house senior starvers on this effort -- staffers on this big question, why keep that quiet? >> because they don't want to show what all of us already assume and know, this is the continuation of obama administration. this is the fourth term of or third term of obama that is what we're seeing. the hold offer over overs and foreign policy is all obama doctrine. the way that economy is being handled and the border -- probably worse under biden. but, the key take walke away obama for 5 months had zoom calls with white house staffers and dec tech leaders, why his hand so deeply in domestic policy, now he is doing robocalls in virginia, because his former attorney general eric holder runs the national democratic redistricting committee. >> there is a shadow campaigning by other democrats and bill maher addressed that. >> we struggle with the same thing we like joe biden, he think he has done a good job. >> a ro a wonderful job and and ruth bader ginsburg did a great job but did not know when to quit. >> right. >> that is why you are here. >> our governor gavin newsom seems to be all over the world. >> i saw that. >> yeah. and -- you know they are going to the battle ground states and -- they are really doing, i feel at least you are honest, you say, no i'm going it, just do it. >> bill maher talking to dean phillips, a democrat who is also running his argument is that everything that he stands for i do took i am just younger. >> that is what ron desantis was hoping to capitalize on but a lot of republicans, have of ostracized tru trump fans, a lot would like a vi candidate to parachute in right now. and maybe, turn will country in the right direction. i want competent people to run, i don't want republicans to run against the most beatable person, i want someone good, you know like i'm never voting for a major party, but at least i want someone that cares about he and my family and loves this country. >> so much of this falls on kamala harris, so important to pick a strong vice president, if she were stronger they would be sailing right now. let the president look like he is held up making decisions to run the nation to win two wars or whatever. then, you know, worse comes to worse his health fails he can't finish the race she is right there, but no is not an option for them, as a machine, down ticket they have a chance to win the house, they want to keep senate that hinges on who is at the top of the ticket. and with kamala harris less popular than joe biden that is sounding the aa the alarm within the party. >> upper echelons of this party are quaking when you have axelrod who said, it is time for joe biden to ask whether it is wise if he should run, not only for himself but the country. this [music]. >> many democrats complaint that establish keeps the bench empty. >> coming up, white house responding to the tens of thousands of anti-israel protesters calls for a ceasefire, next. >> do you suspect are support hamas. >> i do support hamas. >> israel is a fascist state and i' >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back t to "the big weekend show," tens of thousands of protestor swarming our national capital. the anti-israel mob made it to white house gates and spewing anti-semitism obscenities and vandalizing property. >> do you condemn hamas or support their efforts? >> do you condemn 75 years of occupation? that is the answer. >> do you support hamas? >> i am a supporter, i do support hamas. >> israel is is a fascist state, and i'm antifa antifascist. >> is israel exist? >> there is no israel. >> what he says there alex hoff is live there. >> a lot to take in. we're 100 miles from pennsylvania avenue right now it has been quiet where the president has been spending his weekend, we have not heard from white house any response to vandalism, we know at least one person just one person was arrested. after pro-palestinian protesters smeared paint and attempted to scale the gates of the white house entrance. voicing anger for president's support of raise ill. white house has been pushing for humanitarian pause. >> we have made clear, we support humanitarian pauses to allow humanitarian aid to be distributed to potentially facilitate release of more hostages to give some relief to allow palestinian residents of dpaz g gaza to take a breath. reporter: so far israel has turned down the idea of a humanitarian pause, demanding that hamas release hostages first. >> i'm not going to put a time frame on this war. we did not start this war, we did not want this war. but we cannot stop before we dismantle the terror machine or else they will strike again. reporter: tomorrow president biden the talk bidenomics and infrastructure here in delaware before departing and heading back to the white house. >> thank you, alex. >> in past life you have been around hundreds of kids. but did -- >> enough about mtv spring break. >> did you think that kids that were spring breaking back then, of the same age, college kids and adults would be rioting in the same numbers on our nation's capitol supporting a terrorist organization that not even among ago did some of the worst atrocities. >> i prefer the bikini booty parties this this brand of emotionalism there is no reasoning where people who feel like israel should be wiped off the map. we thought that brand of people was really saved for these terrorists, but, it is spread to college campuses it has been normalized and this is what people are spew ing, you do have the right to protest but when you scale the fence at the white house i think that is a insurrection. may should they somebody round up and thrown away and tossed key and have congressional hearings for 6 months. >> the only thing, i can imagine. the kids and protesters, they are not all kids, but seems they have white washed what happened on october 7. and the term that we hear, i'm stealing it, it is moral equivalency. between israel defending itself establishing a country even and what hamas has done and just did, president obama thinks so. >> what hamas did was horrific, and there is no justification for it and what is also true is that the occupation and what is happening to palestinians, is u unbearable and what is true is that there are people right now who are dying, who have nothing to do with what hamas did and the problem with the social media and trying to tiktok activism and debate in their on that, is -- this on that, you can't speak the truth, you can pretend the speak the truth, you can speak one side of the truth, if you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth, you then have to admit nobody's hands are clean. all of us of complicit to some degree. >> raymond, two truths? and nobody's hands are clean. >> it is moral equivalencey, it does not work here. israel did not ask for this war, this was brought to their doorstep, they are responding, unlike when we're hearing at the protests listen, the protests are saying, israel should not exist. the jews should be done walker work they -- done away work they are bent on a decimation of people, i their israel's goal is to uproot and decimate hamas. not palestinians, there are two motives, i am sensitive to land dispute and palestinian christians who we never hear about they are dying and an orthodox church was bombed. we as america, should be sure that this terroristing or jeag organization is uprooted and justice is done, but for president to say, that is -- everyone's hands are dirty, i disagree, maybe his policies are daughter in the middle east that lead us here, by empowering iran for too long. they are not dirty. >> well,, alicia, a ceasefire and a humanitarian pause, seems that u.s. is trying real hard to tel to tell israel how to fight this war. >> they are pressures them. >> all right. next, a fox news alert. israeli military took out a car with suspected hezbollah terrorists, we take you live on the ground to israel. >> i'll break down the progress of israel's ground operations in gaza, in minutes, stay tuned. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. blendjet 2 gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on-the-go. so you can blend up a mouthwatering smoothie, protein shake, or latte wherever you are! recharge quickly with any usb port. best of all, it even cleans itself! just blend water with a drop of soap. what are you waiting for? 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(door bell) yo camping buddy. boom. you guys ready? dude, i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving. oh, i never said i was driving. i-i definitely can't drive. ok. narrator: if you're high just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different. >> a fox news alert i am jackie ibanez in n u.s. secretary of state antony blinken spend weekend criss-crossing middle east in an it to temp -- an attempt to cool the region. in coming hours antony blinken the meet with turkey's president who has been critical of israel's offensive in gaza in cia director bill burns is in middle east. pope francis is calling for an immediacies fire to the war -- ceasefire to the war. and calling for hamas to release all of its hostages. the pope already called for kr creation of humanitarian corridors, and a two-state solution, i am jackie ibanez, now back to "the big weekend show." h fox nes alert, hezbollah threatening to attack israel after the idf took out a car full of suspected hezbollah terrorists, group claims innocent civilians died in the strike, i'm sure that "new york times" will report that, alex hogan is live in southern israe israel. reporter: we're seeing significant strikes in gaza, it is day 31 of the war. you can hear some of the artillery. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken continuing his trip around the middle east, he met with prime minister of iraq pushing once again for the humanitarian pause. >> this can be something that advances the prospect of gets hostages back and other things. reporter: israeli forces have continues to push further into northern gaza, reaching all the way as far as mediterranean sea, they have targeted 2500 hamas targets, sip th since the ground incursion began, and encouraging anyone in northern gaza to leave and head south, releasing as many as 1 million pam pamphlets across northern gaza, in southern gaza is where we're hearing from white house as many as 300 american citizens have been able to leave. we know according to state department as many as 400 republicans who are in gaza -- americans in gaza are hoping to get out, new in last several hours we're learning more about growing tensions in northern part of country, that is where hezbollah said it uncleared grad rockets, they are wide spraying rockets there is no specific territory of where they would land. a very dangerous rocket to try to launch. but that was launched after lebanese authorities say that an israeli strike hit a car carrying 3 daughters and a grandmother. back to you. >> alex thank you, great reporting, stay safe. >> now to joey, who has a closer look at israel's ground offensive and the touch screen. >> the infamous touch screen, i have learned how to use it, this is gaza strip in israel, pointing out a few things, the black lines here, coming down, they create a line here across the center of gaza, this is your evacuation zone, because gaza city is right in the middle. this is gaza city, this gray area here are more densely populated areas, i want to hone in on, show you, this about 3 to 4 mile parcel of land from border coming in and this is a push that israeli forces, idf is doing, a slow methodical clear. this is important, if you look here. they are getting into the more densely populated area, but there are cliques miles away from gaza city, and another part of that map jabalia. >> we learned that israel took an intelligence post into jabalia and learned what they believe to be true that hamas is decided to retreat from the outskirts from outer area of northern gaza -- to the city to mount their defensive, i'll show you why that is important. to next slide here, you saw that sliver of land in northwest corner, this is a zoom in of that upper third of that piece of land there in northwest corner of gaza, you see here, with these blue lines coming down this is troop and tank move. , they are on roads. you see this is mostly farmland. we can show you here, i'll do it in blue with the circle, they are craters, that are vice fri visible from satellite, you can see the craters first third and then movement of task tanks, israeli troops through farmland. as we keep going to second third of the strip, now you see a couple other things that are important. two different colors, so first, i will use red to show you where some of the craters are there is a big part of a town here that is decimated and then in blue, these are military vehicles, they have made it on into, you see getting more rural, to next one here. here is where you see they are getting to really dense populated areas, and in this you can see, i'll use red this is craters where there were houses. craters where there used to be houses, you see is they are getting closer to the densely populated area, they are getting closer to where hamas will mount their defensive, they are not defending farmland but big municipality, big densely populated area, that is where they have the strategic advanc advantage. >> joey, how do you fight terrorists who embed themselves in the densely populated civilian areas? >> another part of intelligence is hamas is using ieds, they lay in wait, they are mines of different types they could be in wall or ground, you don't have to be there you set them up and you put a battery on them, as israel cams is - comes in they have on sweep the allies, they have been showing that is what they are doing that is why it takes days and weeks instead of hours to go a mile, the ied components and different landmines the lay in wait, that is your biggest threat, once you get into urban environment where 3-d structures, now you have snipers and rocket positions. you have more direct fire, but direct fire that can take out a tank, rpg's and thing like that. >> joey great work. >> coming up progressives, actually defend squad member rashid tlaib accusation that president biden committed genocide, you have to hear to believe. still very shocking. it all next, stay with us. ♪ ♪ (♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show." in washington progressives seem to be lining up over the israeli-hamas conflict, they are not lining up behind president biden but bee hienbehind squad member rashida tlaib. michigan congresswoman. >> mr. president, the american people are not with you on this one. what we'll remember in 2024. >> what is astounding when leading democrats are asked to react to tlaib's change that israel and biden are engaged in genocide. they now say this -- >> do you think that is what israel is doing here? >> what is going on right now is a horror show, we don't have to quibble about words, someone should talk about how trump wants to expel palestinians from this country. >> i want to ask about -- >> look. no words matter, what matters more you have a morable hume disaster. >> d -- mor horrible humanitarian disaster. >> d i will tell you, that rashida tlaib is not first person so say this. >> kennedy, these sound like endorsements of tlaib against the president of her own party. >> they want to combat genocide with genocide that is what they are calling for from the riffer to t river to the sea, the eradication of israel, if they want to talk about peaceful capitalistic solutions and staiivstabilizing the middle east, there are a lot of people who would be eager to have that conversations, a lot of people, who would love to 9 find a way to stabilize things so innocent civilians are not called in this having said that, they are minimizing to joey's point, what happened on october 7. and that is dangerous, that is propaganda and offensive. >> that was the inciting incident that is getting brushed away with this. alicia, you would think that white house would rush in say, no, we're not supporting genocide, and israel is not. instead, this is how the white house is responding to the genocide charges. >> look, we strongly disagree with some of that messages and terms used to describe this conflict, i will say, is we know this is a conflict about which there are strong views on all sides, we have seen strong comments made by members of congress, we respect the fact there are people with deep personalities personal -- ties, and characterinization and terms used have technical definition we do not accept their application to this particular war. >> i would love to see that sentenced diagrammed, why are they doing this? why a double speak circular logic. >> jon finder trying to do his job, he seems to be tripping over himself to not trip on messaging this goes counter to the president and messaging he had on october 7, and eighth and 9th, he came out and said, you know anti-semitism belongs nowhere in in world. and he was highly critical, and really was strong, for all criticisms, that president gets. on this he was clear, down see how this helps white house or biden administration to have someone in the white house who is doing this word dance. >> joey, are we seeing a step back in both policy and initial strong statement, and probably because arab-support of biden is down 42%. >> you showed a montage of squad expanding with bernie sanders, a. >> youe jewish senator not defending home but not attacking them for what saying. and karine jean-pierre saying it was despicable. the idea that joe biden is caught in this fight. with israel he has spoke out both sides of his mouth, when he says we support israel wholly but they need tomorrow the laws of war that is damning there in and of itself. >> no ones hands are clean. >> you say river to the sea, that is a death wish for the state of israel. >> words don't matter. >> okay, straight ahead, cashing in the cat, big payday for cat owner after he sued his land lord for cat napping. stay for this one. next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh, thank you for singing. >> welcome back to "the big weekend show." cashing in on th purr fec reward, a jury awarded a man 1.4 million after his landlord cap napped the feline named frank, the land lord caught a whiff of the cat, cat napped it and had his girlfriend take it to a local shelter where she dropped it off, he confessed saying that pet violated the lease term. >> so. raymond, 1.4 million, he never got frank back, he was microchipped. he was never a stray cat. >> a happen, sad ending, you win and lose. >> would you take the money or cat. >> the money over the ca. >> i'm there with you. >> i am allergic. if the guy had a lease violation, the land lord should say, okay, i served you notice i'll evict you unless you get rid of the cat, wit but this is the mentality we see on streets and white house, people think because i disagree or don't like something, i have a right to defame it, deface it or destroy it you do not. take your paws off or pay up, i am glad he had to pay so much. >> animals are our family members, i share raymond a disdain, don't like cats. i am emotional allergic but i love dogs that is my baby. >> and mine took down have cats i have dogs the size of a cat, it say combination, on any given day, a lot of folks prefer their pets to people, you have people on jury, animal lovers,. he was trying to save a stray cat, and living in a recovery house, sober living, he stayed sober, he had all good news on his side. >> if someone particular my pit it -- took my pet it would drive he to drink. >> this smells like a litter box, possession it is a stolen cat to begin work it was not his cat. who am i to belong, to i don't know how a judge awarded this i get it he violated 1 tenants rights in some way. but, my nanny had a cat, joe, joe of a fat cat from georgia, my manny grout h brought -- nanny brought him down, and my dad did not like him, my dad had an ability to disappear pets. >> he rehole rehome him, fat joe showed back up. >> i like that. >> even a cat napped cat does not at walki not always stay gone. >> they have 9 lives for a reason. >> any ways. he is deceased, i can tell his stories now. >> they can't get him. >> big joe. >> both. >> well. big joe and big joey. >> oh, we are going to rescue several cats during the break, stick around, the big four is next stay with us. >> welcome back to "the big weekend show" time for the big four, our picks for biggest stories that we'll talk about this week. >> elon musk looking for ways to make even more money. the billionaire considering selling old twitter handles that have fallen out of use for as much as 50 thousand dollars this is an idea that the handle team came up with, turns ut i out if you have not been on twitter for a month, they can declare you inactive and take you're your name. >> where do i sign up? i have a giant publisher's clearing house check right here. >> 50 grand. >> that say well the of coin for a handle. >> yeah. joey. >> this is a really important story. florida roofing company, running a promotion, they say with every roof sold customers will receive a free thanksgiving turkey and an ar-15, for those who are concerned. you have to pass a bac backgrounding check there is a 3 day wait, regular rules away, if you don't want the ar-15, you can take a $500 discount off of the roof, i say irk take the ar-15, the prices are through the roof now. people understand ther their second amendment rights. >> they should be handing out ammo that would be more valuable. >> i cannot offer you an ar-15, if you have to valhalla buy rav raven. 20% of their clothing goes to boot campaign. >> i'm all about these pro american pro freedom promotions even before black friday, looking out for the green. >> green friday. >> tomorrow, former president donald trump to take the stand in new york city. he is to give high stakes testimony in the civil fraud case brought gain him by attorney general letitia james. james is seeking 250 million in damages she would like to bar trump from doing any business right here in the empire state. and my prediction for that story is we saw at the top of the show that the former president, is already up five points in four battle ground states and double dig its in nevada. this will only help his campaign. and i think that is what the trump campaign is looking for. >> if you believe that she is doing this to hurt his candidacy and presidency and represereprese-- this one of worse things she could have done. >> this only going to help him. >> my big story, this week singers shattering records. this week taylor swift recut of her 1989 album, was biggest album release since 2015, 1.6 million albums sold more than doubled her biggest taylor's version release all along. another singer breaking audio records barbra streisand, releasing 992 page autobiography this week, audio version more than 48 hours. can you hear me. i am pleased to report, a debut singer is breaking records, i learned my new christmas cd, pri christmas merry and bright, landed top of jazz, i'm going to tour in phoenix and dallas, cleveland, tampa, nashville, raymond arroyo christmas -- >> i'll come with you. >> and sing. >> i'm not singing. >> true. >> raymond, barbar barbar barbra streisand autobiography. >> brevity is to a beat. >> 48 hours audio book. >> gandhi would not record it. >> they are no longer using waterboarding they are playing her audio book. >> they need entertainment at gitmo. >> thank you. >> that does it for us, we'll see you next weekend, "life, liberty and levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ new york ♪ ♪ concrete jungle ♪ ♪ where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ nothing you can't do, new york ♪ ♪ ♪

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House Members , Governor , Senators , Feel , Rest , Mayors , Kamala Harris , Joe Biden , Bill Maher , Reality , Trump , Lot , Job , Running , Guy , Energy , Things Change , 2020 , Democrats , Zoom , Basement , Pandemic , Polling Results , Ebiden I Don T Know , Places , Stacey Abrams , Candidate , Thigh , Satisfaction , Third Party , Making Inroads , Biden The Talk Bidenomics , News , Writing Discontent , Quote , Polling , Voters , Policies , Fat Joe , Affects , Place , Bidens , Mr , Majority , Small Town Georgia , Everything , Word , Economy , House , Life , Thing , Mom , Brother In Law , Person , Housing Market , Inflation , One , Money , Everyone , Farming Equipment , Option , Risk , 10 , Parts , Pieces , Automotive Industry , Cars , Don T , Situation , Dissatisfaction , Arizona , Polling Numbers , Groceries , Affordability , Home , Election , Beats Harris , Elec Electoraly , Mark Kelly , Map , Surprise , Addition , 2022 , Given , T Debt , 3 , Government , More , Worst , Important , Credit Cards , Screws , Student Loan Debt , Polls , Performance , Kind , Bear , Decline , O , Policy , Confidence , Problems , Point , Pay Attention , Things , Donald Trump , Third World War , Indictment , Verge , Board , Miscalculation , Foreign Policy , Executive Order , Immigration , Regulations , Nbc News , Technology A I , A I , Obama , Effort , Staffers , Reporting , Big Question , Senior Starvers , Term , Continuation , All Of Us , Know , Quiet , Way , Border , Hold Offer , Overs , Obama Doctrine , Hand , Zoom Calls , Dec Tech Leaders , The Key , Eric Holder , Domestic Policy , Robocalls , Virginia , Democratic , Shadow Campaigning , Redistricting Committee , Ro A Wonderful Job , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , World , Gavin Newsom , States , Battle Ground , It , Argument , Phillips , Ron Desantis , Republicans , Ostracized Tru Trump Fans , Country , Direction , Someone , Party , Family , Falls , Vice President , Decisions , Sailing , Wars , Ticket , Race , Health , Chance , Machine , Senate , Top , Alarm , Aa , Axelrod , Echelons , Quaking , Tens Of Thousands , Protesters , Complaint , Music , Bench , Coming Up , Tech , Hamas , Estate , Chip , Support Hamas , Windshield , Couple , Singers , Insurance , Cost , Woman , Service , Trust Safelite , Safelite , Farmers Market , Safelite Repair , Protestor , Capital , Mob , Anti Semitism Obscenities , Vandalizing Property , Occupation , Supporter , Efforts , 75 , Alex Hoff , Antifa Antifascist , Weekend , Pennsylvania Avenue , 100 , Vandalism , Gates , Response , Paint , Pause , Support , Entrance , Danger , Raise , Hostages , Release , Aid , Relief , Idea , Breath , Dpaz G Gaza , Residents , Release Hostages First , War , Frame , Terror Machine , Delaware , Infrastructure , Hundreds , Kids , Nation S Capitol , Spring Breaking , Numbers , Age , Rioting , Adults , Spring Break , Mtv , Brand , Jeag , Atrocities , Bikini Booty , Emotionalism , Terrorists , College Campuses , Reasoning , Insurrection , Fence , May , King , Hearings , 6 , Equivalency , October 7 , 7 , Justification , Nothing , Problem , Social Media , Dying , Tiktok Activism , Truth , Side , Debate , Hands , Nobody , Degree , Raymond , Doorstep , Equivalencey , Two Truths , Saying , Protests , Jews , Goal , Decimation , Motives , Christians , Dispute , Orthodox Church , Empowering Iran , Middle East , Justice , Daughter , Alicia , Car , Next , Hezbollah , Israeli Military , Ground , Progress , Ground Operations , Ink Business , Cash , Purchases , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Premier , Borders , Products , Beans , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Who , Smarter , Sam , 5000 , 02 5 , 000 , Ink Business Premier Card , Ideas , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , 2 , Blender , Big Blender Power On The Go , Blendjet 2 , Stock , Protein Shake , Smoothie , Latte , Usb Port , Wall , Water , Drop , Soap , Blendjet Com , Door Bell , Driving , Boom , Camping Buddy , Narrator , Everywhere , Drive , Don T Drive , Hi , Jackie Ibanez In N , President , Region , Attempt , Temp , Turkey , Fire , Offensive , Bill Burns , Pope Francis , Cia , Immediacies , Calling , Pope , Jackie Ibanez , Two State Solution , Kr Creation Of Humanitarian Corridors , Group , Idf , H Fox Nes Alert , Strike , Strikes , Alex Hogan , 31 , Something , Some , Artillery , Antony Blinken Continuing , Iraq , Forces , Northern Gaza , Prospect , South , Head , Anyone , Ground Incursion , Targets , Mediterranean Sea , Sip Th , 2500 , Southern Gaza , Citizens , Pam Pamphlets , 300 , 1 Million , In Gaza , Tensions , State Department , 400 , Rockets , Grad Rockets , Rocket , Spraying , Stay Safe , Joey S , Grandmother , Daughters , Hit , Look , Authorities , Lines , Touch Screen , Coming Down , Areas , Line , Evacuation Zone , Middle , Center , The Land , Is Doing , Push , Parcel , 4 , Area , Map Jabalia , Outskirts , Jabalia , Sliver , Corner , Defensive , City , Slide , Troop , Tank Move , Piece , Roads , Craters , Farmland , Blue , Satellite , The Circle , Task Tanks , Movement , The Strip , Red , Colors , Town , Vehicles , Rural , Houses , Big Densely Populated , Big Municipality , Strategic Advanc Advantage , Wait , Civilian Areas , Intelligence , Mines , Ieds , Battery , Types , Israel Cams , Showing , Landmines , Components , Allies , Mile , Threat , Rocket Positions , Environment , Lay , Structures , Snipers , 3 D , Rashid Tlaib , Tank , Progressives , Accusation , Rpg , Joey Great Work , Genocide , Entresto , Baby , Heart Failure Brand , Death , Hospital , Harm , Ace Inhibitor , Aliskiren , Cardiologists , 1 , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Blood , Doctor , Arb , Potassium , Side Effects , Heart Failure , Washington , Rashida Tlaib , Congresswoman , Bee Hienbehind , Michigan , 2024 , Change , Words , Horror Show , Morable Hume Disaster , Disaster , Sound , Endorsements , Di , Sea , Eradication , Riffer To T River , Solutions , Conversations , 9 , Incident , Propaganda , Terms , Genocide Charges , Messages , Personalities , Members , Sides , Comments , Fact , Ties , Views , Congress , Characterinization , Application , Definition , Sentenced Diagrammed , Jon Finder , Speak , Circular Logic , Messaging , Nowhere , 9th , Criticisms , Statement , Step Back , Word Dance , Montage , 42 , Bernie Sanders , Squad , A Youe Jewish , Fight , Mouth , Karine , Jean Pierre , Laws Of War , River , Death Wish , Ones , Don T Matter , Cat , Cat Owner , Cashing , Stay , Cat Napping , Big Payday , On Th Purr Fec Reward , Jury , Frank , Feline , Landlord Cap , Oman , 1 4 Million , Pet , Girlfriend , Lord , Shelter , Whiff , Cat Napped , Lease Term , Microchipped , Sad Ending , Lease Violation , Ca , Right , Mentality , Streets , Wit , Dogs , Family Members , Animals , Paws , Cats , Raymond A Disdain , Pets , Combination , Folks , Size , Animal Lovers , Recovery House , Sober Living , Pit It , Possession , Litter Box , Smells , Judge , Nanny , Tenants Rights , Manny Grout H , Dad , Fat Cat , Him , Ability , He Rehole Rehome , Ways , Reason , Lives , Stories , Break , Big Joe , Both , Stick Around , Big Joey , Big Four , Four , Twitter , Billionaire , Picks , Use , Elon Musk , Handle Team , Nut , 50 Thousand Dollars , 350 Thousand , Clearing House , Name , Publisher , Grand , 50 , Story , Handle , Say , Coin , Promotion , Florida Roofing Company , Roof , Bac Backgrounding , Thanksgiving , Customers , Ar 15 , 15 , Discount , Rules , 500 , 00 , Prices , Ammo , Second Amendment Rights , Campaign , Clothing , Rav , Valhalla Buy , Pro American Freedom , 20 , Stand , Green , Promotions , Testimony , Stakes , Black Friday , Green Friday , Civil Fraud Case , Letitia James , Business , Prediction , Empire State , Damages , 250 Million , Show , Battle Ground States , Dig , Its , Nevada , Presidency , Trump Campaign , Candidacy , Represereprese , Records , Album , Taylor Swift , 1989 , Singer , Version Release , Album Release , Audio Records , Albums , Barbra Streisand , 2015 , 1 6 Million , 992 , Debut Singer , Audio , Page Autobiography , Jazz , Cd , Phoenix , Dallas , Pri Christmas Merry , Barbar , True , Tampa , Cleveland , Nashville , Audio Book , Brevity , Gandhi , Waterboarding , Entertainment , Gitmo , Concrete Jungle , Dreams , Liberty And Levin ,

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