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>> right to rebel. [chanting] ♪ >> the world is upside down, the "big weekend show" begins with a fox news alert, i carry along with munroe, alicia acuna joe concha. the big story tonight, tens of thousands of pro- palestinian protesters line the streets of our nation's capital. many spewing anti-semitic tropes and eight as i make calls for the total destruction and annihilation of israel. mike may look live in the center of it all in washington d.c. >> massive protests at the nation kat are calling for cease-fire in the middle east : fourth united states to stop sending a to israel and earlier i caught up with the protester from ohio. >> kids, women, pretty much bombing everything. this is not a work, more is military against military and this is humanity. we are hoping will completely stop. >> many people are out here yelling and marching all afternoon into the evening. people busted by pro- palestinian groups and antiwar organizations from places like chicago and across the middle class. we heard chanting free, free palestine, cease-fire now! and even references to the president calling him genocide show. one protester pulled a dozen that the administration calls for mentoring pauses in the israeli military operation. >> a little more than lip service, also called on e-mails and a realization people vote for him next year end he wants to do something to save his campaign. people will be of use the. >> this appears to be the largest expression of pro- palestinian support the conflict began last month. we haven't heard about numbers but it is a doozy. >> thank you so much. great reporting and it is wild what is happening in d.c. let me ask you, one of the things that comes to mind is the january 6, the rally that turned to the russian click capital, are the comparisons? we see a similar maximal people visiting from all across the country. >> a lot of these people are pro- palestinian groups from around the country that concentrated books here to build up the numbers and make a show of force. all of us were talking about this earlier, the pictures you are seeing, i have never seen people this close to the white house gate particularly since the trump administration we saw crowds out the george boy protests, they have a perimeter around the white house so how is happening now i don't understand but what you are seeing is expression of rage, and i palestinian anti- jew eight at a level of never seen before, never thought i would see. i want to quickly read this, former president obama gave an interview to save america. this is today, what must it was horrific and no justification for it and what is also the occupation and what happens to palestine palestinians is unbearable. this moral equivalency out of white house and former president is justifying a lot of what you see on the street. there is no moral equivalence. you have a dispute, settle it in the diplomatic fourth, you don't get to kill innocent civilians to make i'm sorry, he's protests are off-base, protesting for peace not war the palestinians i.e., who started this entire rage and hatred and bloodshed we are seeing in the middle east. >> of normalization and justification, or to look at something joe rogan said, you and i both have teens and college aged kids so starting.bleeding out to the streets. >> it is strange to see massive protests on the streets yelling out in support of people did that on october 7. the fact that people are so we leap from reality and fish strange marxist philosophy so untenable with the reality of the world get they are teaching this and they are talk about this is so dangerous and for young people to admire those people, be taught by those people, i never thought things would deteriorate this rapidly. >> do you agree? >> it is writing had earlier today on fox news live i was talking to sabrina, a student there, she's jewish, a junior at george washington university and her mother who lives in california asked her not to go to class because of the protests, anti-semitic messages lasted up on the library we've seen and what is so scary is you have everyday americans cannot allow to live there everyday life anymore because they don't feel safe, parents don't feel safe and i don't blame the mob foretelling her can't go to school but interrupts her freedom. >> you don't have brief of russian, you don't have freedom to exercise your religion if you got a massive section of the population that essentially siding with terrorists. >> i am blown away by that story, remember in college, ucla, maryland -- >> university of -- northern arizona university. >> yes. >> so cool i couldn't remember. >> is supposed to be idyllic, lasting you think about is you shouldn't go to class because they just, it blows me away but joe rogan said something profound, he said this is what they are teaching kids not look at polls, is that true? those between 18 to 24, who you side with more in this conflict? 52% israel, 48%, but it's basically a clean split between 25 -- 54, it goes up to 82% they should be more 95% so anti- israel site something we see universities and in the media, associated press and major news organizations sites death tolls from gaza health ministries which is a take nas, hamas and they trust the numbers and it pushes the propaganda so it's from all sides. >> it is from all sides and anti-semitism and if you're in new york and we all are, you see it with your own eyes. i was walking down the street and there was a guy walking down the street yelling the jews, kill the jews and i was like what did you say? could have taken him. [laughter] it would not have ended well for him. >> i would have paid for the. >> i don't believe in violence but he got me riled up and a good friend of mine most run over in a crosswalk by one of those trucks displaying very anti-semitic tropes calling for the death of jews on his truck. >> we would see in new york city, a city so rich in its jewish heritage, so many jews here who live here in the building and it's great but what we seek of these universities, this is not a mistake. what we are seeing is people say it's a free speech, we hear that from all these universities. no, it is not free speech, it's programmed speech. the school selected these individuals part of the community the application process is what got us here because the case reference to activists, people from certain regions and certain beliefs there were necessarily jewish beliefs or judeo christian beliefs from a that's why we see a preponderance of the eight, one side of bias coming out of the university setting because it was programmed that way so it's not a surprise, it should be a surprise. >> i do think a lot of this is rude and communism if not democrat socialism. they are going for the annihilation of zionism, that includes christianity so let's take a look at the map because as you can see, it's people from not just around d.c., not just the eastern seaboard but across the country you've got new mexico, minnesota, missouri representing indiana, some of my fellow hoosiers traveling to d.c. for this rally. what are they trying to accomplish? it's interesting, fair going are president genocide joe also calling for the destruction of israel. i don't think they want israel set up some or all like a pop up shop in another part of the world, they want extermination of the people who live in israel who happened to be joe mcclure watching the protests in d.c., he is asking questions trying to press them, it is difficult to get a specific answer to see if it know what they are talking about when they refer to history, the question is, what time in history does your idea begin x there is something else comes before the end i don't think folks paying attention to the details because not convenient. >> yes and many people are protesting in this country and if they went to gaza and on world their flags, they would meet the swift and the mark does the content repeated, we are going through it. >> the world truly is upside down. you are watching people espouse things and these were normally rational people not long ago and the things they are calling for, it is unconscionable. next, fox news alert as all americans are being told to get out of lebanon now plus trey yingst embedded with the idea of an gaza report? stay ahead. >> you can hear from far in the distance from is we are back with a fox news alert, americans in lebanon told by the state department tlaib now due to was being called an unpredictable security situati situation. just today hezbollah fired rockets at in israel coast in lebanon and israel returned fire on hezbollah targets. in the south idf fighter jet striking hamas terrorist infrastructure on the roof of a building and a nearby tunnel after receiving intelligence from the isi. earlier after meeting with jordan and egypt foreign minister in jordan, secretary of state antony blinken made repeated calls for humanitarian cause, a message president biden says is working. >> mr. president, any progress on the humanitarian pause? >> yes. >> overnight fox news foreign correspondent trey yingst went inside gaza with the idf. >> that's right, 29 days into this conflict were granted access to join is ready military inside the gaza strip in a firsthand look at the battles between israel and hamas. right now we are with the israeli military and armored personnel carrier, the gaza strip and they have fought their way to the mediterranean sea and circle gaza city. we are waiting for orders to go further in. >> seconds after arriving on the outskirts of gaza city, the cost of gunfire pierces the air. >> right now we are. >> troops move carefully over amounts of dirt and debris. they understand hamas can target them from above and below ground are now going to destroy them to make in the distance black smoke billowed from the satellite as israeli forces take positions on nearby rooftops. can hear gunfire in the distance israelis are trying to engage anyone who tries to ambush their forces and the battle street by street, urban warfare as hamas popped out of tunnels and ambushing israeli troops great eight days ago israelis invaded with two commissions, junta hamas leadership and bring hostages home. the latter is going to be far more difficult. >> we know hostages most of them inside gaza city, inside the tunnels underneath the city. doing everything we can to freedom. >> lieutenant colonel is biting his third work. the 38-year-old inch in charge of five battalions. his soldiers include those like jeremiah, originally from philadelphia and moved to israel and joined the army why the war began. >> should never have october 7. >> what struck me about our time inside gaza was level of destruction. for right now more than 1 million palestinians currently displaced in gaza. when the war is over, they will have nowhere to return to. that will be an issue for the international community to address in the coming months. >> we thank trey yingst and his team doing incredible work inside gaza today and we heard the president asked about the mediterranean causing working. the has not technically been a humanitarian pause, we do know there is a three hour window when folks in the north were supposed to travel to the socket that turned into a mess according to mike covid but let's move on to the administration and its policy on where it stands and is it possibly shifting at all when it comes to israel? let's listen to secretary of state this week. >> think it would be important to have humanitarian pauses and one reason why the pause would be important. all of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses. >> we believe among other thin things, a humanitarian pause could help that effort. >> we do believe we have to consider things like communitarian pauses. >> those are public statements about we know from axios reporting behind-the-scenes while in israel antony blinken was putting more pressure on israelis because of the pressure applied to the u.s. right now from the international clearly and those in the united states. one of the quote set antony blinken said we don't want to stop you but help us help you get more time. >> this administration is precise with the wording. we saw the southern border they wouldn't call it a crisis, they kept calling it a challenge. now humanitarian pause the repeat over and over we saw when joe biden was asked kamala harris was asked, what you say amen? don't. his working? yes as clear as mud from a it seems ambiguous as far as what the humanitarian pauses compared to cease-fire, we don't know, it's nice to see the president answer some questions. >> israeli spokesperson, she had this to say. >> we are going to cause but in terms of a bigger cease-fire, is not something negotiable. we set our goal is to eliminate hamas regime and bring hostages home. >> she says there is no light peeking through relationship between israelis and united states so what do you think? >> i don't know this administration has clearly articulated what our roles are as a country and that is what has people on edge. we saw what happened with the botched rollout of afghanistan and a big worry that this entire event could be so mishandled that the president and his team could be on the precipice of a much greater war and talk about lebanon and americans being told to get out and the state department saying we are not going to get you, it's pretty heartless and there saying the situation is unpredictable, i think it is. hamas and hezbollah are working thanks to iran funding and guiding all of this, it is highly coordinated and you see special operators still in afghanistan trying to rescue americans and allies who are still stuck but the government turned their back quickly. they are preemptively doing that in lebanon and it goes to a very confused administration. >> absolutely terrifying. next, a warning from parents as ai is being used to create child porn and in one school classmates are responsible. hear from one of the dozens of girls who were targeted straight ahead. ♪ introducing the limited edition disney collection from blendjet. nine exciting designs your whole family will adore blendjet 2 is portable, which means you can blend up nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats, just about anywhere! recharge quickly via usb-c. it even cleans itself. order yours now from and bring a little disney into your life. ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", you should keep family scenario, teens and young daughter appeared online in the new, only these images were fake created by ai distributed by one of the targeted westfield high school ventresca shift reaction to the images. >> i just felt betrayed because i never thought. when i told my mom, i said we need to do something about this because the okay and people are making it seems like it is. >> the school said the images have been deleted and it wasn't created on their devices, the schools devices so that's the end. francesca mother reacted. >> assert approach, they believe i didn't do it, it was not my device but as for the cyber harassment policies, this should not have happened and the should have been consequences. there's bullying, cyber harassment and administration who's pretending nothing has happened. >> kennedy, and on the whole new world the schools are ill prepared for what should be they doing? >> they should be disappointing students and kicking them out of school from a much more stringent investigations because technology is a going away but people have been doing this whether it photoshop or cut-and-paste from a they've been doing a long time and it will only be more sophisticated with a isa we need to keep them out of school and has been a problem across the country, anyone who has a child who's been bullied, they know they do not do enough to punished because they are worried about the ramifications if they kick a kid out of school. >> joe, 90% of these keepsakes are pornography so this isn't going away. if westfield high school told the victims, the parents e-mail this, at this time we believe any creative images have been deleted and are not being circulated, this is a serious incident, we are continuing to investigate and vote for individuals and families and individuals involved once the investigation is complete. if they haven't been committed, how did the girls learn about them and is the approach enough? >> do they know what a screenshot is? they can delete something but a screenshot keep the forever and cyber bullying has pushed suicide rates among young people to all-time highs and now you throw ai in, and insidious way to create pornography, pictures of innocent people, it will only get worse and schools are not prepared. i am with kennedy, 100 work on a chalkboard, suspended for weeks, go on a nice vacation at home. york on our found cyber bullying or doing this sort of thing. >> i am amazed some of the parents set this is just kids being kids, let it go. what would your reaction be if this were your child target and despite? >> i feel as parents how many of us are sitting ducks and kids are the administration and schools that know what to do and they are too scared to really do anything. the best i can do because the government is so far behind on this as well, try to put my kit as much as i can but it comes down to punishment. >> some of the pictures were just online, there was a guy in long island, the only case i could find my six months in jail, pictures of girls he went to high school with and subsequently altered their images. he went to jail but there is little on the books except for new york, virginia, minnesota otherwise can do it. >> and destroy someone's reputation. >> next, donald trump is looking for some critical santas supporters. most of the venture candidates dumped in the sunshine state where they are live next. >> job number one will be to stop the invasion on our southern border. [cheering] ♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". her pelican has undertook in the verging on laura state legislatures there are living support to former president trump brian ganis is live in kissimmee florida for president trump just spoke. >> , president donald trump is, he has been for 90 minutes he's the only candidate up united states avoid world war iii, both he and fort, ron desantis say florida is country but practice a trump billy as the fan favorite here at the florida freedom summit. trump shared the stage earlier this evening the seventh for the state legislatures announced endorsement of the former president including five from desantis earlier today desantis downplayed the endorsement in his speech, he listed dozens of accomplishments is done as florida's governor desantis did not mention trump by name today hitting him indirectly instead. trump southwest more direct claiming his endorsement desantis electric called the, disloyal or funny against him. >> my people sir hit him, he's a republican. i said i don't care if he's a republican. we hit him hard and now he's like a wounded bowling bird from the sky. >> lung clinical elections year after year over the last three election cycles, the plaintiff republicans has become toxic, difficult to attract people to the party. >> according to the latest the real battle is over who will be trump's main cenger. right now it looks like about between desantis and ambassador nikki haley. trump remains different but if there's any about that, take a listen to the crowd's reaction launched into in the, a jeff hutchinson and chris christie. >> a significant likelihood donald trump will be found guilty by a felony offense next year. >> your anger against the truth is reprehensible. >> the third debate wednesday night in miami, former president trump will have erotic to counter program custom crossto crosstown. >> bryan llenas an update, thank you so much. good to see you. raymond, you have five florida state legislatures from florida slipped on desantis, things only seem to get worse, listen to what political magazine had to say quote three expert shoemakers think on desantis is probably wearing my boosters and the focus is not on politics right now but this. >> don't think lyft is the reason he's losing. the more endorsement, he lost five people walk like state legislatures with desantis. the mark telling endorsement is senator rick endorsed trump today. that is the big take away clear, none of these candidates, none of the people we've been watching debate are catching five or if donald trump remains the front runner in with all due respect, my dear friend kennedy i love and i thought your column was hilarious about lyft, make or break the race particularly out of time for joe biden looks like the joker after across the promote the last thing we worry about it desantis for the he is wearing a lift or not. >> the headline on the kennedy daily mail, what a fiasco, how ironic want desantis failure to stamp out gate might be the final symbol for a campaign that never found its footing. [laughter] >> it's not about the list but that was the whole thing, the story is absurd and the reason people are paying attention is because you have a lot more desantis and who are upset has underperformed at the fact that his campaign has doubled is not because he's making himself color, he is because of the 5-foot 11, 2012 but they don't want to be bamboozled or lied to but it falls on his shoulders, he's not listening to the right people, not trusting his and not running on his own record which certainly would have been enough to propel him focusing on the wrong things and why he lost the plot and stories like this gained traction. >> if you are a republican primary voter out there, listening to this boot gate stuff, chris christie hutchinson, getting and i took the republican audience and not stopping. >> i would kill on this panel right now. i caught that in your up at, you had stumble stand up and 41 sentence. well done. with want desantis, he was seen as the guy seriously a year ago after he won so spectacularly florida, 19-point in democratic counties as a guy who beat trump and the guy who will be enough we don't know if he could also people talked about, we are not talking about nikki haley now out of the should get the nomination but strongly is positioned to be considered as trump vice president for many even though it may not be on the same page. chris christie from new jersey with 15% approval. his plan was to run 2012, not now. most of those people should the path and let it be nikki haley, desantis and trump and let's see what happens. >> coming up, nothing is off limits from left will culture crusading putting woodpeckers. under fire from the mob next. ♪ with cirkul, your water is deliciously flavored at the turn of a dial, with zero sugar and zero calories. and cirkul has over 40 flavors, so your water can be as unique as you are. try cirkul. your water, your way. now with even more flavors. available at walmart or ♪ >> welcome back to the big we can choke. birds of a feather locked together, that's what the radical left is saying is a target birds as part of their culture war grace. >> guess who. ♪ [laughter] >> that's right, not even birds are safe from the mob as the american board of society changes the names of up to 80 word be she's a doctor people with ties to slavery. usually the situation i'm supposed to ask a deep compelling question but i'm going to let you take this from here, what is wrong? >> the society's quote is a winner. some english bird names have associations with a past that continue to be exclusionary and harmful today who is in exclusionary no one even knows the origins of the bird names. wait until they find out what he might have slipped on the plantation at one time. i find all this absurd as a proud son of new orleans we watched as statues rick don, some with no ties to slavery proxies the product, those doctors came down. we are demolishing history, our cultural memory and even demolishing bird names. bird names by bird brains, that's what you could call this. >> that's of the society would call it. >> indeed. schema bill maher said china built bridges, we debate what to rename them. in other words, our priorities are out of whack from being work police. university of washington tried to change the name or didn't want it being used in any papers of manpower and grandfather because apparently there connected to slavery as well. >> now when you watch real estate shows, the master bedroom is now called the primary suite. we all bring language so much because we are terrified there might be subtext here and it's like society has to grow a pair collectively it's not like they are renaming hitler or cardinal, i was in south africa and one of the most beautiful birds, is that while resting roller clearly a floozy but still very much enjoy the birds. >> i get it, they are trying to do something good but they will have the opposite effect because it's drawing condemnation and people are making fun of it, so many people did not know where these names came from, woody woodpecker, i had no idea woody woodpecker was racist, what is that? >> we don't even know. >> that's what he does, it's a filthy name if you think about it. >> something that will expose the children. >> and the hummingbird, we started on the hummingbird. >> the most ridiculous thing, take down every structure and statue because it was all slave owners are people who enslaved others. it's the nature of cultures. we have to confront them, we have to curate them properly and explain them to the future so we don't repeat the mistakes but to obliterate anguish and bird names, come on. >> social media and networks like this level the playing field. we are marking this and it's getting destroyed on social media the way, sometime like san francisco when the one the change, school names of george washington and abraham lincoln because it was related to slavery, there was enough backlash where they had to acquiesce and say we are not -- maybe with the transgender thing where you have men competing against women, it was pulling in like 62% of people against it last year end now it's up into the 70s so i think they are losing this war because they are overplaying their hand. >> they are overplaying their hand but here is where the problem is, this is not a university issue and we thought for a long time this was contained in academia and when students go out and pay taxes maybe they become a little smarter and develop a the more reason but this is the american ontological side. this is what happens when academics go into the real world and applied lessons they've learned in college and it will be incredibly problematic as more people leave college and get older and run us off cliffs in our realtors. >> more like ideological. ♪ welcome back to the big weekend to show. it's time now for the big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest veils of the week i am going to go first. might flops of the week is president biden's sad effort to project leadership at the white house only to humiliate himself and the country at a moment we are facing wars abroad, a border invasion in a crisis of confidence in american leadership joe biden convened in americus summit at the white house t. hardly anyone heard about it and it is no wonder for instance it usually helps to know justin trudeau's name when you're hosting him at your summit. because i think prime minister and president -- prime minister trudeau and president. [inaudible] and i also think a president. >> prime minister. you know you have truly lost all credibility when the president of the dominican republic sits in the oval office and basically controls abide and even he knows the president spends most of his time at the beach, watch. >> the president we look forward to welcoming you soon to the dominican republic of the next americans in 2025. ed will be input to kinne will have time to be on the beach. [laughter] we are basically seeing a beach or presidency at a moment when the world needs a dynamic won this is why the world is bleeding and exploding piglets it really is 70% of democrats are like please mr. president do not run. guess who is running san francisco mcdonald's closing after 30 years cited lack of tourism and high office vacancies in the area. san francisco the once great city is such a dump was summit feces and human carcasses covering the sidewalks even a mcdonald's is disgusted by it and they are leaving town. they are pulling up their stakes. >> the big. >> is a thing of the step over to get to mcdonald's and it does not come in a bun. you know that's not what you want. >> the fries were not quite the hot seller they were hoping it's not an economic issue progress you cannot have everything. >> what congressman represent san francisco? who could that be? nancy in the house that is right. >> a little chardonnay. >> no one ever talks about pelosi's record as a congressman represent that states request or gavin newsom he was the mayor f san francisco due to what it d did? write down the toilet. salt former white house reporter wrote a piece for salon attacking republicans but the following title maga and christian nationals and bigger threat to america then hamas could ever be. the articles later the title was changed thank god to quote far right maga. [laughter] most dangerous threat to ameri america. the reason my it was changed this current rat got ratio intoe guy who wrote this is brian is a former white house i think he is still credentialed as a white house reporter who was also a commentator on cnn. after 31 americans were butchered in israel they are still held captive 1400 israelis murdered he signed with evangelical christians and truck supporters being a bigger threat to the country. >> what you think hamas is? what exactly, exactly. >> okay amma a man in england in feeding his 250-pound turkish dog named abu an entire chicken daily to gargantuan costs almost $5000 a year. two things here i'd love one of his favorite things to do indoors is to sit on his owner's lap and cuddle it has been explained he does not understand how big he is and he is not fully grown that will not happen until he reaches the age of three so right now he is just to he is a puppy that is just a puppet right there eating a whole chicken a day per. >> david. >> my dog is 18 pounds. >> my dog is 6 pounds. >> who names their dog after a notorious prison? when you follow the dog around with the hefty bag? >> yes i had not thought about that. everyone enjoy your dinner piglets psyche is sizing up his next meal that is kind of scary. >> that doesn't for us were going to end at there. we see a back hear! hear! at 7:00 p.m. eastern for th show. life, liberty and levin start right now. ♪

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Health Ministries ,Street ,Anti Semitism ,Eyes ,Guy Walking Down The Street ,Friend ,Crosswalk ,Trucks ,Violence ,Truck ,Building ,Heritage ,Mistake ,Free Speech ,School ,Individuals ,Beliefs ,Community ,Speech ,Case ,Christian ,Application Process ,Regions ,Activists ,Way ,Side ,Surprise ,Preponderance ,University Setting ,Bias ,Christianity ,Socialism ,Communism ,Map ,Zionism ,Take A Look ,Democrat ,Minnesota ,Eastern Seaboard ,Missouri ,New Mexico ,Some ,Hoosiers ,Indiana ,Genocide Joe ,Pop Up Shop ,Part ,Extermination ,Joe Mcclure ,Idea ,Questions ,History ,Attention ,Folks ,Answer ,Inside Gaza ,Mark ,Details ,Swift ,Flags ,Content ,Lebanon ,Trey Yingst ,Next ,An Gaza ,Distance ,Targets ,Rockets ,Hezbollah ,Security Situati Situation ,Israel Returned Fire On Hezbollah ,The State Department Tlaib ,Intelligence ,Tunnel ,Roof ,Terrorist ,Striking Hamas ,Infrastructure ,Meeting ,Idf ,Isi ,Fighter Jet ,Pause ,Joe Biden ,Antony Blinken ,Mr ,Foreign Minister ,Message ,Progress ,Cause ,Jordan ,Egypt ,Access ,Overnight Fox News ,Foreign Correspondent ,29 ,Armored Personnel Carrier ,Battles ,Look ,Gaza Strip ,Gunfire ,Cost ,Circle ,Borders ,Outskirts ,Hair ,Mediterranean Sea ,Troops ,Ground ,Dirt ,Debris ,Amounts ,Israelis ,Anyone ,Forces ,Positions ,Rooftops ,Satellite ,Black Smoke Billowed ,Tunnels ,Battle Street By ,Urban Warfare ,Home ,Hostages ,Leadership ,Commissions ,Latter ,Junta Hamas ,Two ,Lieutenant Colonel ,Battalions ,Soldiers ,Charge ,Jeremiah ,38 ,Five ,War ,Philadelphia ,Army And To ,Issue ,Nowhere ,1 Million ,Team ,Window ,Incredible Work Inside Gaza ,Mediterranean ,Three ,Socket ,Policy ,Mess ,North ,Mike Covid But Let S Move On ,Reason ,Pauses ,Effort ,Efforts ,Pressure ,Statements ,Communitarian Pauses ,Axios Reporting ,Clearly ,Quote Set ,Help ,Crisis ,Southern ,Wording ,Challenge ,Repeat ,Kamala Harris ,We Don T Know ,Working ,Mud ,Spokesperson ,Terms ,Goal ,Light Peeking ,Regime ,Relationship ,We Saw ,Event ,Rollout ,Worry ,Roles ,Afghanistan ,Edge ,State Department ,Precipice ,Greater ,Situation ,Operators ,Funding ,Iran ,Government ,Back ,Allies ,Child ,Ai ,Parents ,Girls ,Dozens ,School Classmates ,Disney Collection ,Blendjet ,Designs ,Family ,Protein Shakes ,Anywhere ,Treats ,Smoothies ,Adore Blendjet 2 ,2 ,Nine ,Blendjet Com ,Family Scenario ,Westfield High School ,Images ,Fake ,Daughter ,Mom ,Ventresca ,Wasn T ,Schools ,Devices ,The End ,Device ,Approach ,Nothing ,Bullying ,Policies ,Harassment ,Cyber Harassment ,Consequences ,Kennedy ,Students ,Investigations ,It Photoshop ,Technology ,Problem ,Kid ,Lisa ,Ramifications ,Pornography ,90 ,E Mail ,Isn T ,Keepsakes ,Victims ,90 ,Haven T ,Investigation ,Incident ,Families ,Vote ,Screenshot ,Cyber Bullying ,Highs ,Suicide Rates ,Forever ,Chalkboard ,Vacation ,York ,100 ,Thing ,Reaction ,Target ,Sort ,Many ,Anything ,Know ,Sitting Ducks ,Guy ,Best ,Well ,Kit ,Punishment ,Long Island ,Six ,Jail ,High School ,Virginia ,Donald Trump ,Sunshine State ,Supporters ,Most ,Reputation ,Venture Candidates ,Santas ,Number ,Border ,Invasion ,Job ,Cheering ,Brian Ganis ,State Legislatures ,Kissimmee Florida ,Pelican ,Verging ,Laura ,Ron Desantis ,Candidate ,World War Iii ,Fort ,Billy ,Stage ,Fan ,Florida Freedom Summit ,Seventh ,Endorsement ,Name ,Accomplishments ,Want Desantis ,Hit Him ,Republican ,Disloyal ,Sir ,Desantis Electric ,Bowling Bird ,Elections ,Salon Attacking Republicans ,Care ,Sky ,Plaintiff ,Lung ,Election Cycles ,Nikki Haley ,Battle ,Party ,Main Cenger ,Listen ,Likelihood ,Chris Christie ,Crowd ,Felony Offense ,Jeff Hutchinson ,Danger ,Truth ,Debate ,Former ,Program Custom Crossto Crosstown ,Miami ,Update ,Florida State Legislatures ,Bryan Llenas ,Raymond ,Boosters ,Politics ,Focus ,Magazine ,Expert Shoemakers ,Think Lyft ,Trump ,Brick ,None ,Candidates ,Runner ,Column ,All Due Respect ,Lift ,It Desantis ,Race ,Joker ,Make ,Headline ,Lyft ,Failure ,Footing ,Symbol ,Fiasco ,Daily Mail ,List ,Upset ,Color ,Shoulders ,11 ,2012 ,5 ,Record ,Traction ,Stories ,Plot ,Primary ,Audience ,Boot Gate Stuff ,Panel ,Voter ,Hutchinson ,Cup ,Sentence ,Stumble ,41 ,Beat Trump ,Counties ,19 ,Vice President ,Nomination ,Plan ,Approval ,Page ,New Jersey ,15 ,Path ,Limits ,Woodpeckers ,Coming Up ,Left Will Culture Crusading ,Under Fire ,Water ,Turn ,Dial ,Cirkul ,Flavors ,Sugar ,Try Cirkul ,Walmart ,40 ,Zero ,Birds ,Big ,Saying ,Culture War Grace ,Radical Left ,Birds Of A Feather ,Guess Who ,Names ,Slavery ,Ties ,Word ,Society ,Doctor ,Board ,80 ,Bird Names ,Associations ,The Society S Quote Is A Winner ,English ,No One ,Plantation ,Origins ,Statues Rick Don ,Product ,Son ,New Orleans ,China ,Doctors , ,Memory ,Bird Brains ,Schema ,Bill Maher ,Didn T ,Bridges ,Work Police ,Words ,Whack ,Papers ,Priorities ,University Of Washington ,Language ,Real Estate Shows ,Manpower ,Grandfather ,Suite ,Master Bedroom ,Subtext ,Pair ,Cardinal ,Hitler ,South Africa ,Roller ,Floozy ,Fun ,Drawing ,Condemnation ,Woody Woodpecker ,Effect ,Racist ,Hummingbird ,Statue ,Children ,Cultures ,Structure ,Slave Owners ,Others ,Nature ,Social Media ,Mistakes ,Anguish ,Playing Field ,Networks ,Come On ,School Names ,San Francisco ,Change ,George Washington ,Abraham Lincoln ,Backlash ,Hand ,University Issue ,Men ,70 ,62 ,Academia ,American Ontological Side ,Pay ,Taxes ,Academics ,Realtors ,Lessons ,Ideological ,Weekend ,It S Time ,Picks ,Flops ,Veils ,Big Weekend Flops ,Confidence ,Wars ,Border Invasion ,Justin Trudeau ,Prime Minister ,Summit ,Wonder ,Instance ,Americus Summit ,Inaudible ,Beach ,Controls ,Dominican Republic ,Credibility ,Oval Office ,On The Beach ,Input ,Bed ,Kinne ,2025 ,Presidency ,Piglets ,Won ,Summit Feces ,Office Vacancies ,Dump ,Tourism ,Black ,Area ,Mcdonald S ,30 ,Town ,Human Carcasses ,Stakes ,Step ,Sidewalks ,Seller ,Bun ,Fries ,Congressman ,House ,Chardonnay ,Nancy ,Pelosi ,Reporter ,States ,Toilet ,The ,Mayor ,It D ,Piece ,Gavin Newsom ,Salt ,Threat ,Title ,Nationals ,Maga ,Articles ,God ,Intoe Guy ,Ratio ,Ameri America ,Rat ,Commentator ,On Cnn ,1400 ,31 ,Oman ,Evangelical Christians ,Pound Turkish Dog ,England ,250 ,Chicken ,Costs ,Owner ,000 ,5000 ,Puppy ,Age ,Flap ,Dog ,Puppet ,Prison ,David ,Meal ,Everyone ,Doesn T ,Kind ,Bag ,Dinner Piglets Psyche ,Scary ,Th Show ,Eastern ,Liberty ,

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