right now on "the story," israeli defense forces on extreme high alert on their northern border where fears of a second front opening up in this war are escalating this afternoon in terms of what could happen with hezbollah on the northern border in lebanon. the terror group's leader made his first statements since the october 7th massacre. he praised those actions as heroic. he called them brave and well-designed. thousands are gathering to cheer him to watch him. listen to the background here. this is the scene in beirut just a few hours ago cheering him on as he calls it something praise worthy. watch this. >> some say that i'm taking us to battle. no. we join the battle immediately following october 7th. what is taking place today is unprecedented since 1948. all israeli military positions are being attacked daily. there's concern that this front may escalate even further or turn in to a full war or that this front may stumble in to a wide ranging war. this is possible. >> martha: he says a wider-ranging war, this is possible. there's so much percolating right now in the middle east. so many things that can shift really in an instant. steve harrigan is in that region right now. he's the only person that is up in the northern part of israel, which is such an important potential front and where there's already been hostilities. steve harrigan joins us. hi, steve. >> that's right, martha. two miles away in the hills, that's lebanon and that's where hezbollah fighters have been launching rockets in to northern israel for the past three weeks. people were really waiting for this speech. many of them with fear that nazrallah would come out saying we're opening a major front against israel and joining hamas. this is all in for hezbollah. that didn't happen today. it might happen in the future. right now still a limited war here in the north. nazrallah saying this has been a palestinian operation, separating the two and also saying that hezbollah is doing its part, that they're helping to tie up israeli forces in the north. >> we have succeeded in drawing out 1/3 of the israeli army to our borders. a large part of these are part of the elite forces that could have been dispatched to gaza, too. >> so there's been fighting every day back and forth. that fighting has been limited to a couple of miles around the border between lebanon and israel. that doesn't mean it's not hardships for the north. places are getting hit by rockets almost every day. another 12 hitting yesterday. and hezbollah is warning there could be more escalation. it depends on what happens in gaza. as you mentioned, israeli forces across the north remain on high alert. martha, back to you. >> martha: thanks, steve. steve harrigan reporting. with that, we bring in aaron cohen, a special operations veteran from israel and specializes in counter terrorism training for law enforcement. it's good to see you today. thanks for being here. >> good to see you. >> martha: let's talk a little bit about this -- about nazrallah's response here. he framed it out. he said it's possible that hezbollah will open a second front in the north of israel. he stopped short of saying that they were going to go there now. what is your take on that? >> well, it's important to understand that israel's actively engaged in combat operations against hezbollah in the north. israel's dealing with five fronts right now. hezbollah in the north, hamas in gaza, the houthis that have already declared war on israel, whether it's overt or covert, have filed several rocketeds in israel which were taken down by f-35s. we have terrorist factions in iraq and a public relations war, which the colonel elaborated on. my thoughts are this. i agree with the colonel. hezbollah doesn't really want to get into it with israel. israel has a lot of experience in lebanon, martha. we know those villages, we know though towns. we have a ton of technology. let me say this. we're not close to a third of our resources, not even close. israel has capabilities to be able to open up pandora's box in to lebanon. the only people that will suffer will be the entire nation of lebanon. the hezbollah leader that can talk tough on camera hiding inside of his bunker while delivering that statement like we say in hebrew, martha. [speaking arabic]. that means everybody is in within israel's reach. israel is stretching out their legses. that i have plenty of operations and tons of infantry to handle these attacks. just like 67. this is not new. >> martha: understood. we hope it doesn't come to that. i want to know what your assessment is of the secretary's visit and his meeting with prime minister netanyahu earlier today. because there has been a push for some brief cessations, some pauses in the fighting. what do you think benjamin netanyahu had to say about that today? >> well, listen, martha, i can tell you from my experience and from my sources close in israel, the meat of israel's capabilities lies in her prei'mive ability to strike. that's what they have to do right now. there's a combat rhythm that has developed. israel has moved with lightning speed and surrounded gaza city. the beach is covered. israel is working in record speed right now unfolding intelligence. what the main goal of getting those electronic seismic systems over the tunnels to get the hostages. that's the main goal. regarding the cease fire, it's not going to happen. the reason why is because the moment israel ceases or halts for one minute, combat operations that are happening in gaza right now, it will open up a supply line for hamas to rearm. we're suffocating them and choking them by the mean. intelligence being gathered by the second. data and media being recorded to document the atrocities including ambulance attack, which is more than justified by idf forces. any other country -- >> martha: let me ask you about that. if i can squeeze in one more question. you think president biden is feeling the political heat? 33% of democrats approve of how israel is responding to the october 7th attack. they are being urged to strike the right balance between military necessity and proportionality as the world watches what is happening in gaza. >> let me answer this quickly. first, president biden is getting choked. he's outside of his expertise. >> martha: choked out by him? >> he's in a quagmire that he's unable to mentally wrap his mind around -- >> neil: he's going to be the commander-in-chief the rest of his term. >> he's in hot water right now. everybody sees he's trying to appease both sides and it won't work. the reason why is israel -- the sooner israel destroys hamas, the soonter palestinian people will be free, the soonter hostages will be free. the arab world doesn't want to take in the palestinians. they're not going to. they have to open the back doors. all the palestinians could be rescues now. israel will rescue them. that's what we do. we'll help all of those people including getting our hostages back. >> martha: thanks, aaron. good to have you with us. so hamas leader with a chilling new warning about the terror group's ultimate end goal for america. we're going to play you the audio with retired four-star general david perkins and get his reaction to what was just said about all of our enemies and how they may be coordinating at this moment. we'll talk to him next. i hopee potatoes... these are fresh from my garden. what? is your... garden in idaho? no, it's in my backyard. 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was being interviewed and says that while iran, it's not capable of a strike that would reach the united states, he says one of their other friends is. >> north korea does have the ability to strike north america. there is a day that they could intervene. all of the enemies are consulting and getting closer. the day may come when they will join the war together and turn america in to a thing of the past. >> martha: turn america in to a thing of the past, he says. let's bring in the retired army four-star general david perkins. general perkins, thanks very much for being here. what goes through your mind when you listen to that, speaker? >> i think it's very important to listen to what they're saying. you don't have to be an experienced military analyst. just listen to what hamas says. they routinely lay out the strategy. just not in the middle east blue a global strategy. another player is becoming very active with iran and against it is interests is russia as well. so this is much larger than just hamas and israel. >> martha: you know, this is the question right now. is this thing going to spread? you can see that these iranian proxies all around israel are not only hitting u.s. bases, but they're also hitting israeli strikes as well. do they think this is the moment to do what they're always constantly chanting about? wipe israel off the map? >> sandra: they're always looking for an opportunity to do that. they're always looking for an opportunity to deleverage the united states and get us out of the middle east. they know that right now the u.s. is really the ultimate guaranteer of freedom for israel and other peace-loving countries among the arab world in the middle east. so the fact that you see hamas, the houthis, hezbollah, their strings are being pulled by iran as they try to have this multi-front strangulation on israel. also as russia is getting involved, bringing in air defense assets, possibly for hezbollah, also offering air defense assets for iran so they can protect themselves for any attack on nuclear facilities, this is a short term game and a long-term game to increase the influence of iran, could be the north koreans as definitely russia in to move not only the israelis out of the picture but the united states as well. >> martha: these what they've wanted. that's been the basis for all of these attacks going back to bin laden, going back to al-quaida. they wanted the u.s. to be out of this region completely. when you look at this situation, and he also talks in this a little bit prior to what we all heard about how we're on the phone with russia all the time. we're on the phone with iran all the time, north korea all the time. this bond that they all have. when you look at the new polling is americans don't want tobe pulled into another war. 84% are concerned about all of this. they say this looks likes we're getting pulled in to another my east conflict that we could be involved in for years and years. >> it's completely understandable. nobody wants to get pulled into a war, particularly americans. however, we have to come to grips with reality. the way global politics and global national security issues happen is they're a three dimensional chess game. all the pieces are being pulled by the key players, iran, russia and therefore many times hamas, hezbollah, houthis, the pallastinian people are pawns in this larger game. too often those that are not -- most of us are not interested in being pulled in to war view the world as a game of checkers that every little move is isolated from every other move. i have to take out one checker and then i've won the game or i don't have to get involved someplace else. inches, as you well know, those pieces on a chess board have capabilities far beyond just moving the square in front of them. >> martha: before i let you go, do you think president biden is a good chess player? >> well, i think you've seen behind the scenes, our entire national security apparatus constantly playing chess. working with the israelis, providing them intelligence. you're seeing a slow and methodical process of the israelis to to what we would call shaping operations. take out key command and control notes, take out key communicate cases notes, get that good intelligence so when the idf makes a big push, they limit civilian casualties unlike hamas, they target military objectives and they do it in a way in accordance with the law of armed conflicts. >> martha: unfortunately, that's not the way it's spread across these other outlets, some of which we just watched. general perkins, thanks. good to have you here today. >> have a good day. >> martha: still ahead, dr. faulk is the foreign policy adviser to prime minister netanyahue who says that hamas will be no longer once this war is over. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically 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issuing a new limited gag order. it bans all lawyers in the case from making public statements about confidential communications between the judge and his staff. he has already fined the former president twice for a total of $15,000. these fines for violating another limited gag order by making comments about the court clerk the judge said. the former president and his attorneys say these orders are unconstitutional. nate foy live at the courthouse in lower manhattan. hi, nate. >> hey, martha. this breaking decision from the justice comes after a contentious moment after eric trump's testimony. the attorney made a comment to his law clerk. he argued there was the perception of bias as the clerk and judge were passing notes between testimony. the judge said he has every right to consult with his law clerk. so this expanded gag order will include attorneys after the president posted a social media post about that law clerk earlier in the trial. eric trump finished his testimony, which means former president trump is the next witness to take the stand on monday. during his direct examination today, eric criticized new york attorney general letitia james, also testified that he played a small role in helping appraise properties at the trump organization. he said it was never part of his daily responsibilities. he said that james only shows up for high profile witnesses for like members of his family and michael cohen and she uses these public appearances for political gain. the continued attacks on his father are embarrassing our country on the world stage. >> they're trying to disqualify my father for 2024. he's leading in all the polls. it's sad that this is the united states of america. right now make no mistake about it, maybe through your very lenses, the entire world is watching this and they're laughing about what's going on. >> former president trump posted on truth social, very simply "election interference." ivanka trump is no longer a defendant but will be a witness. a state court denied her request to avoid taking the stand. ivanka is set to testify wednesday. she will be the final witness before the state rests. >> martha: thanks, nate. on top of that story downtown at the courthouse. dr. ophir falk is the foreign minister for prime minister. he joins us live from tel aviv. we'll also take a look at hamas history with terror. jennifer griffin is next. teran , homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. 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>> i gave a n order to fight the americans if they're on iraqi land. >> israeli assassinated the sheik a few months later as he was leaving a mosque in gaza. in 2005, israeli prime minister ariel sharon ordered the pull out. a year later after the u.s. encouraged elections, hamas won in a landslide. the group took control and throwing the leaders off roof taps in gaza. the current military leader of hamas and gaza was released from an israeli prison during a prisoner stop for the israeli soldier in 2011. he was treated in an israeli hospital for a brain tumor. his life saved by an israeli doctor. martha? >> martha: thanks very much. jennifer griffin covering it for years for us. we're grateful for it. let's go live to tel aviv and dr. falk, foreign policy adviser to prime minister netanyahu. very good to have you with us. i'm curious what your reaction is when you listen to that and obviously all history that you're very familiar with. when you listen to the founder of has talk about being pushed out of his land, he says, after 1948 when the israeli state was created. what do you say about that? >> thank you for having me, martha. the jewish people have been here for 3,500 years. hamas was established as jennifer said in 1987 and will be brought to an end in 2023, perhaps 2024. >> martha: so talk to me about this issue of proportionality that we have been hearing a lot about as people at home watch on their tvs and on their screens these strikes. we saw one on an ambulance in gaza. so give me your view on proportionality and the rules of war in this situation. >> sure. so israel -- let's make this clear. israel is acting in complete compliance with international law. as you noted, there's two principles in this law of arm conflict. proportionality and distinction. now, after the brutal massacre of october 7, the most proportional response to that attack would be the d dismantelment of hamas. in the course of dismantling hamas, we are doing our utmost to make distinction between terrorists and civilians. that's why israel targets terrorists while hamas targets civilians. israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties and hamas looks to maximize our casualties. high behind and below their civilians. that's the facts and that's what we're living with. it's a difficult war. it's a war we have to take. >> martha: we have see going to welcomed to heaven. we also hear from this hamas spokesperson about the larger threat here that the world faces. watch this. we'll get a quick thought from you on the other side if we can. >> north korea, however, does have the capability to strike america. day may come when north korea intervenes. all of america's enemies in the region are consulting and getting closer and the day may come when they join the war together. >> he wants to turn america to a thing of the past and all of the enemies could join together. that would be a global war, sir. you've studied the history for a long time. do you think that's where this is headed? >> well, clearly as the prime minister said as well, we're in a war of civilization about savages. hamas savages, barbarism. the attack on october 7 -- they forced us. we're on the front line right now for civilization about these barbarians. we will prevail. if we don't prevail, the west is next. these barbarians will reach europe and other places, the united states as well. we will prevail. thankfully we have the support of the united states, the support of the united kingdom and other allies moral and material support and we will destroy hamas. >> martha: dr. falk, thanks very much. good to have you with us. we hope to you have you back. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: good to see you. an israel flag lit on fire in the streets of new york city. watch this. >> martha: vice president kamala harris is focusing on fighting islamophobia as we see anti-jewish sentiment rising in this country. look at this. unbelievable. >> this is a threat that is reaching in some ways historic levels in part because, as you know all too well, the jewish community is targeted by terrorists across the spectrum. 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what is going on in her head right now? can you imagine? this young girl in gaza, look at her face. she's pulled from the rubble. these children are obviously going to be traumatized by all of these experiences if they survive what's going on here. so let's bring in nathan sales, former ambassador at large and coordinator for counter terrorism and former acting undersecretary for human rights at the state department. good to have you back on the program today. we heard from antony blinken today about what this administration wants to see happen. i want to play this and then i want to go back to the intro about these children and talk to you about the impact on them if this is what we do. watch this. >> we believe each of these efforts would be facilitated by humanitarian pauses. a number of legitimate questions were raised in our discussions today including how to use any period of pause to maximize the humanitarian assistance. how to ensure that hamas doesn't use these pauses or arrangements to their own advantage. >> martha: what do you make of that, sir? >> well, martha, i think the images of kidnapped israeli children, toddlers and babies is heart breaking. there's 240 plus hostages being held in these terror tunnels underneath gaza right now including as many as 32 children. our top priority has to be finding a way to get them back. there's a lot of talk about a cease fire. let's be clear what that means. that means giving hamas time to regroup, rearm, reload and commit more terrorism against israelis. if hamas wants a cease fire, there's a way to achieve that. they can let the hostages go starting with the children. >> martha: it's a simple, strong point. so is that what secretary blinken should be saying? should he be saying, let them go and then we'll pause? not until every one of those 240 people are out. >> i think that's the right message. the alternative telegraphs weakness to hamas and other add very varies like hezbollah in the north and iran to the east. if we say out of the goodness of our hearts we're going to asked israel to hold off in the hopes that this might induce hamas to behave in a civilized way, we can see how that will turn out. hamas will pocket the concession and the rest of the allies will say the americans are not serious. >> martha: we're looking at these young faces. i have seen images of two of these kids being put back in a pickup truck and being driven away. the look is sheer terror. i showed you at the top of this segment this young palestinian girl being saved from underneath concrete blocks after this explosion. there's her face again. what goes through your mind when you see her, nathan? >> it's heart breaking the suffering of children on both sides of the conflict tugs at the heart strings. it's also important that we be very clear about who is responsible for the suffering in gaza. it's hamas. hamas uses its own citizens as human shields. actually it's worse than that, it's human sacrifice. the difference between israel and hamas, israel puts its army between terrorists and its population. for hamas, it's the opposite. they put their civilians between them and israel. while our hearts break for every civilian killed or injured in this war, it's hamas that bears responsibility by using them as human shields. >> martha: as one of our guests said before, they hope to eradicate hamas and free the people in palestinian from their group. none of this would be happening if what happened october 7th didn't happen. thanks, nathan sales. so border czar as she is one of her tasks, one of the things in her portfolio. the vice president, kamala harris, has a new task now to combat islamophobia. she talked about it the other day forcefully. that despite a rise that we're seeing in jewish hate across the united states. west selling author douglas murray joins us next. >> don't worry. joe biden just tasked kamala harris with a brand new mission. to uproot hatred in america. not the rampant anti-semitism that we have all been seeing and talking about in our country and around the world or hatred against the jewish people or the swastikas or the nazi slogans. no, the administration claims they already have a handle on all of that. really? 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can someone show us where the free speech is in that video? the white house wants haven't kamala harris now to be on this issue of combatting islamophobia. the initiative had been planned for months and follows a similar strategy to fight anti-semitism that was launched in may. in a moment, douglas murray will take this on. first, to c.b. cotton. >> a source confirming to fox, there's an active investigation to what happened to this jewish students on harvard. more than two dozen major law firms are warning schools in this letter that students will not be recruited from places where anti-semitism is tolerated. again, this comes as this video surfaces on social media appearing to show a harvard jewish students cornered on campus during a pro palestinian rally. more than half a dozen demonstrators blocking his view and movements while shouting shame over and over. the student paper says the confrontation started when the jewish student began filming people. the dean of harvard's business school is calling the confrontation troubling. late last month, harvard's president denouncing anti-semitism on campus and announcing the creation of an advisory board to tackle anti-semitism. a leader with the anti-defamation league says people in the jewish communicatory are wondering why more will not stand against hamas. those questions are appearing to fall on deaf ears according to deep pocketed donors of ivy league schools that are pulling back on their financial contributions. martha? >> martha: thanks, c.b. douglas murray writes in the post today of v.p. harris' new role, the muslims are not the victims here. the jews are. he joins us now. fox news contributor national review institute fellow and author joins us from london where he has also been very upset about what he's seen in the streets. douglas, talk to me about this kamala harris -- we saw the video of her saying she's going after hate. >> yes. it's like saying you're going to go after greed or envy or gluttony. it's not enough. this isn't a generalized hate issue. it's a specific thing. it was jews who were massacres on october 7 for being jews. the one thing that the killer of hamas, the death cult of hamas had to do is kill jews. so now we see this rampant explosion of anti-semitism across not just the u.s. but across europe and the u.k. and much of the rest of the world. people hunting jewing in dagestan at the air fort. what does v.p. harris do? she says it's about islamophobia. as i say in the piece, if such a thing exists is a response that some people have to the actions of some muslims such as hamas. i watched the unedited version of the massacre. when you watch members of hamas striking people's heads off with spades and shouting all the time, it doesn't give you a great feeling. some people will be a bit phobic about that. it's not an irrational fear. it's a real fear. what i'm stunned at is the sheer lack of sympathy for the victims. a couple of years ago, this evil white supremacist shooter went into a black shoot in america and shot the congregants. if there had been one person in america who had come out supporting that evil young man, we would have said how disgusting it was. if thousands of people came out on the streets supporting that young man, we would have said we had a problem. if we saw other black people across america, our fellow citizens and brothers and sisters being singled out like that young jewish boy was by a crowd of white supremacists, we would say we have a problem. we have to identify it. it isn't islamophobia. it's anti-semitism of the kind that hamas leads the world in. >> martha: when you watch that video at harvard, douglas, they're corralling him. looks like young kids bullying each other. these are college students. they surround him. it's scary to watch what happened to this young man. you don't know where this is going to go next. >> just imagine, i'm not jewish. imagine if you were that student. your co religion is being singled out for the biggest massacre since the holocaust because they were jews what is the reaction of your fellow students? not sympathy. it's hounding. it's the nazis were ashamed of their actions. these people, these new nazis, these hamas nazis are proud of their actions. it's despicable. >> martha: these college campuses should be places where people are coming together, students are coming together, reminding people of what we have in common, bonding over their support in a situation. douglas, thanks very much. i saw you with laura. it was fascinating. hope to talk to you soon. >> thank you. >> martha: president biden is about to speak in maine where a shooting rampage took place. he was asked to perform the national anthem at a high school football game. watch this. ♪ oh say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ >> martha: wish we had more of that, a good moment. james hey or the bringing people together in lewiston, maine. it's been a very difficult week for so many people in maine and around this country as we watch these i'm my knowledges. we ask you to think about ways to bring people together. we're glad you're here to watch the show and be with us. we look forward to seeing you monday. have a great weekend, everybody. >> it is the great