>> hello., everyone.d. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is the ngpresident biden facing criticm for focusing on islamophobia despite a despicable wave of anti-semitisofm in america.-d there has been a staggering 400% rise in incidents since the war in israel. a student charged with threatening to shoot, stab and -- students at a campus. the university's president says they are working to fight all forms of anti-semitism on ca campus. the administration is rolling out a strategy to counter hate towards muslims. kamala harris making this announcement on social media. >> as a result of the attack and the humanitarian crisis in gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-palestine, and is ainci bahama -- and islamophobic incidents. >> the white house, when askedtt about it, they apply they have a handle on anti-semitism.orce >> and related forms of hate. there were 100 actions agencies were able to take to counter the scourge of anti-semitism in the next step was to counteromes islamophobia. that is what you are seeing.arti >> this comes amid new questions, if president biden is starting to cave. a heckler interrupted hist, remarks. good of you to be when youca woke up this morning and you saw he called for a pause, it seem like a contradiction. >> he makes policies on the fly the saw him at a fund-raiser when someone yelled at him. he says i think there should be a humanitarian pause. we have admiral kirby saying the same thing.n' has anyone realized we are not running the war. even though we supply weaponry, we are not making the final decision.e hamas takes advantage of every pausy e and every moment to rea. they told us in that askeconversation, when asked, wy don't you build bomb shelters instead of tunnels to protect the people he said we build tunnels for our fighters, why people. t you have to let the israelis doh gaza. th, eve last thing they want, en if you t think the worst of the, it doenys not work to their advantage that any innocent lives lost, let them go, pause doesn't work. i don't think we should beting making policy without consultina with the prime minister. >> this is from yesterday. they had this ready to go and it was supposed to be a joke. in response to rising hate crimes, democrats denounced islamophobiait, and then, wait, that happened. >> you are seeing the prison of tw eo ideas that work.roci if you are going to emphasize the atrocity against, we mustce counter with perceived attacks against muslims. we are seeing hatred right now and elsewhere and we may see examples of hate against muslims, but by comparison, it is. no comparison. there is nothing inwhen the vp was talking, she grouped aloupel of the attacks d the phobias in one group.d she did not have the receipts. if you saw the receipts, youit would not have a story. h it iats like when they talk abot victims of hate crimes, they never mention who the victimse are. i would love to see more prominent muslims speak out and condemned the atrocities against it would go a long way if there e voices added to that to reduce islamophobia. silence equals violence and it adds to islamophobia when you don't see prominent muslimsng condemning it. we are expecting too much fromrt the american people. october 7th was thtinge starting point for this war. you can save your historyh lessonbe.sp october 7th bags for decisivone response. we are in the here and roall terror gets justified byth their version of history. that has always been the case. 9/11 was justified by history, by a lot of people.. it never ends and it is not america's scene. r our attention is devoted to a ally that experienced the worst atrocity. america is not interested in old feuds. it is interested in our friends now. do you think heading a comprehensive plan to fightto islamophobia is where she wants to shine now? you have to defend her because she is set up to do the most leas.t relevant thing in that most hazardous of times. we don't want her to do anything. do we know she cannot t do it? let's pu t her there. it is meant to undermine her. it is like our "fox & friends" producer wanting to undermine brian's career by doing a cookine brg with friends segment after a story on jeffrey dahmer. the overwhelming target is, sorh put her in charge of islamophobia.. >> they did this video and they have that fancy camera work.w imagine if she had called the p law review and said that guy should go. they could leak that, let themlt know that they are on top of it. it might do more than a video like this. otesstudents protested hillary clinton in columbia. they think she is too sympathetic to israel.o >> they put themselves in this position where they want to throw something out there to pretend like they are doing something that they are not they are in this equity doom loopress. if they are going to address anti-semitism, which everyone can see playing out on their screenthats, they have to make h it is equitable that they addres s is islamophobia in the same way.e at the same time, they refused to acknowledge who is perpetuating the anti-semitism and if youe look around, the people screaming it is the from the river to the sea, they are all waving palestinianese flage althey are really running awayhe from the real problem they don't want to address and that is that there are a lot of people who are justifying what happened ana instead of having a tough conversation about how that is wrong, they are saying don't talk aboutle t it because that d be >> there have been these anonymous democrats quoted saying president biden could be losing the muslim american vote. a lot of them live in michigan. maybe he does think there is a pause. in a closed-door fund-raiser, says he is for it but he hasn't set up publicly and that leaks. >> when he said that, i thought he talked about the pause for getting americans out of if there is a policy change, ikg would agree with him but i c thought heon was talking about t you don't make policy when you ar youe being heckled. they are a small minority ofagre democrats making statements i disagree with, the president seems to be unbothered, my party has some of those. a couple of observations. "the wall street journal"d ofeditorialized and said america cannot help two allies defend themselves, they will include the world is right about the ableunited states decline. i hope the democrats are able to stay o than board. i was pleased to seevill senator graham and collins take on on senator tupperri bill. he is bothered by the fact that women in the military look to get an abortion. he is against cayou should not deny promotions because you have that position. i was glad to see republicans stand up to him as well as democrats.d if you are going to make ahe change in policy, you should not a fund-raiser. >> the action, if you say i am tired of hearing an explosion ot want to pause and get hostages out ort or americans out, if you give a pause, you take a tactical advantage away from tha victims and that is the israelis ldn'who are on the offensive. >> if you want to get americans. out, at least i understand that. >>a: i if that had happened, we would not be doing this segment. we have to be able to handleandl ukraine and this. going to keep going.ew republicans make new claims about president biden getting 10% of his son's business deal. no i in -- with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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(guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) goli, taste your goals. that anything is possible. >> greg: it sure looks like the big guy got his 10%. >> republicans giving folks thea clearest evidence of joe biden's bank account and the cash flow s check made out for $40,000 from his brother's wife. james comer said it can be traced directly back to the commies. >> he met with all thethat peope that sent his family money. we have proven he has lied countless time. we have proven they have all these bank when he found the to joe biden.$ this was40 for 40,000.t tr what is alarming is it traces back to china. t >> the g.o.p. breaking down the web of transfers. out of that cut, hunter gets10 $400,000.s 10% for thhae big guy. democrats have a simpler explanation. l >>oa two brothers loan each of their money and they payack. don't make me continue to embarrass you in committee. i feel bad when i make you look ecaulike a fool. >> the excuse, brothers being brothers. here i hs $40,000, here is $200,000 but i's wt is traced bk to china. what familwhaty doesn't have 200 shell companies?use, they have a beach house, you need the shells.ti isn't itme time to stop carryinn water for the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. >> no answer. >> i felt bad for mike johnson. he gave a good first day speech. we showed him on the showever talking about israel. i don't know where the evidence is.ily this is not how i would do business. c he was not in office. a if it said loan repayment, whoeo are we to believe james comer?e. i am more focused on israel and ukraine. >> nice deflection. i guess china is a chinese laundry. when >> you could say that. very clearly. am i the first one to be the recipient of a dana hackel? this is unbelievable. what bothers me most, the dealings they do with the company is funding the belt andu road program, which was derivedn and createded to undermine american influence in thes.e w it was created to underminem slamerican leadership everywhere o problems sleeping at night, investing in this company and in the story, theydo talk about hunter's editorial today, saying everyone isst humiliating me because of myddic addiction. nobodyr cares about your addiction. it is abouyot why your dad wouln put you out in high-stakes, international business, under different pseudo-names and putny you there to finance the familye knowing you walk the tightropen. every day of emotional balance. nobody cares about your addiction. the headline, i thought to getme sober, political weaponization of my addiction hurts more tha n me. the example they had put story after story up aboutuse hunter biden's addiction because they want to use it to distract from the exi family business. m he said i was never -- i never spoke to my son about his business dealings. he said i was never in business y son. then he says show me the money, all find me the money. they find all of these. checks. if you ask who should be believed, joe biden has set himself up to be disproven,'t knowin tg what he knows about te n stfamily business. holding them to the standard they have set for themselves iso anything but following wheret they told them to go. >> if this were a republican, b e holy on a pancake. a couple of things i was thinking. i don't know how to use venmo. i understand it is helpful. this seems like a strange fa family. y who isto loaning this money to your adult siblings? hohow w many people are like i t goinheg to lend you 500,000 and you are goin$4g to0, send me 40d you are going to send me ten anr 20. it is bizarre s >> not to mention sleeping with your widow's. wife.ok, >> who among us? abo i listened to a podcast that was very gooted about this county in washington state. they voted for who whoever has won the presidency since 1980. none of them bring up this issue when they are unhappy with biden. they think he is too old, they are upset about inflation, thea border, and crime. about a year out from the 2024 election, if you don't have ae smoking gun, you have those to this.ssue this is where republicans can win on those issues.cret >> may be joe biden is the ancient chinese secret. calgon. >> calgon was take me away. >> you are so young. medicine? >> no, i am pretty sure. cit up next, they give residents free tracking devices in case their wheels get stolen. ♪ ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. ♪ because you ain't here to love me ♪ ♪ i drink since there's nothing to lose ♪ >> liberal cities have an idea on how to fight crime and stop carjackings .mi murielna bowser is offering free air tanks to make it easier to track stolen cars. >> these tags will help mpd recover stolen vehicles and hold people accountable. the word will get out a community this is not awhil community to come in and steal cars because it won't be worth your while. we are not sure how it will make a dent in thene number of thefts happening. she was slamming a d.c. judge for sending a 15-year-old carjacking suspect home after her seventh carjackingcisi arre. >> it is the judge is right to say i prefer shelter and if i cannot get a shelter, i'm going to send this child home. the child was sent home. the child is now not with us.yo >>u. she is a danger. >> do you think these mayors have to change their stance on goin g easy on crime because they have t o deal with us on a daily basis. do you see them saying i admit my heart was in the right place? >> the city council has to make they made them less for carjacking recently. a woman already had an air tag in her car. she has it on her phone and she is watching it drive around and they said they cannot pursue. until the car is stopped, they cannot go get the car. the bigger issue is over the weekend there was another carjacking, 827 in washington, d.c., this year alone. it was a 13-year-old and a 12-year-old and it was an off-duty federal officer who12 shot the 13-year-old. the 12-year-old was taken away.d 74% of the t carjackings involve guns. p.m 12-year-olds and 13-year-olds should not be out without a parent or a guardian. they have to figure out thisdeci problem with young people deciding to be involved in this crime. it is horrible 13-year-olds have to suffer a fate they deserve it they i are going to carjack peoe and say they have houla weapon.e they ended up getting it back. is she getting to her wits' end stanon this? do you see her changing her stance? >> i. hope so. this is not going to change the things we are talking yoomu have to end the cashless bail. it is no mt working. the lethality, we should ban assault weapons. >> they are not carjacking withe assault weapons. nja >>ck i am talking about murderss well. let me finish my point. who can buy guns. >> we have these things. you are not saying things that are true.po >> if you want to be in the political business and lay out your agenda, thabut t is fine, t yoto pu have to hire cops, you n to pay them more, build more prison s because people should go to jail who commit crimes. they commit a crime and kill a cop with a gun, they should goou to jail forever. o we can talk about guns, but ivi ngdon't like kids having guns. i don't like people who are mentally unfitment having guns i don't like assault weapons in neighborhoods. that is crime in america we have to dea ou wl with. >> what is happening is a lot of people are having to make the tough decisionion to leave the t they leave the city because then don't feel safe and they don't want to cometh into work because of carjackings.y' remore people go into virginia. they are losing a lucrative tax we have seen the statistics for people who cannot read or write. brian schwab, he is focused on a lot of different things, likeri bringing a case against the nra, which doesn't have a position in the district of they have to catch the kids. there are all of these things. p >>ay do you have anything to ad >> they should put the air tags on the parents of these kids. this is how you deal with crime once you decriminalize it. we won't jail them, you don't go out after 9:00 p.m., don't wear jewelry or watches, don't buy cars that can be stolen, don't take the subway ae night and don't wear shortmora skirts. this is the same mentality applying now to every action. one thing you cannot do, protec yourself. we no longerimin imprison crimi, violent criminals, but you decide to protect yourself witha a firearm, you will be jail. that is it. we get you with the crime and wf get you if you choose to defend yourself from crime. tim we live in weird times.goin >> there is going to be an opportunity for a politician to emerge. if you tackle crime and book your own party and do the things we mention around this table,wa yournt future -- the mayor of dallas switched parties. i think the sky is the >> a we have a lot of show left. you won't believe the latest policy. ♪ ♪ this is your season to smile -- to raise a toast and gather together, to wrap up the fun and round up the gang. to help get you ready, your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. ♪ take me where they lay ♪ >> more examples of woke education. the pittsburgh public school board shelling out $50,000 to consult a group that aims toon dismantle racism in math class.e llwith methods that center on ti wellnessck of students of color. all parents are sick of it creeg in the classroom and that could be why there is a boom in t hihomeschooling. this is increased by 50% and is the fastest growing form of this makes sense to me. >> i had an idea today. there shouldassi be an ai assigi editor for the media and all yot have to do is have the robot yea watched the five and in two to three years, you will write a story that says isn't this interesting? we are the assignment editor for america. we are two to three years ahead of everyone. glenn youngkin said i am going toe ad make sure advanced math d reading is taught in your schools. t huge news in virginia that one school had eight fentanyl overdoses in three weeks and no one told the parents.e going to have to do that parents are hyper involved and they are saying what else can wo do? if a homeschool option is available, it is much more popular. there are a lot of compli complications. if it is unsafe for your kids to ago to school or you were not u trusting what they are going to get and you thin k you can do itut better, parents are going tone make that choice. >> want to think about them j making all ousf this money on these contracts? 2 >> two plus two is four and four times eight is 32. there is no woke or black orteac hispanic or white way to teach it. we should teach kids the basicst i love competition.a it gives parents more choices. e homeschooling is a choice. they should have the right to do that and the school system should be supportive. kids, we talk about how we want tothei improve their education. they have no vote.ere we have failed them consi consistently. students, 18 and under gets. shortchanged every election section because we don't improve their schools.he you have a bunch of adults who scrabble over pi applaud any competition that produces mor ae choice that produces h better if a voucher is a better result, give it toht them.on the students only win if the parents have more choices. >> you are seeing the educational equivalent of the law and order move bri i mentio you have a toxic publicpr educatioevn system that contaminates brains while you prevent escape from that by stamping out school choice er iwherever possible. who is exempt from this,yo politicians and administrations who send their brats to private we need to introduce a law, maybe it is an executive order, if you deny choice to others, your choice will be denied as well.s ifha you are against schoolik choice, your kids have to go to public. it is no different than a pro-war hawk who makes sure his kids never fight. it is the same action.imis >> i am going to build on my optimistic tone and say everyonh became aware of this looking over the shoulder of their kidu saying what are you learning and doing, what is going on, andin everyone is zoned in on what is happening in their schools. i also think minorities are also up to 16%. the parents are engaged.kid. that is not good enough. i want to raise the stakes. i will never put down teachers who think they are underpaid and the best thing to happen to a publicoo school would be competition. if thee chy can go to the chartr school around the block, why ar. we not having people? i am going to have to lay off teachers. we are going to lose teachersom and wepe will respond that way. competition works.f >> i was thinking how much better "fox & friends" would be if there was aple competition. >> lousy tippers are about to pay a price for the next time they get something delivered. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. 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(inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. goli, taste your goals. >> lousy tippers d doordash is warning cheap folks they mayfo face a longer wait fr their food orders. orders with no tip might take longer to get delivered, are you sure you want to continue? wea order a lot, do you tip? >> i canceled my doordash. i am a grubhub guy. this is not the problem for doordash. they have serious problems with the people they hire.tual i have had issues with people on. we i had to call doordash thata person threatened me and theyle said we will make sure he doesn't come to your apartment and i told them i was worried iabout other people and nothing happened. .i do grubhub. and i over >>nt biden talks a lot about fes and other things. one of the things that these companies are dealing with is any minute now, the department of labor is going to issue a rule thapat passed in californi, meaning everyone will beomin considered a full-time employee with benefits.'r the fees are coming from inside the house.'t >> i am a huge they getey paid very little per hour because they live off of the tips. if it is close, i am getting in thdre car and i am going. the i feel guilty people are dropping off my food. >> tips if the service is good. i have a husband and he goes and gets these things for me. >> do it the old-fashioned way. you callr de the restaurant and t.order delivery and let them dl with it. tm ne >> i give a cash tip because i am never sure if the driver isbg getting the money. >> i give the bargain bin kill me books as tips. >> may be is why the doordash guys want to fight you. 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saturday, november 11th. i am opening, i guess, for these two guys. joe and joe. you know them well. greg, joe devito, they're very funny. it is. take us that joe to that's november 11th. and matt on jersey. manasquan. manasquan and also there's some short questions with dana perino and the new york bureau. >> okay. >> herald cup the beatles have released their last new song using an archived audio. it's called now and then. it features voices from all of the beatles. it was made using a batch of unreleased demos written by john lennon in the seventies. here's a little taste of the audio and you're not necessarily going to dance too good to tell you. >> booker t comes out on tuesday, special drops on sunday. it's my brand new book and i'll have a chance to go into red bank, new jersey. it'll be on november 9th. hope to see you then. >> it's a great book

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Five ,Everyone D It ,New York City ,Hello ,Five Si ,00 ,5 ,Ngpresident Biden Facing Criticm ,Islamophobia ,Rise ,War ,Incidents ,Anti Semitisofm ,Wave ,America D ,Israel ,400 ,Students ,Ca Campus ,Student ,Stab ,Shoot ,Anti Semitism ,President ,Hate ,Eforms ,Administration ,University ,Strategy ,Result ,Muslims ,Social Media ,Attack ,Announcement ,Crisis ,Uptick ,Gaza ,Kamala Harris ,Anti Palestine ,Islamophobic ,Ainci Bahama ,It ,White House ,Handle ,Anti Semitism Orce ,Scourge ,The Next Step ,Actions Agencies ,100 ,Questions ,Counteromes Islamophobia ,Cave ,Hist ,Remarks ,Heckler ,Pause ,Youca ,Policies ,Contradiction ,Fund Raiser ,Someone ,Saw ,Weaponry ,Decision E Hamas ,Thing N ,Anyone ,Wy Don T ,Bomb Shelters ,Pausy E ,Askeconversation ,U S ,People ,Tunnels ,Fighters ,Israelis Doh Gaza ,Thing ,Advantage ,Ith ,Worst ,Lives ,Pause Doesn T Work ,Response ,Prime Minister ,Joke ,Making Policy Without Consultina ,Democrats ,Hate Crimes ,Ideas ,Prison ,Islamophobiait ,Wait ,Atrocity Against ,Tw Eo ,Comparison ,Hatred ,Examples ,Attacks ,Elsewhere ,Nothing ,Vp ,Receipts ,D ,Phobias ,Group D ,Talking ,Youit ,Aloupel ,One ,Story ,Victims ,Atrocities ,Victimse Are ,Hispanic ,Silence ,Violence ,Muslimsng Condemning ,October 7th ,Starting Point ,Thtinge ,7 ,History ,Version ,Historyh ,Decisivone Response ,Sp ,Now Er Roall Terror ,Byth ,Lot ,Scene ,Attention ,9 11 ,Rally ,Plan ,Atrocity ,Friends ,Fightto Islamophobia ,Feuds ,Times ,Leas T ,Hazardous ,Anything ,Pu T ,Doing ,Cookine Brg ,Let ,Fox Friends ,Producer ,Brian Schwab ,Video ,Sorh ,Target ,Charge ,Friends Segment ,Jeffrey Dahmer ,Guy ,Work ,P Law Review ,Top ,Camera ,Themlt ,Position ,Otesstudents ,Hillary Clinton ,Columbia ,Everyone ,Something ,Doom Loopress ,Youe ,Screenthats ,Way E ,Problem ,River ,Sea ,Awayhe ,Palestinianese Flage Althey ,Conversation ,Talk Aboutle ,Muslim American Vote ,Michigan ,He Hasn T Set Up ,Americans ,Leaks ,Policy Change ,Ic ,T You Don Make Policy ,Thought Heon ,Ikg ,Statements ,Minority ,Couple ,Party ,Some ,Observations ,Allies ,Wall Street Journal ,America Cannot ,D Ofeditorialized ,Two ,O ,World ,States ,Ableunited ,Seevill ,Look ,Senator Graham ,Abortion ,Senator ,Fact ,Women ,Promotions ,Tupperri Bill ,That Be Cayou ,Republicans ,Policy ,Democrats D ,Ahe Change ,Hostages ,Action ,Explosion ,Ort Or Americans Out ,Offensive ,Tha ,Israelis Ldn Who ,Segment ,Going Ew Republicans ,Handleandl Ukraine ,Son ,Protein ,Energy ,Claims ,Business Deal ,10 ,30 ,Health ,Infrastructure ,Sugar ,Nutrients ,Minerals ,Vitamins ,Cyberattacks ,Ahh ,Woo Hoo ,25 ,Wall ,Security ,Services ,Google ,Guitar Music ,Belt ,Golo ,Stacey ,60 ,Weight ,Notch ,Speaker ,Wounded Warrior Project ,Life ,House ,Tools ,Sense ,First ,Camaraderie ,Narrator ,Warriors ,Families ,Community Support ,Mental Health Services ,Career Assistance ,Cost ,Advocacy ,Life Skill Training ,20 ,Strength ,Others ,Shell ,Community ,Peace ,Team ,Part ,Voice ,Inspirational Music ,Goals ,Folks ,Joe Biden ,Greg ,Evidence ,Looks ,Check ,James Comer ,Peope ,Commies ,Bank Account ,Thethat ,Cash Flow S ,His Brother S Wife ,0000 ,40000 ,Family Money ,Bank Accounts Bi ,Was40 ,China ,T Tr ,Transfers ,Web ,Cut ,Big Guy ,Hunter Gets10 ,400000 ,00000 ,Money ,Brothers ,Explanation ,Boa ,Committee ,Excuse ,Brothers Being ,Ecaulike A Fool ,Shell Companies ,Use ,Beach House ,Shells ,Wt ,Ti Isn T Itme ,What Familwhaty Doesn T Have 200 ,Carryinn ,200000 ,200 ,Country ,Water ,Answer ,Mike Johnson ,Speech ,Showever ,Is Ily ,Office ,Loan Repayment ,Business C ,Whoeo ,Laundry ,Deflection ,Ukraine ,Chinese ,Nice ,Recipient ,Dana Hackel ,Company ,Dealings ,Road Program ,Derivedn ,Createded ,Belt Andu ,Problems ,Underminem Slamerican ,Influence ,Thes E Areas It W ,Addiction ,Dad ,International Business ,Wouln ,Myddic Addiction ,Theydo Talk About Hunter S ,Nobodyr ,Familye ,Putny ,Balance ,Nobody ,Tightropen ,Weaponization ,Headline ,Example ,Hunter Biden ,Story Up Aboutuse ,Tha N Me ,Family Business ,Business Dealings ,Exi ,Checks ,Show Me The Money ,Business Y Son ,Standard ,Wheret ,Te N Stfamily Business , Knowin Tg ,Iso ,Things ,Pancake ,Holy ,Isto Loaning ,Adult ,Siblings ,Strange Fa Family ,Venmo ,It Goinheg ,Behavior Er S ,To0 ,Hohow W ,Anr , ,40 ,500000 ,Ten ,4 ,Podcast ,Widow ,Sleeping ,Abo ,Wife Ok ,Issue ,Presidency ,County ,None ,Washington State ,1980 ,Crime ,You Don T Have Ae Smoking Gun ,Election ,Inflation ,Thea Border ,2024 ,Secret ,Issues Cret ,This Ssue ,Medicine ,Calgon ,Cit Up Next ,Case ,Tracking Devices ,Wheels ,Rinvoq ,Results ,Course ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Uc ,Damage Rinvoq ,Symptom Relief ,Colon Lining ,Remission ,Leave Bathroom ,Urgency ,Chance ,Infections ,Ability ,Fatal ,Blood Clots ,Tb ,Doctor ,Intestines ,Heart Attack ,Risks ,Death ,Cancers ,Skin Cancer ,Heart Disease Risk Factor ,Reactions ,Tears ,Stroke ,Lymphoma ,Stomach ,50 ,1 ,Abbvie ,Gastroenterologist ,Idea ,Ain T ,Stop ,Cities ,Cars ,Tags ,Carjackings ,Air Tanks ,Mpd ,Vehicles ,Mi Murielna Bowser ,Word ,Number ,Thefts ,Dent ,Judge ,Washington D C ,15 ,Home ,Carjacking ,Child ,Shelter ,Carjackingcisi Arre ,Mayors ,Stance ,Danger ,She ,U ,Us Yo ,City Council ,Goin G ,Heart ,Basis ,Car ,Woman ,Phone ,Air Tag ,Weekend ,Away D ,Officer ,12 ,13 ,827 ,Guns ,T Carjackings ,74 ,P M ,74 ,Parent ,Guardian ,Thisdeci ,Houla Weapon E ,Fate ,Carjack Peoe ,Hope ,Wits ,About Fr Yoomu ,Cashless ,Assault Weapons ,Withe ,Point ,Lethality ,Murderss Well ,Nja ,Prison S ,Crimes ,Business ,Jail ,Agenda ,You N ,T Yoto Pu Have To Hire Cops ,Thabut T Is Fine ,Gun ,Cop ,Ivi Ngdon T Like Kids ,Jail Forever ,Neighborhoods ,Dea Ou Wl ,City ,Happening ,Decisionion ,Cityity Ve ,Statistics ,Tax ,Carjackings Y ,Remore People Go Into Virginia ,Write ,Cannot ,Likeri ,Kids ,Doesn T ,District ,Nra ,Parents ,Air Tags ,P Ay ,Jewelry ,Watches ,You Adapt As Don T Go Out ,Jail Them ,9 ,Don T Take The Subway Ae Night And ,Mentality ,Wear Shortmora Skirts ,Criminals ,Longerimin Imprison Crimi ,Firearm ,Tim ,Wa Yournt Future ,Politician ,Opportunity ,Show ,Parties ,Sky ,Mayor ,Dallas ,Limit Ng ,Won T Last ,Smile ,Toast ,Plus ,Help ,Patients ,Exam ,Care ,Aspen ,Insurance ,Treatment Plan ,Fun ,Gang ,X Rays ,Epic Anniversary Savings Event ,Memories ,Aspen Dental ,Book Today ,Education ,Public School Board Shelling ,Pittsburgh ,50000 ,Group ,Math ,Toon ,Racism ,Ti Wellnessck ,Llwith Methods ,Color ,Classroom ,It Creeg ,Boom In T Hihomeschooling ,Form ,Ai ,Assigi Editor ,Interesting ,Media ,Isn T ,Robot ,Yot ,Three ,Schools ,Make ,Math D Reading ,News ,Assignment Editor ,Virginia ,Glenn Youngkin ,School ,Fentanyl Overdoses ,Parents E ,Eight ,Compli Complications ,Homeschool Option ,Choice ,Tone ,Contracts ,Ousf ,Two Plus ,Itut Better ,2 ,Four ,Choices ,Basicst ,Orteac ,32 ,E Homeschooling ,School System ,Vote ,18 ,Bunch ,Schools ,Adults ,Election Section ,Scrabble Over It At ,Competition ,Ae ,Voucher ,Pi ,Law And Order ,Equivalent ,Move Bri ,System ,Stamping Out School Choice ,Toxic Publicpr Educatioevn ,Er Iwherever ,Politicians ,Executive Order ,Law ,Administrations ,Oyo ,Brats ,Public ,Schoolik ,Well S Ifha ,Hawk ,Imis ,Kidu ,Saying ,Shoulder ,Everyonh ,Andin ,Enough ,Stakes ,Minorities ,Engaged Kid ,16 ,Teachers ,Chartr School ,Publicoo School ,Thee Chy ,Teachersom ,Competition Works Fi ,Wepe ,Why Ar ,The Block ,Aple Competition ,Lousy Tippers ,Liberty Mutual ,Dog Walking Business ,Car Insurance ,Price ,Hundreds ,Blend ,Dog Barks ,Glucerna Protein ,Bunny ,Pay ,Diabetes ,Living ,Blood Sugar Response ,Aaron ,Veterans ,Warrior ,Needs ,Beginning ,Goli ,Tip ,Borders ,Food Orders ,Lousy Tippers Beware At D Doordash ,My Doordash ,Order ,Grubhub ,Wea ,Issues ,Theyle ,Apartment ,Companies ,Fes ,Department Of Labor ,Benefits ,Employee ,Rule Thapat ,Californi ,Tipper Th ,Fees ,Tips ,Service ,Food ,Thdre ,Husband ,Way ,Dl ,Delivery ,You Callr De The Restaurant And T Order ,Bargain Bin Kill Me Books ,Cash ,Driver Isbg ,Tm Ne ,Guys ,Botox ,Cosmetic ,Lines ,My Name S Eric ,39 ,Effects ,Feet ,Forehead Lines ,Frown Lines ,Crow ,Fda ,Symptoms ,Difficulty Swallowing ,Speaking ,Phone Lines ,Forehead ,Muscle Weakness ,Injection ,Sign ,Breathin Sig Problems Orng ,Side Effects ,Conditions ,Medications ,C ,Condition ,Headache ,Risk ,Skin Infection ,Eyelid Swelling ,Swelling ,Drooping ,E Site Pain ,Botulinum Toxins ,Tellserisk Ide Effects ,Reactionshiste Condit ,Eyebrow Eyelid ,Cowboy ,Scar ,Se E ,My Fy Come From Farmers For Generations ,Discoverinour Blg ,Cowgirln ,Blood ,Family Heritage ,Title ,Name ,Thief ,Gift ,Scam ,Ancestry ,Fbi ,House Stealing ,Victim ,Person ,Foreclosure Notices ,Mortgages ,90 ,Day One ,Title Status ,Teas ,Matthew ,Title Ask Com ,Melissa ,Clean Thrive ,Com ,Bank ,Identity Thieves ,Body Types ,Confidence ,Threads ,Information ,Lifelock ,Fit ,Ways ,Super Bidet ,Bathroom ,Bathroom Trips ,Trips ,Restoration Specialist ,Men ,Formula ,Bathroom Interruptions ,Stream ,Category ,Emptying ,Let S Super Beta ,Officials ,Artillery ,Normalcy ,Retailers ,Forces ,Fighter Jets ,Knife ,Units ,Defense ,Hamas ,Proxy ,Updates ,Coverage ,Stay ,Rick Talk ,Fox News ,Iranian ,Stars ,Kat Timpf ,Shows ,Emily Austin ,Tom Shillue ,Tyra ,November 5th ,Sanford ,Tickets ,Headlining ,Eighth ,Dot Com ,Connecticut ,Albany ,December 3rd ,Jake Gutfeld ,Hard Rock ,New York Comedy Festival ,3 ,Journalism ,Board ,Center ,The Real Catch ,Kat Timpf Com ,Working ,Excellence ,Mia ,Nominees ,First Down Prize Awards Ceremony ,National Press Club ,Town Hall ,Files ,Pulitzer ,ExposÉ ,Success ,Graduations ,Michael Shellenberger ,Big Dow Prize ,Barry Weiss ,Matt Taibbi ,Twitter ,100000 ,Joe Devito ,November 11th ,Saturday ,Be Com ,11 ,Saturday November 11th ,The Beatles ,Audio ,Song ,Voices ,Now And Then ,Batch ,Bureau ,Matt On Jersey ,Manasquan ,Dana Perino ,Herald Cup ,Seventies ,Taste ,Unreleased Demos Written By ,John Lennon ,Booker T ,Book ,Great Book ,Brand New ,Red Bank ,New Jersey ,Special Drops On Sunday ,November 9th ,

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