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moving in and out of the strip since the war began. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. 400 americans are in gaza. jonathan hunt has the latest with all of it. jonathan. >> jonathan: todd piro and carley, good morning to you. this is an agreement broken by the qataris along with egypt, israel, u.s. and hamas. it will allow, we are told, all foreign nationals, passport holders, to leave gaza via southern border crossing with rafah. you look at live picture of that border crossing. we understand that some of the foreign nationals have already gone through the crossing and have been processed. we do not know at this point whether that includes americans, but we are told that americans are obviously among those who will be allowed to leave gaza today, after three weeks stuck there in the most terrifying of circumstances. meantime, u.s. officials are doing nothing to hide their concern over the potential for a regional conflict here. the impact that might have on u.s. interests in the middle east and the potential for a regional conflict to inspire perhaps attacks even on u.s. soil. first to the conflict in the region and the concern over that. the pentagon announced it is moving 300 more u.s. troops, that brings the total 1200 deployed since the terrorist attacks of october 7, including those onboard the eisenhower and uss carney carrier group. the concern is other groups getting involved and iran-backed groups in iran and syria. u.s. troops have been targeted in the region many times. pat ryder, pentagon spokesman told us yesterday afternoon, there have been 27 attacks on on u.s. troops. none have been killed, but some have suffered minor injuries. worry about the possibility of attacks here in the region and also back at home. here is fbi director christopher wray. >> our most immediate concern is that violent extremists will draw inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks against americans. tradi traditional, formal terrorist organizations have made statement of potential attack here. >> jonathan: director wray said that the potential threat level is reaching what he called "historic levels," todd and carley, dangerous times we are living in. >> carley: one of the most concerns thing you could hear was said by christopher wray yesterday. on the breaking news regarding rafah crossing, we know for weeks hamas was reluctant to open their side of the gate and egypt didn't want the people either. what changed? >> jonathan: this has been a deal in the works for sometime now. qataris have been playing a major role in the mediation efforts on all levels, regarding the hostages, as well. this agreement is entirely separate from talks about the hostages. the various groups, including the u.s., got together and hammered out this agreement. it is only foreign nationals that are being allowed and some critically injured palestinians. we saw ambulances from the egyptian side at rafah crossing. those clearly on their way to pick up some of the dozens of critically injured palestinians who are being taken out today thchl is entirely separate agreement, carley, from any talks about the release of hostages. those talks still ongoing. no progress that we know of to report at this point, carley and todd. >> todd: with regard to getting the larger gazan population out of the area, people who leave going to other countries, egypt, jordan, said we don't want the individuals. compare to poland where poland said bring your refugees, they better wake up soon and do it. jonathan, thank you. >> carley: an expert on the underground tunnel system and a captain in idf joins us now. good morning to you. unlike traditional war fought on the street, this one will also be fought underground. what can you tell us about this network of tunnels, how to destroy it, militants hiding inside and rescuing the hostages that could be there, as well. >> thank you and good morning. thank you for the compliment, i don't know if i'm an expert on warfare. i fought in the gaza strip in 2009 and 2014. and i am completely aware of this threat of tunnels. you need to understand the tunnel threat is not just threatening when you fight underground, it threaten when you fight over the ground. you can be tackled from anywhere. you can move certain building that you think you cleared it, but all of a sudden, you will see a tunnel hold and forces will come out and tackle you. you always need to be prepared to be tackled 360 as you go along. on the other end, the tunnel threat is more severe than it used to be in 2014, because now we need to remember that as long we can see the tunnels, in 2014, we just destroy them. now it is a whole new ball game because inside the tunnels, there are probably, as we have seen from testimony of people being taken there, civilians, israeli civilians, our own men, women, children, elderly, being held there in order to protect the hamas leaders and fighters. it is going to be a whole new threat. the idea to go inside, we could see and here and everyone could see the tunnels, wide, tall, booby trapped in many occasions. they have a lot of twists and turns. might not see where you are going and it is going to be a very tough challenge for the idf soldiers, but i'm certain that there will be able to cope with it and overcome the challenge. >> todd: this tunnel system is extensive, stretching throughout gaza. you can see yellow lines showing where the tunnels themselves are located. that is taking up what, 60% of gaza based upon what you are seeing on your screen. where does idf get intel to know where to attack tunnels and when in from interrogation of hamas prisoners or palestinians who want to keep attacks from hitting their homes which is how you get into tunnels. where is the idf getting intel from? >> i'm not an intelligence person, i was an infantry soldier. i can tell you obviously the idf gets intel from people it interrogates and gets now as soldiers are on the ground intel from the soldiers. our soldiers are inside the gaza strip right now, they are progressing and locating tunnels and they market on all of the maps and software the idf has and cross-reference with other idf with air cameras and human intelligence and gives idf the ability to provide clear picture on where these tunnels and how you can eliminate them. >> todd: omer levi, thank you. idf says 10 soldiers were killed yesterday in gaza bringing idf casualties inside gaza to at least 12. >> carley: trey yingst is live in southern israel with the latest. good morning. >> trey: todd and carley, good morning. israeli military has updated the death toll from the incident that took place yesterday morning where anti-take was fired at soldiers inside gaza. that death toll reached 10 people in addition to two others announced early yesterday by israeli military from the givati brigade reconnaissance unit. there are battles inside the gaza strip. last night along the border, we could hear the gunfire and israelis call nothing air support to support soldiers on the ground. this will be a difficult street-by-street battle as israel looks to push deeper into gaza in efforts to destroy hamas. on the givalia refugee camp, israelis say around 50 militants were killed, including berari, a top commander that led the givalia group. the israeliings are getting new questions about the number of civilians killed in those strikes and these are legitimate questions that need to be asked to the israeli military about how many civilians they knew were in the area and how many they believe were killed as a result. last night on a briefing with a spokesman for the israeli military and he discussed this issue, saying the target for israelis was this top commander and there was collateral damage and they are investigating the incident. this is the environment the israelis are fighting in and we expect more civilian casualties amid this war. rafah crossing between gaza and egypt will be open today to allow for some injured palestinians to leave and foreign nationals. this is a very positive development for the american citizens trapped inside gaza. we've been talking to some of them, they remain terrified. they have been stuck in gaza since october 7. they hope the nationals will be allowed to leave. >> todd: thank you. dramatic video of a police takedown. we want to warn you, may be hard to watch for some viewers. illinois state police using a cruiser to stop a murder suspect wanted for opening fire on a fellow officer. we'll tell you what happened next. >> carley: right, plus the cornell student arrested for making threats against jewish classmates will be in court today. discussing antisemitism on campuses, details coming up next. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ i hope you all like potatoes... these are fresh from my garden. what? is your... garden in idaho? no, it's in my backyard. ahhhh! always look for the grown in idaho seal. c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> todd: illinois state police releasing this shocking dash cam video showing the moment a suspect fires 10 shots at a trooper last week. police say he started beating up trooper green fracturing his face and skull, causing a brain bleed before fleeing the scene. next part of footage may be hard to watch. custody taken into custody after that, a police vehicle hit him. the officer and that suspect still in the hospital this morning. trooper's mother giving an update on social media, he has a long road, but will endure, this will not get him down, it will make him stronger. the alleged shooter was a suspect in the murder of his ex-girlfriend, he is charged with attempted first-degree murder and aggravated battery to a police officer. >> carley: opening arguments in the case of armstrong for the death of anna wilson. she was caught after a manhunt that ended in costa rica. armstrong tried to escape from officers taking her to a medical appointment, but was unsuccessful. wilsons shot five times outside a home in austin, texas. she had romantic ties to armstrong's boyfriend. the alleged killer faces 99 years in prison and has pleaded not guilty. >> todd: cornell university junior accused of making death threats to jewish students under arrest yesterday on criminal complaint. brooke singman has more. >> brooke: 21-year-old patrick dye was taken into custody. dye posted wildly disturbing post with language that called for the killing of jewish students and allegedly threatened to bring an assault weapon to campus. he is charged with death threats using intra state communication, which carries sentence of five years in prison and three years on parole. threats like the ones made by dire are popping up across the country. two university students shared unsettling first-hand experiences. i've heard students chanting death to jews, these are horrific things to say at a so-called peaceful protest temperature is very scary. in class, i sit next to peers who cheer on hamas and support the murder of 1400 innocent israelis. it is horrible, i don't think i will feel safe on campus. >> brooke: lawmakers are pushing to defund universities failing to address the crisis. taxpayer dollars should not go to universities that promote hate and republican conference does not want to see new yorker tax dollars going to fund antisemitism indoctrination. nevada democrat senator jackie rosen is calling for federal action. in letter to department of education, writes no student should have to fear for safety or ability to study in a safe environment. i therefore strongly urge you to take immediate action to keep jewish students safe. according to the antidefamation league, incidents of antisemitism are up 400% compared to last year. >> carley: rise in antisemitism is a topic of conversation on the campaign trail, republican presidential candidate and former un ambassador nikki haley has this message for pro-hamas college students. >> what i don't expect is to see what is happening in our cities and what is happening on college campuses. protests we are seeing, are you telling me professors and college students are supporting a terrorist organization that i asked for a vote at the united nations and majority of the countries at the un agreed hamas was a terrorist organization. we have americans protesting saying they support an organization that is a terrorist organization that killed 33 americans, that took almost 20 hostage that said death to america and continues to say death to america everyday. >> carley: more protests are expected. thousands are expected to march on washington this saturday as part of free palestine international day of solidarity. >> todd: other news, joe biden making phone calls to phone numbers overseas and hunter was on the hook for the bill. this is around the time joe cashed $200,000 check from his brother james. we are calling up joe concha with a rotary phone to tell us what it was about. >> carley: and a florida doctor was on vacation when the war began and he decided to stay to treat idf soldiers. he is here with a first-hand account from the battlefield next. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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>> i'm in a unit that specializes in battlefield triage, assessing, treating and stabilizing battlefield injuries. we have been training every year, we meet for one week a year to maintain high state of readiness and then we were mobilized on october 7 when the hostility began in an attempt to save as many battlefield lives as possible. >> carley: there is hamas and how they operate. their command center is under a hospital, they are hiding behind palestinians, as a doctor, as a human being, what is your reaction to that? >> it is so difficult. hamas cynically uses the citizens of gaza as human shields. they shoot rockets from civilian areas, under hospitals in concerted effort to murder israeli civilians while avoiding repercussions. this causes the idf to sometimes limit forces they use to limit civilian casualties, even though this exposing idf to casualties themselves. my unit is designed to treat combat injuries and mobilized in part because of this. >> carley: you have a beautiful family, four children and a wife who love you, given the things she said about you in the media, i'm sure you are proud of them and hope you get back to them safely very soon. dr. cory harow, thank you for joining us. >> todd: border between israel and gaza, our southern border still open, we have seen most encounters ever reported including 172 suspected terrorists, expect to see voters respond during state elections on tuesday. we are talking to -- being watched around the nation. print. mom, we're gunna be late. i know, sweetie. print! come on, print! out of ink again? 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>> i believe the number is over 600,000, it is a powerful example of a broken immigration system. >> todd: he casually says 600,000, like it is six or 600. 600,000 is four rose bowls, how do you respond to a statement like that when mayorkas and the biden administration is responsible for breaking the system? >> this is ridiculous. i believe clearly they are allowing this to happen. this is by design. and this is step one for their -- i think it is a socialist agenda to flood the united states with illegals. let's call a duck a duck. they are not migrating here to learn a skill and go back where they came from. they are here to stay. i disagree, you say the border is secure? use that the border goes nowhere, stays where it is. people going over the border is out of control. i don't like it, the american people don't like it when you lie to their face. they are not doing anything to stop this. i know people that live on the border. the border patrol can't talk about what they see. no one come and see the truth of what is going on down here. i disagree. i think he's a problem to be honest. >> todd: you have to worry about the northern border. you are there with canada, to think that border is secure is a falsehood. how important is border security in your race, statewide race in new hampshire. >> i'm running in ward four, which is on the massachusetts border, we're going to see more people coming from lowell and tons of people moving and going north and more north. it is already here. the other day, i had a homeless person go through my front yard and go next door and sleep. it is going to be a big issue, it is going to begin with people showing up and it is going to get worse and worse. we have a housing issue in new hampshire. we need to be able to take care of our people first and everyone else we have to draw a line somewhere. we have to be proactive in terms of how we monitor this. this needs to be monorred and we have to call time out, that's it, we can't take anymore people. we have difficulty taking care of our own people. it is an issue. i want to make this statement. not all people heading in here to my area in southern new hampshire have intention of milking the system and overwhelming our welfare system, there are people that want to work and special treatment should be made especially involved in construction and can help build facility that will help us. >> todd: understood, if you would have told me border security would be issue in new hampshire, i would have said, you are crazy, it is an issue in every state. >> appreciate it, sir. >> carley: over to washington, president biden is threatening to veto republican stand alone israel age package. cheryl casone has the latest on that and the ceasefire protesters, did you see this? 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[screaming] >> ceasefire now. ceasefire now. [chanting] >> passion expressed in this room and outside this room, all of us are committed to the protection of civilian life. all of us know the suffering that is taking place as we speak. all of us are determined to see it end. >> cheryl: he responded and said we understand this is reality, this is code pink, there were 12 arrests during this hearing. secretary of defense lloyd austin had to deal with same protest, all this about -- again, they want overall $106 billion bill. the house is saying be more critical about how to fund different conflicts. >> todd: power move, you don't need all this money for the irs if you are insistent to money going overseas, take irs money. they can still do their job. >> carley: it is political and israeli aid is so important. >> todd: travesty taking place on soccer fields in washington state. >> cheryl: seattle area, they ended their season early because of the homeless camp that basically there is video of it right now, there is trash and drug use, people passed out. we can't have kids near this and around this and damage to the field. the ceo spoke to jesse watters, listen to what he had to say about the league. >> the parents are mortified, i'm in a tough spot, these are underprivileged kids that are financially challenged. if i cancel the season, where do we go? if i cancel the season, like i don't care about our poor children. i'm in a lose/lose situation. the county has been telling me to take care of this problem for three years now. >> cheryl: almost four if you look at research. he says he's been abandoned by city leaders in seattle. fox news reached out and they said they will be addressing it. these are economically challenged kids that do not have a soccer field anymore. >> carley: when kids sometimes only positive thing in their life are sports and being part of a team and to take that away from kids is unbelievable. >> cheryl: i guess the homeless are more important. >> todd: to the world series, battle of texas rangers, one win from clinching the commissioner trophy with all the flags after dominating diamondbacks. marcus semie n leading his team to victory. >> rangers 7-0 and semien crushes it to left field. to the wall and goodbye. it is a wrap in game four. >> todd: if players like semien, and seager were on the yankees? oh, they were, the yankees messed that up? that was for you, david wells. tonight 7 p.m. eastern on foxes. i'm not bitter. mike johnson responding to media attacks against his christian faith. >> i was reading about the horrible shooting in maine, apparently he heard voices, i thought, is he that different from mike johnson. >> the bible does not inform his world view, it is his world view. >> todd: how he's responding when joe concha join us next. >> carley: lawrence jones will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: one more game. just one more. u.s. set to send 300 additional troops to middle east as pentagon confirmed 27 attacks on u.s. forces last two weeks alone. this as christopher wray says hamas could inspire attacks at home, but stayed silent when asked if the country is safer under biden. cbp reporting 3 million nationwide encounters, leaving migrant leader to slam biden policy as group of 5000 head to the border. brian and i break it down ahead. new york woman seen tearing down posters of kidnapped israeli hostages. the student who confronted her will join us on set inform fiery senate hearing hecklers call for israel/hamas ceasefire screaming as secretary of state blinken. rand paul was in the hearing and will join us. join us at the top of the hour for a busy thursday morning. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. i hope you all like potatoes... these are fresh from my garden. what? 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>> it's not surprising. it is disgusting. mike johnson used the proper word there to describe some of the reporting from, you know, journalism outlets like the daily beast and obviously what we heard from jen psaki. we have all this anti-semitism that we are seeing in our own nation right now and have people bike jen psaki saying mike johnson is a, quote, threat unquote because he is a what, christian? perhaps ms. psaki should look at the comments by people of her own party her friends like rashida tlaib and ilhan omar calling israel a racist state and engaging in apartheid if she is looking for rhetorical threats to this country. quote in 1867 mike johnson's great, great, great grandfather, a confederate soldier, pledged not to engage in rebellion again because what everybody's great, great, great grandfather did 150 years ago has any bearing on the way this man can possibly lead a party in the house. it's just pathetic at this point, todd. >> todd: also, half the country fought on one side. half the country fought on the other. if you trace every person from the south wants lineage yeah they may have somebody who may have said we're not going to fight for the south anymore. how is this controversial? this is an attack on the judeo-christian foundation of our country. joe, isn't that the point of a lot of these attacks attack the foundation and building here in this case america collapses? >> joe: that's the whole thing it. seems like if you are a christian, suddenly it's a free target. it's the easy religion to pick on. i just don't understand why when he just says okay, you know, i'm blessed to be where i am and thank god for all my gifts appreciating what i have, that's somehow controversial, but, you know, in this world, it doesn't matter hot house speaker is, they would have found something whether it was steve scalise or jim jordan or kevin mccarthy as we have seen to paint this person somehow as extremist and as evil and bad for the country. that's just the way the game works now at this point with many in our media. >> carley: ending the show with this, joe. email reportedly shows hunter biden was billed hundreds of dollars for overseas calls on a phone linked to dad joe. joe received about $200,000 from his brother jim's business a few days after making those phone calls. what's your reaction to this? >> this is obviously more overwhelming evidence, carley, that the president himself benefited from influence peddling overseas like china and russia and ukraine. if you replace china's name with trump, calling for his impeachment and removal. i will leave it here. look at the home pages of the "new york times" and cnn there are multiple, multiple it on trump and legal challenges. isn't a mention of this bombshell regarding joe biden. all those phone calls overseas and $200,000 check showing we may have a president compromised many countries somehow it's not a story. go figure. >> ainsley: what human pays for their dad's overseas phone calls? that seems weird. joe concha, got to leave it there. thank you. >> not mine. >> todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> lawrence: a fox news alert. value continued to target hamas

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