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>> brian: fox news alert, idf announcing death of hamas commander who directed major attacks on october 7. >> lawrence: the idf is pushing deeper into the enclave as we learn total of 240 people are being held hostage. >> ainsley: that number keeps going up and israeli forces are hunting hamas inside the tunnel network. >> steve: trey yingst is live in southern israel with the latest. trey, good morning to you, good afternoon there. day 25, what is the latest? >> trey: yeah, hi, guys, good morning. significant breaking news. israeli military says the arrow missile defense system intercepted one fired from yemen. the arrow defense system was used for the first time. likely ballistic missile fired by houthi rebels, backed by the iranian regime. fighter jets were scrambled to shoot them down. last hour initially thought to be drones were launched and traveled over the red sea may have been cruise missiles along with one ballistic missile. step out of the scene and show you the scene behind me. there is heavy fighting ongoing inside the gaza strip as infantry troops push deeper into gaza. i did meet with the defense minister gallant who spoke about the inside. all we have been able to get approved is there are heavy battles inside the strip from the brigade and israeli military operating at thissure ho. number of hostages risen to 240 people, does not include five that are back safely in israel. that is two more than citizens, two israeli citizens and the soldier rescued yesterday by the israeli military during a raid. that soldier is a private who was freed during the operation, originally taken on october 7 from the base sitting along the gaza border. you saw that picture with her family. they look relieved to have their daughter back in safe hands after so many weeks in hamas apcaptivity. new video todayed of a strike against a top hamas commander inside gaza. that commander directed one of the attacks on october 7. a lot of activity taking place along the gaza strip and there is heavy babattle at this hour. >> brian: rocket coming from hezbollah sponsored by iran and houthi rebels would not exist without iran, this is iran over and over again. how soon until this expanding to iran to tehran? >> trey: it's a great question, the threat israel faces are coming from iran ian houthis. they are receiving from the iranian regime. hezbollah is not making munition themselves, they are being smuggled into southern lebanon originating in tehran, in iran. when will the israelis expand against iran and proxies in the region, you are starting to see israelis strike deeper into lebanon and can expect a level of response following this about liftic and cruise misattack earr today. >> steve: trey yingst, thank you, be careful. >> brian: the arrow defense system has not been used until today. >> ainsley: every direction. let's bring in pete hegseth, "fox and friends" weekend co-host who went down into the terror tunnels a few years ago. you heard trey's report about this private that was found. we are happy she's home, an israeli soldier. sounds like they rescued her >> the tunnels? >> steve: trey was reluctant to say that. >> ainsley: what are the tunnels like, pete? >> pete: the ones i saw were for personnel to sneak into southern israel underneath the border area. that was five years ago, they are more complex now. as you get deeper, they get wider, some can vehicles drive in them. there are barracks where people sleep and live and pump in oxygen. what brings to mind, if they rescued one soldier issue the lieutenant colonel is correct, these are shaping operation, probing, trying to get a sense of what defenses are. it leads me to believe the hostage holding is more ad hoc than we think, you may have different cells in different places holding different people at different locations. israeli defense forces have not probed deep into gaza. if you look at shots trey is showing and the map over the north of israel, they mostly been moving in country side or rural areas that are buffer between southern israel and gaza city and creating condition to move into larger urban area and have not gone to high rise location which have more risk for infantry troops. they found a hostage in rural areas, the networks are disbursed and only for personnel. it's a good sign, very much only the beginning. >> steve: we are showing scheme attics of what is underneath the main hospital in gaza city, that is where all the bad guys have been. they have now probably scadaddled. you think they wouldn't have hostages under the high rise, if they get killed, there goes leverage. they are trying to protect them and probably have them all over the place. >> might be. the fact there was one in that location lead you to believe they may be more disbursed than thought. that is largest hospital in gaza city, perfect example of demonstration of hamas. build most significant military infrastructure underneath the most significant protected infrastructure inside gaza and dare israel to do something about it, which they won't. there are 60,000 civilians sheltering in that hospital, that is an area they are a long way from. there is bombardment around the area. it sounds like so far israeli forces have probed into external tunnels and met some resistance, killed hamas terrorists and we reported on this sponge bomb. they will plug holes and move forward and you don't have people popping up behind you. when you clear, you want to believe you are clearing things. >> lawrence: i keep getting the question of what does the u.s. care? not only because israel is an ally of ours? same iranian proxies attacking israel are now attacking u.s. bases, as well. and tehran is sending a warning, you poke the bear, you know, you reap what you sow. why isn't the administration responding? there is no response like when they attacked bases in syria and called his putin counterpart and said we're going to annihilate you guys. why is that? >> this administration has been playing footsie with iran from the beginning for weird reasons when you consider the fact from inception of revolution until today, their motto is death to israel and death to america. they playicate this iran deal that will lead iran to a bomb. this is iran's bomb. iran's war against israel. can you imagine if the war was being conducted under the umbrella of iran having a nuclear bomb. of them having that kind of ace in the hole when prevents from moving on terror states on its borders and this administration has executed this as if that doesn't matter. as if it is insignificant. we have troops who are vulnerable to attack. we don't have sufficient force protection we should to defend them and haven't told iran, if you touch our people, you die. that is what donald trump did. if you touch our people, you die. forget this un proportionate response garbage, if you touch the hair on the head of one, we will spill your blood, including your top commander. they don't back down on negotiating tables, if you want peace look like you are willing to use it being i don't want american troops involved in this. destroy hamas and defeat iran so israel exists as a modern democratic state. in order to allow them to do that, posture strong and we are not doing that. >> look, we have some strength, you are okay to stand up to iran, we got your back. right now we show weakness. the iran foreign -- wrong american policy in the region which we'll correct. you reap what you sow. you better correct yourself, but wait a second, getting word the president did say two weeks ago, don't. then again that is strong enough, i think. i'm getting corrected again, it makes no sense, the vice president said it again, ridiculous, if we don't answer back. pete, do we know exactly where the militias are and what they are capable of? yes, yes, yes. we hit them before, if you were stationed at that base, how would you feel knowing you are being handcuffed and have to depend on defense knocking down drones before they knock you out. >> i would be thinking i'm a sitting duck. only security i have on our base in iraq and afghanistan, belief we could go out of that base and conduct operation when necessary, kill bad guys, that is not a big part of the issue. they are working with local forces to degrade isis and prevent. iraq and syria, south eastern syria is root by which iran would move weapon and fighters to lebanon to borders around israel, intradicting flow of traffic. if you can't fight back and won't do so overwhelmingly, i know the mindset of those guys and been on the bases. they are thinking, what are we doing here? who is protecting us and what is the strategic end state? that is how they must feel. 2500 in iraq, 900 in syria, ton in kuwait and all around there and uae, if qatar, people everywhere. >> steve: i know you went to a couple ivy league schools. what do you make of yale, student newspaper had that op ed talking about atrocities and went back in and said we took that down, that did not really happen. they were saying there were no decapitations or wasn't widespread slaughter, what do you make of that? >> ivy league schools are cesspools, hedge funds that exist to grow endowment and teach classes and accept foreign money with radical ideology. ivy league school are enemy of the future of our republic, they are training future so-called elites who believe america is evil place and israel should not exist and west is full of oppressors and anything we do is wrong and that is what we are teaching future leaders to believe and they are stirring cocktail of antisemitism as if this is acceptable and as if we have not learned sins of the past donors backing out, i'm glad to see it, where were you five, 10, 15 years ago? it is obvious, they are celebrating terrorists, something we should have known a long time ago, these schools were gone, they were to train presbyterian and pure tan ministerings and now their chief chaplain is atheist. they believe in ideas not to support our republic, we should not give a dime to them ever again. >> lawrence: they have been lecturing us for years how to conduct ourselves, who to hire, what to do in the work place and they march with the people and support hamas openly. everybody knows your school is fine. in college, ions ago, politics department had 35. we countered on place of open idea, we can have discourse if we disagree, that is not what it is. the department is controlled by marxist and controlled by marxist who don't tolerate free speech and expect your kids to conform and count on the fact kids coming to school believe those crazy things and they have taken over k-12 education, as well. get rid of rose-collared glasses is and cheer for the mascot, that is all over, schools are death of republic. >> ainsley: if they lose a few donors, they are getting so much money from other countries. >> qatar. saudi arabia. >> china. >> steve: somebody should write a book about this, pete, just saying. >> ainsley: thank you, pete. to more reporting on the antisemitic attitude taking over college campuses. new york governor kathy hochul announcing stepping up security at cornell university after serious threats against jewish threats there. >> steve: griff jenkins joins us with the latest. tell us about it. >> griff: college campuses across the country at cornell, yale, harvard have become hotbeds for antisemitism so much so kathy hochul had to go to cornell and demanthose making death threats be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law. look at this social media post, one of many that frightened people, it said jewish people need to be killed. that is cornell. follow them home and slit their throats. the white house, peter doocy pressed karine jean-pierre to label antisemitism as extremists, watch. >> you talk about extremists all the time, what about protesters making jewish students feel unsafe on college campuses, are they extremists? >> i've been clear, we are calling out any form of hate, any form. >> does he think the next generation is doomed? >> there is no place for hate in america. >> hate is not limited to campuses, a jewish owned store had swastikas painted on their sign. we hope the message of hatred serve as reminder of work that needs to be done. join us in denouncing hatred in all forms. this surge creating real fear particularly among jewish college students like the young woman you had on earlier. >> this is a really scary time for everyone on campus right now, especially being in jewish sorority and living in a jewish sorority house. people at cornell, everyone scared to be outwardly jewish. there are people who do not support us or think we deserve to live, this is a scary time. >> griff: governor kathy hochul will address new yorkers today 11:00 a.m. about the rise in antisemitism, we'll see what she has to say. guys. >> steve: thank you very much. live report from d.c. >> brian: a lot of different colleges in new york city, find out what they have to say, they are not backing down. >> ainsley: some universities support israel, florida state, university of south carolina. take a look at what is coming up live today. 9:30 in the morning, secretary of state blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin will make a case for ukraine and israel aid. >> steve: we panned to the right, 10:00 eastern time dhs secretary mayorkas and fbi director wray will pacht participate in a hearing about threats on the homeland. >> brian: listen and watch this, senate republicans hold a news conference is president biden border crisis, put upon us by him, he doesn't admit to it. >> steve: see that stuff on fox. >> ainsley: the crisis he created. >> brian: will anyone argue? he says natural migration, forget about it. open it up and everybody wants to come here. >> lawrence: he said don't again. >> steve: good questions. carley has other news. >> carley: more news, starting with fox news alert magnitude 6.4 earthquake in fiji. happening today, van der sloot heading back to peru after admitting to killing natalee holloway. he is serving time in prison for murdering another woman in 2010, supposed to be extradited yesterday and the plane was delayed. now to october baseball, texas rangers take 2-1 lead. beating arizona 3-1 in game three last night, short stop cory seager hitting a home leading the rangers to victory. >> cory seager smashes the ball down the line. goodbye, 3-0, texas. >> carley: watch game four tonight 7 p.m. eastern time, over to you. >> steve: watch the game while trick-or-treaters ring your doorbell. >> brian: pretend you are not home. or leave all the candy on the door step. >> ainsley: israeli forces take out a key leader and idf continue ground assault in gaza. >> brian: how do we get there? coming up, lawrence and i break d down it down. go to the hemmer and perino hour. >> ainsley: steve and i will be watching. >> brian: that will be great. this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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they are governing this and said this will not stand. the arab world attacks and begins immediate fight. and the founder and first leader of israel. >> lawrence: by 1948 israel declares independence. >> brian: then the arab world reacts with series of battles. let's switch. >> lawrence: then the six-day war, israel wins and retake the west bank, as well as gaza strip. >> brian: 1948 war where they tried to destroy it immediately but fought off five different arab lands. look at this, israel, small country fight off jordan and syria and hold and egypt and hold them off, destroy them all and take some buffer zones along the way. in '73, they were surprised by the yom kippur war and attack. >> lawrence: launch attack on israel and trying to take territory that israel already has, brian. >> brian: they attack and israel caught off balance and push everybody out. thanks to richard nixon taking initiative. and infantata start taking effect. >> lawrence: they don't like what is happening, inside the government there is uprising and palestinian people start astacking. >> brian: you have 1000 people uprising, israelis lose 3200 and palestinians lose great number and infantata takes root. when peace movement come into play, effort to give palestinian a state. we try giving palestinians somewhat autonomy. >> lawrence: they are trying to give them money and parts of the territory, peace doesn't work. >> brian: the secular group, hamas would not like them, they are at war with them basically, like to be muslim extremist group. yassar afafat is face of the movement and start talking about peace and coexisting together. really kicks into gear with bill clinton getting between barrack and yassar afafat. >> lawrence: yassar afafat destroyed this -- >> brian: he would be killed so he walks away and clinton is bitter to this day and further peace efforts stalled since 2014. they talked about a west bank and bridge to gaza, palestine, they didn't want to do it. sheron pulled out of gaza, they gave it to the palestinians, he went into a coma and they had it, money flowed in, it went to terror tunnels and hamas not the palestinian people. >> lawrence: you note gaza, hotbed for terrorism and israel is going in with war right now, do they leave gaza in control of the palestinian authority or retake it because it could be left for a hotbed for terrorism. >> brian: overnight another u.s. base in middle east targeted and iranian proxy drone attack. next get exiled iranian crown prince join us to share his one of a kind insight. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we 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heard slogan on iranian street is neither gaza, neither lebanon my life is sacrifice for iran. what is does that mean? iranian people know today the regime represent has nothing to do with aspiration and regime trying to push the envelope to see if they can take advantage of weakness which seem to be the case and become embolden when the west hesitate or don't apply pressure to contain this. with the idea of putting end to the problem by eliminating regime once scomb for all. otherwise, kicking the can down the road. >> steve: like they are doing right now. our president has been clear, he said don't, that is all he said is don't. shouldn't he say don't or there will be hell to pay? >> look, words are words, action determine outcome. you have a situation where you have encouraged regime that if you take hostages you will be rewarded and get cash in your hand. call for sanctions, but never i implemented them. be good boys and don't harm us, is that the message? come on. >> steve: what does pressure look like? help people of the state department, they need ideas. >> there has been strategy of maximum support and as i say, if it is -- if your european allies were to target the irgc, that is additional pressure on the regime and curtail efforts even further. parallel to maximum pressure ought to be campaign of maximum support meaning empowerment of iro iro ironian iranian people. that mean more technological assistance and it has happened before. >> steve: what does the average iranian in tehran they look at what the regime is doing, what are they thinking? >> they are thinking for 44 years we have been primarily occupied by group of people who are ideologically not interested in livelihood of our own citizens, only interested in exporting ideology beyond border to dominate region and rest of the worl. they are conducting campaign and f funding proxies at the expense of the iranian people themselves. iranians want liberty and share same values of citizens in democratic country and west and other countries in the world because we believe in human rights in putting for ideological reasons or sexual orientation, totally different from what the regime represent, does not represent will of our fellow compatriots. look at regime with proxy forces firing off at us, do they want war with the united states? we know who is putting weapons in their hands. >> look, regime in iran tried to sabotage what could have lead to legitimate peace in the region, the forces of evil fighting via terror, what is conducted against our own people or israel or other nations in the region are not committed to peace and do not want peace. only way to have peace is to allow for a two-state solution, that will only occur at time sabotage a peace process are no longer there. you have to eliminate the problem once and for all. you can kill soldier and hamas and al qaedas of this world, you cannot kill an ideology, you have to defeat that ideology. >> steve: exiled crown prince of iran, thank you pleasure talking to you today. 17 before the top of the hour live look at capitol dome. blinken and lloyd austin make the case for raid to israel and ukraine. kayleigh mcenany sat down with mike johnson on how he plans to address it. kayleigh coming up next. ♪ hit it ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sight ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get 5k bonus points. book direct at >> ainsley: defense secretary lloyd off the and secretary of state blinken will testify before congress over biden $106 billion request for aid to ukraine and israel. exclusive interview new speaker of the house mike johnson telling kayleigh mcenany how he plans to pay for the aid to israel. >> my intention and desire in first draft of the bill is toik money set aside for irs now, they have 67 billion and we will take 14.5 for this urgent need. >> ainsley: kayleigh mcenany joins us now, congratulations on that interview. what was he like? >> kaylee: kind, joyful, humble don't characterize politicians i've encountered. they do for mike johnson. he had calm in his demeanor and he thinks god will lead the way and he's, i believe for a moment such as a time as this. >> ainsley: our country needs that. talking about aid for israel, his package is different from what joe biden is proposing, how does he plan to face this opposition and want to make his plan work? >> he is facing opposition, republicans are 100% united. i said, what about massie, he is opposed to it. he said he picked up the phone. we have disagreement and thoughtful conversation and debate and come up with answers, he is willing to reach across the aisle and say let's do this together. >> ainsley: israel means a great deal to him as a christian. he talks about unifying, didn't you ask him about that. ? kaylee mcgee white he said >> kayleigh: he said do you want more irs agent or aid to our closest ally. he says our debt is a national security threat. american strength is incumbered when we don't. >> ainsley: i think we have a clip of it. let's watch. >> kayleigh: how united on this front? >> republicans are 100%. >> kayleigh: i believe massie said he wouldn't vote for it. >> he is principled and constitutionalist, we have to figure this out. >> ainsley: just seems like a remarkable person. listen to that speech on the house floor when he became the speaker, he talked about his dad and his christian faith and being a constitutionalist. >> kayleigh: first words were hakeem jeffries, democratic minority leader, he has a good heart and i want to find common ground and work together. >> ainsley: he is going to the prayer room everyday. >> kayleigh: yes, he took me to the prayer room, it was meed in 1954 and he's going to start every morning in that room and ask for wisdom and guidance. >> ainsley: everyone pray for him as speaker, our country needs guidance right now. watch the interview today at noon? >> kayleigh: all about his faith. i asked him about bill maher, who had harsh words for him. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley for headlines. >> carley: good morning, ainsley, we are learning police went to the maine mass shooting man's home. the family raised red flags over concern about access to firearms, and decline of ment at health. army reserve was worried, too deputy deployed to the home in september over fear he was going to snap. fox wildfire alert. wind driven brush fire forcing major evacuation in riverside california, 4000 residents fleeing their home. wildfire spread to 1000 acres and zero percent contained. concerning situation there. ainsley, back to you. >> thank you, still ahead, get ready for bipartisanship on capitol hill, preview of the halloween costume contest next. check in with dana perino. will persy be there? >> dana: persy is having none of the halen woo, three costumes, three seconds each and i promised him he will never have to do do it again. one picture i got we will have that. >> ainsley: what is that? >> dana: that is a tease for "the five." >> ainsley: i will watch. >> dana: top intelligence on the hill this morning, lots of questions and worries on top of breaking news. calls for ceasefire, no, for israel while 200 hostages wait for rescue and how she sees debate on taxpayer support for war shaping up. and what it is like to be in her shoes today and karl rove on politics of the border why can't democrats see biden policies are hurting them politically. we'll see you at 9:00. can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. 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Sister In Law , Guitar Music , Tried Golo , Stacey , 60 , 50 , Life , Plan Works , Results , Golo Com , Announcer , Try , Goldmine , Life Insurance Policy , Bills , 100000 , 00000 , Cash , Screen , Term , Call Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Nothing , Sports , Footwork , Oman , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Xfinity 10g Network , Woho , Smoke , Ceasefire , Prime Minister , Surrender , Peace Processes , The War Of Independence , Thanks , Faith , World War Ii , Annihilation , Begin On Creation , Europe , 1940 , Take A Look , Partition , Jewish State , Powers , Origin , Arab , Mousellini , Hitler , Setup , Harry Trum , Green , International Zone , British , Leader , Fight , Founder , Arab World Attacks , 1948 , Independence , Series , Six Day War , Wins , West Bank , Arab World , Let S Switch , Six , Lands , Small Country Fight Off Jordan , Zones , Hold , Yom Kippur War , Egypt , 73 , Territory , Push , Happening , Effect , Initiative , Infantata , Richard Nixon , Palestinians , Uprising , Government , People Uprising , Astacking , 3200 , 1000 , Effort , Play , Peace Movement , Root , Parts , Autonomy , Yassar Afafat , Peace Doesn T Work , Muslim Extremist Group , The Secular Group , Movement , Barrack , Coexisting , Gear , Bill Clinton , Efforts , Clinton , Bridge , Palestine , Sheron , 2014 , Coma , Terrorism , Hotbed , Control , Retake , Palestinian Authority , Proxy , Drone Attack , Crown Prince , One Of A Kind , Insight , Help , Mentality , Point , Duty , Satisfaction , Leadership Positions , 32 , Heart , Everything , Hand , Handout , Team , Veteran , Beat , Loan , Newday Usa , Harm , Body , Ability , Baby , Heart Failure , Entresto , Doctor , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Race , Side Effects , Aliskiren , Arb , Ace Inhibitor , Potassium , Answers , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Information , Difference , At Humana , Seven , Call , Agent Producer , Medicare Supplement Should Have , Obligation , Humana , Plans , Insurance , Rest , Expenses , Medicare , 80 , More , Medicare Doesn T , Doctors , Emergency Care , Doctor Visits , Hospital Stays , Copayments , Deductibles , Healthcare Partner , Service , Anywhere , Premium , Healthcare , Referrals , Trust , Needs , Orange , Budget , Call Humana , Guide , Ways , Making Healthcare Simpler , Company , Won T , Answer , Costs , Business , Culture Wars , Companies , Living Rooms , Spotlight Reports , Boardroom , Exchange , 1792 , 2000 , Sound Business , Issues , Services , Target , Cyberattacks , Running , Power , Megawatts , Rails , Open Road , Google , Systems Running America , 336 Million , Zionist Regime , Statement , Crimes , Red Line , Action , Support , Washington , Doing , Shooting , Regression , Repression , In Gaza , Slogan , Sacrifice , Iranian Street , Weakness , Advantage , Aspiration , Envelope , Problem , Pressure , Scomb , Shouldn T , Road , Words , Shell , Outcome , Sanctions , Boys , Come On , State Department , Maximum , Strategy , Allies , Campaign , Maximum Support Meaning Empowerment Of Iro Ironian , Irgc , Iranian People , Assistance , 44 , Group , Livelihood , Ideology , Border , Worl , Expense , Funding , World , Values , Human Rights , Liberty , Sexual Orientation , Compatriots , Weapons , Will , Forces Of Evil Fighting , Nations , Two State Solution , Peace Process , Sabotage A , Al Qaedas , Mike Johnson , Kayleigh Mcenany Sat , Capitol Dome , 17 , Thing , A Stay , Bonus Points , Bestwestern Com , 5k , Defense Secretary , Congress , 06 Billion , 106 Billion , Interview , Kayleigh Mcenany , Intention , Desire , Speaker Of The House , The Bill Is Toik Money Set , Need , Draft , Irs , 14 5 , 67 Billion , Politicians , Humble Don T , Kaylee Mcgee White , Congratulations , Joyful , Demeanor , God , Opposition , Package , Joe Biden , 100 , Phone , About Massie , Debate , Didn T , Conversation , Aisle , Disagreement , Christian , Agent , The , Debt , Clip , We Don T , Let , Wouldn T , Kayleigh , Front , Vote , Constitutionalist , Speaker , Person , House , Speech , Floor , Dad , Prayer Room , Hakeem Jeffries , Ground , Democratic , Guidance , Room , Wisdom , 1954 , Bill Maher , Learning Police , Headlines , Maine Mass Shooting Man , Deputy , Health , Ment , Concern , Firearms , Access , Flags , Army Reserve , Residents , Brush Fire , Evacuation , Wind , Fox Wildfire Alert , Snap , Riverside California , 4000 , Bipartisanship , Back To You , Wildfire , Zero , Will Persy , Dana Perino , Costumes , Preview , None , Capitol Hill , Halloween Costume Contest , Halen Woo , Tease , Calls , Worries , Lots , The Hill , 200 , Taxpayer Support , Rescue , Karl Rove , Policies , Veterans , Arm , Can , Deference , Families , Feeling , Love , Solution , Breath , Story , Copd , Trelegy , Airways , Medicines , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , 24 , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Thrush , Pneumonia , Breathing , Chest Pain , Spain , Osteoporosis , Vision Changes , Swelling , Tongue , Eye , Mouth , Problems Urinating , What A Wonderful World , Int N , Forcast , Digits , Temperatures , Forecast , Arctic Air Mass Moving South , Dallas , 31 , Bill , Friends , Halloween , Trick Or Treat , Coats , Sweaters , Oklahoma City , Atlanta , 26 , 23 , Thom Tillis , Agenda , U S National Security , Howl O Ween , Mi ,

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