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But mark meadows always felt it was rigged and it was rigged and stolen and because it was rigged and stolen our country has gone to hell. Look at the border, israel. That would have never happened. Ukraine would have never happened. Our country is going to hell. Look at Energy Independent we were. Now were not Energy Independent, not close. We buy energy from venezuela and lots of other places and we are a nation in decline all because of a rigged and stolen election. Thank you very much. Giuliani, do you think he will take a deal . Dana President Trump making some comments today before the trial resumes here in new york court. Michael cohen his former lawyer and fixer is on the stand for a second day and today trumps lawyers will be asking him questions. Poking holes in the case. One comment he does believe that mike johnson, who is the republican nominee for speaker, is likely to win. Doesnt seem like he will try to torpedo that nomination. Bill put out a post in support of him. See what happens after 12 00 noon today. Three hours in . Dana 1 00 just to be specific. President biden greeting australias Prime Minister on the south lawn hosting an official visit with a state dinner tonight as fighting intensifies in the mideast. Biden invited him after being forced to cancel a trip to Australia In May. He trournd washington instead of going to australia to avoid the u. S. Default at that point. Todays high Profile Visit will begin with talks in the oval office and a joint News Conference where they usually take two questions apiece. Bill well be watching for all that. A busy day yet again as it has been, right . Dana also israeli fighter jets pounding the gaza strip killing a top hamas Military Commander as hamas fires at israel. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Bill busy first hour. Im bill hemmer. Dozens of air strikes hitting hamas targets overnight including command centers, ammunition deep owes and other military position. The idf released this video saying they intercepted a Terrorist Cell that tried to infiltrate israel by sea. U. S. Military advisors reportedly urging israel to avoid an allout Ground Assault in gaza pointing to Lessons Learned in iraq. Hezbollah meeting with top leaders of hamas and Islamic Jihad. Team fox coverage on all of it. Mark meredith from the white house where President Biden holds his first News Conference since the hamas attack happening in a few hours. Jennifer griffin at the pentagon as attacks against u. S. Forces in the middle east have our military on high alert. Senator Tom Cotton Talks about President Bidens pick for u. S. Ambassador to israel and telling us why he thinks jack lew is wrong for the job. Dana we go to trey yengst in israel with a live update. 20 minutes ago we saw a big explosion over gaza. What else is new this morning . Yeah, bill and dana, good morning. As this conflict enters day 19, hamas and Islamic Jihad maintain their ability to fire on Major Population Centers across israel. The Northern City of haifa was targeted earlier today. Long range rocket was fired in a city that sits on the red sea. Despite the thousands of israeli air strikes against the strip the factions in gaza are still firing on Major Population Centers. Israeli artillery hammered the eastern side of the gaza strip. Israeli air strikes trying to hit their positions across gaza. But what is important to note here is that there is still a Ground Element to this story. Just yesterday two hamas militants tried to infiltrate into Southern Israel through the mediterranean sea. The first time in a number of days weve seen the beach area very active. We were here and could hear gunfire in the distance and israeli troops firing flares. Two of those militants were killed. I want to show you the scene inside gaza. As the strikes continue the death toll is rising. You can hear the outgoing fire by the israelis. Inside a city. This is what it is like in just one hospital. 14monthold lays in a hospital bed in the city of hanuis. His mother was killed in an air strike. She and her twin brother survives. My sister was protecting the boy so he wasnt injured but the daughter, as you can see, is injured. Im sure he feels the absence of his sister as we say, twins are always connected. Since a brutal massacre in Southern Israel on october 7th plunged the region into war more than 2,000 palestinian children have been killed in israeli air strikes and shelling. According to the aid group Save The Children with hospitals in gaza running low on supplies, doctors worry more vulnerable patients could die. They shoot babies and the it [inaudible]. Fox news cannot independently confirm the death toll among children provided by Save The Children. Many aid groups inside gaza are receiving the numbers from the hamascontrolled health ministry. We have seen the images inside gaza and videos and still photos. The death toll is rising among the civilian population. Israeli Officials Say they have to hammer the entire gaza strip as there are hamas and islamic militants hiding among the population. Dana what is happening in the north on the border with lebanon . Just today more rocket fire by the Lebanese Militant Group hezbollah sounding Air Raid Sirens there. Israelis say they are already responding to the rocket fire coming after an antitank Guided Missile was fired into the northern part of this country as well earlier today. New images out of beirut show hezbollah, hamas and Islamic Jihad leadership meeting. All of these groups receiving funding and support by the Iranian Regime and part of the reason you saw renewed israeli air strikes against a syrian airstrip in the city of aleppo. They want to stop any weapons that could be smuggled in as the conflict grows. Dana thank you, stay safe. Bill we want to show our audience what israel is using to defend its own people. The iron dome. The u. S. Complete committed to sending more of the iron dome missiles to israel. First initiated 12 years ago. In this conflict alone, there have been 5,000 rockets fired out of gaza. Essentially this is how it works. Here is the incoming projectile. It is picked up by the Radar System Unit and at this point it is passed to a Control Center. This is very interesting technology. The Control Center decides whether or not this incoming missile is headed for a town, city or if it will land harmlessly in the desert. If it is headed for the sea or the desert it will let it go and land in the sand. If its headed for the population center, thats where the Interceptor Missile comes in. An interesting system and the firing unit is what in the end will do that. Multibillion dollar system. The israelis have almost perfected it. They believe they get 90 of the incoming missiles that they target. They knock them out of the sky if necessary and can detect one of the missiles from 43 miles away. It kept people safe in places like tel aviv, haifa, whether they come out of gaza in the southwest or hezbollah in the southern part of lebanon. Thats the iron dome. The pentagon from yesterday. Check it out. We are posturing Additional Forces in the region for two reasons. One to bolster our broader regional deterrence efforts and a clear message that well protect our forces. Dana The Pentagon Building up its defense after 13 attacks on United States Service Members in the middle east this week. Dozens injured putting u. S. Forces on high alert. Chief National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin live from the pentagon with the latest. The u. S. Military is walking a tight rope knowing that iran wants to bait it into a shooting war with its proxy groups in iraq and syria. Iran has issued calls to ramp up pressure on u. S. Forces to pull out of the middle east. We do not want this war to widen. But if iran or its proxies attack u. S. Personnel anywhere, make no mistake, well defend our people, well defend our security, swiftly and decisively. Iran could be misreading the situation because the current u. S. Commander is not afraid to use force. He is a longtime Special Operations General who knows the middle east well. Thats why the general has positioned the u. S. S. Ford Carrier Strike group within striking distance of iranian proxies and sending the u. S. S. Eisenhower to the persian gulf under irans nose. Iran doesnt appear to be getting the message, however. We learned yesterday from u. S. Central command that u. S. Service members in the middle east have been attacked over 13 times in the past week by iranian proxy drones and rockets injuring 24 american troops, 20 injured at one garrison in Southeast Syria last wednesday. All have returned to duty. Two drones targeted the base. U. S. Forces intercepted one. The other broke up into pieces that fell on the base causing the injuries. Exactly a week ago on the same day as that attack, a Second Iranian proxy strike targeted u. S. Troops in iraq. Four u. S. Troops injured. Separately a u. S. Defense contractor died after hearing a Warning Alarm for a rocket that never alived after a heart attack. Well protect our forces and always maintain the right of selfdefense. If there is a response should we choose to have one we would do that at a time and place of our choosing. The Missile Defense systems and more patriot batteries are on the way to the middle east to Bolster Forces in the region among the heightened attacks. U. S. And Coalition Forces have restricted access to some base facilities and ramped up intelligence collection. Dana Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. Thank you so much. President bidens nominee for u. S. Ambassador to israel jack lew could get a vote as early as today. But he is facing Republican Opposition toward policies to iran under president obama. I hope the Senate Foreign relations stops his nomination. It is not good for us he is our ambassador and not good for israel. He has history of conciliating with iran over and above the nuclear deal which was president obamas deal. Bad enough he championed it and implemented it but gave iran a special license to confer 6 billion in foreign currency to dollars over and above the nuclear deal and what were obligated to do. He broke his promise and lied to congress about it. It is important not to confirm him but stop his nomination to show we have a new approach to iran. Thats more urgent than ever today. We just heard iran and proxies have attacked americans more than a dozen times since hamass savage attack on israel. The Secretary Of State said yesterday if iran attacks americans well respond. Where is the response . We should be massively retaliating against irans proxies and iran itself to show them that we will not stand idly by for attacks on americans. All this weakness is doing is emboldening iran and encouraging more attacks. Sooner or later americans will die because of it. Bill do you have the votes to stop it . I look at the joe manchin quote here saying i look forward to supporting his nomination for ambassador and its essential the senate act on the nomination quickly. Do you have the votes . I dont know if we do or not, bill. Well see not just in the committee. When it goes to the full senate. If this War Against America In The Middle East continues it is not just a war against israel. October 7th attacks by hamas one of irans proxies was one of the worst attacks on america since 9 11 and they have attacked our position in the middle east morneau a dozen times. Some democrats might want to reconsider our policy towards iran. They cant run away from a weak and unpopular president fast enough. Dana while you are speaking President Biden is welcoming the australian Prime Minister to the white house. A little bit there will be a Press Conference. Well take 2 and 2. In the meantime bari weiss saying there was no uproar at the time in response to the journalistic mal practice talking about the hospital report at least not in public. Perhaps expressed concerns privately for fear of reprisal. She talked about how for you in june of 2020 you wrote an oped called send in the troops. One of the things you said one thing above all else will restore order to our streets and overwhelming show of force to disperse, detain law breakers. There was not a single thing in your piece that was incorrect and yet as you remember well, senator, several people lost their jobs because they let you put an oped in. Even today we were just talking about how the New York Times is still wondering if maybe there might be some plausible reason that it wasnt the palestinian jihad that shot that rocket into the parking lot of the hospital. Dana, look, it is not surprising the New York Times would attack me for running and oped in support of Law Enforcement during the blm riots. What is appalling, though, is the New York Times irresponsibly ran with unsubstantiated claims by hamas that israel had targeted a hospital. We knew almost immediately those were false claims. They have been proven false once again. The New York Times admitting they were false still suggests somehow kind of there was some israeli culpability enabling and empowering antiseamites like Rashida Tlaib and having sparked riots across the middle east that could have led to the deaths of hundreds or thousands in attacks on our embassy. You look at the New York Times pages today citing palestinian authorities. They are hamas. They keep citing death tolls from Gaza Ministry of health. Thats hamas. There is no ministry of health. It is a terrorist aid station. The Minister Of Health in gaza might as well be the chief medic or terrorists. Yet the New York Times continues to public their propaganda without any effort to call it what it is, lies that are designed to support hamass effort to eliminate the jewish nation. Dana senator tom cotton. Thank you for joining us this morning. Well watch for the Foreign Relations Committee Vote later today on jack lews nomination to be ambassador to israel. Dont know if it will pass. Bill want to take you to the white house quickly and show you the arrival of the Prime Minister from australia and the first lady. Always a wonderful event to watch because the pomp and circumstance but on a day like today on the east coast is really having a late summer today up and down the coast. Dana australia is a wonderful ally to the United States and President Biden was supposed to go to Australia In May but he returned to the United States instead of continuing on to australia to deal with the u. S. Issue. He came back and this is the Makeup Meeting for having not gone to australia. Bill there are a lot of things popping and apparently a moment ago at the u. N. The Secretary General came out and strongly defended and pushed back on the comments that he made on camera yesterday about israeli occupation, 56 years. Well play that in a moment. First lets get to Mark Meredith at the white house now. Can take us through todays visit. Good morning, mark. Good morning to you both. Like you mentioned a lot of pomp and circumstance here as President Biden and the first lady welcoming the australia Prime Minister and his partner here. This visit coming at a notable time not just between u. S. And australia relations but the circumstances playing out in the middle east over the last several weeks. The white house says it is mindful of those circumstances when planning todays visit and scaling back visits at the state dinner. This visit is notable. Well see the australian and United States government once again reaffirm support for israel and talk about human tear needs continuing to flow to gaza and hear from the efforts about getting the ten Americans Still missing back home. The white house, of course, mindful saying whats happening behind the scenes worried it could further jeopardize those americans that theyre trying to get back home. As jennifer mentioned there is still this concern about the growing escalating attacks against u. S. Troops serving in iraq, syria and the middle east. President biden will take questions and the australian Prime Minister will also. The ceremony on the south lawn is much more about showing off the brilliance of the United States, the military, the president S Marine Corps marching band. 4,000 people are on the south lawn now for the arrival ceremony. A lot of business and fun, pageantry and festivities later on this evening. Ill be curious to hear about the questions the president faces today. Will it be focused on efforts to get the americans out or trying to make sure the conflict is not broadened out anymore. As senator cotton was talking about a few minutes ago a lot of the focus is oh whats happening with iran. What their militias in the region have been doing and funding additional groups trying to strike as u. S. Forces and into israel. Whether or not well see a more direct response. Yesterday the Secretary Of State was up at the u. N. Trying to warn iran saying now is not the time to test the u. S. And that appropriate responses would happen if that were to happen any further. Whether or not we see an escalation in the rhetoric, what will happen whether or not in the rose garden later this afternoon. Festivities just getting underway. A Beautiful Day here in washington. Bill thank you, Mark Meredith from the white house. Thank you. I mentioned this a moment ago. U. N. Secretary general came out a short time ago and defended his comments really cleanup duty after some stirring commentary from yesterday. I just want to drop in right now and well tell you what he had to say before this session got underway. This is 20 minutes ago. The Secretary General make a statement. We wont take questions. I am shocked by the misrepresentations by some of my statement yesterday in the security council. As if i was justifying Acts Of Terror by hamas. This is false. It was the opposite. In the beginning of my intervention yesterday i clearly stated, and i quote, i have condemned the horrifying and unprecedented Acts Of Terror by hamas in israel october 7th. Nothing can justify the killing and kidnapping of civilians or the launching of rockets against civilian targets. End quote. I spoke of the grievances of the Palestinian People. And in doing so, i also clearly stated, and i quote, but the grievances of the Palestinian People cannot justify the appalling attacks by hamas, end quote. And then i went on with my intervention referring all my positions on all aspects of the middle east crisis. I believe it was necessary to set the record straight especially out of respect to the victims and to their families. Thank you. Bill wow, okay. So the statement was given. At the top you heard no questions. You judge for yourself at home. This is what he said yesterday. This is the quote. It is important to also recognize the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlement and plagued by violence. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing. When he talked about 56 years of suffocating occupation, that went off like a red light from new york city back to tel aviv and into jerusalem. We have it queued up. This is what he said on camera. It is important to also recognize the attacks by hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian People have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. Bill and he went on. So mary is a former Senior Advisor to secretary mike pompeo joining us now. Good morning to you. Good morning. Bill was that a good cleanup job we just listened to . You have to give it to the Secretary General, he is consistent in his awfulness. Im glad he did do cleanup on that. It was appropriate. But look at the guys record here. He has tolerated essentially a chinese takeover of a lot of u. N. Agencies. Largely focused on Climate Change. He has done very little to clean up all of the problems in the peacekeeping missions and abuse that happens there. It is not a surprise to hear his comments yesterday but im glad that he was compelled to come out and do this cleanup. Bill, you know, lets step back for a moment. Think about the mandate of the united nations. It is very clearly stated to maintain International Peace and security and the membership is supposed to be composed of peaceloving nations. Just think about how far we have come and deviated from that original mandate. It is sad but im glad that he walked back those words today. Bill they are calling for his resignation. I dont think you should hold your breath based on what we watched over there on the east river. Antony blinken well react against iran if it what do you make of that and the military movement in that area, mary . Well again, its important to have context here, right . Iran is a revolutionary regime attacking americans, Killing Americans for more than 40 years back to the reagan administration. It happened during the trump era, the bush era, and we have to take action because as you just had senator tom cotton on the show. What he said was correct. If we dont deter tehran, theyll continue to push. It is the same lesson we learned with putin, the same lesson were learning with xi jinping. I thought Secretary Of State blinkens reports yesterday were strong and appropriate but if they arent backed up by action theyre meaningless and you will see, i fear, a wider war and americans put at risk. Remember, we closed the basra consulate during the trump era because we couldnt protect it. There was so much infiltration by iran backed forces in iraq at that time. So its beyond time that we address this contradiction in Foreign Policy under this administration. One hand appeasing iran but on the other hand they shouldnt go after us. Look for action. Im telling our clients at stevens are they imposing secondary sanctions and snapping back sanctions at the u. N. . Are we really enacting pain on them for attacking and Killing Americans . Lets be clear. There are more than 30 americans killed in israel. This isnt just about attacks, this is about the murder of americans. Everybody should know their names and faces should be on the front page of every newspaper. Im glad that blinken made that statement but we have to look at what the u. S. Does and not just what it says. Bill i want to make viewers aware. President biden is speaking on the white house south lawn. If he makes comments relative to our conversation well take it. Mary, pause one mom interest. One more question. First at the white house now. President biden nation they seamed a Radio Telescope toward the heavens, captured a lone voice among all the stars and shared it with millions of people watching breathlessly all around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, mr. Prime minister, today australia and the United States continue to stand together, continue to innovate, to push back the bounds that have been in their way and make giant step toward what could be a race undaunted toward a future we know is possible if if we Work Together because time and time again weve seen what America And Australia can do when we stand as one. We saw it during world war i when our troops helped turn the tide of war on the western front. We saw it during world war ii when we fought the forces of fascism, sidebyside in the pacific cementing a makeshift between our people. We saw it again during the war against terror when australia invoked a treaty for the first time to stand with the United States after we were attacked on 9 11. And well never forget those brave australians and americans who generation after generation gave their lives to give us a better world. Well never forget our obligation to them to keep upholding the Democratic Values for which they gave their lives to keep forging a Better Future for generations to come. Together australia and america are meeting that obligation. As two proud pacific nations, were insuring the indopacific remains free, open, prosperous and secure including through our historic august partnership with the united kingdom. Were building a stronger economies, economies where no one fears coercion and everyone, as you say down under, gets a fair go. Together were standing with israel against hamas terrorism. Were standing with ukraine against putins tear any and providing and proofing democracy can deliver from Climate Change to cancer and today were fueling the spark of innovation that has long burned in the hearts of aussies and americans. Innovation that will help uplift people in the indopacific and all around the world. Innovation that took us to the moon, will take us further in the years ahead. Mr. Prime minister, the alliance between australia and the United States has never been more important than it is today. And we have never been more committed than we are today. Australia and america stand ready ready to do the hard work, the historic work to tackle the challenges we face. Ready to take a giant leap together toward a Better Future. One of greater opportunity, dignity, security, and liberty. For americans, for australians, for all, may god bless our alliance and may god protect our troops. Now its my great honor to introduce Prime Minister and i invite you to say a few words. Thank you. [applause] bill big visit. The dinner has been scaled back a little bit because of the events overseas. This visit is about something that really has not been on the radar all day. Dana theyll have a lot to talk about. Part is china on the march and what china has been trying to do to australia and what australia is trying to do to help us in that region as well. Bill he is on the south lawn of the white house. A perfect day weather wise to show up in washington, d. C. Dana they knew how to pick them indeed. Bill also whats happening on the senate committee. Jack lew is the nominee to be the ambassador to israel. He has been voted out of the committee. Senate Foreign Relations committee that means his candidacy is headed for a floor vote. The vote was 129 in committee. As you can imagine, all democrats voted in favor. Rand paul voted in favor. All of the republicans were a no and we spoke to tom cotton 20 minutes ago was a hard no. He thinks jack lew showed sympathy toward iran and thinks its the wrong man at the wrong time. Dana he said its bad for us and israel. Well keep an eye on that. Democracy is messy sometimes but it is our system. Im honored to have the support of my colleagues and what they understand about this. This is servant leadership. We will serve the people of this country and restore their faith in this congress. Dana louisiana congressman mike johnson defeated florida representative Byron Donalds in the late night vote. Johnson the is the fourth House Speaker nominee in two weeks. Joining us now is jim banks, the gop congressman from indiana who was a part of that vote and i know that you are running for senate. Maybe in the future you will not have to go through these kinds of votes but do you think mike johnson will get this by the end of the day . Mike johnson is the solution to the problem that led us down the three weeks that we just had. That solution is trust. Everybody in the republican conference trusts him. He is a committed conservative. He has impeccable credentials, a lot of integrity. Someone that everyone in the conference respects and what weve been looking for and why it took three weeks to get to this point. At noon well go to the floor. Right now were going to elect mike johnson from louisiana the next speaker of the house on the first roll call vote. Im very confident of that because he is exactly what we need at this time to clean up the mess, move us forward, get back to work, focus on what the American People sent us here to do, secure the border, cut spending, and hold the Biden Administration accountable for what they have done to this country and today well get back to work doing that after elect mike johnson. Maybe 1 or 2 holdouts still at this point but nobody in the room last night said they were going to vote against him. Which is a big difference. We went through several names to get to this point. Mike johnson is someone well respected. He is a long time committed conservative. We both chaired the republican study committee, the largest Conservative Caucus on capitol hill. He is policy minded. Not flashy. Thats what republicans are looking for. Someone who is focused on making sure we deliver on what we said we were going to do for the American People when they gave us the majority. Dana we talked about times weve seen him in hearings. He is always super well prepared and as you said not flashy but very substantive and persuasive. Well see how it goes. Want to ask you about this. You are running for the United States senate. A senator from ohio has been there a long time and he is in cycle meaning up for reelection this year, sherod brown, he is saying from his perspective on the Banking Committee that he does not believe that we need to do any additional sanctions on iran at this point. He doesnt see an immediate need for congress to act. Do you agree with Senator Brown on that . I couldnt disagree more and most of his democrat colleagues who believe its the best way forward is to appease iran rather than be tough on them. In the trump era the maximum Pressure Campaign by trump and pompeo and that administration brought iran to its knees, took hundreds of billions of dollars away from them. The first thing that joe biden and the democrats did when they took over was lift the sanctions. They even lifted more sanctions last week giving billions of dollars back to iran that we know has funneled directly to the Terrorist Proxy groups hamas and hezbollah. So its the biden appeasement. Brown and those on the other side appeasing iran that has led to the middle east suffering and israel our most important an cherished ally suffering in the way they are today. Its the democrats fault and joe bidens fault. We need to go back to the sanctions and make them suffer for it. Dana you are congressman and well Pay Attention to your race. We appreciate you coming on the show today to talk about the speakers race anticipating a unanimous vote for mike johnson this afternoon. Thank you. Donald trump back if court today as His Civil Fraud Trial continues. His former lawyer Michael Cohen taking the stand for a second day. On the west coast, a controversial bay area city passing a resolution accusing israel of Ethnic Cleansing. How the Jewish Community is reacting this morning. [shouting] Monthly Payments can be expensive. With an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. Ah mornings cough . Congestion . Im feeling better. All in one and done with new Mucinex Kickstart. Headache . Better now. New Mucinex Kickstart gives allinone and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. Its comeback season. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Bill so this just into us. This is what we call the pool camera inside President Trumps trial in southern new york city here. The reason we show you this is because the first time it happened it surprised all of us and then it kept happening and it is happening again today. It runs about a minute but he is in court. Usually Letitia James who brought the case we get a shot of her. I dont know if that happened during the particular moment and photographer shows us the judge and we find out whether the judge is there he is. He is in his seat and ready to go. What we dont see is Michael Cohen. He is back on The Stand For A Second Day Cross Examination underway we believe right now in lawyer manhattan. Thats that. The pool camera is now on file for yet another day. Dana Cross Examination is the word i couldnt think of all morning. Thank you for reminding me. Overnight a bay area city approved a controversial resolution accusing israel of Ethnic Cleansing. City leaders say the move shows solidarity with the Palestinian People in gaza but as you can imagine some of the citys Jewish Community says it is antisemitic. Martha maccallum is standing by for analysis. Lets go to chief News Correspondent in says lito, california. This antiisrael, progaza resolution is the first of its kind in the nation and tensions ran high ahead of the vote. Israel conducting a form of Ethic Cleansing and collective punishment. A war crime. It appears to me the City Council Members who wrote the resolution are using the Trudge Situation in palestinian and israel to gain politically from it. It doesnt sit well with me. I urge you to vote no on this resolution. Things got heated as sparks on both sides gave emotional statement. Many several jewish speakers said they no longer feel safe in their city. Richmonds vice mayor said a Media Blackout was only showing one side of the war and the city council had an obligation to speak out. Until the rights of palestinians are addressed in this conflict, we will see more hostilities. The resolution reads in part quote the City Of Richmond stands in solidarity with the Palestinian People of gaza currently facing a campaign of Ethnic Cleansing and collective punishment by state of israel. It goes on to call the gaza strip the Worlds Largest open air prison and ends by declaring the citys promise to combat after hearing from more than 100 speakers in person and on zoom the city Council Passed the resolution in the Early Morning hours today by a vote of 51. As one jewish leader told me, quote, it was a good night for hamas, he said. He worries that other left leaning cities like richmond, california will pass similar resolutions. Dana thank you. Bill colleges and universities now feeling the strain of israels war on their bank accounts. Columbia university here in New York Post pong a major fundraiser as conflict on campuses ca later. Martha maccallum will talk about this. Apparently last year they raised 30 million in 24 hours. Thats a lot of loot. This year theyll cancel it. Columbia giving day. A lot of pressure from those who may have given to columbia in the past. I spoke to mark penn yesterday and wrote a piece about the generational difference between how people are looking at this crisis that were seeing unfold and horrific attack that we saw on october 7th and now these protest thes happening across the country. You have sort of the leadership in these situations who have a very different view of how they look at the middle east because honestly i think quite frankly they were educated in the dynamics that exist in the middle east. I dont know how many of this generation in many ways, i fault the Education System for why there is not a better understanding of what is happening. You can have sympathies that lie obviously with innocent civilians on both sides of this situation. Trey yengst today spent time at a hospital in gaza watching over a baby who is being treated there by his aunt. His mother was killed. This afternoon he is going to a hospital in israel to see the story of patients in that hospital. You have to understand thats reporting, right . Its showing the sides of the story that exist. But i spoke with someone recently who said when she was in college they did a study where everybody had to take a tree. You will be israel, the Palestinian Authority and you had to deeply understand their side of it. Dana the model u. N. It is not happening. These students dont have the full picture. In many ways it is not their fault. They havent been educated well. Dana part of the cool group if you are going to be calling for intifada at m. I. T. You are in a stupid group. You dont understand. No one isnt saying you cant have different opinions but you need to be educated on all sides of the situation. I dont think its happening today. Bill universities foster Critical Thinking and opening minds of different points of view. You are down with that. For a university to be effective we must use our voices differently than other seeings. There must be more to that statement. I dont know what that means. Im not either. What weve seen throughout. It is as i was saying to you guys, wokeism, there was sort of like a hip quality to it, i suppose, across campuses. This is where the rubber is meeting the road. This is where it becomes dangerous not to have a deep understanding of what is going on in these situations. And i think that thats why you are seeing the financial backers back away. They wont support the station. You guys have the quote, great interview yesterday what he is saying. I think you have it. Dana this is about not sending your kids back to these schools. Watch. For a jew to send his or her son or daughter to these elite institutions because they will make connections is the same thing as putting their daughter in a brothel because they will meet powerful men there. It doesnt make sense. Dana then we just found out before we came during the commercial break. A university who was founded by jews after the holocaust this week the school declined to hold hamas responsible. Thats not a difficult statement. Bill it was founded in 1948 by american jews, the same year that israel was founded, 1948. It is stunning. You know what . I believe we will see Protest Movements that are substantial. I think that what david is saying will happen in some homes. You are not going back to that school. We arent paying for you to go back to that school. Unfortunately it is also why we see the strength and education at the lower levels in catholic and jewish schools. Parents want their kids to have an education that gives them an understanding of the deep history of all of this. And the curiosity. Dana and curiosity to learn more. Well see you on the story at 3 00. The house will reconvene at noon and possibly hold a vote for speaker coming after republicans announce the newest nominee for the job. Will the party get it done today . Martha will have it for you at 3 00. The search is intensifying for accusing of killing his wife and what were learning about that investigation. We are treating this like he is alive and somewhere in the woods. Heavily wooded. Sparse. You can go a long ways without seeing anything. But because its gold they think it must be complicated. It isnt. Not with Rosland Capital. With rosland. The entire process from start to finish is built on one concept. One. Keep. It. Simple. Rosland capital a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. 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Will louisiana congressman mike johnson have the votes . Were all over it. Netanyahu advisor and congressman owen. The Faulkner Focus top of the hour. Dana according to sam bake man frieds attorney in the third week of a trial. According to the Defense Attorney the former crypto boss is expected to take the stand tomorrow. This is unusual. Defense witnesses dont necessarily take the stand. This is a risky move and see how it goes. He stole a lot of money from a lot of people and he is not bill where is the 8 billion is the bottom line question there . Today the search is on for a man in the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts wanted in connection with the murder of his wife. The suspect, an air force veteran, is believed to be armed and dangerous, molly line has that story. Where are we on that, molly . Its day four of this massive manhunt for 33yearold aaron pennington. The chief suspect in the murder of his own wife, a massachusetts mother of four. You mentioned he is armed and dangerous. He may be armed with a handgun. Blond hair, blue eyes, 175 pounds. His 30yearold wife was found dead at their home in gardner, massachusetts shot in the face not long after their children ran to a neighbors house seeking help. According to local reports Court Documents state they had longstanding marital problems. The white bmw was found by a Bow Hunter In The Woods at a former Boy Scout Camp on monday. We are asking anyone with trail cams, any hunters or people with Video Cameras at their houses please give it to the police. On his linkedin page he describes himself as a transitioning air force Aircraft Mechanic and enthusiast. Documents reveal he has Mental Health issues and had threatened suicide. Investigators and teams scour the forest but found no sign of him. The couples four children are taken into state custody. Police are warning anyone who sees pennington not to approach but to call 911. Bill thank you, molly line is on it in massachusetts. Dana a lot of things go on while the world is in turmoil. We have the mideast war and well continue to follow that. President biden expected to take questions at a Press Conference at 12 30 today. Bill well see what he says about the hostages and certainly about iran. Two big things coming up this afternoon on our plate. Dana we have the speakers race, mike johnson congressman from louisiana predicted on this show by jim banks there will be a unanimous republican vote. You must have your speaker by the end of the day. Want to make a bet . Bill i think he gets it. Dana i think he gets it, too. The Faulkner Focus is up next. Here is harris

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