Hello. How are you . Welcome to hannity. Buckle ubucklep. And thanks to all of you watching here. Thanks for coming. Welcome at home. Buckle up. Weve got a two hour live e show with our Studio Audience tonight, along with a to n of breaking new developments out of israel and gazarael by te way. A lot of talk, a lot of chatter tonight that the ground nigh into gaza may begin as early as this show inma the next 2 hours. So we will keep you updated. All throughout the evening. And also here at home, we had your president , joe, just wrapping up his second very rare Primetime Address frome amr the oval office. Joes message to you, the americanic people give me more money, includings fo 14 billion for israel. I know theres 60 billion foril ukraine. Take a look. Or im going to send to congresl ses an urgent budget request to fund Americas National security needs to support our critical partners, including israel and ukraine is a smart investment thats going to pay dividend ss for American Securiy for generations. Help us keep american troops out of harms way. Help us build a world that isr o safer, more peaceful, and more prosperous for our children and grandchildren. Now, it didnt have to be this way three years ago. We had sound policies. Our border was secure. We w independent. E the world was mostly peaceful. L. We had a few mean tweets that triggered many liberals tha in the country. But you know what . There was something that happened in thegere trump years and well get into more detail. An alliance was created leading up to the Abraham Accords where i didnt think id see it in my lifetime, where the United States and israel and egypt and jordan and the saudis and the emirates, they wert ane all united and sharing intelligence and Getting Along Better than they ever have in our lifetime. All against the iranian hegemony that is now all blown up because of thes failure of joe bidens Foreign Policy. Now wer n e on, what, a year o two of a devastating war in europe. Weeka week, week, two of a brand new war in the middle east. And afte32r 32 americans were killed, along with around 14000 other innocent men, womenin and children in what is the largest, the single most barbaric Terrorist Attack in israels history. By the way, 11 americans are still unaccounteattackd for, likely taken as hostages. The idf confirmed d today 203 hostages are being held. Maybe more. Yes. Includes small babies. Hethey are propagandizing the Hamas Terrorists there. Theyre sendin e g out videos on the internet of these babies, holding them, torturing the parents that are desperately trying to get their kids home. Then even young women and adults, they are being used as props, as propagand area pro. And according to one senior israeli official, after weeks of targeted airstrikes, the idf has now been given the green light to launch their full scale Ground Invasion into the gaza stripgreen li. Again, that could happen at any moment tonight. Intoy, israels Defenseth Chief told his soldiers to prepare for an imminent full scale assault. Phase two of the war against hamas. It is now really imminent. And justault before joe announc, what, 100 million in us taxdolr dollars in terms of aid for the Palestinian People, youve got to be kidding me. Does he really believe the money will go to the Palestinian People . And let us not forget, their elected representatives are th e group hamas, the group hamas has in their charter. The destruction of israel as one of their top goals. That money will almost certainll eny end up in the hans of hamas. Ive seen this up close and personal. Money from the u. S. , money from israel, a networofk of underground tunnels. I have been in them. They are sophisticated the. The architecture, sophisticated cement and lon sophig. Miles and miles, 100 feet underground. 0 feetits all over. Going from gaza to israel. Its insane whate what they have with the money that was otherwise earmarked for Hospitalotarked For S And Infrae and schools. Now, they spent that moneypent. Why . To plan, plot, scheme. To kill more israelis. , plotkillto take more israelis. The administration has no way to track that aid once it crosses the very border words that hamas controls. In other words, biden is likely gifting terrorists 100 million in us taxpayer assistancn e. No. How about if youre going to give him any money, at least get the hostages back. You might get something for ite. And if you want the electricity in gaza, turn back on. Hove the hostage back. You want the lights on . You want the water to flow. You wantk up services to begin again. Give the hostages back to that. And otherwise, you get nothing. And its not the first time. Right after biden was sworn in, the white house said what hundredaftes of millions of dollars it ended up in the hands of hamas. Hes making the same mistake end again. Lets not forget about the tens of billion u hamass of dollars that iran is now enjoying after biden is sanctions on iranian oil. Why would he want to make the iranians rich again, knowing that they i they desperately want and are seeking Nuclear Capability . Of course, the money was used to orchestrate the Terror Aattack in israel. In they were involved in the plotting, planning and scheming Pl Afghanistan To Irano Ir to the border to federal thendingan, to making Decision Making at this administration. It has been horrendousis every step of the way. And just last night, the white house Tweetest Night D this picture. Do y look at this. You know, how do you make a mistake likeou m this . Its joe biden meeting with our u. S. Special force joe bids. Here is the problem. Their faces werent pixels out. They were not blurred out in the original post. And then hours after they end up doxing members of our elite Special Forces and putting them and their families lives at risk. The white house decided, oh,whit maybe we should take that down, saying, oops. E oops,so sorry. We regret the error and any issues that it may have caused. Thats it. Thats it. Really . Who made tha that mistake . Why are they still working anyway . Theres no Accountabilit Accouye at the biden white house. Theres no leadership there. And as we have said many timeswi ,the lights are on at the white house, but nobodys home. We saw that on Air Force One last night. According to reports, Joe Biden Sleepsden Slee a lot. Y want he gets up late, goes to beds a early tonight was a very late. Night for him. My bet is exhausted. If i had to guesi bes, i bet he already had his warm milk and a sippy cuhep. And hes hes already in dreamland. And he should be watching the shown d in. Im offended by that. Off sorry, i cant help it. En and lots of time off s in delawareae at a beach. Each how do you get to by a Beach O House on a Senator Salary and have a beautiful old stingray corvette Worth Hundreds of thousands of dollars . Next to top secret Classified Information that joe did not have his home raided for eupenvs raided Forwards Beach home, raided four or the university of delaware. Homethey only do that to donald trump. Anyway, when joe is actually awake and hes at the white house, he has, according to many reports Noallyw Fitse of rage and struggles to communicate. Wellwhhe has, that was more than obvious during his trip to israel. On top communic of that, remember, World Leaders said no to meeting him. The egyptians didnt want to meet him. The jordanians didnt want to meet hiither dim. H not even the Palestinian Authority would meet with him. And this is him on air force on. One. This is this is joe. It is as i ever, is cognitive best. Take a look. You talkedk about th about the d meeting the survivors and there first responders. Thats all first. L, i. I spent an hour and a half about 17 or 18 before children. And i have to sai dony thist virtually every mass shooting, every circumstance since for lar a large number of people have been victimizeged. N we lost i spoke with our Defense Department saysnt. Its highly unlikely. And it was really a different footprint in interceptors anyway. And so thats why if didn you notice, i didnt say the first time. I wanted to make sure that ii knew and look, and im not]. Suggesting that hamas did i deliberately did it either. Instead, all saying got a lot. Of shoestrings, you know. Its not the first time hamas has launched something launched that didnt function very well. Hes Tellin Thag The Terror T Group Hamas to learn to shoota straightn . How is any of this acceptable . Just look at wink and tony blinken staring horrified. This look in his. Eyes like, oh, this is a train wreck, by the way. They all knoww he is a cognitive mess. At what point does Somebody Stan D Up for joe . Maybe somebody in his family . Maybe. Is there anybody at that cares u about this guy and say, joe, youre just not up to the job anymore . Y. Its not good. Its not good for you. Its not good for the country. Franklot gr the y. B its not good for the world. Let us be clear. There is no doubt republicans need to elect a speaker as soon as possible. Reonneed to reope the peoples house. But we also need a president we that is far more important, not a mumbling, bumbling, stumblinag ,lifeless, empty suit. I mean, look at that. Look at that. Hes just tired fromired one little itsy bitsy trip. Onno one in the media mob will hold him accountable. Nobody on late night television, no late night comic, will even play the tape. And that right itself, their ratings will go up 50 in a week. If they started playing this socalle ekd journalists no loe care about truth. Just look at this week. Dozensr and dozens of major outlets in this country. Abc, nebc, cbs, fake news, cnn, mbs, dnc, the New York Times, the washington post, bloomberg. Every major outlet, the a. P. , they all push hamas propaganda on the issue of the hospital being struck by israel. They gotuck by their talking pos thom the Palestinian Press themselves. They did no fact checking. None whatsoevelves. R. G. Nbcs ignorant far lefts fa disinformation specialist. To this dont name ben collins rushing to blame israel for the explosion, quickly Passing Off Hamas Propaganda as fact. Ti the New York Times did the same thing. Publishing lie d things from tes over and over and over again. The ap, reuters, bloomberg. All these networks that i keep e telling you about. Hundreds killed in israel strike on gaza hospital. , palestinian officials say, oh, okay, thatsth a reliable news source. And tonight, even joe biden clearly stated that israel was not behind the explosion. The idf Presentebehindd Intellie that proved otherwise, as did our own intelligenceintellig com it. But the damage has been done. The Propaganda Hasdone taken hold among those that hate israel. And, by the way, did anyone expect that in this time, this age, this era wokepoliti Political Correctness . Cal did you ever think youd see such virulent antisemitic ism in this country on our College Universities worldwide like were seeing now . Viw chilling is this and the world is now more more chaotic, more dangerous than ever befor e. Based on the horrific events of the past three years, It Heis Obvious Nt who we elect to that oval office matters. Id rather have somebodydy that sends out a few mean tweets that that foreignfe adversaries, the new axis of evil, i call it iran, china, russia probably can add north korea to the list. You know what theyre watching and theyre takin g advantage of America Without Bideica president that is cogniy on their game. Biden promised to return to normalcy. He vowed to unite the country. O i prefer the guy that struck fear in the hearts of president xi and Vladimir Putin and Kimtr Jong Un and the Mullahsould M in iran. I dont think theyd be messing around with that guy. S and by the way, its time foro us to restore americas standing on the worle d stage. The exact opposite is happening. And i dippening. D not get any i more confidence out of joe biden tonight. Everything is worsworse. E. Tha everything is more chaotic. Can you ask yourself, are you better off thaweren you were four years ago . Ask yourself what policy that joe biden has implemented has benefited you. The americaned people. You know, both at home and abroad. Where has he been successful all . And as a bonus, by the way, everything is also a lot more expensiveonus eve. Record high inflation. Bad news on the mortgage front. High all you know, new Homen Construction has come to ane w screeching halt. Why . Because 30reeching, 30 year fixe mortgages are now 8 . Thats the Nationa Rl Average right now. Now, under donald trump, i8 t ws 2. 7, 2. 83, 3. 3. For a 30 year fixed rate mortgage, youre now going to pay thousandsd rate more forn just on the Interest Rate youll paytee on on on your home that you buy. Nobodys buying a home. And if you have a 3 , 30 year fixed rate mortgage, youre not going to sell it. Fand exchange it for an 8 , 30 year fixed rate mortgage. Where do we go from here . How do we restore peace . Prosperity . Why is biden even running for a second term . Peter doocy will join us with the full report in just a moment. But first here with Breaking News, he has morgll been on the ground in israel working around the clock. It is now, if you can believe it. 4 14 a. M. His time, our very own john roberts. You and i were in full agreement. I was feeling a little bad for brit tonight on marthas hour because we were all kindbes of ganging up on him, but not on purpose. Obviously, we think the world of him thef. E we do think the world of him. But i think that president bide biden did not give the forceful statement about iran that many people think that he should have. Now, here in israel, its not that important because israel knows that this president is Standinghi Foursquare behind them, that he issued decla that declaration that israel was not responsible for the Explosiot Notn at the hosp, which is really what has inflamed the tinderbox of the middle east. And thats also based on the global media picking up hamas propaganda and spreading it around the world. Remember what churchill said, shine a light, gets Halfway Around The World beforeorld b the truth gets out of bed . Well, the global media forgot that that lesson and spread that disinfo forgo Mention Froms around the world that inflamed the arab world. Doflamworlso now weve got to sf that is going to die down or if it will continue to be up. Now, you said at the beginning of your monologue that theres a sense that something could happen and could happen imminently hering coule in isra we are getting that same sense. Heres heres the tea leaves so that you can read them. Th yourself. The Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Defense Minise minister, yoav gallant, visited the troops on the front line just outside of gaza. Yoav gallant going so far ase no to say that if you havent seen the inside of gaza, you soon will. And then theres whats happenineng on the northern border, the big hit, the Big Bordenfrom Lebano Is Hezbollah firing off its vast arsenal of missiles. N isbut the israelis have massed merkava tanks and selfpropelled howitzers, artillery, 155 paladin or m1 or nines up there. And the only reaso. N why they would be up there would be to support some sort of Ground Incursion intoground lebanon. Its not like a Massive Force of hezbollah is going to come swarming across the border. So is there an operation about to begin in Southern Lebanomingss then as well . Rishi sunak, the u. K. Prime minister, was here yesterdayo. He was fully supportive. Israel went so far as to say, we want you to win. So with all of Thaisrael At In G is something imminent . We cant say for sure, but the tea leaves would certainly seem to add up in that direction john. The real concern about a Ground Invasion beyond the fact that there wouldth be many casualties on both sides is what happens to the 203 hostages that hamas has been holding. Is if we are to believe what hamas has been saying, they arlding . E in good health and they have been taken care of. Bu swarmsrael suddenly across the border into gaza, would that put their lives at risk . T President Biden in a tweet earlier today said that we are pursuing Everyves To Avenue to bring their loved ones home. That is the families of the hostages. But certainly a grounded operation going g into gaza woud put all of this at risk and the threat of escalation definitely increases as well. We w well be watching and waiting here from our post in jerusalem, john, to see what happens a in the hourssale ahead. John, we both have been in israel numerous times. Ive been thertoe during a flare up. Ive seen the border towns, gaza. Ive been there. Ive seen the underground playgrounds. You know , bunker playgrounds, kids playing. But i also have witnessekidsd he been in these tunnels. Theres a network of tunnels. The money that you spent those to build those tunnels. That is monetunneliny american. That is israeli money that was supposed to be used for school sd and hospitals and infrastructure. You you are fully aware you haveis reported on this over the years as well. Why do i have no confidenc e . And i know the president is pushing this hard. He wants 100 million to goto g to the palestinians. Well, couldnt the that include the release of the hostages . Can we get something t for thisl can that include the location of all the other tunnels s the o they can be destroyed so they cant use them in the future to attack israelis . Can there be Somesome Negotiation Here N . Abou if hamas truly cared about the palestinia tn people, there migt be room for some sort of negotiation like that. But lets not forgetel belie that israel believes that hamas broke into United Nations relief and works Agency Building and stole fuel and other materials from the United Nations. So from the hamas knows how to do. They know how to steal relief t aid. He and if there are truckloads and truckloads of relief aid coming a o into gaza and hamas is the only and sole power on the ground in gaza, how can you ever believe that hamas tak isnt going to take at least a portion of that and that it will use it for its own purposes and not to keep ton people safe sea and fed . All right, john, youve been doing a phenomenal job. Thann n, gs uk you for staying up so evey early in the morning for us. We really do appreciate it. Every day this wee dhiweekk. Now we check in at the white house now. So far, President Biden ha presd an unusually busy week, but it has not beenbeen a good one. Here are the very latest. Fox News White House correspondent peter doocy. Peter, let me first ask you about the tape. I played it last night. I played it tonight. And i looke co at the audience reaction and its been the same both nights. Basicall tape any a horror. They they cannot believe what a horrible cognitive moment that was categ. President biden. The question is, did Anyone Brinneg that up today . Is anyone talking about that in the Washington Press corp th well, theres no Press Briefing today. So limited opportunities ngk to them directly about the trip. I would say when it comes to issues of Foreign Policy wiy that is what president t biden considers to bhaes his expertise. And so i think when you see clips likeex that, it is just h being more deliberate to maket a sure that he doesnt say the wrong thing at a timy e whee one wrong word could have people start to attack israel from the north, people start to attack israel from the south, ira soun start to shoot missiles again, as if theyre not already provokedu. S. At us troops somewhere in the world. And sos in t at my read on thats somebody that watches every single comment that President Biden makes was that he was just trying to be really, really deliberate on a trip. I hes more dressed up in the sweater than we Usualls Morey are when we travel with him. Im usually in a fullus sweat suit. And so i think he was just trying to be as deliberateng as possible. While that was happening, though, while they were on the way, back, we know that there was this post he talked about Meetinalked Abg with first responders, the White House Social Media channels poste. D a photo where you could see the faces, the full faces of at least special operators. And that is a big problem because those are the faces of the guys that are the tipe fe of the spear. Those are the faces of people that go fighe t Terroriststs T All Around The World and dont want the terrorists to know who they are or where they are when they return back to the United States. We dont know tonight ifn the person or persons responsible fosible for that han punished. We dont know tonight ifthey the white house thinks that is something that somebody should be punished for. We just know that as soon as Theld Bpunishedy out about i it down because they understand the sensitivity of the situation. We know that tomorrow President Biden is going tomoto have some european leades here from the european council. They will no lea doubt talk more about this. And remember his election i in 2020 was not about Foreign Policy. We had the Foreign Policy elections in 408, 12, 16, 2020 was all about covid. And fot cor the first couple yes really, it felt like all of his biggest addresses were about advances that the country was making against the pandemic. Now hes got to convince the united the states that he is in control and that the United States can take control of two different wars without actually sending u. S. Troops to fight in them i. And well see if he can dont it. Great point. Let me ask you this, peter. Nigh the president referenced tonight, america afteram 911, when we lost 2977 americans that day. If You Extrapolate Out,2,90 he keeps lecturing us on on American Rage and that mistakes were made. And if You Extrapolate Out and compare populationser with all the people that were murdered, beheaded , the women the children, even beheaded, the babies beheaded, all people taken hostage, it would be the equivalent of losing 38,000 americans in a single dain y. Uo and My Question N is, if i lost my child and my baby was beheaded obeheadr a loved one oe was or taken hostage or murdered, i think there Woulde O Be Rage that would last in me for the reste of my life. Although i know the lords prayer says, forgivelords us ae forgive. I would have a really hard time i the rest of my life to, i guess, repressthis that rage. This i is justifiable anger here that they have. And not only that, that to me, the has got to be for israel. El this could no longer gaza can cn no longer be a staging ground si for them to fire tens and Tens Of Thousands of rockets into israeli cities. That has to be one of their main goals. And i would imagine thats true. Right . Trac yes. And when he talks about mistakes that the u. S. Made after september 11th, 2001, hes talking about howsepe he thinks the United States stayed engaged in afghanistan and looking forsy essentially or tryinedg to figue out what they were doing in afghanistan after Osama Bin Laden was caught and killed. He saw that as the main reason to go in. He was the Vice President when they when they got bin laden. And he thought that that was the time for the United States to just thought that wa t and move on. And i think in terms of the rage, he just they prioritizing keeping innocent civilians in gaz a safe. Tim i saw President Biden the last time i talked to him was on friday. It wased very brief. But i asked him what worries him about a potentiai l Israeli Ground operation into gaza. And his answer jus t one word,er was death. And when he talks tonight about bringing terrorists to justice, i dont thin ak that he is worried about terrorists dying. And weve seen that over the coursed of his presidency. He has taken out Terror Leadersi with over the horizon capabilities. Hes talking about innocent civilians. He and so thats why hes working the phones, trying to figure out how to get aid to these innocent civilians. Ifd hes saying if hamas tries to hijack these trucks, if theyre the ones taking the food and the water and the t medicine, its going to stop. And sost i think when he talks t about he wants them not to make any mistakesny. O it is just that he wants to make sure that the israelis are adhering to the rules of war and that innocent andmost people are not caught in the crossfire, which is almost impossible if Innocentocent D people are being used. Israelis have been warning the population if you stay, you will die. Theyve been doing it for weeks now. All right. Peter doocd if youy, as always,n you. Joining us now, more with reaction, Fox News Contributor charlie hurt, the host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick, tomi lahren, former Senior Adviser to president trump, Stephen Miller. Tomi, we go to you, get your reaction to the speech and now that the ground war really does appear imminent and an idea of forces, according to reports, have been given the green light, it could be happening i moment. I ex i would expect its going to happen now. So first of all, the oval Office Address, sean, i really hope our enemies were not listening to that. I hope that our allies, were not listening to that because our our enemies are going to be comforted and our alliesemie are going to be terrified. That was an atrocious address. And the fact terri that he speno much time when we havemuch american hostages being taken by terrorists, when he spent so much time fundraising forrorist ukraine, i think the American People have had their fill of that. And this tim was not the time to do it. I think theres a lot of americans out there that will be very upsee amout about the amount of time he spent talking about ukraine, Especially Whet Tat N were deag with what were dealing with now, israel and hamas and Speakingg Wiel and to israet they need to do. We need to be realistic, sean, about this situation. We are confronting terrorists. Israeltic is confronting terrorists. So this notion that israel has to pick and choose and has to fight a war, but there can be no civilian casualtiefrontinv thats not the reality of war and thats an unreasonable expectation of israeill. And its going to lead to not only the Palestinian People, but the israeli people being marred and forever entangled in a war thats never ending. You know, charlie, i wanted to hear more about, i the brutality. I would have wantedtali more perspectivety. On the numbr of people that were killed. I wanted to heari want more Abot Americans killed. I wanted to hear more about american Hostage Morous and isri hostages. I wanted to hear more about iranian involvemenes. T. I didnt hear any of that tonight. Well, i think that a lot of that confusion is probablye s what has led to the crisis in the first place. You know, this administratioisn from the beginning has sent nothing but at best, mixed signals in far more direct terms. Theyve done everything they can to empower irans hand. Theyve theyv e cut off and our Energy Supply here in the United States of america th terms our of our energy independence. Meanwhile, theyve opened the spigotey opened s for iran. iran has not been wealthier than they are today in at least ten years in terms of giving actual direct money to the countr y of iran in exchange for hostages. Everythingeverything that bidene has Empowered Irann and empowereand our enemies and weakened our country. And the reason that for four years under donald trump we never had a new war is because donal. Has d trump operated with with Prosperity Forunde America and power abroad and people. And so we didnt have new wars. Now, that was interesting. You talked about, is this the return to normalcy . S thi think in joe bidens mind two new wars that were sparkedse because of his policies as president his. To him, thats what he was thinking when he thought, im going to return to norma whal. I think that this is this is where he is most comfortable. Hes bee aboun part of washington. Hes been part of the problem n foorr 50 years. Proble he has gotten been part. M fon one of the smartest people in washington on foreign on on policy and. Theyve been getting it wrong forever. And donald trump came along and got a lot of things right,an made a lot of improvements that nobody said was possible. And i think he i thinkroveme he actuallnty wants to undo that progress and return t the middle east to the chaos that he has known for 50 years. Aos Stephen Miller well, sean, s was a shameful address because joe biden refused to take responsibility for the fact f that his policies haves led directly to the two warst that are now taking place. His policiese led to the war in ukraine and his policies of financing and fundingthe and enriching iran and undoing the trump policies havtre led to the hamas attack on israel and his repeal of one of the core trump policies. Its why we dont have these hostages home, because the trump doctrine included thise trum tenet. If you murder americans, you die, you murder our people, you die. That was the trump policy. He t thats why he took out generaloo soleimani. Terrorists do not fear us. Iran does not take us seriously. People are trampling over our flag, trampling over our citizens. People are, sean. Ace you know, and i got to tell you, he did take out the caliphate. Youre right. He took out soleimani, took out baghdadi and associates. He took out the al qaeda leader in yemen. Everybody seems to forget. And he did not want long protracted wars. I think one of the biggest complaints conservatives have over ukraine is, number one, europes not doing their fair share. Its their continent that has to be a prerequisite before any american involvement. The second thing is, joe put handcuffs on the ukrainians on day one. He wouldnt even allow poland, who offered 28 mig fighter jets. He wouldnt allow them to take them. Why wouldnt he facilitate that . And then you get to the issue of Cluster Bombs. Oh, we cant have Cluster Bombs. Well, now weve go, now wet Cluster Bombs a year and a half later. Anyway, charlie hurtt, Tomi Lahrenalf K , steve miller, thak you all. Here with reaction also to tonights address. She is the cohost americas newsroom and the hit show the five. Our friend dana perino is with us. I felt a little bad like you did. You know the fi, Piling On Ourd brit hume tonight, who wee whom all and admire, of course, but its funny, as i was t listening to you, dana, and i y had written down these words. I wrote down the words cliched, disjointee wod, back ad forth. Where is the discussion of the Brutalit Discuy . I i think you and i were fullyn in sync tonight. Yeah, i almost felt liketary the commentary after the speech that we all did was actually, if you put it all together, that could have been bidens speech and it probably would have been a good one. I was preparedprepared all day,. To love the speech and to applaud it. I wanted to say, wow, Amazing America at in the lead, america taking the action that it needs to. And i just did not feel that way. E a Martha Maccallum made a poit that apparently they had written this ukraine speech a while and its like they topped it with the atrocities october 7th, whichd t is not good enough. The the otheh thr thing is ther7 just a few things that are missing. I just want to comment on something that your previous guest were talking about in terms of the obamae Biden Administration. Lets go back even a little bit further because obama invitedbi russia into the middle east when in syrition. A. Remember that . And then you also had thenterr the terrible relationship between obama and netanyahibrele and the israelis at the time. And then you have ti. N and withdraw biden under biden continued tension with the israeli s. Urther and i said at the debate, the farther we get from we gember 11r 11th, the closer e get to september 10th. And i want to make a point that we havent mentioned tonight yet, and that is about the country of qatar. They are the ones that are qatar our quasi friends, like we can deal with them a little bit. But the leadership of hamas lives in qatar in lap of luxury. And i think that the president maybe hes saying this behind the scenesesiden, Bf A Single Hair Of Anan American hostage is harmed, e he you and iran will be held responsible. You better tell Hamald Responsio that. Again, sean, maybe hes doing that behind the scenes, but i. Just would have love to hear t a little bit more ofam sur The Americans that are being held. Im sure the president cares a lot about themth. He i just didnt think the speech hit any of those benchmarks tonight. I think i though shit t it missedk on the mark on a on a lot of fronts. And coming off what i thought was a horrible moment for him on Air Force One last night, i played that. It makes me cringe watching it. Maybe the only difference we have today, dana , in termsg of your expectations, i did not have any expectations of joe biden tonight. And iy ex mean, i play i pla the best of joe biden every night. And i dont realland dont le the hits that ive been playing. I think i prefer taylor swift music at thi playis time. U but anyway, great job. And i know you stayed up late for us, dana. Thanlathank yo much. K you very. We appreciate it. Now, meanwhile, the left continues to push its radical woke agenda,t contin but arkanss governor Sarah Huckabee sanders, shes fighting back as she is now set to sign an Executive Order Banning woke antiwomen Wordss Signin from se government use. She joins us now with more. Great to have e you, governor. How are you . Im doing great. G mek abouavin on tonight, sean. All right. Lets talk about that. And i want to get your reaction to the president tonight and. You know, the idea that we have this just absolute insanity, we are now living in a world where everything is crazy versus whats normal and the left continues to pushs this woke agenda, basically trying to erasit e the differencesff of women versus men, ignorinereg all of science and biology and completely ignoring the fact that women have a unique perspective. Only women can actually give birth no matter how many different ways they sa ffereny. That fact is completely basedret in science and reality, and we are no longer going to allowy. Rn them to redefine terms that weaken and frankly, demean women here in state. Government documents and here in the state of arkansas. Lets talk about th e issue of where we are in immigration. Last week, reports 19 iranians were discovered at our border, 17 syrians. Governor, i got to imagine that with the president of the United States aiding and abetting what will be at std of this year, 8 million Illegal Immigrants into this Countrgal Immiy and giving theme transportation. And according to the free, 99 , oncengortg them they get it and they stay, theyre not going anywhere. And weve got people onworr the Terror Watch List that they caught. I worry about how many they didnt catct how many h. And ive just got to wonder, you as a governor, how you feel about the fact that inhood all likelihood, terrorists, people that have Terrorist Sympathies have gotten into this country and terror cells exist, and theres been no vetting of any of thes e people. About what do we do about that . Well, not only as a governor, but as an american citizen, im frustrated. And i thinkca Everybody Else should be, too, because this is the exact type of policy that this administration has allowed to not only weaken our countrstrationy but also emn our enemies. The reason that we are seein og things around the world Wheree S Weon are fighting two different wars or because of the disastrous policies of this th, and whether it was empowering iran, whether its weakening our own border, the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. Every single area that theyafgh engage in, they either fail or weaken f the strength of our country, and we cannot allow them to continue pushing thesee disastrous policies that not only hurt our countrese poliy, t our allies. We are seeing governors across the Countr Y Step Up and tryns to fight back against some of these outrageous policiee s, th including at the border, because what they have allowed to tak. E place is an absoluterae travesty. And its, i think,sty. Just onef the many examples where this administration has the American People and allowed their recklessness not only to weaken us at home, but certainly abroad, as were seeing a unfold over the last several days and even months of the situation going on in. Ukraine. All right, governor sarah sanders, youre doing a great job down there a in arkansas. Ou happy about the fact that you rc you won that race by a huge margin. Congratulations. Thank you. In an op ed published this morning ahead of Bidens National address. Ohiod senator j. D. Vance urgedd congress not to use the war t in israel as a way to push foro more ukraine funding. Push forhe doubled down on all e during bidens speech tonight, saying, quotd thie, this is disgusting. Hes using dead children and in israel to selling. His disastror ukraine policy to skeptical americans. Ll thisenator vance of ohio is e with us. Senator, great to see you. Thank you. Than k you. All right. Lets talk about this. They send hundreds of billionsen of dollars there. And i stated this earlier, i think, to eaa huge mistake. Why is america why are we not insisted europe put up their fair share of the money re because theyve not theyve relied on america to put the bulko of money forward. Wh and why did america not pause and say, wait a minute. Why are we going into yet another long, protracted conflict . Because joe biden wont allown poland to give 28 migs. He wont allow cluster. Hes trying to dictate how at the time zelenskyy and ukraine would fight the war. Im not interested in joe bidens handcuffing. If youre going to fight a war, win the war. If youre notstert going to fi. It, stay out of it. And joe hasnt fought this war to win it, and neither a is ukraine at this point. Neither is europe. Theyre not protecting their own continen at. Or, sean, you raise a reallyn interesting point here, which is right now america doesnt need client states. We need real allies. Weand if the europeans arent going to step up and actually carry their fair share, theyre not real allies. Share theyre basically depending on our generosity. And righ dt now, sean, we just n cant afford it. And wet cant support the weapons necessary to fight o a two or, god forbid, a three front conflict if china invades. Taiwan. We know right now, sean, that there are Artillery Shells the israelis need for their operationeedn in gaza thae have sent to the ukrainians. Why have we allowed our industrial capacity, sean, to get to the point where we dont wt make enough Artillery Shells to support our friends . And given that realitynds . , why is joe biden going on National Television and selling people on a ukrainian escalation when Joe Bidenrainia is talking about the terrible tragedy in israel . N Escalae Ukraever your views, sean, on on ukraine. It is a separate country in ae o separate problem. I think what the president did is completely disgrace. If he wants to sell. The American People on 60 billion more to ukraine, he shouldnt use dead israeli children to do it. It was disgusting. It really was. Woul hstand you what did you wat to hear tonight that you didnt hear . Because there was an awful lot that i wanteit wasd to hear, not that i really had any higher expectations. I wanted to hear more about The Americans killed. Arout thi to hear more abouttaly the absolute brutality and terror committed againstar israel. I wanted to hear more abou mt tk irans involvement. Why do you think the president was bouncing t back and forth in a kind of disjointed way tonight . W unfortunately, shortly i think its because he has no leadership and he recognizes that his policies are responsible for the state of the world. Sorer the he had this defensive toneinsta instead of, frankly, just beknowledging that hes been a failure, he has to do better. Whd to Seeld Have Lovett Sean Won was the mention of china, because china benefits from all of this chaos, the regional conflict in the middle easta as much as anybody in the world. The other thing, sean, is why n talking about the rise of islamophobia after septembese or 11th . There are 1500 dead israelis and of course there are bad people in any country who are going to do things. The idea that that islamophobia is a significant challenge for thise idea country or israel right now is absurd. It is absurd. Seen a lot of virulent antisemites ism. Thats what ive seen. Right. Everybody here is shaking their head. Tha everyone agrees. Thats exactly right, sean. All good to see you, my frienw thank you. Tonight. When we come back,e Co Memore Disturbing Reports of antiisraeli sentiment around the country and around the world. Brooke goldstein and lara trump. Theyre next as we continue. Thanks for being wit h us hereie and different ways for m geoc. To screen for colon cancer. 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Even in our own governmente inc. One state Department Official just quit his job Becaus Nt Office he was so disgusted that the us was providing aid to israel. Another unnamed biden official told politico that they were frustrated to seael. E this couny supporting israel with weapons that he falsely claimed wereng being used to, quote, basically slop slaughter the peopled of gaza. And a Homeland Security officer has been placea me lanid on leave after she had attack multiple israelis online and multiple posts now. Then we got whats going on on college campuses. Its even worse. Harvard students now allegedlyl holding a mass die in. What the is a dying protest die in support of palestinians . And an Assistant Professor at uc davis, and one of the most liberal towns in far c left california is under fire for implying that, quote, Zionist Journalists in the us and their families shouldcked be attacked or killed. You know, you just cant make this up right now. Joining us with reaction, human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein and podcast Host Extraordinaire Lar A Trump is back with us. Thank you both. Brooke, let me start wittrump hh you and i want to get to you on that question of of the radical rise of antisemitism on college campusesl. We saw it in times square. I its its it is a cancerver e that i never believed in Myli Lifetime would be this large. Yo your reaction . T well, i have to say, sean,ank yo again, i want to thanku you for raising awareness about this issue, which poses a National Security threat to thiso country. Its not anti israel protest. This is anti jewish blood libels and mentioned earlier people who work for the government who are sympatheti p c with hamas. But nothing scares me more than an elected member of congress. Rashida tlaiteb spreading a modern day blood libel that israel shot at a hospital which has been debunked t with videoha evidence. We have Evidence Recording of hamas Officialsf Sayingcket that it was a rocket from palestinian islamic, and yet she is going around spreading a blood libel intentionall sprei inciting violence, intentionally Operatintie Ang Ar Arm of the hamas terrorist group. When hamas is holding u. S. S people, u. S. Citizens, as hostages. And i want to make an announcement today for your audience. This is Breaking News. Lawfare Project Lawyers have filed an official complaint with the Office Of Congressional Ethics against Rashidl Eta Tlaib because the ll community and, of course, the Jewish Community will notk sit back and just watch this happen. She is violating rule number. One of the house, which is that she must act at all time as our and reflect the credibility of our government. And i dont kno w that threatens the credibility of our government. An electegovern Thad Offician goes to a rally and further incites violence. They went to a prohamas rally, which wa s labeled the cease fire rally, after which 300 people broke into the capitol. Over three hundred, im sorry, and 300 people were arrested. She must be ind 30 investigatedb this incitement to violence. It cannot stand. E yeah. And the number of people that have radical ties s hass administration pushed forward. Lara trump, you know, when your father in lawministra was president and i talked about this earliererinla whenu president , something happened in my lifetime. I never thoughght id see. With and that was an alliance with the us, israe l egypt, jordan, saudi arabia and the emirates leading up to the Abraham Accords. And they were all in agreement. N they were all intelligence sharing going on things that i didnt thinkce goi see in our lifetime. And it was happening because they all stood against iranian hegemony in the region. Look at what. Look at how far we have fallen from where we were in just three short years. I mean, its sean. E has therbee has been a 180 degree change in everything you see, not just here in americain, but now around the world. And it is dangerous and people itsopleg. Children are being beheaded. It is horrific to see what has happened beh. But you have to look at what it was that donald trump did. It was peace through strength. When he was president of the United States, we know there were no new war started under his leadership. You just referenced historic peace agreements. The abrahamic accords in theddle middle east. People said it could never happen. It happene east. Itd. Donald trump, isis eradicated, soleimani dead. Meetings with kim jong un to possibly denuclearize the korean peninsula. We had a robust, Strong Military ready to go at a moments notice. Nod the truty to gh. When Donaltid Trump Wasump Wa president , our enemies knew. Es dont even dare try it. Because if you mess with america, if you mess with our allies, there will be to pay. The truth now is that ittr doesnt matter. Utsean, whether youre a republican or a democrat. Americans are starting to recognize that never than right now, right hers realize, s moment have we ever needed donald trump back more thaded n we do right now. And i will tell you what, god willing, hell become the 47th president of the United States because under his leadership, the world was safer. America was safer. Things were better for everyone. We need him back. Heresd hi the general. Heres the interesting part of it is the trials based on four year old information. I was going to take place during an Election Year in venues that are not friendly to them and worried. I have a better shotin at fairness in Appeals Courtt Fr that happens after the election. 15 seconds t, laura. Imagine that they are doing Everything Possiblposse to thisc one man because they know that when donald a Trump Getshos A Second Crack at things in the white house, the gloves are off. S are. Hes doing it for america hes taken down the swamp. Theyre terrified of him. But thatssw why hes goingexpet to win. Laura, thank you. More. Hannity sure. Has to. Something unexpected has arrived from experience. A debit card. The all new experience, Smart Money Card and digital Checking Account. It finds payments that couldexpn erase your Credit Scores without adding debt. Its no ordinary debit card. Its the smart debit card only from experian. And that is worth celebrating. And that is worth celebrating. Your new experian smart money debit card and digital Checking Account through the experian app, fox nation gives you crucial insight into the war on israel timeline of terror. This isnt going to be days. This isnt going to be weeks. Its going to be months ahead. Who is hamas . Hamas showed no mercy to these people. They dragged women through the streets of gaza. Who . Benjamin netanyahu. Hes called for a unity government. And he said that israel will secure its borders. The war in israel in three shows. Timeline of terror. 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Now, some of our upcomintonig guests include senator tim scott right here in studio, victor davis hanson,e wa congressman mike waltz, morgan ortagus, joey jones, and a lot more. Another Breaking News hour of hannity. Its been a busy night. He newnighright here and right welcome hour two of hannity. R st thank you all for being here. We got our Studio Audience here tonight. We tonight. Start. Thank you. Thank you for joining us at home. S 10 we start this hour with a fox news alert. Itth is 10 p. M. In the east coa of the United States, 7 p. M. On the west coast. It is 5 a. M. In gaza. We are monitoring activity on the ground at the border between israel and the gaza strip. Also on the northern side, hezbollah and lebano then, where theres been a lot of fire going back and forth throughout the day. No and fow this is where in gaza, where israel troops, troo are in hugeowi numbers. Idf de icials have issue green light for the Ground Invasion to begin. Hamas has said has now hadweek more than a week to turn over the hostages, to surrender, to disarm. Surrendthey have refused to do. Israel has been warningn warn the civilianin to be careful. Instead, they continue to launch rocketful. S from behi human shields. Right into border towns, israeli neighborhoodri, and threaten other barbaric acts of violence. So now israethreaterl will go u what is an arduous, difficult, very hard ground to Eliminateimt Hamas from this earth and prevent it from evers from, again, being a staging area for hamas or any terrorist to firede rockets into Border Cities in israel. Now, this is all taking placee o as 11 americans now are believed to believed held in captivity inside of gaza, along with around 200 others. A h this is a nightmare come to life. Everyone t has to now pay a huge price. Anyway, here with the very latest on the ground is in israel tonight. It is not isw 5 02 a. M. His time. John roberts has been phenomenal and generous with his time, sir. I know youre probably tired. Thank you fos with r all your greatr not coverage. Not tired at all. Were living in eastern time tid at israel time at the same time. Sean, you and i were chatting just a little while ago about the potential for a Ground Operation going into gaza a. Ago it was a week agthobody that everybody thought that the idf woult the d be going in, but was delayed. The delayed. Then biden came and richardsonta came. But the storm cloudse an are definitely gathering for something. I mean, when you take a look at it yesterday, the prime njamin minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the defense minister, yoav gallant, bot n nsh went out to e front lines near gaza to talk to the troops. Yoav gallant going so far as to say if you havent seen inside gaza yet, you soon will. N and the fact that president nigh biden tonight, his speechservin said that he talked to israel about observing the lawsg f of war. All of that, taken together, might give you a Reasonabl Me He Expectation that something is about to happen. At then. Ame time same time, theo are increased tensions in the north. Hezbollah out of lebanon has the been harassing the idf and the town s along the border, firing some missiles, mortarsthe and antitank missiles into the area. The idf haf has bes been respon they hit a couple of Observation Post today. The israeli ai r even hit a couple of hezbollah positions. D Armor Shots Ort that is amassed on that border. Merkava tankr ths, as well as te selfpropelled artillery, howit the 155 millimeter howitzers. And you wouldnt bringze that p there unless you were potentially thinking about Crossinglly Ng about the a with it, because its not like hezbollah is going to swarm ouht of the north in some sort of massive invasion of israel. It would rely on its rocketsat b to try to get that job done. And a big problem for, israel, too. Wewas here in 2006 for the war with hezbollah. They were all dumb bombs. They didnt have a Terrific Rang allb e. E were there was a lot that were coming in to kiryat shmona. Places like avivim, yaron, shula street. Some of them made it all Alle Go The Way Down South to haifa, but none of them got. Anywhere near tel aviv. But now, sean, hezbollah has got Precisio W Seann guided missiles that could be in tel aviv insidebe of 70 seconds. So the threat to israel, much more than it was 17 years ago. Rishi sunak, the u. K. Primethat minister was here yesterday. He said that the u. K. Is standing fully behind israel saying, quote, we want you to wideof tn. Nd one of the big concerns, though, about a Ground Operation as the 203 hostagese e that are being helind by, hamass if hamas is to be believed, m they are being well taken care of at the moment. But if israel goes acrosss the border with all of that armor that its been amassing just north north of the gaza st, things could change and change rapidlbuy. But well stay on it, john. Well let you know what we see. Let me ask you this, john. Every indication is youre correct that the Gaza Groundun Invasion is imminent. And youre rightd inva, one of b the biggest concerns will be the hostages. Another. We have to assume, especiallyg in light of tensions being heightened in the north with hezbollah and lebanon, that that is that that would probably ratchet up at the Beginninnning Ofg of any ground. Invasion. One third factor is an d its unknown at this time. At least they are sayingthey, g that they potentially could get involved. Of course, im talking about iraninvolv. 2fron so not only a two front t war to me that would change the equation on everything if in fac fact, iran gets involved . In this. Any thought s . Y its hard to see how iran would get directly involved. Its not like theyve got a militaryedthey hav that can project power across the region. I mean, if they really wanted to, i guess they could fire aat few missiles at israel. But if they were to do that,n the idf would in a hurry be down therrry e in bombing a bunch of facilities that has been itching to take on a lot of oil refineries, maybe some of its Nuclear Sites as well. Israel r has really been looking for an excuse to do that. Exs wouldt wouliran simply be to give its proxies t the green light to go ahead and start attacking israel, which is whyg , sean, it was so glaringly missing from the president ss speech tonigh. Any real tough words about iran . I mean, that the toughestug hes been on iran is to warn any third party that might want to get in this. Uld ha dont, dont, dont, dont. I thinve onek other past presids might have had a little tougher language dent toward the idea of, you know, heres a message directly message to the leadersd in tehran. If you decide that youre going to get Involvee Thatg D in this fight, that is going to have consequences. Yeah, but none that language. Whats also interesting, if you think about it, this 6one f billion that biden had promised iran in exchange for the five po hostages and then since been told and its been widely reportede si that fact a secret deal was secured, that the money would nouredt go to the iranians. Marsha blackburn was on my radio tho yesterday and she saio i would like to see that secret deal in writin saying. And i would like to seegh the senate weigh in on this as well and id like it to be official, not some secret deal and a win andk and a nod between the iranians and joe biden. So well see what happena d bes. There. But if that money gets into their pocket, i think we have a pretty good indication if theet what theyd be doing with that money. John robertsn what the, it is n7 your time. It is officially your timejohn to get some counting. Joank you for being with us. John roberts, thanks. All right. G us now with more reaction to bidens speech and the looming Ground Invasion ,seemingly imminent is 2024 president ial candidate South Carolina senator, the good senator from South Carolina, Tim Scotsenato Southt with us l. Linsey likes to think that hes the senior senator, as it were. You got to let him get awayah with that only for today. The fact of the matter is, i am running to bem united president United States so linsey can be the senior senator. Im almost s a citizen. So youre senator for South Carolina. Go aheadst. Oh, boy, thats going viral. So, look, and thanks for coming in. South e been in new york the last couple of days. Its great to have you in studion. With this is getting serious. All indications are and every source have on the groundn is saying its imminent. Yes. Now, theres been an increasoune activity in the north with hezbollah in lebanon. Ezbollahi would imagine that anw invasion would result in Aouldlb Ratcheting up in the north also. Now were talking about the potential of a serious. Two front war. Yes, thats a thats a challenge for anybody. Absolutely seae from. One of the things that we need from this president is clarity. He doesnt see need fr this prem be able to speak clearly. He gave a speech tonight. Remembercl , our ally, israel, was bombed by a Terrorist Organizationr ally. And tonights speech focused more on ukraine than focused did on israel. Thats unbelievable, number one. Numberevable, er one. Two, if wg to send the kind of message that hasessage strength in it, e need the gerald ford and the six fleet prepared in the mediterranean and as a deterrent, telling iran consequences are coming. Ifequences you bomb israel. And i got a tough question with the words of joe biden joea biden, would they take it seriously . Would he backwould he back i would he mean it . Im not sure he would. Null wou, john, you are smart and you raise a really good point. Number one, lookmb, look a at ht actions. I always say, as a guy who spent time in financial serviceso spfinanciaservices, we past can indicate what youll do in the future. The afghae n is dan withdrawal. Devastating, number one. Numbernumber two, telling putin, from, ttack these areas a cyber warfare. Number three, a small incursion mighr t be okay. Number four, lets get the russians to work with the iraniansh th on a new deal on or behalf. And number five, the first message is set. After the conflict started, october the seventh, was to tell israelwas to to down. Rockink your point is solid as a rock. The weakness of this president has caused chaos and conflict around the world. So we need a Ne W Commanderwm in chief so that what we say we mean. And that means there are consequences ans ther follo. If we were not loyal to our allies, no one believes will be lethal to our adversaries. R s. How do you explain e Obamabiden Administration and, the billions they gave iran . Yes. And now explain joe bide explain to give 6 billion to iran. Now, that iso after he lifted sanctions and allowed the iranian now to sell all their oil, and because we artificially reducedd th our output, well, that reduced the world supply, that increased pricesd pric dramatically. Everybody in the studio, a windfallestic, killing it. S right. So they got rich, which fomentes more terror gives them more money for terror. Then theyre getting 6 billion, they think, fromsix bill think. Right. We know thats fungible. The word everybody agrees. Okay fungi. D on so its based on the reaction. What is it about them . They do not seem to understandrd the evil that is they want. O they have said it. They say it over and over again. I would start believing it, that they want to wipe israel off the ma t p. Rael, death to israel, death to america. I believe they believedeh to thi that with all their heart and they think theyd be doing gods will if they did ink woul period. The only thing id add to that is they dont want to just the add e israel. Hamass objective is to eliminate every single jewisish person on earth and then attacks western democracy. Theres a little satan called israel, and theres a big satan callederes a. Lled any president of the United States who doesnt understand that cannot walk and chew gumd at the same time. And that is in can my opinion, n abdication of responsibility, not just in a forceful,dicati clear message with consequences to iraon n, Who Funnels Money Ira To Hamas and hezbollah, and the pushs back in the west bank against the Palestinian Authority who canceledwh their meeting because they able to disrespeceit the president , United States, but because we interpret what what is their disre . L what is their thinking . Is it that, well, if we be really nice to iran and we ra show them kindness, theyre going to be kindndople o back people that say they want to wipe you off the face of the o wipeearth, dont think a veryo people believe them, believe them. Believe all can tell you is h Reagan Doctrine of peace through strength worked decade after decade after decade. Ked, weak, liberal, radical leadership from the far left whos more interested in appeasing those squad and antisemites in their party than they are standingtisemit the right thing . The hamas caucus. Oh, well, there is a part of te Propaganda Machine coming out of hamas in spite of all the that showed that in fact, it was not israel. Yes, that wasense. S responsibler the hospital bombing that they say killed 500. First of all, the hospital barely got any damage. Yes, it was in the parking lot. Theres no way 500 people died. And, you know, how doea you react . The Media Evercty single majorti Media Organization in this country and around the worldn cy bbc, french press, every American Network that i caicann believe. P york times, washington post, abc, nbc, cbost,s, hamas, dnc, e news, cnn, evil terrorists b are believed over the state of israel. How is that . Unlike over the wouldnt they check brr their sources . Listen, brother is ap of th e new york. I said it yesterday. Ill say it again and well have to say it tomorrow as well. Chec say itk your facts, becauseth at the end of the day, Begafalse Propagate E and caused consternation and the mobilization of hezbollah. Y it sarew iran say theyre going to start having consequences based on a lie. Yea h. By the way, are you missing home . I mean, dont you hate new york . Way, arent missiwell, you knoo i am leaving tomorrow morning. So the answerrr is i was goi. To throw to him and dont come back. No, no, no longer for a single day in new york. They tax you for the day. You know that, right . So sean s k they youre going to be taxedr these two days youve been here. Im just saying. Well youve , i thought it was 12 hours, but two days. Look, if youre her he one minute, they tax you. Its unbelievable. Yeah. Welcome. Move to soute h carolina, gettig the hell out of here. And so remote from South Carolina. Im alutl your taxes. H y bring your audience with you. Yeah, i love a great oldou time. I got to love you. Yeah. Great to see it. All thank you. All right, now for more onisrael israels imminent ground war, lets bring in former Pentagon Official emint. Elbridge colby is with us, former Israeli Special operatorn aaron cohen. Aaron, start with you. All indication s are theyve got the green light. Its a go. We saw an increase in Activity Border with hezbollah on the border with lebanon. Acuate israel had already evacuated 28 communities in the area in the hopes of protecting lives. Soso it seem it seems that theye the Ground Incursion into gaza that will be an increase of Military Activity in the north. And nongw we are fighting a two front war. And then with the big question mark, does iramark, iran get ih your thoughts . My thoughts are that israelous the state. The first time that weve gotten into it with multiple countries attackin g i g us mule directions. Theres already action. Weve already neutralizefrom mud a couple of dozen terrorists on the northern front. Were using dronesen, artilleryh weve got air force Special Operations Assets on the ground hittinav o g targets with selectivity regarding gaza. Ave actisean, let me set the tai i believe that israel is going to go intong and the reason whyu is because they have to. And im goinacg to bring you bak to 1997 during the oslo accords. We made peac we made. Th sat down our then Prime Minister rabin, who was a treasure. Wateone of the one of the founds and fathers of modern israel who helped turn that desers a t into a beautiful country. He believed in peace. He gota beautry, the israelis d him. And what ended up happening was we ended Up Disbanding Isand Ng Our Elite Counterterror Undercover Unit that was responsiblur covere, the overall maintenance in gaza. And i believe its not the idf commanderss not fault. It was i believe that it was a decision that was made in order aios made to try and me at the time it was arafat. And so we havent had the ability to get in there. And that fertilizer out. E so those terrorists dont keep a growing and keepnd snatching and grabbing those Terrorist Leaders and getting that intel we need. So right nowd gee inte, israelt 20 years worth of work that they have to make up foke and its going to be bloody. Its going to be messy. Theres going to be tunnelsy, w we got hostages. Thi but you know what . Like ive said to you before, this is when israe l comes together. The israelis are smart. Poise, audacity. And now were going to addttle a little bit a little bit a sprinkle of resolve. But agai sprine ofn, think youg to see israel doing what it does at its finest, which is being abl at ie to springboard multiple ops with Selectivity Fig our incredibly built outk ou special operations apparatus. Elbridge, let me go to you. It speaks volumes to me that these foreign leaders would not meet with our own president , joe biden. He was in the middle east yesterday. They just flat out rejected hi m. It also, you know, it angers me to no end that he is thatn naive, that he can give 6 billion to the iranians and hes pushing israeisl so had on the issue of aid to the people of the palestinian or people, knowing full well or ifk he doesnt know theres a levenl ignorance that frankly, is unforgivable for a u. S. President wanting to give 100nr million in aid, humanitarian aid. You know we all know thereso no way that money is going to a humanitarian aid. Ai that money will end up in the hands of hamas and they keepandi making the same mistakes over and over again. Now, if they waneallt really give money and they want to ensure its its used for humanitarianr humani purposes, e theres checks and balances they can put in place. Plbut i wouldnt give them one red cent unless and untilele they released every single hostage first. Why singley they. Thes why does joe not try to get and anything out of these people and hes willingng to throw hundreds of millions of dollars at themro . Well, good to be with you,this b sean, on this on this sober night. But as it looks like the invasion and the incursion into gaza may start, i think look your if youre thinking c about what what a just war is or a just cause, you lookauuo at whats necessary and the degree of the provocation. And clearly there was the most i abominable provocation in the unprecedented atrocitiesn , raes the postwar era against israelis. And theres no questiotheres ni but that the israelis, you know, from a Strategic Point of view, they have to go in and have to restorec t of vi. Deterrence. The famous strategist, clausewitz, said, you know, Th Strsometimes you need the fl sword of vengeance. And its very clear to me, Talkinit Verowg to israeli fried and watching, you know, online on tv, that in israel feel that kind of vengeance in a very deep. Vei think just way. That that doesnt mean going in. D and you leveling the whole place for its own sake, but it has to be Thoroughgoin T Gof the and there has to be the destruction of the hamas apparatus. Apparatus th, ing to be very very difficult. And i think the Biden Administration, you know, the vibe you get is they kinthma be y of want to have it both ways. Ou they want it done cleanly. But the realit gs. Y is, unfortunately and tragically, there is no way to do it cleanly. And, of course, Hamaha Theet S is the one who set it up that way. So i think this is where were going to start to se see e the dynamic go. And were i think its very important for the United States to back our very closeas ally, israel, as it goes through this very difficult operation. Atbut that simply has to happen from both a Strategic Point of view and from a yourategic , a kind of a justice Point Of View to to restore some semblanceblance of justicer this abomination. What are what are we to make ifo i as i can ask both of you,e ill stick with you for a second here of the iranian comment that the time is up. That sounds like an imminentssit of their possibly possible involvement on top of a two front war. Now were looking at thew wer r one State Sponsor of terror threatening israel simultaneously. Well, i thought that was very concerning. R well,i my understanding is tg iranians have been sending various different messages. I thin diffek your corresponden, john in israel said about the ability of iran to directly necessarily attack israe himl, n of course, above all hezbollah. But others, they do have althetothes that can reach isra. Thats very dangerous. They have the military. It is, althoug mosh i think mos yeah, go ahead. They do. And i thinzbollah k i hezbollah, of course, a cats paw of their. So its almost the same thing that they couly could unleash. I think its going to be veryim important. Look, the idf is verportant,y,. Cohen was pointing out. Theyre not asking us to fight their wars. I thins d k the key thing is forg for us to back them up politicallyus and wherever possible in terms of military and financial support. Let me ask k you, do you see if i can add to that real quick . Please go aheadould a little. We have a little expression and its been hit, dorset, i see doreen and im talking to to my iranian friend nasralla h. Ach. Youre not out of our reach, you know, and to our friendy ismail haniya, you know, enjoy that Six Star Hotel in qatar. N youre not out of our reach either. You know, we invente in oud peg. Were listening to every phone call. Thousands of them, and phone our intelligence capabilities. Even though weve got 20 years of catching up to do right now and tunnels that ws wee got to s through and hostages that we got to get to, this is what we do. W were masters at this crafte an when it comes to hostage rescue, sean. And wevthsean ae Got An Increde Unit called yaalon, which specializes in explosive Ordnance Disposal in those tunnels. And all the time that we have right now that were sittingaven right now, thats a friend. Its not a friend to the hostages, but its a Friend Therdirect action against hamas. And theres about 40,000 of them waiting in there. Es abou00but the Israelis Are G focused. Theyre getting prepared right now. So, agai focusn, none of you gus are without or are not within our reacthish to mr. Nasrallah o a haniya. Within, know, weve got sean a capability to get to everybody. Yea yh, ive known the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahualm, for almost three decades, aaron. One and one thing i can say with 1,000 certainty that one front war, two front war, iranian involvement, youre right. Bibi netanyahu will do what it will take to protect and preserve israel. And if bibi iran wants to pickn that fight. I predict theyre going to los ie in the south,h they theyre going to lose in the north. And the iranians wante in tot involved. Theyre going to lose there, too. And israelwantt involved will ds necessary that they remain a statane. Thats it. And it wont matter what the rest of the world thinks at that point. You agree with meir the res . R last word. I agree. I agree with you 100 . Bibi netanyahuic i agree wit was around. He was an officer. He was, on on one of the increde raids at the sabina takedown f in 1972 when we took the firstai aircraft down. Rcrafthis a treasure. In and i think bebes got a ton of strength. Lost his brother grateful. Th. Yeah, yeah, he lost his brother, whos a national treasure. And were grateful fors brotr th the United States and the support. And were grateful for you, too, sean. Yeahe suppd , well, our prayers are with you as this invasion now seems imminent and. D be god be with you. Thank you, sir. All right. Coming up, the state departmenyt released a rather unsettling warning for americans worldwide. Well explain. Well ger t reaction from congressman mike waltz, morgan ortega, as they join us as continue. Thank you for being with us. Welcome to stormy heights, where the windows are always pella palace. Fiberglass is the material for windows and patio doors. 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The State Department is now warning all americans travelingg anywhere around the world to be extra cautious no matter where theyre going. The Department Warns of, quote, the potential for Terrorist Attacks or violent actions against us citizens and their interests. Now, one group fueling those concerns i, hezbollah in lebano, which is now threatening both israel and the us and recentlyt led a riot near beirut. Attendees were chanting, you got it. Death to israe l deatha to america. Here with reaction, florida congressman mike waltzngressma and former state Department Spokeswoman morgan ortega. She worked with mike pompeo. Et m congressman, let me begin with you. How real is this threatl and what what would you tell the americane people traveling abroad, abroad, and why is it so widespread . Well, sean, i would tell every one of them to be incredibly cautious nownow. But, sean, i holdmain the Mainstream Media that completely showed their true colors and their res bias and how they responded to tn in thethe hospital in gaza over the overmo the last 24 hours. I hold them completely responsible for this. This wasnt just an oops, we made a mistake. You know, let mistas putag a correction on the next page of the New York Times or the back of the frone net. This was incendiary. It caused blood in the streetsgu. There are people stormingssies our embassiebes of the misinformation that they grabbed on to. And i keep and otheri s keep asking, would they have done this if putin and russia had said ukraine bombed a hospital . Would they have paused for a moment and said,pa you . Ying putin has a long history g of lying and gotten to theotte e facts, but yet they didnt dot u that with a terrorist group, hamas. P they immediately ran with it. R and my other question is for President Biden. He just did it again in his. Ri why does he keep raising humanng rights in the same breath . Tha israel. Did he say that about ukraine . No. Anrkeep sy that about any otheab . No. Why does he keep saying that about israel . And th isra e only thing i can think of is pandering to the progressive antisemitic left. But it otherwise it makes no n sense. And now you have americans all the world in danger. We have embassies there talkinge about evacuatings ta. You have riots in the streets. This is. It should be called out. There should be firing s, er accountability. And yet we have a shoulder shrug. Evenshrug. From members of congress. Its truly unacceptable. Y with morgan you work very closely with former secretary of state mike pompeo, who was on the program last night. Hezbollah claimingnd that theyre a thousand times stronger than they wer e before. If thats true, that just means that the iranians have been arming themt the. S xrar a lets just compare and contrast. If contrast. It was the trumpy F Administration and it was secretary of state pompeo. E me what would the message be back to hezbollah basicallyy threat threatening everybody. G well, we would tell them, f you touch the hair on the head of an american, then itlln ame be your head for doing it. And thats exactly what mike pompeo and president ctly did in last administration. We let the islamic of iran know that they would be held accountable for any loss of americaf knon life. And it didnt matter if one of their proxies like hamas or hezbollat didnh or shia militias in iraq were the ones culpable, or whether it was directlyif anm the quds force, they would be held responsible. Qudse. U look so so, listen, when you look at what hezbollah is claiming, could have anywhere from 60,000, sean , to 100,000 fighters, the last time israel year on hezbollah, its been few years. It was in 2006. And that was not a it wan easy. So they do have a lot of capabilities, which whats more concerning is the amountap of weapons, especially the amount of rockets, sean, that theanrockety have been able to stockpile. We know that since the beginning of the the sancti Biden Administration for three years now, the economic sanctions that we put in placeh in the Trump Administration have not been enforced. So thats ars around 80 billion more in oil revenue that that the Islamic Republic of iran can use to fund to fund hezbollah, to give them more of these weapons, to stockpile. We also know that iran has expanded their use and theyre capabilities of ballistic missiles. We also know that theyve and nded exp their ability and e suicide drones, these same suicide drones, they are t shipping to russia. Russia is using them in ukrainian cities againstainin innocent civilians. So in many ways, we are funding both sides of the war as it of relateths to russia and ukrainei we dont know whats goingha to happen with this aid that wereppen sending. Morgan youre saying hamas and we could be funding both sides thersidee, bidens policiy by being so permissive and allowing iran to get their oil on the world market again has enriched them to theet tune of, you know, 8,000 billion. Thats serious to foment80 terror. And theyre already the number one State Sponsor of terror. Teyou talk about hezbollah and their stockpile of weapons. You t havent the israelis also been preparing for this day . Arent they very awareed mor that they have needed more munitions to preparmunitior a two front, maybe three front war . A yeah, theyre a tiny country. Theyve had to take on multiple front wars co. We sit weve seen that on the anniversary of the yom kippur war. Its listen, its still a behemoth of a challenge. They receive a lot of military aid from the United States, but they actually purchase a lo but at of our weaponry as. And theres theres a lot of military capabilities that we share between both nations. But but makh e no mistake, i this is a tiny nation, sean. This is a nation lika e the siza of new jersey. So no matter how prepared israeler howd is is, you still l that hezbollah and notla justtht hezbollah, by the way, but the shia proxies that iran hass av the region have the capability to inflict immense harm on the civilian populations in israel. This is going to be a bloodyy nasty and horrific fight for the people of israel. And thats why we need to beh tm with them not only today, not only tomorrow, but in the comingy tod and months as d opinion tries to turn on them quickly. As we just san onw with the hospital, they turned on them and they did nothing. N imagine when they do have to fight back. Congressman waltimaginy havez, s your recommendation to the us . What should our policy be . Well, ifdation t you were talkig to joe biden, i know hes asleep right now. He had his warm miling to j k. What would you tell him tonight . Yeah, sean, you have to raiseo s costs with iran. The you have to make them believehi that this will cost them too much. They will suffer. Thats what president did when theyre iranian backed militiass in iraq, attacked our embassy, killed an american, attackedr our shipping. President trump didnt hit the militiassh back. He hit the iranian field, general soleimani. Mis jump h deterrence and peace was restored. So the israelis could take out hezbollah, could take out hamas. But iran will keep pumpingl ke with weapons and money all day long. Its only till wg theme afterr h the head of the snake and deter and make them feel the costs of that this will that peace will be restored. Amen. I agree completelywill. Thank you both. Appreciate you being with us. When we come back, the ever brillian wt Victor Hanson gives us his take on irans involvement with hamas and hezbollah and the 100 wantt million that biden wants to send to gaza that we all know would end up in the t d hands of hamas. Straight ahead. Ouble ke attention hearing lossss s sufferers. Do you struggle to hear loved ones . You feel aloe keeping p with conversations . With conversations . Do you listen to tv on max volume . Hearing loss makes you miss out on important moments. You feel alone. Start hearing better today with our series all new microugc hearing aids. Us to bring ids true high quality hearing aids direct to you through arcasl, o hearing america program. Or p ultra discreet hearing aids montr a 1,000 for a special Introductory Price of just 99. Of just 99. Or pay as little as only 29 a month with Free Shipping. These arent cheap amplifierabls that dont really work, and you will never have to pay thousands agai ones cod thesen. Theyre affordable. 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Sean so in addition to the billions of dollars in aidand that biden is requesting for israel and ukraine w, well, joe also announced that he is sending 100 million to gaza for socalled humanitariand hu relief without a plan to prevent hamas from taking alt all. Now, this is a similar strategy that biden used in iran. So, you know, we can expectlts . What similar results in a way. We asked the great victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institute. So the palestinians elected i hamas the last election, i believe correct me, professoli ,if im wrong, in 2006. The indoctrination ive been showing over and over again that they havee with cartoons and young children. I mean, it is beyond despicable to me. So this money, lets say, joe, b and hes been pushineeg it veryn hard the last two days when he was in israel, is pushing it hard. Hun lets say that 100 million he sends for humanitarian reliefars he. Why do i have no confidence that any that money is going to get to the Palestinian People and that hamas use it u like they have used past monies to build tunnel networks, some of which ive been in myseltunnel f. Se you because, you know, sean, g never been any history of any money going to hamas in gaza the or, for that matter, the Palestinian Authority. That wasninian auatt diverted e part to weapons. Its all fungible. They know that. E, w but what the really strang thing is, sean, if you if you think this out out, why didn give this 100 million to hamas e reasand the reason was, is tht joe biden went over there and thenden we fake this fake n story went out and it enragede the middle east. It enraged people at home. It fired up the left nraged wing of the democratic party. He was snubbed by jordan. , to. Who we give 1,000,000,000 to. He was snubbed by egypt that we give several billion dollars. He was snubbed by the Palestinian Authority and he was angrubbed byy about it. Id and so he said, were going to give you a million. And then he said the mos tin important thing that ive heard, this entire crisis, and that was verd thisy littleee reported on. Joe biden said its likeon the olden saidd what they used h you got if you cant hit the target. And that was in response to the rocket that hit the hospital ha, ans really saying was, i wouldnt have been embarrassed. We wouldnt have thesee th protests. I wouldnt have had to givered i the 100 million if islamic had just hit the targellt and not. Missed. And then that caused this problem and the fake c stories. And then we had all this chaos. Then we had to pay the. Does but what does that really mean, sean . That really means ifth they had just fired a missile at tel aviv and killed jews as they intended, then we wouldnt have had a proble wd m. I and that was one of the sickest, eeriest things ive heard thi ire was entire war. Im not a big supporter of making ransom payments. N tht that was the 6 billion that joe made in this deal with. Iran. He says now that they claim now e and therclaie are reports nowree that they have a secret deal that iran will noalt get money, iran is contradicting those reports, saying they are getting the money and they alscontradiod theyll spend it anywhere they want to spend it. And, you know, iy im at this. Absolutely. I mean, im looking at this figure. Well, i mean , have. The go ahead. But, i mean, ie f you got to if youre going to give the money, can we get the hostages back . Can we get something for this money . Well, were giving them 1. 2 billion per hostage, and we know that thats going dog to two things. That money is going to go into g lie middle east terrorist machine and its going to green light that practic practice of more hostages. And this comes on the heels of lifting the sanctions, etc. I but my problem, i think iraon in a very difficult position still, sean, because they have been about the murder of innocent civilians, civilians in israel, but theyt, always say, but we didnt do it. They did. They planned it, but they always say we didnt t bu it. T they keep saying were going to do this and do that. But they use thid thatd surroga, they use hezbollah rockets now and then they shoot things froh but they havent done yet what they say theyre going to do. And thatavent de what is to dek and they know why,no because th is the first time theres 150sob aircraft that are soon going to be off the coase f t of beirt and near iran. Ifcknd they know that if they attack that fleet or hezbollah attacks that fleet, even joe biden will be forced to respond. And right now, the world look and i dontan think the russians and the chinese are going to do anything. Anything. Theyre allies, but china just wants oil and it has its own problems with muslims. So does russia, with the with the chechnyans and. They dont have any friends. The middle east, arab countries privatelfriendy despise them. And i think theyre going to talk, talk, talk but they know that if they do anything rer the first time in their history, theres no restraints on israel. And, you know, theres hezbollastn. H can do a lotf of damage. But in 2006, it was a terrible wa it war. It was a lot of mistakes made. But they sent beirutmistak to te medieval age. They really did. They had to go in there midd age all of those hezbollahm missile sites that were th and, embedded and in beirut and even the economic c ministminister of beirut, of n the other day said, if we have a war, were going to in bad i shape. We havent even recovered i in 2006. And i think i think for all the talk, iranhink has got itself io a position that it never imagined. There is no restrainton on the United States or israel. Unity to invade tr or send missiles that either target either us or the israelise sen. And theyve never been in that situation before. If they want to test the resolve of israel and Prime Minister netanyahuth, nott only only funding two proxy wars, one from the north, one from the south, and they involve themselvese from, they are playg with fire because of israels existence is threatened. All bets are off. As far as iexistee m concerned. We have about 15 seconds. You agree . Youre youre absolutely right. They think theyre in the most confident positione ever been. Act theyre actually in the most perilous. Yeah, well said. Victor davis hanson, thank you. Straight ahead, another u. S. Leader has announced a trip to israel raising questions about his future. Wan anybody want to guess soon who might be anyway . Well tell you when wen get back. Well get reaction from brian greenberg, joey jonewebac as we continue. 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So i got this debate with ron desantis and governornd desantis im sorry, governor newsom, that is novembersantis 30th. Right . Okay. Now, i hav mber 30te interviewed gavinnewsm newsom twice. He has sworn up and dow twicn both. I know im under no circumstances am i gettingn in this president ial race. Is he running . I dont knowsidentia if hes ru but ron desantis out a win politically. Isd i dont meant Ron Desantis Y because this issue in israel is way more important than goliticss wa. But ron desantis said, hey, im going to get my people out of there. He went and goe ou t people outou of there. So now gavin newsom said, nop change, by the way. And unlikelane joe biden, he dih charge americans for the flight home. Didnt so maybe maybe thats a s part of it. It looks very political to me. E. Even kathy hochul going overln i mean, i would much ratherean hochul kat is going i would ratr see her in at nyu or cornell trying to do something with these students that are mas an supporting hamas and palestine. You got a governorhools of california, youve got a high school in San Francisco hiday that marched down througih the halls and students that were jewish were hiding from them because they were so s aggressive. Youve got a school today in sacramento, a high school. Youve got professorsy at berkeley battling out over whether or not hamas is a terroris ovet. Has i feel like gavin newsom hast plenty to do in his own state when comes to this. N yeah, i would say that, too. T first thing, gavin, id cut taxes. Listen saying. , brian. But heres the problem with what hes doing. So hes going to israe. L on hisay way to china. Okay, china buys about 87 of irans oil. What does iran do with thas t ol revenue . It funds hamas to murder t is israelis. I mean, this is the stupidest trip you could ever maket. Yout and sequencing. If you want to show the American People that the e thn be a leader on the foreign stage, its a slap in the face. It has been doin theg this becae theyre losing population and theyre bleeding billions in tax dollars, like new york is bleeding billions of tax dollarsng billi becausegn people like me have decided i am getting the hell out of her heree. Yeah, i mean, the exodus from,m by the way, californiagu to texas. Im not the billions guy. Im just saying. But, you know, everystaying, pel that leaves and the state tts less taxes that ies reminds me of bill de blasio. He messed up new york city. He said, you know, i mean, do i want to run for president . Gavin newsom has taken california and turnet. Aken d ito a dump. And he said the way to fix that is to bx thee president United States. Its the wrong thing. Fix your own state, deal with your own problem owh yours. Le maybe if you did that,look a people would look at you as a potential for all the californians have tried to come to georgia for the movie industry that we started up down there. Just remember to birmingham, thats our capital right there in birmingham. Thats thatuse of thes capitale we live somewhere around there. Hang on a second. I lived in alabamare aroun. I lived in georgia. Birmingham is the capital of georgia. If youre a california n to move yet it feels, not it. Stryingng there get our senas back. No, i understand completelyeu. I do think theres some ambition that well find out. Lli like the idea. N yo i mean, when you look at these two governors, though ,ron desantis and gavin newsom b ,red versus blue, state versus v diffe, you cantersu have two different ideologies. Thw do you even begiideologin to possibly bridge the gap with these different views . Youve got to make them talk to each other and not past each other. Thats your ive gotjob. To makb them thats your job. Youve got to make that happen. You y high bar, bryan. Youre the guy for it. But America Needs that debatbri it i mean, like it is right now. Gapink amd to bridge that ga or do weer need to show a the differences . I think americans have to make a change. Why are people leaving t one state, moving to the other state . Why does the one state have 13 andhave a half percent income tax and one has no state . E thats my point. You dont need to bridge the ga ncome p in my opinion. E th you need to show those californians moving to texas and georgia and tennesse e why its not just our tax policy, but our culture and the wa ourye treat each other the respect we have when we go out in town. The fact that we say, yesoth, sir and yes, maam. And states all across this country, the respect you have sir,s for each other is what cra a culture where we respect each other. We d in the business even in wee and the money we earn. We dont have that everywhere in this country. You knowe verywher what . Its also tax policy that helps a lot. A great businessitslso ta envi makes everyone happier. And they get a lot of, by the was everyo sean iy, is why yout in california 7 a gallon for gasoline forline two 350. W do how do you how does that you you have such a difference liked bu that . You drive to florida and you buy gas on the way. Good fill upou your tank while you can. All right, joey bryan, great to seenk whileu can. You both. Quick break right back. More hannity straight ahead. Do you have too much body fat . It tends to accumulate on your stomach, hips and thighs. Are you struggling to lose weight . Does it seem like no matter what you do, you just cant get rid of excess body fat . Body fat builds our midsection. Body fat increases for lack of exercise, poor diet. The Obesity Research institute has found the solution. Its called limousine. Limousine is clinically proven to help reduce your body fat and weight. 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Prayers on both sides are urgently needed. Stay with fox news for continuing coverage. Go have fun tonight. Its a be hours marathon. What a great crowd. Thank you all for stayingin and beinrsrtunatelg troopers. Ei all right. Unfortunately, thats all the time we have left this evening. Thk at home for being withve us as well. Next week, Live Audience shows sign up on hannity, aecom. Tickets are 1,000,000. , e sorry, theyre fre wednesday and thursday. Hannity. Com. You go and register, set your dvr and never, ever, ever miss an episode. Stay with the fox news channele all night for our coverage of israels war with hamas and tracx. E gallagher, fox news at nin

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