John The War In Israel bringing chaos to the nations capital. Swarms of antiisrael protestors flooding the Cannon Building demanding a ceasefire with the terrorists one day after hamas blamed israel for the Hospital Blast in gaza. John roberts reporting from jerusalem. As protestors took over the Capitol Rotunda a congressman stood silently above the demonstration holding an israeli flag. Other lawmakers sounded shocked at what they saw unfolding. The idiocy that you can see behind us. People who dont understand what were facing. People killing innocent lives, women, elderly, women taken captive and yet these people are sympathizing with them. Its sad. They want to come into this Capitol Building and wreak havoc. They dont have a clue what is going on in the middle east. They want to blame israel. Capitol Police Arrested more than 300 of those protestors and charged at least three of them with assaulting an officer. This was just one of many antiisrael protests taking place across the country. Here you see them in new york city, chicago, st. Paul, minnesota, and in cambridge, massachusetts. Here in the mideast israels military has strikes in gaza one killing a hamas leader. That Ground Incursion expected to begin days ago is still on hold. At the same time the fighting is ramping up with hezbollah in lebanon on the northern border. Israeli newscast capturing video that it says shows the rocket that hit near the hospital in gaza did not come from inside israel. They exaggerated the number of dead. The Blast Hit A Parking Lot and not the hospital directly. The number of Hostages Hamas is holding in gaza seems to be on the rise. The idf confirming 203 civilians have been kidnapped. That is up from 199. Retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg weighs in in a moment. First to our trey yengst in Southern Israel with the latest. Trey, it has been a very busy afternoon here in israel. Yeah, john, absolutely. Both the southern and northern fronts are active today. I want to start with the breaking news. Hamas factions in Southern Lebanon are claiming responsibility for firing around 30 rockets into the northern part of israel. In one community there are two injuries reported but this is the most significant rocket fire from Southern Lebanon since the war began 13 days ago. The israelis are expected to respond in the coming minutes and hours to that rocket fire. Theyll likely not target palestinian linked position but hezbollah that has to sign off on any fire coming from Southern Lebanon. The factions in gaza think they can mislead the israelis to claim it wasnt hezbollah. This is quickly unraveling in the north. I want to draw you are yangs to the south. New reporting Israeli Military telling fox news today there is legitimate concern there still may be Palestinian Militants hiding in Southern Israel. We learned that information this afternoon speaking with the israelis as we reported among the communities along the israel gaza border and watched as israel continued to strike targets along the gaza strip reporting less than a mile from the border with gaza. You could see into the strip at the black smoke was rising from the zi line. Israelis continue to strike different targets at rocket fire targets massive Population Centers in israel. The amount of rocket fire since the war erupted 13 days ago, they say more than 7,000 rockets have been fired into the jewish state. John my phone has been going off all afternoon with warning after warning situated where you are and up toward tel aviv. After the errant missile hit that hospital it does not seem like hamas or jihad have dialed back one bit. Absolutely. Things are headed in the wrong direction here. There are trucks with Military Equipment moving past us here along the front. Theyre getting ready for the orders expected in the coming hours or days to launch a Ground Operation into gaza. There is a real understanding there will be a heavy response from lebanon when it does take place. The get to some of our reporting along the border today kathy hochul, the governor of new york was visiting one of the small communities along the border. We spoke with her there asking what it means in terms of american support and what she has seen following President Bidens visit here yesterday. Weve seen images from the airport of u. S. Cargo planes landing in israel with Armored Vehicles. Already the support in a matter of days arriving here in israel to help the israelis as they prepare for what will be difficult days ahead. The first order of business here replenishing the supplies of Armored Vehicles that were destroyed. Weve seen them littering the area following the massacre on october 7th. Kathy hochul explaining to fox it was important for her to come here following President Bidens visit as a show of support. But we know the biden visit wasnt just about showing support. It was about planning for what comes next. After the president left militants fired rockets toward tel aviv. Netanyahu met with top cabinet officials last night determining how the israelis conduct the operation into the gaza strip. Weve talked to soldiers. They have been in the communities we just came from and seen the blood stained floors and walls. Their fellow countrymen slaughtered at home unarmed by these militants that crossed from gaza. And they are motivated in that sense. But they do feel fear about this. They understand this is a life and death situation. They are training and running these Operational Missions to determine what they will need to be prepared for and what they will face when they enter gaza. Just one other piece of reporting we have gathered today has to do with the cross border rate. Israeli military telling us theyre continuously conducting Cross Border Raids to gaza. Not only retrieving bodies along the border but trying to gather information on the hostages. The latest number is 203 families notified their loved ones are taken and being held by hamas inside the gaza strip. Always moving parts here that complicates the situation and calculation not only being made by the israelis but also the americans. It is unraveling quickly. Fighting in the south and north. Tension across the region and uncertain days ahead. John. John trey yengst in Southern Israel. Retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg fox news security and former National Security advisor to mike pence joins us now. I want to pick up on something trey mentioned. General petraeus talked about this as well. What comes next . Thats likely what this meeting in jordan between President Biden, king abdullah, The King Of Egypt and abbas was supposed to be about. Let me ask you the question. If israel manages to decapitate hamas in a way it becomes ineffective as a Military Organization and political one, what comes next . Yeah, john, thanks for having me. First i think there is a mistake to think like that. You are starting to think so far ahead what comes after hamas. Deal with hamas first and then you turn to the Palestinian Authority. You turn to abbas and say this is on your watch. You figure this out. You have hamas, a terrorist organization. And i think they are overthinking it. My point would be take out hamas, worry about what comes after that happens. Because there will be somebody to fill the void. There are responsible parties there. You tell them look, you can make this thing work. We tried it with the Abraham Accords bringing them tea economically. Having peace in gaza and the north. They didnt want to do it. Its a mistake to provide money to the Palestinian Authority, in violation of the tyler force act. You keep providing them money, you keep providing money and try to normalize relations with iran you are feeding this. I think its a mistake to think like that. I think it will be a tough fight. They are well trained for it but a tough fight. John i want to challenge you a little bit on this. If you go into this with no plan for what happens afterwards we can find ourselves the way we did in iraq which went to hell in a handbag very quickly. If they take out hamas that will leave a power vacuum. As we have seen time and time again when there is a power vacuum in a place like gaza or syria or iraq, it is filled by the biggest next bad guy. There is an authority called the Palestinian Authority. You have abbas there. Thats what his job should be. Thats the reason we keep providing the Palestinian Authority money. You guys need to figure this out. Bring back some type of good governance. Most of people in palestine and gaza strip they dont want hamas there. They want a reasonable government and live their lives in some type of peace. You can bring that forward if you have a reasonable government thats fair thats the controlling authority. I really do push back on that. If you are thinking ahead of what comes next, i think you are overthinking it. The israelis have a big problem. They have to defeat the terrorist organization in a tough fight there in gaza. Make sure its done and work with the palestinians to figure out what the next government will be. Dont get ahead of the game. Figure the fight in front of you right now. That fight is against hamas. John lets talk about u. S. Military action then. The u. S. Sixth fleet Mount Whitney is headed to the support u. S. Operations there. The Navy Announced that yesterday and joining the eisenhower and ford strike carrier groups after an iranian backed militia that targeted u. S. Troops in iraq near the border there of where jordan, syria and iraq come together. The u. S. Military intercepted the drones. One caused minor injuries, now you have an iranianbacked proxies in syria attacking the u. S. Military. Carrier strike force two of them. 26meu off the coast. Does the u. S. Let it happen or does it go after the proxies . You dont go after the proxies, you go after where its coming from, iran. John but biden is not doing that. He wont even say iran was behind the attack. John, thats true but thats what they should be doing because the real the person who has the handle on this is actually the Supreme Leader khomeini. Two Carrier Strike groups and marine group and command and control ship coming in. That gives you a potent lethal force. It is not the aircraft thats on board those ships, john. The fact that they have over 600 tomahawk missiles. They can reach out to tehran anywhere. If they dont believe they are a threat the iranians theyll keep pushing it. My recommendation is you better saddle up, you better make sure they understand how serious we are. We have lost 30 americans in the raid of 13 days ago and well over a dozen missing. Were into this game and fight and we should make everybody understand that. There is a moral responsibility. In 1945, we said never again. Never again has shown up and we have to support the israelis and support the other allies be it the britts, french or others who lost a lot of people in the raids. We need to do this with that force we have there if necessary to reach out and touch iran. If they dont make that message i hope the president says that tonight when he goes on National Television and informs the iranians you are part of this. He hasnt said they are part of it. A huge mistake on his part. A huge mistake on the part of the united states. But we have to we have to have israels back on this fight. It will be a tough fight. It will be a fight that will bring a lot of probably bad scenes because there will be Collateral Damage when you go into cities. Nobody likes to do that. We did it in fallujah and other places. It is a tough fight. We have to have their back. John well see what the president has to say tonight. Appreciate it. Liberal squad member Rashida Tlaib keeping up her drumbeat against israel. You are on the right side of history. You are. John she continues to blame the jewish state for that gaza Hospital Blast even though initial u. S. Intelligence analysts say otherwise. Former utah congressman Jason Chaffetz with his take on all of that coming up next. This is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. But the same aipowered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. You didnt live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. 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Let them cry. They are telling them not to cry in arabic. They can cry, i can cry, we all can cry. If were not crying something is wrong. John fellow squad member ilhan omar is leaving up her post pinning the attack on israel. Republican senator thom tillis on the senate floor not having it. It reads like this. Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital building killing 500 palestinians, doctors, children, patients just like that. That was within an hour or two of the bombing. Now you would think it would come from a member of hamas. But it came from a member of our congress. This sort of leadership or failure of leadership has no place on capitol hill. John Jason Chaffetz is a former congressman. Churchill once said a lie will travel Halfway Around The World before the truth gets out of bed but it will fly farther and faster if Rashida Tlaib and ilhan omar are flying the blame. One of the most irresponsible things ive ever seen. It was a purpose and goal and something they preplanned to do. Not the attack but make the case about who they selectively care for. Truth, facts and intelligence have never gotten in the way of the members of the squad. Im tired of the democrats and President Biden calling out extreme maga republicans as if they are so much an extremist for wanting the balance the budget and secure our border. Those are radical things. When these people literally go after and come to conclusions and whip up a crowd that then goes to the capitol and commits illegal acts in the capitol, nothing. They arent called out by their own party. The media doesnt report the facts as they have come across from our u. S. Intelligence operatives. There is video and all kinds of facts there but what these people did in saying shed a tear for these children, which i think is appropriate to shed a tear, but when it comes to the slaughter of children in israel, jewish children, not a tear, not a mention. No sympathy, no calling that out from them. John here is a flip of the script. Some very prominent democrats are coming out and criticizing Squad Members beginning with senator Chuck Schumer. Listen here. This is what israel is up against. They didnt put out a statement immediately because they wanted the truth. Hamas immediately said oh, the idf did it. They lie their through teeth and for six hours the world blamed israel unfairly. Now the word is getting out and all of us have an obligation to get that proof out. John in addition to senator Chuck Schumer another one said. A more direct post. My democratic colleagues who blamed israel should take down their posts. Followed up with psa to my democratic colleagues, believe nothing hamas says ever, ever, ever. But you know, jason, the propaganda cant get out unless there is a willing media there and ready to pick up the baton and carry it around the world. We witnessed journalistic mal practice on a global scale the other day. It really was. They took that so fast, the rush to be first to market as opposed to actually getting the facts right. And they exacerbate that situation by not correcting the record once they have the clarity that comes out. The lack of balance, the lack of intellectual curiosity and the lack of checking facts is a pock on this institution. Add that to the list of the 7,000 other examples we can come up with how the media acts so irresponsibly. John it went all the way to the United Nations and everyone started backtracking. The war shining the light on the ideology on many college campuses. Protestors outside a university in new york tore into israel and any support for the jewish state. Harvard propalestinian groups held a march and diein to push their message against israel. Demonstrations continue gaining steam from coast to coast. A new oped highlights how College Students have denounced conservative speakers claiming words are violence but then they fail to acknowledge real violence in the brutal acts that hamas committed on the people of israel. One new York City Law Firm has had enough. It is rescinding job offers for some students over a letter blaming israel for the hamas attacks. They say these statements are contrary to our firms values and rescinding these offers was appropriate in up holding our responseability to have a safe and Inclusive Work environment for all our employees. You can have your opinions about what should and shouldnt happen in terms of regional and Global Politics but to ignore the most heinous attack against israel and the largest loss of life in a single day for israel since the holocaust, somewhere the idea of acknowledging reality has to come in, does it not . You would hope. You would think. I think we have a big major, major problems at our universities across the country. I think it is right to compare it to the holocaust and what the nazis wanted to achieve. The nazis wanted to achieve and what these hamas wants to achieve and i see them as being equal and being the same. Davis poke is showing real leadership. Hats off to the law firm saying we wont hire these people. If they will take these extremist views and publicly go out there and i think that will have an effect. It probably has more of an effect than just about anything else out there. There are a lot of people that will follow the classmates and they dont know why theyre really there. If you are signing your name to a document welcome to adulthood. That will follow you the rest of your life. Be careful what you do. Your words matter to people who lost lives by the thousands and the Jewish Community has been talking about this for a long, long time. Theyve been persecuted like nobody else. And yet now it comes to light and they literally are slaughtering people because they are jews . Does it get any more disgusting than that . And you have people in America Applauding that and supporting it and marching in support of it . It is hard to fathom. John let me ask you about what is going on in the house. Here we have had a couple of votes for jim jordan and he has been losing votes every time it goes to the floor. Republicans are holding a closed door conference to figure out the way forward. They are trying to finally elect a House Speaker because The War In Israel, jason, adds extra urgency to the situation with congress basically deadlocked not much is happening on the israel front. The house was, the key word is was expected to hold a third round of voting today after jordan failed to secure the support he needed for the second time yesterday. A source is saying there will not be a vote today as jordan works the phones to try to shore up more votes. I mean, they need to get this together, you would think. Im not really missing congress right about now, john, i have to tell you. Look, they have, i think, through the weekend to get their act together and find somebody and find a solution to this. After that, i think it becomes the theater of the absurd and if they dont do it, it does have an effect not only on The World Stage but also the Funding Mechanisms that a lot of conservatives are concerned about the Funding Mechanisms. If you dont put somebody if place guess what . You have no chance of doing that because the government is running out of money and they will have to go back to a cr. So i would hope that they would rally around jim jordan. I think he would be a good speaker. But if he cant get there maybe one of the solutions is to go outside the body. Im a big fan of lee zeldin. More discussion about bringing in someone like him or speaker Newt Gingrich and say ill run it out through the end of the term. There needs to be some creative thinking like that to say we need a bandaid. We need somebody who can galvanize everybody. There is too much animosity there in the body and maybe it will take somebody from the outside like a zeldin or gingrich to actually do it. John trust you for creative thinking, jason. What about the more middle ground. Give Patrick Mchenry until the end of the term the powers of the speakership to get some work done . It sounds good but then people are scratching their heads saying why isnt the majority leader that person, Steve Scalise . There is a Pecking Order there. Patrick mchenry has a lot of support. People really like him and trust him. He is a good man. But i dont know that thats a solution. I dont understand when they put in a speaker pro tem why that person had no powers. It was supposed to be done for continuity of government purposes. So they got to hash that out. Tom emotion john let me ask you this. If the scrip were flipped and it was democrats in control of congress, if Hakeem Jeffries was put up for a vote for speaker how long do you think it would take to get to 218 . Well, Hakeem Jeffries has lost 17 races in a row. 17 names a row he has been put up as speaker and lost. He is already over that threshold. I dont think one party will come in and support another party. I just dont think well get to that point and see it. Maybe we do but i really doubt it. John i just meant i think the democrats would elect a speaker quickly if they were in the position the republicans are in. Jason, great to see you, thank you. They havent had those problems, yeah. John President Biden announcing 1 Hundred Million in humanitarian aid for the palestinian authorities and oversight of funds in the middle east. Many people concerned the money could end up in the hands of hamas. Biden breaking down how that money will be used. President biden this money will support more than 1 million displaced and conflict affected palestinians including Emergency Needs in gaza. Let me be clear, if hamas diverts or steals the assistance they will demonstrate they have no concern for the welfare of the palestinian people. John Grady Trimble is at the white house looking into all of it. The Biden Administration says that humanitarian aid to gaza will go through vetted international and nongovernmental organizations, ngos that will be responsible for distributing it. You just heard there from President Biden insisting hamas wont see a dime of this money. Already the administration is coordinating with egypt to allow a convoy of trucks with humanitarian assistance into gaza. President biden if Hamas Confiscates it, it will end. Were not going to be sending any humanitarian aid to hamas. The white house hasnt said whether the u. N. Relief and works agency is one of the organizations responsible for distributing this 1 Hundred Million. But if it is, republicans in congress say hamas has a long history of Stealing Resources from that agency. Either way, despite President Bidens assurances republicans are skeptical the money will end up with the palestinians who actually need it. You are not helping them. You are not helping them. You are helping hamas. You are helping the Palestinian Authority. You are giving money to help hamas to go kill more babies and destroy more babies and destroy more families. Thats exactly what you are doing. Separately President Biden will ask congress for 1 Hundred Billion from congress in an Oval Office Speech tonight making that request. We understand part of that money will go to israel. Part to ukraine, maybe some other places. But john, republicans in congress will have an issue potentially tying those batches of money together for ukraine and israel. Well see what happens there. John another 1 Hundred Billion. Grady trimble for us. Thank you. Republican senator john kennedy from louisiana member of the judiciary and appropriations committees was also in an allsenate briefing on the war yesterday. Senator, lets start first of all with the president s pledge of 1 Hundred Million in aid to the palestinian territories, gaza and the west bank. Clearly the palestinians in gaza are desperately in need of aid. How to insure that that aid goes to them and not to hamas . Well, thats uppermost in the minds of most senators right now. Im not opposed to humanitarian aid. I am opposed to a humanitarian aid that ends up in the hands of hamas, which is used to kill more innocent people. And im not going to accept just turning this money over to the u. N. And trusting them to make sure that it gets to the right places. Frankly, though, john, there are two imperatives or issues that are especially important right now in terms of the circumstances we find ourselves in. Im talking about they need to be addressed today. Number one, we need to reject the nomination of jack lew to be ambassador to israel. He is weak on iran. He was one of the architects of the illconsidered deal that president obama made with iran that allowed them to have the strength to do what they are doing today. To his credit, mr. Lew is one of the smartest people on the planet. If you dont believe me, just ask him. To his detriment, how can i put this . If mr. Lew had been in charge when the japanese bombed pearl harbor he would have a task force to figure out what we did to offend the japanese. We need a strong firm warrior now, not somebody who believes in appeasement. Number two President Biden has to give a strong speech tonight. It has to be firm and it has to show resolve because this is what our enemies see. These are just the facts. Our enemies russia, china and iran, the ayatollah they can read polls and see that Many Americans fairly or unfairly think that President Biden is older than the Adirondack Mountains and isnt up to being president right now. Our enemies remember when President Biden cut and ran in afghanistan. Our enemies know that President Biden has been our enemies know that President Bidens administration has put sanctions on iran but not forcing them. Iran is making millions a day selling their oil. John now they can sell missiles because the United Nations sanctions on missiles has just come off. The president is addressing the nation tonight. He is talking about israel and ukraine. Critics say he isnt doing enough on iran. Punishing iran would be better. Another reads time to stop appeasing terrorist iran. Joe bidens words in israel were needed but what is his iran plan . Republican senator said this. What happened in gaza is directly linked to iran. The Biden Administration cannot wish away the iranian threat or appease the regime with promises of unfrozen funds and sanctions relief. The attacks in israel and reoh Curing Attacks against our partners, troops and diplomats are proof of a failed iran policy. Iran is the supporter of hamas, which is impotent without iran. John you introduced a bill yesterday called the no dollars for dictators act. What are you trying to do . Several months ago it wasnt well publicized, President Biden and Treasury Yellen gave iran 3 1 2 Billion through the International Monetary fund. Thats not the 6 billion that we have objected to. 3 1 2 Billion dollars cash. I will be glad to come on your show and explain how they did that. I objected at the time. I tried to pass a bill to stop it. They rolled over me. The press didnt pick it up. But here is the problem we face right now. The time to build the arc is before the rain. And the Biden Administration didnt do that. Instead of showing strength, they showed weakness. And the approach to ukraine, iran, china has been they want to Quote Socrates in the middle of a bar fight. Were in a bar fight here. Peace through weakness doesnt work. President biden needs to be firm tonight. He needs to be resolute and im sure mr. Lew is a nice man but he has no business he has no business given his record being ambassador to israel. The israelis are not going to like him. He is the architect of the iran giveaway under president obama. We can do better. John i was talking to the former ambassador last night. Israel is anxious to get a u. S. Ambassador in place. See where it all goes moving forward. Senator kennedy of louisiana. Good to talk to you, thank you. Be sure to tune if tonight at 8 00 eastern. Bret baier and Martha Maccallum will have full coverage of President Bidens speech and analysis afterwards all right here on the fox news channel. Medical personnel in israel working around the clock to treat the growing number of wounded. Yesterday one tel aviv Based American Doctor told President Biden yesterday about what she is seeing at her hospital. She joins me with her story coming up next. At over 13,0 00 us school districts, which have become top targets for Ransomware Attacks. But theres never been a reported Ransomware Attack on a chromebook. Which is why thousands of schools like the fairfieldsuisun Unified School District switched to google tools for education. So they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. Type 2 Diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. 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Israeli soldiers say they hit the town as well as a refugee camp and picked up 80 wanted individuals from the palestinian radical ranks. 63 of them are hamas, also picked up a number of weapons, in the gaza strip the strikes have gone in. Air strikes continue really day and night. They say they have a High Value Target who is the head of the National Security force of hamas. Meantime soldiers are basing and staging up and down the gaza strip where theyve been for 13 days. They got a visit from the Defense Minister giving them another pep talk which still sounded like the Ground Offensive is imminent. The fight will be long. The fight will be hard. We will be shot precise and lethal. There will be a price we need to pay until we complete the mission. The northern border is still very active threatening to open another front. Israel hit inside of lebanon particularly they hit an Observation Post from which antitank rockets were fired back into the jewish state. The location where we are right now is a spot where a grill was set up. Soldiers are leaving camps to come out here and get a decent burger. The soldiers say theyre anxious to get on with it, do the job and get back to their families. John. John is there any sense you are getting when the Ground Operation might be launched . Could it be this weekend . Might they not be in any kind of a hurry . You know, we go into just about every night and think maybe tonight. This will be the night that it executes. One of the things we are starting to see is that some of the soldiers are rotating and going back to home bases to get a decent meal and rotating to the edge of the gaza strip. It is just a matter of the Upper Echelon of the leadership deciding that the time is right and going in. We heard them say things they want to wait for optimal conditions to minimize the risk to the soldiers. John as we started off saying in your report there was one hamas terrorist who was discovered still hiding inside israel. Do israeli officials have any idea how many others there might be . Because they declared a week ago they had cleared everybody out. Just about every night when were hanging out watching the soldiers well ultimately see a search party form up with flashlights on the end of their rifles and go off searching for reports of another infiltrator. Every couple days they still find one. They say the area around the gaza strip is secure. Pushed most of us a good distance back from the gaza strip and part is out of fear you may have infiltrators. John mike tobin, thank you. Israelis are still identifying the men, women and Young Children from the kibbutz brutally murdered by Hamas Terrorists. Some were burned alive, others were beheaded. A doctor treated some of the victims of the devastating attack. Yesterday as you can see in the video she met with President Biden to talk to him about what she has seen. She is a native new yorker who moved to israel and works as a pediatrician at a Childrens Hospital. Good to talk to you. As we pointed out you had a chance to speak with the president yesterday. What did you want him to know . Hi, john. Thank you for having me. Its a big honor to be sent by the Medical Center Childrens Hospital to speak with President Biden yesterday. For me it was really important to convey to him the trauma that these children had witnessed. Im talking about not only physical wounds but im also talking about emotional trauma. Things that i expressed to him i dont think they will ever recover from in their lifetime. I spoke to him about specific case of a baby i had seen burnt alive. This is the child of a physician just like me who was with her husband and the infant. They heard sirens just like i did that morning and naturally ran into their safe room, hamas then tried to break into their home, knew they were in there, were not able to lure them out of the safe room, shot through the door of the safe room and then lit their House On Fire in order to lure them out of safety. The family at some point after about six hours of being in a room closed with Smoke Inhalation was able to escape through the inferno and hide under a tractor that they owned, jumped out of a window, things you cant even fathom. Waited there for nine hours until a helicopter came, brought them to me. Things are just so disturbing as a pediatrician. Things that i never thought i would ever see in my lifetime. Able to meet the mother and the baby. The baby has 30 burns. The mother 60. She is still intubated. She has very severe respiratory disease. She is stable but still in a situation where she is not going to be excavated any time soon. John i talked to the brother of that woman the other day at sheba Medical Center and described the burns as over their legs, arms, but they had no burns on their chest because she and her husband were holding each other with the baby in between trying to protect him. When you spoke to the president , you recounted to him getting a call that saturday morning, october 7th, to prepare for a Mass Casualty event but that none of your training, nothing that you had ever been through could have prepared you for what was about to happen. Tell me about that call. A little bit of the morning i woke up at 6 30 a. M. , rushed my three children into the safe room. I was on call that morning from home. I called my resident and unfortunately this is not the first call in the last couple of days asking her are the patients mobile, are they stable . What are the ages . Not really knowing what the situation is. And then getting an urgent Text Messages from the hospital there was going to be a Mass Casualty. I want to emphasize im trained in Mass Casualty. I go back to cornell and i train other physicians and nurses in Mass Casualty preparedness and the severity of wounds that i saw, the amount of patients that came in was something i could never have envisioned. Something about israeli people on the way there i saw tens and tens of people waiting in the lobby. I didnt know what they were waiting for. It appeared that even before the reports of how many injured were coming from the south people were standing to donate blood, which was really, really the only heartwarming thing that i saw that day. I saw helicopter after helicopter with wounded patients. Talking about soldiers young enough to be treated in a p Pediatric Emergency Department and children with horrific stories and teenagers who were limping because they were lying under dead bodies for six hours until somebody could get to them in order to avoid being discovered by the hamas militants. I saw two children a pair of siblings who hid under their bed in a roomful of smoke and i asked him how are you doing . He said not so well. There were terrorists in my house. They were Walking Around and stealing things and they burned my house down. A 12yearold. These are things that i dont really know how they will be able to overcome this. Right now at sheba and others were Scent Psychologists to speak to the people from the south, to speak to those children. That night a fellow american jennifer stern, a social worker, stayed up with me to talk to those children all night in an attempt to help them overcome the trauma. John doctor, thank you for joining us, we really appreciate it. Thank you for watching the faulkner focus. Im john roberts in jere us liam and see you back at 1 00 eastern for america reports. Outnumbered is next. Because when you experience europe on a viking longship, youll spend less time getting there and more time being there. Viking. Exploring the world in comfort. Honey. Honey. Nyquil severe honey. Powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. Nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honeylicious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Yay woo hoo ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. If youre a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, youre the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. But your familys service has earned you a big advantage. The va home loan benefit. 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