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World and we do have a plan. Ingraham. This is The Ingraham Angle we will be buying more when we feel like it is best from washington tonight. Advantageous for the taxpayers. [siren] im not worried about the Reserve Levels at all. Laura thats right. Nothing to see here, folks. We are just at 17day supply in there is lesser chance now our reserves. Thats the lowest level in 40 that israel wont go in into years. So what the heck is going on gaza and that can be averted. Here . And we just given up on refilling it after biden used it to try to stem the losses in the we had a long talk about that last midterms . And what alternatives there are. Joining me now is david, chief Investment Officer of the vonson laura alternatives. First no one on earth thinks biden was discussing specifics group. Biden gained the spr for purely on any alternatives. Some staffer probably handled that for him. But now we see what the biden political reasons not an emergency. Curb gas prices in the ukraine team has been up to. They have been up to dictating war broke out. But with this emergency that see israels next move against are seeing now in the middle hamas. East, what danger, what are the thats funny because i thought the idf already had a lead peoples danger because of the commander. But we are going to learn more earlier draining of this . About these alternatives that well, i think that now, if biden is obviously pushing you have a real emergency, you dont have the reserves that the israel 25 hours when President Biden addresses the nation in a entire purpose of them is for. They are going to be gone. Primetime speech. I will tell you expect two we had 650 Million Barrels, things in remarks. Laura. They took 300 Million Barrels. They will not be as what we so basically about half. Heard him say earlier today, in and they did it when there was israel will get to that in a little bit, because he can still no real emergency involving us and it was a price shock as you read a teleprompter and, number said in a midterm election. Thats the whole reason they did two, he will go on to tell you why you should trust him to it. The problem now is that if this spend a lot more of your money, middle eastern escalation goes both in ukraine and now in the on for a long period of time middle east. He will probably even call it an investment. Those price also go over 100 a meanwhile, we are seeing violent barrel that will create a protests continue at israeli and recession and they wont have u. S. Embassies across the middle the reserves to fall back on. East. Apparently they are not buying you have the whole world shut israels claim that it did not down with covid in 2020. Hit that hospital. And we still viewed the spr as and closer to home, something that was really there propalestinian protesters took over the u. S. Capitol. For an extreme type emergency. More on that in a moment. Now you have the biden but, first, for what is administration thats treated it happening on the ground in like a piggy bank to try to manipulate gas prices and i israel, Live To Jerusalem where think the chickens are coming john roberts cohost of america home to roost. Reports details. Laura so, lets say that laura, good morning to you from they just let this go on for a jerusalem. And The Big Question here in while without refilling the israel what comes next in this war now that President Biden is reserves, then the price of gas goes up, goes higher, so the winging his way home. Cost becomes exponentially worse israel itself seems to be in no hurry Ground Operation. For the american taxpayers. In fact the british Prime Minister richie sunak is going and we are still watching these to be here tomorrow and i doubt protests on the street of new york city, by the way, david, that are going on now. They would launch a Ground Operation with him in the just while we are doing this interview about the price of oil country. I spoke with general he doesnt because of this Brewing Problem in the middle east and the spr draining some pretty boisterous see any need for israel to go on the ground any time soon. Protesters out there in chicago and new york tonight. Hit hamas targets all over gaza. David, yeah. Continue to soften up the ground and then the forces could go in so, this is now at a point where and then kind of a mopping up this is going to really cost us, operation and try to get into but are they even going to those tunnels. The other big question is what bother trying to refill it . Is hezbollah going to do . Thats the point i want to for the past 12 days there has make is what you suggest is not been harassing fire across the merely hypothetical. Oil prices are 90 now, laura, northern border into israel. They were at about 70 for most idf forces were engaging with of this year. Hezbollah operatives again they were between 68 and 72. Today. But general island told me he do you know how many barrels they bought . Doesnt see any reason why in eight months . Hezbollah would commit fully, at three Million Barrels out of least not at this time. So maybe israel has got a little 300 million. Bit of time to work a few things so, they sold 300 million last out. One of those is the hostages year and they had oil prices because we still tonight know. Down 25 a barrel. And they bought 1 percent of them back. Now oil prices have come back to 90 and could very well be back Outrage Aid Into Palestinians in at 100. Southern gaza. So i do not believe the israel is a agreed to let 20 administration has any intent to refill them because inevitably truck loads through. About they do that, it puts the rafah Border Crossing between gaza and egypt. Pricing pressure the other way. They have given full control to truth be told they could probably use about 300 truck opec plus. Loads. At least for the next few hours, no change expected. Israel will likely continue to we lose our Energy Independence hit hamas targets with airstrikes. Because of the attacks on the hamas will continue to fire back Oil And Gas Industry and now with harassing rocket fire. This. So no Energy Independence and no The Big Question that is being real desire to refill those asked here in israel and asked reserves. Unbelievable. Increasingly in some circles is david, thank you. Thanks, laura. Why the global media, laura, was laura and biden confirms his so quick to take hamas at its word when it comes to this new Foreign Policy doctrine and Hospital Explosion that you are mickey mouse new business looking at the aftermath of. Partner. I mean, this is an organization Raymond Arroyo has i that launched a massive Terror Attack on october the 7th. Killed 1300 israelis. An explosion goes off. Hamas says its israel. And everybody around the world, including the United Nations buys it. There have been some good analyses of what happened. One of the bbc another in the wall street journal. Its worth taking a look at both of those. Because they really do suggest that the likelihood of that being an israeli airstrike versus a rocket that was fired from gaza that went wrong very, very small. Laura john, thank you so much. Great to see you dont. If the limited and extremely tight windows of opportunity available to the United Nations and political actors are not used over the coming hours, opening new fronts against the Zionist Regime is inevitable. Laura growing belligerence from irans Foreign Minister on monday. That was a war of words that really kicked off yesterday when Supreme Leader blamed the u. S. For the war between israel and hamas. Now, iran is trying to leverage the crisis and bidens weakness. I am going to get to that later in the angle. In order to box out america. Of course, with plenty of help from propalestinian media. Now, early this morning, just before bidens meeting with the israeli Prime Minister netanyahu, the Iranian Foreign minister tweeted this the time has come for global unity of hamilton against the fake regime more hated than isis. And its killing machine. Time is over. Joining me now is nathan sales, former ambassador at large and Counter Terror accord nature for the trump administration. Mr. Ambassador, good to see you dont. What does he mean by that . Is he talking about israel . America, or a combo . Well, laura, i think its clear that this is a shot across the bough of the United States. And israel alike. There has been a lot of Focus On Hamas and its responsibility for this deadly attack. But, make no mistake. Irans fingerprints are all over this attack. Iran has been funding hamas hundreds of millions of dollars over the past number of years. Boosted their capabilities for precisely this kind of terrorism. Now, just today, iran upped the ante yet again. We are not just talking about words, laura we are talking about deeds. Iranian Terror Proxies in iraq launched three drones, Suicide Drones at american soldiers in iraq. Thankfully we were able to take them out before they caused any death or damage. But that gives you a sense that iran doesnt take the administrations word for it when we say sit on the sidelines or there will be consequences. Iran is not deterred. Well, nathan, i want to get your reaction to an announce 89 that President Biden made just today. Watch. Today, im also announcing 100 million in new u. S. Funding for humanitarian assistance in both gaza and the west bank. This money will support more than 1 million displaced and conflict affected palestinians including Emergency Needs in gaza. Laura given all we know, how likely is it that this money, which is never trackable when it goes to the u. N. , ends up in the hands of hamas . Laura, its petty likely. During the trump administration, we cut off all assistance to the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian Territories for precisely that reason. We knew that hamas was going to skim off the Top Resources that are intended for the benefit of suffering civilians. There is going to be used to fill terrorists coffers. The Biden Administration came into office with a different view. Shortly after january 2021, they decided to open up the spittings again. They wrote a memo where they acknowledge that high likelihood that money is going to find its way into hamas pockets. They did it anyway. I have to think at least a portion of this 100 million is going to be used to entrench hamas further. Laura nathan two wars. America might be fighting a proxy war in ukraine and at the same time a war in the middle east. We are going to see how that goes. Great to see i. After hezbollah called for a day of anger, violent clashes broke out across Israeli Embassy across the world including in beirut where protesters threw rocks, Molotov Cocktails and now there are new reports from lebanese tv that airstrikes from israeli sources are targeting southern lebanon. Joining me now live from beirut is fox news chief International Correspondent Steve Harrigan who never sleeps. Steve, what can you tell us . Law, the u. S. Embassy here in beirut was once again the target of violent protests. They used rocks but more than that Molotov Cocktails as well. Managed to set a building near the u. S. Embassy on fire that cut through razor wish along the road to the u. S. Embassy. Removed a security wall. No u. S. Embassy personnel injured in this clash. It took Lebanese Security forces to push back those protesters, they hurled cans of dear gas and also used water canons to push those angry crowds back. U. S. Says all Nonessential Personnel can now leave the embassy, saudi arabia also calling for its citizens to leave lebanon as well. And a very bad sign some airlines stopping flying here. The real concern israel hezbollah backed by iran and seen as a Terrorist Organization by the u. S. Could open up a second front along the north of israel with its Tens Of Thousands of long range rockets and precision guided missiles. Laura, back to you. Attention Hearing Loss Sufferers do you struggle to hear loved ones . Do you have trouble keeping up with conversations . Do you listen to tv on max volume . Hearing loss affects your life. 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Laura time for seen and unseen the stories behind the people were hearkening back to the horrors of the iranian headlines with Raymond Arroyo. Hostage crisis in the late 1970s when jimmy carter was on monday we suggested that president and, obviously, nobody biden had declared a new foreign wants to see anything like that ever happen again. So, thank you for that reporting, steve. Laura and the cost of hamas policy document. Propaganda being parroted by our which he rampled off during media and some lawmakers extends a 60 minutes interview. We made the doctrine formal beyond protests at our today. Embassies. American lives are actually at my message to any other stake. Now, as we mentioned earlier, u. S. Shot down a total of three hostile actor remains the same as a week ago. Kamikaze drones targeting two u. S. Bases in iraq where dont. Dont dont approximately 2500 troops are still located. [laughing]. Centcom is revealing tonight we could have put it down to one that some of our troops did suffer injuries. Joining me now victor davis hanson, Hoover Institution dont. Senior fellow. Biden 24, dont, dont, dont. Victor, we call it the fog of war. This is the fog of a lot more than war here. Laura and Something Else there is enormous amount of biden said today. Propaganda. The vast majority of you see it on tiktok. I wouldnt doubt that the chinese are pushing some of palestinians are not hamas. This. Hamas did not represent the but, this is now a dangerous moment. Do we have a serious palestinian people. What is he talking about . Administration to confront it . They won 76 seats of 132 in yeah, i think people in the middle east wanted to know whether the afghan humiliation 2006. The last time they had an the putin invasion, the chinese election. The majority of palestinians balloon, our open border was an wanted this terrorists aberration or did we really lose organization and hamas is deterrence and have adopted full scale appeasement . And now they look at bidens successful. Today because they blew up their failed middle east effort, the own hospital stopped jordan and idea of giving iran 6 billion, egypt from meeting with the president. So far they are running the which he hasnt canceled, the narrative. That has to end. Restoration of money to the laura well, he was so palestinians and by the way, i might add the message going out convincing overseas. President biden. In the middle east is if you he had jet lag. Have a lie that the israelis hit a hospital and you promulgate it his speech tomorrow night. At least he will have the all the way western and the Middle Eastern Worlds and you get protests and the american president humiliated because he teleprompter. The president is spending has no deterrence, then he will billions on the war in ukraine give you 100 million dingald and israeli. Mickey mouse is fattening the the weird thing is we are unscene force behind this. Basically saying to the china has a deal with tiktok for palestinians go kill israeli children and women and were going to reward you with fans to engage in disney music, 100 million. And whats even worse is we are video games, luring children to saying to the world if that missile that was intended to hand over their personal kill jewish civilians in tel information to the chinese aviv had not missed the target communist making disney a bundle. And accidently hurt some or this is horrendous. Killed some palestinians, then we wouldnt even give them money, probably. We only give money because we laura it was four years ago are paranoid theyre angry over that mike pompeo said if you are watching this and you are a lie that the israelis did a parent delete it from your something. But, if it wasnt a lie. Phone and throw away the phone. And they had really killed israelis as intended, we you cant even have your phone. Probably would have said well, thats okay. We dont really mind that and so get a new phone after downloading that. Its really morally bankrupt glad to see one politician, raymond, is taking a stand on administration. I hate to say that because we all have to stick together. This. Governor Sarah Huckabee in but when you look at what they are doing to our troops in iraq, arkansas is throwing the chinese and you look at whats going on out of her state. Here on our campuses and in new watch. I am announcing that york and even at the capitol, a Chinese State owned chemical you get the impression this is much worse than 1980 with Jimmy Company must give up its lands carter. You have a complete meltdown of holdings in arkansas. U. S. Deterrence throughout the they own 160 acres using for world. Its very dangerous. Very dangerous in the next 15 seed research. Months in general and seeds are technology. Specifically in the next week. Chinese state owned corporations filter that technology back to laura and victor, we are watching scenes of some of these their home land. Stealing American Research and protests breaking out in new telling our enemies how to york right now so far that he target american farms. They seem to be peaceful. [applauding]. That many people in the dark, laura good for huckabee. Tempers flaring. Anything is possible. I am glad she made that stand. I want to ask about this money that biden is going to be after there is the arkansas law tomorrow night. Is he going to go to the nation with a teleprompter and is he going to say we need this that forbids china from owning 100 billion plus, which will be land in their state. This should be a national law. 500 billion before you blink for we should not have china both ukraine and israel. Gobbling up lands across the that that is critical money and country and disney better get we need it for the stability of wise too. The world, for peace. The chinese influence is another i wouldnt be surprised if he reason why the republicans didnt call it some type of, you should wear Sackcloth And Ashes know, investment in the future. How will that go down with the for failing to elect a speaker. American people . I think it wont go down too today jim jordan lost two votes well because there is such an a to become speaker. Symmetry. 22 republicans voted against him we never told ukraine there is a cycle of violence. And congressman dave joyce of you cant retaliate when putin comes. In we always say discount pennsylvania will introduce putins nuclear threats. That will never happen. He would never dare. But, yet, iran doesnt have the legislation for the speaker pro bomb and we are told be careful tem and make Patrick Mchenry about iran. They are threatening us. So there is such an a symmetry speaker with full powers. To the reactions of both of this is a ruinous idea. These wars. And, you know, we never said to the ukrainians we dont want you to do this. And when you hit a laura he is the favorite infrastructure or bridge or something, we wants you to phone canada on wall street. Civilians and get them out of he is prochina. The way. There is only one explanation, im afraid. Hes been a real advocate for and that is there is endemic more american businesses to go to china. Thats a problem when china is antisemitism we treat our working against us in ukraine closest ally israel vs. A and in the israeli conflict. Friend. Ukraine doesnt have the i dont get this at all. Relationship and we dont apply the same restrictions on ukraine he hasnt been elected. Than we could on israel. He was appointed by kevin and it makes no sense. And to ask money. Mccarthy. You need somebody elected by the full house. Laura they are not a nato you cant change the rules. He is third in line for the ally. Yeah. President. They are not. Its just i dont think its the House Speaker controls all going to sell. Of the business. The schedule, bills and money laura all right, victor. Especially when you have a for the country. President thats incoherent and this is too important to not cant articulate what the proposition is. Have the full house vote. Laura victor, we got to go put a canada forward and the gop we have breaking news. All right. What did bidens visit to israel is denying the American People actually accomplish . A branch of government. Well, very little. But it did reveal a lot about this has to end. The power vacuum created by his laura we are looking at presidency. My angle on that is next. Protests across the country in new york city. They are growing. Also in chicago where the protesters are growing louder and bigger. To look at these scenes, raymond, this is something you would expect in the middle east. I dont know. You dont expect it in the United States of america. Saint paul, minnesota. They are responding to hamas. They called for protests. You are seeing them. This is reveal asking troubling. Laura the propaganda works. We have 80,000 somalias in saint print. Mom, were gunna be late. I know, sweetie. Print come on, print out paul. Of ink again . I need to raymond, thank you very much. Stay connected with us. Print these listings now. Follow me on social media. I had to print my thanks for watching. Homework. These tiny, its america now and forever expensive cartridges are costing me a fortune you still printing with these . Shaq . Dont get cartridged. 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Comcast business, powering possibilities. Laura weak and woul wobbly s the focus of tonights angle. This is how little the progressives fear and respect the leader of their party when is he overseas in a tweet directed at biden Rashida Tlaib referred to the israel and Hamas Conflict as your war. Today she doubled down. This continue to watch people think its okay to bomb a hospital. [chanting shame] i could cry. We all could cry. President biden, not all of america is with you on this one. And you need to wake up and understand that. [cheers] laura tlaib holds biden in political contempt not afraid of any political consequences from him. Again, why are we surprised . This is the problem that biden is facing everywhere because everyone in the world knows that he is weak and that the u. S. Is weak under his leadership. And filling this vacuum are americas adversaries. Leaders from 140 countries, thats all, are gathered in beijing to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of chinas trillion dollars belt and road initiative. Putin is there because he believes xi is a serious man and that china is the future. That was no accident that their statements, russia and chinas criticizing israel and demanding a ceasefire almost seemed coordinated. Taking the other side against america after all gave them an opportunity to band together and show the world that america is on the down slope and iran sh iran, under biden feel the same way. They are not overly concerned by americas warning. They gave them 6 billion. Even the president a nato country victor of hungary he seemed perfectly at ease appearing with Putin In Beijing yesterday. Now, might he have thought that might offend the white house . He clearly doesnt care. But, under trump, none of them were so cavalier about this kind of stuff during trumps presidency rushed to meet at maralago in 2017 and trump bombed syria during dessert. Putin wanted a relationship with the United States. The deep state made sure that never happened with the phony Russia Woe Collusion stuff. He never would have tried taking ukraine we know this if trump were president. He would not dare. Strength gets results. Remember, it was because of trump that nato countries finally pledged to spend more money on their military. Canada and mexico, they agreed to revarp nafta because trumps team knew how to exercise leverage. Do it from a position of strength. But now both our allies and our adversaries know that america is not looking out for america. So they dont respect us. We dont respect ourselves. Thethey dont respect biden. They dont respect his top advisers either. He look at someone like a janet yellen nice old lady much more interested in sucking up to china than protecting her own countrys economy. They look at tony blinken and see a small weak man easily pushed around. Just a few days ago, a total snub by the saudi crowned prince. Hue mill yaght blinken by making him wait several hours before he finally met with him at his farm residence. Some of this might seem like small ball but in the world of diplomacy small gestures speak volumes president s who are considered generally our best president s have been able to Unite Americans and defend our national interest. They had gravitas and were passionately proamerican. Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. [cheers] laura in the 20th century, americans got used to the idea that the president would represent our interest in the world and would explain coherently the challenges that we all face. Doing that would then inspire confidence. Make us all more willing to sacrifice. Actually excited to sacrifice, especially in the Foreign Policy arena where so much is at stake. But, unfortunately, the media and the unelected bureaucracy in washington they think having a figure head president is just fine. After all, it gives them more power and influence. This morning in israel, it looked like blinken was in charge. But has tony blinken ever intimidated anyone in his life . Look at Jake Sullivan the national securitys comments about how things were really calm in the middle east a few weeks ago. Under the best of circumstances and im saying the best of circumstances, we had a president and a cabinet able to assess the situation, this would be a really tough needle to thread. But, with this guy . I asked the Secretary Of State when he and i were working in the senate to write something for me. He wrote a line that i think is appropriate he said its not we lead not just well, i wont go into it. I will wait until later. Im taking too much time. Laura oh my gosh, watching, this im thinking the poor israelis have had to stand to listen to this . Havent they suffered enough . And imagine what the press would say if a republican president injected himself into the middle of an unfolding crisis then referred to the barbaric terrorists, who spurred sparred it on this way . Deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in gaza yesterday and based on what i have seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. But, there is a lot of people out there who are not sure. So we have got to overcome a lot of things. Laura was he sleeping . The other team . They would crucify trump if he said anything like that. If he acted that way. In fact, the global chaos though that we are seeing under biden. Remember, that is exactly what the regime media said when they predicted trump would create this madness around the world. President trump has essentially minute minimized or sum mated the idea of the u. S. As kind of the underpinning of a rules based international order. President trump we have had bad president s before. Bad Foreign Policy president s, we have absolutely hit bottom and its frightening. Donald trump is really ruining and destroying american Foreign Policy. Yeah. Well, what are we seeing around us now . Peace and calm . Are they breaking out all over the place when joe biden is president . We had peace when donald trump was president. Buff now the middle east is on fire. Ukraine is in the middle of a war. But, for reagan it was peace through strength. Remember for biden its chaos through weakness or actually thats much too much for him to remember. So,. My message to any state or any other hostile actor, thinking about attacking israel remains the same as it was a week ago. Dont, dont, dont. Laura the presses as usual, dutifully campaigns and covers for him. The democratic president of the United States attempting to conduct diplomacy, attempting to be a peacemaker in the middle east. Is he out there representing the United States of america. Laura and, of course, the historians open up a second line of defense. President has now done this twice. He went to kyiv. This is a remarkable moment in the history of the american presidency for a president to go this soon into this kind of climate. Joe biden went to both places in the middle of a war, risked his life to try to bring some order to the chaos. Laura the truth is and they all know it, biden did not go israel because he is strong. He went to israel because he is weak and he desperately trying to resurrect his failing presidency by playing peacemaker while most of the important players are just ignoring him. And thats the angle. All right, up next, hundreds of propalestinian protesters swarming the capitol building. The detail there are some things that go better. Together. Burger and fries. Soup and salad. Like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. With voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. Shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and its ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation tv and get 2 months free [chanting] laura bush lawyer that was at the capitol staged a sit in, banners, refusing to move. Making jerks of themselves. At least three of them actually assaulted police officers. Merrick garland, pushed the doj to prosecute these people for interfering with congressional proceedings . Dont hold your breath. Joining me now ari fleischer, former White House Press secretary Mollie Hemingway editor and chief of the federalist. Mollie, 300 were arrested but i dont think they are going to get the book thrown at them, do you . Well, we have a pattern here where people on the left are allowed to protest. They may even be arrested and released. Maybe not even given a fine or not even charged. Versus what we have seen with right wing protests where people might be sent to prison. It is a very serious problem that we have two standards of justice in country. There is no reason why Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray could not be destroying these peoples lives and putting them in prison and trying to keep them, you know, in prison for a very long time over the same charges that they did against j. 6 protesters which would be about parading inside a congressional building which is what they are doing here. Laura and, ari, Rasheda Tlaib actually whipped these people up into a frenzy beforehand and im thinking she is outside of the capitol. Im thinking was that her Ellipse Speech . Are they going to be treating her like, you know, incitement to take over the capitol like they did with trump and the january 6th . Of course she did. This is what can you expect from the progressive elements inside the democratic party. Theyre fundamentally antiisrael. And whats the real threat to democracy here . If these people had their way, the israeli democracy would be slaughtered. But, laura, i want to make some points about bidens trip over there. Because he committed three blunders that have to be brought out to peoples attention. When he said that israelis should not be consumed by rage . Who the hell does he think he is . I sat in on every single Summit Meeting with foreign leaders when they came to the United States after September 11th and met with President Bush. Not a one of them, not one said to President Bush the americans shouldnt be consumed with rage. Instead they just came to support us. So President Biden, who said some good things never should lecture israel about how to react like that. The second thing he did that was just horrendous was inside that statement when he talked about the other team, which is a weird way to put it, he talked about how it didnt appear that israel bombed the hospital but then he said quote theres a lot of people out there who are not so sure. He is talking about the protesters in the streets in lebanon and jordan. Why is he giving them any credence whatsoever . Why is he even citing them as being a source that should be worried about . Why doesnt he just say theyre wrong, israel didnt do it and stop right there . The third is the 100 million. Massive mistake. Its typical Foreign Policy establishment think. Laura i wish it was 100 million, 100 billion, ari, to your point, its not just overseas protests that are getting out of hand. We are seeing in chicago something that looks like its from beirut. Doesnt look like chicago that i remember. But, mollie, this is what were seeing now on our own streets, inthat fat that chants. Antiisrael chants. Your reaction to that, mollie, given the explosion of propalestinian propaganda on tiktok and beyond. Its important to remember the vast majority of americans, for instance, do support israel. They are horrified by what they saw with this Terrorist Attack on civilians, women, children, people at a rave. There is this loud volume Vocal Minority, the issue is this loud Vocal Minority does have a lot of control over our academy, over colleges, over our media. They are also elected to congress in some cases and so its really incumbent upon democrats like President Biden to speak forcefully against some of these lies and misinformation that have been put out there about, for instance, this strike that was near the hospital apparently an accidental strike by palestinians who didnt intend to strike their own parking lot near the hospital. But its important to get that information out because you have embassies being attacked. You have protests like this and have you Rashida Tlaib not being chastised in any way. Biden hasnt said anything against her. Neither has Hakeem Jeffries, neither has nancy pelosi. Its important that they hold people to account. Laura she should be censured or frankly removed from congress, ari, because she is putting our Service Members in harms way by her comments and nancy pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries would not condemn her comments. They wouldnt do it. Thats how unified the democrats are. They need to be condemned. Democrats need to do it. Some of them are cooking it. I noticed senator John Fetterman of pennsylvania criticized them and good for him. Laura, i will disagree about throwing them out of congress. I have always believed in no how outrageous somebody does something it should be up to the people to do it. I would draw a line there that her constituents or somebody in the primary take her out. I would love to see Congress Sen Suburb her and democrats speak out against her. They should. Laura i mean, you are seeing the wages of decades of University Propaganda on the streets of chicago. Mollie, ari, great to see both of you. All right. 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