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Kevin corke in washington. The Israeli Military not letting down, striking more than 200 Terrorist Infrastructures across gaza over the past 24 hours. One of those killed was a senior hamas leader. The Israeli Military releasing a video overnight showing them thwarting terrorists, trying to enter the country from lebanon. The idf says the four militants were trying to plant a bomb and they were all killed. And as Israel Battles both the border with gaza and lebanon, President Biden will visit the country on wednesday, looking to send a strong message that the us stands with its top ally in the region. His scheduled visit comes amid fears the israeli and hamas war could expand into a larger regional conflict. But President Biden will underscore our Crystal Clear message to any actor, to state or nonstate trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel. Dont point to that end. Hes deployed two Aircraft Carrier groups and other military assets to the region. Meantime in an attempt to further deescalate the situation, the president will also meet with the leaders of jordan, egypt and the palestinian authority. And the pentagon is issuing 2000 us troop ready to deploy orders. Theyll be in Support Roles if needed and not enter combat according to the pentagon. Meantime hamas is raising the number of hostages it claims to have. That number now up to nearly 200, a dozen of whom are believed to be americans. A hamas spokesman is saying tonight that theyll release nonisraeli prisoners when conditions permit. Thats it for now. Im kevin corke in washington. Now back to ourt f corke, in washington. S part of e force that already includes the uss gerald ford and Uss Eisenhower which is also moving into the region. We will have to wait and see exactly where they go. But they are a special operations capable combat ready group. So it could be that if needed, the u. S. Would be able to put boots on the ground very quickly. Not to say though that will be the case. The big question here in israel, laura is when will this Ground Operation begin . We thought it was going to happen on friday. Then, over the weekend, it was announced it was postponed because of weather. And then when it eventually does get underway, which may be later this week. What happens in the north . Does hezbollah continue to haciousz the Israeli Defense forces or does it go all in . If it goes all in, you can bet tel aviv would probably be a maybe point of engagement for hezbollah rockets, which again, is why the u. S. Is putting all these forces in the region to try to send a message to hezbollah to keep out. Another thing that israelis are talking about in just the last few hours is where exactly does Joe Biden Stand On Israel and the right of selfdefense . Last week joe biden said that the u. S. Stands four square behind israel. Yesterday on 60 minutes he said, well, it wouldnt be a good idea for gaza to be reoccupied by israeli forces, which raises the question though if you crush hamas, what happens after that . Because if there is a power vacuum, laura, as we have learned from history, its always filled by another strong man to israel may have some tough choices to make if it does crush hamas as to what comes next, laura . Laura john, we are just hearing that the idf has launched counter strikes into lebanon. Thats just breaking at this hour. We will see where that all goes. This is on a knife edge clearly in israel. John, stay safe there. Thank you so much for joining us. All right, the planned Ground Invasion as john just mentioned of gaza has been delayed since friday but why . The Jerusalem Post says its because of the idf hasnt done anything like this in decades and rushing in unprepared could be a very big mistake. So, what intel could they be seeing that is giving them pause . Here now to discuss the possibility john ratcliffe, former director of National Intel under President Trump. John, i know we dont know for sure. What do you suspect is going on here . I suspect that the israelis are balancing, you know, responding quickly versus responding smartly. Laura, everyone knows that there is going to be a Ground Incursion by the israelis into gaza. And its sort of like if you are Playing Chess and you are telling everyone ahead of time where your rook is going on the chess board your adversaries know and will make plans accordingly. In this case what israel has to deal with is they have multiple adversaries that are now planning. In the case of hamas the challenges are you have, you know, a group that has already been willing to disregard, you know, International Warfare principle of Distinction Meaning that they are willing to treat civilians and combatants the same and hide among them and use hostages now up to possibly 250 as Human Shields and they understand that as the number of civilians grow, israel knows that the support that they have in the International Community and even within the u. S. Will fade. So they need to plan for that. And as john roberts just talked about, the challenge is that they have an even more will lethal opponent to the north in hezbollah. Unlike hamas, hezbollah has a so he if i tsophisticated fighting. 100,000 precision guided rockets and drones that have the capability of overwhelming irans i mean israels primary defense system, the iron dome. And so, you know, i think that the israelis are balancing these many challenges and making sure that when they move that they move in the most strategically smart way possible. Laura its pretty hard though, isnt it . There are two competing factors here. The element of surprise is lost. I mean, you cant have an element of surprise when you are obviously concerned about civilian losses, unlike hamas, which Indesvictim Matily kills women and children. Hamsz knows you are coming. Meanwhile hezbollah to the north and lord knows what else is going to come into play. Israel is willing to do what we would do which is try to fight within the the norms of International Warfare and your adversaries are willing to disregard those and it puts you at that disadvantage and they know that you are coming. So, you know, it is a tremendous will that. I think thats what the delay is attributable to. Laura john, i want to get into the value of our intel going to israel at this point. Because there have been some questions about whether information that we had about a potential attack ever made its way to israel. Whether we had sufficient intel on this. So there is some new reporting tonight that is claiming that the cia intel on this hamas attack never reached biden saying that they were dismissed as routine. And u. S. Intel agencies were focused on other international threats, primarily china, russia, iran, and that this strategic shift in priorities may have contributed to a lack of attention given to the intelligence on hamas. So, the cia might be trying to cover it you know what, john, they are saying we said we saw this was going to come, and they were distracted with other priorities. It reminds me of what happened before 9 11. I mean, its similar concerns. Well, you know, i have talked with folks within the Intel Community presently that have indicated that unfortunately the Biden Administration may have redirected or retasked some intelligence assets away from the middle east to ukraine. And i dont know whether that is the case. But, i do know this you know, laura, we both want the United States to be the ally that israel needs right now. But, what is inescapable is the fact that National Security adviser Jake Sullivan was on national tv doing a not so humble brag two weeks ago saying that the middle east has never been quieter and he spent less time on those issues than any of his predecessors in the last 20 years and that is a whiff of Epic Proportions because, obviously, just two weeks later the israeli people have suffered the worst atrocity since the holocaust. And so, you know, the role that the u. S. Should be playing, laura, is that our best intelligence enterprise, our human intelligence, our signals intelligence, our geo Spatial Intelligence should be working hand in glove with the israelis to support them in what they need but i think there are real questions about our own intelligence and assets and capabilities as directed by this administration. Laura im going to get into that in the angle the competence of the United States to even be involved here at some level. John, invaluable insight. Thank you. Iran is warning that preemptive action could be taken in the next few hours by the socalled leaders of their resistance and that there will be consequences for anything israel does in gaza. As we just mentioned, the idf announced that they launched attacks in lebanon tonight. Joining me now is former u. S. Navy seal who has trained idf Special Forces and also running for congress in virginia. Cammeron, what could this response look like given what you are seeing now with u. S. Closer to deployment even in an advisory capacity . Yeah, good evening, laura, thank you for having me again. So, what were seeing right now is the United States prepare some of its assets to be able to put resources on the ground to aid our israeli brother in arms. Israel has a very calculated and measured response that they have to initiate here. With gaza, its such a highly and densely compacted area that combat warfare in a close combat urban setting is a very difficult endeavor to undertake. So what i have heard is all the information on the ground is that they are doing everything they can with their Intelligence Services and with all their other technological advantages to minimize the catastrophic loss of life. What we have also seen in the north is israel trying to act as a strong deterrent against any further aggression by other nations or partners that would seek to infiltrate themselves into the conflict and or provide aid and stretch israels resources thin. So its kind of a worstcase scenario where israel is trying to push off the possibility of a two front warfare while still addressing the concerns found in gaza. Laura cammeron, i dont want to steal my own thunder on this, but, given what happened with the afghan withdrawal, and the lack of basic competence on the part of our military leadership, not our men and women from uniform but the people leading them. Ohio cold front are you way we provide support is going to be effective thats my concern right now given the people that are in charge cant get much right. Well, the one thing i will say to counteract that point, laura is we do have a significant degree of cooperation between the United States and the Israeli Military. There are Battle Drills there are Strategic Missions and Training Scenarios that we have conducted full Mission Profiles that really integrate our forces with theirs and really beautiful fashion. That was one of the unique things that we noticed from going over to israel and training with the idf that Engagement Liaison Work really just paid multitude. I will say our troops are ready, we do have the best Military Fighting Force in the world. I think as a supporting mechanism to what they are doing we can provide resources such as covering fire, artillery, aviation and maritime support. Really the biggest role that the u. S. Military will play in the region is to deter large scale other state actors from entering this conflict. Laura well, well see. Cammeron, great to see you, thanks so much. Now, wha what the Biden Administration is about to get us into, we touched on this with cammeron. We have a lot more this sheâ– s a hero moment. Even today, only a quarter of Stem Graduates are women. Theyd go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is this preconception. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flip the script. 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We can take care of both of these and still maintain our Overall International defense. Laura the momentum is deepening Military Involvement in the United States and a war against hamas. Expressed a need for ammunitions, precision guided weapons and were going to continue to do everything we can to provide them the support that they need. Region and battle Group Provides us with a number of options. Laura thats just the beginning. As i mentioned earlier defense secretary lloyd austin is readying 2,000 american troops to deploy there in nearly 2,000 more are heading to the area. Now, that would represent a major escalation of the u. S. role which means it is probably a good time for us to stop and think how is this going to effect our National Security interest in the United States . But, thinking ahead isnt something that people like Lindsey Graham ever do much of. When there is a chance to throw gasoline on a fire, he has the can and he has the match. Iran, if you escalate this war, were coming for you. Are you effectively poised to declare war on iran . That is very strong language. Im source of funding for hamas and hezbollah. Laura did he say he is poised to use Military Force . Someone should tell lloyd austin he is out of a job. Of course, it goes without saying that Hamas Terrorists should be destroyed and we support israel 100 percent. But lets also face facts. If history is any guide our weak and woke pentagon leadership could actually make matters worse. A disturbing report in todays Wall Street Journal contends that our most powerful global adversaries and enemies are already gaining power and advantage because of this situation. Hamasisrael conflict is prove ago boon for main geopolitical rivals china, russia and iran have long sought to undermine the u. S. Backed International System and are now taking advantage of americas distraction. Then these eerie words from the former finish Prime Minister Alexander Stub who speaks of a shifting and moving world order. When the u. S. Leaves power vacuums someone is going to fill those vacuums. Now, last week i pressed the Foreign Policy adviser to netanyahu about whether china had stepped in to offer any support for them. Have you heard any support or received any support from president xi of china . We have received support from many, many leaders in the free world. There is a long list of friends, allies of israel who have supported us. Laura thats a diplomatic answer about china. They are not offering any support. Thats not surprising to me the a all. He avoided answering directly but of course we knew the answer. Just as it had done with ukraine, china will try to triangulate this chaos. More from the journal. China has embraced the palestinian cause in a way it hadnt done in decades. It pointedly refrained from using the word terrorism as it described the hamas attack much to israels dismay even though there were four chinese citizens killed by hamas and three more taken hostage. Thats according to israeli authorities. The crux of the matter is that justice has not been done to the palestinian people. China calls on all parties to exercise restraint deescalate regional tensions as soon as possible and prevent further expansion of the conflict. Laura wow. As for russian the littian rainy foreign minister says russia has huge interest in prolonging the conflict in israel as long as possible calling it a big win for the russians tactically to have americas attention diverted. Now, our pentagon hears this and they say they have the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time. Oh, really . Ukraine . The middle east . And what about if china decides to waltz in to taiwan walk, chew divum and juggle with this commanderinchief. The denying the existence of transgender people. Silencing teachers, banishing the republicans. Extreme ultr maga Republicans Tg to undo every progress we made. Laura remember to him the maga republicans are the threat. If biden believes what he is saying about half the country, racist, antitrans, horrible people, why would america have any right to claim the moral high ground overseas . Of course these arent serious people in the Biden Administration. They lurch from crisis to crisis without a real plan except maybe to make america weaker. The truth is the biden team went to wore against our energy independence. Then he drained our Strategic Petroleum reserve to help democrats in the midterms putting us directly at risk right now because rear in crisis mode. Now our reserve at a 40 year low which gives all the cards to russia, the saudis, the iranians and the venezuelans. Given all of this, someone is going to have to explain to me that we should suddenly trust them or to handle even more democrat challenges. And thats the angle. Joining us is former Deputy Secretary Of Defense under President Trump. Hhe wileldrich good to see you. Xi thinks is he going to be the big winner here. He faces problems at home no doubt about it. The jowrnls piece on this was startling and predictable. Great to be with you. The who benefits . We can argue in the middle east who benefits. But putin definitely benefits but even more than putin, xi jinping in beijing benefits from the United States being tied down not only in one war but potentially in a crisis or god forbade regional in the middle east. The president of the United States on the news last night hey no problem we have got this covered walk and chew gum. It was interesting that he said we can take care of ukraine in the middle east. He did not mention china and which whole walk and chew gum is undermined by the administrations own formal Defense Strategy they cant fight multiple wars at the same time not because we dont want to because we dont have the capacity . Is audacious from a president who has not revamped his Defense Industrial base. There has been a lot of the rhetoric. We havent seen the kind of fundamental movements we need to see to really bring back the kind of Defense Industrial base we had the 1980s let alone in world war ii. He hasnt increased Defense Spending frankly 25eu789, as you indicated lawyer, i thought he was leading a Political Movement supposed to think america was this terrible country and so much to say sorry for. Im i dont know we comes off eh we are america. Not going to cut it on either a strategic or political consistency point of view. Its hard to vilify half the country as horrible racists and then everybody lets go to war. I dont see how that actually works. Treasury secretary janet yellen, of course, who has been sucking up to china endlessly saying no, we are never decoupling, she is echoing joes sentiment. Watch. This america can certainly afford to stand with israel and to support israels military needs. And we also can and must support ukraine and its struggle against russia. And, look, the American Continent is doing extremely well. Laura Okay Aunt Bee says the American Economy is doing extremely well. This is what im saying. Were trusting these people to like inject us further into the middle east . I mean, we want israel to win and give them all the support they need. Im talking about a much wider footprint that you can kind of feel coming here. First of all she didnt say china and probably not a coincidence. Again, she didnt say it. The president didnt say it. Jake sullivan didnt say it and lloyd austin didnt say it so that strikes me as a pattern. I really wonder there is rumors about xi jinping,ing a meeting going to a. Peck this year. I wonder whats on the table. Honestly, people, i would take it a lot more seriously if they said look, we have a real challenge here. We are really up a creek. And were going to need to make fundamental changes to our economy. Yes, the deindustrialization of the last generation is a mistake. Yes, the over financialization of our economy. We need to be able to build stuff. We need to be able to build wednesday not only for ourselves, you know, through peace through strength and deterrence. But to be able to support. Israel one of the many reasons such a great ally it doesnt ask us to fight wars. We will fight our own wars. When we gave them the airlift we were able to do that on the back of incredibly strong Defense Industrial base. Now you have the secretary of treasury saying no problem. We will be find the president is very blase. That is incredibly dangerous attitude as we head toward the iceberg. Laura can you wait to get taiwan. If he gets elected its total capitulation to china no. Doubt about it in my mind. Albert, have you been way ahead of this. Thank you so much. As Increase Calls to bring gazan refugees into the United States, yes. There are. A Terror Attack in belgium by an Isis Sympathizer should be a wakeup call. You wont believe th attention Hearing Loss Sufferers do you have trouble keeping up with conversations . Do you listen to tv on max volume . Start hearing better today with rcas micro hearing aids. Through rcas hearing america program, you can get these Ultra Discrete hearing aids at a special, Introductory Price of just 299. Or pay as little as 29 a month. With Free Shipping these arent cheap amplifiers. Theyre rechargeable and have easy to use volume controls, and presets for better hearing in different environments. Order now, and well ship your pair of nearly invisible fda registered hearing aids for only 299 or pay as low as 29 a month. You get a 45 day risk free money back guarantee, free 24 7 us based support, a portable charging case, and Free Shipping. Order yours now. Call this number or go to rcahearingaids. Com laura and this is a fox news alert. Late tonight, two people were shot dead in brussels. The New York Post reporting this could be an isis retaliation of a murder of a 6yearold boy who was killed in illinois allegedly for being muslim. Now the victims in belgium were both swedish nationals. They were reportedly wearing their teams Soccer Jerseys on the way to watch a match where sweden was playing belgium. The city is now on its highest terror alert level. Now that heard the protection give us major pause here at home where right now Tens Of Thousands of refugees who are sympathetic to these islamic radicals are already living here. Meanwhile democrats like Jamaal Bowman and president ial candidate haley think we should be bringing in more refugees. There are so many of these people who want to be free from this terrorist rule. They want to be free from all of that and america has always been sympathetic to the fact that you can separate civilians from terrorists. And thats what we have to do. Laura well, you can imagine. After ron desantis strand her for those comments nikki haley reversed herself just in the last hour. Joining me now wisconsin congressman tom tiffany. Congressman, i know you introduced a bill that would prevent the Biden Administration from bringing in any refugees from gaza. I cant believe this is even a thing right now. But were going to get into what is still hang with the Afghan Refugees in a moment. Well, i would suspect representative bowman does not want to see this Bill Go Forward and im sure there is a few others in the Progressive Caucus in the House Of Representatives on the democrat side that are going to fight us on this. But this should be a Three Alarm Fire for the American People seeing what is happening in the middle east at this point with barbarism that is going on and then some people want to relocate, possibly of thousands of refugees from gaza to the United States of america. That should concern every american. Laura well, right now, congressman, we still have continues several like 80,000, i guess, Afghan Refugees who republicans and democrats urge we bring into the United States. I know some of them helped a lot and were amazing. Helping us during the war in afghanistan. Nevertheless, 80,000 or 120,000, which is what they want . They are all interpreters . Im sorry, but we cant vet these people yet there are republican senators right now who want to essentially give them a leapfrog over all these other people who are in line. Yeah, this is why we introduced the gaza act. It is to preempt the Biden Administration because we have seen the history, laura. We have seen it down at the border where you have dozens, if not hundreds of people that have come in, that have been on the terror watch list. We should be deeply concerned about that. And then we saw with the afghan evacuation, the disastrous afghan evacuation. We had nearly 100,000 people come here to america. None of them were vetted. And do we have confidence that this administration is going to vet these people coming into america. Laura no. We have zero confidence. Thats why congress has to step up to the plate here and we have to force the administrations hand to not allow these people to come into america and put more danger on the streets of america for the American People. Laura were full up on trouble. Thats for the next speaker. Got to put pressure on the next speaker on these issues. Congressman, thank you very much. And news that would have led on any other night. A judge just muzzled former President Trump. Yeah, gag order, partial. How unprecedented is this move . 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Join the millions of people taking back their privacy by Downloading Duckduckgo On Mobile and desktop today. Direct attack on the First Amendment disgraceful Election Interference in indefensible. Now, those are just some of the reactions i got today from judge Tanya Chutkan ruling partially granting the governments motion for a gag order that orders former President Trump essentially dont vilify special counsel jack smith. Prosecutors court staff during the course of his trial over the events surrounding january 6th. So what was her reasoning doing . Well, saying his president ial candidacy does not give him Carte Blanche to vilify Public Servants who are simply doing their job. Also noting that he doesnt have unfettered First Amendment rights. Today, a judge put on a gag order. Ill be the only politician in history that runs with a gag order where im not allowed to criticize people. Can you imagine this . Do you believe this . Im not allowed to criticize people. So well see. Well appeal it. Joining me now, saul weissenberg, former deputy independent counsel, Fox News Contributor, as well as david schoen, former trump impeachment lawyer. Saul well, you know, the judge did say, look, the president has broad discretion to talk about what he wants this, but you cant you cant basically you cant criticize smith and his staff. What about this . Well, i havent seen the order yet. As we went to the air, i hadnt seen a Written Order yet. So theres going to be saul. She hasnt released it yet. I know. You always do your homework, so i. You know, you would never show up unprepared. David definitely wouldnt. But no, she hasnt released it yet. Were going to get into that in a moment. But those are the Broad Strokes of what she said. Yeah. And i think shes got to be very careful because as there is, assume that trump can find a vehicle to appeal an Interlocutory Appeal or even a challenging it with an injunction if she if she does this too broadly, its going to be overturned at a at a higher level. And also it will delay the trial, which she definitely doesnt want to do. And President Trump does want to do. I mean, david, the judge, again, this was this was orally the Written Order is going to come out later warned trump against launching what she called a pretrial Smear Campaign in against those who might testify against him, saying the First Amendment protections yield to the administration of justice and to the protection of witnesses. And she said she would consider sanctions, david, if she sees any violations, but then went on to say should elaborate on what those would be in her Written Order, which hasnt come out yet. So david, theres a lot there. I think shes absolutely wrong. I think for a number of reasons. I think its a frontal attack on the first, fifth and sixth amendments. I think that part of her justification, she said, well, hes a criminal defendant and criminal defendants cant say what they want, who says so . Hes a citizen of the United States. Criminal defendant is entitled to the Presumption Of Innocence under in re winship. That means hes not guilty of anything. Hes entitled to challenge the process and the substance. Public early. And quite frankly, the Supreme Court said in Gentile Versus state bar of nevada, the process doesnt begin inside the courtroom and the defendant is entitled to present his public image as he wishes to. I believe hes perfectly entitled to say, jack smith is a thug. Hes entitled to question jack smiths character. His judgment in bringing past cases that shouldnt have been brought. I have a Sanctions Motion against two of the members of jack smiths team right now. Their behavior is thuggish. Jp cooney and molly gaston. They lied to a federal judge. Its in the motion papers. Indisputable and so i think hes entitled to say it. I think what she has done is an affront to our fundamental core values of free speech. Saul to the point that david just raised trumps lawyer and judge chutkan traded, you know, bar back and forth in the courtroom. Chutkan read aloud a series of statements from trump repeatedly raising concerns that his remarks could incite dire violence. If you call certain people thugs enough times, doesnt that suggest mr. Lara, that someone should get them off the streets . She asked at one point. Saul wow, thats kind of a that shes really, you know, trying to prognosticate violence, which leads me to say what else could be what else could how else could the order be be applied . Thats if violence could happen. I mean, thats a pretty broad statement. I absolutely agree with davids analysis. You know, you treat a prosecutor whos a big boy and should put his big boy pants on differently than you, than you treat a potential witness. Everybody knows you cant you cant threaten or try to intimidate a potential witness as the prosecutor, he he produced a Speaking Indictment. He went to the grand jury and got a ham sandwich, Speaking Indictment that was very prejudicial to former President Trump. So he he does that indictment. He holds a Press Conference and says nobody is above the law. We treat everybody equally. And then trump isnt allowed to criticize them. Him. So i think it is outrageous if the mere criticism of the Prosecutor Team is to be is to be prohibited. Very different, though, when youre talking about a witness. Yeah, yeah. This is third world. I mean, hes campaigning in part is he not, david, on the fact that the system itself has become so corrupted with political bias that we cant trust this system . Thats part of his his argument in his campaign. So now he cant actually campaign on the arguments. He wants to campaign on. Thats right. Thats wild. Beyond that, even in the criminal justice process, the public has an independent right to access this and that. Full access means getting all of the information, as saul said, and hes absolutely right. Theres this Speaking Indictment out there with detailed allegations , unproven allegations memorialized. Everyone can pull them off their computer, any time, any day. But trump cant respond to that by challenging the process and the nature of the people who put him in that position. And saul, on the media, you know, Corporate Media today, they were saying, well, there were salivating. The fact that the judge could put trump in jail down the road if she believes that hes violating this gag order, purposely violating the gag order and vilifying jack smith and his merry band of prosecutors as well. Is she going to provide separate Sleeping Quarters for the Secret Service . Laura i mean, shes not going to do that. You know, shes shes shes going to do Everything Possible to avoid that. But, david made another point about the leading Supreme Court decision on this case, which is about 30 or 40 years old and is a terrible opinion with 3 or 4 different rules. You know, opinions by the Supreme Court. But but it it limited the right of lawyers as the lawyers in the case to say certain things to the press , not the criminal defendant. And thats an important distinction. Its much more serious to limit the rights of the criminal defendant. And as david points out, hes presumed innocent under our system. The one thing he cant do is intimidate potential witnesses. This ive never seen anything like this in all my years. Law politics. This is the wildest thing. Saul, david, great to see you both. Thanks. All right. Biden declares a new Foreign Policy doctrine with some help from an anchor and the white house deploys a new weapon to keep the president moving. Raymond arroyo has the details. Cnn on scene is next. Everything i do, thats for my health is an accomplishment. Concerns of getting screened faded away. To my astonishment, my doc gave me a script. I got it done without a delay. I screamed with color guard and did it. My way. Color guard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk, false positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for color guard. I did it. My way. Are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower . Now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years and now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. Ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. 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Thousands and thousands of people trying to get out of gaza. This could just be chapter one of a very long and bloody book. Stay with Fox News Channel for continuing coverage. Fox nation gives you crucial insight into the war on israel. Timeline of terror. This isnt going to be days. This isnt going to be weeks. This is going to be months ahead. Who is hamas . Hamas showed no mercy to these people. They dragged women through the streets of gaza who is Benjamin Netanyahu . Hes calling for a unity government. And he said that israel will secure its borders. The war in israel in three shows timeline of terror. Who is hamas . Who is Benjamin Netanyahu . Streaming now on fox nation. Its time for cnn unseen, where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. For that, we turn to Fox News Contributor raymond arroyo. Raymond, the president just declared a new Foreign Policy doctrine. Wow well, he declared something. Laura scott pelley did the rest. Theres limited fighting already on the northern israeli border. And i wonder, what is your message to hezbollah and its backer, iran . Dont shoot. Dont dont, dont , dont come across the border. Dont escalate this war. Thats right, laura. We went from make America Great again to dont nice of scott pelley to fill in the blanks and read bidens mind there he could have said dont come out after dark. Dont turn the call to prayer up too loud. And biden would have said, thats right. Thats right. Right. Well heres what went from hope and change to dont write dont is its kind of the perfect motto though for biden. We think dont we dont have a thriving economy. We dont have a leader who can actually speak. And we certainly dont have the border thats secure of our own. Yeah well, and he also might say, dont walk up steps without tripping. I mean, this was the other day in pennsylvania and he stumbled along. Its turning very sad. Laura, the president spoke at a Human Rights Campaign event over the weekend and it was like hed never seen an audience before. He was kind of shell shocked when he got in front of the crowd. Then once he did speak, the president inverted the yelling part with a whispering part. You got to stand up and holler. We got to stand up and holler for the United States of america. And theres nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. Nothing, nothing, nothing. So lets stand together and get everyone else on the deal. Oh it is something else, laura. Hes. He is fading faster than tim scotts president ial ambitions. Its just dissolving right before his eyes. I saw tim took those campaign ads down. Thats kind of out the window. Yeah. All right. Right now, see if you can make sense of this. The president in the middle of this speech to this Gay Rights Group started talking about guns. Who in gods name needs a weapon with 100 rounds in the chamber to the weapons . Only meant, for one thing, to kill people. I dont know. About 100 rounds in the chamber, laura, but there are blanks in his chamber. They theres a bit of happy news to report, though. I want to bring you something uplifting. The white house is taking your advice. You know the difficulties biden has had exiting the stage. He never knows where to go. He never knows where the exit is exactly. Well theyve deployed a seeing eye lady to escort him in the right direction. It was beautiful to see. Laura, i guess with the dog gone, she now pats biden on the head and kind of directs him and moves him to where hes to take his walk. This is she went from first lady to first sherpa. I guess shell show up at the end of every speech. Now well, raymond, i said that they need to get all that tape and those decals that they used. There he goes again, falling on the on the Grocery Store floor. Remember, you can only walk one way in the Grocery Store during covid. Those old liberal women would scream at you if you went the wrong way, like screaming at me in the Grocery Store. But they need those little decals for him. But i guess those didnt work. I think they tried those, so they had to, yeah, deploy. He didnt deploy them for no, no. Yeah. He didnt see them so he needed her you know. And i guess the big policy message of dont i love that dont is not a sentence dont is the beginning of a sentence dont what mr. President but i guess when you got scott pelley around he can fill in the blanks and jill tells him where to go. So somebodys always there to help. But im sure that they would if this were trump, they would have a very helpful media helping him out to answer questions, right . They would just they would constantly be nudging him forward if that although trumps not allowed to speak, any mayor apparently. Raymond, before we go, our friend suzanne somers, such sad news, of course, everybody of a certain era. And thats me. Actress singer, entrepreneur. She passed away over the weekend. She battled Breast Cancer for we had that in common. But she was such a wonderful, wonderful friend, joyous person. We had to run the show a few years ago and we asked her about possibly a possible Threes Company reboot. But watch this. I have an idea. Oh, i have an idea. You mean the three of us . Give it away. Here. Youre right. Right. Come and knock on her door. She was such a great lady , laura. A good friend. She was married to her husband, alan hamel, for 46 years. Alan was divorced, added to her throughout the Cancer Treatments and their long marriage, which we discussed as well. Whats the secret to a 40 year marriage . My husband and i have this great partnership. We compliment each other a lot and mean it and gratitude. I wake up honestly every morning and i talk about how grateful i am for the life that i have in him and love and family and all that. Oh, well, condolences. Condolencescorke kevin co

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