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We will bring you the latest from the House Of Representatives and the speaker battle. Low lights from joe bidens alarming interview on cbs and 60 minutes. The president looked unwell. Apparently will travel to israel. First we start with an fox news alert. Nine p. M. On the east coast. Its 4 a. M. In gaza. All eyes on the gaza strip where we are 1 week removed from the worst terrorists in israels history. The number has gone up. 1400 were killed in 1 day. Thats roughly equal to over 37,000 americans murdered right here in we compared populations. Babies were set on fire. Many were beheaded. Women were raped. Entire families brutalizeed in their homes. 300 israelis and americans, men, Women And Children were kidnapped by the terrorists hamas and are held hostage inside gaza. Oneyearold babies locked up by terrorists in underground tunnels. Videos of Hamas Terrorists with the hostages including infants put on the internet. Just to torture family members. The mob and the media are complaining that israel the victim of this terrorists, they are the ones that are being inhumane. Take a look. Look. Israel is not russia. Gaza is not ukraine. Its a different situation. But cutting off supplies, cutting off heat, cutting off water to civilians, what is the difference . Well, thanks for saying israel is not russia. Civilians are civilians. Sean fake jake is not bright. How about the hostages . If hamas return the 300 innocent men, Women And Children they are putting on the internet, maybe israel can turn the lights and water back on. If they turn it on for the people of gaza they turn it on for hamas. This electricity and water that israel provides to gaza because hamas with more interested in using International Aid hundreds of Million Dollars to build tunnels and rockets rather than hospitals, schools and infrastructure thats on them. The water is flowing into southern goes. Hamas, what are they doing, jake in blocking the palestinians from escaping to use them as Human Shields. You have fake jake and fake news cnn. Hamas looks to inflict pain and death on as many Innocent Israels and palestinians as possible. Shoot rockets from schools and hospitals. They know if israel strikes back that innocent civilians are killed. They hide behind Human Shields all the time. Hamas can score a cheap victory with the media mob. War is terrible. There are innocent people that suffer. There is collateral damage. Its tragic and unnecessary and evil. Hamas will do everything they can do to exacerbate that suffering. Every death in this conflict can be blamed on hamas and supporters in iran. Israel has no choice. They must defend their country. They must defend their lives and wage total war against hamas so they can no longer use gaza close to israeli cities as a launching rounds for rockets over the years they have fired zoo israel. Into israel. That goes for anyone else. Take a look. Voices across this region and elsewhere who say the price of military actions too great. Too many civilians are tying and too many palestinians are dying. We for a full war. The responsibility is not on us. You should take that question straight back to hamas. We are here because we have no other choice. Sean if hamas cared about the lives of innocent palestinians. They could surrender right now. War will be over. Of course, they dont wear about the will being of fellow palestinians. No one in the arab world seems to care about the fate of those innocent palestinians. Not one arab country has been willing to open their doors to palestinian refugees. Women and children even. Not egypt right next door. Not syria. Not iraq not the wealth gulf coast states or the Islamic Republic of iran. And here at home and in europe massive propalestinian protests are ongoing. No one at these protests is calling on hamas to put down their arms and stop committing these act of terror, surrender and no one is calling for hamas to return to the hostages. There are no chants or prayers for the families murdered inside Southern Israel or the babies burned alive or beheaded. Some praising hamas and their brutal terrorists tactics. These protests are not about freedom or humanity. Its about ethic nationalism and hating the jewish people. After hamas called for the day of jihad last friday, antisemitism exploding all over the world. In belgium a terrorist killed two people near a soccer match. Public officials are calling on all citizens to avoid unnecessary travel. In berlin they instructed jewish people to hide symbols that represent their faith. In the United States Law Enforcement is stepping up patrolls of synagogues. Illegal immigrants from the middle east are attempting to sneak into our country. In the rio grande valley, officials have apprehended 19 iranians and 17 syrians since monday. Who paid for their trip . Why are they here in there are growing concerns among experts that Terrorist Sleeper Cells are already operating inside our country thanks to joes open borders policies. No vetting at all. 99 are let into the country and only a mere 1 is told to return. What are they doing . Taking advantage of joes wide open borders. He is aiding the process. Thanks to President Biden our country is in extreme danger. Let not your heart be troubled. Joe will be headed to israeli according to anthony blinken. The Terrorists Attack in israel must be a lesson. We do not live in a bubble. Intelligence is far from perfect. We cant be safe and secure with Unsecured Borders especially onaur south. We will check in with the Florida Governor ron desantis in a minute. Breaking tonight the battle for house speaker. Coming to a head. Will jim jordan clear the 217 votes threshold after tomorrows first transparent vote . This is an important vote. Why is it a shock to certain lawmakers and members of the media mob that yours truly a member of the press is daring to ask elected representatives if and when they plan to wrap up the speaker battle and reopen the peoples house amid growing chaos at home and abroad . More later. I have to chuckle that a few of my questions, simple questions they asked to some republicans over the weekend about the importance of getting a speaker as soon as possible, showed we have a few sensitive snow flakes in congress. They are the majority. They need to act like it. No deals with the democrats. That would mean, yes, no temporary solution either. Elect a speaker. Get the house open and start doing your job. The good news is the anonymous votes end tomorrow. We will see which republicans understand the importance of this moment in history not only for the Republican Party to unite and lead by reopening the peoples house with war in the middle east and europe and open borders and budget deadlines. I offer no apologies are for doing my job. Joining us on the ground in Southern Israel the cohost of america reports. John roberts. 4 10 a. M. His time. Great work all day. Tell us the latest there now. John its only 9 oclock. Anthony blinken burning the midnight oil. Gave the Press Statement 20 minutes after 3 00 outlining five broad goals for President Biden on wednesday. Make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself. Making sure that Congress Approperates the money for the iron dome. Second, he wants to coordinate with Benjamin Netanyahu on the hostage release. A number of american hostages. Hamas said they have up to 250 hostages. They would be willing to release all nonisraeli hostages with the conditions on the ground are right. What about all of the israel hostages . How do you get them released . Third and this is very interesting. President biden wants to hear israels military plan and aims and its plans to go after hamas that minimizes civilian casualties. Clearly none ever these neighboring nations want to take palestinians, they are making a lot of noise about it. Egypts president said to Blinken On Sunday he believes israel went beyond the right to selfdefense and is punishing the palestinians. But egypt is not saying come over the border. President biden will try to open up the rafah crossing in Southern Gaza and carve out enclaves where the Palestinian People can be safe if and when israel conducts its Military Operations in the northern part. To that end the president s visit raises questions as to what israels ground operation, if it happens, will look like. Part could be to give palestinians enough time to get out of harms way and then israel goes in and turns the place into a parking lot. Maybe a more limited operation just to degrade hamas. Israelis dont want to play catandmouse anymore. This time hamas has to be gone. Then there is the overarching question if israel gets rid of hamas, then what . You leave a power vacuum that will be filled by the next biggest bad guy. There has to be a plan for shorterm Israeli Occupation or fatah moves in. A lot of moving pieces. We are trying to figure out what will transpire ahead. Sean a quick question. I have numerous sources in israel. I have been there like you many times before even during conflict but not this severe. While biden is saying the right things publicly there is a Pressure Campaign behindthescenes that israel is being told dont plan on staying. There israels goal is clear. This area in gaza with its close proximity to gaza it cant be a Launching Pad for missiles into Israel Border cities. They feel like one message is said publicly but behindthescenes a different message being said. You have heard that . John we saw that contradiction. President biden said the United States is behind israel. Last night on 60 minutes he didnt think it would be a good idea for israel to occupy gaza. If you take out hamas, something has to fill the void. Otherwise, the Islamic Jihad will take the place over. Every israeli that i talked to, even ones that say they are way on the left, are now saying this has to stop. Hamas has to go. They cant keep living like this. A page was turned in Jewish History a week ago saturday. The Jewish Population wont stand for anything less than getting rid of hamas once and for all. Sean thats the goal. You are right. There is widespread consensus. John roberts, be safe. Thanks for staying up. While the Biden State Department twiddles their thumbs others are evacuating residents from israel. Florida governor ron desantis. What are you doing for florida residents who dont have commercial Flight Availability to come home . It was sad because the State Department and the embassy in israel were not helpful. Illegal aliens come across the southern border and the federal government flies them across the country and puts them up in nice hotels. Yet the best they did for americans caught in israel was dump them in cypress or greece and charge them. We did an Executive Order to mobilize our Emergency Response folks and get plains there to bring floridians back home from israel. We landed the first plane last night. 271 people. My wife and i were there welcoming people back. There were 91 children on the plane. A woman said her 6yearold said i dont want to hear more rockets. I need to get back to florida. There was no leadership so we lead. Sean governor, a lot made on comments you made on kibes. Cbs. We cant accept people from anywhere because of joes open borders. It will be Eight Million total by the end of this year as refugees. You said you are not going to do that. If you look at how they behave, not all of them are hamas but all are antisemitism. We showed the cartoons. I will show that to this audience. There is an indoctrination in cartoons and books at youngest ages. Kids are taught to hate and kill the jews. That is real. Exactly. My position is clear. No gaza refugees, period. We wont do it. We dont want to import the pathologies from the gaza strip and other places in the middle east to the United States of america. They are taught to hate jews. They are taught that israel has no right to exist. The textbooks dont even have israel on the map at all. This is indemmic to their culture. Its a toxic culture. There is no reason to be importing that into the United States. The idea we can separate terrorists from freedom lovers, that doesnt work. We wont do that when i am president. Sean what should americas role be here in your view . I think it is supporting israel for their right to get the job done. You pointed out something that is absolutely true. Biden is saying we support israel but behindthescenes they are trying to knee cap what they are doing. They have a right to eliminate hamas. We should stand with them. Its moral clarity. Killing israeli civilians is wrong. Iran shut off the spigot. Stop sending them money and allowing them to get money from oil. They funnel that through terrorism. Biden is a total Disaster Playing Footie with the iranians. Stop doing that and iran wants to fund terrorism. Sean i will never for the life of me understand why you would open and allow iran to be so filthy rich and allow them to get back in the world market with oil. Why would you give them billion dollars. Governor, great to see you. Thanks for your time. Also coming up the battle for the house speaker. That continues. Will republicans rally behind jim jordan tomorrow . Reaction from Newt Gingrich and reaction to joe bidens trip to israel. What should the Biden Doctrine Or American doctrine be in israel. We will check in with governor christy as well as we continue. This is a special alert. Israel is under attack and israels enemies seek our destruction. The people of israel need immediate help. Rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. Our people are targets in their own homes. Many have lost everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. [narrator] Wounded Warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. [narrator] its possible to live better. [narrator] its possible to have a voice and to be heard. [narrator] to feel understood. [narrator] to find peace. Because ive experienced firsthand that anything is possible. Inspirational Music sean ahead of tomorrows expected vote on the house floor. Jim jordan of ohio is inching closer to become the next speaker of the house. Supporters are optimistic tonight he will get the votes he needs. Heres what former speaker Kevin Mccarthy said this morning. It will be tomorrow. I feel very good about where jim jordan is at. Hes been an integral part of our team. Helping us get the majority. Sean the media mob are coming after a favorite target. Yours truly for asking members of congress to support jim jordan tomorrow and if not work with democrats to elect a speaker. For every member of the mob asking and saying how dare hannity ask these questions. I am a member of the press. I i could produce thousands of hours of Television Coverage that is straight news coverage. We do investigating reporting. We got russia right. You got it wrong. We are investigate the biden family and you are not. We talk about sports and pop culture. I give my opinion. I am honest about it. I am like an entire newspaper. Thats my job to ask questions and report back to viewers what is happening. With reaction and how israel should respond to hamas and their attacks. Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich with us. I am admitting i am a Talk Show Host and have varying roles. They claim they are journalists. They are not journalists . They are propaganda for the left. You have that down pat. Sean i am used to it. Good stuff. There is one thing people need to know about jim jordan. In his career he was 1561. Won two National Champions in wrestling. Wrestlers are focussed and determined and they have an instinct to get the other person to lose. Jordan is a serious and competent purpose. Chris and i had dinner with he and his team before congress opened up. My guess is either on the first or the second ballot tomorrow he will be the speaker. I think Speaker Mccarthy has a good sense of where they are. A good chance to make it to the first ballot and certainly on the second ballot. A handful of moderates are so angry at the Benedict Arnold whose created this mess its hard to say gee, i won. Some might vote for Speaker Mccarthy. They would pivot and vote for jim jordan. I suspect, except for the couple of people who are nuts, the people who betrayed their party. Every republican understands with the war in israel and in the ukraine and the problems on the border, this is not a time for the house Republican Party to look childish and in disarray. I think jordan will be a strong and compelling speaker. I think he will represent the whole party. He gets it. As the Judiciary Committee chairman hes done that. He will be smart at getting things done. He as the same deadlines mccarthy had. I think having the government still open with the war going on in israel, vindicates mccarthys judgment. He did the right thing for the country even if it made eight people angry at him in the conference. Sean you have to admit hes being gracious to help to reopen the peoples house. It has to happen. Its imperative with all that you mentioned going on. Your take on israel. The outcome needs to and be i think it will be israel wins even if they fight a two front war. Lebanon and hezbollah and gaza and hamas funded by iran. They have difficult military challenges ahead of them. Americas house needs to be hope. However, the question si think the outcome has to be not only winning but gaza has to end gaza as a Launching Pad for the tens of thousands of rockets over the years they fired into neighboring israeli cities. That has to end once and for all. I am not sure biden has the Symptom Stomach to allow them to protect themselves. President Biden Going To Jerusalem worries me. Given how weak his administration has been has me worried. There are three things that biden could do. He could seize the billion dollars that should never go to iran. They still have not done that. Its inexplicable. Two, he could pressure egypt and others for a temporary agreement to get people out of gaza. Its very important to minimize civilian casualties to get them out of the way for what should be a crushing Israeli Ground offensive designed to destroy hamas. If hamas exists a year from now they have won. This would be a victory for them. If hamas is destroy it will send a signal to hezbollah and iran. Biden has to communicate to iran and hezbollah we will hold you accountable. We have to be prepared to take out every asset hezbollah has. We have the capacity to do it. One battleship has over 800 tomahawk missiles. You get into this game, you are going to be crushed and you will follow hamas into the trash bin of history. Sean Newt Gingrich. Always good to you have. While the house prepares for tomorrows vote jim jordan received support from a lot of prominent republicans across the country. Including south dakota governor who voiced her endorsement. She joins us with more. Israel first. I am watching the Pressure Campaign building on israel to inhibit their ability to forever create a zone of peace and prevent rockets from being fired into their country. That issue could not exist. If fake news cnn wants the water and electricity turned on in gaza, how about the deal would be release all of the hostages and then we will turn it back on. Thats a negotiation point. Why havent they thought of that, governor . Exactly. Stop beheading our children and we will turn the water back on. Stop raping our women and we will turn the water back on. Thats the dialogue we are having. Like the iron dome protects israel, the United States of america should be the cover for israel. We should give them air cover on all of this. Our president should be advocate for israel to do whatever they need to do to wipe out not just hamas but if hezbollah moves an inch they deserve to be destroyed as well. Thats the action we need. We are not getting it out of the white house. Makes me nervous. Every time the president gets out of bed what he will do. Wednesday is a big day. Not just for the United States but also for israel. What he says when he gets to that holy ground with gods chosen people and where he stands and what he does as the president of the United States is going to be historical. Boy, he better be on the right side of history. Sean your reaction to some republicans threatening that maybe they would do a deal with the democrats and elect a speaker that way . A temporary fix . Maybe we will empower somebody for 60 to 90 days. Both sides are horrible and show lack of leadership to me. Tomorrows vote in light whatever is going on with hamas, israel and hezbollah and all that is going on in europe and at our borders and around the world. Mac republicans need to show the country they know what leadership means and open the peoples house. I have a sense of urgency. Your thoughts. Any member of congress who says to give temporary powers to the speaker or partner with democrats is scared. They are scared jim jordan might fix washington, d. C. He is Strong Enough to make sure we know every bill that gets to the house floor and have an honest conversation. We do Appropriation Bills and he lets every member of the house have a voice. Everybody has had their battles with jim jordan. I had battled with jim jordan but he is honest and tells the truth. He gets up every day when the world is against him and still wants to know the truth what is going on in this government and what we are doing to protect american freedoms. Members are scared that the deception in washington, d. C. Might get fixed. Sean i would bet on you in that battle. The moment calls for leadership. The time is now. Open the peoples house. Its got to get done. No temporary or democratic deals. I hope that is accomplished tomorrow. Governor, thanks for being on with us. Joe bidens interview on 60 minutes last night, well, it was a total disaster. We have the tape. Reaction from Kayleigh Mcenany and Ari Fleischer as we continue our coverage tonight. When you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures. gasp you need weathertech. [hot dog splat. ] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat. ] scream Seat Protector to save the seats. [honk ] theyre all yours were here hey, i knew you were comin. So i weatherteched the car can we get ice cream . 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This is not the first time biden struggled walking in the right direction. A quick reminder. [cheers and applause]. [cheering]. [applauding]. Mr. President. Sean heres Kayleigh Mcenany and Ari Fleischer. Scott pelley, when does he not seem tired and confused . He does all of the time. Now in particular. When you have rebels and iran in syria and hezbollah. You have hamas. You have iran itself all pointing at israel. He is about to make a trip there. What is concerning when you see that behavior and gaffes in the context of foreign policy. He said its one thing if its a minor incurion when russia invaded ukraine. His staff walked it back. He threw into question strategy about taiwan and in afghanistan he said no one is dying. Oh, wait the afghans that fell from planes. These blunders do you feel secure as war is occurring in the middle east . I do not. Sean he doesnt have the strength or stamina and his cognitive struggles are every day. American enemies are seeing what we see. China, russia, iran and north korea. Especially now, we have to think about iran and these terrorists groups what they will see. I am told behindthescenes by high ranking officials, sources of mine that biden is saying one thing publicly. Behindthescenes pushing something very different called restraint. Sean, when america send somebody abroad at a time like this its to protect power. Thats why we send air craft carriers. When the president goes abroad it needs to be a visible, stern lesson to iran and hamas. Dont mess with america. Does anybody have confidence that joe biden will be the projection of power . No. If joe biden goes am worried about does israel need him . Israel is planning for a war. Joe biden being there. What does israel get from that . I worry this is an intervention into Israeli Affairs for what reason i dont know. Everything he wants to accomplish he can accomplish on the phone call and the physical danger of being there. I question the judgment of going into israel at this time. I dont understand why he is going. Sean i dont like the idea. I say this because we have to protect the president. I dont like the idea of him flying into israel making it public beforehand. Often when president s made trips to war zones, they told us after the fact. Sometimes they would be up in the airheaded home before we knew about it. Yes, it was curious that his Team Broadcast this in advance. I can tell you why. This is a huge pr victory for the president. Remember when we went to ukraine that was one of his best moments from the press standpoint. He needs this moment to reverse what was done in afghanistan. I dont think it will work. What a scary thing. He should be sitting right here. In the interview with 60 minutes, asked what would you say to those Holding American hostages . Rather than saying we are doing everything to get them back. He should have looked in the camera and said if you harm the hair on an american hostages you will pay. Thats what former President Trump delivered. You had not a single american killed in afghanistan in his final year in office because they understood he meant president. Sean Ari Fleischer, will be this productive . Will joe biden be a cognitive mess . Even if it goes perfectly, it will be a hindrance to israel. Israel has Something Big tore plan right now. It President Biden falls or looks weak, its exhausting to fly over there even on air force one. That Projects Sleepiness and weakness. I worry about all of the above. Sean thank you Ari Fleischer and Kayleigh Mcenany. We appreciate you both being here. All of joe bidens failed Economic Energy policies are haunt not only you the american people. Haunting him. Why have we become dependent on countries that hate us . Charles payne straight ahead. Hi, im jason. Ive lost 228 pounds on golo. Changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. And golo is the plan thats going to help you do that. Just take the first step, go to golo. Com. Im franklin graham. The world is searching for peace, and it seems to elude our leaders, and maybe you wish you could have peace. Maybe your life is in turmoil, and you dont know where to go, or what to do. But you can have peace, and thats through the prince of peace. Thats the lord jesus christ, gods son who came to this earth to take our sins, where he died and shed his blood on a cross and on the third day, god raised his son to life. And you can have peace, not only now, but for eternity, by putting your faith and trust in gods son, jesus christ. If youve never done that, pray this prayer with me right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord from this day forward. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, call that number thats on the screen. We have someone whod like to pray with you and speak with you. Do that right now. God bless you vo in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. woman bingo im moving to the lake. Gotta sell the house. vo ooh thats a lot of work. woman ooh vo dont worry. Skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. woman bingo. vo get your competitive offer at opendoor dot com. Sean we have growing concern that the crisis in the middle east could spread beyond israel and have a major effect on the worlds oil supply. That disruption would come at the wrong time for this country the United States of america because the average price of a gallon of gasoline is creeping back up to 4 a gallon and joe emptied onehalf of our Petroleum Reserve before the midterms to increase the supply and lower prices. So little left in reserve the u. S. Would burn through it in 17 days. That could explain where joe biden is trying to appease the oil rich regime in venezuela and why he is forcing this country to be dependent on hostile regimes. Host of making money on fox business Charles Payne is with us. How much of this is directly related to the free flow of oil, Market Prices and joes adherence to the Climate Al Alarmist Cult . The war on the American Oil Producers back fired. You bring up the point. Joe biden tapped into the Petroleum Reserve to win the midterms but oil has come back on. The only reason we are not at 4 already some margins came in. That wont be the case as time goes on. We were supposed to stop the world from paying more than 60 for russian oil. Oil has been as high as 90. We are putting allies in awkward position. India wants to buy cheap oil want we want to cut deals with india, the largest democracy in the world. China is buying oil from russia and iran. All of this sources back not to energy or Economic Policy but an idealogy that i equate to a cult. We are empowering the wrong people in the world and hurting americans at the same time. Bringing the world closer to something catastrophe. Sean charles, only 15 seconds. We had hundreds of years where we could be selfsufficient . We have so much oil. Exxon mobile made 60billion dollars. Sean Charles Payne. Thank you. Thats all the time we have left. Audience shows wednesday and thursday. Tickets are free. We hope you will join us. Never miss an episodes of hannity. For news all the time fox news. Com. I have the best news in the entire world. I really do. Let not your heart be troubled. Why . Tha tha tha tha tha thankfully greg gutfeld is back to put a

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