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[bombs exploding]. To the war in the middle eas as expended. Israel is no longer just fighting a Battle In The South against hamas, a second front i opening in the north. Hezbollah in lebanon is intensifying their campaign. E their goal Scimmers Thomas this made israel with rockets and mortars. [rapid gunfire] [bombs] [people shouting]. Israel just any casualties already this weekend from the iranian backed hezbollah forces. Israeli Military Bases are unde assault. Hezbollah snipers also neutralizing israeli Surveillance Cameras on the border in creating blind spots. Appearing to gear up for a full on invasion. And israel is responding, evacuating towns and villages near the border. And proactively striking hezbollahs installations. [explosions. Israels promised to destroy hezbollah if they formally ente the war. Service for israel israel. If hezbollah fully engages israels northern flanks, they would be forced to divert resources from the south, reaching their ground action in gaza, and giving hamas breathin room. Hamas, who has already shown an ability to theatrically ambush unsuspecting inspecting usually forces are even launching amphibious assaults. Jihadists were caught swimming toward the israeli shoreline, triggering the idea to have to scramble their navy. Where it is swimming, paragliding or suicide bombing, the bushes are highly motivated to ravage the israeli civilian population. Body camcorders shows Hamas Savagely Ripping the life of a small israeli town, targeting civilians like al qaeda. Forensic Analysis Shows sign of torture, rape and mutilation. These animals make the Russian Military like civilized. But as israel prepare their fullscale ground operation, there is a concern that their Intelligence Agencies have been infiltrated. The New York Times reported tha on the first day of the attack, penetrated an Israeli Military base, and shot their way into israels intelligence nerve center. Israeli military Computer Systems were vulnerable to exploitation. Topsecret Intelligence May Hav been compromised. Currently, after tinitial sees, hamas has hunkered down like tunnel rats in their undergroun layer, plotting, holding hostages, laying booby traps, and Manufacturing Jones and stinger missiles. Is there a second wave . Is this a trap . The israelis found a cache of weapons left behind for future offensive. You can see here rocket propelled grenades were covered by the Israeli Military in the southern part of their country. They said they found about 1,00 of these, brought in by hamas fighters, these against israeli communities along the border. Iran has called hamas att attacks, glorious. And is wearing israel that invading gaza would, openly gets of h hell. There is no denying t that. It is a matter of which side effects more here on the other. A similar battle happened in falluja iraq, where American Forces fought in close quarters building to building, block by block, and rooted out sodhi insurgents, militias and former baptists. It was one of the most Intensiv Urban Warfare weve ever seen. [gunfire. Ps this bring in in medal of Ho Honor Of House to house and bil corbitt, Former Army Special Op and fox news contributor. All right, david, described the close quarters combat situation where you are basically blind except maybe, what, 10 feet in front of you. Well, you know, thats all about terminating the Battle Space Bar dominating the room, dominating, you know, uphili the morale. These are your soldiers. You love them like your family. They are part of your family. And when you get into a fight like that, youre well aware that the enemy is just randomly chose our technology by getting us in a confined space. There are like five or six othe bodies of these terrorists in the next building over, and we are going to walk out of this building and we are going to work on this building together, and that means breaking the wil of the enemy, so the next house the next, they know exactly wha they got into when they started a fight with the United States people and so its like, its confidence, but your confidence goes up and down. You are all over the place, because you realize that it doesnt matter how well you are equipped, or how will you train you get a machine gun in front, and their railing off rounds at pointblank range. So its what youre fighting f for, the people you are with. Its your training. But theres something. The secret sauce is the nco in Interest Rate Infantry Fight and the ceo in the infantry tha is currently pushing his subordinates and terminating th battle space. What are the biggest lesson the urotensis military learn from somewhere like falluja . The enemy thought that we wouldnt take the fight in the Pacific Campaign and they guessed wrong against a world war ii generation. The vietcong and north vietnamese thought that we were just a bunch of hippies out at woodstock and had no idea what our army was going to go back then. Our enemies biggest get the United States from the beginnin people so they thought, we are not going to take that fight, w are gen x. We cut our genes and listen to kirk urbain, we are lazy to their lazy, watch tv and think, where the Jerry Springer generation, and they knew that they would not respect us and that environment. Im telling you, you get a window into the soul of the men and women around you, and the generation that got through and bar problems and the yellow province, and moser, and ramani falluja. That generation is amongst the greatest american warriors wev seen. So, brett, what are they thinking in these hamas tunnels . Theyve just pulled off a spectacular surprise attack. There hunkered down. They have hostages. They are rearming. They havent really been assaulted yet by the full force of the Ground Forces of the idf. Whats their calculation now . Well, i think they have to expect israel to respond grossl disproportionate this time and over the top, because this Surprise Incursion can never happen again. I think we will see from the israelis the time when the go together is going to be different. There forces are going to go, take your time ago block by block, going through these tunnels, meticulously. The Mentor Operation has been t focus on restoring deterrence. I have already seen some public calls for ceasefires from various groups coordinating the israelis already only within weakness discussing Terrorist Attack and stop their response, and the idea that theyve already gone too far with these retaliatory airstrikes in gaza, which i find absurd. Typically when theyre going to gaza territory after a few days this International Support base for their demands for a ceasefire, they get this worldwide treasure stop i said before and i will say again, that being the idfs next Military Action via a major mistake to read to back them. As americans we are to give the time and space to crush a mosqu once and for all. This is a group that only understands strength. When the israelis did nothing t look at happen to them. Came in, they killed, they kidnapped him they raped and pillaged. This is a group that cannot be stopped any longer any longer were talking and or even holdin american hostages right now. We have very Little Information about the status of these americans because hamas took them as an Insurance Policy against retaliatory action. And is proof that hamas is just as much a danger to our way of life as well. So we took the israelis without terrorism, do what they need to do. Strike hamas where it hurts, an make it so this doesnt ever happen again. I agree ppq got to let them go at it. Thats the only way youre goin to get complete and full victor here. Brett, david, thank you guys, s much. Thank you. Thank you. Fox news alert, Secretary Of State Anthony Blink Adjuster launched President Biden with israel on wednesday, after his disastrous 60 minutes interview last night. There is limited fighting already on the northern israeli board and i wonder, what is you message to hezbollah and its backer, iran . Dont. Dont. Dont. Dont. Dont come across the board, dont escalate this war . Thats right. Is iran behind the gaza war . I dont want to give away classified information, but to be very blunt with you, there i no clear evidence of that. At this Appointment Evidence that iran is behind any of this . Correct. Biden said there is no clear evidence that iran was involved. In other words, hes couching it. Why cant he say intelligence shows they had preplanned knowledge and took 24 hours for the Wall Street Journal crack that case . Well, he doesnt want to say it because it means that hes goin to have to deal with it. Since we have been funding this country for so long, and gettin stuck in the medial sand pit an electionyear dangerous. So the president s just as, do dont. Dont want . Pelley puts words in his mouth. Is probably presidency, but after 1400 israelis get slaughtered when president pelley thinks the Siege Of Gaza would be an occupation. Would you support Israeli Occupation of gaza at this po point . I think it would be a big mistake. Look, what happened in gaza in my view is hamas Extreme Illnes of thomas dont represent all the Palestinian People. And i think that it would be a mistake for israel to occupy gaza again. So why is the president talking about a palestinian state when hamas is butchering our strongest ally . How do you say hamas represent the Palestinian People when the voted hamas in to represent t them . Why do you think the saudis or the egyptians are opening their doors for the palestinians . These are savages and israel cannot coexist with them. The president should be encouraging our allies to defen themselves, not sway them aroun from this ground offensive. Every day that goes by, that they dont rent these islamic tunnels, is another day that th united nations, the arab league and these skittish american politicians are going to say, ceasefire. And when the middle east is up in flames we are going to be right back wher we started. To confront the brutality, mr. Biden ordered two Aircraft Carriers plus cruisers and destroyers to the region. There are about 900 us troops i syria on a Counterterrorism Mission since 2013. Can you foresee us troops in combat in this new middle east war . I dont think that is necessary. Israel has one of the finest fresh finest fighting forces in the country. I guarantee we are going to provide them everything they need. Well, it looks like they are already mobilizing. The pentagon says they have 2,000 troops ready to deploy to israel. We have two hot wars going on, one any of and now in the middl east, on top of an open border where middle easterns are pouring through and checked. Joe biden does not have control and this makes americans anx anxious. Given these two wars and the dysfunction in congress, are yo sure that you want to run again . Yes, because im sure l look, when i ran i said the world is at a inflection point, the worlds changing. We have an opportunity to make it so imagine if we are able to succeed in getting the middle east put in place rehabilitatio and relations . I think we can do that. Biden says hes running for president because of the world. He didnt mention america, didnt mention americans. Hes ready because hes transistor which the biden br brand, the statesman. But under biden, the middle eas and water applicable and more dangerous than ever. Under trump there was unprecedented stability. Abraham accords. Undid the iran nuclear deal. Killed sola money, bag daddy. We thought we were out of the middle east. But now we are right back in th middle of it. And you can pay all this to be front and center in next year debate. Biden has three major problems, and they all begin with the letter zero crap diffmack, i cortical Inflation Immigration and incompetence. The usa is a mess. Israel is under attack, our economy is cratering. Inflation totally out of con control. 2024 is our final battle. Its our final battle. This country is either going to be greater than ever before or we are not going to have the country. Thats how bad it all is. Dreaming a host of the monic crowley podcast, monica crowley. So the presidency going to israel wednesday. What will that do . Mark wood i think he is goin to try to reassure our israeli allies that are made since to put them and will provide whatever resources they need to take on this war with hamas. But the bigger question is iran which he refused to adjust last night on 60 minutes. The problem for this president is he is inherently weak. You know, joe biden has always been a corrupt hack. Now he is a pac, you know, nearest Military Force on the face of the deep and supposedly the free world. But every time the united state is either week in real terms or perceived as weak, the good guy retreat, the bad guys advance, and the wheels come off the world. This is exactly what we are seeing now, and no trip to israel is going to change the international dynamic. There is a reason why hamas and hezbollah, as well as the russians and chinese, and Terrorist Organizations around the world, are advancing right now, because they know that theres not going to be any kin of meaningful retaliation from the present of the united state or america as a whole. What kind of meaningful retaliation would a president probably initiate . Well, look, the israelis can truly handle this. When you look at. Let israels handle it . Absolutely. And that is what they are requesting. They are requesting handsoff, we know how to handle this, let us do it. Give us the moral support we need to let us know that youre there, send a signal to adversaries, including iran, that you mean business. But let us. Ps is he sending a signal when he says, dont, dont, dont . Nobody knows what he meant. That is because pelley further distance for the president. The media always fills in th gap for the presence we can string a sentence together. They hold him by the hand and walk them through this because they know he is a walking catastrophe. How long does president bide give the Israeli Ground offensive in gaza to succeed, because its a tight game . It absolutely is. It looks like it is imminent, i it hasnt started already, please raise know they have to move with all deliberate speed because they know that the International Community is goin to come down hard on them once these images of, palestinian children start going around the world, they got to free him no because they have the sympathy of the vast majority of the world. They got to go in, strike, and do it fast. So they have now got the sympathy but they havent gone in yet. Why havent they fully gone in on the ground in gaza . Well, they been engaged from the air. Lived under a strategic surgica airstrikes. Yes. They have also warned the gazans, the civilians in gaza, get out, has been a civilian corridor into. You meeny goodwill of their backers . Well, their walking a very fine line because they know the have to go to gaza and clean ou hamas. But i also know they have to protect civilian life, as well as i can. This what the israeli do really well. They get no credit for it, but they do it really well. Look, under price drop for four years when a booming economy an real peace. Now we have any, in classroom one of the board of National Security National Security threats everywhere in the world is a flame. So we know how to deliver peace in europe, in the middle east, in east asia, and yet this present, everything that resident trump did in rivers. Trump leg restraints. This president doesnt even lea with weakness, hes just projecting weakness, and is so therefore it is no mystery that americas enemies are on the march. You meeny president kelly because i get views as presiden sometimes. Monica, thank you. A pleasure, thanks. Fox news alert Secretary Of State Anthony Blanca Just Announced joe biden is going to israel. Wednesday, President Biden goes to israel. Hes coming here in a critical moment for israel, for the region, and for the world. John roberts is live in israel with the latest. John. You know, lincoln is really burning a minute or because dont forget its about 20 minutes after three in israel, and he asked me that announcement moments ago. He was scheduled to do an interview with us last evening. They said and they cancel it because there were so many moving parts, and things were moving very, very, quickly so i guess they were putting togethe this visit by the president during that whole evening. Lincoln had been here for a few days now. He traveled to all of our middl eastern allies trying to reassure them that the United States is still on their side. Even countries like qatar, whic had been acting as a gobetween between iran and hamas, which raised a lot of eyebrows here i israel because qatar is also trying to negotiate the release of these hostages. So im trying to read the tea leaves here. Biden coming, jesse, on wednesday, is always israeli troops have been sitting there mass on the border with their heavy armor and tanks we though they were going to go outside but then on sunday we had something about, well, the weather is not right but not biden is coming on wednesday. They will be in a grand operation before then. So im trying to figure out h here, put the pieces together. Is biden going to try to talk maybe not in yahoo out of mounting a major ground operation, or will he give israel his full support behind it . Dont forget last week Presiden Biden said that the us was standing fully behind israel, and last night on 60 minutes he said, well, i dont think it would be a good idea for israel to reoccupy gaza. Thats an important step becaus it is your complete this task, jessica stated task, at least, of getting rid of hamas, isr israels got to do something to govern that area. You cant leave a power vacuum, because anything that happens the next bad guy just steps in and takes over. So we will be watching and waiting to see the posture of the idf forces, whether they go into a bit more of a relaxed posture, that is to say the wor for security but not looking like youre going across the board imminently, and whether biden will try to talk netanyah on a fullscale reparation, because criticism worldwide Thi Operation is mounting. And Agency Bond Study to Anthon Lincoln that israel had gone behind his right of selfdefens now to what he called Collectiv Hundred of the palestinians. Yeah, they are under pressur internationally and the clock i ticking for sure. But youre right, the timing of the visit is interesting, because in europe there are a lot of other leaders in the wes went to kyiv and visited ukrain during that assault, from ru russia. Joe biden was last. And now all of a sudden hes, what, ten days existing and history. First for the on the ground . What does that tell you, that messaging, that symbolic messaging . Well, you just have to look at history here. How many us president s have gon to a nation thats already for endpoint to mount a Ground Invasion . I cant remember any, jesse. So the fact that hes coming here in these Israeli Forces ar poised to go into gaza, i think is part of a Bigger Program h here. I dont want to say he is looking for a ceasefire, but there may be some inkling of a deescalation. We will just have to wait and see peter, well, that will blow up in his face. If there is a Dissolution Push while hes there . Those atrocities are still seared into the memories of the israeli population . Into the world . I think that would do Severe Damage to israels security, an Severe Damage to joe biden standing, here at home and abroad. You know, you are right on that front. But i think heres what the us is looking at, after lincolns shuttle diplomacy. After here he is going to a monitoring from here and apparently will stay in the region for a while that is probably to help cover the president s visit. But i think there is a sense that is a grand operation is mounted at the region, blowup, has a lot to get involved. Its got all those guided missiles. And first target, top target, will be tel aviv people and we see what happened over the past week with hamas Firing Rockets toward tel aviv. Sirens are going off all day today. So hezbollah to get involved an that another nation got inv involved, i mean, listing, quickly going to conflagration, which is why the us as is geral ford assuming the eisenhower is on its way, and other 29th Marine Expansionary unit which was doing exercises in the red sea, is moving closer to israel. We dont know if this going to go up there once inside and the Sinai Peninsula to this west to the mediterranean, or it might not go to the Gulf Of Aqaba in the israeli city of iraq. That remains to be seen as well. But the full force of us deterrence is on display here with the idea that this could turn into a tinderbox very quickly if this operation gets underway. And that deterrence had to be believable, because if its not believable then how the law is going to counter, the iranians, the syrians, they could counter. So, really, the interpretabilit of the commanderinchief is on the line if he wants to give th Israelis Room to maneuver in gaza. That there has to be real, and it had to be believable, and i think is going to be tested ove the next week. John, thank you, i got to run i is going to be a very big trip for the president. It really is, is going to be consequential. We will see how it shakes out. Thank you. Stay safe out there. Fox news alert, the squad is going for a ceasefire. Kortney bush, regina to lead what israel to stop defending themselves after hamas killed her babies and over a thousand civilians. When there was a shooting here, democrats want to take away you guns. They start saying the second marriage is outdated and talk about ghost guns. But when hamas goes into daycar centers, and schools, targeting kids, the squad calls for a ceasefire. They say, lets talk things out hamas. Israel, dont defend yourself. Dont event your kids, just sit there and take it. Meanwhile, Internal Market the chair of the hamas caucus, posted a photo of the children. She said, hope will look what israel did. But the photo was ten years old and it was from syria. And it had nothing to do with israel. They will do anything it takes to pay israel as evil. The squad doesnt care that most persimians back sharia law. Have them support suicide bombing. Persimians will support gender equality freespeech, gay gayrights. Doesnt matter. Because there is an appetite fo Political Violence on the left. And is coming from the top down. Our petitions, our corporate lives and our legacy media. But it all starts at the universities. There is a pipeline of indoctrination going from our schools to the highest Levels O Government and the private sector. Universities are breeding grounds for Political Violence. They are my dresses or professors groomed students to become critically bloodthirsty. How students end up in congress in newsrooms, and Running Companies that donate millions to bailout riders. The colors, you learned how the victims are, and we the victimizers are, and that you must do whatever it takes to tear them down. At columbia university, it was called the hamas terror attacks awesome. Said hamas, had a stunning victory against the cruel israeli colonizers. The professional joseph massad, has been talking like this for ye years. His job is to convince your americans that anybody who disagrees with them is evil. The reaction of us backed regimes in the region in genera has remained the same, meaning that the goal of reaction or th next steps they wish to take ha helped to preserve and secure the archived jewish supremacist regime, Israel Principle peter thomas r the good, because Thei Anticolonialism and an antiimperialism, just like blm in 2020 hours these were burned to the ground, our businesses were rated. People were killed. This should have been in Full Throttle condemnation from our media, from our politicians. And said cnn called the rights, mostly peaceful cortical, alla bailout the right angle, democrats chop police budgets. Is what they learned in school. Blm violence is justified because police are bad and criminals are victims. Andy shah had been free to operate in the streets for ye years. When Trump Took Office we saw antifmris. They covered their faces with masks, but we knew they were. Skinny white liberals straight off campus. Professors joined andy shah. This is a Violent Group dedicated to overthrowing the government. But the government says they just an idea. Andy shah doesnt exist, becaus they are fighting the oppr oppressors. They are only okay with violenc if they can justify the cause. Its okay to parachute into a country, kidnapped people, unload machinegun fire into concerts, because they were taught persimians are victims o a land dispute. Its time for the fbi to get of our backs and take a look at whats going on in these pr proterrorist rallies, and the Blm Antifungal and into the mastic my dresses that are infesting our campuses. Elizabeth plitco joined me now. It is ironic that there is a School Shooting here in america and left messages on americans, but if there is a School Massacre in israel, they want a ceasefire. A way that. And other messaging i have seen coming out of these young advocate groups these last few days have not only been a disturbing push for violence in israel but the defecation for that miles being the shared lived experience they think the have with the people of gaza. Approved, if nothing else, energy detachment from our reality. It also naive and ignorant and laughable at best. And i think honesty proves our academic institutions are raising activists instead of critical thinkers. So its narcissism. They believe they live in a purse life here in manhattan, just like the person you do in gaza so they relate to these underdogs, these underdog oppressed people, and they justify violence because, hey, everybody has to like the colonial powers. Exactly. Unfortunately a lot of us who didnt agree with a lot of the message coming out of the group the last two years were probabl still a little happy seeing these young people passionate about fighting injustice anywhere they sought in the world. Unfortunately, we have been severely shocked this last week to know that apparently the burning of babies are kidnappin of Holocaust Survivors does not count as injustice, and does no you know not do not encourag any kind of really. Instead it encourages solidarit with those that committed violent offenses. So im confused at best and furious at worst. Do you see a growing domesti Terror Threat coming from Withi Universities . I do. Like i said, these institutions are academic institutions we relied on for years, teresa, th train critical thinkers, arent they doing the opposite of that. They are raising people that no only hate americans but actuall support terrorism. And that can lead to 1 very dangerous results. To a lot of these places tha these universities have countries that are trying to, i dont know, longer money and hes campuses in order to creat hate . And honestly, i hate to say it, but i would also hope that they did, because i otherwise cannot understand how this could have happened in the freest, greatest country in the entire world we have raised nothing but the best until very recently. Yeah, i think the fbr need t take a hard look at some of these universities and get to the bottom of this tv elizabeth thank you so much. Thank you. So democrats want you to tak on palestinians. Fun music mom, can i help . Camping was fun, but it looks we brought the woods back with us. If you have kids, then you really need weathertech. Its the ultimate way to kid proof your vehicle. From lasermeasured floorliners for the front and rear. To cargoliner. Seat protector. And seat back protectors. Weve got you covered. Your turn. [laughter] find these American Made products at weathertech. Com. Why have one review cont contract Refugee Crisis you can have two . After letting ms the middle east is coming next. Thats right, ms. Of how things are fleeing gaza and america is being told, make room. The palestinian neighborhood seems from the people you none of these middle east countries are muslim. They share the same values, culture, the weather; and so wa the cuisine. Arab states are constantly advocating for the palestinians so you would think countries like you egypt, saudi arabia, jordan would open their arms an give sanctuary to their arabic Brothers And Sisters. Nope. These countries want nothing to do with the palestinians. So the american left sees. Raise their hand and said, well take them. Not only will we take them, we will pay for their flights here. And then proposes them into you neighborhood. Meanwhile, if youre an america trapped in israel, you have to pony up the money to flee. So i dont these arab neighbors what the palestinians . And what do they know that we dont . For one, the majority of palestinians in gaza support hamas. So fire marshal jamaal sees violent radicals looking for a place to live and things, my districts perfect. New york is always looking for more Terror Supervisors and bot democrat, but fire marshal jamarr must conduct them so we dont accidentally fly in hamas. Joe biden, who says he has no idea what his son does for a living, isnt the kind of guy i want many refugees from the gaz strip. America is the land of immigrants. Hackett, my ancestors led religious persecution in eng england. But the United States welcomes immigrants who assimilate. To palestinians like you as people you can easily assimilat here . And there are a lot of jewish people here in new york. Why is. Dot spirall this fire marshal jamaal to bring palestinians to new york . We have enough problems. Leftside import 1 million peopl who cheered the 911 attacks int new york. Democrats want to deprogram Trump Supporters, but not want to let in refugees who have bee programmed to kill jews since kindergarten. If you vote for trump, you are in a cult, and dont believe in democracy. But if you elect hamas and youre obsessed with Spilling Jewish blood, you just an innocent civilian that needs a free oneway ticket to manh manhattan. What happened last time a western country taken Palestinian Refugees . Well, ill tell you. In 1982 demarc linen over 300 person in asylumseekers. None of the other Air Countries wanted them. Didnt go well. Twothirds of the person in refugees became criminals pick and a third of their children were convicted of crimes as w well. And most of them walk up on welfare. So if im biden, and im sendin egypt billions, im sending thi out is billions, and have carriers protecting all their security, i do strongly suggest our arab friends settle some palestinians. Bert goldstein is a human right attorney and ceo of the law fai project. Brooks, is it like a Suicide Mission to all of a sudden rais your hands and say, lets brin in 1 million person refugees wh have been trained from an early age to hate jews and think violence is justified . Why would they do that . You know, jesse, i want to make something very clear from the start. You know now why is it in the first place that we might have refugees coming from gaza . And the reason why i say, migh close, is because hamas is the occupier of gaza. It has a strategy. And that strategy is to use civilians as human shields. Its headquarters are in the basements of hospitals. S Weapons Depots were where it stores as weapons are in school classrooms. Hamas is also refusing to allow civilians to flee, and, of course, egypt, and you said earlier, had its border closed. Frankly, i think this is a hypothetical question that we are asking. But lets say in the theoretica sense people are asking how can we let it is refugees, and they are the direct questions . Number 1, as your question met earlier, why is it the sword possibility of the united state or the west to taken muslim refugees . Where are the other Air Countries . Where is egypt . Where is qatar . Where is saudi arabia . Where is jordan . Why are they not opening their borders and welcoming their air Brothers And Sisters with open arms . Is it because they view them as a National Security threat . And if on the slim chance that you take in these socalled Palestinian Refugees, how can w ensure that they are resettled, that they are not kept in perpetual refugee status, and they have in jordan . And the second question is obvious what is the Vetting Process that you mentioned . Even after world war ii we took in germanspeaking there was a Vetting Process to make sure we were not taking your nazis. What is the Vetting Process teaches, yeah, and we still hav some nazis subdue so it is neve perfect. And you have to be perfect when it comes to Suicide Bombers and these jihadists. Thats the issue. Brooke, thanks as always. Thank you. Up next, johnny confronts al sharpton. Im franklin graham. The world is searching for peace, and it seems to elude our leaders, and maybe you wish you could have peace. Maybe your life is in turmoil, and you dont know where to go, or what to do. But you can have peace, and thats through the prince of peace. Thats the lord jesus christ, gods son who came to this earth to take our sins, where he died and shed his blood on a cross and on the third day, god raised his son to life. And you can have peace, not only now, but for eternity, by putting your faith and trust in gods son, jesus christ. If youve never done that, pray this prayer with me right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord from this day forward. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, call that number thats on the screen. 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Judge tanya chutkan, a jamaican born obama donor, sets the man currently beating joe biden in the polls with a gag order by the special counsel jack smith asked the judge to strip down Transfer Cement Rights during a action people and the judge s said, sure, why not. The judge ruled that don trumka likely republican political nominee, isnt allowed to criticize the prosecutor who is trying to put him in prison. And donald trump isnt allowed to criticize anyone who could b called as a witness for this generates six trial. Donald trump could be arrested for speaking about joe biden trying to arrest him. His potential candidacy did not give him Carte Blanche to vilif Public Servants who are simply doing their jobs. He does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases. They want to throw President Trump in prison for talking. We fought a revolution so we could speak like freemen. Judges arent kings and donald trump, just like you and i, hav the right to say exactly what w please. Hours later he came out swi swinging. They think the only way they can catch me is to stop me from speaking. They want to take away my voice. And it does give a gag order today. Did you hear that . On speech. Which i believe is totally unconstitutional what she did. Know what a gag order is . You can speak badly about your opponent. But this is weaponry all being done because joe biden is losin the election and losing very, very, badly to all of us in the polls. There is no way trump divided b gag order. He is not gag a ball. Last week new york city tried t gag trump. They hosted the, stop trump summit. All primetimes favorite folks attended to the west the left is trying to stop trump hundred and they are trying to stop thomas. Who are these people . Well, we sent johnny to find o out. Johnny whats the big plan to stop trump . Be a bit more aggressive. I dont know there is a plan. I remember peter stop trump . Just ignore him. Paying a lot of attention today. I got paid to be here today. So they are paying for you t be here today . Why do we need a pratto stop trump . Dont you just had to be timid about box . Is not working so we need ne ideas. What do you get without a plan . Buppercaseletter ttan cap buppercaseletter p plan. What happened to locking joe biden up . Biden is doing the best he cant. Trump would for sure do that. He didnt. We did it, joe. Please if we stop trumka does that mean the border stays open . The board is not open. Thats not the biggest problem we have peter trumps, just not there it is that we have people think its okay to give us their freedom. I feel pretty free . What are your rights that are left . Freedom of speech. Cream of the press. Written to be here at rp that i approved freedom. Youre right, joe biden is like to answer questions. What a stupid bleep . Are you going to stop trump today . We are going to work on it. What about crime and inflation . What are we going to do to stop trump you can look, i was very clear when i was up on stage. Testers are down, why are yo here . Test doors test scores ar actually up. [ buzzer ]. Whats more important, stopping trump or stopping record crime and record inflation . Stopping trumka stopping trump. Trump is crime. I think youll see more crime and more inflation is that maniac is back into power. Are you serious . Are you really talking to me like this . The president of the United States, dont ever talk to the president that way. The you agree . They need to be programmed. Many, many, Trump Supporters dont know the facts. You dont deprogram a human but you deprogram a robot. So, you think hillary is crazy . Im the life of every party attended and ive been to 3. [ music ]. Senator, we have record cr crime, inflation and wars. Why arent we stopping biden . No comment, senator . Where did all the blm money go . I live i have nothing to do with blm. They all live in mansions an no one can find the money. If you know better than me, you want to tell people. Wheres the money . I love all trumps indictments, which one was your favorite . I have no him i have two favors, one the way the creatur handled peter georgia. January 6 for that one. What did he do on that day . He encouraged it. By saying much peacefully and patriotically. That was not what i heard when i watched it. Did you watch it unmute . My god. Are you jealous that trump lives in maralago . That is one of the only plac ive ever sent my eyes on ps whats a nice place you ever se foot in, at least, just i think applebees is probably nicer than maralago. What a loser. [ music ]. Did we do it . Did we do what . Did we stop trump . Dont know well see. How did you stop him, mr mr. Sharpton . You telling for me. You dont want to answer . Now, going there and stop him. Your kind of an lets bring in but you wish you were there at trump summit . You would have done well with the blazer, clay. This blazer would have killed their people and i wish i can somehow get invited to speak there. No telling how much money they raise. Lets just be honest, right. We got war in the middle east, jesse. We got more in europe, weve go the least Secure Southern Borde in the history of the United States, we have record 21st century crime, the average person, what is a dollar worth it if i say compared to what it was worth when joe biden came into office . Everything that joe biden has touched is a disaster. Is it any wonder that the only focus he has at this point, jessica is Calling Trump evil and Calling Trump a fascist, an a nazi, and always of the mean things . Because if he couldnt do that, what is the argument for why jo biden should ever continue . Hes the worst president in any of our lives based on all the data. He has taken millions of dollar with the biden crime family. He has likely been corrupt for decades. This is the worst president weve ever had, and all he can point to the prior president we had, who was infinitely better than him, and he thinks thats going to win the election. Clay travis. Next time we are going to send you to these summits. I think. I would love to go to the summit. Not because i want to see you get punched in the face, becaus everybody wants that. Hey, trae is a boxer. I would doubt that punch. It would be great. All right, maybe well have to see some of that one. Thanks, as always. I think theres videos. Moore time is next. Jesse thats all for tonight. We just learned that the president of the United States is going to be visiting israel on wednesday invited by netanyahu. He will show solidarity with the israeli people to calm things down, hannity is next. Seaco

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