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Thats the story. Well see you tomorrow. They videoed it all. We have loads and loads of Body Cams Showing who they are. We know who they are. We know where theyre coming from and i would say were coming for them. When they do enter on the ground, the israelis will be immediately engaged by hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters in urban streettostreet battle. There will be roadside bombs, ieds and other obstacles for the israelis to overcome. Sandra that is foxs trey yingst reporting as israel prepares for a Ground Invasion in gaza. Were watching developments at this hour. Hezbollah fighters on the lebanese border claim they have targeted five israeli posts and destroyed surveillance capabilities. The israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu Warning Militants in the north, do not test us. Coming up, we will speak to former u. S. Centcom commander, frank mckenzie. Im sandra smith in for neil cavuto. This is your world. First to mike tobin on the ground in southern israel to kick things off at this hour. Where to things stand right now, mike . Well, sandra, an Idf Spokesman said when the conditions meet their needs, the Ground Invasion in the gaza strip will begin. Long range rockets fly out of the gaza strip. 15 minutes ago, a barrage reached to tel aviv. Antony blinken was in the area about the time that lawmakers were gathering in jerusalem. We have report that Benjamin Netanyahu was pulled by a Security Detail out of a vehicle and forced to take cover along the side of the road the way so many israelis have had to do over the last ten days. Meantime, theres new video, gopros worn by the hamas attackers taking off on motorcycles, two at a time. Video some of the video shows them rampaging through a kibbutz. One of them shooting an unarmed elderly man. Ultimately the video shows the attackers themselves being killed. Hezbollah continues to menace israel across the border releasing new video of antitank fire shot at israelis. Small arms fire taking out cameras on the israeli side of the border. A deputy to Secretary General of hezbollah says that hezbollah wont listen to international pressure. They will get involved and open up a second front if they feel its their duty. An Idf Spokesperson said israel can handle two fronts. Israel has confirmed 199 people have been taken hostage. Some of the hostages are high ranking Israeli Soldiers with the gaza brigades. With ebb know about a dozen of them are u. S. Citizens. Sandra . Sandra mike tobin on the ground in southern israel. Thanks, mike. The pentagon sending a second Aircraft Carrier, the u. S. S. Eisenhower in a show of force as 2,000 u. S. Troops, we have just learned could soon be heading to the region. Rich edson on the latest from what were hearing from the pentagon. Rich . Over the weekend, lloyd austin issued be ready to deploy orders to come to israel if needed, this does not mean theyre going and this would largely have an intent of being in a supporting role, not a combat role. The Wall Street Journal first reported the story and that the military had selected about 2,000 troops to prepare for a potential deployment. The u. S. Air force has announced theyre sending squadrons of f 15 and a10 Fighter Craft giving the u. S. More than 100 Attack Planes in the region on top of the pentagon doubling the u. S. Navy presence dispatching the Eisenhower Carrier Strike group that joins the ford Carrier Strike group. The Defense Department says Secretary Austin has been holding near daily calls with the Israeli Defense minister. Antony blinken met him in person today. Senior officials of america are here every day. The American Flag is sailing on board in the mediterranean. We know what is the meaning. Sabrina singh says the u. S. Has a small number of Military Personnel there to advise and consult on hostage recovery. The pentagon is working to get more aid to israel, that includes artillery, munitions, restocking the iron dome system. The Missile Defense system and medical supplies. Sandra . Sandra rich edson live from the pentagon. Thank you. So will that increase in u. S. Firepower translate in to greater u. S. Involvement . With us now, former centcom commander general frank mckenzie. What can you tell us about adding this Aircraft Carrier and what that does for this ongoing conflict . The second Aircraft Carrier is designed to send a message to iran. Now is not the time to attack israel or widen the conflict. What the Aircraft Carrier gives you is gives the president more options and sends a strong signal to iran and to lebanese hezbollah. It means less for the fight that is starting to fight in gaza but means a lot about the opportunities that we still have to permit this war from widening to a theater wide general war. Sandra in the latest update from defense secretary lloyd austin on these troops being put in the readytodeploy mode that were learning did happen over the weekend, we are told that these troops would be for further defense for israel if needed. What does that tell you as the Wall Street Journal is reporting today that 2,000 u. S. Troops have been notified to be prepared to be ready within 24 hours if needed . What is your takeaway from that . What does it tell you . So this gives us, i think, the ability to more efficiently reinforce israel with equipment, with munitions, things of that nature. I dont think these troops are necessarily designed to be combat forces. Israel is capable of handling Ground Combat in gaza and elsewhere. These are all designed to expedite the flow of equipment, munitions and other things theyll need for this fight in to israel. Sandra neil asked former israeli ambassador general to israel about the report that egypt warned israel in advance of these hamas attacks. Take a listen here. I want to get your reaction to this. Neil do you know anything, you were a Defense Minister as well, how this slipped through what is arguably one of the most incredible Intelligence Forces on the planet . First of all, i dont know the answer for the question. I can hardly see a reason why the egyptians should invent or provoke such a claim without having any factual basis. Youll find in retrospect, there were many hints that something is going to happen. Because of sen block thinking, they were not interpreted as converging to an operation. Thats a major failure of our intelligence. We have to correct it. We do not deny it in any way. Sandra that is a major statement, there was an Intelligence Failure there were many hints. Do you think as we look back more on this, there could have been a very clear picture this was going to happen . One thing we know is israel will appoint a commission to take a look at this. They did it after the surprise of the 1973 war. Im sure they will do the same in this case. What you find always in cases of surprise is there was intelligence warning. Either it was ignored by Decision Makers or the Intelligence System itself had a structural construct that prevented them from recognizing, you know, the critical things from the noise that is always out there. So i think well know a lot more about this in the days, weeks and months ahead because israel has a good history of doing thorough investigations on things like this. We need to recognize that hamas did achieve tactical surprise and to a degree strategic surprise as well. Sandra now the wait is on. Theres some that believe were moments or hours away or days away from this Ground Invasion in to gaza. You have the u. S. Forces, the gerald ford, the eisenhower deployed. We know were ramping up our ability to respond. You look at the gaza evacuation. Over a middle have evacuated the north and head to the south. With this major operation that could be just a short time away or imminent, what do you see in the coming days . What is this going to look like . What do you believe that israel is waiting on to make this move . So i would assume and i have no direct knowledge of this but a little experience looking at it, i would assume the Israeli Forces are in attack positionsch theyre waiting for the right time of day. Israel can choose the time of attack. They will try to optimize that. Might be late afternoon. Dont flow. That will be the result of careful analysis of what will give them the best advantage. Once they go in, it will be a bloody ugly mess. Streettostreet fighting. It will be an infantrymans fight. The israeli will attempt to apply precision fires to support their troops on the ground. Im confident the idf will mitigate civilian casualties. They will happen. Not one of the reasons that is going to ham, hamas will make it their business to ensure civilians are killed. They want civilians to be killed. Because it operates well in the Information Space for them. So israel will try to minimize it. Hamas has a long Operational History of Setting Up Key Military Operations in mosques, schools, around areas with high density of civilians. It will be a tough long slog for israel. Sandra with 199 held hostage by hamas, could be up to a dozen americans, this is a huge challenge that we are going to see as we watch over the coming days. Thanks, general. Appreciate it. Meanwhile israeli Army Reservists mobilizing as a ground war is now looming. Were going to speak with one next. And with uncertainty growing there, so are concerns of lone wolf attacks here in the u. S. That is coming up. My dad was a hard worker. He used to do side jobs installing windows, charging Something Like A Hundred Bucks a window when other guys were charging four to fivehundred bucks. He just didnt wanna do that. He was proud of the price he was charging. My dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. Be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. I think hed be extremely proud of me, yeah. Hit it it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outta sight one, two, get loose now it takes two to make a. Stay two nights and get 5k bonus points. Book direct at bestwestern. Com. From pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. 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He will meet with his National Security team, this will be the top of the agenda of those discussions. This photo is the only look at President Biden weve gotten today. You can see hes joined by advisers and leaders of u. S. Spy agencies. The president is ordering u. S. Troops ready to deploy for further defense of israel if needed president though President Biden is publicly doubting the u. S. Would need to send troops. In hes working behind the scenes to free those american hostages in gaza. Saying were going to do everything in our power to find those that are still alive and set them free. Everything in our power. And im not going to go in to the detail of that, but theres were working like hell on it. We dont know what the rest of this week holds for President Biden or if he will take Benjamin Netanyahus invitation to go to israel in the next couple days. He does have some stuff on the schedule. As we saw today, theyre willing to change it at the very last minute. Sandra thanks, peter doocy. Live from the white house for us. Our next guest is mobilizing for war against hamas. Isra Israeli Army Reservist joining us now. Can you give us as idea as night has fallen in israel how israelis are positioning themselves for war with hamas . Hi. How are you doing . Depends where you are at the moment. Im currently in my home village where i was evacuated from a week ago. Certainly theres the feeling of war going on. Theres groups coming around, forces coming around, a lot of artillery. A sense of tension in the area action your correspondent says, it will happen tonight, tomorrow, the next day. Were feeling it being built up. Sandra so safe to say the feeling is this is imminent. As far as the fight is concerned, hamas is holding 199 hostage. Were told that a dozen or more of them could be americans. This obviously makes for an incredible delicate and challenging situation especially when you consider those tunnels underground there in gaza. The ability for hamas to use those tunnels to defend themselves. How do you see this playing out . What sort of massive challenges will the israelis face here . We do know that we do not negotiate with terrorists. We have done it in the past. To freshen the memory, israel released over 1,000 terrorists in the release of one soldier. That triggered the crave for the need for them to kill more. They will try to get a deal. Israel wants to bring their sons back home. But this is so different. The time has come after the horrible massacre happened last week, i think its a game changer. There should be zero negotiation with hamas. The hostages should be released by hamas when we crush them and fight them. We will do so, have no mistake about it. Israel has proven that this time we mean business. Hamas understood that. Theyre trying to fix their International Opinion in the public eye, the world. They bragged about their horror. I live in a bordering community. Im talking to you less than a mile from the border. We lost 20 members of my community. 20 members were murdered. The young was was 17 years old. The oldest was in the 80s. Two brothers lost their lives, two parents, a daughter. Tomorrow well be burying the first time five of them in a very small funeral because we cannot have a public gathering. We are strong. Weve been hit. Weve been as politicians say, taken by surprise. When the time comes, well question that. But at the moment, we know what were doing is justified. Even the world understands the need for that. We get support from the world. The u. S. Sent troops and air carriers. So the feeling on the ground is hamas needs to understand enough is enough. The massacre, the horror is coming back at them big time. Martha were so incredibly sorry for the losses youve experienced and all of those around you in your community who is grieving the loss of so many. So many of those tight knit small communities. Were with you, hear you and following every moment of this. Thanks for coming an and talking about it. Thanks. God bless. Hope nully we win that war. Sandra well check in on you soon. Coming up, as israel does prepare for this Ground Invasion in gaza, we are going to be speaking to an idf soldier deployed on the front lines. But first, as this war rages on over there, fbi director Christopher Wray is raising the alarm over here. Your family is a top priority. But what happens when you need Affordable Health care . Christian Health Care Ministries could save you up to 40 today. As a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. Sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. Join a Christian Community that supports each others medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize whats most important. Enroll now at your chm dot org my a1c was up here; now, its down with rybelsus®. His a1c . Its down with rybelsus®. 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Morgans ceo says this is the the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades. What it means for the economy . Were back in seconds. Sandra to the southern border now. A fourth Iranian Special interest alien has been apprehended just this month. Fox news Griff Jenkins has been Keeping Track of it all for us. Hes live now. Griff, what are we learning is actually happened and who are we seeing coming over the border . Sandra, good afternoon. Were learning that Border Officials are very concerned about the number of these special interest aliens which are aliens from countries with ties to terrorism coming across the southern border. You can take a look at our drone in the sky here in eagle pass in this area alone. Early sunday morning, we had an iranian man in his 40s an prebehinded. We had two lebanese men in their 20s the end of thursday last wike. Cbp sources confirmed to fox news that in the first 14 days, sandra, of this fiscal year, which began october 1, there have been more than 30 iranians arrested across the southwest border and they have confirmed that two iranian adult males have been apprehended that landed on the terror watch list. Thats why folks are so upset. These numbers are just increasing. I can throw a for more out there. Theres nearly 2,000 chinese in the first 14 days. We had concerned citizens out here where youre looking sunday. Theyre pretty upset about it. Wanted to know how dangerous it is as they watch the events infolding in israel. Kyle sims had this to say. Take a listen. Were letting so many people in. Theres no way theyre going to catch all of them. Even the ones that they do process, do they know who they are . We dont know that. Hes right, sandra. Just the week thats been here, theres been more than 1,500 known gotaways. Ney did not bring them in kus i can. The known gotaways, are the ones that worry the officials most. We have no idea who they are or what their intention is for coming here. Back to you. Sandra thanks, griff. Live eagle pass, texas. Fbi director Christopher Wray warning in a speak of reported domestic threats now linked to the Israel Hamas War. So with the 0 border surge showing no signs of slowing down, how do with step Homeland Security up . Former fbi assistant director Chris Swecker joins us now. Obviously this is a concern all over the country right now. What should we be doing here at home to defend against these increased reports of threats . I think, sandra, we face the greatest threat to the homeland since pre911. Weve made ourselves vulnerable, this is selfinflicted. We opened the southern border and nullified all the Security Measures after 911 to protect this country. Now we turned our Border Patrol in to wall march greeters. Theyre greeting people at the border. As your previous guest pointed out, we have no idea who is coming across those borders. We catch a few, but theres many coming through. We dont know who or what who they are or where they came from. Were incredibly vulnerable. We know we have hezbollah cells in the united states. I have that from personal experience. Theres other cells alquaida cells in our country here. They want a broader conflict. This is just the first step. They use terrorism to extend and project themselves. I say right now this is a serious threat to our security here in the united states. Sandra dont look away. What is happening at the border . While were watching there as griff was reporting, cbp apprehensions in the last 14 days included 30 iranians, 60 syrians, 30 pakistanis, 2,000 chinese and more. Just to keep track of what we know of, right, chris . Thats part of the point here. Meanwhile, theres cities on high alert all over the country right now. New york city is taking additional precautions. Washington d. C. San francisco. Los angeles, boston. Miami dade county. A lot of these cities are dealing with increased threats to begin with. Obv obviously this crises in the middle east is raising awareness in the big american cities. Yeah, im Say Something controversial here. I think our Intelligence Services took their eye off the ball. Theyve been touting domestic terrorist organizations, right wing extremists as the greatest threat to the homeland. That never was and never will be the greatest threat. It will always be international terrorism. These groups play a long game and weve seen it across the years here. Theyre always going to Target America and try to deal american citizens wherever they can find them. Sandra thanks, chris, for joining us as we watch the heightened alerts coast to coast. As the Israel Hamas War readies the next phase, the republicans are getting ready to choose the next speaker. Well have the latest coming up. Are you guys watching . 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Jim jordan got a key endorsement. Mike rogers said he would back jordan. Rogers opposed jordan last week. Jordan is trying to cut down the nos. How do you feel about the support from rogers . Its great. Great news. You think he will bring over other members of the Armed Services committee . We hope so. Jordan sent a letter today to fellow republicans. He said it was time to unit. Jordan added the country could not afford us attacking each other right now. It took Kevin Mccarthy 15 rounds to win in january. Mccarthy doubts it will take that long for jordan. My focus is to get jim jordan elected speaker, get the Congress Moving again. Its one thing to get elected, its another thing to govern. It took me 15 rounds. I know how difficult it is. This is far from nailed dune. Some gop members are upset at Jordan Acolytes that refuse to back steve scalise. Even though scalise won the nomination last week. Some members are loyal to jordan. The people that are promoting Jim Jordan For for the most part are people that presided over the ouster of Kevin Mccarthy. So its interesting to see the bed follows here. Jordan wants to dare members to oppose him on the floor tomorrow. The vote create as Public Record to who is against jordan. His allies could attack opponents. The plan could backfire actually costing jordan support. Sandra . Sandra chad, thanks so much. So will jim jordan be forced to seek support from democrats . What is the fallout from that . Lets get more from bob cusack from the hill. What does that situation look like, bob . Thats been talked about a lot. Republicans are not unified. Thats why Kevin Mccarthy is 92 longer speaker with the help of democrats and enough republicans pushed him out. Ive been very impressed with jim jordans effort to win the speakership. Hes got the conservatives on his side. Im not saying he will get there. Five years ago, he ran against Kevin Mccarthy and got 50 votes. Now hes trying to get closer to 200 and the magic number of 217. Hes getting there. I think part of it, sandra is because House Republicans are tired of not having a speaker and maybe theyre willing to give jordan a chance. Centrists have to be convinced that hes going to represent them, not just the conservatives in the House Republican conference. Sandra what are the re repore repercussions of that . Jordan wants to become speaker. But democrats want to be given something in order to exchange votes especially on something so partisan like the speakership. So you know, its been talked about. I dont think that will happen. I think republicans are going could take a week or two, maybe its this week. They have to unite and either pick jordan or they have to pick a caretaker speaker, maybe the interim speaker. This can go in a lot of different directions. Sandra safe to say youre not making the prediction tomorrow is the day. How important is it that the republicans get the house in order . Its very important. Weve been talking to senate republicans. Theyre very frustrated with their house counter parts. They wanted a speaker last week. With all that is going on in the world, especially the Israel Hamas War, they have to get a speaker. I think theyll get one. I think this week. Maybe not tomorrow but theyll get one. Sandra very interesting. Mike turner, the chair hoff the Intelligence Committee made the prediction that says a deal will democrats will have to be done if the gop cannot break this speaker impasse. Well be watching it. Thanks for joining us. Good to see you, bob. Back to israel. Iran warning fighters to stay out of gaza. Well talk to an idf soldier that says iran should stay out of it. Later, the most dangerous time weve seen in decades. A top bank ceo warning the impact of current global tensions could spell danger for all of us. 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Yeah, were very close to lebanon from where were standing now. All this evening, weve been watching israeli Artillery Fire going out as well as israeli flares trying to spot fighters on the other side of the mountain. Theres been skirmishes all day. Take a look at what we heard and saw. Youre looking at lebanon a half a mile from where we are now in northern israel. Theres hezbollah militant fighting positions there. They have been engaging with the Israeli Military here all this past week. Things escalate down south, things could heat up here. Intense exchanges between israel and hezbollah. Rockets, artillery, small arms fire, casualties. 28 villages evacuated. Locals think they know hezbollahs intentions. Do you think theyre doing this base of the action down south . I have no doubt. Do you have doubts . Its very obvious. Yes. Israeli Military Building up here. Tanks, armor, commando teams. This time they dont want to be caught out. You ready for anything . Ready for anything. Hezbollah . Hezbollah, hamas and iran. Ready for anything. People here and across the border looking very closely, sandra, what is happening down south, around the gaza strip as the Israeli Military builds up, land, sea, air invasion thought to be imminent or possibly in the coming days and especially across the border. Folks are looking at the situation inside the gaza strip. A real humanitarian crisis there. Hamas militants that wreak so much carnage in southern israel now using the civilians in the gaza strip as human shields. Theres food, fuel, medicine, power water all missing. Back to the possible escalation here. Hezbollah a known enemy of israel. They claims about 100,000 fighters and 1150,000 rockets i its arsenal. Iran, of course, a backer of both hezbollah and hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had one message from hezbollah today. He said dont make the mistakes of the past. We heard from a spokesperson for hezbollah. He said to israel, were ready for all possibilities. Its not all out war here, but certainly very, very dangerous strikes. Maybe the run up to something. Back to you, sandra. Sandra at a crucial part of this conflict on the israeli lebanon border. Thanks, greg to someone now on the front lines, what he makes of irans warning against escalation. Idf soldier joining us now. Thanks very much for being here. Iran is warning israel if aggressions do not stop, there will be escalations. What is your response . Im coming from the Northern Front lines. So i wish for your journalist to stay safe. Hezbollah is obviously a proxy a puppet in the hands of iran. So you know, to really put an emphasis on that, this is a war between light and darkness. Theres no left and right in this war. Israel, a Big Enough Democracy And Freedom In The Middle East is fighting against a murderous isis like terrorist Organization Called hamas. Ate war on the values that we share together, americans and israelis alike. The reason americans should care ant this is because israels war against iran essentially is america ive war as well. Not just because were allies, but because now theyre targeting israel, now they infiltrated israel. If theyre not stopped, theyre coming for europe and america as well. So we have to be united against this murderous islamic regime. You can see the iranian people themselves taking a strong stand against this murderous regime that kills its own people. Sandra perhaps you can give us some idea whats going in to the calculation of when to move with this Ground Invasion. For the meantime, we know israel has told those in the northern part of gaza to evacuate. 1. 1 million people. Were told over a million have so far. We know theres hostages involved under hamas, 199 of them. Were told here that that could be more than a dozen americans. This is an incredibly calculated challenging movein by israel in to gaza. What can you tell us is being considered right now . Well, i think that were all seeing what is developing. But i to want to ask the viewers to, you know, what would you do right now . Right now if you heard Rocket Sirens . Town where to run to . Do you know where your children are 24 7 . Thats the reality for us israelis right now. I myself had to run to the bomb shelter several times. You know, this doesnt go to say that israel is weak. Quite the opposite. Israel is a strong country, a tough neighborhood. When it comes under attack, a sovereign country comes under attack, they dont have the right to defend themselves, they have the duty to do so. Thats what were seeing right now. I have to say, sandra, were seeing a lot of propaganda on social media. With the use of a. I. , i saw something that broke my heart. To see a photo of a burned baby and a news channel, they changed it, swapped it to a photo of a dog. They said that we are lying. So were seeing a lot of horrific lies. I do want people to stay informed and to know what youre seeing right now is a sovereign country defending its civilians. Its not just a war to defend our barreders. Thanks, hananya. Were watching all of it, every minute. We appreciate you joining us. Thank you. Well have more when we return. Lowes knows you want to make everyone feel at home. Thats why with Hisense Appliances, you can get a lot more for less. Because the only thing better than deals on quality appliances is the quality time that follows. Shop Hisense Appliances now, only at lowes. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. 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I have to tell you, if we continue to see an escalation o this war, it seems very probabl for me that the oil price is going to go for about 87 today to over 100 a barrel to be why is that important . Because any dries inflation, as you know people and the whole issue about the fed trying to get inflation under control, if you see a spike up in oil price look at everything we had a conflict in the middle east tha it happened, dating back to the 1970s, so we can see inflation. We are going back to be more reliant on these economies for our energy. Should be producing about 3 million more barrels a day with the trump policies. To some extent we have made ourselves vulnerable to these kind of events around the world both in russia and with respect to iran. Very interesting. So, jamie dimon, bruce when he speaks. He is setting up allegis Largest Us Bank by assets in th country on the global stage. This is an enormous company. He has a lot of sway. He is saying because of the ongoing conflict in the ukraine and the list attacked by hamas and israel over the weekend, he said, that they may have farreaching impact on energy and food markets, global trade and geopolitical relationships. This is someone coming off of his company seeing incredibly strong profits. Yeah. So they been doing quite wel but they are worried what may b coming down the road. Exactly the point i was making they were saying war is hell an war is hell and economies as well. If we see this spike up in any price, if we say that we mean food prices are higher, is goin to mean all sorts of disruption to the economy. So hopefully this can be resolved in a way that is as peaceful as possible and is least disruption. I am not high on economy becaus we going to this, sandra, already running at 2 trillion deficit. We will have to increase our military budget. Where is only going to come f from . How far end can we go . Will joe biden agree to cut and maybe some domestic programs so we can move towards National Security . Raise a great point why did w give up our energy, oil and secure ps attigan at that point Interest Rates are obviously continuing to go up. Dimon said we prepare the firm for a broad range of outcomes so we can consistently deliver. Mack2 klineshmitt of the environment that could be a ver challenging environment. Exactly what American Families and businesses should do. Great point. If you can imagine a bank like that thats right stephen, it was great to see you. Good to see you today my thank you so much. And they saw the Wilderness Fro home and thanks for watching. You can catch john roberts and me every week at 1 00 p. M. Eastern for johns reporting live from israel all week and the fighting continues. We will have the very latest fo you and america reports. Thanks again for joining us in the five. We will start for you right now

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