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Mark hello mark, i am mark levin, this is life, liberty and levin. Thank you for being here. I think it is an important program. Among others we have been shapiro on the show later. I know you are watching the news, it is very upsetting for most of us. I wrote something the other night, i want to read it to you i spik speak from my heart, yes, but i want to tell you what i wrote. I never imagined that i would be witness to the slaughter and atrocity of jews, with the history of the holocaust not that far away, i would have to spend 24 hours a day defending the right to selfdefense. Which requires the destruction of the modern day nazis, hamas. Not just against the them. But growing voices in the democrat party. The American Media. And college campuses. Who support terrorism, some do it in a soft way. Some do it in a blatant way. And some people just pretend what are you talking about . I never thought i would see the day when recent arab immigrants to our country, some illegal who have over stayed their student visas, the usual neonazis, black lives matter and other black nationalists and separatists groups and college students, including those who 10 Top Ivy League schools carrying signs in our streets that say, Eterminate Jews are, hitler was right. In defense of a nazi terrorist group to not only wipe out the jews, but christians and nonbelieving muslims, anyone that is their ideology. The New York Times basically covered up the holocaust and slaughtered jews, where americans didnt know about it until 1944, here. The media including New York Times, saw with their own eyes what was taking place. We all dyet they come to the defense of hamas, in the middle of a bloody war. That hamas started. Targeting jewish citizens, targeting gaza citizens. Hamas is responsible for all of this. I never imagined that New York Times, washington post, media corporation, that were around during the holocaust would repeat their history abandoning the jews, so much for our free press standing up again tyranny. The Biden Administration, make these passionate statements about hamas atrocities. History of the. Jewish people and unconditional support for israel, yet lecture and admonish israel, including while Antony Blinken was standing next to Prime Minister netanyahu. Proportionerrality. What do they mean, eye for an eye . A beheading for a beheading . What does this mean . When you face an enemy that is killing civilians on both sides and promises to plo blow you off of the face of the earth. I read them. They have almost no application to this. Lou wills of war against nas terrorists . Nazi terrorists who slaughter your people and say they wont stop until they slaughter all of them. Think about this. If the idf had not stopped the hamas Terrorist Nazis after two days, they would have murdered if they could, all 7 million jews, they would have if they could. Even before the first tank rolled into gaza, they are told israelis, they need to feed and medicate the palestinians who live in gaza. They dont say that to hamas, because hamas is killing their own people. Because Ejust Ejipgh Egypt has blocked their way out, how come they are not admonished. I would never imagine any american president would rearm an irannian nazi regime that threatens our country, and israelis, by allowing it to violate Oil Sanctions to economic strangle that regime to tune of 70 billion, two week ears two weeks before, act on israel, makes a deal for our hostages for 6 billion. It does not matter what it is available. Look at immorality of that. The same regime that killed american soldiers in iraq that Maimed American Soldiers in iraq. You see pictures every day. That attempted to assassinate our former Secretary Of State mike pompeo, and john bolton, you hand them 6 billion dollars. The immortality alone of making the payments should be shocking over american. Now hamas tells russian media, that it took hostages because it saw what joe biden was willing to pay for them. As of this moment, there has not been a single change in our relationship with iran. Which is now Building Nuclear weapons, you can imagine, the blackmail, the threats, terrorism . And the use. This same time the Biden Administration leaves our own borders wide open, overwhelmed with illegal aliens many from the middle east and elsewhere. How many have over stayed their student visas, media does not give a damn. And many of these people are gotaways, no vetting, we have no idea who they are, that is the perfect opportunity for a terrorist to come in. Like the one who knowed to kill pompeo and bolton, they caught 151, trying to get in. 100 thousand americans dead. From fentanyl every year, because the border is over, horrendous inhumanity unleashed on our own so the esouthern border, under our noses and on our border, yet no policy change, what so offer from the Biden Administration. Do they not care about humanity . Do they not give a damn . Look, were a nation in decline. Not because you and i wanted to be in decline. Bunot because were contributing to it. The ruling class is killing our country. We have become a nation divided, but on politics. But even with our own si survival. Are we talking all of the step talking all steps necessary to retek ourselves, no, were barely taking steps necessary to protect ourselves. We undermine the cops, we weaken our military. The border is open. And we rearm our enemies, im sorry ladies and gentlemen, there needs to be accountability. The israelis will unleash accountability against hamas, egyptians and other arab countries that dont give a damn how many palastinians die or how many jews die, we play games with them in middle east, hamas murdered 27 american citizens, you barely hear about it, what to we do about it . Nothing, qua qatar iran, they fund hamas. Were rearmed iran. Nothing. What to we do about qatar, you know qual qatar qatar is our ally, head nazi of hamas terrorist is living in qatar, they and the iranians give the hamas all of the money it needs to survive. Yet they play both sides. The qatar regime. Ladies and gentlemen 27 americans are deed, th dead, one of the greatest actions of terrorism in our history. Our history. Were told that israelis, should we not be thanking them. For putting their Men And Women on the front lines to try to defeat an enemy that killed 27 of our americans. They say, we see what biden is willing to pay for hostages, what is our relationship with qatar . We go along like it is yesterday. Or the day before. Two years ago. Qatar is negotiating for us with the terrorists they fund, whose leader they protect in a fivestar hotel to get our hostages back. The whole middle east, sees this going on, day in day out. And iran, what kind of a president rearms regime that says, it wants to kill us with Nuclear Weapons . I dont know. Would harry truman to that, john kennedy . I dont think so, would Ronald Reagan do that, either of the bushes or trump, i dont think so. Obama, yes. Because all of the pik people around biden are obama hacks, there needs to be accountability here, why are we not changing our policy toward iran immediately, were rearming them as a speak, and why are we telling qatar, our ally, you hand those Palestinian Terrorists over to us, they murdered 27 american citizens. In cold blood. We dont know what kind of horrific murder was exercised against them. We want answers, you turn them over to us, if you dont, well sanction you. Turkey. Is housing hamas leaders, a nato ally. That relies on our jets who keeps threatening, if you dont sell us your jets well go to the russians, really . We should say the same to turkey. Who needs our money. We want those Terrorist Leaders who slaughtered american citizens, that is not going to happen, you know why . One thing to give arms to the israelis, whose Men And Women will shed blood fighting the terrorists. We tell them to feed civilians and medical them, the israelis cannot do Thattal Ougtal at once. This administration, whether afghanistan or the signals it sent to russia, or signals right now to communist china. Sent all of the worst signals. To our enemies, to the terrorists president middle east who struck us over and over again, slaughtered 27 american citizens. It is disgusting. Ill be right back. This she■s a hero moment. Even today, only a quarter of Stem Graduates are women. Theyd go, oh, you dont look like an engineer. There is this preconception. Some things are for boys. But diversity drives innovation. My goal is to really flip the script. Pick something that you love and go for it. How do we live in space . How do we live on the moon . I want to help figure that out. You can create the blueprint. If you can see her, you can be her. Mark welcome back america. Were here with my friend ben shapiro. Of the daily wire. The de ben shapiro show, you were just in israel. And these attacks occurred really right after you left. And i want to share a few things with you. Mostly the Biden Administration. I hear these very emotional comments about History Of Jews and antisemitism this is very welcome. But then at the end of the statement, certainly with Antony Blinken next to Prime Minister netanyahu, we get the lecture about proportionality and rule of law and were different from the terrorists. Do you think this administration funding, iran and Palestinian Terrorists. They are providing weaponry, do you think this administration will allow israel to win. Migrate fear is they wont my real great fear is they wont, during Obama Administration and much of foreign are obama ac leads. That happened many times with hamas and hezbollah. He was president. This if that carries forward to biden this is a real problem for the state of israel. Israel is warning civilians to get out of the way, and hamas is telling them to stay in the line of fire. It seems that all of that language is misdirected. Im hoping they dont cave, but i have little faith that as this conflict progresses, it will be a long slog for israelis. That is not something that happens overnight. My fear is that support starts to wayne. Mark that is a pattern, par for the course. Hamas propaganda winds up in pages of New York Times and headlines of most american new newspapers and television shows. Let me ask you about that. We get the statistics, how many jews were slaughtered, and people die in gaza. Isnt this outrageous when we dont know who is dying in gaza . It could be a terrorist, is the terrorist the same as a baby who was beheaded by a terrorist. Outrageous we report casualties as a result of israel, as you point out, that is what hamas wants and more, egyptian will not open a passageway, not one arab state offered to take one palestinians, are not all of the deaths on both sides responsibility of arab states, Terrorist Organizations and their weaponization of their ideology . 100 , that is the part that is astonishing, you hear israeli leaders asked about civilian casualties in gaza, they express astonish am they aam thement they are being asked, they are only ones who care, and try to prevent the many casualties. Hamas is telling people to say in buildings. , there are recorded phone calls shown between idf and hamas, from a couple years ago, they are saying get people out of the building and hamas says we want them in there if we die, we show they are dead on camera. The idea that any of these is on israela absurd, greatest and most of the ridiculous part if hamas were to release hostages, israel said they would turn back on water and power, and there is every headline in world for them saying it is cruel for them to turn off water and power, tbhoab. No one is pressuring them to turn over the hostages. Mark speaking of morally vacuous people, ga, qatar, they are home to leaders of hamas who live in luxury, as is turkey. Hamas slaughtered 27 american citizens. Which is one of the greatest Terrorist Actions beside 9 11 in american history. And yet qatar supports the leadership and qatar is now supposedly negotiating for our Kidnapped Americans because biden has asked home, turkey also is the home to leaders of hamas. Tioshould we not demand the extradition of the leaders of hamas who killed 27 americans and insist that turkey and qatar do that now, or well sanction them . We should look directly into, that the fact that qatar has for a long time been a haven for a lot of terrorism and for Terror Leaders in the world, should be a reason for the United States to look at economic sanctioning qualar, only thing they qatar, if say small kingship and a small emirates, they rely on will e western nonsanction. One thing that you know this, there is an isolationist right that suggests doing things like telling qatar they better Turnover Criminals or well sanction them, this this is an attempt to avoid escalation of conflict. When you show your neck that you escalate violence what is what happened with gaza strip, israel for years and years looked the other ways. This is the result of that. There is a lot to to be said for peace through strength. Our enemies, are not isolationists. Well be right back. Providing for your family is a top priority. But what happens when you need Affordable Health care . Christian Health Care Ministries could save you up to 40 today. As a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. Sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. Join a Christian Community that supports each others medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize whats most important. Enroll now at your chm dot org why do vitamins and supplements cost so much more now . Other companies are charging you more and more for less and less, and we hate that. Thats why force factor has partnered with walmart to provide amazing supplements at great prices. 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And they have not changed strategy, pretending Palestinian Authority is not allied with hamas, that is ridiculous. The big lie in middle east has been there is a moral parity between the sides, the plo, called for ex terminating of state of israel, and hamas in its charter. All of these are governing parties, the fact that american taxpayer will do ares on bdollars on both sides of this americans are paying for rearm aarmament of israel and paying for hamas to generate its rockets. Using them for whatever the hell they want to use them for that, should be cause a mass outcry, the Biden Administration has not talked about turning off the spigot is insane. Mark also insane, that greatest ally, that terrorists have in United States, is the American Media. Just as it was greatest ally of nazis by covering the holocaust. The American Media has jewish and other floo blood on its hand, it seems they dont take a corrective course either. This is despicable. American media drawn a moral parody between israel and its enemies for decades, they pretend that they want a territorial dispute, they say to your face, hamas will say to your face, what they want is to kill jews, and pa will say they want all of. Jerusalem. And the American Media looks the other way, they pretend its not happening, we know what you are really thinking that goes to the absolute arrogance of a lot of western liberals that is that everyone thinks like they do, they believe that members of hamas, they are they may think differently about a few things but they think they are reasonable. And robert mali, in Biden Administration, who had to be kicked out because he may have been coopted by ira iran airanians, he was giving speech that hamas are good people they are attempting by different political means, the media buys into that same nonsense, but this particular conflict, media decided in their head that the Western Country has to be wrong by nature. Just wrong by nature, and that means anything that happens to that country must have been caused by quote, unquote occupation, you talking about an know occupied gaza, the victims are living in an unoccupied area. Eve does not matter to them that is irrelevant to the narrative. Well said, amazes me that administration also, they rearmed the iranians there is no other way to put it. They rearmed Palestinian Terrorists, by reversing all of trumps decisions. The Palestinian Terrorist were in a box. And were talking about Pr Proportionality with israel defending itself by this administration, then this administration wants to get credit, it gets no credit from me, but for the fact they are doing what i think that every administration would do, that is provide israel with weapons they need to defend themselves. I cant think of another president who would account, obama did stop for about 24 hours. I want to thank you ben shapiro. I wanting to thank you for what you are doing, God Bless You my friend. Back at you mark. Mark well be right back. Get help reaching your goals with j. P. Morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. Use it to set and track your goals, big and small. And see how changes you make today. Could help put them within reach. From your first big move to retiring poolside and the other goals along the way. Wealth plan can help get you there. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Mark welcome back america. Our guest is richard gol goldberg, former senior official under president trump. You are richard, uniquely qualified to answer a few of my questions. Can you explain to me the fixation not the obsession, that the Biden Administration and before that Obama Administration has and have had with not just appeasing iran but now we rearmed iran. Mark. If the most horri Horrific Masser of jews since holocaust is not enough of a wakeup call to stop the appeasement i dont know what. Is right now the president of United States is still trying to operate a twosided bifurcated policy. He says, i hate what the subsidiary did but ill keep giving money to the Parent Company in tehran, it makes no sense, every time we open covers to iran were subsidizing their Terror Proxies and infrastructure, were not even stopping their quest for Nuclear Weapons, this policy needs to stop. Can you imagine iranians with a Nuclear Weapon right now. Israel would not be able to defend itself unless it was prepared to go eye for eye, they would blackmail and threaten and intimidate. Our government would be paralyzed. That is how serious this. Yet they are an eye lash away. They are on the one yard line, if we want to use a football analogy, rather than using deterrents to say, no were not allow you to have a Nuclear Weapon, we went to appease. Ment, since may this administration has been opening coffers paying the extortion racket. Billions and billions. 5 people for 5 people, well 3 in 6 billion . It was 10 billion the month before. We already moved 10 billion out of iraq and made it available in accounts in oman. And we have targets to hit, we dont do it. Were trying to appease teran. And not like they are dishadn dismantling their Nuclear Program they are just not crossing into the end zone, what did they do with that money, Biden Administration wants to say 6 billion has not been spent wh yet, that is a rea red hearing argument. Red herring argument, they are not able to contemplate on one thing, only country in the world now trying to stop their quest for Nuclear Weapons, only Country Conducting Operation in iran, israel. Now, u. S. Is off of table. They are pleading wit with tehran dont hurt us well pay. That is really what is behind the massacre we saw. It true, hamas is terrible. Comparing hamas to isis is very apt, but hamas is the subsidiary. The Parent Company it is tehran. Mark what do you make of fact that egyptians will not open major passageway for civilians to leave, that hamas really, the muslim brother hood of palestine, that hamas is doin going to sincist to insist, the. What to you make of that . Mark, you raised such an important point, we focus on iran as sponsor of hamas, and hezbollah and Islamic Jihad that is true. They are undermining and Killing Americans and take down the United States hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood network, they operate a massive information partnering with qatar, and turkey. Why do we suddenly have United Nations and al jazeera and disinformation out about how, really the crime of humanity is the israelis not hamas after they just butchered children and women. They have the apparat to apparatus to do so, hamas using human shields, that is a war crime, no one is calling out war crimes already in progress by hamas, not massacre but massacre of Palestinian People has about created by hamas, every Death In Gaza on hamas head and irans head and every sponsor that supports them, qatar. Shut down the office, and expel the hamas leaders, egypt, how disappointing, an arab country to border of gaza, people talk as if there is one border, no there is an egyptian border, they wont let civilians out, flood is on a lot blood is on a lot of peoples hands, not israel. They just experienced a 9 11 right now on steroids. We need to hold accountable the other countries that are helping the terrorists. Mark the other countries, you mentioned qatar and turkey which give safe haven to leaders of ham a qatar spends a fortune to prop upham as, and yet. Hamas, we treat qatar like a great ally with investments here and investments there and International Soccer leading in and the rift. Rifted, it is a twofaced Back Stabbing terrorism rejum that regime that is funding the enemy, well talk more about that when we come dad, whats with your toenail . Oh, that. . Im not sure. Its a nail fungus infection. Thats gross its nothing, really. Its contagious. You can even spread it to other people. Mom, come here dont worry about it. Itll go away on its own no, it wont go away on its own. Its an infection. You need a prescription. Nail fungus is a contagious infection. At the first signs, show it to your doctor. And ask if jublia is right for you. Jublia is a Prescription Medicine used to treat toenail fungus. Its most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness. Itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters and pain. Jublia is recognized by the apma. Most commercially insured patients may pay as little as 0 copay. 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And holding them hostage, we act as if we have no leverage over the countries, the qataris walk around washington like they own the place, they have great relationship in energy, and oil and gas. Secretary tillerson had a close relationship with them, they think they own them, that is not true, i would love to see Quats Quataqatar Airways shut down, and turkish airlines. Lets see what happens, lets not pretend we dont have leverage. They are harboring terrorists, they are harbors people who are reincarnation of the nazis atthispoint, isis, we act as if that is diplomatic . And helpful to us . We have good office with hamas for a hostage negotiations. The qatar is negotiated the Hostage Moreiatinoringi Negotiation with iran, buckle up america. This cant stand. We need to crackdown, we have to get tough immediately. Mark im focused, right now with you, on Biden Administration and foreign policies, when you are on National Security in the trump administration, this was not taking place. With respect to iran they were on their back, crumbling economically, the people of iran, who hate the government were rising up, then comes biden and rearms and refunding them, they murder, torture, rape their own citizens to kill the protects that are taking place. Then iran has this money, not just the money, they see the signals, they see the appeasement taking place. They figure, now is our time. Correct . Absolutely. This week, were going to see the u. N. Economy is second counsel Lift Restrictions on trong transfers of plif Ballistic Missile to and from iran, usa und. They have not triggered snap back of u. S. Sanctions, we are funding a war to help ukraine defeat putin and lift Missile Restrictions on iran. This is on top of what you mentioned of Human Rights Crackdown and terrorism. Attacks again americans this is a ludicrous po policy, Ronald Reagan taught us peace through strength. What we have seen from this administration, conflict flethrough weakness. It is true, theyre all inner connected issues. Deciding to reopen coffers to iran, tell iran we dont want a crisis, you do your own thing, we dont want to know about it, were reaping those consequences today, israelis unfortunately are taking the consequences for us, that is the same kind of consequences well face in other parts o globe who xi jinping, and Vladimir Putin they see weakness in america, they seize on it. You are right. The rest of the world, is still supporting the old obama deal. With iranians, and the cap comes off, and now they are pretty much free to pursue Nuclear Weapons and biden has no plan to deal with this, nothing. But he is rearming them. I want to thank you Richard Goldberg for youri excellent work. Thank you, mark. Well be right back. Mark welcome back america, i want to thank all of you. I want to thank my fellow americans, even those that were not watching of course, all of you. We are redblooded americans, we are all redblooded americans, it is no secret i am american and i am jewish, the jews in the United States represent a tiny tiny fraction of population and worldwide it is smaller than that. I cannot tell you how important it is, how important it is for Righteous Gentiles and other righteous people to support the israelis into no good from evil. I personally am deeply blessed to be in this country as of the rest of us and i was born here so i did not make the choice its a matter of fate. It is one of the reasons i come on my shows here, the radio, on blaze and everywhere. I will defend this country. It is history. I am not alone, i am not alone, i dont know what we would do about this country, all of us. I am grateful to all of you for everything you are doing and saying and watching this program from the bottom of m good evening thank you for

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