Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Sunday 20240703

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Today, Breaking News on the War On Israel, the very latest in this exclusive interview coming up with House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael Mccaul. Plus, former Secretary Of State mike pompeo on the road ahead for israel and The Middle East peace that the Trump Administration tried to broker. Brus plus, the policies that got us here as many are fearing we are now living in the midwest dangerous time the world has seen in decades. Heres ted cruz. I think the risk of a major Terrorist Attack in the United States is higher today than it has been at any time sip september 11th, 2001. Maria coming up, Exiled Former iranian crown prince reza paf love i have is here on the forces behind the that maas terrorist group. Plus, with an unprecedentedded member of terrorists on the march, former Senate Candidate kari lake is here on the view from arizona. Then, the unthinkable is happening during Chaos Washington as the speakers race remains unresolved. Former speaker of the house and california congressman Kevin Mccarthy is here on the week ahead expected to resolve the gop speaker debate with one month until the Government Faces yet another shutdown. All of the Breaking News right here, right now on Sunday Morning futures. Maria and we begin this Sunday Morning with Breaking News from israel. Over 1,300 israelis are dead this morning while more than 2,3900 palestinians are dead as well as 29 americans as the war in israel enters a ninth day and israel fights Hamas Terrorists unprovoked attacks. Israel dropped leaflets over the weekend and friday advising citizens to move south. They suggested it was readying a Ground Assault on gaza to retaliate for the worst Terrorist Attack on israel since 9 11. Hamas is reportedly holding 150 hostages including american citizens right now. Here now with the very latest in this Sunday Morning futures exclusive is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, or congressman Michael Mccaul. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for joining us this morning, and i want to get to this message sent to israel over the weekend. But before we get there, you have been given a briefing in the situation room. Can you assess where we are in this war right now . Well, its getting very dangerous. I think the concern, maria,ing is an escalation beyond the gaza strip. Right now were trying to contain it, trying to get the innocent civilians south towards egypt and open up egypt so they can go in. But thes escalation from hezbollah is real, the role of iran is very real in this. You know, hezbollah has 100,000 rockets that could overload the iron dome itself in israel. We do not want that twofront war. And so that is a great concern. In addition to isis and syria and iranbacked militias in iraq and the taliban is making noise about coming in as well. We dont want a global jihad in jerusalem. Maria unbelievable. Lets get to this message that iran sent to israel on Saturday Night stressing that it does not want furthers changes in the war escalation in the war, and it says if it sees israel go in in this Ground Attack which we are expecting, they will have to intervene, and israel will face a, quoteunquote, earthquake. Frightening. This is the Nightmare Scenario weve always been worried about. Israel, theres no question theyre going to go into gaza. Its their 9 11. They want justice. Theyre going to go in and take out hamas which is like isis. You know, i went to that kibbutz where they killed all the little children and decapitated them. Its going to happen. So what is iran going to do . Are they just going to help their proxies like hezbollah and others, or are they going to get directly involved in this conflict . Either way, maria, you know, my committees charged with war and peace. My committee has the power to declare war. Or issue an authorized use of military force. We dont want to do that, but if this escalates, thats what worries me the most. Maria tell me what youre referring to. Are you saying that the United States will have to get involved . Well,ing if we want to stop, say, israel from obliterating iran, yes. And that would be a question for the american people. Do we want to get involved to defend israel. Right now were provide providing weapons and training. Were not involved, were not firing our missiles from our destroyer ships in the mediterranean. But the minute that happens, it does drinking trigger the war it does trigger the war powers act. Thats why we have to be so careful and pray that it does nots escalate to that level because what would follow after that would be very blood key. Maria bloody. Maria congressman, i want to get your take on how we got here as well. I know that this Rocket Malley is under investigation for mishandling Classified Information. He was one of the Leaders Within certainly, what, the Obama Administration and Biden Administration negotiating with iran to get back into an iran deal . Yeah. This is what you cant make this kind of stuff up, maria. This is our top negotiator to iran. Mr. , you know, Special Envoy mr. Malley. Hes now under investigation by the fbi for mishandling of Classified Information. Well, what did he do with that Classified Information . We dont know exactly yet, but we do know that he was in, you know, in talks and negotiations with iran over their Nuclear Weapons program. Meanwhile, theres this independent think tank, the iranian expert initiative, can which he was in association with this think tank that interfaced with the Foreign Minister of iran. Again, one of these three associates is currently the Chief Of Staff to the Assistant Secretary Of Defense for Special Operations at the pentagon. Who was a part of this independent think tank that interfaces with the Foreign Minister of iran. This is getting a little too close, and im getting a little too nervous with this coziness between iran and this administration and State Department and defense department. I would view it as an infiltration or an opening of the gates of iran into our government. Maria and you have talked about the appeasement that the Biden Administration has given to iran from day one. I think you said it was Something Like 30 billion that this administration allowed iran to generate by relaxing sanctions on oil sales. Is that a right . 30 billion of unenforced sanctions on oil, right . I mean, that has helped them build their war machine, their Nuclear Weapons program. And guess what else it helped . It helped them give 150 million to hamas and a bunch of weapons that they used to invade israel last saturday and and conduct this massacre on the ground. In addition, maria, you know this hostage negotiation giving, you know, getting five innocent americans out in exchange for six very culpable iranian prisoners, or culpable of espionage for lack of a better word. That was an unfair trade in and of itself. But then you throw 6 billion on top of that wired from south korea to doha, they say its going to be for humanitarian purposes only. President of iran says im going to do whatever i want with the money. Well, on monday im introducing a bill to put secondary sanctions on the doha bank so that it freezes those, that 6 billion not rarely, but forever. Not temporarily, but forever. I do not want to see 6 billion more going into iran to feed their Terror Operations throughout The Middle East. Maria this is incredible. And do you have confidence that that bill will be able to move, congressman . I know youre going to be introducing that bill tomorrow morning, but, you know, the administration is trying to message out to the world that it has some kind of a Quiet Agreement with the qataris. I read earlier that the former head of hamas was in qatar talking with qatari officials. Should we be trusting qataris on this, and should we be trusting the Biden Administration on whatever efforts it says its taking around that money . Do you believe that theres a quiet with agreement . I dont trust them. I mean, i think there is what a Quiet Agreement in exchange for the 6 billion. They said that they would, in a selfregulatory way going back to 60 enrichment just on their own, voluntarily. This is the most naive Foreign Policy or theyre just doing downright disingenuous which is the lack of trust here. The reason why i dont trust them is the reason why im introducing this bill, to make sure that its permanent. I think theres enough votes in the senate to get this done, and if anything, maria, its going to put a heck of a lot of pressure on the administration to stop this nonsense. We dont need to be sending 6 billion into iran, for god sakes, after what they just did to israel. I think that is just egregious. Maria real quick, Connect The Dots to china because i know youve spoken a lot about the aggressiveness coming out of communist china. Does China Support iran . Oh, of course. China supports putin, they support ran and the eye tole iran and the ayatollah. China and russia want to be, their narrative is were helping the palestinians and the arab nations against the little satan, the occupier, israel, and against the bigger satan, the United States. Thats essentially, you know, their narrative. And both mr. Putin and china are both involved in this. In fact, hamas representatives were just in moscow just a couple weeks ago. God knows what they were talking about before the invasion. But theyre all complicit in this, theyre all in bed together, china, russia, iran and, you know, we dont want to see this escalate to that level, but that is the real picture. Maria yeah. It sounds like you expect this escalation to happen. I think the Hezbollah One will as soon as they, israel goes into gaza. Thats the Nightmare Scenario i talked about in the situation room, is how can hezbollah not go in when these, the narratives come out . Hamas is very good at propaganda, as youve seen, and theyre going to blame this all on israel even though they took, they drew first blood with. They were the ones that went into this massacre 9 11style. Its their fault, not israels. But when israel responds, they get blamed for it. And then hezbollah gets involved with all their rockets, and then if iran gets in there, were talking about issues of war and peace. Maria right. Congressman, thank you. Were going to be watching, and your leadership is so important right now. We appreciate your time. Chairman, congressman Michael Mccaul. Thank you, sir. Thanks, maria. Maria we have real concerns he has misled and lied to congress in the past in terms of some of the Financial Arrangements that were made under the Obama Administration. Maria and that was Senate Foreign Relations Committee member marco rubio with me on Mornings With Maria On Fox Business on friday with questions for president bidens nominee for u. S. Ambassador to israel. Jacob lew will have his confirmation hearing this coming week, he served as Treasury Secretary under the Obama Administration as the war in israel enters the ninth day. Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that iran helped plan the attack with the Iranian Revolution their guard giving the final go ahead last month in beirut, or and yet the Biden Administration says it has yet to see direct evidence that iran was involved even though tehran is the Main Financial supporter of hamas. Joining me right now is former Secretary Of State and Fox News Contributor mike if pompeo with. Secretary, thanks very much for being with us on this important day, and it certainly feels like things are getting more dangerous by the moment. How do you assess things . I think thats true. I think thats true for multiple reasons, that the risk is greater today than it was even eight days ago that well sees calculation in large part because the context that was set by the Biden Administration creates an incredible conundrum, and when they cant simply acknowledge this is iran as the correct address to solve this problem. Second, we know that the ayatollah has been planning this effort. I saw today reporting that qassem soleimani, the man that we actually took off the playing field, was involved in planning this operation back in 2019 and 2020. And yet the Administration Still i says theres no direct evidence. I suppose they need a video of the ayatollah actually pulling a trigger on an Artillery Round for them to admit there was direct evidence. We know who did this, this was iran. The response must be against iran, and this will continue whether from the houthis in yemen or the Shia Militias In Iraq or sleeper cells in denver or houston, this terror will continue to emanate until iran is put in its place, and thats the task in front of all of us. Im confident israel will do its part in the gaza strip, but weve got to get this right at this moment. Maria but iran is you are pursuing Nuclear Weapons pursuing Nuclear Weapon, and weve been hearing how close they are to that prospect now for many years. I dont know how close they are, but how does that fit into your thinking . So the iranians are very close to having sufficient enrichment capability. They still dont have a weapons program, theres work to do there, for sure. But, maria, heres the deal, if we permit the iranians to get a Nuclear Weapon, therell be multiple Nuclear Weapon states in The Middle East. That is really bad for america. Our administration told the houthis in yemen, youre no longer terrorists. We had designated them as a terrorists. These proxies arent terrorists. They then said were not going to enforce Oil Sanctions because we have a Green Climate agenda, and were going to have oil prices and gas prices through the roof, so were going to let the iranians ship their oil across the world. They were about 400,000 barrels a day being shipped when i left office, there are 3. 54 million being shipped as we sit here this morning. Thats a lot of money to build out your weapons program. When Jake Sullivan said eight days before the attack, hey, The Middle East is pretty stable, its pretty quiet, he now has to say turns out we were wrong. We took our eye off the ball, we played footsie with the iranians trying to get back in a deal. We underwrote them by funding the pal the Stint Januaries through unrah, we gave money to the very Terror Itselfs who killed 29 americans. 29 americans, maria, are dead. A dozen or more held hostage as we sit here today. That is indecent, and the Biden Administration needs to move away from its policy of appeasement to iran and immediately invoke snapback on jcpoa. Next week or the week after iran will lawfully be permitted to develop their weapons program. We need to reimpose enforcement of the very sanctions that worked to cripple the iranian rejeans capacity to do harm. We have many tools we can use, maria. This administrations just chosen not to do that. Maria why . Why not . You know, i cant answer that question. Theyll have to live with this themselves. What took place there that day, the indecency, the horror, the barbarism that took place with these Hamas Terrorists under the direction of iran killing thousands of people. Theyll have to explain why they decided that what had been built, greater peace, greater prosperity in the region, partnering with our friends in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and bahrain where they decided, nope, were going to call the crown prince of saudi arabia a pariah, were not going to invite Prime Minister netanyahu to the white house, were going to take up a leftist agenda somehow sawing that the palestinians have been wrong, that israels an occupying nation. That was Biden Administration policy for its first two and a half years, and the responsibility is irans. But the conditions that were set were certainly enabled by an administration that didnt understand who our friends were and who our enemies were in the region. Maria this is incredibly disturbing k and this morning it is underlined with this scoop from axios that is saying iran has barnedded israel warned israel through the u. N. Against any Ground Offensive in gaza. Israel has been very clear, theyre dropping leaflets, theyre telling the citizens to get out of the way, its coming. And yet iran says if it does come, you will face an earthquake. What does that mean . How should we read this iranian message . No, i hear folks on campuses across america and the left, often antisemitic folks saying stop the darn imagine the. Sign me up. The darn carnage. I agree with that. The way to stop the carnage is to eliminate the terrorists, to eliminate those who beheaded babies, raped grandmas, who took Holocaust Survivors as hostages and apparently have already killed some of them. Sign me up for stopping the carnage. One must stop the carnage by acknowledging that there is evil in the world, that evil today emanates from the ayatollah and his theocrats in today tehran. Israel needs to eliminate the threat inside of gaza. The United States needs to do its part, and when the iranians say if you go take down terrorists, if you actually protect and defend your own nation, your own nations sovereignty, were going to double down, the United States has the capacity to speak directly to the Iranian Regime and make clear that is unacceptable. I know that, maria. I know that can be done. We did it in our administration. When they began to threaten american lives, we were very clear about what we would do. Not 29 american lives, as weve lost, but a single american life. We were very clear, and when we did, the iranians understood real power, american power, and thats what the Biden Administration needs to demonstrate. Maria yeah. Unfortunately, by the time joe biden got settled the oval office, you werent even allowed to murmur the words abraham accords. Very quickly, secretary, before we go, much of what you just said based on history the administrations not going to do. Give us a realistic expectation of what we should think about this war and how it unfolds. Well, i think were going to see the israelis do what they need to do to defend themselves, and i am, im hopeful. I hold out hope that the Biden Administration combined with some very wise folks in The Middle East will find a way to prevent this from escalating into something even worse. Its in no ones interest for this to escalate. Not in the people of lebanon where hezbollah resides, its not in the interest of the gulf states to see this begin to move across borders in ways that present risks to their own people as well. I i am hopeful that the Biden Administration can find a foothold in a way it simply has not been able to do so far so keep this from spiraling into a place where you could see things not just in The Middle East, but islamic countries Around The World and, indeed, we all know this, we had someone killed in paris yesterday, perhaps it was the day before. We could see violence all Around The World. This can be stopped. This is not inevitable. The iranians are not 10 feet tall. We know how to address this with real power, and thats the task that lays ahead for american leadership. Maria secretary, thank you. Former Secretary Of State mike pompeo. Thank you, maria. Have a great day. Maria with two major wars taking place across the world, the United States finds itself without a speaker of a house 12 days later. Former House Speaker Kevin Mechanic car think is here with now one month until the government runs out of money yet again. Stay with us. So ace benefits. And retirement savings. With voya, considering all your financial choices together. Can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. Youre in a hurry. Im off to americas best i heard what you said about not overpaying for glasses. Two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just 79. 95 . 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Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Need to get your a1c down . You may pay as little as 10 per prescription. Maria welcome back. More now from The Middle East this morning as iran is reportedly threatening israel not to attack gaza in retaliation for the heavy attacks to hamas, while In Washington The Congress has essentially ground to a halt. On friday jim jordan, the chairman of the judiciary, won the majority of support of members of the House Republican conference. However, he still falls sort short of the necessary votes to secure the speakership on the house floor. The conference is expected to reconvene tomorrow to see if theres enough support to send jordans nomination to the floor of the house. Joining me right now on where things stand at this hour is former house peek congressman Kevin Mccarthy. Congressman, thanks very much for being here this morning. You saw the news of the morning. Iran is warning israel against a Ground Offensive in gaza, and you dont have a Leadership Set in the house of representatives. Can you assess es the situation . Its a terrible situation were in because with were at a critical time. Probably just in my lifetime, we could be on the precipice of having another world war. The biggest challenge could be think for a moment, maria, if government was shut down as well, that our troops were not being paid, that these air force strike teams were ready in battle there but wondering whether theyre going to be able to pay their rent or not. What i did was right, and ive lost my job over that. Thats okay, because we cannot have this Gates Doctrine continue gaits doctrine continued any further. Look, i think jim jordan can get there. I understand how difficult it is. I did walk in with more support during this time, but i believe at the end of the day jim can get there, and im doing everything i can to help him become speaker. Maria right now does jim jordan have the votesesome. As we walked away, he did not, but thats why we have time, walked away this weekend. I talked to jim last night. Hes talking to every single member, assessing what their challenges are. But weve got to be able to work together. The real challenge here is eight republicans did something no one thought, that they worked with every single democrat to disrupt this nation, to remove me as speaker. So it has taught people now that why dont you just go work with democrats and disrupt government. This go down in history as one of the biggest mistakes these eight have made in the process. Maria what about you . I mean, do you have support to get back in there . Are you telling me you cant find eight democrats who will believe you . The democrats made a political decision thinking thats their place to be, but theyve created as much chaos. Every single democrat chose to create this chaos. I want to put the country first. Im going to help lead regardless of whatever title i have. I have the responsibility. And what i see the most important thing here is whats happening in israel. This is something thats very personal to me. I was just in israel recently speaking at the knesset for their 75th anniversary. That kibbutz where we asked these babies get with slaughtered and beheaded, i was just there in february of last year. Maria yes, i know you were. I understand the difficulties we have here. Weve got to speak with one voice. Its also as you listen to your show here, very intelligent show, we realize its not just hamas that has to be destroyed. This is iran providing the resources. This is, this is the axis of evil with iran, russia and china. This looks a lot like the 1930s, and we want to make sure history does not repeat itself. So what we do at this moment in time is very critical. We know the past mistakes of the Biden Administration. You just hook at the foreign currency reserves. When biden came into office, iran had 4 billion. They have 70 billion today. Iran is stronger financially. They can Fund Terrorism more, theyre closer to russia and china, theyre working together. We have war in ukraine, war in the middlest east, we have five embassies that had to be evacuated, we have inflation like we havent, its a lot like a jimmy carter moment in time in american history, and this is where we need to speak with one voice being very strong with American Freedom and understand what it means Around The World. Maria in terms of that one voice, is there a consensus candidate that could get e the votes if jim jordan does not . What about mike johnson, kevin hearn . I dont think either of them could, would come very short. I think jim jordan can get the votes. Maria let me get your take on what happens next in terms of israel, because right as soon as this conflict started when hamas first attacked israel last saturday, you came out with a fivepoint plan. The first issue being make sure to get these hostages freed. How are you proposing this administration do that . Well, first of all, i would reverse course on what this administration did when they took over. They started paying for american hostages, so more americans are being taken. Thats where the 6 billion came into play with iran. Secondly, i would put our very best units there assisting israel to make sure those hostages get back. I would tell the rest of the world if one american is harmed as a hostage, we will take due course to make sure that punishment comes directly to whoever we see involved in it. Youve got to be strong in this situation, stop being weak in what weve watched this Biden Administration do. Its brought us americans being held hostage. 29 americans were killed in this. Is that enough americans for america now to be strong and change the course . Sanctions are already on irans Oil Production, but when biden took office, they were only producing 400,000 barrels a day, today theyre producing 3 million. Maria wow. With a price of about 100 a barrel. Were providing billions of dollars to iran to Fund Terrorism Around The World and actually help russia in their fight with ukraine. Maria yeah. This is a Biden Administration if created, thats why they have to reverse course. The other ones i talked about, im worried about our own country, what hes done to our borders. What we found just on friday, individuals coming from The Middle East on the terrorist watch list. Weve watched this. Maria, you have focused on this more than anybody else. You broke early on that in 2019 there were no people being caught on the terrorist watch list. This year, more than 151. Maria thats right. Unbelievable. Congressman, thank you. Congressman Kevin Mccarthy, thank you, sir. Coming up, protests are breaking out across the world and despite the riches of oil and the billions generated from it, regular iranians struggle for everyday, basic necessities as the ayatollah uses the oil money to fund his Nuclear Program and Terror Campaign after the Biden Administration relaxed enforcement of those sanctions. His royal highness, the exiled prince of iran, reza pahlavi, is here to assess the war and iran next. Dvisors. Hey david. Connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. Lets find the right investments for your goals okay, great. J. P. Morgan wealth management. Providing for your family is a top priority. But what happens when you need Affordable Health care . Christian Health Care Ministries could save you up to 40 today. As a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. Sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. 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The Ayatollah Khamenei has directed the oil money towards terrorist proxies in the region instead of on its people, many of whom now live below the poverty line. Joining me now with more is the exiledded crown prince of iran, reza pahlavi, who this past spring met with Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Thank you very much for joining us this morning. Can you assess the most recent threat from iran, warning that if israel goes ahead with this Ground Assault, israel will face a, quoteunquote, earthquake . First of all, lets understand why we are at the stage that we are now facing. From the get go, this regime was not of a mindset of prosperity if and development. It was, rather, in a mindset of expansionism and exporting an ideology at the expense of its own citizenry. That means utilizing every resource at its hand to continue repression at home and a campaign of terror and instability abroad as a means to their e ends. So everything that you see as a consequence of that is the result or the symptoms of this cancer that a started in tehran to begin with. And obviously, as the regime sees weakness and as a result is boller in pushing the envelope bolder in pushing the envelope, it is now testing the resolve not just of israel, but the rest of the world as to how far they can push it. It certainly is not peace, it is certainly not stability. They were severely threatened by the prospect of the saudis and israeli peace relation, and all you can say this is sabotage by the very worst trying to, again, Foment Terror and instability. Maria what do you believe the proper response from the United States should be right now . Well, first is and foremost, actually implement the sanctions that have been called for. We have forgotten about maximum pressure. I think the time has come to not only freeze the assets that were supposed to be unfrozen because we all know that the iranians will have additional money that theyre going to, of course, spend on this campaign of terror by their proxies. But most importantly, increase even more the sanctions. One of the chief operatives behind all these proxies happens to be the irgc, and were still questioning why europe, for instance, americas allies have not actually put the irgc on the Terrorist List. This is a way to cripple the regime as opposed to empower it. And furthermore and the ultimate solution, and this is something ive been arguing for years, you have today the biggest war going on between the iranian people and this regime, a fight for liberation, a fight for freedom. And why is that important . Because unlike this regime which celebrates martyrdom, which likes terror, we as a nation espouse the very values of liberty and human rights as you would in america or france or in sweden. And we are your natural allies, but we are being totally forgotten in this. If you want to solve and cure the cancer, you have to take the eye of the octopus out and not just fight the tentacles. The solution ultimately is tehran and regime change. Maria i understand that. But what about these other regional groups . You just heard former Secretary Of State mike pompeo talk about how close iran is to having enrichment for a nuclear hard weapon. We also heard Michael Mccaul, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, Talk About Hezbollah currently having 100,000 rockets. Can you assess the strength of hezbollah . Well, again, reason her to ultimately take the more to take the eye of the octopus out. Because the funding, the support, the Strategic Partnership that iran has with a couple of very important lots of power, meaning china and russia, in the balance will determine the outcome of what we see in The Middle East today. So regardless of what tehran is trying to do visavis its approximate cities or proxies or perhaps trying the challenge and push further for opening a second front to this conflict, we have to see how they will respond to Todays Campaign of israel defending itself and retaliating towards this act a but also what the rest of the region and the world will respond like. Look, there is terrorism going on right now. Its a war of terror, and everybody in the world of sane mind understands that as long as you have these elements in play, we will never see a peaceful region of stability. This is a problem that afflicts all. Its not just an israeli problem, its not just an iranian problem. Its a regional and, ultimately, international from problem. Theres no other way to look at this. So its a matter of the coalition of willing who want to fight this, and the time has come for us to be clear in our positions. You cannot straddle the fence. You are either on this side of the fence or on the other side of the fence. I am on the side of the fence that calls for sol dir darety with all piece solidarity with all peaceloving nations who know together they can bring stability and peace, and we know clearly who our enemies are. I hope the world understands that and clarify clearly which al qaeda side of the fence they stand today. Maria has been you tell us about qatar and the qataris here . Here we have this socalled Quiet Agreement that the Biden Administration claims it has made to freeze that money, the 6 billion, temporarily. And and yet we just heard Michael Mccaul say that, of course, all of this appeasement has a led to this. But do you believe that the qataris really would agree to hold money back from iran . Well, as far as i know as of yesterday, the information that i had was that the qataris had rejected the notion that the 6 billion was refrozen. So thats not the case. Therefore, 6 billion of money released to iran not to mention all the points that were made earlier about how much access iran has to revenue, at least 90 billion, its a little bit more than Speaker Mccarthy indicated. He mentioned 70, i think its more than that. As well as the production and all those things. That has gone unchecked. And, therefore, i think if you want to go to the specifics of this particular freezing of assets, its really a drop in the ocean visavis so many other fronts that the regime could have access to. And thats really the big picture, the way that if the regime is getting fueled, it can, this far, continue its campaign of supporting its proxies. Maria of course, of course. Obviously, theyre not going to spend it on the starving people of iran, theyre e going to spend it as i have called many times before on funding their campaign abroad and, of course, their Nuclear Program at home. Maria youve made this point before. We so appreciate your time this morning, reza pahlavi joining us this morning. Up next, the other National Security threat this america with more than 1. 5 million foreigners entering the country undetected, the gotaways who disappear Without A Trace under the Biden Administration. Arizona Senate Candidate kari lake with a firsthand account of the continuing crisis at the southern border. Stay with us. Maria welcome back. Sources within customs and Border Protection telling fox news that over the last two years thousands of people from middle Eastern Countries who the United States government has deemed a potential Security Threat have been arrested by Border Patrol while attempting to cross into america through the southern border. Meanwhile, as china ramps up Espionage Activity in the country, at least 26,000 chinese nationals have illegally crossed the border into america over the same time frame. We are told they are largely militaryaged men coming in. This, of course,s does not account for the more than 1. 5 million socalled gotaways, those people who have evaded detection and disappeared into the United States during the Biden Administration. Joining me with more kari lake who Just Announced her bid for the u. S. Senate seat, and she had been battling bidens Border Policy for years. Kari, congratulations on entering the senate race. Oh, well, im happy to be in it because weve got a lot of problems that need to be fixed and, frankly, right now, you know, besides having president trumps end end endorsement, which i appreciate so much, aye got the people of arizona behind me because theyre tryed tired of what theyre seeing on the border. If this is not a wakeup call to the people of arizona and america that thats happening in israel, this attack from terrorists, wont happen here, then people have got to pull their head out from the sand a because we have seen thousands of crossings. You just showed some of the figures, Illegal Immigrants with ties to these terrorist countries. Its not a matter of if it happens, its when it happens. Its a National Security risk. Maria yeah. Im going to get to your Senate Campaign in a moment, but lets talk about the activity at the border because we just showed a graphic of thousands of socalled Special Interest Rail Yens aliens have been stopped at the southern border since to 2021 data is telling us these people were stopped because they were either on the Terrorist List or questionable according to border sources. What can you tell us from the ground in arizona in terms of the gotaways and in terms of the breach on our southern boarder . Well or, maria, you have to remember that all of these data points and facts that were getting from Border Patrol while its accurate from their assessment, the gotaways are thousands upon thousands of people, and they dont even know how many are coming in. Weve seen independent journalists go down there and show video of literally groups of hundreds of men from god knows where pouring across, running across our border into arizona. Of arizona is the place where most of the gotaways are coming through, and, you know, there are people coming across who do not love america. Theres no doubt about it. And joe biden reversed the effective Border Policies of president trump. And the two people im running against, Kyrsten Sinema and rubin, they were constantly voting for joe bide ons joe bidens terrible policies. And i know that fox news recently put out a poll that shows the majority of americans, i think 71 of voters, say the border is not secure 71 . We even are seeing democrats come to that conclusion and voters as well. Maria we know its not secure for fact. Kari, i want to talk about your opponents in this race as well, and were monitoring the War On Israel as we speak. More with kari lake when we come right back. Stay with us. Dude . 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He has done nothing except rubber stamp joe bidens agenda, and joe bidens agenda is serving us to hell in a hand basket. Kyrsten sinema is now a Chameleon Acting like shes not a democrat anymore, acting line shes an independent or but just look at their voting records. Theyve both voted with biden almost 100 percent of the time. Theyve been in congress for about two decades combined, and what do we have to show for it . Higher gas price, inflation is hitting arizona the hardest of any place in the country. Phoenix, arizona. We cant afford gas and, you know, this is joe biden on day one, think about what he did. He peeled back president trumps effective Border Policy which was keeping us safe. Maria right. And that hurt us when it comes to National Security. And at the same time, he stopped our Energy Drilling and the laying of the pipelines. He cut all of that out, and now we are in a world of hurt. Weve got to vote these people out and vote some people in that are going to put America First and thats, frankly, why im running. I hope people will help are our campaign. Its going to be a 300 million campaign, im told, with the three of us in it, and so i need people to go to kari lake. Com and help out. We can win this race maria yep. Okay. We can with win this race, a new up e dependent poll that just came out this week shows i win in a threeway, or if its just me versus gallego, i can still win, but im going to need peoples help. Maria thatll do it for us on Sunday Morning futures. Im maria bartiromo. Dont forget to stay with fox news, ill see you on Mornings With Maria 69 a. M. Eastern tomorrow. Have a good sunday. vo sure you can get data everywhere but do you have to use it all the time . Thats not really you. With tracfone, you get great coverage all on nationwide 5g. For a lot less. Plans start at 15 a month nocontract. Tracfone. 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