These developments will change by the hour. Sometimes literally. Stay with us. Sandra thanks very much for joining us. Im sandra smith. Im bill hemmer. The story starts right now. Heres mack that. Martha im martha maccallum. Its a dark day. In addition to the loss of life in israel, we have lost at least 27 american citizens as Hamas Terrorists hold an unknown number of americans hostage at this hour. Heres john kirby moments ago. We all need to be prepared for the fact that theres going to be additional gruesome images coming out. Theres going to be some pretty tough reports for all of us to swallow. This is not over. Martha pretty tough reports coming for all of us to swallow. We will find out what that means in the hours and days ahead. Every hour we see more of the evil that is hamas. A warning that these im my knowledges are graphic. The Kitchen Floors are stained with blood. People were home. It was early in the Morning Saturday when hamas militants stormed into their homes. In a place known for its art gallery, its the small details, a pile of legos on the ground. Food atop a table for breakfast. Photos that hang on the fridge. Just like any home would have. Martha so tomorrow the United States begins charter flights to get americans out of israel. General jack keane joins us in moments. First to florida congressman corey mills on the ground helping americans evacuate. Hes a decorated combat veteran. Served in iraq and helped americans out of afghanistan during that chaotic withdrawal two years ago. Congressman, thanks very much for being here. Good to have you with us. I guess my first question for you is because you saw first hand when you were fighting in the middle east the hand of iran in these actions. I believe you were wounded as well in service. We thank you for your service. What do you make of the fact that john kirby and Secretary State Blinken continue to say that they have no evidence that theres any link between iran and what has happened in hamas . By hamas . Well, martha, to be honest with you, this is the same thing where they refuse to look at china as an adversarial nation even though theyre partnered in the geo political alignment. Iran is the largest State Sponsor of terror. And we give them 6 billion . We are now seeing where afghan weapons are popping up and being utilized for hamas. We know the Proxy Malitias that iranians have been leading since soleimani. We saw it in yemen, we see it in palestine with hezbollah in lebanon. Yet this administration has failed to understand the geo political alignment. The fact that the real terrorist, the real threat in this region is iran. The largest State Sponsor of terror. Martha so the suggestion is that there are reasons why they cant make that link at this moment. Do you buy that . No, i dont buy it at all. Ive sat in many classified breedings. When you have the head of the ayat ayatollah. Think about where soleimani was killed under the trump administration. It wasnt in iran. It was in iraq. He continued to try to ramp up guys to use the attacks on the embassy. You have hassan nezrala, he had his son marry the former daughter of soleimani. This is not something that john kirby or the Biden Administration or secretary blinken can look at and not draw a direct link to iran. What they dont want to talk about is the increase in oil revenue that iran has seen since theyve come in to power, they dont want to talk about the fact that they want to get into the jcpoa, which is why they dont want to do this. The reality is they dont want to shut our borders down, safe americans. If joe biden is not going to do his jobs, were going to step up and do it for him. Thats why i say 45 people have left behind today. 32 yesterday. 77 people. Why dont we answer the question how many joe biden has saved in the last two days . Martha they have said today theyre going to begin charter flights out of israel to get people out. Its great that youre already on the ground there doing that. The president said hes not given up hope of bringing these folks back home. Saying that he cant tell us all that is being done to bring them back. What do you say to that . Well, i also saw what all was being done in 2021 when he was leaving hundreds of americans hard, like the woman that i helped out of Ronny Jacksons district. She did everything she could to get out. So the many americans. They were abandoned and we have no leadership. The biggest problem with this oval office, whether its secretary blinken, secretary lloyd, whether its mayorkas, theres a crisis in leadership. They fail to lead and fail to have a strategy and plan to protect the american people. Thats very obvious when its taken this many days to arrange chargers when theyre dropping Military Supply right now. Why arent they filling the Military Aircrafts with americans to get home . They tried to do the same thing in afghanistan. They filled it with refugees. No americans were getting on there. So my point is if you can come here and drop Military Supplies in a military aircraft, why cant you use to put americans on the plane to get them home safe . Martha thats a valid question. You serve on the Foreign Affairs committee. Youre in the region helping people out on your own as you did in afghanistan and also served our country. Thank you. Good luck in all the work youre doing there. Corey mills, representative from florida. Thank you. Another warning that this video is also tough to watch. This is a hospital in gaza city. The red cross warning medical facilities that theyre risking of turning in to morgues, the hospitals, as israeli strikes continue and food and electricity and fuel are cut off to the area. Mike tobin live on the ground. Mike . Martha, here along the gaza border, the Cannons Thunder in to the night. Weve seen three rocket launches. In all of the rocket launches, the iron dome deployed and met the missiles with a loud boom. 300,000 reservists have been called up. Tanks and apcs have been called up for duty. Meantime, a u. S. Citizen is stick inside of the gaza strip. She and her five children also u. S. Citizens went there to visit her husbands family and they got stuck. She said theres minimal communication from the State Department and a promise from israel, that crossings in to israel out of gaza will not open. Feels very terrifying. Really kind of forgotten. Everything is on edge. My car door you think its a bomb or a rocket. So its kind of again, you feel a bit lost when you dont hear anything more from your government. The Israeli Defense force says that air strikes and commandos have taken out high Value Targets. One, a naval commander for hamas. He was taken out from his residence. Israel received weaponry. A contact said that most of the remaining high Value Targets for hamas have all gone in to hiding. The lower level hamas Open Tys Have slipped in to civilian clothing and trying to blend back in to the population, this contact tells me hamas is still in control of the gaza population. Martha . Martha thanks, mike, for your reporting. Mike tobin on the ground. The Israeli Military calling up hundreds of thousands of reservists. Alissa kliner is an american. Shes served two years in the Israeli Defense forces Operating Drones for its sky rider unit. Tuesday she got the call to come back and join the fight against hamas. Alissa joins me now. Thanks very much. Good to have you with us. Thank you for having me. So you went to penn state. What made you decide to go to israel and to serve your two years in the Israeli Defense force . I started out with a trip to poland. I went and saw the Concentration Camps and everything that happened in the holocaust. It really hit me hard that im jewish and i need to take a stand. I went to israel in birth right for the first time and felt the safety of israel, that we have a place to go, we have a home here. I felt the warmth of the jewish people and the israelis and took me in. I fell in love with the people and the place. Martha so how did you feel . How did your family feel when you got the call to come back as a reservist and get involved in this fight . I have been flooded with messages on instagram. People i havent heard from in awhile. My family checking up constantly, making sure im oh abe. I cant keep up. I started a Broadcast List to make sure the most important friends and families, i would send daily updates and let them know im okay and id reply when i can. Martha tell me about your own experience there. You have a friend who was killed in these attacks. Endo. My good friend who was a brother in arms. We served together 1 1 2 years before she went on to officers course. She fell on saturday. We are destroyed. Everyone is destroyed. Theres not one person in israel that doesnt know someone personally or know is one that knows someone who has been murdered in cold blood, taken captive or still missing. I really think that a piece of every persons soul that is here has been taken. This is we wont be the same when this is over. I believe well be stronger for it. Martha very brave young woman. You were a drone operator. Are you working in this same line of work or can you say or not say about what youre doing now . I am working in the same line of work. We put the drones in the air for reconnaissance, making sure that people are not in the building when theyre not supposed to be for the air force. We are a moral army. I with my own eyes reported that theres people in and we have not fired. We also make sure that the troops that are safe on the ground, were the eyes in the sky making sure everything goes according to plan. Martha so we hear about that as the practice to warn to let people know to get out of a building before the Israeli Defense force strikes. Youre part of that effort. You see that first hand. Ive seen that first hand. We have made the report that there are people in there. They have not shot. A lot of times the building that are recorded, the reason theyre on the news, because they got the warning ahead of time so there will be a strike. Journalists will make sure that they have the good shot, they can see the building crumbling. They have been warned. Martha thanks, alissa. We thank you for talking with us. You went to school with one of our team here at the story and were grateful for your time. We know youre busy and you have a lot going on. We wish you well. We send you all the support from our country. Thank you. Martha take good care. I appreciate it. Martha now we go live on the ground to israel. Our senior Foreign Affairs co correspondent, greg palkot who is at a funeral of one of the victims of this war. Hi, martha. Day 6 of the war between israel and hamas. Its developing on several different fronts. We have been hearing quite a bit in the last several hours. The iron dome defense blasting away here over the city. That means that the hamas militants have not given up. They have not run out of rockets. Neither has the Israeli Air Force pounding sites in the gaza area. They are pounding the hamas infrastructure, a lot of civilian structures going down, too. It a nasty scene. The Ground Incursion has not started yet but its building up, a lot of reservists piling in. Theres 360,000 called up in addition to the Standing Army of israel. As that death toll grows, the palestinian figure going substantially up today. 1,400. The debt toll here in israel, 1,300 including those 27 americans killed. Back to those 1,300. Yeah, we saw a gripping example of the loss and the feelings and emotions being felt about this. Take a look at what we heard today. Sadly a ceremony seen too often in israel, a funeral for a 24yearold girl. She was at the Music Festival where there was the hamas massacre. She was killed. Shes being buried today. Pure unfiltered raw emotion. Tears and pain in the huge crowd gathered at the cemetery in central israel. For the young women, kim, who hid in a bomb shelter at the festival and died in the terror bloodbath. Following a short live in which she gave much to her country, her people, the arts. In attendance, family, friends, loved ones, towns people coming out to pay their respects to show their love. If you could remember her in one way, one word, what would you say . Her big smile. She was the bestch the big smile. She was loved. When she was there, everything was a little bit better. Emotional stuff, martha. Her mother continued in her conversation saying that her daughter just wanted to go to a party. Just wanted to have some fun. Then the hamas murders took her over and took her away from her. Very strong feelings felt there for obvious reasons, martha. Martha thanks, greg. Greg palkot on the ground in israel. The United States has pledged Rock Solid Support for israel. But again today refused to confirm the reports that the 6 billion, which was used to have u. S. Hostages return to the United States in a return for iranian hostages is still on ice until we know if the regime enabled the hamas attack that we saw on saturday morning. General jack keane will weighin on what the administration is saying at this point and what the message is, what is at stake in this war when he joins me next. Israel must win this war. Strategically the alternative is absolutely unacceptable. It will reset the entire table in the middle east if israel lost this war. Veterans, if youre applying for a home loan to get cash. Surprise. Some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. Not at newday. A veteran shouldnt have to come up with money to get money. Before planning the big trip you were limping thanks to a bad knee. Then, you heard about mako roboticassisted knee replacement. It starts with a ct scan to pinpoint the problem. That becomes a personalized, 3d plan to guide your doctor during surgery. Mako can help lead to better outcomes, like less pain and shorter recovery times. The lifetime of a knee implant is limited, and revision surgery may be required. Individual results and recovery times vary. 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First to Edward Lawrence with that Breaking News from the white house. Hi, edward. Martha, yeah, i can tell you i have two sources in the room that heard the Deputy Treasury Secretary tell Democratic House members that they have a quiet agreement with qatar to not release any of that 6 billion to iran. Now, again, this is not refrozen. Its just a quiet agreement not to release the money. The Treasury Department does have oversight of that money. Any request to use the money has to be approved by the Treasury Department before qatar will release it. Theres a quiet agreement now according to the Deputy Treasury Secretary and sources in the room that heard him say this, that no money, none of that 6 billion will go to qatar any time soon indefinitely. Back to you. Martha thanks, edward. We bring in general jack keane. Always good to have you with us. I want to ask you first whats going on militarily right now. We can see that israel is pounding gaza at this point. The Ground Invasion has not begun. They have cut off some of the water and food supply. Some of this looks like an effort to encourage them to let these hostages go, to put pressure on them to release these hostages. Do you think theyre going to succeed in that, general . I really dont know. They made that statement to hamas, that theyre turning the electricity back on and release all the restrictions that theyve imposed as soon as they released the hostages. Well see what develops here. Certainly when it comes to the hostages themselves, im confident their special Operation Forces and ours looking at how can we get them out of there, first of all. Secondly, diplomatic efforts as well. Theres some diplomatic discussions taking place. Certainly hamas would like some kind of concessions for those releases. So those efforts are all ongoing. When it comes to the hostages, im a little concerned that the administration hasnt been really unequivocal about what our concern is there. Ill give them credit if theyre privately talking to the iranians and telling them as a matter of fact if you if you kill one of our hostages and i link iran and hamas at the hip. If youre behind killing one of our hostages, you will pay a price for it. Make no mistake about that we will hurt you if you hurt one of our hostages. They need to understand that. This is deterrence. Not what we do after the fact. We tell them what we intend to do without the specific target in mind in my judgment. I dont know if we made that clear. The administration has multiple times to connect i ran and what is happening in this horrific thing that hamas has imposed. Its obvious to everybody looking at this that they are connected. Martha kirby was asked about that just a little while ago. He had another opportunity to draw that distinction. Heres what he said. Watch. No, i dont have any updates for you. Were still looking into this. No direct evidence that iran was a participant in these attacks in any way. Martha what do you make of that . You know, to me, whether you have a piece of paper or an eavesdrop on a conversation where iran was green lighting it, i dont think that is all that big of a deal. The fact is, this is their organization. They admitted it. Jake sullivan said theres broad complicity that i ran has financed, trained and generally supported this organization on The Dark Side for years. Then he put a but. We have no specific evidence that theyre involved in this particular operation. The but shouldnt be there. He should say and we can assume as a result of 16 years of association with irgc leaders visiting this organization as a matter of routine throughout those years and helping to train them and support them that obviously our conclusion is iran is deeply involved in this operation and were going to hold them accountable as a result. Martha how do you think iran perceiving that . When iran listens to that answer from john kirby, we havent found any link, any direct link between this operation and iran, how do you think they perceive that . Oh, they perceive it the same way from the beginning. When this administration came in to power within 30 days, they did two things. One is they reduced the trump maximum sanctions without telling anybody. We know that happened now. That sent a message to iran. They wanted iran to get the message that the United States was serious about going back in to the nuclear deal and we wanted to ease up on the restrictions that President Trump had imposed on them. Secondly, they said we want to get back in to negotiations. They looked at that as appeasement and weakness. I think its all tied together in terms of what is actually unfolding here. I also believe that what took place in ukraine by putin is a perception of u. S. Weakness in decline. President xi in the third regional area, hes threatening a war in the third area. We have two wars going in the other vital interests, europe and the middle east but theyre all connected. Perception of u. S. Weakness and decline is giving our adversaries more aggressive behavior. It seems pretty obvious to me. Why is the Administration Foot dancing so much over this issue . Not wanting to connect iran to this specific operation . When theyre obviously connected to the whole organization for 16 years . Its because then theyre going to be held accountable to do something about it. They dont want to take action in my judgment is why theyre playing footsy with this issue. Martha thanks, general. Well be talking to you a lot in the days and weeks to come. Good to have you with us, general. Joining me now is tom knives. Thanks for being here with us. I had the opportunity to meet you last summer when we were in israel. You were in the post. At that time you left the post in july. First of all, your topline reaction to whats going on here. Its heart breaking. Im sitting here in the new york studio and i was thinking about 911. I was here. Im sure you were here. Think about, this its four or five 911s. Its to assume every american just like right now is going to israel, every american would have a relative or a friend or a cousin or someone that god for bid died in 911. Thats what israel is going through right now. Every single israeli, every single israeli has someone that they know personallies that been killed, is now been kidnapped, has been called up in the reserves. The whole country is devastated, impacted. What this humane hamas what they have done, they have done one thing, unified the state of israel to take action, severe action, to wipe out the threat of hamas so they cannot ever do this again. Martha thats my next question to you. After 911, the mission was to kill bin laden, to end alquaidas ability to operate. Then after that, isis, the caliphate, to kill isis. Israel says they want to eradicate hamas ability to govern and to exist militarily. Does the United States support them all the way in that . Is it u. S. Policy now to eradicate and end the existence of hamas . I think its first and foremost. I think the president , re regardless if youre democrat or republican, believes this president has israels back. Theres billboards in tel aviv saying thank you, mr. President. I think you dont have to be a jew or christian or anyone else. You see this president is committed, committed not only to the support of the security of the state of israel but to make sure he sends a strong message of hezbollahs thinking about joining in or iran or the other actors out there that want to destroy the state of israel. He sent a very strong message verbally and by sending ships and materials to the region. Listen, secretary blinken is there right now. Theres a reason why hes there. Hes there to not only express his commitment to the state of israel but to go to the region and talk to regional leaders. Hes doing that as we speak. The biggest threat the state of israel is what the regional actors may for may not want to do. We have to see a strong deterrence of those partners. Martha so secretary blinken stopped short. He was asked, does the will the United States attempt to halt israels left to eliminate hamas . He said essentially we stand with israel. Thats one question. Do we support the elimination of hamas and doing everything that we would need to do to support that in happening . The other question is, why are they so ambivalent on this question of this 6 billion and locking it down and making sure that it is refrozen, which they said they would do if there was ever any issue with iran. Third, reluctant to make the connection and say that there is a connection between iran and this hamas attack. You heard how general keane added all that up. He said it shows weakness on the u. S. Part. What do you say, ambassador . Not only judge the president on his words and his actions. Ask any israeli. Ask the prime minister. Ask the opposition leader. Ask anyone. Plenty people that didnt like president biden, ask anyone. Do they think for a minute that this administration and the republicans as well this is a bipartisan issue. Does anyone believe that we do not have israels back by what were seeing and actions were taking . So i would generally say to people, check people by their actions and their words and see what happens. I think thats the message that the president said. Martha so you feel confident which we watch unfold now its very fresh. You believe there all the missions that israel has that we just laid out that the United States and this president will continue i have no doubt. This is not a partisan issue. People understand that this president has had 50 years or 60 years of relationships with this country. He does this because he has this belief when he came to see me in july of last year, the president got off the plane and said again, you do not need to be a jew to be zionist. This is what he talks about. This is who he is. Hes working side by side with Republican Leadership in the house, in the senate. Working together. Theres no room here. Theres no air between the democrats and republicans as relates to the security of the state of israel. Martha weve seen so Much Division in this country. It does feel united in the support of israel right now. Just apart from these Little Things that we see at colleges across the country, which i dont think represents the american people, do you . More importantly, i tell these kids on the College Campuses, what hamas is up to is a destruction of the state of israel and to create a regional war. The Palestinian People in gaza does like hamas. They have one goal. Its like isis. Its a jihadist movement. The objective here is not to get better education for palestinians. If they if 5,000 or 6,000 or 12,000 palestinians die in gaza, hamas doesnt care. They dont care. Their view is very simple. Cause a regional war and try to destroy the state of israel. To me, its sad and sick. Martha weve seen a lot of sad and sick the last six days. We home they get jake lu confirmed quickly. We hope it happens and we thank you very much for coming here today. Thanks, ambassador. Thank you for having me. Martha as i just mentioned, campuses across the country have become hot beds for Deep Division as students take their ground in israels war with hamas. Martha john le vine and Jessica Tarlov join me next. When i think of the veteran out there, he needs to refi his home he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that Financial Solution for them and their families. Its a great, rewarding feeling. 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You can see the paraglider on their poohser there. That as we hear more atrocities by hamas. Two Defense Forces embrace each other as a familys dinner is still laid out the night before terrorists butchered that community. Lets bring in our panel. John levine and Jessica Tarlov. What goes through your mind, jess, as you look at these arrangements and these gatherings . I was saying downstairs as i got ready for the show, when we see baby caskets, im not going to be able to hold it together. The most unimaginable page. I understand more now having a child myself. I was particularly struck. There was an interview with an israeli father whose 8yearold was taken. He was informed that she was dead and he said good. Because the alternative is so much worse. I know that shes in gaza if shes not up above now. Its hard to take on every level. Martha john, do these what do you think of these students . Its so much bigger than the College Campuses. You have the head of hamas in qatar living in a Hotel Calling for an international jihad. Im not riding a subway and i wouldnt get on an airplane tomorrow. I dont want to live this way. We shouldnt have to live this way as americans. I witnessed in new york city a full blown hamas terrorism rally. Hours after these atrocities. Hundreds of people in our city dressed up as hamas fighters chanting death to israel and calling for gen site. This is supported by an arm of the democratic party. Who are these people . How did we allow this in our country . I hope, i hope that the fbi can take a break from surveilling your trumpy uncles facebook posts to dedicating some resources to these people in our midst. Its terrifying. Martha how did these students get to this place, jessica . How are they not is it a lack of education or are they not taught both sides of this story in their universities and their High School Classrooms . How did they get here . Im sure that thats part of it. I also think that hamas as many Terror Groups are very good at propaganda. They have confuse add lot of people about what theyre doing and its relate toed the palestinian cause. Hamas views gaza they do not care. And thats part of the real confusion here for people when i see protesters out there saying free palestine. I want to say this is not about free palestine. This isnt a terror group forging a religious war and trying to wipe out a people that have been Systemically Exterminated before. Martha so this is a student at George Washington university. Watch this. This past weekend, we witnessed the breaking free, tearing down the prison walls and making it known to the world that we will be caged no longer. I dont believe in cancel culture. But this is important. When you are publicly calling and supporting the decaptation of children, the burning alive of children and youre publicly calling for genocide against jewish people, i do believe in cancel culture. I urge your viewers to find the photos of the people that attend these rallies and the speaker theres and put them online and get their information out and make sure their names are known and permanently unployable. Can i say quickly . You mentioned this in the previous block about whats going on in campuses. A news of the Student Groups did not know that whoever is in charge of coms or whatever was signing on to those letters. I do think that that is important. Im not saying there shouldnt be some lifelong punishment or reckoning for people that believe those things, but im sure that there are a lot of people that are swept up in this. Im not a member of any group that put out a Statement Like that. Im not either, john. Were not college students. Martha its a lack education. Yes. Martha it becomes sort of fashionable in some circles to be pro palestine, which people dont realize is not being pro hamas. That is the distinction. It goes back to the Education System in this country. I dont think the the knowledge is not deep enough from what theyre learning to have the understanding of what is going on. Unfortunately they open their dumb mouths and dont know what theyre talking about. If youre pro palestine, you should support israel. Palestine has been oppressed by hamas for years now. If youre truly pro palastine, you should support israel to eradicate hamas. Its the only way to bring Peace And Freedom to those people. Martha thanks for being here today. Thank you. So still ahead, we have house Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael Mccaul who says hes concerned about maligned iranian influence in the Biden Administration. This is a story about someone that used to work in the administration, he was part of it. He was exited because of concerns about his take on some of the iranian issues that were going to talk about. Also joining us also important today, back Robert Menendez hit with new charges accused of conspireing to act as a Foreign Agent with egypt. So this is significant. Theyre layering more charges on Senator Menendez and his wife when we come back. Call newday. Pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an Affordable Va Home Loan from newday. You can save 500 every month. Rates on credit cards have gone up to 22 . For late payments, as much as 30 , more than three times higher than a newday va loan. Pay off your credit cards and car with a Newday100 Va Loan and save. Every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding its time for a fresh approach to pet food. Theyre quitting the kibble. And kicking the cans. And feeding their dogs dog food thats actually well, food. Developed with vets. Made from real meat and veggies. Portioned for your dog. And delivered right to your door. Its smarter, healthier pet food. Get 50 off your first box at thefarmersdog. Com realfood martha a lot of Breaking News here. Bob menendez facing charges on top of the previous charges that the feds already accused him and his wife as well of taking bribes, cash and gold and a mercedes car. Now hes charged as acting as a Foreign Agent for egypt. Mike emanuel joins us now on this from d. C. Hi, mike. Hi, martha. Senator menendez plotted to act on behalf of egypt even as he served as chairman hoff Senate Foreign relations. The indictment includes photos including this one from march 2018 when menendez met with Egyptian Military and other officials in his Senate Office in washington, which included discussions of Foreign Military financing to egypt. Then may 2019, there was a dinner at a steakhouse with an egyptian official. Prosecutors said there was a discussion about Foreign Policy and the senators wife allegedly asked what else can the Love Of My Life do for you . A photo of menendez and his wife at a private dinner in egypt in October Of 2021 in the home of another egyptian official. Prosecutors also included a photo of a Dinner Celebration with champagne. The White House Press secretary late today was asked about the new charge against menendez. Weve always said its a serious matter. Weve always said that. Well continue to treat that as a serious matter. I dont have anything else to share beyond statements from the president. I dont have anything outside of that. Of course, we see this as a serious matter. Martha congressman andy kim challenging menendez wrote on x today, given the severity of these charges, the u. S. Senate should vote on expulsion. John fetterman is also calling for expulsion saying we cannot have an alleged Foreign Agent in the United States senate. Martha . Martha thats for sure. Thank you. Well see where that goes, mike. Thanks very much. A serious situation for the senator has hes under more investigations now. Meantime, the u. S. Looks for intelligence to confirm that iran helped hamas plan these attacks on israel. House republicans say the u. S. Special envoy to iran may have had a Compromising Tie to the iranian regime. Robert mali has already been suspended from his position as the fbi investigates him and whether or not he mishandled Classified Information. Listen to what he said about hamas more than a decade ago. Theres so much misinformation about them. I speak the them. My colleagues speak to them. We may disagree with them, but they have their own rationality. These are none of them are crazies. They may do things that we consider different realm of rationality. In their system, its logical. Martha lets bring in texas congressman, Michael Mccaul. Also on the Homeland Security committee. Congressman, thank you. So this individual, malley, his Security Clearances were suspended. He was, this administrations iran envoy for a time. How concerning is this . Its very concerning. Hes a Special Envoy for iran. Hes the principal architect, negotiator on the iran deal to resurrect the iran deal. The concern is that we tried to get him before my committee to testify, to brief us on iran. He was basically awol. Then we found out that he was suspended without pay because he had problems with his security clearance. He compromised Classified Information we think with iran. Now theres a wider investigation in to this. You cant make this stuff up, martha. Between that and the 6 billion that they have pledged to put in to iran, the largest State Sponsor of terror all In The Name Of getting another jcpoa deal done. Its not acceptable to house republicans. Martha theres a lot of weird things going on here. When they unfroze this 6 billion and traded 5 for 5 hostages, u. S. American, they say yeah, we can freeze that money at any time. Now every day they bend over backwards to say nobody has used a penny of the money and yet when asked point blank why dont you just refreeze that money again, they dont want to say that they are going to do that. They also dont want to say that they have any evidence that theres any link between iran and this action. So a lot of americans want to know why, congressman. Of course. This is a Money Transfer from south korea to doha. Somehow were going to trust them to manage the money so its only for humanitarian purposes. The president of iran came out himself and said im going to use the money anyway i want to. So now youre seeing the white house starting to crawfish back from the 6 billion just came out from john kirby that theyre going to stop the flow or stop the payments from coming in. But i dont want to see it as a temporary measure. I want to see it as a permanent measure. Iran has financed hamas. They gave 150 million to them just last year. They give them the rockets that they fire in to israel. The idea that theyre not complicit with this or fingerprints is insane. If were going to infuse 6 billion to the largest State Sponsor of terror, my god. What a messed up Foreign Policy. Martha that deal always had Big Questions marks about it. Didnt feel like a fair wellnegotiated arrangement. Now the fact that theyre defending these elements of it and they wont have a tie of evidence . Theres no evidence linking iran to this attack when iran supports 93 of hamas funding. Theres more to this story and were going to continue to dig in to it. Quick question for you on this day of resistance tomorrow, this call for global jihad from the Homeland Security perspective committee, should americans be concerned about tomorrow . Well, they should. Youll see protests all over the country. What im most concerned about, and im the one that gets the funding to protect the synagogues from radical jihadists. Im most concern about the synagogues. Theyre a target from a Homeland Security standpoint. The Previous Panel talked about this false narrative. Its only been days since these children were massacres. Now suddenly hamas has turned in to the victim and israel is a perpetrator. Thats what i dont like. Martha Michael Mccaul, chairman, thank you very much. Good to have you with us. We will watch what unfolds tomorrow. We hope everyone in america is safe. Well be here throughout the day to cover it. Thanks, sir. So now to the president ial race. Nikki haley, the former governor of South Carolina is a big winner the new fox news poll. Doubling her support among republicans primary voters. Shes at 10 now. Its the movement that is notable. She went from 5 to 10 . Desantis haas been on the decline the last several months. Held steady at 13 . So this is an interesting move that we have seen in all of this. Nikki haley will join us here today with her reaction and how she feels about her campaign and the potential impact of the war in the middle east on the 2024 election. Something that shes a lot of experience with from her time at the united nations. Well discuss that with the former governor when shes here tomorrow. Before we go, if youd like to join fox news and Fox Corporation in donating to those impacted by the atrocities in israel, go to the website on your screen. Join us in our support. Thats the story for today

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