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On the east coast and 7 00 p. M. On the west coast. It is now 5 00 a. M. In gaza. Welcome to hannity, we continue to monitor all the activity in the ground and on the skies ove gaza. It is always question of if, Ground Invasion will take place and that would be the response of israel. By the way tonight if hamas cared about the palestinian people, they would put their down their arms they would free their hostages and they would surrender. Innocent lives can be saved. They are responsible for decapitating and killing babies who now plan to fight for the death to maximize innocent casualties and what is a time o a pr victory. Hamas fighters should be quivering in fear. Right now, their deaths are imminent, there is no other option. Terrorists have been barbaric. With any group of monsters that are willing to behead babies, ra rape and burn women alive, shoot the elderly in their home and upload their atrocities to social media, what In The Name Of freedom . Are you serious . That would be fascist, that would be murder. They could no longer exist and this world and it is over for them. The question is, will they do the right thing and protect isnt sent people in gaza . I dont think that will happen. Israel has been warning the people of gaza they have been doing it for days, to get out. Telling them their response is imminent and if they stay they will dive. They have been trying to warm the civilian population, not many countries would do that especially after what happened just over the weekend. It with the latest on the groun in israel, greg, what is going on . Its a little after 5 00 p. M. Your time. A little after 5 00 a. M. And we are waiting for dawn and waiting to see what day six brings in this pretty horrendou war between israel and hamas. It all started on saturday with the bloodthirsty militants crossing over the border from gaza into southern israel. Now to thousand or 3,000 all coordinating in 22 different towns. And about the same time at abou 6 30 p. M. , we have had eyewitnesses that told police about this terrible terrible onslaught. It is just building. 1200 killed so far in israel. Including 20 to americans and 150 hostages inside gaza which is the real playing card for th militants if they have to go facetoface with the Israeli Military which there are indications that that could be happening. We have been saying in the last couple of days a big buildup of tanks, armored personnel carriers, all told, 360,000 reservists, let alone the military that is in place, wev seen the back and forth, we hav seen the rockets come up from the gaza strip, the hamas militants, sometimes wellplace rockets, but the iron dome of defense of israel, knocking dow most of them. We have seen israeli jet fighters screaming overhead and sending missiles and whole portions of the strip, one of the most densely populated area in the world, that is exactly what would complicate any kind of Ground Invasion that could b launched already 100,000 dead. For civilian total could rise, but that doesnt seem to matter too much to hamas militants for they have some bloodthirsty victory and they will look to try to ride that crest into som kind of big big battle. We heard from Benjamin Netanyah the Prime Minister is for forming a unity government is o today and he said in his words, every hamas is a dead man. He sees this to the fights of the finish, the finish of this group and there are indications even today there were some area on the other side of the gaza border of israel where it is actually there were some militants still locked in still some counter fire that said the fight is most definitely on and it is bound to accelerate. Let me ask you this great i know in the last 70 to hours, 300,000 reservists have been called up by israel for eight over 500,000 troops at the ready. Over 100,000 of those troops have been involved in the staging and positioning of what is now the inevitable Ground Invasion which would tell me that it is imminent. How close are they to the gaza border . Weve been talking book clos to the military trying to figur out what the timing would be believe it or not, they still think there could be days and still there is staging, still there is organizing, still ther is a fear of what could happen once you go into gaza and some questions about whether israel could be looking at something Even Stronger than they have dealt with before, but it is here. Hundreds of thousands in this area there is a huge Military Base here where we are right now , and there are scenes of Reservist Piling and interacts. All of this to say that i think the biggest thing i can tell yo is determination. We knew after 9 11 in the unite states, the same kind of feelin i get. They put away their political differences and there are a lot of them in the last months here in israel, they put away their differences and are determined to try to deal with the horror that has befallen them in the last couple of days. Thank you for reporting tonight from gaza. By the way, today the Biden Administration claimed there is no direct evidence that he ran funded or help facilitate the Terror Attacks, but memory team eight put together several videos of leaders in other bragging directly about the support from iran for a take a look. To keep [nonprimary language] [nonprimary language] [nonprimary language] here with reaction, former director of national, welcome back, sir. Good to have you. Thank you, sean. Sean i have had multiple sources from washington, highranking sources confirm to me that in fact the intelligenc and the evidence is incontrovertible. It is overwhelming that in fact the administration has this evidence, that they know about the iran involvement, but they are lying purposely to the American People. Why would that be . Is it to protect this 6 billio that in that ransom deal that they made cracks they dont wan the American People to know the truth . By the way, israel also has thi information and have chosen not to share it at this point, may be protecting the administratio whose support they need at this moment. I dont know. There is no doubt that their involvement, theyre plotting, theyre planning, their approval , the irani and revolutionary guard were all involved freight why wont they tell us the truth . The white house might has been arguing. The Intelligence Committee produces dozens and dozens of intelligence products every yea analyzing the relationship between iran, hamas, and has blood. And everyone of those there is analysis of the extent to which iran either improved in operation directed in an operation, ordered an operation or funded the operation. Though the Biden White House would have you believe in the largest operation that hamas ha ever engaged in, For The First Time iran took a pass and was not involved. You set that aside, on sunday, both came out and said that in meeting two weeks ago in beirut iran greenlight this information. What motive what they have for falsely accusing, falsely implicating iran and in atrocit thats going to incur the wrath of world powers economically an militarily especially when iran is their primary benefactor. The reason why, why all of this . Look, joe biden could get a signed confession from the iran and Supreme Leader saying we di this and the white house will say there is no direct evidence because to admit they were involved was to admit that the biden policy regarding iran is bigger failure than the policy regarding afghanistan. They would have to admit that they sat across the table with Hostage Takers instead were going to give you 6 billion at the very same time those people were planning to take more u. S. Hostages. They would have to admit that b easing off on the maximum Pressure Campaign of the Trump Administration and by trusting iran and enriching iran, they i fact contributed to what took place these atrocities that too place in israel on saturday so they are never going to admit that iran was directly involved even though as you said, they very clearly were and everyone in the Intelligence Committee knows that. The interesting thing is you go from obama and Biden Administration and their obsession to get billions of dollars to iran. You go through the trump years which you were part of the administration were of course, iran is isolated and that deal was just cut off. Iran was given a very stern warning that if they dared try to get Nuclear Weapons, america would unite with israel and other countries and they would prevent that from happening meaning they would probably tak out the Nuclear Sites and than here we are back. Joe biden as president in back to giving iran billions of dollars freight im having a hard time understanding why the United States of america why we have people and this country that think its a good idea too give the number one will sponso of terror, billions of dollars spread. Why do dumb people do dumb things . Its because theyre dumb. And the case of trying to understand to get everybody in the audience agrees, biden is dumb, except that one guy. The bottom line is this started in the Obama Administration because the obama administratio had no genuine affection for israel and they stood closer to iran than they did to israel. We moved back to the traditiona role that the United States has as no daylight between our most important Strategic Military an moral ally in the middle east and joe biden has read first that again. Once again, according iran, appeasing iran, enriching iran, while largely ignoring are most important ally, israel. What you have seen the last few days is a result of that for th opposite of peace through strength is chaos through weakness and we have weakness i this white house. John radcliffe, always great to see you. Thank you for being with the spirit are next guest worked on senate bill that would immediately refreeze the 6 million that joe biden and his administration has now made available to iran is part of this Ransom Payment by american hostages. 2024 president ial candidate senator from the great state of South Carolina tim scott is wit us. Senator, great to have you. Thank you. Always good to be back in your show great two hours, i love it. I do too. But honestly, i wish it was different circumstances brit i wish this could be a fun raucou crowd. It so serious, were talking about human lives at stake here. It is the serious of the moment that brings us together. That goes to the heart of what was just discussing with John Radcliffe and i will ask you th same question. The fact that you and others have to put forward a bill, why hasnt joe biden already said youre not getting this 6 billion. Why are they so reluctant and resistant to the idea that that was a bad deal up a bad idea giving the number one State Sponsor of terrorism the money. Why do we have to force it upon them, that should be a nobrainer . You cannot make a good deal with a bad actor, period. One of the things ive said since saturday is that joe bide is complicit with these attacks. Why . Because when you are weak, you invite attacks. When you negotiate to give 6 billion to iran who has 90 percent of the funding from hamas comes from your income of those breadcrumbs are simple. It is impossible for the common person to come to any other conclusion but in washington, dc , joe biden and his administration are uncommon and not in a good way. The challenges we see today is that when you give 6 billion t people who fund terrorism, you cannot be surprised when they g and do what they always have done. Got to say this. Was 6 billion paid for hostages , you have actually created a High Value Market for americans to be taken as hostages. We pray they come home, and we should do everything in our power to bring them home, but this administration has blood o their hands because they are complacent. We need to freeze those assets and send a message to the world that we stand shoulder to shoulder with israel. There is no daylight if you tak an american hostage, it should cost you your life. I tried to get Vivek Ramaswamy ramaswamy to answer this question pray to the repor factor in trade we get report after report that iran is on th verge of requiring trade we kno their facility is very large geographically speaking its a very large country. We know the location of these Nuclear Facilities we note many of them are very deep deep underground and for israel to take out the Nuclear Capability they would probably need u. S. Assistance in the form of our Bunker Buster Bombs. That repair the way that would create an opening to destroy those facilities. Should america take on that role . Does the world need to deal wit this reality that radical mullahs in iran could never hav Nuclear Weapons because that will be the real existential threat that joe biden denies, Even Nuclear War isnt its probably one of the dumbest things he is president ever sai and they stuck by it this week. Should we at least provide the Bunker Buster Bombs to israel i they decide that this is in their Survival Interest . To protect them and people of the region . Should we provide those weapons . If you were president , would yo provide them . We should listen to Prime Minister netanyahu and the resources that he needs, we should provide. This story goes back to the Obama Administration, the jc po that nuclear deal was a disaster , and what happened right after the signing of the nuclear deal, we saw you ran literally Testing Midrange listed missiles, that was in violation of the nuclear deal. So the one thing we know is tha it created a pathway to a nuclear bomb. Number two, we know they have continued to advance trying to make sure they have more number three, they have created, not just a disruption, but they tried to annihilate in my opinion through Funding Terrorism to hamas bear theyre trying to annihilate not just the jewish state, but if you understand their philosophy and their doctrine, their doctrine is not the end of just the jewish state, it is the elimination of jewish people on earth. Giving benjamin it yahoo the resources, weaponry, and our backing to finish the task at hand. And watch them thereafter turne their sights to all the supporters of terrorism against their state is exactly where i would stand as president of the United States. We should support their mission until its over. These are very important times. We have got to get these things right. At the very least, the financia support of iran, most of their money is coming from energy oil. Would it be smart for people in the middle east, may be smart for israel to take out the refineries if they dont go as far as taking out the Nuclear Capability . We should certainly see a higher reaction to what has jus happened in the middle east. Having our allies that we celebrate, watch that Coalition Come together is one of the reasons and my opinion when saudi arabia starts negotiating with israel to have a Normalization Of A Relationship Uc Iran and a 20 to go into action to disrupt what is happening in a destructive way for israel. So making sure that we attacked the Energy Sector is an important consideration one of the things i have done back in may before all this happened, i had to build to make sure the sanctions on the Energy Sector did not end in 2026. I will reintroduce that thought that bill week too make sure that we get this started and finished. We should make permanent the sanctions against he ran and th Energy Sector in whatever happens after that from a kinetic perspective, may actually help us achieve the goal of making sure that he ran is never an nuclear power. We appreciate your time. President ial candidate tim scott , we always appreciate you being on the show. When we come back, Americans Ar Being held hostage by hamas terrorist. What is the Biden Administration s plan to bring home our fellow americans. That is next. Were travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . 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[speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. We do have a crowd here tonight. Obviously because of the nature of our discussion theyve been quiet. Thank you offer coming and than you for being here. We appreciated. I wish we had better news that we were discussing. For all of you at home, thank you for being with us. Sadly we do know that at least 20 to americans were killed in this brutal 322 Terrorist Attac and many more are being held hostage in gaza right now as we speak. What is the joe biden plan to get them home . He wont tell us. Literally take a look great can keep many of you are saying wha are you doing to get these folk home. If i told you i wouldnt be abl to get them home. Folks, there is a lot were doing. A lot were doing great i have not given up hope of bringing these folks home. The idea that im going to stan here before you and tell you what im doing is bizarre so i hope you understand how bizarre it would be to try to answer that question. We have one liberal in the audience, is that your same president that said he would never leave Person Behind in th afghanistan, he would never balance the and allies who he had abandoned behind american lines. How did this happen . How did israel worldrenowned intelligence agency, the Gold Standard in the world miss the attacker at the white house wont answer that question either. This was a massive intelligence failure, who bears responsibility for that . There will come a time where its appropriate for us to take a look back retrospectively and see with the intel picture showed us or didnt show us whether there were any gaps tha need to be closed. There will be a time for that and i is expect our israeli counterparts will do that time. The reports that israel was warned by egypt. With reaction, strategy of denial, fox news contributor, joey jones is with this. Opry, this is really crucial, this is very important. One of the things that has been reported, but not confirmed and ive talked to a number of people is they believe technology was used to bring down the defenses and the warning capabilities that normally were up and running an that we dont have a full picture yet of exactly what happened. Have you heard the same thing . Ive heard a bit of that and i have heart a little bit of th opposite which is going back to the stone age that hamas may have defeated them by not using telephones and using nonelectronic methods and adapting tube may be kind of organized collection methods, s much so that there are reports that even hamas was successful with how successful they been. Joey jones, obviously its easy to throw stones, we know the capability of israeli intelligence. They are the Gold Standard, but there is no greater intelligenc in the entire world, and yet this happened on a mass scale. Weve got to get to the bottom of how it happened. One of the think i think the world is going to Pay Attention is when we defined on so Much Technology and the ability of others too knock that technolog out and down to put down defenses, that is a big part of everyones defense strategy, isnt it . When we talk about what happened here, the story is in the video shows they came in on paragliders, low altitude slowmoving, i dont know if th iron dome is geared to pick up Something Like that. I can tell you to make a simple comparison that may be relevant when we move from iraq when the had ieds that they use sensors and different methods of triggering to afghanistan, the reason Gap Afghanistan was more successful was the ieds were rudimentary. They were a loop circuit made out of carbon rods in copper wire. The simpler the ied the more effective it was in the harder for our countermeasures and tools to pick them up. May be this is that case. Maybe the lake lack of technology and how they jumped over into israel with these paragliders, i dont know the signal technology moved, but theres a difference between moving like a rocket and moving like a cloud. Let me ask you this, elbridg if you dont mind, we know hama has threatened to assassinate the hostages life on television. I am a Firm Believer that you dont negotiate with terrorists as hard as that is in some people might say what if its your son, what if it is your daughter, would you feel the same way . I just dont feel its in the long run ever going to be effective so the answer is unfortunately i dont believe you can negotiate with terrorists. I think once they take people hostage and they are threatenin to assassinate them on tv, is that an effort to intimidate israel into responding to this Ground Incursion that is eminent . I think clearly, and i think your perspective is pertinent because clearly weve seen that happen in the last generation o two. I think the United States does need to actively and avidly bac israel even as it gets politically tough right this is a society with a small professional military, very large reliance on reservist, they face multiple potential fronts they cannot sustain year and years of conflict like this. They have to send a message jus rationally which is what Prime Minister netanyahu and the Israeli Government have been signaling, there will be a very clear example that you cannot treat israel like that and i think its important to back it even though its going to be politically difficult like secretary did. In right now there is high emotion and sympathy for israel but that could dissipate so i think its important for us to sustain it. Let me tell you what you see in your screen, we now have reports and confirmation of explosions that have been seen in gaza just within the last about 90 seconds. So the ongoing air assault by israel continues, obviously in the lead up to what will be a Ground Incursion as the troops are now over 100,000 Troops Teaching for what seems to be imminent, let me ask you this, joey jones. I always want to have hope. I believe in miracles, i believ in god, i believe in all of the above. I just commit when youre dealing with the level of evil we have been discussing all night, again, people that are willing to decapitate, murder children, i dont have a lots o hope. If it was my own Family Member come up my heart, my intellect, my mind, my soul, i do not have a lot of hope knowing the evil we are dealing with here. With that said i do have a fait and trust in the Training Of Ou special forces, is really special forces, and my hope would be if we could locate where they are, and give them a shot, they might have the ability too pull them out. That would be amazing if Something Like that could happen. I will tell you. I had to turn from you on your opening criticism of president biden. I dont like the way he used th message. He used that word bizarre, i dont expect our president elec is know if our most elite teams are about to go do something. I think its important that we have an indication that u. S. Troops will be on the ground an gaza, but there are two Mission Going on here. Benjamin netanyahu didnt stand there and say were going to ge all of the hostages back he sai were going to destroy isis and eradicate or not isis, but hama bare their mission right now is to make sure this never happens again. I dont know if hes made the calculation that he can give those hostages back through diplomacy or hes made that calculation thats getting them back is a fulls error in. Our president should be focused on getting the americans that are held hostage home first and foremost trade that should be his responsibility and focus. Im going to give him the days we need to see if that is true, but i have spoken to a couple o men that served on elite teams, Seal Team Six for one of them and the consensus is there is n good plan here. There are plans that will be very difficult. Appreciate both of you being with a spray thank you both. When we come back, our very own visited an israeli home attacke by hamas appeared we will show you their horrific scene and ge reaction from the israeli general counsel. Mor thank you for being with us. Were told in genesis chapter 1 26 that god has made man in his image and by his likeness has he made him. Genesis is a book of fundamental importance for the jewish and christian faiths, and a literary masterpiece that has profoundly shaped western civilization. Now, in this exclusive online course from Hillsdale College, you can deepen your understanding of how this ancient book is essential to you today. Sign up for the Genesis Story. Absolutely free at learnfromhillsdale. Org dr. Justin jackson, a distinguished Hillsdale College professor, will guide you through this fascinating free online course that unfolds the biblical stories of adam and eve, abraham, isaac, jacob and joseph. 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What i hope youll get from studying genesis in this course is a deeper appreciation of the biblical insights with regards to the human person, psychology, our predilection towards rivalry, but also reconciliation. Sign up for the Genesis Story free of charge at learnfromhillsdale. Org today. Sean you are now looking at life pictures this is gaza city where we have been witnessing explosions going off after a few minutes and earlier today, right here on fox, our very own reported from a ramaswamy were 100 people out o work killed in saturdays barbaric Terror Attacks. It is the most horrific thin ive ever seen. It is a community where they ar our Breakfast Plates out with food still on them on dining room tables. There are refrigerators like yo would see anywhere in the world with pictures oft little kids playing sports. There are beds soaked with bloo and there are weapons laying everywhere from that militant sprayed you can see some of their bill vehicles just outside. It is at House Of Horror behind me and the entire neighborhood looks like this. To give you a quick number abou how many people live here, ther are 1,000 residents living in boots before this horrific Terror Attack of and saturday morning. Or than 100 of them were killed. Many children among the dead an their pictures are still on the refrigerator in the house. By the way, we offer our condolences tonight in the wake of these horrific attacks very joining us now and studio is th acting Consul General i think that is live audio we are hearing. That is gaza right now under attack. We have been seeing flashes within the last ten minutes or so and now you can actually hea the explosions going off. This has been going on about this time of mourning morning for the last couple of nights i the first to hours we did last night on the show, literally 45 flights with word jets went ove gaza, sent by israel, preparing the way for potential imminent round Battle Response Reaction to the herd. Sir, how are you . You can hear this i assume. And israel is obviously, ive never seen the Prime Minister this Prime Minister, somebody i believe has moral clarity and means what he says. Thank you, this is our september 11th, we are fighting with an enemy that is worse tha isis parade youve all seen the pictures. Children have been kidnapped, women have been assaulted and taken into gaza. Elderly Holocaust Survivors were again hostages, facing with the brutal and barbaric enemy and we must make sure tha we eradicate, that we eliminate its ability its capabilities to ever again, such atrocities. I want to explain to people, i have reported from israel and number of times. I was there through and i was i the neighboring town the border town i dont have quite the accent. But i was there and i want all of you to really understand thi because its such a shame, its in such close proximity, you ca just look with the naked eye an you can see gaza. If they fire a rocket, this border town, which also was attacked when these 5,000 rockets were fired, that children have to play in Underground Bunker Playgrounds because by the time the rockets fired, its only 15 seconds until it lands in that town and i went to the Police Station an you could see the level of sophisticated, how much more sophisticated and how big they got overtime, the rockets were bigger and bigger appeared the night before we arrived, one of the kibbutz It Neighborhood had been hit and you see this shrapnel, the glass, the nails, the maximum human damage, and i saw that. We stopped at a restaurant one day and went back the next day and in that parking lot were bombed out cars that had been there the day before. They live that with every day. I ask why you stay there. Their answer is its my home. We are fighting for in existence here, we are strong, we are united, and we will prevail. We have to make sure that what we saw, what you saw, the image coming from israel in the last week, they will never recur again. As you mentioned, the things they are doing, we are dealing with a ruthless barbaric enemy. Tell me this, in terms of israels response, we see devastating airpower, and the consequences are obviously severe and they have been warning civilians to get out or you will die. They are telling everybody, theyre texting everybody, theyre telling people to get outs of the way. I dont think that gaza exists by the end of this or anything that resembles gaza prior to this . We are having a decisive and determined response, but we hav to make sure to avoid collatera damage. It is impossible. To get they are animals pretty get you are trying to avoid it by warning innocent people to get out now, get out now if you or you will die is a pretty clear message. Does the outcome, does the goal of this military, this imminent military action, does the goal of this have to be that hamas can never operate out of gaza again . We have to make sure that no only will they lose their capabilities, but also there will to do this kind of thing. Sean does it have to end with israel ensuring that they could never act from gaza again . S. That means gaza that will be obliterated. Not necessarily, it will tak time and with decisive and determined response from hamas, and again, we are not them, we are not animals like them. We will avoid as much as possible, collateral damage. To keep, but they fired from hospitals. They fire their house, but thei missiles from schools for the use hostages. That is why this work is so complicated. Let me tell you, make no mistak because when the when we start to win, then we are going to se the Public Opinion turns agains israel. We are going to see some report that are changing, and then we are going to need you. To stand up for israel when the victims become the victors. I would give israel this bit of advice not that they would ever listen to sean hannity, i would say the public support, World Support is behind you, ge in there as quickly as you can, but youve got to do it on your timeline, probably the whole place is boobytrapped. You got to be careful, but whatever theyre going to do, whatever their ultimate militar goal is, accomplish it expeditiously. Thank you for being with us. Thank you very much, sean. Icy hot. Ice works fast. Heat makes it last. Feel the power of contrast therapy. So you can rise from pain. Icy hot. [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. Each one with a story that breaks your heart. Like ravette. Every step, brought her pain. Their only hope mercy ships. The largest floating civilian hospital in the world. Bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. 19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. So dont wait, call the number on your screen. Or donate at mercyships. Org. About a Cashew Farmer from mozambique named carlos. Carlos lifted himself out of poverty with the help of techoserve. Go to technoserve. Org and see how you can support struggling farmers like carlos. Its a different way to make a difference. Sean we talk about this with cornell west in the last hour, antisemitism on the rise in Academia A Network Of Anti israeli groups called students for justice and now plotting what they call It Resistance an support of the terrorist in hamas. Its happening in campuses across our great country. One Student Group at the University Of Washington reportedly honored what they called the martyrs of palestine meanwhile on sunday, protesters gathered in Kirkland Washington to celebrate the brutality in israel. Here with reaction, and are other friend, brian candler. Brian, you know, i cant believ that we have people chanting ga them in australia i cant believe what we witnessed in london i cant believe whats been happening in the streets o New York City where we are. And how widespread this is at universities across the country. To get you cant believe it on one hand, but then when you kno its been going on at colleges and universities you know the Moral Relativism you know the vacuum that creates and you kno the extreme ideologies that creep into that. The faculty that wont stand up to their students, the administrators that wont stand up to their faculty, and goes back decades and the moments where Students Groups who are pro murderous regimes from the institution. There is no adult around to sto them. Thats where we are right now and sadly it shouldnt be a surprise because taxpayers for decades have been paying for this by subsidizing these publicly funded colleges and universities. Jason, i know you do a lot o work and youve been in these environments where there really isnt Academic Freedom and the exchange of thoughts and ideals so we just had a great debate o the last hour. I argue, to moderate they both agree a debate about this very issue of what is being said and what is tolerated on college campuses, the purulent antisemitism and i bet you any amount of money that harvard wont let that debate take plac where students will stop that debate from taking place. Thoughts . I think you are 100 percent correct because these are the folks that tell us that words are violence Blades Decapitatin babies and raping inciting jewish people on fire is okay. These are pro hamas rallies. They say its justified while screaming out from the river to the sea which means they want t erase israel. I covered one of these rallies this week in kirkwood, washington and they are chantin and its terrifying because understand that these are our neighbors they are our dentists accountants, teachers, and they hate jewish people and that includes American Jewish people periods if they think terrorist are Resistance Fighters and tha makes these people a threat to folks like me, to folks like so many others in the country, wha do you think they would do with me if they saw me with my start of david necklace on . I was terrified and disgusted yet i see these people there with their green hair, these non binary. They went to gaza and want to b referred to as they. They would be thrown from the highest rooftop. Jason, thank you. Appreciated. Thank you. We will have more Hannity Comin Up straight ahead right after this breaklet. Sean all right, unfortunately that is all the time is left this evening. Thoughts and prayers with all those people that have lost loved ones, and as this eminent Ground Incursion begins our prayers are with all the people of israel fighting back for their countrys survival. Thank you for being with us, another Live Audience show tomorrow, hannity. Com, taste gallagher. Trace its 11 00 p. M. On the east coast, 8 00 in los angeles, a

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